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Grain size distribution in suspension from bed materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experimental results show that the grain size distribution of suspended material is related to flow parameters and grain size distribution in the bed. A theoretical model has been developed to compute the suspension grain size distribution on the basis of diffusion equations, taking into account the effect of hindered settling due to the increased concentration in suspension. Fluid velocity closest to the bed is estimated by using the concept of migration velocities of particles in the bed layer. Comparisons of data computed by the proposed method and data from actual observations show generally good agreement.  相似文献   

This study examines flow, turbulence and sand suspension over large dunes in Canoe Pass, a distributary channel of the Fraser River delta, Canada. Dune morphology is characterized by a symmetrical shape and steep leeside slopes over 30°. Velocity was measured with an electromagnetic current meter and suspended sand concentration with four optical backscatter (OBS) probes. The general patterns of time-averaged velocity and sand suspension are consistent with previous studies, including an increase in mean velocity and decrease in turbulence intensity and sand concentration with height above the bed, reversed flow with high turbulence intensity and high sand concentrations in the leeside flow separation zone and an increase in near-bed velocity and sand concentration along the stoss side of the dune. Frequency spectra of near-bed velocity and OBS records from leeside separation zones are composed of two distinct frequencies, providing field confirmation of scale relations based on flume experiments. The low-frequency spectral signal probably results from wake flapping and the high-frequency signal from vortex shedding. The wake-flapping frequency predominates outside the separation zone and is linked to turbulent structures that suspend sand. Predictions from a depth-scale Strouhal Law show good agreement with measured wake-flapping frequencies. Cross-correlations of OBS records reveal that turbulent sand suspension structures advect downstream at 23–25° above the horizontal. These advection angles are similar to coherent flow structures measured in flumes and to sand suspension structures visualized over large dunes in the field.  相似文献   

Aeolian sand entrainment, saltation and deposition are important and closely related near surface processes. Determining how grains are sorted by wind requires a detailed understanding of how aerodynamic sand transport processes vary within the saltating layer with height above the bed. Grain‐size distribution of sand throughout the saltation layer and, in particular, how the associated flux of different grain size changes with variation in wind velocity, remain unclear. In the present study, a blowdown wind tunnel with a 50 cm thick boundary layer was used to investigate saltating sand grains by analyzing the weight percentage and transport flux of different grain‐size fractions and the mean grain size at different wind velocities. It was found that mean grain size decreases with height above the sand bed before undergoing a reversal. The height of the reversal point ranges from 4 to 40 cm, and increases with wind velocity following a non‐linear relationship. The content of the finer fractions (very fine and fine sand) initially increases above the sand bed and then decreases slightly with height, whereas that of the coarser fractions (medium and coarse sand) exhibits the opposite trend. The content of coarser grains and the mean grain size of sand in the saltation layer increase with wind velocity, indicating erosional selectivity with respect to grains in multi‐sized sand beds; but this size selectivity decreases with increasing wind velocity. The vertical mass flux structure of fine sand and very fine sand does not obey a general exponential decay pattern under strong wind conditions; and the coarser the sand grain, the greater the decrease rate of their transport mass with height. The results of these experiments suggest that the grain‐size distribution of a saltating sand cloud is governed by both wind velocity and height within the near‐surface boundary layer.  相似文献   

