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The tritium content of the surface water on the south shore of the Caspian Sea was determined in samples taken in two- to three-month intervals for the period of time from 1960 to 1970. Tritium concentrations following the massive H-bomb testing in 1962 and 1963 were particularly high in this water, much higher than in the surface waters of the open oceans. The data are interesting in connection with the tritium inventories on the continents and with the persistence of inert chemical pollutants in the surface layers of water masses.  相似文献   

Tritium data in the Dead Sea for the period 1960–1979 are given. Tritium levels have increased until 1965 in the upper layers of the Dead Sea reaching a level of 170 TU, in response to the atmospheric buildup of tritium from thermonuclear testing. The levels have been decreasing ever since, both because of rapidly declining atmospheric concentrations of tritium and because of mixing of the surface layers with tritium deficient, deeper water masses. The depth of penetration of the tracer delineated the depth of meromictic stratification and successfully monitored the deepening of the pycnocline, until the overturn in 1979 homogenised the entire tritium profile. Modelling the changing tritium inventory over this period showed the predominance of the direct exchange across the air/sea interface, both in the buildup of tritium in the lake and also in its subsequent removal from it. The good fit between calculated and measured tritium inventories confirmed the evaporation estimate of 1.46 m/yr (the mean value for the period) with a precision unattained by other methods.  相似文献   

Deuterium and tritium measurements were made on firn samples taken along a central axis across Greenland. Accumulation values determined from tritium profiles decrease regularly from 54.7 cm of water per year on the west coast to 18.1 cm of water per year on the east coast. A correlation is demonstrated between the tritium deposition rate and the altitude of the precipitation collection site.  相似文献   

In modeling solute transport with mobile‐immobile mass transfer (MIMT), it is common to use an advection‐dispersion equation (ADE) with a retardation factor, or retarded ADE. This is commonly referred to as making the local equilibrium assumption (LEA). Assuming local equilibrium, Eulerian textbook treatments derive the retarded ADE, ostensibly exactly. However, other authors have presented rigorous mathematical derivations of the dispersive effect of MIMT, applicable even in the case of arbitrarily fast mass transfer. We resolve the apparent contradiction between these seemingly exact derivations by adopting a Lagrangian point of view. We show that local equilibrium constrains the expected time immobile, whereas the retarded ADE actually embeds a stronger, nonphysical, constraint: that all particles spend the same amount of every time increment immobile. Eulerian derivations of the retarded ADE thus silently commit the gambler's fallacy, leading them to ignore dispersion due to mass transfer that is correctly modeled by other approaches. We then present a particle tracking simulation illustrating how poor an approximation the retarded ADE may be, even when mobile and immobile plumes are continually near local equilibrium. We note that classic “LEA” (actually, retarded ADE validity) criteria test for insignificance of MIMT‐driven dispersion relative to hydrodynamic dispersion, rather than for local equilibrium.  相似文献   

To investigate the isotopic composition and age of water in volcanic gases and magmas, we analyzed samples from 11 active volcanoes ranging in composition from tholeiitic basalt to rhyolite: Mount St. Helens (USA), Kilauea (USA), Pacaya (Guatemala), Galeras (Colombia), Satsuma Iwo-Jima (Japan), Sierra Negra and Alcedo (Ecuador), Vulcano (Italy), Parícutin (Mexico), Kudryavy (Russia), and White Island (New Zealand). Tritium at relatively low levels (0.1–5 T.U.) is found in most emissions from high-temperature volcanic fumaroles sampled, even at discharge temperatures >700°C. Although magmatic fluids sampled from these emissions usually contain high CO2, Stotal, HCl, HF, B, Br, 3He R/RA, and low contents of air components, stable isotope and tritium relations of nearly all such fluids show mixing of magmatic volatiles with relatively young meteoric water (model ages≤75 y). Linear δD/δ18O and 3H/δ18O mixing trends of these two end-members are invariably detected at arc volcanoes. Tritium is also detected in fumarole condensates at hot spot basalt volcanoes, but collecting samples approaching the composition of end-member magmatic fluid is exceedingly difficult. In situ production of 3H, mostly from spontaneous fission of 238U in magmas is calculated to be <0.001 T.U., except for the most evolved compositions (high U, Th, and Li and low H2O contents). These values are below the detection limit of 3H by conventional analytical techniques (about 0.01 T.U. at best). We found no conclusive evidence that natural fusion in the Earth produces anomalous amounts of detectable 3H (>0.05 T.U.).  相似文献   

Tritium in the Arctic Ocean and East Greenland Current   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High concentrations of tritium are found in the surface water of the Arctic Ocean (up to 50 TU) and in the East Greenland Current (up to 70 TU). These high tritium values are a direct result of atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons in the early 1960's. A box model with a time-dependent input of highly tritiated precipitation predicts that high tritium concentrations are to be expected in the surface layer of the Arctic Ocean and its various outflows. We suggest that a few tritium stations in the Arctic Ocean would provide a powerful analytical tool for assigning time scales to exchange processes.  相似文献   

