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New chronological, geochemical, and isotopic data are reported for Triassic (219–236 Ma) adakite-magnesian andesite-Nb-enriched basaltic rock associations from the Tuotuohe area, central Qiangtang terrane. The adakites and magnesian andesites are characterized by high Sr/Y (25–45), La/Yb (14–42) and Na2O/K2O (12–49) ratios, high Al2O3 (15.34–18.28 wt%) and moderate to high Sr concentrations (220–498 ppm) and εND (t) (+0.86 to +1.21) values. Low enrichments of Th, Rb relative to Nb, and subequal normalized Nb and La contents, and enrichments of light rare earth elements combine to distinguish a group of Nb-enriched basaltic rocks (NEBs). They have positive εND (t) (+2.57 to +5.16) values. Positive correlations between Th, La and Nb and an absence of negative Nb anomalies on mantle normalized plots indicate the NEBs are products of a mantle source metasomatized by a slab melt rather than by hydrous fluids. A continuous compositional variation between adakites and magnesian andesites confirms slab melt interaction with mantle peridotite. The spatial association of the NEBs with adakites and magnesian andesites define an “adakitic metasomatic volcanic series” recognized in many demonstrably subduction-related environments (e.g., Mindanao arc, Philippines; Kamchatka arc, Russia; and southern Baja California arc, Mexico). The age of the Touhuohe suite, and its correlation with Triassic NEB to the north indicates that volcanism derived from subduction-modified mantle was abundant prior to 220 Ma in the central Qiangtang terrane.  相似文献   

We examined seven ultramafic xenoliths from 1~3 Ma alkali olivine basalt reefs near the Eurasian continent and one sample of the host alkali basalt to identify the mantle wedge material and to constrain the origin and evolution of mantle beneath SW Japan. Six xenoliths are from Kurose and one xenolith is from Takashima, northern part of the Kyushu islands, SW Japan. The Sr and Nd isotopic ratios vary from 0.70416 to 0.70773 and from 0.51228 to 0.51283, respectively. The Kurose and Takashima xenoliths have higher Sr isotopic ratios and lower Nd isotopic ratios than those of the peridotite xenoliths from the other arc settings such as Simcoe and NE Japan.

The Kurose xenoliths have less radiogenic Os isotopic ratios (187Os/188Os = 0.123–0.129) than the primitive upper mantle (PUM) estimate and limited variation compared to the other arc xenoliths. Their Os isotope compositions are rather similar to the ultramafic xenoliths from NE and east China. In addition, the samples of the Kurose and Takashima xenoliths plot along a mixing line between ultramafic xenoliths from SE and NE China and a slab component in Sr–Nd–Os isotopic space. Our results suggest that fragments of continental lithospheric mantle from the China craton may exist beneath Kurose and Takashima after the Sea of Japan expansion when the Japanese islands were rifted away from the Eurasian continent during Miocene. Later magmatism due to subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate beneath the SW Japan arc around 15 Ma ago may have introduced fluids or melts derived from slab component, interpreted to be oceanic sediments rather than altered oceanic crust, that possibly modified the original composition of the lithospheric mantle sampled by the peridotite xenoliths from Kurose and Takashima.  相似文献   

