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Genypterus blacodes, in terms of its fishing history and local economic importance, is an emblematic species harvested in Chilean Patagonia (41°00’–57°00’S). Most of the current fisheries and biological knowledge of this species come from the open ocean, whereas information about the species in fjords and inner channels is fragmentary. In 2018, two research surveys targeting G. blacodes were conducted in the fjords and inner channels of Chilean Patagonia. A total of 253 pairs of sagittal otoliths were sampled at three different localities, and their contours were modelled using wavelet analysis as a tool for stock discrimination. Contours were compared using canonical analysis, and classification was performed using linear discriminant and Random Forest analyses. The results indicated that the wavelet method is efficient in modelling otolith contours, and the discriminant analyses showed differences among fishing grounds across the latitudinal gradient, thus confirming the hypothesis that G. blacodes conform to at least two separate stock units in Chilean Patagonia. Fishing grounds that were closer in space showed higher levels of misclassification. The discussion focuses on how environmental variables and the geography of fjords shape stock differences and how this information can be used for the sustainable management of G. blacodes.  相似文献   

众所周知,对有效信息较少的渔业资源进行资源评估面临很大的挑战,而贝叶斯方法在数据数量较少、质量较差的情况下能利用其它种群高质量的数据或已知的先验信息提高资源评估结果的可靠性。由于印度洋长鳍金枪鱼的数据质量较差而数据量有限,长鳍金枪鱼的资源评估结果存在很大的不确定性,为此,本文以印度洋长鳍金枪鱼的资源评估为例,以调查贝叶斯方法在有效信息较少的资源评估中的优势。本文根据不同的先验假设与捕捞数据系列,共构建了8个贝叶斯动态产量模型,以评估长鳍金枪鱼资源。结果表明:(1)分析参数的后验分布能提高捕捞数据系列选择与参数假设的合理性; (2) 利用种群统计学方法为内禀增长率(r)构建有信息先验,能提高资源评估结果的可靠性。与传统方法相比,当基于贝叶斯框架时,能将已知的知识表示为先验信息并能分析参数的后验分布,从而在数据较少或数据质量较差的情况下,能利用各种信息提高参数估计的合理性与资源评估的可靠性。因此,对数据量较少或数据质量较差情况下的渔业资源评估而言,贝叶斯方法非常有效,如本文所示的印度洋长鳍金枪鱼的资源评估。  相似文献   

The reef fauna connectivity of the West Indian Ocean (WIO) is one of the least studied globally. Here we use genetic analyses of the grouper Epinephelus merra (Bloch 1793) to determine patterns of connectivity and to identify barriers to dispersal in this WIO marine area. Phylogeographic and population‐level analyses were conducted on cytochrome b sequences and microsatellites (13 loci) from 557 individuals sampled in 15 localities distributed across the West Indian Ocean. Additional samples from the Pacific Ocean were used to benchmark the WIO population structure. The high level of divergence revealed between Indian and Pacific localities (of about 4.5% in sequences) might be the signature of the major tectonic and climatic changes operating at the Plio‐Pleistocene transition, congruently with numerous examples of Indo‐Pacific speciation. In comparison, the E. merra sequences from the Indian Ocean constitute a monophyletic clade with a low average genetic distance (d < 0.5%). However both genetic markers indicated some structure within this ocean. The main structure revealed was the isolation of the Maldives from the WIO localities (a different group signature identified by clustering analysis, great values of differentiation). Both marker types reveal further significant structure within the WIO, mainly the isolation of the Mascarene Islands (significant AMOVA and isolation‐by‐distance patterns) and some patchy structure between the northernmost localities and within the Mozambique Channel. The WIO genetic structure of E. merra appeared congruent with main biogeographic boundaries and oceanographic currents.  相似文献   

2002年1~2月,在南极普里兹湾及其北部海区对浮游植物生物量、优势种类组成、细胞丰度、初级生产力和新生产力的观测结果表明,叶绿素a浓度、初级生产力和新生产力的高值均出现在湾内及湾口陆架区,并且远高于陆坡和深海区.湾内和湾口陆架区表层叶绿素a浓度均高于1 mg/m3,平均为(2.34±0.85)mg/m3,而陆坡区和深海区平均只有(0.19±0.14)和(0.15±0.05)mg/m3.湾内和陆架区平均初级生产力[(355.8±192.1)mg/(m2·d)]高于陆坡区[(82.0±20.8)mg/(m2·d)]和深海区[(100.5±83.4)mg/(m2·d)].在陆坡和深海区初级生产力的粒级结构以微微型浮游生物(<2 μm)对初级生产力的贡献最大(分别为49.6%和46.2%),湾内和陆架区则以小型浮游生物(为20~280 μm)的贡献为主(66.2%).在湾内和湾口陆架区同时具有较高的新生产力和再生生产力.  相似文献   

