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A thick sedimentary sequence comprising fluvial, lacustrine and volcano-sedimentary rocks is present in the Neogene Beypazari Basin, central Anatolia. These units display considerable lateral facies variation and interfinger with alkaline volcanic rocks along the north-eastern margin of the basin. The uppermost Miocene Kirmir Formation contains numerous evaporite horizons. The evaporite sequence is up to 250 m thick and may be divided into four lithofacies. In ascending stratigraphical order these are: (1) gypsiferous claystone facies, (2) thenardite-glauberite facies, (3) laminar gypsum facies and (4) crystalline gypsum facies. These facies interfinger with one another laterally along a section from the margins to central parts of the basin. The lithological and sedimentological features of the Kirmir Formation indicate fluvial, saline playa mudflat, hypersaline ephemeral playa lake and very shallow subaqueous playa lake depositional environments, which probably were influenced by alternating semi-arid and evaporative conditions.  相似文献   

The Denizli Basin (southwestern Anatolia, Turkey) contains a record of environmental changes dating since the Early Miocene. Detailed facies analysis of the Neogene formations in this half-graben enables us to document successive depositional regimes and palaeogeographic settings. Sedimentation commenced in the Early Miocene with the deposition of alluvial-fan and fluvial facies (K?z?lburun Formation). At this stage, alluvial fans sourced from elevated areas to the south prograded towards the basin centre. The Middle Miocene time saw the establishment of marginal lacustrine and wetland environments followed by the development of a shallow lake (Sazak Formation). The uppermost part of this unit consists of evaporitic saline lake and saline mudflat facies that grade upward into brackish lacustrine deposits of Late Miocene-Pliocene age (Kolankaya Formation). The lake became shallower at the end of the Pliocene time, as is indicated by expansion shoreface/foreshore facies. In the Early Quaternary, the Denizli Basin was transformed into a graben by the activation of ESE-trending normal faults. Alluvial fans were active at the basin margins, whereas a meandering river system occupied the basin central part.Oxygen isotope data from carbonates in the successive formations show an alternation of wetter climatic periods, when fresh water settings predominated, and very arid periods, when the basin hosted brackish to hypersaline lakes. The Neogene sedimentation was controlled by an active, ESE-trending major normal fault along the basin's southern margin and by climatically induced lake-level changes. The deposition was more or less continuous from the Early Miocene to Late Pliocene time, with local unconformities developed only in the uppermost part of the basin-fill succession. The unconformable base of the overlying Quaternary deposits reflects the basin's transformation from a half-graben into a graben system.  相似文献   

A palynological analysis of the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene successions of the Cappadocian Volcanic Province (Central Anatolia, Turkey) has been carried out with the aim of reconstructing the palaeovegetation and palaeoclimatic conditions. The samples are collected from outcrop sections from three different localities (A: Akda?, B: Bayramhac?l? and G: Güzelöz). The pollen spectra reveals the existence of a steppe vegetation dominated by Amaranthaceae–Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia, typical of present day arid and semi-arid continental areas (i.e. Middle East), and Asteraceae Asteroideae in the A section (Late Miocene) developed in arid climatic conditions. The flora of the G (Early Pliocene) and lower part of the B (Late Miocene) sections reflects steppes on which Asteraceae Asteroideae was dominant. This flora also indicates arid conditions. The development of trees in the upper part of the B section was possibly related to local paleoenvironmental conditions rather than a climatic change. This study provides the first palynological data to reveal the presence of an Amaranthaceae–Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia steppe already during the Late Miocene in Turkey.  相似文献   