The ophiolite suite from south Andaman Islands forms part of the Tethyan Ophiolite Belt and preserves the remnants of an ideal ophiolite sequence comprising a basal serpentinized and tectonised mantle peridotite followed by ultramafic and mafic cumulate units, basaltic dykes and spilitic pillow basalts interlayered with arkosic wacke. Here, we present new major, trace, rare earth(REE) and platinum group(PGE) element data for serpentinized and metasomatized peridotites(dunites) exposed in south Andaman representing the tectonized mantle section of the ophiolite suite. Geochemical features of the studied rocks, marked by Al_2 O_3/TiO_2 23, LILE-LREE enrichment, HFSE depletion, and U-shaped chondrite-normalized REE patterns with(La/Sm)N 1 and(Gd/Yb)N 1, suggest contributions from boninitic mantle melts. These observations substantiate a subduction initiation process ensued by rapid slab roll-back with extension and seafloor spreading in an intraoceanic fore-arc regime. The boninitic composition of the serpentinized peridotites corroborate fluid and melt interaction with mantle manifested in terms of(i) hydration, metasomatism and serpentinization of depleted, MORB-type, sub-arc wedge mantle residual after repeated melt extraction; and(ii) refertilization of refractory mantle peridotite by boninitic melts derived at the initial stage of intraoceanic subduction. Serpentinized and metasomatized mantle dunites in this study record both MOR and intraoceanic arc signatures collectively suggesting suprasubduction zone affinity. The elevated abundances of Pd(4.4-12.2 ppb) with highΣPPGE/∑IPGE(2-3) and Pd/Ir(2-5.5) ratios are in accordance with extensive melt-rock interaction through percolation of boninitic melts enriched in fluid-fluxed LILE-LREE into the depleted mantle after multiple episodes of melt extraction. The high Pd contents with relatively lower Ir concentrations of the samples are analogous to characteristic PGE signatures of boninitic magmas and might have resulted by the infiltration of boninitic melts into the depleted and residual mantle wedge peridotite during fore-arc extension at the initial stage of intraoceanic subduction. The PGE patterns with high Os + Ir(2-8.6 ppb)and Ru(2.8-8.4 ppb) also suggest mantle rejuvenation by infiltration of melts derived by high degree of mantle melting. The trace, REE and PGE data presented in our study collectively reflect heterogeneous mantle compositions and provide insights into ocean-crust-mantle interaction and associated geochemical cycling within a suprasubduction zone regime.  相似文献   

The fractionation of boron isotopes between synthetic boromuscovite and fluid was experimentally determined at 3.0 GPa/500 °C and 3.0 GPa/700 °C. For near-neutral fluids Δ11B(mica-fluid) = δ11B(mica) − δ11B(fluid) is − 10.9 ± 1.3‰ at 500 °C, and − 6.5 ± 0.4‰ at 700 °C. This supports earlier assumptions that the main fractionation effect is due to the change from trigonal coordination of boron in neutral fluids to tetrahedrally coordinated boron in micas, clays and melts. The T-dependence of this effect is approximated by the equation Δ11B(mica,clay,melt–neutral fluid) = − 10.69 · (1000/T [K]) + 3.88; R2 = 0.992, valid from 25 °C for fluid–clay up to about 1000 °C for fluid–silicate melt. Experiments at 0.4 GPa that used strongly basic fluids produced significantly lower fractionations with Δ11B(mica–fluid) of − 7.4 ± 1.0‰ at 400 °C, and − 4.8 ± 1.0‰ at 500 °C, showing the reduced fractionation effect when large amounts of boron in basic fluids are tetrahedrally coordinated. Field studies have shown that boron concentrations and 11B/10B-ratios in volcanic arcs systematically decrease across the arc with increasing distance from the trench, thus reflecting the thermal structure of the subducting slab. Our experiments show that the boron isotopic signature in volcanic arcs probably results from continuous dehydration of micas along a distinct PT range. Continuous slab dehydration and boron transport via fluid into the mantle wedge is responsible for the boron isotopic signature in volcanic arcs.  相似文献   




