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Coastal ecosystem processes are largely influenced by the interaction of different factors operating at various temporal and spatial scales, specifically those responsible for primary production patterns that modulate zooplankton and subsequent trophic levels. Hydrological processes, such as tidal cycles and coastal currents, nutrients availability, phytoplankton groups (studied through algal pigment signatures analysed by HPLC), and zooplankton abundance and distribution were investigated at the Sofala Bank (Mozambique), with special emphasis on their horizontal distribution and vertical dynamics (48 h). Horizontal distribution has shown inshore–offshore gradients in all analysed parameters, as well as inshore waters intrusion probably related to Zambezi River delta runoff. Tidal currents were responsible for major hydrological vertical variations and for horizontal and vertical advection of phytoplankton biomass in the surface and deepest layers, respectively. Nutrient concentrations were typical from oligotrophic regions, and nutrient ratios were strongly influenced by depleted nitrate + nitrite concentrations, indicating low estuarine discharges typical from the dry season. The very low N:P ratio obtained suggests strong nitrogen limitation to phytoplankton communities, supporting the low phytoplankton abundance observed. Both phytoplankton pigments and zooplankton were found mainly near the bottom (40 m depth), despite the latter displayed vertical migrations triggered by light variations. Phytoplankton community was dominated by microflagellates, specifically prymnesiophyceans, and behaved as a whole, except Cyanobacteria that displayed vertical distribution movements different from other phytoplankton groups, being mainly concentrated at mid-water column depths (10–20 m). This investigation enhances physico-chemical phenomena and their importance determining the planktonic communities vertical dynamics at Sofala Bank, a tropical coastal ecosystem of the Western Indian Ocean where planktonic dynamics are still poorly described and understood.  相似文献   

The effects of tidal currents (i.e., barotropic and internal tides) are important in the biogeochemistry of a coastal shelf sea. The high-frequency of currents and near-bottom temperatures collected in three consecutive southwest monsoon seasons (May, June, July and August of 2013 until 2015) is presented to reveal the role of the tidal currents to the temperature variability in the coastal shelf sea of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia (ECPM), south of the South China Sea (SCS). The results of a spectral density and harmonic analysis demonstrate that the near-bottom temperature variability and the tidal currents are influenced by diurnal (O1 and K1) and semidiurnal (M2) tidal currents. The spectral density of residual currents (detided data) at 5, 10 and 16 m depth also shows significant peaks at the diurnal tidal frequency (K1) and small peaks at the semidiurnal tidal frequency (M2) indicating the existence of internal tides. The result of the horizontal kinetic energy (HKE) shows a strong intermittent energy of internal tides in the ECPM with the strongest energy is found at 16 m depth during a sporadic cooling event in June and July. A high horizontal cross-shore heat flux (16 m) also indicates strong intrusions of cooler water into the ECPM in June and July. During the short duration of cold pulse water observed in June and July, a cross-wavelet analysis also reveals the strong relationship between the near-bottom temperatures and the internal tidal currents at the diurnal tidal frequency. The intrusion of this cooler water is probably related to the monsoon-induced upwelling in June. It is loosely interpreted that the interaction between the strong barotropic tides and the steep slope in the central basin of the SCS under the stratified condition in southwest monsoon has generated these internal tides. The dissipation of internal tides from the slope area probably has driven the cold-upwelled water into the ECPM coastal shelf sea when the upwelling intensity is the highest in June and July.  相似文献   

刘昆  徐振华  尹宝树 《海洋科学》2016,40(11):148-154
基于ROMS(Regional Ocean Modeling System)模式,设计了9组理想数值实验,研究了内潮的产生对地形和背景层结环境的敏感性。结果表明:高斯海脊两侧地形梯度较大的超临界坡面处是内潮的主要源区;地形和层结环境的变化对内潮生成有很大影响;如地形和层结保持不变,不同的网格水平分辨率和垂向层数条件下估算的内潮转换率存在差别;地形和跃层的相对空间关系对内潮生成及其引起的水体混合强度存在影响。高分辨率的地形和合适的背景层结是内潮模拟的关键。该结论对于内潮形成的数值模拟研究有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

