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Podiform chromite deposits are characteristic of the ultramafic complexes of the ophiolites. In the Limassol Forest Plutonic Complex, one of the two plutonic complexes of Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus, the deposits are located dominantly at the periphery of the serpentinite body either close to the contact between the serpentinized harzburgite (Bastite Serpentinite) and a highly cataclastic olivine-rich peridotite (Shattered Serpentinite) or at the base of the latter. The chrome ore is in the form of small pods, lenses, veins and disseminated schlieren. Detailed microscopic studies showed that the massive chromite is highly cataclastic and extensively altered to an Fe-rich chrome spinel, the ferritchromite. The chemistry of the parent chromite and the ferritchromite has been studied by electron microprobe analysis of 47 samples. Based on the stratigraphic position, mode of occurrence and chemistry of the chromite deposits it is concluded that they are similar to the exploitable deposits of Troodos Plutonic Complex at Mount Olympus and evolved through cumulative process from a magma of tholeiite character. Pervasive deformation — both metamorphic and tectonic — and serpentinization of the host rock resulted in the brecciation and mobilization of the chromite segregations.  相似文献   

Mineralization composed dominantly of primary troilite, maucherite, pentlandite, and chalcopyrite, and secondary valleriite occurs in serpentinized transition zone rocks of the Limasol Forest segment of the Troodos ophiolite complex, Cyprus. Whole-rock and electron microprobe analyses of this mineralization gives ranges of Cu/(Cu+Ni)=0.16 to 0.47, Pt/(Pt+Pd)=0.66 to 0.51, Ni/Co=6.33 to 13.4, and chondrite normalized plots with low concentrations of Rh, Pt, and Pd, but relatively high Au. Estimated distribution coefficients of nickel and iron between olivine and ore range from 0.5 to 7.4. Most of these data are unlike values from magmatic sulfide deposits and indicate either a complete alteration of a preexisting magmatic sulfide concentration or, more likely, a nonmagmatic origin for this mineralization.  相似文献   

Complex massive sulfide ores (»black smokers«) as well as mineralized basalts and unconsolidated sediments were sampled during the German research expedition »Garimas 1« in the eastern portions of the Galapagos Rift at 85 50' W longitude. The massive sulfide ores are characterized by a porous, layered, compositional texture with typical colloidal and/or gel textures. Local occurrences of organism remains (worm tubes), which are embedded in the ore, were also found. The composition of the massive sulfide ores exhibits a considerable range, from iron sulfide ores (pyrite, melnikovite-pyrite, marcasite) to copper-rich ores (chalcopyrite), and/or zinc-dominated ores (sphalerite, wurtzite, schalenblende). Additional new types of hydrothermal mineralizations were found, which consist primarily of manganese hydroxide, limonite or Fe-rich smectite (Fe-rich »protosmectite«) together with limonite and opaline silica. Hydrothermally altered basalts may be characterized by significant sulfide contents (primarily pyrite) and, locally, by hematite. Sediments in the vicinity of the »black smokers« frequently contain fragments of complex massive sulfide ores. With increasing distance from the »black smokers« these massive sulfide fragments exhibit complete replacement and pseudomorphism by limonite. Some replacement and pseudomorphism of microorganisms in unconsolidated sediments by limonitic material is also observed. In places, the unconsolidated sediments contain manganese hydroxide mineralizations of hydrothermal origin.
Zusammenfassung Anlä\lich der deutschen Forschungsfahrt »Garimas 1« wurden im östlichen Teil des Galápagos-Riftes bei 85 50' W vor allem komplexe massive Sulfiderze (»Schwarze Raucher« — »Black Smokers«) gewonnen, daneben au\erdem vererzte Basalte sowie unverf estigte Sedimente. Die massiven Sulfiderze sind durch einen porösen, lagig bis krustigschaligen Aufbau gekennzeichnet und weisen charakteristische Kolloidalgefüge bzw. Geltexturen auf. Stellenweise liegen Organismenreste (z. B. Wurmröhren), eingebettet in Erz, vor. Die Zusammensetzung der jeweiligen massiven Sulfiderze schwankt erheblich und reicht von praktisch nur aus Eisensulfid (Pyrit, Melnikovitpyrit, Markasit) beste-henden Bildungen bis zu solchen, die reich an Kupfersulfid (Kupferkies) und/oder Zinksulfid (Zinkblende, Wurtzit, Schalenblende) sind. Als weitere und neue Typen hydrothermaler Bildungen bzw. von »Schwarzen Rauchern« konnten hydrothermale Mineralisationen nachgewiesen werden, die vorherrschend entweder aus Manganhydroxid, aus Limonit oder aus eisenreichem Montmorillonit (Fe-reicher »Protosmektit«) mit Limonit und amorphem SiO2 bestehen. Die alterierten Basalte können stellenweise durch eine reichliche Sulfidführung (vor allem Pyrit) ausgezeichnet sein, wobei gelegentlich auch Eisenglanz beibricht. Die Sedimente aus der Nachbarschaft der »Schwarzen Raucher« enthalten öfters zahlreiche Bruchstücke der komplexen Massivsulfiderze. Diese Sulfiderz-Bruchstücke lassen häufig mit zunehmender Entfernung von den »Schwarzen Rauchern« starke bis völlige Verdrängung und Pseudomorphosierung durch Limonit erkennen. Die in diesen Lockersedimenten vorliegenden rezenten Mikroorganismen zeigen stellenweise Verdrängung und Pseudomorphosierung durch Limonit. In den Lockersedimenten treten Ausscheidungen von Manganhydroxid hydrothermaler Herkunft auf.