The links between large‐scale turbulence and the suspension of sediment over alluvial bedforms have generated considerable interest in the last few decades, with past studies illustrating the origin of such turbulence and its influence on flow resistance, sediment transport and bedform morphology. In this study of turbulence and sediment suspension over large sand dunes in the Río Paraná, Argentina, time series of three‐dimensional velocity, and at‐a‐point suspended sediment concentration and particle‐size, were measured with an acoustic Doppler current profiler and laser in situ scattering transmissometer, respectively. These time series were decomposed using wavelet analysis to investigate the scales of covariation of flow velocity and suspended sediment. The analysis reveals an inverse relationship between streamwise and vertical velocities over the dune crest, where streamwise flow deceleration is linked to the vertical flux of fluid towards the water surface in the form of large turbulent fluid ejections. Regions of high suspended sediment concentration are found to correlate well with such events. The frequencies of these turbulent events have been assessed from wavelet analysis and found to concentrate in two zones that closely match predictions from empirical equations. Such a finding suggests that a combination and interaction of vortex shedding and wake flapping/changing length of the lee‐side separation zone are the principal contributors to the turbulent flow field associated with such large alluvial sand dunes. Wavelet analysis provides insight upon the temporal and spatial evolution of these coherent flow structures, including information on the topology of dune‐related turbulent flow structures. At the flow stage investigated, the turbulent flow events, and their associated high suspended sediment concentrations, are seen to grow with height above the bed until a threshold height (ca 0·45 flow depth) is reached, above which they begin to decay and dissipate.  相似文献   

Grain-size frequency distributions of suspended loads at different flow velocities and over sand beds of four different grain-size patterns were studied in a laboratory flume. The proportion of bed material which went into suspension increased with decrease of grain-size in each case, but the modes of the suspended loads occurred in the size classes intermediate between the coarsest and the finest. With increase of flow velocity, as also with decrease of the bed's mean grain-size, the total amount of material in suspension markedly increased, mainly due to addition of particles to the medium size classes. The coarsest grains in the bed resisted erosion due to their weight, whereas the finest ones were either not available in sufficient quantities or resisted erosion due to their homogeneity. The finest of the erodible grains which were abundantly available in bed were therefore, lifted up in large quantities. This size sorting took place at or near the bed surface and was closely related to the process of bed form migration. Large accumulation of medium sized particles in suspension at high velocities led to lognormal grain-size distributions when the nature of the bed (source) material was suitable. At lower velocities, or over other types of bed materials, the phi (log)-probability plots of cumulative grain-size distributions of the suspended loads resolved into a number of straight lines. Mixtures of linear segments on phi-probability graphs therefore, need not necessarily indicate different modes of sediment transportation, as is commonly believed, but might reflect the conditions of flow and the nature of the source material.  相似文献   

Preliminary results are reported from an experimental study of the interaction between turbulence, sediment transport and bedform dynamics over the transition from dunes to upper stage plane beds. Over the transition, typical dunes changed to humpback dunes (mean velocity 0–8 ms-1, depth 01 m, mean grain size 0.3 mm) to nominally plane beds with low relief bed waves up to a few mm high. All bedforms had a mean length of 0.7–0.8 m. Hot film anemometry and flow visualization clearly show that horizontal and vertical turbulent motions in dune troughs decrease progressively through the transition while horizontal turbulence intensities increase near the bed on dune backs through to a plane bed. Average bedload and suspended load concentrations increase progressively over the transition, and the near-bed transport rate immediately downstream of flow reattachment increases markedly relative to that near dune crests. This relative increase in sediment transport near reattachment appears to be due to suppression of upward directed turbulence by increased sediment concentration, such that velocity close to the bed can increase more quickly downstream of reattachment. Low-relief bedwaves on upper-stage plane beds are ubiquitous and give rise to laterally extensive, mm-thick planar laminae; however, within such laminae are laminae of more limited lateral extent and thickness, related to the turbulent bursting process over the downstream depositional surface of the bedwaves.  相似文献   