Retardation of organic contaminants in natural fractures in chalk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transport of a conservative compound and two sorbing compounds through fractured chalk was studied using flow-through columns consisting of chalk cores with a single subvertical fracture. Two types of chalk matrix were compared, an oxidized white chalk with low organic carbon content (0.2%), and a gray chalk with a higher organic carbon content (1.3%). Initial rapid breakthrough followed by a delayed approach to a relative concentration of unity for the conservative compound (2,6–difluorobenzoic acid [DFBA]) was clear evidence for diffusion into the porous chalk matrix. Matrix diffusion of DFBA was apparently much greater in the gray chalk columns than in the white chalk columns. Breakthrough curves (BTCs) of the sorbing compounds (2,4,6–tri-bromophenol [TBP] and ametryn [AME]) were retarded in all cases as compared to the conservative compound. Sorption retardation was far greater in the gray chalk as compared with the white chalk, in good agreement with results from batch sorption experiments. BTCs for the conservative compound were relatively nonhysteretic for both white and gray chalk columns. In contrast, BTCs for the sorbing compounds were hysteretic in all cases, demonstrating that sorption was not at equilibrium before desorp-tion began. These experiments suggest that on a field scale, transport of contaminants through fractures in chalk and other fractured porous media will be attenuated by diffusion and sorption into the matrix.  相似文献   

Robert L. Michel 《水文研究》2004,18(7):1255-1269
In the early 1960s, the US Geological Survey began routinely analysing river water samples for tritium concentrations at locations within the Mississippi River basin. The sites included the main stem of the Mississippi River (at Luling Ferry, Louisiana), and three of its major tributaries, the Ohio River (at Markland Dam, Kentucky), the upper Missouri River (at Nebraska City, Nebraska) and the Arkansas River (near Van Buren, Arkansas). The measurements cover the period during the peak of the bomb‐produced tritium transient when tritium concentrations in precipitation rose above natural levels by two to three orders of magnitude. Using measurements of tritium concentrations in precipitation, a tritium input function was established for the river basins above the Ohio River, Missouri River and Arkansas River sampling locations. Owing to the extent of the basin above the Luling Ferry site, no input function was developed for that location. The input functions for the Ohio and Missouri Rivers were then used in a two‐component mixing model to estimate residence times of water within these two basins. (The Arkansas River was not modelled because of extremely large yearly variations in flow during the peak of the tritium transient.) The two components used were: (i) recent precipitation (prompt outflow) and (ii) waters derived from the long‐term groundwater reservoir of the basin. The tritium concentration of the second component is a function of the atmospheric input and the residence times of the groundwaters within the basin. Using yearly time periods, the parameters of the model were varied until a best fit was obtained between modelled and measured tritium data. The results from the model indicate that about 40% of the flow in the Ohio River was from prompt outflow, as compared with 10% for the Missouri River. Mean residence times of 10 years were calculated for the groundwater component of the Ohio River versus 4 years for the Missouri River. The mass flux of tritium through the Mississippi Basin and its tributaries was calculated during the years that tritium measurements were made. The cumulative fluxes, calculated in grams of 3H were: (i) 160 g for the Ohio (1961–1986), (ii) 98 g for the upper Missouri (1963–1997), (iii) 30 g for the Arkansas (1961–1997) and (iv) 780 g for the Mississippi (1961–1997). Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Statistical relations between different earthquake parameters, such as M0 (seismic moment), ES (seismic energy), τa (apparent stress), A (rupture area), g (average slip acceleration), are investigated. For this purpose, a kinematic earthquake model representing averaged earthquake rupture process is formulated. The model implies a scaling relationship for τa as a function of three other parameters, related to kinematic (M0), geometric (A) and material (g) source characteristics, which, according to the model, can change independently. This scaling relation is used to explain statistical trends that characterize different earthquake data sets (including micro-, small, moderate and large events) plotted in the log τa − log M0 space, and to determine the area in this space, where typical earthquakes occur. The scaling relationship is interpreted in terms of the apparent stress minimum (i.e., the most uniform among the possible earthquake rupture patterns). It is concluded that, although the apparent stress increases on an average with increasing seismic moment, small and large earthquakes are essentially similar.  相似文献   