Résumé Dans la partie est de la dorsale des Galapagos, par 85 50' de longitude ouest, l'expédition allemande »GARIMAS I« a récolté des minerais sulfurés complexes massifs (minerais de »fumeurs noirs«), ainsi que des basaltes minéralisés et des échantillons de sédiments meubles. Les sulfures massifs présentent un aspect poreux lité à écailleux et montrent des structures colloÏdales caractéristiques. Localement des traces d'organismes (p. ex. des trous de vers) sont inclues dans le minéral. Les sulfures massifs présentent diverses compositions depuis des formations constituées uniquement de sulfures de Fe (pyrite, pyrite »colloÏdale«, marcasite) jusqu'à d'autres qui sont riches en sulfures de cuivre (chalcopyrite) et/ou de zinc (blende, wurtzite, blende zonaire). De plus, d'autres minéralisations hydrothermales, nouvelles dans l'environnement des fumeurs noirs, ont été mises en évidence: elles sont constituées soit d'oxydes et hydroxydes de Mn, soit de limonite ou de montmorillonite riche en fer (»protosmectite« ferreuse) avec de la limonite et silice amorphe. Les basaltes hydrothermalisés peuvent montrer localement une teneur élevée en sulfure (surtout de la pyrite) éventuellement accompagné d'hématite. Les sédiments recueillis au voisinage des fumeurs noirs renferment souvent de nombreux fragments de sulfures complexes massifs. Au fur et à mesure qu'on s'éloigne des fumeurs, ces fragments sont progressivement et mÊme complètement pseudomorphosés en limonite. Cette pseudomorphose limonitique affecte également, par endroits, les micro-organismes récents inclus dans les sédiments meubles. Dans ces derniers ont lieu des formations d'hydroxydes de manganèse d'origine hydrothermale.

- Garimas I 8550 — = Black Smokers -, . , - , , . , .: , . , . . , , , = , / ( , , ). , . . , , , . , , - . , , , , . , .