Turbidity currents, initiated from spring runoffs of an influent river, were observed in the upper region of a reservoir in Hokkaido, Japan, by measuring water temperature, velocity and suspended-sediment concentration. Their profiles offer some physical parameters for the sedimentary conditions, assuming the turbidity currents to be quasi-uniform. The bottom sediment deposited by the turbidity currents was then collected by a portable core sampler. The bottom sediment consists of more than 90% silt and clay, and thus offers a hydraulically smooth bed for shear flow; a plane bed as a bed configuration was formed on the reservoir bed, probably because of the low shear velocity and small grain size of sediment. Using a graphic method with log-normal probability paper, the bottom sediment is divided into several overlapping log-normal subpopulations. Grain-size analysis indicates that the bottom sediment may be regarded as cohesionless; criteria for ‘complete deposition’ of transported grains can then be incorporated into the ‘extended Shields diagram’ giving the minimum shear stress to erode bottom sediment. Applying the new diagram to the grain size distribution of the bottom sediment, it is suggested that each of the log-normal subpopulations was deposited in each of four different ‘modes of deposition’, i.e. ‘traction’, ‘saltation (or intermittent suspension)’, ‘suspension’ and ‘suspension under equilibrium’. The last mode may be observed under a sedimentary condition where upward flux of suspended sediment by eddy diffusion is almost equal to its depositional flux due to gravity. The mean and critical grain sizes for bottom sediment and each of the corresponding subpopulations decrease consistently with an increase of Ψ=Fd2 log10Re (Fd is the densimetric Froude number and Re is the flow Reynolds number). Ψ correlates inversely with shear velocity, which bears a linear relationship to mean velocity. These results lead to the conclusion that relatively fine suspended sediment is deposited as a result of decreasing bottom friction with a relative decrease of turbulent energy.  相似文献   

Computation of the grain-size distribution of the suspended load above a sand bed must take into consideration: (1) sorting processes from the bed to the bed layer and (2) sorting between the bed layer and suspension. Grain-size distributions of the bed layers above sand beds of three different types have been computed in this work, both by the Einstein and the Gessler methods. Using these as references, suspended load distributions have been obtained in each case by the Rouse suspension equation. A new formula has also been developed in partial modification of Hunt's method for direct computation of bed load and suspended load from a bed's grain-size distribution and flow parameters. Comparison of the computed data with actual observations in laboratory flumes show that no one method is particularly superior to the others, but the present method is advantageous because it affords direct computation of the suspended load from a bed's grain-size distribution, without going through an intermediate stage (bed load). The possible sources of error in each of the methods have been discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding how mud moves and deposits is essential for conceptualizing the dynamic nature of surface environments and their ancient counterparts. Experimental study has largely been pursued by civil engineers, using kaolinite as an active ingredient. Yet, applying their data to the physical comprehension of mudstone sedimentology is hampered by multiple flume configurations between labs, and data sets tailored to specific engineering needs. The need for a better grasp of underlying processes is acute, given recent flume studies that show that moving suspensions form large bedload floccules, migrating floccule ripples and bed accretion under currents capable of moving sand grains. To advance mudstone sedimentology, integrated study of suspended sediment concentration, salinity and bed shear stress on the deposition of floccules is crucial. Described here is a set of tightly controlled experiments that explored suspended sediment concentrations from 70 to 900 mg/l, freshwater, brackish and marine salinities, flow velocities in the 5 to 50 cm/s range (equivalent to 0.01 to 0.58 Pa bed shear), measured the size of in-flow and bedload floccules, and the critical velocity of sedimentation that marks the onset of sustained bedload accumulation. The critical velocity of sedimentation of kaolinite clays is in the 26 to 28 cm/s flow velocity range (0.22 to 0.25 Pa), appears insensitive to a wide range of suspended sediment concentrations and salinities, and coincides with the formation of sand-size bedload floccules. Further decrease of flow velocity/bed shear stress is accompanied by a steady increase in the size of bedload floccules. Large bedload floccules appear to form in the high-shear basal part of the flow, a phenomenon requiring further investigation. Better understanding of the mechanisms that facilitate mud deposition from moving suspensions is critical for more realistic assessments of the depositional conditions of mud and mudstones, as well as for refining predictive models for the flux of fine-grained sediments across the Earth's surface.  相似文献   