A combination of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model and in-situ measurements provides the structures of barotropic tides, tidal circulation and their relationship with turbulent mixing in the Java Sea, which allow us to understand the impact of the tides on material distribution. The model retains high horizontal and vertical resolutions and is forced by the boundary conditions taken from a global model. The measurements are composed of the sea level at coastal stations and currents at moorings embedded in Seawatch buoys, in addition to hydrographic data. The simulated tidal elevations are in good agreement with the data for the K1 and M2 constituents. The K1 tide clearly shows the lowest mode resonance in the Java Sea with intensification around the nodal point in the central region. The M2 tide is secondary and propagates westward from the eastern open boundary, along with a counterclockwise amphidromic point in the western part. The K1 tide produces a major component of tidal energy, which flows westward and dissipates through the node region near the Karimata Strait. Meanwhile, the M2 tide dissipates in the entire Java Sea. However, the residual currents are mainly induced by the M2 tide, which flows westward following the M2 tidal wave propagation. The tidal mixing is mainly caused by K1 tide which peaks at the central region and is consistent with the uniform temperature and salinity along the vertical dimension. This mixing is expected to play an important role in the vertical exchange of nutrients and control of biological productivity.  相似文献   

The variability of the sea surface temperature(SST) in the China seas has been studied in seasonal,interannual and interdecadal scales based on the monthly data of HadISST spanning from 1870 to 2007. The main results obtained are SST in the China offshore changes most actively at the seasonal scale with the intensity diminishing from north to south,as the temperature differences between summer and winter reaching 17 and 4 C in the northern and southern areas,respectively. Moreover,seasonal variation near the coastal regions seems relatively stronger than that far from the coastline;significant interannual variations are detected,with the largest positive anomaly occurring in 1998 in the overall area. But as far as different domains are concerned,there exists great diversity,and the difference is also found between winter and summer. Differed from the seasonal variations,where the strongest interannual variability takes place,resides to the south of that of the seasonal ones in the northern section,nevertheless in the South China Sea,the most significant interannual variability is found in the deep basin;interdecadal changes of summer,winter and annual mean SST in different domains likewise present various features. In addition,a common dominant warming in recent 20 a are found in the overall China offshore with the strongest center located in the vicinity of the Changjiang Estuary in the East China Sea,which intensifies as high as 1.3 C during the past 130 a.  相似文献   

Positive SST anomalies usually appear in remote ocean such as the China seas during an ENSO event.By analyzing the monthly data of HadISST from 1950 to 2007,it shows that the interannual component of SST anomalies peak approximately 10 months after SST anomalies peak in the eastern equatorial Pacific.As the ENSO event progresses,the positive SST anomalies spread throughout the China seas and eastward along the Kuroshio extension.Atmospheric reanalysis data demonstrate that changes in the net surface heat flux entering into the China seas are responsible for the SST variability.During El Ni o,the western north Pacific anticyclone is generated,with anomalous southwester lies prevailing along the East Asian coast.This anticyclone reduces the mean surface wind speed which decreases the surface heat flux and then increases the SST.The delays between the developing of this anticyclone and the south Indian Ocean anticyclone with approximately 3–6 months cause the 2–3 months lag of the surface heat flux between the China seas and the Indian Ocean.The northwestern Pacific anticyclone is the key process bridging the warming in the eastern equatorial Pacific and that in the China seas.  相似文献   

