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Establishing the age and crustal nature of exotic terranes and their underlying basements helps to determine their paleogeographic origin and tectonic histories. We present U–Pb ages of zircons and Sm–Nd whole rock isotopic data for volcanic and plutonic rocks of the Carolina terrane, one of several peri-Gondwanan terranes that were accreted to the margins of the circum-Atlantic continents during the Paleozoic. Volcanism in this subduction-related arc culminated in the eruption of the Morrow Mountain rhyolite, at ca. 540 Ma; thus, magmatism in the Carolina terrane ceased at the beginning of the Cambrian. The presence of inherited zircons and non-juvenile depleted mantle model ages of Carolina slate belt rocks favor a basement that is, at least in part, composed of evolved continental crust. Ages of inherited xenocrystic zircons cluster at ca. 1000, 2100 and 2500 Ma. These ages, in addition to volcanism at ca. 618–540 Ma, correlate best with well-known tectonic events in present-day northern South America. Specifically, the Orinoquian-Sunsas, the Trans-Amazonian and the Central Amazonian orogenic zones are likely candidates for potential basement correlatives to the Carolina terrane. Sm–Nd isotopic signatures vary significantly, but permit assimilation of Orinoquian age (1000 Ma) crust by magmas derived from the depleted mantle in a subduction (arc-related) setting. Our findings are also consistent with proposed correlations between the Carolina terrane and Avalonia which is likewise believed to have formed along the northern margin of present-day South America.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1213-1225
P- and S-wave tomography of the upper mantle beneath the Cape Verde hotspot is determined using arrival-time data measured precisely from three-component seismograms of 106 distant earthquakes recorded by a local seismic network. Our results show a prominent low-velocity anomaly imaged as a continuous column <100 km wide from the uppermost mantle down to about 500 km beneath Cape Verde, especially below the Fogo active volcano, which erupted in 1995. The low-velocity anomaly may reflect a hot mantle plume feeding the Cape Verde hotspot.  相似文献   

The island of Madagascar experienced widespread magmatism at ca. 90 Ma due to its interaction with the Marion hotspot. Previous paleomagnetic data from igneous rocks in the southwestern and northwestern regions of the island indicated that the Marion hotspot has remained fixed for the past 90 Ma. We report paleomagnetic data from northeastern Madagascar (d'Analava Complex). Samples were collected from basalts, rhyolites, gabbros and a dolerite dyke. Sixty samples from 5 sites yield a paleomagnetic pole at 66.7°S, 43.5°E (A95 = 10.7°) and a grand mean pole (GMP) calculated from 10 different studies covering the entire island of Madagascar falls at 68.9°S, 49.0°E (A95 = 4.4°). This pole translates to a paleolatitude for the Volcan de l'Androy (focal point of the hotspot) at 45.2° + 6°/− 5°S compared to the current location of the Marion hotspot at  46°S. Our results confirm, and expand upon, previous studies that argue for the fixity of the Marion hotspot for the past 90 Ma.  相似文献   

Taiwan is an active mountain belt created by the oblique collisionof the northern Luzon arc with Asia. Late Pliocene extensionalcollapse of the northern Taiwan mountain belt (NTMB) was accompaniedby magmatism that formed the Northern Taiwan Volcanic Zone (NTVZ;2·8–0·2 Ma). The geochemical characteristicsof the NTVZ magmas can thus provide constraints both for themantle source composition and the geodynamic processes operatingin the late orogenic stage of the region. The NTVZ volcanicrocks consist dominantly of calc-alkaline andesites and basalts,along with subordinate but heterogeneous lavas including low-K,shoshonitic and ultrapotassic magmas. From the NE to the SWin the NTVZ, the magmas show systematic compositional variationsfrom low-K to calc-alkaline and then shoshonitic. This spatialgeochemical variation, characterized by southwesterly increasein potassium and incompatible trace elements, appears to besubparallel to the southwestern part of the modern Ryukyu subductionsystem. Sr–Nd isotope ratios of the NTVZ volcanic rocks(87Sr/86Sr  相似文献   