Field measurements of the vertical structure of near-bed suspended sediment concentrations were obtained from arrays of fast response optical backscatter suspended solids sensors to examine the time-dependent response of sediment resuspension to waves and currents and the constraints imposed by bedforms. Data were recorded from both a nonbarred, marine shoreface and a barred lacustrine shoreface, under both shoaling and breaking waves (significant heights of 0·25–1·50m; peak periods of 3 and 8 s) and in water depths of 0·5–5·0 m. Sediment concentrations are positively correlated with increasing elevation above the bed, but lagged in time. The time lag varies directly with separation distance between measurement locations and inversely with the horizontal component of the near-bed oscillatory velocity. Both the presence of wave groups and the settling velocities of the sediment particules in suspension influence the temporal changes in concentration at a given elevation. Sediment concentrations appear to respond more slowly to the incident wind-wave forcing with distance away from the bed as a result of two factors: (1) the sequential increase in concentration induced by a succession of large waves in a group; and (ii) the relative increase in finer sediments with smaller settling velocities. Bedforms interact with the near-bed horizontal currents to impose a distinct constraint upon the timing of suspension events relative to the phase of the fluid motion, and, therefore, the vertical structure of the suspended sediment concentration at a range of time scales. The near-bed concentrations appear to be strongly dependent upon the vertical convection of sediment associated with the ejection from the wave boundary layer of separation vortices generated in the lee of ripple crests. Concentration gradients in the presence of vortex ripples are large, as are the correlation between concentrations measured at different elevations within the fluid.  相似文献   

Bedform geometry is widely recognized to be a function of transport stage. Bedform aspect ratio (height/length) increases with transport stage, reaches a maximum, then decreases as bedforms washout to a plane bed. Bedform migration rates are also linked to bedform geometry, in so far as smaller bedforms in coarser sediment tend to migrate faster than larger bedforms in finer sediment. However, how bedform morphology (height, length and shape) and kinematics (translation and deformation) change with transport stage and suspension have not been examined. A series of experiments is presented where initial flow depth and grain size were held constant and the transport stage was varied to produce bedload dominated, mixed‐load dominated and suspended‐load dominated conditions. The results show that the commonly observed pattern in bedform aspect ratio occurs because bedform height increases then decreases with transport stage, against a continuously increasing bedform length. Bedform size variability increased with transport stage, leading to less uniform bedform fields at higher transport stage. Total translation‐related and deformation‐related sediment fluxes all increased with transport stage. However, the relative contribution to the total flux changed. At the bedload dominated stage, translation‐related and deformation‐related flux contributed equally to the total flux. As the transport stage increased, the fraction of the total load contributed by translation increased and the fraction contributed by deformation declined because the bedforms got bigger and moved faster. At the suspended‐load dominated transport stage, the deformation flux increased and the translation flux decreased as a fraction of the total load, approaching one and zero, respectively, as bedforms washed out to a plane bed.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of suspended fine sediment concentration, tidal current velocity, and salinity were measured in May 1994 in the Changjiang Estuary. High resolution concentration profiles were obtained by using a 0.5-MHz acoustic suspended sediment, monitor. High temporal and spatial resolution acoustic profiling of fine suspension concentration provides both the instantaneous vertical profile of concentration and information on the continuous dynamic processes of fine sediment erosion, transport, and deposition. Calibrated acoustic images revealed 1) highly stratified suspensions, 2) resuspension of the cohesive mud, bed, and 3) re-entrainment of the near-bed high concentration suspensions by turbulent shear flow. Within the near-bed high concentration suspensions, two different frequencies of highly episodic resuspension processes were identified: high frequency resuspension, lasting, a few seconds low frequency resuspension, lasting a few minutes. The highest concentrations, associated with low velocity and high salinity, were found close to the cohesive mud bed. Lutoclines were persistent features during the measurements.  相似文献   