Gözeçukuru As-Sb-Pb-Zn mine is located 1.2 km NW of Sahin village and 22 km west of Kütahya in NW Turkey. The aim of this study is to explain the genetic characteristics of the As-Sb deposits by using multivariate statistical analysis methods. Low-grade metamorphic rocks of the upper Paleozoic Sahin Formation occur as the basement of the study area. Cenozoic volcano-sedimentary units (Tavsanli volcanites and Emet Formation) overlie the Sahin Formation unconformably. The mineralization occurs mainly as veins and partly as disseminations and fillings of interstices in the rhyodacitic and rhyolitic tuffs of Tavsanli Volcanics. Common primary ore minerals are stibnite, realgar, galena, sphalerite, pyrite and arsenopyrite, and secondary minerals are orpiment, senarmontite and valentinite. Barite is the dominant gangue mineral, with a small amount of quartz, calcite and dolomite. Average As, Sb, Pb, Zn and Ba concentrations in the samples from the study area are 6.04%, 4938 ppm, 4589 ppm, 1.17% and 10.36 % respectively. Three significant groups appear in the cluster analysis of ore samples. First group consists of Pb-Ag and Zn-Cd. The second group consists of Sb-Tl-Hg and As. The last group is the Ba-Sr. There are three significant factors in the factor analysis. First factor reflects the formation of primary sulphide minerals, the second factor represents the formation of low temperature sulphide and sulphosalt minerals and the last factor depicts interstices-filling mineralization. Average homogenization temperature of the fluid inclusion in barites is 221 °C. Geological, petrographical and geochemical data suggest that the Gözeçukuru As-Sb deposit was formed under epithermal conditions.  相似文献   

Tadkeshwar lignite deposits are one of the important Lower Tertiary lignite deposits of Cambay Basin, Gujarat. These lignites are rich in huminite macerals followed by liptinite and inertinite with moderate to high proportions of associated mineral matter. Under fluorescence mode these are found to be rich in liptinite macerals, in particular the liptodetrinite and resinite. The type of huminite suggests that the lignite is formed from mixed vegetal source, i.e. woody forest vegetation and herbs, shrubs. The composition of macerals indicates the deposition of lignite in sub-aqueous condition in wet-reducing environment with intermittent exposure and subsidence of the peat surface. The rank of the Main and the Leader seams, determined through reflectance measurement, indicate that the lignite is less mature. The considerable amount of perhydrous huminite may have contributed to the lower reflectance values in some of the samples. Low rank and appreciable amount of mineral matter make the lignite suitable for its utilization in thermal power plants, however when upgraded or mixed with better quality coals it can be used for other industries.  相似文献   

The Sivas Basin is one of several Central Anatolian basins. It developed mainly after the closure of the northern branch of Neotethys. Its location between the Kirsehir Massif and the Taurides implies that it should not be confused with the Inner Tauride ocean located south of the Eastern Taurides. The basement of the Sivas Basin consists of ophiolitic nappes and melanges that were thrust toward the margins of the continental blocks present in this area—the Pontide belt to the north and the Anatolide-Tauride platform to the south. The basin was initiated by tectonic subsidence at the end of the Cretaceous, and it can be compared to a foreland basin during Paleocene and early to middle Eocene time. It was emergent during late Eocene and Oligocene time, although it continued to subside. A transgression in some parts of the basin occurred during the Oligocene and early Miocene (maximum flooding). During the Pliocene, it was affected by regional compression directed toward the NNW, which resulted from convergence of the Arabian and Eurasian plates. This basin may have developed as an intracontinental basin within the Tauride platform and probably never had an oceanic basement. As a result of this work, the general paleogeographic organization of Central Anatolia and Northern Tethys during the Mesozoic should to be revised.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2002,15(5-6):277-288
A close relationship between formation of approximately upright folds with axes normal to the extension direction and ramp/flat extensional geometries is established for well exposed Neogene syn-extensional rocks on the presently low-angle Gediz detachment fault, along the southern margin of the Gediz Graben region of western Anatolia, Turkey. Three unconformity-bounded sedimentary sequences and several metamorphic extensional allochthons were mapped in the upper-plate of the Gediz detachment. The oldest sedimentary sequence consists of deformed and folded strata of sandstones and conglomerates that are regarded as being deposited in a supra-detachment basin during the Miocene–Early Pliocene. This unit rests unconformably on the extensional allochthonous, but directly in fault contact with the lower-plate mylonitic rocks. The younger slightly tilted Late Pliocene–Pleistocene sedimentary sequences are post-detachment units that are controlled by EW-trending high-angle normal faults. The youngest alluvium comprises the undeformed present-day basin fill of the Gediz Graben. The supra-detachment sedimentary rocks contain a number of kilometric-scale longitudinal folds that are nearly parallel to the east-west-trending fault system of the Gediz Graben. The folds have a steeply inclined bisecting surface, an interlimb angle of 130–150°, and a plunge of <10°. These folds may be interpreted to form as a result of bending in the underlying Gediz detachment fault. The bending may have an alternation of ramp and flat geometries on which a hanging-wall syncline and rollover anticline formed, respectively. This study again shows the importance of local geology in understanding of some spectacular structures of the extensional basins.  相似文献   