Melting experiments on ultramafic rocks rich in the hydrous minerals phlogopite or phlogopite + K-richterite, some including 5% of accessory phases, have been conducted at 15 and 50 kbar. The assemblages represent probable source components that contribute to melts in cratonic regions, but whose melt compositions are poorly known. A main series of starting compositions based on MARID xenoliths consisted of a third each of clinopyroxene (CPX), phlogopite (PHL) and K-richterite (KR) with or without 5% ilmenite, rutile or apatite. Additional experiments were run without KR and with higher proportions of accessory phases. Melt traps were used at near-solidus temperatures to facilitate accurate analysis of well-quenched melts, for which reversal experiments demonstrate equilibrium.Results show that KR melts rapidly and completely within 50 °C of the solidus, so that melts reflect the composition of the amphibole and its melting reaction. Melts have high SiO2 and especially K2O but low CaO and Al2O3 relative to basaltic melts produced from peridotites at similar pressures. They have no counterparts amongst natural rocks, but most closely resemble leucite lamproites at 15 kbar. KR and PHL melt incongruently to form olivine (OL) and CPX at 15 kbar, promoting SiO2 contents of the melt, whereas orthopyroxene OPX is increasingly stable at lower lithosphere pressures, leading to an increase in MgO and decrease in SiO2 in melts, which resemble olivine lamproites. Melts of mica pyroxenites without KR are richer in CaO and Al2O3 and do not resemble lamproites. These experiments show that low CaO and Al2O3 in igneous rocks is not necessarily a sign of a depleted peridotite source. Accessory phases produce melts exceptionally rich in P2O5 or TiO2 depending on the phases present and are unlike any melts seen at the Earth’s surface, but may be important agents of metasomatism seen in xenoliths. The addition of the 5% accessory phases ilmenite, rutile or apatite result in melting temperatures a few ten of degrees lower; at least two of these appear essential to explain the compositions of many alkaline igneous rocks on cratons.Melting temperatures for CPX + PHL + KR mixtures are close to cratonic geotherms at depths > 130 km: minor perturbations of the stable geotherm at >150 km will rapidly lead to 20% melting. Melts of hydrous pyroxenites with a variety of accessory phases will be common initial melts at depth, but will change if reaction with wall-rocks occurs, leading to volcanism that contains chemical components of peridotite even though the temperature in the source region remains well below the melting point of peridotite. At higher temperatures, extensive melting of peridotite will dilute the initial alkaline melts: this is recognizable as alkaline components in basalts and, in extreme cases, alkali picrites. Hydrous pyroxenites are, therefore, components of most mantle-derived igneous rocks: basaltic rocks should not be oversimplified as being purely melts of peridotite or of mixtures of peridotite and dry pyroxenite without hydrous phases.  相似文献   

陶仁彪  张立飞  刘曦 《岩石学报》2015,31(7):1879-1890
地幔氧逸度通过改变含碳相的存在形式和迁移方式来影响深部碳循环。本文结合最新的地幔氧逸度实验模拟和岩石学研究成果,探讨了地幔氧逸度时空分布对深部碳循环的影响。文章重点结合地幔减压熔融形成洋壳、新生洋壳蚀变、洋壳俯冲变质、深俯冲洋壳熔融以及俯冲洋壳物质(流体和固体)通过岩浆(岛弧和地幔柱)作用循环出地表等重要地质过程,探讨了伴随洋壳俯冲作用的深部碳循环过程。由于地幔氧逸度的时空变化,俯冲带含碳相表现出不同的存在形式和迁移能力。通过对西南天山俯冲带碳循环的岩石学和实验研究,我们认为应当进一步深入研究俯冲带氧化还原状态及其对俯冲带深部碳循环的影响。  相似文献   

To evaluate the role of garnet and amphibole fractionation at conditions relevant for the crystallization of magmas in the roots of island arcs, a series of experiments were performed on a synthetic andesite at conditions ranging from 0.8 to 1.2 GPa, 800–1,000°C and variable H2O contents. At water undersaturated conditions and fO2 established around QFM, garnet has a wide stability field. At 1.2 GPa garnet + amphibole are the high-temperature liquidus phases followed by plagioclase at lower temperature. Clinopyroxene reaches its maximal stability at H2O-contents ≤9 wt% at 950°C and is replaced by amphibole at lower temperature. The slopes of the plagioclase-in boundaries are moderately negative in space. At 0.8 GPa, garnet is stable at magmatic H2O contents exceeding 8 wt% and is replaced by spinel at decreasing dissolved H2O. The liquids formed by crystallization evolve through continuous silica increase from andesite to dacite and rhyolite for the 1.2 GPa series, but show substantial enrichment in FeO/MgO for the 0.8 GPa series related to the contrasting roles of garnet and amphibole in fractionating Fe–Mg in derivative liquids. Our experiments indicate that the stability of igneous garnet increases with increasing dissolved H2O in silicate liquids and is thus likely to affect trace element compositions of H2O-rich derivative arc volcanic rocks by fractionation. Garnet-controlled trace element ratios cannot be used as a proxy for ‘slab melting’, or dehydration melting in the deep arc. Garnet fractionation, either in the deep crust via formation of garnet gabbros, or in the upper mantle via formation of garnet pyroxenites remains an important alternative, despite the rare occurrence of magmatic garnet in volcanic rocks.  相似文献   