基于ROMS模式的南海SST与SSH四维变分同化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫星遥感观测获得了大量高分辨率的海面实时信息,包括海面温度(SST)和海面高度(SSH)等,同化进入数值模式可有效提升模拟精度。本文基于ROMS模式与四维变分同化方法(4DVAR),使用AVHRR SST和AVISO SSH数据,开展了南海区域同化实验。为检验同化的效果,分别利用HYCOM再分析资料和Argo温盐实测数据分析了同化结果的海面高度、流场及温盐剖面的精度。对比结果表明,SST和SSH的同化能够改善ROMS的模拟结果:同化后海面高度场能够更为准确地捕捉海洋的中尺度特征,与HYCOM海面高度再分析资料相比,平均绝对偏差和均方根误差分别为0.054 m和0.066 m;与HYCOM 10 m层流场相比,东向与北向流速平均绝对偏差分别为0.12 m/s和0.11 m/s,相比未同化均提升约0.01 m/s;温盐同化结果与Argo温盐实测具有较高的一致性,温度和盐度平均绝对偏差为0.45℃、0.077,均方根误差为0.91℃、0.11,单个的温盐廓线对比说明,同化结果与HYCOM再分析资料精度相当。  相似文献   

This study was focused on analysis of the horizontal and vertical current components with correspondence to tide variation, heat flux, seiches and relative backscatter intensity in coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Aqaba during the summers of 2001–2004. Spectrum analysis has shown eight distinguishable peaks of the tide measurements. In addition to semidiurnal and diurnal barotropic tides, signal periods of 8.13, 5.89–6.32 and 4.06 h were related to shallow water compound and overtides of the principal solar and lunar constituent and to seiches (second and third mode) generated in the Red Sea, whereas seiches of the first mode might enhance the semidiurnal tide signal. The shortest periods of 1.02–1.05, 0.50 and 0.36 h were related to seiches (first, second and third mode, respectively) generated in the Gulf of Aqaba. The spectrum analysis and cross-correlation tests of the horizontal and vertical current components and relative backscatter intensity suggested that the vertical motion at the diurnal period was either due to migration of zooplankton or to water convection. Both of which were of the same order as vertical motion induced by horizontal motions of water particles projected parallel on the bottom gradient line. On the other hand, semidiurnal and diurnal periods detected in the vertical currents were caused by the strong signal in the cross-shore current component, first mode seiches generated from the Red Sea and tide. This could be considered as an indicator of the dominant force influencing the currents, such as winds, thermocline depth, seiches and tidal forcing. A permanent convection during summer is likely to occur in the shallow coastal waters due to relatively high inclined bottom, high evaporation and blowing of dry air, as well as the observed dominance of the downward vertical currents in coastal waters.  相似文献   

孟庆佳  施建伟  刘娜  王凡 《海洋科学》2011,35(12):121-126
利用中国科学院海洋研究所“中国海洋科学数据库”历史资料并结合Pathfinder 卫星遥感资料, 对中国近海的海表面温度(SST)多年变化情况进行了分析讨论, 给出了变化趋势。针对1963~1996 年和1985~1996 年两个时间段, 对夏季和冬季中国近海SST 的长期变化趋势进行了分析。结果表明, 在中国近海除个...  相似文献   

2017 年中国近海海温和气温气候特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2017 年,全球平均海表温度较常年值偏高0.29~0.43 ℃,是自1960 年以来第三热的年份,仅次于2015 和2016 年,同时是没有厄尔尼诺事件影响的全球海洋最热年。1960-2017 年,中国近海年平均海表温度呈显著波动上升趋势,每十年升高0.16 ℃。2017 年中国近海年平均海表温度较常年值偏高0.64 ℃,是自1960 年以来的中国近海第二最热年份,仅次于1998 年。基于国家海洋局沿海海洋观测台站资料分析,1960-2017 年,中国沿海年平均海表温度以每十年0.15 ℃的速率上升(高于全球平均海表温度的升温速率每十年0.11 ℃)。2017 年中国沿海海表温度较常年值偏高0.8 ℃,是1960 年有记录以来的最高值,比2015 年所创的最高纪录高0.2 ℃。1965-2017 年,中国沿海年平均气温以每十年0.30 ℃的速率上升。2017年中国沿海气温较常年值偏高1.1 ℃,也是1965 年有记录以来的最高值,比2016 年高0.2 ℃。  相似文献   

