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In late 1980s, a dense network of deep capillary burrows was reported on the Vøring Plateau, Nordic Seas, and associated with a sipunculan belonging to the genus Nephasoma. This sipunculan was responsible for rapid transport of organic matter from the sediment surface down a deep burrow network. Over 460 specimens belonging to the genus Nephasoma were collected from the deep Nordic Seas during four cruises from 2000–2005 and four species identified: Nephasoma abyssorum abyssorum, N. diaphanes diaphanes, N. diaphanes corrugatum and N. lilljeborgi. The species responsible for the deep burrows and rapid subduction of organic matter can now be confirmed as Nephasoma lilljeborgi. Deep burrows associated with N. lilljeborgi were observed on the Vøring Plateau, Bear Island Fan, Svalbard Margin and Yermak Plateau and may be a seabed feature endemic to the Nordic Seas region. N. lilljeborgi could have a significant role in influencing the ecology and geochemistry of the Nordic Seas region. It is recommended that future benthic community studies in the Nordic Seas region confirm the species identity of sipunculan specimens in order to determine the ecological and geochemical importance of the specimens.  相似文献   

Meiofauna and macrofauna communities and several sediment characteristics were compared between a slope situated far from the coast (Goban Spur) and two transects across the Iberian Margin with steep slopes and close to the shore. The northern Galician transect (off La Coruña) was situated in an area subjected to wind-induced upwelling events. The western Galician transect was also subjected to upwelling, was additionally influenced by outflows of water rich in organic matter from the Rías Bajas. This transect also included the Galicia Bank. Macrofauna density decreased exponentially from the shelf edge (154 m) to the abyssal plain (4951 m) and different communities occurred on the shelf, the upper- and lower slope and on the abyssal plain. Apart from two extremely low-density stations on the Iberian Margin, there were no significant differences in the meiofauna between the Goban Spur and the Iberian Margin. Along the La Coruña-transect a station where meiofaunal densities were low occurred at a depth of 1522 m, where the sediment was characterised by having a high median-grain size, ripple structures, a low Corg and total N content. There were relatively high numbers of macrofaunal filter-feeders but low numbers of crustaceans, indicating a high current velocity regime. On top of the Galicia Bank (˜770 m) the sediment consisted mainly of shells of pelagic foraminifers, and had low contents of Corg and N. The macrofauna was dominated by filter-feeding and carnivorous taxa. At both these stations meiofauna densities were low. Meiofauna densities and community structure differed between the Goban Spur and the Iberian Margin. Meiofauna densities on the Galician shelf were more than double those on the Goban Spur shelf. The two deep stations on the La Coruña transect and the deepest station on the Galicia Bank transect all contained meiofaunal densities that were higher than found at similar depths off the Goban Spur. The meiofaunal densities were inversely correlated with %CaCO3 content and, excluding the shelf stations, were positively correlated with both %Corg and total N at the Iberian Margin. Neither upwelling nor the enriched outflows from the rias affected the macrofauna, but meiofaunal densities were greatly enhanced.  相似文献   