Reported here are results from new flume experiments examining deposition and entrainment of inert, silt‐sized particles (with spherical diameters in the range from 20 to 60 μm) to and from planar, impermeable and initially starved beds underlying channel flows. Bed surfaces comprised smooth or fixed sand‐size granular roughness and provided hydraulically smooth to transitionally rough boundaries. Results of these experiments were analysed with a simple model that describes the evolution of vertically averaged concentration of suspended sediment and accommodates the simultaneous delivery to and entrainment of grains from the bed. The rate of particle arrival to a bed diminishes linearly, and the rate of particle entrainment increases by the 5/2 power, as the value of the dimensionless Saffman parameter S = u*3/g’ν approaches a threshold value of order unity, where u is the conventional friction velocity of the turbulent channel flow, g’ is the acceleration due to gravity adjusted for the submerged buoyancy of individual particles and ν is the kinematic viscosity of the transporting fluid. This transport behaviour is consistent with the notion that non‐cohesive, silt‐sized particles can neither reach nor remain on an impermeable bed under flow conditions where mean lift imposed on stationary particles in the viscous sublayer equals or exceeds the submerged weight of individual particles. Within the size range of particles used in these experiments, particle size and the characteristic size of granular roughness, up to that of medium sand, did not affect rates of dimensionless arrival or entrainment to a significant degree. Instead, a new but consistent picture of fine‐particle transport is emerging. Silt‐sized material, at least, is subject to potentially significant interaction with the bed during intermittent suspension transport at intermediate flow speeds greater than the value required for initiation of transport (ca 20 cm sec?1) but less than the value (ca 50 cm sec?1) required by the Saffman criterion ensuring transport in fully passive suspension or, equivalently, ‘wash‐load’.  相似文献   

陈星欣  白冰  闫瑜龙  贾丁云 《岩土力学》2012,33(8):2343-2348
多孔介质中悬浮颗粒迁移和沉积特性的研究对地下污染物净化、石油开采、核废料处置、水土保持等有很重要的意义。对4种不同浓度的悬浮颗粒在3种不同的渗流速度下进行室内试验,研究悬浮颗粒的浓度对其迁移和沉积特性的影响。结果表明,在一定的悬浮颗粒浓度下,随着渗流速度的增加,穿透曲线中的悬浮颗粒的相对浓度也增大。同时,渗流速度一定时,悬浮颗粒的浓度存在一个临界值,小于该临界值,穿透曲线中的相对浓度随悬浮颗粒的浓度增大而增大;大于该临界值时,相对浓度随悬浮颗粒的浓度增大而减小。另外,悬浮颗粒的临界浓度是与渗流速度相关的,随着渗流速度增加,悬浮颗粒的临界浓度也逐渐增大  相似文献   

The dynamic interpretation of most current-structure sequences derives directly from experiments on the succession of bedforms produced by flows in flumes. The results of these and related studies have been used to construct stability field diagrams in which the fields of individual bedforms are usually expressed as a function of flow intensity (power, velocity, bed shear stress, etc.) and grain size. The data underlying existing stability-field diagrams were collected largely from the study of flows carrying coarse-grained sediment entrained through particle-by-particle bed erosion. Many flows, however, do not entrain sediment through simple bed erosion. Most turbidity currents originate by the development of turbulence in slumps, slides, and other slope failures. Such flows generally form with highly concentrated suspended loads and their bed-load layers derive sediment from the collapsing suspended-sediment clouds. Because the collapse properties of such clouds may be related as much to suspended particle concentration, size distribution, particle interactions, and other factors as to flow intensity, the stability fields of bedforms developed beneath such flows may differ in flow intensity-grain-size relationships from those beneath flows deriving sediment from bed erosion alone. Useful stability-field diagrams for turbidity currents must include suspended-load fallout rate as a third variable, independent of flow intensity and mean grain size. A preliminary stability-field diagram of this type indicates that Bouma Tabc sequences may theoretically form with essentially no velocity variation of the attendant flow. This type of analysis may have considerable relevance to the interpretation not only of turbidites but also of other deposits formed where bed-load layers are fed from above rather than below. These include shallow-shelf storm units deposited from highly concentrated flows and volcaniclastic layers formed where pyroclastic debris falls directly into moving water.  相似文献   