Seamounts are an integral part of element recycling in global subduction zones. The published trace element and Pb-Sr-Nd isotope data for basaltic lavas from three key segments (Central Lau Spreading Ridge (CLSR), Eastern Lau Spreading Ridge (ELSR), and Valu Fa Ridge (VFR)) of the Lau back-arc basin were compiled to evaluate the contribution of Louisville seamount materials to their magma genesis. Two geochemical transitions, separating three provinces with distinct geochemical characteristics independent of ridge segmentation, were identified based on abrupt geochemical shifts. The origin of the geochemical transitions was determined to be the result of drastic compositional changes of subduction components added into the mantle source, rather than the transition from Indian to Pacific mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) mantle, or due to variable mantle fertilities. The most likely explanation for the drastic shifts in subduction input is the superimposition of Louisville materials on ‘normal’ subduction components consisting predominantly of aqueous fluids liberated from the down-going altered oceanic crust and minor pelagic sediment melts. Quantitative estimation reveals that Louisville materials contributed 0–74% and 21–83% of the Th budget, respectively, to CLSR and VFR lavas, but had no definite contribution to the lavas from the ELSR, which lies farthest away from the subducted Louisville seamount chain (LSC). The spatial association of the subducted LSC with the Louisville-affected segments suggests that the Louisville signature is regionally but not locally available in the Tonga subduction zone. Besides, the preferential melting of subducted old Cretaceous LSC crust instead of the old normal Pacific oceanic crust at similar depths implies that elevated temperature across the subduction interface or seamount erosion and rupture were required to trigger melting. A wider implication of this study, thus, is that seamount subduction may promote efficiency of element recycling in subduction zones.  相似文献   

云南易门狮子山铜矿区广泛出露辉绿、辉长岩体。前人对区内基性岩浆岩研究程度较低,缺乏辉绿岩的形成时代资料。本文采用锆石激光剥蚀法(LA-ICP-MS)对云南易门狮子山铜矿一带的辉绿岩进行了年代测定及地球化学分析,首次获得锆石U-Pb年龄加权平均值为1858±18 Ma(MSWD=0.90,n=13),代表了该辉绿岩的形成和侵位时代。辉绿岩全岩地球化学具有类似于OIB的特征,SiO_2含量(49.1%~49.8%),高Ti_2O(2.68%~3.22%);低MgO(4.85%~5.51%),碱含量(4.86%~5.29%),其原始岩浆来源于富集型地幔,构造背景形成于伸展构造环境,表明约1858 Ma扬子板块处于碰撞后板内伸展构造环境,应为Columbia超大陆裂解的产物。易门狮子山地区被辉绿岩侵入接触的原"东川群"地层的沉积时代应大于辉绿岩的侵位时代,结合岩性组合及区域资料,应划入中太古界元江群。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1829-1842
The Tarim block, one of the largest cratons in China, records an important part of the Proterozoic crustal evolution of the Earth. Many previous studies have focused on the Neoproterozoic magmatism and tectonic evolution of this block in relation to the break-up of Rodinia, although relatively little is known about its earlier tectono-magmatic history. In this article, we present detailed petrographic, geochronologic, whole-rock geochemical, and in situ zircon Hf isotope data for the pre-Neoproterozoic Xishankou granitoid pluton (XBP), one of several blue quartz-bearing granitoid intrusions well exposed in the Quruqtagh area, and discuss these intrusions in terms of their tectonic environment. Zircon LA-ICP-MS dating indicates that gneissic quartz diorite and granodiorite of the XBP crystallized at 1934 ± 13 and 1944 ± 19 Ma, respectively. Both underwent metamorphism essentially coeval with emplacement, a time that is compatible with the globally distributed 2.1–1.8 Ga crustal amalgamation during formation of the supercontinent Columbia. Petrographic and geochemical evidence suggest that the XBP is a continental-arc-type granite and may have been generated by the partial melting of Archaean thickened lower crust; this would suggest that the northern Tarim block was a continental-type arc at ca. 1940 Ma. Our new data, together with previous regional geological studies, indicate that a series of Palaeoproterozoic (ca. 2.0–1.8 Ga) tectono-magmatic events occurred in the northern Tarim attending the assembly of Columbia.  相似文献   