A close relationship between formation of approximately upright folds with axes normal to the extension direction and ramp/flat extensional geometries is established for well exposed Neogene syn-extensional rocks on the presently low-angle Gediz detachment fault, along the southern margin of the Gediz Graben region of western Anatolia, Turkey. Three unconformity-bounded sedimentary sequences and several metamorphic extensional allochthons were mapped in the upper-plate of the Gediz detachment. The oldest sedimentary sequence consists of deformed and folded strata of sandstones and conglomerates that are regarded as being deposited in a supra-detachment basin during the Miocene-Early Pliocene. This unit rests unconformably on the extensional allochthonous, but directly in fault contact with the lower-plate mylonitic rocks. The younger slightly tilted Late Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentary sequences are post-detachment units that are controlled by EW-trending high-angle normal faults. The youngest alluvium comprises the undeformed present-day basin fill of the Gediz Graben. The supra-detachment sedimentary rocks contain a number of kilometric-scale longitudinal folds that are nearly parallel to the east-west-trending fault system of the Gediz Graben. The folds have a steeply inclined bisecting surface, an interlimb angle of 130–150°, and a plunge of <10°. These folds may be interpreted to form as a result of bending in the underlying Gediz detachment fault. The bending may have an alternation of ramp and flat geometries on which a hanging-wall syncline and rollover anticline formed, respectively. This study again shows the importance of local geology in understanding of some spectacular structures of the extensional basins. © 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

在层序地层学研究的基础上,对柴达木盆地红柳泉-跃东地区新近系下油砂山组作了细致的沉积相分析研究。下油砂山组发育冲积扇相、扇三角洲相、辫状河三角洲相、湖泊相和浊积相等几种沉积相类型,分析了其发育特征及分布范围。以识别出的4个三级层序为单位,详细分析了沉积相的平面展布特征:Ⅰ层序沉积时期,西北地区为冲积扇和扇三角洲、中西部地区为辫状河三角洲发育区;Ⅱ层序沉积时期,沉积相分布格局与Ⅰ层序基本一致;Ⅲ层序沉积时期,西北地区的冲积扇、扇三角洲发育范围有所缩小,中西部地区辫状河三角洲发育范围持续扩张,分布范围较前期增大;Ⅳ层序沉积时期,西北地区依旧发育冲积扇,中西部地区辫状河三角洲沉积快速地向东推进,辫状河三角洲前缘亚相已达研究区中心。结合构造、物源、气候等因素分析了沉积相展布及演化的控制因素。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1129-1144
Groups of grabens in west Anatolia have contrasting E-W and NE-SW orientations and are the subject of debate as to their relative ages and relationships. We investigated the E-W-trending Gediz graben and its neighboring NE-SW-trending Gördes, Demirci, and Selendi grabens, which form an important graben system representative of the region. We studied gravity data from one profile and magnetotelluric (MT) data from two profiles, 73 km and 93 km long. The data supports the hypothesis that the Gediz graben was superimposed onto the (older) NE-SW grabens. 2D gravity and MT modelling revealed an undulating graben floor, varying in depth between 500 and 3000-4000 m (gravity-MT); within the graben two apparent basins 3–4 and 1.5-2.5 km deep (gravity-MT) are separated by a subsurface horst. The residual gravity map appears to indicate the continuation of NE-SW grabens from north of Gediz graben to beyond its southern border.