The vertical component of the turbulent flow acceleration term, , is used to determine the net positive vertical force that may support a suspended sediment load. A dimensionless criterion, Λ, is proposed for the maintenance of suspension, defined as the ratio of the maximum vertical turbulent stress to immersed weight of the suspended load above a unit bed area. In order that a suspension be maintained: where v ′ is instantaneous vertical turbulent velocity, σ and ρ are solid and fluid densities, respectively and m is the suspended load dry mass. The Λ criterion is dynamic, being a ratio of stresses and is analogous in this respect to Shields dimensionless stress criterion, θ, for the initiation of bedload motion. The new criterion is successful in predicting the maintenance of steady-state suspended sediment transport in open channel shear flow and deposition from non-uniform particulate density flows of wall jet type.  相似文献   

波流作用下太湖水体悬浮物输运实验及模拟   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用室内外实验和数学模型对波浪和湖流共同作用下太湖水体悬浮物输运过程进行了研究.结果表明:当太湖日平均风速在2~8m/s时,水体悬浮物再悬浮通量与平均风速符合正相关关系;太湖悬浮物沉降属于絮凝沉降.悬浮物浓度较低时,其沉降速率与浓度无明显的相关关系;而浓度较高时,沉降速率随浓度升高而增大.悬浮物浓度和沉降速率符合Logistic函数;将太湖湖流模型和波浪模型耦合,有效地反映了太湖的水动力过程;在太湖悬浮物模型中,引入底泥起悬条件,将底泥的起悬量与沉降量分开处理,有效地模拟了太湖悬浮物的输运过程.模拟结果表明太湖悬浮物沿岸区域受湖流的影响较大,湖心区域受波浪影响较大.  相似文献   

天然河流床沙通常为非均匀沙,准确把握非均匀沙颗粒运动规律是模拟和预测天然河流河床演变的基础。开展了恒定均匀流条件下的非均匀沙推移质运动水槽试验,床沙粒径范围为0.10~20 mm。利用摄像机从顶部拍摄了粗化条件下的推移质颗粒运动,获取大量非均匀沙颗粒的运动轨迹,提取了颗粒运动速度、走停时间等基本运动参数,推移质运动颗粒粒径范围为0.74~8.19 mm。试验结果表明,非均匀沙床面聚集体或大颗粒使推移质颗粒运动方向发生改变,与均匀沙成果相比,非均匀沙推移质颗粒的纵向运动速度减小,横向运动速度增大;推移质颗粒纵向运动速度遵循指数分布,单次运动速度遵循Γ分布,横向运动速度及运动速度矢量角则遵循正态分布。  相似文献   

Drag reduction has been observed in suspension flows of low clay concentrations in previous studies. Here, velocity profiles and bed shear stresses, expressed as shear velocities, are measured using epoxy-coated hot-film sensors to evaluate drag reduction and controlling factors in suspension flows of high clay concentrations (4 and 8 g l–1). The directly measured shear velocity in the viscous sublayer is found to be reduced by as much as 70% relative to the profile-derived shear velocity in the logarithmic layer. Drag reduction is found to increase with increasing clay concentration and decreasing flow strength. Density profile data indicate that the suspension flows were not stratified, and examinations of particle size distributions suggest that flocculation was not significant in causing the observed drag reduction. Measurements of the velocity profiles and of the shear velocity in the viscous sublayer indicate significant thickening of the inner wall layer and show turbulence damping in the viscous sublayer. These effects become stronger for higher concentrations and lower flow strength, suggesting that they are responsible for drag reduction in flows of clay suspension. Empirical relationships have been derived that can be used to predict the magnitude of drag reduction and the reduced shear stress in mud suspensions for both laboratory and field cohesive sediment transport studies.  相似文献   

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