Seismic tomography studies in the northeastern Japan arc have revealed the existence of an inclined sheet-like seismic low-velocity and high-attenuation zone in the mantle wedge at depths shallower than about 150 km. This sheet-like low-velocity, high-attenuation zone is oriented sub-parallel to the subducted slab, and is considered to correspond to the upwelling flow portion of the subduction-induced convection. The low-velocity, high-attenuation zone reaches the Moho immediately beneath the volcanic front (or the Ou Backbone Range) running through the middle of the arc nearly parallel to the trench axis, which suggests that the volcanic front is formed by this hot upwelling flow. Aqueous fluids supplied by the subducted slab are probably transported upward through this upwelling flow to reach shallow levels beneath the Backbone Range where they are expelled from solidified magma and migrate further upward. The existence of aqueous fluids may weaken the surrounding crustal rocks, resulting in local contractive deformation and uplift along the Backbone Range under the compressional stress field of the volcanic arc. A strain-rate distribution map generated from GPS data reveals a notable concentration of east–west contraction along the Backbone Range, consistent with this interpretation. Shallow inland earthquakes are also concentrated in the upper crust of this locally large contraction deformation zone. Based on these observations, a simple model is proposed to explain the deformation pattern of the crust and the characteristic shallow seismic activity beneath the northeastern Japan arc.  相似文献   

A dense nationwide seismic network recently constructed in Japan has resulted in the production of a large amount of high-quality data that have enabled the high-resolution imaging of deep seismic structures in the Japanese subduction zone. Seismic tomography, precise locations of earthquakes, and focal mechanism research have allowed the identification of the complex structure of subducting slabs beneath Japan, revealing that the subducting Philippine Sea slab underneath southwestern Japan has an undulatory configuration down to a depth of 60–200 km, and is continuous from Kanto to Kyushu without disruption or splitting, even within areas north of the Izu Peninsula. Analysis of the geometry of the Pacific and Philippine Sea slabs identified a broad contact zone beneath the Kanto Plain that causes anomalously deep interplate and intraslab earthquake activity. Seismic tomographic inversions using both teleseismic and local events provide a clear image of the deep aseismic portion of the Philippine Sea slab beneath the Japan Sea north of Chugoku and Kyushu, and beneath the East China Sea west of Kyushu down to a depth of ∼450 km. Seismic tomography also allowed the identification of an inclined sheet-like seismic low-velocity zone in the mantle wedge beneath Tohoku. A recent seismic tomography work further revealed clear images of similar inclined low-velocity zones in the mantle wedge for almost all other areas of Japan. The presence of the inclined low-velocity zones in the mantle wedge across the entirety of Japan suggests that it is a common feature to all subduction zones. These low-velocity zones may correspond to the upwelling flow portion of subduction-induced convection systems. These upwelling flows reach the Moho directly beneath active volcanic areas, suggesting a link between volcanism and upwelling.  相似文献   