The MT model revealed three main zones of varying thickness within the crust. The britde upper crust comprises two zones: sedimentary fill (apparent resistivity 15-50 ohm.m) and Menderes massif basement (200 ohm.m). The third zone is highly conductive lower crust (10 ohm.m), identified by our MT modeling at an average depth of 10 km. This conductive layer was considered in conjunction with two other regional features, high heat flow values and shallow earthquake focal depths. A heat flow map shows a very high average value of 108 mWm?2 for west Anatolia and 120-300 mWm?2 for the Gediz graben area specifically, compared with the world average of 80 mWm?2. Seismological records showing shallow earthquake focal depths together with the high conductivity zone were taken to indicate a partially melted, viscoelastic lower crust.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a relation between the earthquake occurrence and electric resistivity structures in the crust, in West Anatolia and the Thrace region of Turkey. The relationship between magnetotelluric georesistivity models and crustal earthquakes in West Anatolia, during a period from 1900 to 2000, is investigated. It is found that most of the large crustal earthquakes occurred in and around the areas of the highest electrical resistivity in the upper crust, although rare small magnitude earthquakes are observed in some parts of the conductive lower crust in West Anatolian extensional terrain. The high-resistivity zones may represent rocks that are probably mechanically strong enough to permit sufficient stress to accumulate for earthquakes to occur in western Anatolia and the Thrace region. However, some recent studies state that the generation of a large earthquake is not only a pure mechanical process, but is closely related to fluid existence. We also reviewed recent world-wide researches including results from the Anatolian data for the first time and discussed all general findings in combination. Our findings show that the boundary between the resistive upper crust and the conductive lower crust correlates well with the cutout depth of the seismicity in West Anatolia and Thrace. This boundary is also attributed to the fluid bearing brittle–ductile transition zone in world literature. Fluid migration from the conductive lower crust to the resistive upper crust may contribute the seismicity in resistive zones. Alternatively, the upper–lower crust boundary may act as a stress concentrator and fluids may help to release strain energy in brittle parts of lower crust, by small magnitude earthquakes, whereas they may help in focusing strain in mechanically strong and electrically resistive zones for large earthquakes to occur.  相似文献   

Alkaline lavas were erupted as phonolites and trachytes around Karaburhan (Sivrihisar–Eskisehir, NW Anatolia) within the Izmir–Ankara–Erzincan suture zone. These volcanic rocks were emplaced as domes, close and parallel to the ophiolite thrust line. According to 40Ar/39Ar geochronological analyses of sanidine crystals from the phonolites, the age of the alkaline volcanics is 25 Ma (Late Oligocene–Early Miocene).The flow-textured phonolites are porphyritic and consist mainly of sanidine, clinopyroxene, and feldspathoid crystals. The clinopyroxenes show compositional zoning, with aegirine (Na0.82–0.96Fe+30.68–0.83) rims and aegirine–augite cores (containing calcium, magnesium, and Fe+2). Some aegirine–augites are replaced with sodium-, calcium-, and magnesium-rich amphibole (hastingsite). Feldspathoid (hauyne) crystals enriched with elemental Na and Ca have been almost completely altered to zeolite and carbonate minerals. The fine-grained trachytes with a trachytic texture consist of feldspar (oligoclase and sanidine) phenocrystals and clinopyroxene microphenocrystals within a groundmass made up largely of alkali feldspar microlites.Although there are some differences in their element patterns, the phonolites and trachytes exhibit enrichment in LILEs (Sr, K, Rb, Ba, Th) and LREEs (La, Ce, Pr, Nd) and negative anomalies in Nb and Ta. These geochemical characteristics indicate a lithospheric mantle enriched by fluids extracted from the subduction component. In addition, the high 87Sr/86Sr (0.706358–0.708052) and low 143Nd/144Nd (0.512546–0.512646) isotope concentrations of the alkaline lavas reflect a mantle source that has undergone metasomatism by subduction-derived fluids. Petrogenetic modeling indicates that the alkaline lavas generated from the subduction-modified lithospheric mantle have undergone assimilation, fractional crystallization, and crustal contamination, acquiring high Pb, Ba, Rb, and Sr contents and Pb isotopic compositions during their ascent through the thickened crust in an extensional setting.  相似文献   