Regeneration of partially amputated caudal fin was studied in freshwater fish Oreochromis mossambicus exposed to sublethal concentrations of zinc (5.0 mg L—1 and 10.0 mg L—1) under ambient laboratory conditions over a period of 20 days. Caudal fin regeneration was measured on 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th day of exposure and after amputation. Significant ( p < 0.05) retardation in fin regeneration was observed on day 5th and 10th in fish exposed to the nominal concentration of 5.0 mg L—1 Zn, while retardation was found highly significant ( p < 0.01) at all the observations in 10.0 mg L—1. The maximum inhibition in caudal fin regeneration (20.8 % and 24.3 %) was found during the initial observation at both of the concentrations (5.0 mg L—1 and 10.0 mg L—1) of zinc exposure. Later on the regeneration rate was almost as good as in the control group. Thus in this study fin regeneration was significantly inhibited at all time points following Zn exposure as a detrimental effect of Zn to fish. This study demonstrates that fish caudal fin regeneration is a simple assay, sensitive and easy to perform, and can serve as a model to determine the toxicity of pollutants in aquatic environment.  相似文献   

视电阻率及其差分曲线在岩土分层中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
将视电阻率曲线与视电阻率一阶差分曲线应用于岩土工程施工中.对两种曲线比较后发现,两种曲线均为有效的视电阻率信息.视电阻率一阶差分曲线具有较视电阻率曲线更高的分辨率.两种方法结合使用能较好地对岩土进行分层.当视电阻率存在明显差异且岩层厚度较大时,可用视电阻率曲线对岩土进行分层;当视电阻率差异较小时,则用视电阻率一阶差分曲线对岩土进行分层.  相似文献   

Bias of Apparent Tracer Ages in Heterogeneous Environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The interpretation of apparent ages often assumes that a water sample is composed of a single age. In heterogeneous aquifers, apparent ages estimated with environmental tracer methods do not reflect mean water ages because of the mixing of waters from many flow paths with different ages. This is due to nonlinear variations in atmospheric concentrations of the tracer with time resulting in biases of mixed concentrations used to determine apparent ages. The bias of these methods is rarely reported and has not been systematically evaluated in heterogeneous settings. We simulate residence time distributions (RTDs) and environmental tracers CFCs, SF6, 85Kr, and 39Ar in synthetic heterogeneous confined aquifers and compare apparent ages to mean ages. Heterogeneity was simulated as both K‐field variance (σ2) and structure. We demonstrate that an increase in heterogeneity (increase in σ2 or structure) results in an increase in the width of the RTD. In low heterogeneity cases, widths were generally on the order of 10 years and biases generally less than 10%. In high heterogeneity cases, widths can reach 100 s of years and biases can reach up to 100%. In cases where the temporal variations of atmospheric concentration of individual tracers vary, different patterns of bias are observed for the same mean age. We show that CFC‐12 and CFC‐113 ages may be used to correct for the mean age if analytical errors are small.  相似文献   

解滔  卢军 《中国地震》2023,39(1):128-142
地电阻率连续观测中常见的变化形态有长趋势变化、年变、日变化、阶跃、高频扰动、快速下降/上升、年尺度持续性下降/上升变化等形态,且多种形态通常相互叠加在一起,构成观测曲线复杂的变化形态。本文结合地电阻率观测基本原理、地电学科多年的研究成果和异常核实工作,尝试对地电阻率观测中常见变化形态可能的产生原因进行分析和总结,以期为异常分析和震情跟踪提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Seth Rose 《水文研究》1992,6(1):67-78
Environmental tritium was measured in 33 natural water samples representative of precipitation, stream runoff, and groundwater (derived principally from production wells) within the Georgia Piedmont Province. Major ion analyses were used to assist in the interpretation of the tritium results. Tritium concentrations were significantly greater within shallow groundwater derived from the regolith (28–34 TU) and stream runoff (25–30 TU) than within recent rainfall (4–17 TU). Based upon the decay-corrected tritium input function, this probably indicates that at least some of the shallow water is stored within the regolith for a period of approximately 25 years. A ‘post-bomb’ component of recharge was present in all groundwater derived from production wells in the study area. Groundwater sampled from the bedrock aquifers was commonly less tritiated than either stream runoff or shallow water stored in the regolith. the lower tritium concentrations May, have resulted from the mixing of ‘pre-bomb’ water stored within the fractures or the transitional zone directly above the bedrock and modern water stored in the shallow regolith. the preponderance of modern water provides evidence that groundwater flow paths are areally restricted within this setting, probably confined to local surface water drainage basins. the residence time of groundwater in the Piedmont is limited by the lack of deep, gravity-driven regional flow and the localized vertical flow induced by pumping. the results of this study indicate that relatively small tritium concentration variations (10-20 TU) May, have regional hydrological significance in the southeastern Piedmont Province and similar settings.  相似文献   

埋地金属管线对视电阻率的观测危害甚大。造成观测值大幅改变,跳动,无规律可循。严重时,甚至台站报废,被迫搬迁。通过一些突发事件的启发,结合现场实验,并引证了一些理论计算,笔者摸索出了只须对金属管道作局部微小的改造,就能基本克服其对观测的干扰的方法。该方法在红格台试验半年多来,取得了明显的效果。观测值恢复到安装的水管以前的水平,再无大幅度的跳动。该方法节约经费,简单易行,大大提高了台站在复杂环境中的生存能力。  相似文献   

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