在剥蚀型汇聚板块边缘,俯冲输入板块剥蚀上覆板块并将剥蚀物质带入俯冲隧道,随后,这些剥蚀物质与俯冲板块物质一同参与了俯冲带浅部与深部地幔的地球化学循环。构造地质学和地球物理研究显示中美洲俯冲带南段是典型的俯冲剥蚀型汇聚板块边缘,这为研究上覆板块俯冲剥蚀物质是否参与俯冲带物质循环过程提供了天然的实验室。由于目前仍然缺乏对该俯冲剥蚀机制的地球化学制约,综合大洋钻探计划(IODP) 344航次对中美洲俯冲带南部哥斯达黎加西部的俯冲板块和上覆板块开展了钻探工作,并获取了系统的岩芯样品。本文对IODP344航次取自上覆板块中陆坡和上陆坡的U1380和U1413站位中沉积物中的粗碎屑层位样品,开展了系统的主、微量元素与Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf同位素地球化学研究。这些沉积物粗碎屑层位组分与加勒比大火成岩省基底相似,指示它们可能来自加勒比大火成岩省基底在弧前出露的区域,可以代表上覆板块基底被俯冲剥蚀的物质组成。研究进一步探讨了晚中新世中美洲俯冲带南部大陆弧火山岩的成因,并指出上覆板块底部被剥蚀物质参与了中美洲俯冲带南部大陆弧火山岩岩浆过程,这为中美洲俯冲带南部存在俯冲剥蚀过程提供了直接的地质学证据。  相似文献   

The fractionation of boron isotopes between synthetic dravitic tourmaline and fluid was determined by hydrothermal experiments between 400 and 700°C at 200 MPa and at 500°C, 500 MPa. Tourmaline was crystallized from an oxide mix in presence of water that contained boron in excess. In one series of experiments, [B]fluid/[B]tour was 9 after the run; in another series it was 0.1. All experiments produced tourmaline as the sole boron-bearing solid, along with traces of quartz and talc. Powder XRD and Rietveld refinements revealed no significant amounts of tetrahedrally coordinated boron in tourmaline. 11B always preferentially fractionated into the fluid. For experiments where [B]fluid/[B]tour was 9, a consistent temperature-dependent boron isotope fractionation curve resulted, approximated by Δ11B(tour–fluid) = −4.20 · [1,000/T (K)] + 3.52; R 2 = 0.77, and valid from 400 to 700°C. No pressure dependence was observed. The fractionation (−2.7 ± 0.5‰ at 400°C; and −0.8 ± 0.5‰ at 700°C) is much lower than that previously presented by Palmer et al. (1992). Experiments where [B]fluid/[B]tour was 0.1 showed a significant larger apparent fractionation of up to −4.7‰. In one of these runs, the isotopic composition of handpicked tourmaline crystals of different size varied by 1.3‰. This is interpreted as resulting from fractional crystallization of boron isotopes during tourmaline growth due to the small boron reservoir of the fluid relative to tourmaline, thus indicating larger fractionation than observed at equilibrium. The effect is eliminated or minimized in experiments with very high boron excess in the fluid. We therefore suggest that values given by the above relation represent the true equilibrium fractionations.  相似文献   

The Monglo adakite contains mafic and ultramafic xenoliths, which probably originated from the mantle section of an Early Cretaceous supra-subduction zone ophiolitic complex located within the Luzon arc crust. Spinel-bearing dunites are dominant among this xenolith collection and display evidence for three episodes of subduction-related melt percolation. The first one is evidenced by an undeformed clinopyroxene characterized by convex-upwards REE pattern. This clinopyroxene crystallized from a calc-alkaline basaltic magma, likely formed in the Cretaceous supra-subduction setting of the ophiolite. Then, two metasomatic events, evidenced by orthopyroxene-rich and amphibole-rich secondary parageneses, respectively, affected most of the spinel dunites. The opx-rich paragenesis is related to the circulation within the dunitic upper mantle of hydrous slab-derived melts similar to those affecting the mantle peridotite xenoliths from Papua New Guinea and Kamchatka. Finally the amphibole-rich veins are related to the interaction between the studied dunite xenoliths and the host adakite or an adakitic melt similar to it.  相似文献   