To determine the exchanges between the Nordic Seas and the Arctic Ocean through Fram Strait is one of the most important aspects, and one of the major challenges, in describing the circulation in the Arctic Mediterranean Sea. Especially the northward transport of Arctic Intermediate Water (AIW) from the Nordic Seas into the Arctic Ocean is little known. In the two-ship study of the circulation in the Nordic Seas, Arctic Ocean - 2002, the Swedish icebreaker Oden operated in the ice-covered areas in and north of Fram Strait and in the western margins of Greenland and Iceland seas, while RV Knorr of Woods Hole worked in the ice free part of the Nordic Seas. Here two hydrographic sections obtained by Oden, augmented by tracer and velocity measurements with Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (LADCP), are examined. The first section, reaching from the Svalbard shelf across the Yermak Plateau, covers the region north of Svalbard where inflow to the Arctic Ocean takes place. The second, western, section spans the outflow area extending from west of the Yermak Plateau onto the Greenland shelf. Geostrophic and LADCP derived velocities are both used to estimate the exchanges of water masses between the Nordic Seas and the Arctic Ocean. The geostrophic computations indicate a total flow of 3.6 Sv entering the Arctic on the eastern section. The southward flow on the western section is found to be 5.1 Sv. The total inflow to the Arctic Ocean obtained using the LADCP derived velocities is much larger, 13.6 Sv, and the southward transport on the western section is 13.7 Sv, equal to the northward transport north of Svalbard. Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) originating from a tracer release experiment in the Greenland Sea in 1996 has become a marker for the circulation of AIW. From the geostrophic velocities we obtain 0.5 Sv and from the LADCP derived velocities 2.8 Sv of AIW flowing into the Arctic. The annual transport of SF6 into the Arctic Ocean derived from geostrophy is 5 kg/year, which is of the same magnitude as the observed total annual transport into the North Atlantic, while the LADCP measurements (19 kg/year) imply that it is substantially larger. Little SF6 was found on the western section, confirming the dominance of the Arctic Ocean water masses and indicating that the major recirculation in Fram Strait takes place farther to the south.  相似文献   

Sediment samples collected during expedition ARK XIII/2 in summer 1997 with the German ice-breaker R/V POLARSTERN were investigated to estimate benthic microbial activity and total biomass of the smallest sediment-inhabiting organisms (size range from bacteria to meiofauna) from the Yermak Plateau northwest of Spitsbergen and adjacent deep-sea areas. Stations covered water depths from about 500 m north of Svålbard and on top of the Yermak Plateau to 3250–4250 m in the Fram Strait and the Nansen Basin. The area of investigations is located in a region with permanent ice-coverage, but in summer 1997 stations along the southern transect crossing the Yermak Plateau at about 81°N lay 50–100 km from the ice-edge. The hydrography of the area is characterized by the inflow of relatively warm, nutrient-rich and particle-laden Atlantic Water into the Arctic Ocean. The input of organic matter from primary production was estimated by measuring concentrations of sediment-bound chloroplastic pigments. Benthic activities and biomasses were evaluated by analyzing a series of biogenic compounds (i.e. bacterial exoenzymes, total adenylates, phospholipids, particulate proteins) in the sediments. Bacterial numbers and biomasses, meiofauna abundances, and nematode biomasses were determined for direct comparison with biochemical parameters. Faunal and biochemical data suggest a high current-driven lateral input of particulate organic matter from the South associated with increased sedimentation rates along the western slope of the Yermak Plateau.  相似文献   

The Yermak Plateau, bordering the Arctic Ocean and the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, and adjacent to the continental Svalbard Archipelago, is characterized by high heat flow relative to its surrounding region. South of and parallel to the trend of the plateau lies the formerly active-Spitsbergen Shear Zone (De Geer Zone), which is now occupied by the slowly spreading Knipovich and Molloy Ridges. An analysis of these heat flow data suggest that asymmetric spreading within the Norwegian-Greenland Sea propagated northwards along one of the faults associated with the Spitsbergen Shear Zone. The broad zone of faults, once associated with this paleo-shear zone, extends throughout Svalbard as well as on and to the west of the Knipovich Ridge. This network of faults may comprise a complex system of detachment surfaces along which magma may rise from a deep-seated source and across which simple shear extension may develop. Dike injection into the Yermak Plateau, north of the propagating ridge may have been initiated by the thermal response of the highly fractured lithosphere to this propagating asthenospheric front. We suggest that one of these faults, acting as a secondary detachment to the main fault underlying the Knipovich Ridge, may be dissecting the Yermak Plateau. Based on an analysis of the thermal data, simple shear extension may have been taking place along a broad zone of intrusion. This region has undergone and is probably still undergoing thermal rejuvenation. Multiple zones of intrusion may be a common phenomena along newly rifted continental margins especially when they have been substantially faulted prior to rifting.  相似文献   