This paper presents some data of the Jiaopingdu gabbro and Caiyuanzi granite at the southwestern margin of the Yangtze Block, on the geochemical compositions, zircon LA–ICP–MS U–Pb ages and Hf isotopic data. The Jiaopingdu gabbro gives the age of 1721 ± 5 Ma, the Caiyuanzi granite 1732 ± 6 Ma and 1735 ± 4 Ma, and the Wenjiacun porphyry granite 1713 ± 4 Ma, suggesting nearly contemporaneous formation time of the gabbro and granite. The bimodal feature is demonstrated by the gabbro Si O2  相似文献   

为约束扬子陆块晚古元古代构造演化历史,以华山观岩体的钾长花岗岩和二长花岗岩为研究对象,开展地球化学、年代学、全岩Nd同位素及锆石Hf同位素分析。锆石U-Pb定年结果显示钾长花岗岩和二长花岗岩的结晶年龄分别为1860±12 Ma(MSWD=0.69)和1832±14 Ma(MSWD=0.48)。两类岩石都显示铝质A型花岗岩的地球化学特征,一致的ε_(Hf)(t)值(-10.9~-13.8)及其二阶段模式年龄(2962~3183 Ma),揭示其由同一套太古宙的地壳部分熔融形成。综合已有ε_(Hf)(t)值资料,表明扬子陆块广泛存在两套太古宙长英质地壳(3.0~3.5 Ga; 3.5~3.9 Ga),为华山观两类花岗岩的岩浆形成提供了物源。华山观岩体两类花岗岩的锆石饱和温度揭示源岩位于较深的地壳,且二长花岗岩的形成有更多热源的参与。结合扬子陆块同期(~1.85Ga)A型花岗岩的地球化学数据,认为华山观钾长花岗岩具有后碰撞A_2型花岗岩的特征,形成于后碰撞伸展环境,而华山观二长花岗岩具有A_1型花岗岩的地球化学特征,暗示造山后伸展到陆内裂谷过渡的构造背景,可能与Columbia超大陆裂解有关。  相似文献   

We present the results of a U–Pb perovskite age study of kamafugites from Mata da Corda (MC) and Santo Antônio da Barra (SAB), Minas-Goiás alkaline province, Brazil. Perovskite crystals were separated from MC mafurites, ugandites, and cognate pyroxenites, as well as from SAB melilite mafurite. The range of ages of Brazilian kamafugitic samples is 15 Ma. The 206Pb/238U perovskite ages generally cluster into three age groupings: 88–90, 80–81, and 75–76 Ma. The two younger periods of kamafugitic magmatism occur in the MC area, whereas the older samples are from the SAB area. These new age results provide the first robust evidence of a progressive eastward younging of mafic alkaline magmatism, most likely related to a mantle plume hotspot track.  相似文献   