The Jiangzhuang ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic peridotite from south Sulu, eastern China occurs as a layer within gneiss with eclogite blocks, and consists of coarse‐grained garnet porphyroblasts and a fine‐grained matrix assemblage of garnet + forsterite + enstatite + diopside ± phlogopite ± Ti‐clinohumite ± magnesite. Both types of garnet are characterized by high MgO content and depletion of light rare earth element (LREE) and enrichment of heavy rare earth element, but the matrix garnet has lower MgO, TiO2 and higher Cr2O3 and REE contents. Diopside displays LREE enrichment, and has low but variable large‐ion lithophile element (LILE) contents. Phlogopite is a major carrier of LILE. Ti‐clinohumite contains high Nb, Ta, Cr, Ni, V and Co contents. The P–T conditions of 4.5–6.0 GPa and 850–950 °C were estimated for matrix mineral assemblages. Most peridotites are depleted in Al2O3, CaO and TiO2, and enriched in SiO2, K2O, REE and LILE. In contrast to phlogopite‐free peridotites, the phlogopite‐bearing peridotites have higher K2O, Zr, REE and LILE contents. Zircon occurs only in the phlogopite‐bearing peridotites, shows no zoning, with low REE contents and Th/U ratios, and yields tight UPb ages of 225–220 Ma, indicating the peridotites experienced consistent Triassic UHP metamorphism with subducted supercrustal rocks. These data demonstrate that the Jiangzhuang peridotites were derived from the depleted mantle wedge of the North China Craton, and experienced various degrees of metasomatism. The phlogopite‐free peridotites may have been subjected to an early cryptic metasomatism at UHP conditions of the mantle wedge, whereas the phlogopite‐bearing peridotites were subjected to a subsequent strong metasomatism, characterized by distinctly enrichment in LILE, LREE, Zr and K as well as the growth of zircon and volatile‐bearing minerals at UHP subduction conditions. The related metasomatism may have resulted from the filtration of fluids sourced mainly from deeply subducted supracrustal rocks.  相似文献   

西藏南部印度-亚洲碰撞带岩石圈:岩石学-地球化学约束   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
拟以岩石学和地球化学的研究为基础, 结合地球物理与构造地质学的研究成果, 从一个侧面探讨青藏高原岩石圈、特别是印度-亚洲主碰撞带岩石圈结构、组成及今后进一步的研究方向.印度-亚洲主碰撞带具有青藏高原最厚的地壳, 由初生地壳及再循环地壳两类不同性质的地壳构成; 青藏巨厚地壳是由于构造增厚及地幔物质注入(通过岩浆作用) 增厚两种机制形成的.碰撞以来藏南地壳加厚主要发生在约50~25Ma期间.青藏岩石圈地幔在地球化学和岩石学上是不均一的, 至少存在3种地球化学端元: (1) 新特提斯大洋岩石圈端元; (2) 印度陆下岩石圈端元; (3) 新特提斯闭合前青藏原有的岩石圈端元.在青藏高原还发现了一批壳幔深源岩石包体及高压-超高压矿物, 对于认识青藏深部有重要的意义.可以识别出青藏高原现今存在3种岩石圈结构类型: 第1种, 增厚的岩石圈(帕米尔型); 第2种, 减薄的岩石圈(冈底斯型); 第3种, 加厚-减薄-再加厚的岩石圈(羌塘型).这3类岩石圈是否在时间上具有先后顺序, 尚无明确的证据, 需要在今后加以注意.研究表明, 沿冈底斯带后碰撞钾质-超钾质火山活动, 可能与新特提斯洋俯冲板片在后碰撞阶段的断离及印度大陆岩石圈向青藏的持续俯冲作用有关, 但西段、中段与东段的动力学机制不相同.在青藏高原北部地区(羌塘、可可西里等地区), 后碰撞钾质-超钾质火山活动, 可能与波状外向扩展式的软流圈上隆引起的减压熔融有关.在高原北缘西昆仑、玉门等地区, 其形成机制可能为大规模走滑断层引起的减压熔融.青藏高原后碰撞火成活动具有明显而有规律的时空迁移.同碰撞的林子宗火山活动在65Ma左右始于冈底斯南部, 标志印度-亚洲大陆碰撞的开始.于45Ma左右火山活动向北迁移到羌塘-“三江”北段, 开始了后碰撞火山活动; 然后自内向外迁移, 即北向可可西里、南向冈底斯(在冈底斯内部又自西向东)、东向西秦岭迁移; 最后(6Ma以来), 再分别向高原的西北、东北、东南三隅迁移.结合已有地球物理资料, 一种可能的解释是它可能暗示由印度和亚洲大陆板块碰撞所诱发的深部物质(如中-下地壳、软流圈地幔物质) 流动.   相似文献   