Multicorer samples for meiofaunal study were obtained within the framework of the international project CeDAMar, at 21 stations occupied during the DIVA and ANDEEP campaigns (2000, 2002 and 2005) to the southern Atlantic Ocean (Guinea, Angola and Cape Basins) and the Southern Ocean (Weddell and Scotia Seas), respectively. A total of 311 adult Paramesochridae Lang, 1944 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) was extracted from 437 cores obtained during 83 deployments of the corer at depths between 1107 and 5655 m. All specimens were determined to species based on morphological characteristics. They belonged to 19 species and four genera (Kliopsyllus Kunz, 1962, Leptopsyllus T. Scott, 1894, Paramesochra T. Scott, 1892 and Scottopsyllus Kunz, 1962). Eleven species were restricted to single regions, whereas the others showed a much wider distribution. For example, Kliopsyllus andeep Veit-Köhler, 2004 and Kliopsyllus diva Veit-Köhler, 2005, were both collected from Guinea, Angola and Weddell Abyssal Plains, and Kliopsyllus schminkei Veit-Köhler & Drewes, 2009 occurred in the three West-African basins. This study provides a first insight into the large-scale biogeography of deep-sea harpacticoids, represented by the Paramesochridae, and indicates that distribution ranges, at least in this family, may extend across South Atlantic and Southern Ocean Abyssal Plains.  相似文献   

The West Spitsbergen Current, flowing northward through Fram Strait, causes a benthic nepheloid layer (BNL) on the western slope of the Yermak Plateau. This BNL is weaker on the eastern side of the Plateau and absent on the Greenland side of the Fram Strait, where the East Greenland Current flows south. In this BNL we find throughout a depletion of 234Th relative to its parent 238U, and we use this to study the particle dynamics in the BNL. The export flux from the ice-covered surface ocean and from a young bloom found in the ice-free waters off NE Greenland is shown to be negligible, allowing us to explain the 234Th depletion by interaction with the sediment alone. The depletion, balanced by a similar excess in the surface layer of the sediment, implies the existence of a settling-resuspension loop with an average particle residence time of 1–2 months. The asymmetry with a stronger resuspension loop on the western (80–120 mg m−2 d−1) than on the eastern side of the Yermak Plateau (1–15 mg m−2 d−1) is reflected in the numbers of species and individuals of suspension feeders in box core samples, and in epifauna densities estimated from video observations. The suspension feeders thus contribute to deposition of particles that are advected from more productive ice-free regions. This explanation is in agreement with the east–west asymmetry in the input of organic material to the sediments of the Yermak Plateau, which has been concluded from the distribution of pigments, bacterial activity and meiofauna abundances, observed in a concurrent study at the same stations. On the West Spitsbergen shelf, a very intensive BNL was monitored over 1 month with a moored filtration system. A part of the sustained high suspended load may be advected over long distances. This study illustrates how the tracer 234Th can help to determine the extent to which suspended particles are in continuous exchange with the seafloor, and where biological mediation and chemical modification can be expected.  相似文献   