不同种群结构或种群分布的空间异质性是导致模型错误的一个重要因素,并在渔业资源评估中对参数估计有重要影响。本文根据状态相关的洄游率与区域相关的捕捞死亡率,利用合成模型,模拟了印度洋长鳍金枪鱼年龄空间结构的异质性,并生成了资源评估数据。基于这些数据,本文研究了用于空间异质资源评估模型的不同空间配置、选择曲线及CPUE(Catch Per Unit Effort)使用场景的表现。本文结果表明:(1) 尽管同操作模型一致的空间动态配置能在所有模拟场景中对相对产卵生物量、相对死亡系数、最大可持续产量提供准确、无偏估计,但若由于知识与数据限制,使空间动态配置与操作模型不一致,则其表现可能相当差;(2) 对于空间配置,边界划分必须正确,但对于非空间配置,不管边界划分正确与否,只要划分的区域能合理反映现场数据的变化,并能通过增加空间参考参数从而能有效减少忽略空间结构的影响即为合理;(3) 尽管区域作为渔业的方法及灵活的时变选择曲线是一个较好备选方法,可用于解决空间结构问题,但这些方法并不能完全消除由空间结构而引起模型错误导致的影响,从而使模型的参数估计具有很大的不确定性、相同评估模型不同参数的估计质量不一致、相同评估配置的评估质量在不同模拟场景下存在很大的差异;(4) 尽管采用多个CPUE指数一般可以避免最差的参数估计,但没有更好的选择或生成CPUE指数的方法可以用于显著提高资源评估质量,因为忽略空间结构将导致所有资源评估模型预测的CPUE所包含的信息通常不同于观测的CPUE。对比不同建模者的模型配置的评估结果,除了与操作模型完全匹配的空间配置外,其他模型配置的表现均与具体案例有关。从这个意义上讲,本文研究结果不仅对当前印度洋长鳍金枪鱼资源评估有益,也将增加对空间结构配置效果的理解。  相似文献   

The cruise conducted in the spring inter-monsoon (pre-monsoon) of April 2015 in the frame of a funded project epitomized an open ocean survey that allowed procuring a quasi-synoptic picture of cyclopoid copepod community structure in 18 open ocean stations of the Minicoy Island, Lakshadweep archipelago, off the southwestern Indian coast, based on the analysis of standing stock and composition in the integrated 0–10 m water column. The main objective was to explore the community structure of cyclopoid copepods prevailing here and which environmental variable influences the same. It is witnessed that sea surface temperature (SST) (30.42 ± 0.19°C), sea surface salinity (SSS) (33.56 ± 1.15 psu), and dissolved oxygen (DO) (4.32 ± 0.06 ml/L) with SSS and DO are the best matching variables diversifying cyclopoid copepod species (av. abundance 700 ± 386 no. of individuals/100 m3). Average zooplankton biomass (0.03 ml/m3) and abundance (8,989 ± 3,866 no. of individuals/100 m3) were also observed. Fifty-one cyclopoid copepod species belonging to four families and seven genera were identified, with the dominance of high saline species such as Sapphirina, Copilia, Farranula, and Oncaea. An abundance biomass curve (ABC) plot analysis indicated an undisturbed community with normal environmental conditions. TAXDTEST (taxonomic distinctness) depicted a diverse condition where all points clustered together within a 95% confidence level. Our results indicate that the cyclopoid copepod assemblage near Minicoy Island is a diverse, undisturbed community and hypothesize that the stable environmental conditions during pre-monsoon (spring inter-monsoon) preferred the diversification of cyclopoid copepods with the prevalence of high saline species. The data evolved could be used as a standard reference/benchmark to detect any deviation from an undisturbed/diverse community status of Minicoy Island in the looming scenario of climate change in and around the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Seismic surveys are frequently a matter of concern regarding their potentially negative impacts on marine mammals. In the Southern Ocean, which provides a critical habitat for several endangered cetacean species, seismic research activities are undertaken at a circumpolar scale. In order to minimize impacts of these surveys, pre-cruise planning requires detailed, spatio-temporally resolved knowledge on the likelihood of encountering these species in the survey area. In this publication we present predictive habitat modelling as a potential tool to support decisions for survey planning. We associated opportunistic sightings (2005–2011) of humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae, N=93) and Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis, N=139) with a range of static and dynamic environmental variables. A maximum entropy algorithm (Maxent) was used to develop habitat models and to calculate daily basinwide/circumpolar prediction maps to evaluate how species-specific habitat conditions evolved throughout the spring and summer months. For both species, prediction maps revealed considerable changes in habitat suitability throughout the season. Suitable humpback whale habitat occurred predominantly in ice-free areas, expanding southwards with the retreating sea ice edge, whereas suitable Antarctic minke whale habitat was consistently predicted within sea ice covered areas. Daily, large-scale prediction maps provide a valuable tool to design layout and timing of seismic surveys as they allow the identification and consideration of potential spatio-temporal hotspots to minimize potential impacts of seismic surveys on Antarctic cetacean species.  相似文献   

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