于2018年7月对长江口及其邻近海域水体中的海洋化学参数进行了3个连续站和5个大面站的调查,分析了该海区水体层化和潮汐作用对颗粒氮(PN)和颗粒磷(PP)的影响.结果表明,该海区PN浓度为0.75~27.42μmol·L-1,平均值为5.39μmol·L-1;PP浓度为0.07~2.05μmol·L-1,平均值为0.3...  相似文献   

横向流 (垂直于海湾主轴方向的流动) 对横向动量以及物质分布具有重要影响。已往研究表明,潮汐应变对横向流的垂向空间结构具有重要的调控作用。但这种认识仅局限于强层化海区,弱层化条件下潮汐应变对于横向流空间结构的影响仍未可知。为此,本文以象山港为例,基于实测数据阐释了弱层化条件下潮汐应变对横向流及其余环流垂向空间结构的调控作用。结果显示,象山港内湾横向流的垂向空间结构随大小潮呈现出明显的变化规律。大潮时,潮汐应变现象明显,涨潮时较强的垂向混合使得横向流在高潮阶段呈现出一层结构;落潮时垂向混合较弱,横向流在低潮时呈现两层结构。小潮时,潮汐应变受到抑制,垂向混合在涨落潮时均较弱,因此横向流在高低潮阶段均呈现出两层结构。经过潮时均进一步得到的横向余环流呈现出上层向南、下层向北的两层结构。由于潮汐应变的大小潮变化,横向余环流的反转深度反转点自大潮到小潮呈现出上升的趋势。  相似文献   

Remote sensing products are significant in the data assimilation of an ocean model. Considering the resolution and space coverage of different remote sensing data, two types of sea surface height(SSH) product are employed in the assimilation, including the gridded products from AVISO and the original along-track observations used in the generation. To explore their impact on the assimilation results, an experiment focus on the South China Sea(SCS) is conducted based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System(ROMS) and the four-dimensional variational data assimilation(4 DVAR) technology. The comparison with EN4 data set and Argo profile indicates that, the along-track SSH assimilation result presents to be more accurate than the gridded SSH assimilation, because some noises may have been introduced in the merging process. Moreover, the mesoscale eddy detection capability of the assimilation results is analyzed by a vector geometry–based algorithm. It is verified that, the assimilation of the gridded SSH shows superiority in describing the eddy's characteristics, since the complete structure of the ocean surface has been reconstructed by the original data merging.  相似文献   

赤道印度洋海温偶极子的气候影响及数值模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在分析研究印度洋海温变化的基本特征,尤其是在分析赤道印度洋海温偶极子及其影响的基础上,利用IAP9L大气环流模式模拟研究了赤道印度洋海温偶极子异常对亚洲季风区气候变化的影响.其结果表明,印度洋、亚洲南部和东部地区的流场和降水都对印度洋海温异常的强迫作用比较敏感.正位相印度洋偶极子的作用使得赤道东印度洋-印度次大陆南部-阿拉伯海一带出现距平东风,孟加拉湾-中南半岛出现异常反气旋性环流,从而对减少印度南部和中南半岛南部、印度尼西亚地区的夏季降水,以及增加中国南部和东非的夏季降水有十分重要的作用.与此相反,负位相印度洋偶极子的作用将使赤道东印度洋附近出现西风异常,孟加拉湾-中南半岛存在异常气旋性环流,从而使印度次大陆和中南半岛南部、印度尼西亚地区的降水增加,使中国西部和孟加拉湾的降水减少.数值模拟结果与资料分析相互映证,切实地揭示了印度洋海温偶极子对亚洲季风区的气候变化有重要影响.  相似文献   