Palaeo-bottom current strength of the West Spitsbergen Current (WSC) and the influence of the Svalbard-Barents Sea Ice Sheet (SBIS) on the depositional environment along the northern Svalbard margins are poorly known. Two gravity cores from the southern Yermak Plateau and the upper slope north of Nordaustlandet, covering marine isotope stage (MIS) 1 to MIS 5, are investigated. Five lithofacies, based on grain size distribution, silt/clay ratio, content and mean of sortable silt (SS), are distinguished to characterise the contourite-dominated sedimentary environments. In addition, depositional environments are described using total organic carbon (TOC), total sulphur (TS) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) contents of sediments. Facies A, containing coarse SS, suggests strong bottom current activity and good bottom water ventilation conditions as inferred from low TOC content. This facies was deposited during the glacial periods MIS 4, MIS 2 and during the late Holocene. Facies B is dominated by fine SS indicating weak bottom current and poor ventilation (cf. high TOC content of 1.2–1.6%), and correlates with the MIS 4/3 and MIS 2/1 transition periods. With an equal amount of clay and sand, fine SS and high content of TOC, facies C indicates reduced bottom current strength for intervals with sediment supply from proximal sources such as icebergs, sea ice or meltwater discharge. This facies was deposited during the last glacial maximum. Facies D represents mass-flow deposits on the northern Svalbard margin attributed to the SBIS advance at or near the shelf edge. Facies E sediments indicating moderate bottom current strength were deposited during MIS 5 and MIS 3, and during parts of MIS 2. This first late Quaternary proxy record of the WSC flow and sedimentation history from the northern Svalbard margin suggests that the oceanographic conditions and ice sheet processes have exerted first-order control on sediment properties.  相似文献   

The relationship between spatial patterns of macrobenthos community characteristics and environmental conditions(salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, organic matter content, sand, silt and clay) was investigated throughout the Gorgan Bay in June 2010. Principal components analysis(PCA) based on environmental data separated eastern and western stations. The maximum(4500 ind./m2) and minimum(411 ind./m2) densities were observed at Stas 1 and 6, respectively. Polychaeta was the major group and Streblospio gynobranchiata was dominant species in the bay. According to Distance Based Linear Models results, macrofaunal total density was correlated with silt percentage and salinity and these two factors explaining 64% of the variability while macrofaunal community structure just correlated with salinity(22% total variation). In general, western part of the bay showed the highest number of species and biodiversity while, the highest density was found at Sta. 1 and in the middle part of the bay. Furthermore, relationship between diversity indices and macrobenthic species with measured factors is also discussed. Our results confirm the effect of salinity as an important factor on distribution of macrobenthic fauna in south Caspian brackish waters.  相似文献   

Relationships between organic carbon, total nitrogen and organic nitrogen concentrations and variations in δ13Corg and δ15Norg are examined in surface sediments from the eastern central Arctic Ocean and the Yermak Plateau. Removing the organic matter from samples with KOBr/KOH and determining residual as well as total N shows that there is a significant amount of bound inorganic N in the samples, which causes TOC/Ntotal ratios to be low (4–10 depending on the organic content). TOC/Norg ratios are significantly higher (8–16). This correction of organic TOC/N ratios for the presence of soil-derived bound ammonium is especially important in samples with high illite concentrations, the clay mineral mainly responsible for ammonium adsorption. The isotopic composition of the organic N fraction was estimated by determining the isotopic composition of the total and inorganic nitrogen fractions and assuming mass-balance. A strong correlation between δ15Norg values of the sediments and the nitrate concentration of surface waters indicates different relative nitrate utilization rates of the phytoplankton in various regions of the Arctic Ocean. On the Yermak Plateau, low δ15Norg values correspond to high nitrate concentrations, whereas in the central Arctic Ocean high δ15Norg values are found beneath low nitrate waters. Sediment δ13Corg values are close to −23.0‰ in the Yermak Plateau region and approximately −21.4‰ in the central Arctic Ocean. Particulate organic matter collected from meltwater ponds and ice-cores are relatively enriched in 13C (δ13Corg=−15.3 to −20.6‰) most likely due to low CO2(aq) concentrations in these environments. A maximum terrestrial contribution of 30% of the organic matter to sediments in the central Arctic Ocean is derived, based on the carbon isotope data and various assumptions about the isotopic composition of the potential endmembers.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic margins of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea offer ideal conditions for passive margin studies. A series of structural elements, first observed on these margins, led to the concept of volcanic passive margins. Questions still remain about the development of such features and the location of the boundary between oceanic and continental crust. Despite the thin sediment cover of the margins, seismic reflection data are not able to image the deeper structures due to the occurrence of igneous rocks at shallow depth.This paper presents a 320-km long profile perpendicular to the strike of the main structural units of the Lofoten Margin in Northern Norway. A geological model is proposed, based on observations made with ocean bottom seismographs, which recorded seismic refraction data and wide angle reflections, along with a seismic reflection profile covering the same area. Ray-tracing was used to calculate a geophysical model from the shelf area into the Lofoten basin. The structures typical of a volcanic passive margin were found, showing that the Lofoten Margin was influenced by increased volcanic activity during its evolution. The ocean/continent transition is located in a 30-km wide zone landwards of the Vøring Plateau escarpment.The whole margin is underlain by a possibly underplated, high velocity layer. Evidence for a pre-rift sediment basin landwards of the escarpment, overlain by basalt flows, was seen. These structural features, related to extensive volcanism on the Lofoten Margin, are not as distinct as further south along the Norwegian Margin. Viewed in the light of the hot-spot theory of White and McKenzie (1989) the Lofoten Margin can be interpreted as a transitional type between volcanic and non-volcanic passive margin.  相似文献   