Annual abstraction of 2.6?×?109 m3 of groundwater in the 53,000 km2 Konya Closed Basin of central Turkey has caused a head decline of 1 m/year over the last few decades. Therefore, understanding the hydrogeology of this large endorheic basin, in a semi-arid climate, is important to sustainable resource management. For this purpose, the groundwater’s radiocarbon age distribution has been investigated along a 150-km transect parallel to regional flow. Results show that the groundwater ranges in age from Recent at the main recharge area of the Taurus Mountains in the south, to about 40,000 years around the terminal Salt Lake located in the north. In this predominantly confined flow system, radiocarbon ages increase linearly by distance from the main recharge area and are in agreement with the hydraulic ages. The mean velocity of regional groundwater flow (3 m/year) is determined by the rate of regional groundwater discharge into the Salt Lake. Calcite dissolution, dedolomitization and geogenic carbon dioxide influx appear to be the dominant geochemical processes that determine the carbon isotope composition along the regional flow path. The groundwater’s oxygen-18 content indicates more humid and cooler paleorecharge. A maximum drop of 5°C is inferred for the past recharge temperature.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2005,173(1-4):409-431
The neotectonic development of western Anatolia was characterized by the formation of numerous graben-type basins, which have been well documented by general mapping, although the cause and timing of the Neogene regional tectonic extension remain controversial. Previous interpretations of the origin and evolution of these Neogene basins were based mainly on regional-scale tectonic inferences, rather than detailed basin-fill analysis. The present study of the terrestrial intramontane Çameli Basin in the western Taurides combines detailed facies analysis with biostratigraphic dating (mammalian and molluscan fossils) and documents three pulses of crustal extension that are reflected in changes in the palaeogeography and sedimentary architecture of the basin.Development of the Çameli graben commenced in the Vallesian time (early Tortonian), and is marked by alluvial-fan, fluvial and lacustrine depositional systems, with freshwater molluscan fauna. A second pulse of tectonic extension occurred in the late Ruscinian time (early–middle Pliocene), producing a new normal fault that split the basin longitudinally into two compartments. The lake environment expanded and deepened, coastal peat-forming mires developed and abundant mammal fauna appeared by the early Villanian time (middle Pliocene), with the lacustrine deposits onlapping the basin-margin and intrabasinal fault escarpments. The lacustrine environment subsequently shrank, as the progradation of axial river deltas and basin-margin fan deltas caused water shallowing and shoreline regression. A third pulse of extension occurred at the end of Villanian time (late Pliocene), when the development of a new generation of normal faults further split the basin into still narrower half-graben compartments. The third pulse of rifting is estimated to have accounted for little more than 10% of the sub-basinal crustal extension, but caused the most striking changes in the basin palaeogeography and drainage pattern. The inward development of the successive normal faults indicated a high-rate crustal extension. This is the first regional case study of a terrestrial neotectonic graben employing detailed sedimentary facies analysis and mammal biostratigraphy and providing a time-stratigraphic framework for the rifting pulses in western Anatolia.  相似文献   