The El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has great impacts on the Indian Ocean sea surface temperature (SST). In fact, two major modes of the Indian Ocean SST namely the Indian Ocean Basin (IOB) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) modes, exerting strong influences on the Indian Ocean rim countries, are both influenced by the ENSO. Based on a combined linear regression method, this study quantifies the ENSO impacts on the IOB and the IOD during ENSO concurrent, developing, and decaying stages. After removing the ENSO impacts, the spring peak of the IOB disappears along with significant decrease in number of events, while the number of events is only slightly reduced and the autumn peak remains for the IOD. By isolating the ENSO impacts during each stage, this study reveals that the leading impacts of ENSO contribute to the IOD development, while the delayed impacts facilitate the IOD phase switch and prompt the IOB development. Besides, the decadal variations of ENSO impacts are various during each stage and over different regions. These imply that merely removing the concurrent ENSO impacts would not be sufficient to investigate intrinsic climate variability of the Indian Ocean, and the present method may be useful to study climate variabilities independent of ENSO.  相似文献   

渤海、黄海、东海M2潮汐潮流的三维数值模拟   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
利用建立的一种新的半隐半显三维数值格式,将渤海、黄海、东海作为一个整体,采用球面坐标系下的三维潮波方程组,考虑了引潮力的作用,数值模拟了渤海、黄海、东海的M2分潮的潮汐与潮流,结果较好地体现了渤海、黄海、东海M2分潮的特征.通过比较65个验潮站的实测值与计算值,所得计算结果的振幅差平均为6.4cm,相角差为6.1°,计算与实测符合良好.本文给出的问潮图与Fang于1986年给出的实测占数值综合结果基本一致.对选取的47个测流站,比较了各层潮流调和常数Ucosζ、Usinζ、Vcosη、Vsinη的计算值与实测值的偏差,偏差绝对值的平均在2.6~4.9cm/s之间.并比较分析了潮流的垂直结构,所得结果与实测符合较好.首次揭示出回流点的水平位置不随深度变化这一特性.最后给出了M2分潮的潮能消耗.  相似文献   

This study compares the seasonal and interannual-to-decadal variability in the strength and position of the Kuroshio Extension front(KEF) using high-resolution satellite-derived sea surface temperature(SST) and sea surface height(SSH) data. Results show that the KEF strength has an obvious seasonal variation that is similar at different longitudes, with a stronger(weaker) KEF during the cold(warm) season. However, the seasonal variation in the KEF position is relatively weak and varies with longitude. In contrast, the low-frequency variation of the KEF position is more distinct than that of the KEF strength even though they are well correlated. On both seasonal and interannual-to-decadal time scales, the western part of the KEF(142°–144°E) has the greatest variability in strength, while the eastern part of the KEF(149°–155°E) has the greatest variability in position. In addition, the relationships between wind-forced Rossby waves and the low-frequency variability in the KEF strength and position are also discussed by using the statistical analysis methods and a wind-driven hindcast model. A positive(negative) North Pacific Oscillation(NPO)-like atmospheric forcing generates positive(negative) SSH anomalies over the central North Pacific. These oceanic signals then propagate westward as Rossby waves, reaching the KE region about three years later, favoring a strengthened(weakened) and northward(southward)-moving KEF.  相似文献   

使用ROMS(regional oceanic modeling system)模式模拟了40年的渤黄东海温盐流,数据包括三维的温度、盐度、流速、流向和海表高度,同时包含了逐小时的潮汐信息。将模拟结果与观测资料和卫星反演数据进行对比,检验了模式准确性。整体上,模式模拟的水位与近岸观测值基本一致,能够准确再现风产生的增水;模式较为准确的再现了渤黄东海的温度分布,在深水区模拟的温盐剖面与观测值基本一致;模式模拟渤黄东海区域的海表高度和海表流与卫星反演结果相比偏小,但分布趋势相近。模式结果可以为研究气候变化对水位的影响和黄海暖舌的扩散过程等现象提供数据支持。  相似文献   

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