Impact of Biodeposition on Macrofaunal Communities in Intertidal Sandflats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ingrid  Kröncke 《Marine Ecology》1996,17(1-3):159-174
Abstract. This investigation deals with the changes in macrofaunal communities in intertidal sandflats caused by the input of organic material via biodeposition produced by mussel beds. The area of investigation was the back barrier tidal flat system behind the East Frisian Island of Spiekeroog. Due to erosion by the ebb current a plume of biodeposits extended from an area of mussel beds ( Mytilus edulis ) towards the adjacent sandy sediments. This plume represented a gradient of decreasing contents of organic material. Five stations were installed along this gradient to analyse the effects of this organic input on the macrofaunal communities; a control station was placed on sandy sediments.
The macrofaunal communities differed along the transect. In the mussel patches oligochaetes dominated, whereas deposit-feeding polychaetes increased along the transect. These polychaetes were different from the communities of the sand flats. The changes in the macrofaunal communities discussed in the framework of the organic carbon contents of sediments and interspecific relationships.
After a cover of green algae during summer and after a cold winter, the mussels were almost completely eliminated from the area of investigation and reaggregated in another area of the flat. The layer of biodeposits eroded as well. After the decrease in contents of organic matter, the macrofaunal communities no longer followed the transitional distribution but showed a diffuse and seasonally influenced distribution.
The results indicate that biodeposits changed the quality of the sediment structure of the sand flats and that the amount of organic matter (TOC) is a main structuring factor for the macrofaunal communities.  相似文献   

1 Indroduction The coastal zone and continental shelf area is an important region in the global biogeochemical cycle of nutrients in the ocean. This portion of the global ocean interacts closely with the continents, atmosphere and the open ocean in a comp…  相似文献   

为探究北欧海微微型真核浮游生物多样性和群落结构的分布特征,本研究于2017年6月采集北欧海一个典型断面的表层海水,利用标靶(18SrRNA基因V4区)扩增结合高通量测序技术研究了水体中微微型真核浮游生物的多样性及群落结构,并探讨了群落结构、优势类群与环境因子之间的关系。结果表明:微微型真核浮游生物群落的主导类群为囊泡虫类(54.61%),主要由甲藻纲(18.42%)和海洋囊泡虫新类群I (23.01%)组成;后鞭毛类占21.55%,其中真菌在各站中都有较高的相对丰度,为18.86%;此外,不等鞭毛类中的硅鞭藻和囊泡虫类中的甲藻在温度较低的站位中分布较多,而海洋囊泡虫新类群I则在温度较高的站位中分布较多。典型相关分析结果表明,温度对微微型真核浮游生物的群落结构有重要的影响。北欧海的水文特征复杂,寒暖流在此交汇,造成了微微型真核浮游生物的群落结构有明显的区域差异。  相似文献   