High-pressure (HP) and ultra-high pressure (UHP) terranes are excellent natural laboratories to study subduction-zone processes. In this paper we give a brief theoretical background and we review experimental data and observations in natural rocks that constrain the nature and composition of the fluid phase present in HP and UHP rocks. We argue that a fluid buffered by a solid residue is compositionally well defined and is either an aqueous fluid (total amount of dissolved solids < 30 wt.%) or a hydrous melt (H2O < 35 wt.%). There is only a small temperature range of approximately 50–100 °C, where transitional solute-rich fluids exist. A review of available experimental data suggest that in felsic rocks the second critical endpoint is situated at 25–35 kbar and  700 °C and hence must be considered in the study of UHP rocks. Despite this, the nature of the fluid phase can be constrained by relating the peak metamorphic conditions of rocks to the position of the wet solidus even if the peak pressure exceeds the pressure where the wet solidus terminates at the second critical endpoint. Transitional solute-rich fluids are expected in UHP terrains (P > 30 kbar) with peak temperatures of about 700 ± 50 °C. At higher temperatures, hydrous granitic melts occur whereas at lower temperatures aqueous fluids coexists with eclogite-facies minerals. This argument is complemented by evidence on the nature of the fluid phase from high-pressure terrains. We show that in the diamond-bearing, high-temperature UHP rocks from the Kokchetav Massif there are not only hydrous felsic melts, but probably also carbonate and sulfide melts present.

Hydrous quartzo-feldspathic melts are mainly produced in high temperature UHP rocks and their composition is relatively well constrained from experiments and natural rocks. In contrast, constraining the composition of aqueous fluids is more problematic. The combined evidence from experiments and natural rocks indicates that aqueous fluids liberated at the blueschist to eclogite facies transition are dilute. They contain only moderate amounts of LILE, Sr and Pb and do not transport significant amounts of key trace elements such as LREE, U and Th. This indicates that there is a decoupling of water and trace element release in subducted oceanic crust and that aqueous fluids are unable to enrich the mantle wedge significantly. Instead we propose that fluid-present melting in the sediments on top of the slab is required to transfer significant amounts of trace elements from the slab to the mantle wedge. For such a process to be efficient, top slab temperature must be at least 700–750 °C at sub-arc depth. Slab melting is likely to be triggered by fluids that derive from dehydration of mafic and ultramafic rocks in colder (deeper) portions of the slab.  相似文献   