本文报导了华北克拉通北缘燕辽裂陷槽中部长城系大红峪组、团山子组碱性玄武质岩和侵入串岭沟组基性岩脉的岩石学、地球化学以及锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素特征。结合区域地质资料与前人研究成果,对这些碱性玄武岩与基性岩脉的时代问题、岩浆岩起源和源区类型以及岩浆作用的动力学背景进行了讨论。研究表明大红峪组碱性玄武岩和串岭沟组基性岩脉分别形成于1624±9Ma和1620±9Ma,二者在误差范围内一致;这些基性岩浆岩普遍具有高的Zr含量(94×10-6~196×10-6)、富集轻稀土((La/Yb)N=10.63~21.97)及大离子亲石元素,大多数样品无明显的Eu异常,微量元素组成与OIB相似。锆石Hf同位素显示弱亏损特征,εHf(t)值为-0.6~3.8。燕辽裂陷槽中部长城系碱性岩的原始岩浆可能起源于同一软流圈地幔源区的低程度部分熔融(2%~3%),且有岩石圈地幔物质加入。岩浆受地壳混染的程度低,经历了强烈的结晶分异作用。研究进一步表明,燕辽裂陷槽中部长城系碱性岩从1635Ma(团山子组)开始喷发,1625Ma达到峰期,大红峪组地层沉积时间晚于1635Ma。联系该阶段全球各大陆情况,华北地区该期的碱性岩岩浆事件应与哥伦比亚超大陆裂解有关。  相似文献   

青藏高原拉萨地块是揭示印度与亚洲大陆碰撞的最重要的地区之一,其中广泛发育的碰撞-后碰撞岩浆作用记录了这一地区从特提斯洋俯冲消减到印度大陆陆内俯冲的全过程.本文基于对最新的Sr-Nd同位素资料的分析,从高原岩石圈的三种主要地球化学端元入手,分析了拉萨地块碰撞-后碰撞岩浆作用的类型及其在大陆俯冲与成矿作用方面的意义.青藏高原岩石圈可以分为三种主要的地球化学端元,一是青藏高原北部地球化学省(包括羌塘、可可西里和西昆仑)代表的青藏原始岩石圈地幔地球化学端元,42Ma以来在高原北部广泛分布的钾质岩浆岩的Nd-Sr同位素成分比较均一和稳定,同位素比值的范围较窄,^87Sr/^86Sr=0.707101~0.710536,εNd=-2~-9,tDM=0.7~1.3Ga;二是雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩代表的新特提斯洋地幔端元,^87Sr/^86Sr=0.703000~0.706205,εNd=+7.8~+10,呈印度洋型MORB特征,属于印度洋型地幔域;三是喜马拉雅带地壳基底和花岗岩类显示的喜马拉雅地壳地球化学端元,εNd=-12~-25,^87Sr/^86Sr=0.733110~0.760000,具相对古老的Nd模式年龄,tDM=1.9~2.9Ga.拉萨地块碰撞-后碰撞岩浆作用可以划分出三种地球化学类型,即拉萨地块原地型、亲特提斯洋型和亲喜马拉雅型.这三种岩浆作用类型受控于上述三种地球化学端元在其源区的比例及相互作用.其中,拉萨地块原地型与青藏高原北部地球化学省特征一致,亲特提斯洋型代表了与新特提斯洋俯冲消减及其后的再循环有关的岩浆作用,亲喜马拉雅型岩浆岩的Sr-Nd同位素特征则可能指示了喜马拉雅大陆地壳端元的参与.超钾质火山岩是揭示印度大陆岩石圈向北俯冲的重要证据,印度大陆岩石圈俯冲作用可能同时控制了超钾质岩石和盐类矿床的产出,古老地壳物质作为源区参与了超钾质岩石和盐类矿床的成岩与成矿作用.拉萨地块中部地区的含矿斑岩属于亲特提斯洋型岩浆作用,因此具亲特提斯洋型特征的火山岩、浅成斑岩和深成侵入岩,是进一步寻找铜、钼、金矿床的重要目标.  相似文献   