On the Vøring volcanic passive margin offshore mid-Norway, NE Atlantic, a lower crustal body with P-wave velocities in the range of 7.1–7.7 km/s has been mapped by twenty two-dimensional Ocean Bottom Seismograph (OBS) profiles. The main aim of the present paper is to evaluate to what extent the lower crust is consistent with magmatic intrusions or serpentinized peridotite. The relatively low V p/V s ratios of 1.75–1.78 modelled for the lower crust under the continental part of the Vøring Plateau are consistent with mafic intrusions mixed with blocks of stretched continental crust, but not with the presence of partially serpentinized peridotites. The lower crustal high-velocity body is restricted to the area of the Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary rift that lead to continental break-up in Early Eocene. The same model can explain the observations in the northern Vøring Basin, but in the central and southern Vøring Basin the seismic velocities do not preclude a model involving serpentinized peridotite in addition to intrusions and continental remnants. On the west Iberia non-volcanic margin a similar layer is interpreted as serpentinized peridotite. The existence of Moho reflections, the observation of S-wave anisotropy but absence of P-wave anisotropy, uncertainties regarding supply of water to allow for significant serpentinization and very low stretching factors compared with the west Iberia Margin, are among factors that argue against the presence of serpentinized peridotite in the Vøring Basin.  相似文献   

New geophysical information including multichannel seismic profiling data obtained by the PGO Sevmorgeologia Ministry of Geology of the former USSR, Murmansk during 1984–1988 is discussed and interpreted in this study. The deep structure, sedimentary cover and stratigraphy of the Spitsbergen Continental Margin, considered to be a passive margin, i.e. divergent in the northern part and strike-slip in the western part, is described.Two genetically different types of plateaus on the continental margin, Yermak in the north and Spitsbergen (Vestnesa) in the west, have been identified.The entire extent of the continental slope of the northern part of the Spitsbergen Continental Margin in the Eurasia Basin is underlain by attenuated continental crust, while at the base of the Southwest Continental Margin, the oceanic crust along almost the entire extent is observed. The sedimentary cover, up to 10 km thick within the West Spitsbergen Continental Margin, is likewise observed. Within the North Spitsbergen Margin, however, it does not exceed 3.5 km in thickness.The extension and deposition within the West Spitsbergen Margin began in early Oligocene, while the rifting with accompanying sedimentation within the North Spitsbergen Continental Margin started probably in Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

During a circumnavigation of the Svalbard archipelago in May 2006, simultaneous marine environmental (meteorology, heat flux, ocean turbulence, irradiance) and biological (phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass/species) data were sampled at selected stations. The zooplankton data were supplemented by high-resolution, high-speed VPR sampling down to 100 m depth at most stations. We were able to sample different phases of the phytoplankton spring bloom in Arctic as well as in Atlantic waters, and the stations represented different situations with respect to irradiance, turbulence and water-column stability. Phytoplankton growth and depth distribution were physically controlled, while zooplankton distributions were affected by biological parameters and turbulence. Development of the zooplankton followed the phytoplankton bloom phase, which was progressing in a direction from west to east in the waters north of Svalbard, and southwards in the Barents Sea. Our results also showed that the zooplankton did not avoid Phaeocystis pouchetii colonies, which have earlier been described as toxic. Despite an early retreat of the ice this year there was no apparent mismatch between the phytoplankton bloom and the dominant mesozooplankton, Calanus spp.  相似文献   

Deposit-feeding holothurians often dominate the megafauna in bathyal deep-sea settings, in terms of both abundance and biomass. Molpadia musculus is particularly abundant at about 3400 m depth in the Nazaré Canyon on the NE Atlantic Continental Margin. However, these high abundances are unusual for burrowing species at this depth. The objective of this research was to understand the reasons of the massive occurrence of these molpadiid holothurians in the Nazaré Canyon. To address this question we investigated possible trophic interactions with bacteria at sites where the organic content of the sediment was different (Setúbal and Cascais Canyons, NE Atlantic Continental Margin). The molecular fingerprinting technique of Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) with band sequencing, combined with non-metric multi-dimensional scaling and statistical analyses, was used to compare the bacterial community diversity in canyon sediments and holothurian gut contents. Our results suggest that M. musculus does not need to develop a specialised gut bacterial community to aid digestion where the sediment is rich in organic matter (Nazaré Canyon); in contrast, such a community may be developed where the sediment is poorer in organic matter (Cascais Canyon).  相似文献   