西藏班公湖-怒江成矿带发现硫化镍矿   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
野外地质调查结合室内显微镜研究和电子探针分析,发现西藏班公湖一怒江缝合带西段班公湖地区产有超基性岩型硫化镍矿和碳酸岩型硫化镍矿,中段班戈县产有超基性岩型Ni、Cr、Co多金属矿.这两个地区的含矿岩体均为超基性岩,大小从几十米到几百米不等,沿NWW方向展布,反映了蛇绿岩带对矿化的控制.岩体中普遍具有强烈的蛇纹石化,金属矿物组合简单,主要为硫镍矿和硫铁矿,呈微细粒浸染状分布,在野外露头和手标本上肉眼看不出矿化.由于该缝合带规模巨大,以基性.超基性岩为标志的蛇绿混杂岩数量多,分布广,因此,在该成矿带寻找超基性岩型硫化镍矿的找矿潜力很大.而碳酸岩型硫化镍矿化作为一种新的矿化类型,对其岩体成因和矿化机理的研究将具有探索造山带演化和指导地质找矿的双重意义.另外,无论是超基性岩型硫化镍矿还是碳酸岩型硫化镍矿,在西藏地区很少报道,这种矿化类型是班公湖.怒江成矿带上一个新的找矿方向.  相似文献   

The origin and diagenesis of cherts from Cyprus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Troodos Massif of Cyprus is overlain by a variety of cherts in pelagic chalks, volcanogenic sediments, radiolarites and radiolarian mudstones, all of Campanian to Upper Eocene age. There are two chert types, granular chert and vitreous chert. X-ray diffraction (XRD) reveals the silica polymorphs, disordered cristobalite and quartz. Silicification of the chalks varies from incipient, to bedded, granular cherts, all with disordered cristobalite as the main silica phase. Quartzitic cherts are restricted to the base of Upper Palaeocene and Lower Eocene calciturbidite beds. Disordered cristobalite predominates in the radiolarian mudstones at the foot of the sequence. The form of disordered cristobalite in cavities ranges from microspherules of radiating bladed crystals, the ‘lepispheres’ of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) to bladed overgrowths, and fibrous silica. In contrast, within the fine grained matrix, the disordered cristobalite takes the form of partly coalescent crude microgranules and microspherules. Most of the chalcedonic quartz in Cyprus is derived by recrystallization of previously inorganically precipitated disordered cristobalite rather than by direct precipitation. According to the concept of impurity-controlled maturation the composition of host sediment controls the incorporation of exchangeable cations and other impurities into inorganically precipitated disordered cristobalite. With time (up to 100 million years) internal solid state reorganization of the disordered cristobalite is accompanied by gradual expulsion of impurities, until the cristobalite dissolves followed by quartz precipitation. Complete conversion to quartz takes place first in porous calcareous sediments free of impurities, as in the Cyprus calciturbidites; in fine grained clay-rich sediments, like Cyprus radiolarian mudstones, disordered cristobalite persists much longer. Impurity-controlled maturation also helps explain the diagenesis of Cyprus chert nodules.  相似文献   

The Xinqiao Cu-S-Fe deposit in the Tongling ore district, Middle-Lower Yangtze River Valley Metallogenic Belt (MLYB; Eastern China), is located along the northern margin of the Yangtze Craton. The stratiform- and skarn-type Xinqiao mineralization comprises five stages, namely the early skarn (Stage I, garnet and diopside), late skarn (Stage II, epidote-dominated), iron oxides (Stage III, hematite and magnetite), colloform pyrite (Stage IV) and quartz-sulfides (Stage V). There are three pyrite types at Xinqiao, i.e., colloform (Py1; Stage IV), fine-grained (Py2, from Py1 recrystallization; Stage V) and coarse-grained (Py3; Stage V) pyrites.Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) imagery for Py1 reveals that they are cubic microcrystalline pyrite aggregates, and the EDS and XRD data indicate that some Py1 contain minor siderite impurities. Electron Microprobe Analysis (EMPA) and LA-ICP-MS geochemical data demonstrate that the three pyrite types have relatively high Fe/S ratios and distinctly high Mn, Cu and As concentrations. Compared to Py2 and Py3, Py1 has higher Pb, Bi and Ag, but lower Co, Ni, Se, Cd, Te and Au. Ratios of Fe/S (0.837 to 0.906), Se/Te (2.39 to 14.50) and Co/Ni (0.67 to 4.67) of the Xinqiao pyrites resemble typical hydrothermal pyrites. δ34SCDT of Py1 (− 0.6‰ to 2.7‰, average 0.58‰), Py2 (1.8‰ to 2.5‰, average 2.1‰) and Py3 (1.9‰ to 4.4‰, average 3.5‰) are close to those of the Xinqiao skarn-type orebodies (1.3‰ to 4.1‰), but distinct from those of the Upper Carboniferous Huanglong Formation limestone (− 9.5‰ to − 15.4‰), suggesting that the three pyrite types (especially Py1) were genetically linked to the Yanshanian (Jurassic-Cretaceous) magmatic-hydrothermal events, with Py1 probably reflecting rapid crystallization during fluid mixing. We interpret that the Xinqiao stratiform mineralization may have been associated with the Jitou quartz diorite stock, as may be the case also for the skarn-type mineralization hosted in the contact between the Yanshanian Jitou stock and the Lower Permian Qixia Formation limestone. Overall, the Xinqiao Cu-S-Fe mineralization may have been generated by the Jurassic-Cretaceous tectono-thermal event in Eastern China.  相似文献   