Sivas Basin is the easternmost and third largest basin of the Central Anatolian Basins. In this study, gravity, aeromagnetic and seismic data are used to investigate the deep structure of the Sivas Basin, together with the well seismic velocity data, geological observations from the surface and the borehole data of the Celalli-1 well. Basement depth is modeled three-dimensionally (3D) using the gravity anomalies, and 2D gravity and magnetic models were constructed along with a N–S trending profile. Densities of the rock samples were obtained from the distinct parts of the basin surface and in-situ susceptibilities were also measured and evaluated in comparison with the other geophysical and geological data. Additionally, seismic sections, in spite of their low resolution, were used to define the velocity variation in the basin in order to compare depth values and geological cross-section obtained from the modeling studies. Deepest parts of the basin (12–13 km), determined from the 3D model, are located below the settlement of Hafik and to the south of Zara towns. Geometry, extension and wideness of the basin, together with the thickness and lithologies of the sedimentary units are reasonably appropriate for further hydrocarbon exploration in the Sivas Basin that is still an unexplored area with the limited number of seismic lines and only one borehole.  相似文献   

Two main volcanic events are distinguished between Saraykent and Akçakışla in the Yozgat province of central Anatolia: (1) early Late Cretaceous–Palaeocene effusive activity, that produced a sequence of intermediate to felsic ‘basal lavas’; and (2) marginally later Palaeocene explosive activity that formed a series of covering ignimbrite flows. Due to their close temporal and spatial relation, geochemical comparisons were made between the silicic members of the lavas and ignimbrites, to identify chemical groups and their relative petrogenesis. The basal lavas range from calc‐alkaline basaltic andesites to dominant rhyolites. Based on trace element correlations three main geochemical groups were identified: the Akçakışla rhyolites (present as domes); Akçakışla rhyodacites‐dacites (lava flows); and Ozan‐Saraykent rhyolites (lava flows). Large‐ion lithophile elements have been mobile in all the groups, but mainly in the Akçakışla rhyolites. Rare earth element (REE) patterns show marked similarity between the Ozan and Saraykent basal lavas. The Akçakışla dome rhyolites are more fractionated with lower LaN/YbN ratios (c.10), whereas the Akçakışla basal lavas have much higher LaN/YbN ratios (c.30). The chemical coherence and petrographic similarities between the Saraykent and Ozan lavas suggest a single suite related via fractionation. Three geochemical groups were also established for the ignimbrites: Saraykent ignimbrite; Bağlıca ignimbrite‐Toklu‐Kızıldağ crystal tuffs; and Keklikpınar ignimbrite. The ignimbrites, like the basal lavas, display a pronounced depletion in Ba on ORG‐normalized plots. Relative to the basal lavas, chondrite‐normalized patterns for the ignimbrites are different in displaying negative Eu anomalies that indicate feldspar fractionation. The lack of geochemical overlap or coherence between any of the lava and ignimbrite groups suggests that they represent distinct eruptive events and are not related in any simple volcanic development and cogenetic sense. Two geochemical features are common to all the volcanic rock groups: (1) the presence of a Nb‐Ta anomaly, which is generally accepted as a crustal signature; and (2) the relatively low Y abundances which appear characteristic for the region as a whole. These fundamental features of the local silicic volcanism largely reflect source composition and effects. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A. nal 《Geological Journal》2008,43(1):95-116
The Middle Miocene Orduzu volcanic suite, which is a part of the widespread Neogene Yamadağ volcanism of Eastern Anatolia, consists of a rhyolitic lava flow, rhyolitic dykes, a trachyandesitic lava flow and basaltic trachyandesitic dykes. Existence of mafic enclaves and globules in some of the volcanic rocks, and microtextures in phenocrysts indicate that magma mingling and mixing between andesitic and basaltic melts played an important role in the evolution of the volcanic suite. Major and trace element characteristics of the volcanic rocks are similar to those formed in convergent margin settings. In particular, incompatible trace element patterns exhibit large depletions in high field strength elements (Nb and Ta) and strong enrichments in both large ion lithofile elements (Ba, Th and U) and light rare earth elements, indicating a strong subduction signature in the source of the volcanic rocks. Furthermore, petrochemical data obtained suggest that parental magmas of rhyolite lava and dykes, and trachyandesite lava and basaltic trachyandesite dykes were derived from subduction‐related enriched lithospheric mantle and metasomatized mantle (± asthenosphere), respectively. A detailed mineralogical study of the volcanic suite shows that plagioclase is the principal phenocryst phase in all of the rock units from the Orduzu volcano. The plagioclase phenocrysts are accompanied by quartz in the rhyolitic lava flows and by two pyroxenes in the trachyandesitic lava flows and basaltic trachyandesitic dykes. Oxide phases in all rocks are magnetite and ilmenite. Calculated crystallization temperatures range from 650°C to 800°C for plagioclase, 745°C–1054°C for biotite, 888°C–915°C for pyroxene and 736°C–841°C for magnetite–ilmenite pairs. Calculated crystallization pressures of pyroxenes vary between 1.24–5.81 kb, and oxygen fugacity range from −14.47 to −12.39. The estimates of magmatic intensive parameters indicate that the initial magma forming the Orduzu volcanic unit began to crystallize in a high‐level magma chamber and then was stored in a shallow reservoir where it underwent intermediate‐mafic mixing. The rhyolitic lava flow and dykes evolved in relatively shallower crustal magma chambers. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most important source of water supply in the Yeniceoba Plain in Central Anatolia,Turkey.An understanding of the geochemical evolution of groundwater is important for the sustainable development of water resources in this region.A hydrogeochemical investigation was conducted in the Plio-Quaternary aquifer system using stable isotopes(δ~(18)O andδD),tritium(~3H),major and minor elements(Ca,Na,K,Mg,Cl,SO_4,NO_3,HCO_3 and Br)in order to identify groundwater chemistry patterns and the processes affecting groundwater mineralization in this system.The chemical data reveal that the chemical composition of groundwater in this aquifer system is mainly controlled by rock/water interactions including dissolution of evaporitic minerals,weathering of silicates,precipitation/dissolution of carbonates,ion exchange,and evaporation.Based on the values of Cl/Br ratio(300 mg/l)in the Plio-Quaternary groundwater,dissolution of evaporitic minerals in aquifer contributes significantly to the high mineralization.The stable isotope analyses indicate that the groundwater in the system was influenced by evaporation of rainfall during infiltration.Low tritium values(generally1 tritium units)of groundwater reflect a minor contribution of recent recharge and groundwater residence times of more than three or four decades.  相似文献   