Time-series sediment traps were deployed for five consecutive years in two distinctively different subarctic marine environments. The centrally located subarctic pelagic Station SA (49°N, 174°W; water depth 5406 m) was simultaneously studied along with the marginal sea Station AB (53.5°N, 177°W; water depth 3788 m) in the Aleutian Basin of the Bering Sea. A mooring system was tethered to the sea-floor with a PARFLUX type trap with 13 sample bottles, which was placed at 600 m above the sea-floor at each of the two stations. Sampling intervals were synchronized at the stations, and they were generally set for 20 days during highly productive seasons, spring through fall, and 56 days during winter months of low productivity. Total mass fluxes, which consisted of mainly biogenic phases, were significantly greater at the marginal sea Station AB than at the pelagic Station SA for the first four years and moderately greater for the last year of the observations. This reflects the generally recognized higher productivity in the Bering Sea. Temporal excursion patterns of the mass fluxes at the two stations generally were in parallel, implying that temporal changes in their biological productivity are strongly governed by a large-scale seasonal climatic variability over the region rather than local phenomena. The primary reason for the difference in total mass flux at the two stations stems mainly from varying contributions of siliceous and calcareous planktonic assemblages. A significantly higher opal contribution at Station AB than at Station SA was mainly due to diatoms. Diatom fluxes at the marginal sea station were about twice those observed at the pelagic station, resulting in a very high opal contribution at Station AB. In contrast to the opal fluxes, CaCO3 fluxes at Station AB were slightly lower than at Station SA. The ratios of Corg/Cinorg were usually significantly greater than one in both regions, suggesting that preferentially greater organic carbon from cytoplasm than skeletal inorganic carbon was exported from the surface layers. Such a process, known as the biological pump, leads to a carbon sink which effectively lowers p CO2 in the surface layers and then allows a net flux of atmospheric CO2 into the surface layer. The efficiency of the biological pump is greater in the Bering Sea than at the open-ocean station.  相似文献   

The soft-bottom macrofauna (> 1 mm) of Tromsøysund and Sandnessund near Tromsø, northern Norway (69°40′N, 19°0′E) was sampled quantitatively in 1983, 1990 and 1992 in order to assess enrichment effects from discharges of municipal sewage and fish factory effluents. The studies comprised 30 stations between 7 and 40 m depth at varying distances from effluent outfalls. In total 395 species/taxa were recorded. The polychaetes were the most important group both with regard to the numbers of species (146) and specimens (80% of total), but bivalves and amphipods were also common. Most stations had species numbers between 40 and 100 and densities between 2000 and 8000 ind. per m2. The species assemblages could be related to organic enrichment, depth and sampling year. Evidence suggests that the organic discharges did not seriously affect the waters surrounding Tromsø, but the generally high abundances, the prevalence of polychaetes and a numerical importance of ‘opportunistic’ species (Polydora, Chaetozone, Heteromastus) might suggest that the whole area was stimulated by the organic inputs. Sharply delimited strongly enriched zones characterized by dense populations of Capitella capitata were found on shallow sites close to large outfalls in Tromsøysund. These local and restricted effects of the discharges may be related to strong tidal currents and wave action that disperse effluent components. The faunal composition remained largely stable from 1983 to 1992 at 9 revisited stations, but the number of small bivalve and crustacean taxa increased and the abundance of the dominant polychaete Polydora socialis strongly decreased. The effluent discharges were supposed to have increased from 1983 to 1992, but the faunal changes did not provide evidence of an increased enrichment of the area during the period.  相似文献   

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