The volcanic rocks of the Xiong'er Group are situated in the southern margin of the North China Craton(NCC).Research on the Xiong er Group is important to understand the tectonic evolution of the NCC and the Columbia supercontinent during the Paleoproterozoic.In this study,to constrain the age of the Xiong'er volcanic rocks and identify its tectonic environment,we report zircon LA-ICP-MS data with Hf isotope,whole-rock major and trace element compositions and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes of the volcanic rocks of the Xiong'er Group.The Xiong'er volcanic rocks mainly consist of basaltic andesite,andesite.dacite and rhyolite,with minor basalt.Our new sets of data combined with those from previous studies indicate that Xiong'er volcanism should have lasted from 1827 Ma to 1746 Ma as the major phase of the volcanism.These volcanics have extremely low MgO.Cr and Ni contents,are enriched in LREEs and LILEs but depleted in HFSEs(Nb,Ta,and Ti),similar to arc-related volcanic rocks.They are characterized by negative zircon ε_(Hf)_(t) values of-17.4 to 8.8,whole-rock initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr values of 0.7023 to 0.7177 andε_(Nd)(t) values of-10.9 to 6.4.and Pb isotopes(~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb =14.366-16.431,~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb =15.106-15.371,~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb= 32.455-37.422).The available elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope data suggest that the Xiong'er volcanic rocks were sourced from a mantle contaminated by continental crust.The volcanic rocks of the Xiong'er Group might have been generated by high-degree partial melting of a lithospheric mantle that was originally modified by oceanic subduction in the Archean.Thus,we suggest that the subduction-modified lithospheric mantle occurred in an extensional setting during the breakup of the Columbia supercontinent in the Late Paleoproterozoic,rather than in an arc setting.  相似文献   

Lycian ophiolites located in the Western Taurides, are cut at all structural levels by dolerite and gabbro dikes. The dolerite dikes from this area are both pristine and metamorphosed. The non-metamorphosed dikes are observed both in the peridotites and in the metamorphic sole rocks. Accordingly, the non-metamorphosed dikes cutting the metamorphic sole were generated after cooling of the metamorphic sole rocks. The metamorphosed dolerite dikes are only observed in the peridotites. The physical conditions and timing of the metamorphism for the metamorphosed dolerite dikes are similar to those of the metamorphic sole rocks of the Lycian ophiolites suggesting that the metamorphosed dolerite dikes were metamorphosed together with the metamorphic sole rocks. Therefore, the dike injections in the western part of the Tauride Belt Ophiolites occurred before and after the generation of the metamorphic sole rocks. All metamorphosed and non-metamorphosed dikes are considered to have the same origin and all of them are subduction-related as inferred from whole-rock geochemistry and lead isotopes. Lead isotope compositions of whole rocks of both dike groups cluster in a narrow field in conventional Pb isotope diagrams (206Pb/204Pb = 18.40–18.64; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.56–15.58; 208Pb/204Pb = 38.23–38.56) indicating a derivation from an isotopically homogeneous source. On the 207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb diagram, isotope compositions of the dikes plot slightly below the orogen curve suggesting contributions from mantle reservoir enriched by subducted oceanic lithosphere. Such a signature is typical of island arc magmatic rocks and supports the formation of the investigated rocks in a subduction-related environment.  相似文献   

Abstract The hydrothermal metamorphism of a sequence of Pliocene-aged seamount extrusive and volcanoclastic rocks on La Palma includes a relatively complete low-P-T facies series encompassing the zeolite, prehnite-pumpellyite, and greenschist facies. The observed mineral zonations imply metamorphic gradients of 200–300° C km-1. The transition from smectite to chlorite in the La Palma seamount series is characterized by discontinuous steps between discrete smectite, corrensite and chlorite, which occur ubiquitously as vesicles and, to a much lesser extent, vein in-fillings. Trioctahedral smectites [(Mg/(Fe + Mg) = 0.4–0.75] occur with palagonite and Na-Ca zeolites such as analcime and a thompsonite/natrolite solid solution. Corrensite [(Mg/(Fe + Mg) = 0.5–0.65] first appears at stratigraphic depths closely corresponding to the disappearance of analcime and first appearance of pumpellyite. Discrete chlorite [(Mg/(Fe + Mg) = 0.4–0.6] becomes the dominant layer silicate mineral coincident with the appearance of epidote and andraditic garnet. Within the stratigraphic section there is some overlap in the distribution of the three discrete layer silicate phases, although random interstratifications of these phases have not been observed. Although smectite occurs as both low- and high-charge forms, the La Palma corrensite is a compositionally restricted, 1:1 mixture of low-charge, trioctahedral smectite and chlorite. Electron microprobe analyses of coarse-grained corrensite yield structural formulae close to ideal values based on 50 negative charge recalculations. Calcium (average 0.20 cations/formula unit) is the dominant interlayer cation, with lesser Mg, K and Na. The absence of randomly interlayered chlorite/smectite in the La Palma seamount series may reflect high, time-integrated fluid fluxes through the seamount sequence. This is consistent with the ubiquity of high-variance metamorphic mineral assemblages and the general absence of relict igneous minerals in these samples.  相似文献   