Melt and fluid inclusions in minerals have been studied and physicochemical parameters of magmatic processes and hydrothermal systems estimated at the Yaman-Kasy copper massive sulfide deposit in the southern Urals. It was established that relatively low-temperature (910–945°C) rhyodacitic melts belonging to the tholeiitic series and containing 2.7–5.2 wt % water participated in the formation of the igneous complexes that host the Yaman-Kasy deposit. As follows from ion microprobe results, these silicic magmas had a primitive character. In the distribution of trace elements, including REE, the rhyodacites are closer to basaltic rather than silicic volcanic rocks, and they are distinguished in this respect from the igneous rocks from other massive sulfide deposits of the Urals and the Rudny Altai. Two types of solutions actively took part in the formation of hydrothermal systems: (1) solutions with a moderate salinity (5–10 wt % dissolved salts) and (2) solutions with a low salinity (a value close to that of seawater or even lower). Concentrated fluids with more than 11.5 wt % dissolved salts were much less abundant. Hydrothermal solutions heated to 130–160, 160–270, or occasionally 280–310°C predominated in ore formation. The sequence of mineral-forming processes at the Yaman-Kasy deposit is demonstrated. Mineral assemblages were formed with an inversion of the parameters characterizing ore-forming solutions. An increase in the temperature and salinity of solutions at the early stages was followed by a decrease at the final stages. The evolution of the hydrothermal system at the Yaman-Kasy deposit has much in common with the parameters of black smokers in the present-day Pacific backarc basins.  相似文献   

Petrology and origin of primitive lavas from the Troodos ophiolite,Cyprus   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Parental magmas to the Troodos ophiolite are characterised by low TiO2 and Al2O3 and high SiO2. Extremely fresh and chemically primitive (high MgO) rocks are found within the Upper Pillow Lavas and along the Arakapas Fault Belt of Cyprus and contain forsteritic olivine±enstatite and groundmass clinopyroxene set in glass or plagioclase, with accessory magnesiochromite and sometimes hornblende. They are quartz-normative and may have originally contained up to 3 wt% H2O. Geochemically, there are three distinct groups of primitive lavas, based on TiO2 and Zr contents but also reflected by CaO, Na2O and REE abundances. These groups cannot be related by crystal fractionation and are considered to have been generated by incremental melting of a variably depleted source region. The parental magma to the least depleted group (Group I) was that of the major portion of the Troodos plutonic complex and is similar to those postulated for other low-Ti ophiolites. Chemically it has close affinities with komatiitic basalts. The most depleted lavas (Group III) all have U-shaped REE profiles and variable 143Nd/ 144Nd ratios, interpreted in terms of metasomatism of the source region by an incompatible element-enriched component which was probably derived from a subducted slab. These lavas represent an intermediate step in the development of boninite series rocks.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the geology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and origin of the metagabbroic-hosted manganese deposits at Wadi Maliek in the southern Eastern Desert of Egypt. The manganese veins are found in the shear zones and channel ways of the fault planes within the metagabbroic rocks pointing to those hydrothermal solutions carrying manganese and iron load penetrating along these fractures. These faults are striking N 80° E?CS 80° W with dipping 65°. These veins vary in thickness from 15?cm up to 125?cm wide; each vein may show difference in thickness from bottom to top. Microscopic examinations, X-ray diffraction, infrared spectral, differential thermal (DTA), thermogravimetric (TGA), and ESEM-EDAX analyses revealed that the manganese minerals consist mainly of pyrolusite, psilomelane, and ramsdellite. Goethite and hematite are the common iron minerals. Petrographically, the manganese deposits can be classified into three ore types based on the predominance of manganese and iron minerals: manganese, manganese?Ciron, and iron ore types. The geochemistry of Maliek deposits indicated that the total averages of some major oxides in manganese, manganese?Ciron, and iron ore types are respectively as follows: SiO2 (15.64%, 11.52%, and 20.58%), MnO (39.9%, 17.81%, and 0.77%), FeO* (7.13%, 33.31%, and 37.08%), CaO (5.89%, 5.82%, and 5.32%), and Na2O (1.04%, 1.61%, and 1.53%). With regard to trace elements, the Maliek manganese deposits are rich in Zn, Ba, Pb, Sr, and V. Based on the geological, mineralogical, and geochemical results, the studied manganese deposits are considered to be precipitated from hydrothermal solution.  相似文献   