上地幔地震的各向异性主要归因于橄榄石的优选方位,不同的橄榄石优选方位模式可以作为上地幔不同动力学作用的指示剂。不同应力和含水量条件下的高温变形实验已经确定出五类橄榄石组构模式(“A”型、“B”型、“C”型、“D”型和“E”型)。本文运用电子背散射(EBSD)技术对来自苏鲁超高压变质带南部的芝麻房石榴石橄榄岩的橄榄石进行了优选方位测定,不同变形程度的橄榄石均显示了[100]轴近垂直于面理和[001]轴近平行于线理的特征,为“C”类组构模式,可见组构类型与变形程度没有关系,并且橄榄石组构所显示的NW向SE的剪切指向,与围岩-正、副片麻岩中形成于折返过程的石英优选方位所显示的SE向NW的剪切指向完全不同,说明芝麻房石榴石橄榄岩中橄榄石的“C”类组构是折返前形成的。结合橄榄石结构水的测量和已有的芝麻房石榴石橄榄岩形成的温压条件,推测该组构形成于含水俯冲带中,认为芝麻房石榴石橄榄岩的原岩来自于高含水的上部地幔楔碎块,与俯冲的陆壳物质一起经历了超高压变质作用并最终折返至地表。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of long-term geological, petrological, and geochemical investigations of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic complexes of the Stanovoy Range in order to determine the main reasons for their generation and evolution. The analysis of this material showed that the compositionally variable Late Mesozoic igneous complexes of the Stanovoy Range were formed in various depth facies, from abyssal to surficial. The majority of their salic complexes show minor compositional variations, whereas the mafic complexes are more variable, especially in the southeast of the region. The southeastern Stanovoy Range comprises comparable amounts of both subalkaline and low-alkali igneous rocks, whereas the central part is dominated by subalkaline rocks, and the northwestern part contains rocks only of the shoshonite-latite series. This zoning is fundamentally different from that of typical island arcs, which are characterized by the occurrence of volcanic rocks of similar alkalinity in each zone. Extrusive and intrusive rocks with similar alkali and silica contents (and schlieren-like inclusions in the granitoids of the region) were formed from common magmas of corresponding chemical compositions. In addition, the mafic and most of the salic magmas were formed as independent melting products, whereas the magmas of intermediate composition were formed mainly by mixing of chemically contrasting liquids (i.e., salic and basic). It was shown that the available information on the magmatism of the region is best interpreted in terms of the model of mantle diapirism. In particular, mantle diapirs ascended rather slowly during the Mesozoic and occurred over the whole territory of the Stanovoy Range during the Jurassic-Cretaceous stage (J3-K1), when alkaline and subalkaline basalts were formed. During the Early-Late Cretaceous stage, mantle diapirs produced alkali-poor basalts in the central and eastern parts. During the Cenozoic, the diapir ascended rather rapidly but only in a small area in the eastern part of the region forming alkali basalts. In contrast to the Cenozoic, the Earth’s crust was strongly affected by mantle diapirs and related mafic magmas in the Mesozoic. As a result, crustal sequences were reworked by fluids and subsequently yielded tremendous volumes of compositionally corresponding salic magmas, which interacted and mixed with mafic magmas producing the corresponding chemical zoning. The maximum generation of crustal magmas was confined to the axial zones of ascending diapirs, where the highest energy effects took place, whereas the role of autochthonous gneissic granites increased away from the axis at the expense of typical intrusive complexes.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of phase relations in the oxide–silicate system MgO–FeO–SiO2 at 24 GPa show that the peritectic reaction of bridgmanite controls the formation of stishovite as a primary in situ mineral of the lower mantle and as an effect of the stishovite paradox. The stishovite paradox is registered in the diamond-forming system MgO–FeO–SiO2–(Mg–Fe–Ca–Na carbonate)–carbon in experiments at 26 GPa as well. The physicochemical mechanisms of the ultrabasic–basic evolution of deep magmas and diamondforming media, as well as their role in the origin of the lower mantle minerals and genesis of ultradeep diamonds, are studied.  相似文献   

陈斌  刘超群  田伟 《地学前缘》2006,13(2):140-147
太行山中生代岩浆岩的主体———石英二长岩中常见闪长质包体。无论包体还是寄主岩石中均可见斜长石具有成分和结构的不平衡现象,即斜长石具有富钙的核(An=57~65)和富钠的幔部(An=20~35),而且两者变化截然。这是壳幔岩浆发生混合作用的记录:核部代表基性岩浆中早期结晶的斜长石(或代表花岗岩中斜长石由于高温基性岩浆的注入而发生部分熔融形成的残留核?),而幔部代表从混浆中结晶的斜长石。与此类似,角闪石也发育成分环带,其核部为相对富Al和Ti的黄褐色的韭闪石,而边部为贫Al和Ti的绿色调的浅闪石。韭闪石形成于较高的温度,浅闪石形成于较低的温度,也反映了壳幔岩浆混合的过程。壳幔岩浆混合模式同样得到地球化学数据的支持,太行山中生代岩浆岩的高K2O和MgO、高分异稀土模式(和Eu异常不明显)、高Sr-Ba和富集的Sr-Nd同位素特征等均与来自富集地幔的基性岩浆的混合有关。  相似文献   

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