龙山Au-Sb矿床是湘中Au、Sb矿集区的代表性矿床,本文对其不同类型矿石、矿区围岩和区域地层进行了S、Pb、Sr同位素组成对比研究。矿石中硫化物的δ34S值为-3.0‰~5.1‰,平均值2.3‰;矿区围岩的δ34S值为4.0‰~5.9‰,平均值5.2‰;区域地层的δ34S值为9.3‰~13.3‰,平均值11.3‰。矿石与矿区围岩、区域地层的硫同位素组成差别较大,矿石硫具岩浆来源特征。矿石中硫化物的206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb比值分别为16.992~18.457、15.392~15.722和37.586~38.960,矿区围岩的206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb比值分别为17.630~...  相似文献   

Hf isotopic data of minerals in a mafic pyroxene granulite from the southern Bohemian Massif, together with their major and trace element composition and petrological observations were used to decipher the metamorphic history and behaviour of zircon in the granulite. The Hf isotopic composition in the minerals was used to estimate whether the decompression reaction, namely the consumption of garnet and rutile, could have provided Zr for the formation of newly grown metamorphic zircon. The age of the decompression reaction indicated by the evolution of Hf isotopes in garnet and orthopyroxene is between 333 and 331 Ma, i.e. ca. 7 Ma younger than the available U–Pb zircon ages from the Moldanubian granulites and than the newly obtained 343 ± 2 Ma laser ablation ICP-MS U–Pb age of zircons. The combination of bulk and in-situ Hf isotopic data, major and trace element composition and petrological modeling of P–T evolution revealed that the formation of zircons can not be related to the decompression phase of the evolution of the mafic granulites. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

尹须伟  徐扬  杨坤光  邓新  魏运许  刘雨 《岩石学报》2021,36(7):2123-2152
识别并研究扬子板块古元古代的岩浆-变质-沉积事件,是探讨扬子板块古元古代构造演化的基础,也是重建该陆块在Columbia超大陆中位置的前提.新发现的金盆杂岩体为进一步揭示扬子板块古元古代岩浆事件和造山过程提供了新的制约信息.锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,金盆片麻状二长花岗岩、奥长花岗岩和基性岩脉的形成年龄分别为~ 2478...  相似文献   