Metasomatic magnesite, siderite and ankerite mineralizations within Paleozoic sediments of the Northern Greywacke zone and its metamorphic counterpart in the crystalline basement (Upper Austroalpine unit) were investigated with respect to their strontium isotopic composition. The results support a sedimentary (s.l.) model for the magnesites within Viséan platform carbonates of the Veitsch nappe and an epigenetic hydrothermal model for the siderites and ankerites in Devonian platform carbonates of the Noric nappe and from Hüttenberg. The Fe transporting fluids can be characterized either as magmatogene or, more probably, as metamorphogene. By increasing the stage of recrystallization and/or remobilization due to at least two later metamorphic overprints, Sr in the various ore minerals beame ± enriched in radiogenic 87Sr.  相似文献   

Volcanic-hosted (Cu–Zn–Pb) massive sulfide mineralizations are described from four prospects in the Eastern Desert: Helgate, Maaqal, Derhib, and Abu Gurdi. Helgate and Maaqal prospects are hosted in island arc volcanics in a well-defined stratigraphic level. Massive sulfides form veins and lenses. Although these veins and lenses are locally deformed, sulfides from Helgate and Maaqal prospects show primary depositional features. They form layers and colloidal textures. Sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and galena are the major sulfides. Gangue minerals are represented by chlorite, quartz, and calcite. The sulfide mineralizations at Helgate and Maaqal are Zn-dominated. Derhib and Abu Gurdi prospects occur as disseminations, small massive lenses, and veins along shear zones in talc tremolite rocks at the contact between metavolcanics and metasedimentary rocks. The host rocks at Derhib and Abu Gurdi are metamorphosed to lower amphibolite facies as revealed by silicate mineral assemblage and chemistry. Chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, and galena are the major sulfide minerals while pyrrhotite is less common. Recrystallization, retexturing and remobilization of sulfide minerals are reflecting postdepositional metamorphic and structural modifications. Electrum and Ag–Pb–Bi tellurides are common accessories. Gangue minerals comprise amphiboles of actinolite and actinolitic hornblende composition, talc, and chlorite. The ores at Derhib and Abu Gurdi are Cu–Zn and Zn-dominated, respectively. The distinct geological, petrographical, and geochemical differences between sulfide mineralizations at Helgate–Maaqal on one hand and Derhib and Abu Gurdi on the other hand suggest two genetic types of sulfide mineralizations; Helgate–Maaqal prospects (type 1) are similar to the Archean analogs from Canada (Noranda type), while Derhib and Abu Gurdi (type 2) show similarity to ophiolite-associated deposits similar to those described from Cyprus, Oman, and Finland. In genetic type 1, ore minerals were deposited on the seafloor; the role of postdepositional hydrothermal activity is limited. In genetic type 2, base metals were part of the ultramafic rocks and were later redistributed and mobilized during deformation to be deposited along shear zones. The dominance and diversity of tellurides in genetic type 2 highlight the role of metamorphic–hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