Several Mio-Pliocene aged lignite seams occur as part of a non-marine transgressive sequence in the Elhovo graben in south-eastern Bulgaria. The present study is focused on 45 samples collected from three boreholes in the eastern part of the basin. Petrographic data along with ash and sulphur contents were used in order to determine the lateral and vertical variations of the coal facies and depositional environment of the Elhovo lignite.The lignite seams accumulated in a rheotrophic, low-lying mire with high pH value and are characterized by high ash yields and sulphur contents. Despite of the neutral to weakly alkaline environment the bacterial activity was limited and the tissue preservation and gelification were mainly controlled by the redox conditions.Vegetation rich in decay resistant conifers dominated in the Elhovo basin together with mesophytic angiosperm species. The absence of algal remains and sapropelic coal indicated that open water areas were not present during peat accumulation. The latter processed in an environment, characterized by low subsidence rate, in which prior to the burial the woods were subjected to severe mechanical destruction. According to our interpretation, the enhanced impregnation of the tissues bacteria and fungi played only a secondary role in the process of humification. The lignite from borehole 122 and partly from BH 145 deposited in an environment characterized by relatively low (ground)water table, whereas to the south an area dominated by a flooded forest swamp (BH 104) formed. This is suggested by the better tissue preservation and gelification of the organic matter in BH 104. The vertical variation of the maceral composition in the studied lignite is interpreted as a consequence of vegetational changes, rather than to changes in the depositional environment. The low contents of inertinite macerals indicate that despite of the low water level the environment was relatively wet and the thermal and oxidative destruction of the tissues was limited.Peat accumulation was terminated by a major flooding event and a short term establishment of a lake. In contrast to the West Maritsa basin, no seam formed in the Elhovo basin during the filling stage of the lake.  相似文献   

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