内蒙狼山宝音图地区前寒武纪地质体由古元古代宝音图群、片麻状花岗岩、混合岩和斜长角闪岩等组成。锆石LA-MC-ICP-Ms U-Pb测年获得了宝音图变质花岗岩的形成年龄为1644±11Ma~1710±20Ma。岩石学、地球化学研究表明片麻状钠长花岗岩具有高Si O_2(77.08%~79.96%)、高碱(K_2O+Na_2O)(4.46%~7.26%),低Ti O_2(0.088%~0.17%)、MgO(0.036%~0.37%)、Ca O(0.17%~1.19%)及中等Al_2O_3含量(12.12%~14.10%);Na_2OK_2O,A/CNK为0.88~1.091.1,属弱铝质;里特曼指数б=0.54~1.551.8,表明属于钙质系列;10000Ga/Al=3.43~12.46(均值为5.182.6)及较高的含铁指数[Fe O/(Fe O+MgO)=0.57~0.94],显示了低钾钙性A型花岗岩的特点。片麻状二长花岗岩具有高Si O_2(73.65%~77.63%),低Ti O_2(0.11%~0.27%)、MgO(0.25%~0.80%)、Al_2O_3(11.68%~12.72%)、Ca O(0.24%~0.99%)含量,基本与片麻状钠长花岗岩相近;同时具有高碱(K_2O+Na_2O)含量(6.84%~9.31%),低的Na_2O/K_2O比值(0.53~1.62),钾含量明显高于与片麻状钠长花岗岩;A/NCK为0.96~1.86,б=2.06~2.801.8~3.3为钙碱性系列,显示高钾钙碱性A型花岗岩的特点。两类片麻状花岗岩均具有稀土总量较高,轻稀土富集而重稀土亏损的特征,具有明显Eu的负异常;构造判别图解均指示为陆内非造山型A型花岗岩。全岩同位素分析表明具有弱富集-亏损的同位素组成,其中ε_(Nd)(t)为小的负值到小的正值(-4.91~+2.41),两阶段Nd模式年龄t_(DM2)为1.95~2.58Ga;锆石ε_(Hf)(t)均为正值(+1.5~+8.0),两阶段Hf模式年龄t_(DM2)(1.73~2.31Ga),Nd-Hf模式年龄均高于其形成年龄,揭示源自古元古代新生下部陆壳物质的部分熔融,并有少量幔源物质的加入。与华北北缘、欧美大陆的古元古代非造山作用形成的岩浆岩相似,宝音图变质花岗岩时代上与哥伦比亚超大陆的裂解事件(1.7~1.6Ga)具有一致性,可能是全球哥伦比亚超大陆裂解事件的构造岩浆响应。  相似文献   

The North China Craton (NCC) preserves the history of crustal growth and craton formation during the early Precambrian followed by extensive lithospheric thinning and craton destruction in the Mesozoic. Here we present evidence for magma mixing and mingling associated with the Mesozoic tectonic processes from the Central NCC, along the Trans-North China Orogen, a paleo suture along which the Eastern and Western Blocks were amalgamated at end of Paleoproterozoic. Our investigations focus on two granitoids – the Chiwawu and the Mapeng plutons. Typical signatures for the interaction of mafic and felsic magmas are observed in these plutons such as: (1) the presence of diorite enclaves; (2) flow structures; (3) schlierens; (4) varying degrees of hybridization; and (5) macro-, and micro-textures. Porphyritic feldspar crystals show numerous mineral inclusions as well as rapakivi and anti-rapakivi textures. We present bulk chemistry, zircon U–Pb geochronology and REE data, and Lu–Hf isotopes on the granitoids, diorite enclaves, and surrounding basement rocks to constrain the timing of intraplate magmatism and processes of interaction between felsic and mafic magmas. Our LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb data show that the pophyritic granodiorite was emplaced at 129.7 ± 1.0 Ma. The diorite enclaves within this granodiorite show identical ages (128.2 ± 1.5 Ma). The basement TTG (tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite) gneisses formed at ca. 2.5 Ga coinciding with the major period of crustal accretion in the NCC. The 1.85 Ga age from zircons in the gabbro with positive Hf isotope signature may be related to mantle magmatism during post-collisional extension following the assembly of the Western and Eastern Blocks of the NCC along the Trans-North China Orogen. Our Hf isotope data indicate that the Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic basement rocks were derived from complex sources of both juvenile magmas and reworked ancient crust, whereas the magma source for the Mesozoic units are dominantly reworked basement rocks. Our study provides a window to intraplate magmatism triggered by mantle upwelling beneath a paleosuture in the North China Craton.  相似文献   

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