龙头山多金属硫化物矿床位于内蒙古大兴安岭中南段东坡,海西期地槽褶皱带西拉木伦河深大断裂北侧.野外地质研究发现,该矿床主要发育层状和筒柱状两类矿化,两类矿化的产状、蚀变、矿物特征等显示出典型的海底热水沉积成矿作用特征.对与该矿床金属硫化物同生沉积的重晶石进行流体包裹体岩相学研究发现,重晶石中的包裹体反映了热水沉积成矿期快...  相似文献   

The thin, loamy brickearth deposits overlying the flinty terrace gravels of the New Forest are divided into older and younger members. The Lower (older) Brickearth includes sediments thought to be mainly loess, with some aeolian sand and possible river floodloam (overbank sediment). These share the common feature of palaeo-argillic soil horizons in their upper layers. Two separate phases of pre-Holocene temperate pedogenesis often can be distinguished in the palaeo-argillic horizons. The Lower Brickearth is the most extensive pre-Devensian loess in Britain. The Upper (younger) Brickearth consists mainly of Late Devensian (Oxygen Isotope Stage 2) loess, but its lower layers also contain fine sand derived mainly from local Tertiary strata. Both brickearths occur on all the terrace surfaces of the New Forest and indicate that the terraces date from Oxygen Isotope Stage 6 or earlier.  相似文献   

The S-isotopic compositions of sulfide deposits from Steinmann, granitoid and felsic volcanic associations have been examined. Ores of Steinmann association have 34S values close to zero per mil (34S=+0.3±3.1) it appears they are of mantle origin. Isotopically, ores of granitoid association regularly show a variable enrichment in 32S relative to meteoritic (34S=–2.7±3.3). The composition is in accord with an upper mantle/lower crustal source. Two stratiform accumulations of felsic volcanic association show a narrow spread of 34S values (+0.2 to 2.4); a mantle origin for the sulfur in these deposits is favored. In contrast, vein, stockwork and cement ores are moderately enriched in 32S relative to meteoritic (34S=–4.0±6.4). These ores are polygenetic; sulfur and metals appear to have been leached from local country rocks where volcanogenic and biogenic sulfur predominate.  相似文献   

王璇  杨林  邓军  李华健  于华之  董超一 《岩石学报》2018,34(5):1299-1311
北衙超大型金矿床是三江特提斯成矿域中喜山期斑岩-矽卡岩型矿床的典型代表,长期以来大量研究均围绕斑岩-矽卡岩成矿作用开展并取得了丰硕成果,然而对于北衙金矿是否存在多期热液成矿作用尚不明确。本次研究基于详细野外调查、岩相学与矿相学研究,流体包裹体显微测温及成分分析、H-O-S同位素分析等多种手段,识别了北衙金矿成矿晚期存在新一期热液成矿事件。主要证据如下:(1)野外调查发现北衙金矿发育NW向陡倾断裂控制的石英多金属硫化物脉,其切割矽卡岩矿体与矽卡岩晚期石英硫化物矿脉;(2)本次研究矿脉中原生流体包裹体类型主要为富CO_2三相水溶液包裹体、含CO_2三相水溶液包裹体及气液两相水溶液包裹体,而矽卡岩晚期硫化物脉中除上述三种类型外还发育含子晶三相水溶液包裹体;(3)成矿流体均一温度分布范围为204~426℃,盐度为1.0%~14.2%NaCleqv,整体表现为中高温、中低盐度的NaCl-CO_2-H_2O流体体系,而矽卡岩晚期硫化物脉成矿流体体系具有中温、中高盐度的特征;(4)该矿脉中石英的δ~(18)O、δD范围分别为7.5‰~9.4‰与-102.0‰~-75.0‰,指示岩浆水来源,而矽卡岩晚期硫化物脉具有岩浆水和大气水混合来源。本次研究的多金属硫化物矿脉δ~(34)S值范围为-0.97‰~1.40‰,与矽卡岩期和矽卡岩晚期硫化物脉中黄铁矿S同位素一致,表明多期矿化成矿物质均具有幔源贡献。结合北衙矿集区成岩成矿动力学背景,推测始新世大规模地壳拆沉、软流圈上涌导致的强烈的壳幔相互作用可能是北衙金矿多期成矿作用的诱因。  相似文献   

A geochemical rock- and soil-sampling program was carried out in the vicinity of eight concealed “Cyprus type” deposits, occurring in marginal mafic to intermediate metapillow lavas of the Troodos Ophiolite Complex. The mineralization of massive and stockwork sulfide ore is characterized by the predominance of pyrite, intergrown with less chalcopyrite and minor amounts of sphalerite.Background values of Hg are in the range of 8–12 ppb for soils and 3–6 ppb for surface rocks. Anomaly/background ratios of 10:1 (soils) and 5:1 (rocks) have been found only, where Hg migrated along channels formed by faults cutting shallow-seated mineralization. Here, Hg sometimes shows significant correlations with Cu, Zn, Ba and exceptionally with Co. However in one case an Hg anomaly in soils and surface rocks was detected directly over a deposit. The use of Hg as indicator element for these types of deposits is therefore limited. Buried mineralization may be delineated more distinctly by Cu, Zn and Ba.  相似文献   

Twenty-six new high precision 87Sr86Srratio determinations and existing analyses are used to discuss the strontium isotopic composition of the Upper Cretaceous ophiolitic rocks of the Troodos Massif, Cyprus. Relative to initial magmatic 87Sr86Sr ratios (0.70338 ± 0.00010 to 0.70365 ± 0.00005), the hydrothermally metamorphosed pillow lavas and dyke complex have been contaminated by isotopically heavier strontium.This observation confirms the hypothesis that hydrothermal metamorphism was a consequence of sea water-rock interaction, since sea water was the only readily accessible reservoir of isotopically heavier strontium. The fact that metagabbros and altered trondhjemites were also Sr isotopically contaminated shows that sea water penetrated approximately 2 km into the oceanic crust represented by the ophiolitic sequence.The amount of Sr isotopic contamination requires that the bulk sea water: rock ratio was at least ~15:1 and shows that water-rock interaction occurred in a flow system. The degree of oxidation decreases with increasing depth. This shows that the vertical component of fluid flow was downward. The absolute bulk water/rock ratio (for water at S.T.P.), as estimated from the oxidation profile, may have been as large as ~3 × 103:1 —a large figure which independently confirms that rocks showing strong δ18O shifts have interacted with large volumes of water.The sites of discharge of the hot fluid, which must have come out of the system, are identified as the cupriferous pyrite ore deposits. This process of mass transfer corresponds to hydrothermal convection in a permeable medium with an open upper boundary surface.  相似文献   

Juan de Fuca洋脊Endeavour段热液硫化物稀土元素地球化学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用 ICP-MS对取自 Juan de Fuca洋脊 Endeavour段 5块热液硫化物样品的 13个分析样进行了稀土元素(REE)测试.结果显示该区硫化物样品的 REE含量较低(0.35~ 14.8 μ g/g),所有样品的 REE球粒陨石标准化分布模式均表现出 Eu正异常和 LREE富集的特征,表明硫化物中的 REE来自热液.不同喷口硫化物的 REE含量变化较大,同一块状硫化物不同部位的含量也有较大差异,主要是由于硫化物形成过程中,热液和海水的混合不均一性以及不同矿物沉淀和 (或 )溶解的结果.硫化物 REE的分布特征主要受热液的影响,烟囱内外层 Eu正异常的变化主要受矿物组成和物理化学条件的控制.  相似文献   

Mineralium Deposita - The massive sulfide deposits of the Kristineberg area, Sweden, occur within a 2- to 3-km-thick succession of felsic volcaniclastic rocks belonging to the Skellefte Group. The...  相似文献   

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