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Modelling of gravity data taken across the Kohistan Island-Arc terrane in northern Pakistan can be used to constrain the shape and thickness of the Arc.Over 600 new gravity measurements were made across the Kohistan Island-Arc terrane in northern Pakistan. These data were taken along traverses normal to the structures bounding the Arc and were reduced to terrain-corrected Bouguer values. The reduced data were then modelled using standard two-dimensional modelling techniques.The southern margin of the Arc, the Main Mantle Thrust (MMT), dips to the north at approximately 45° and gradually flattens out at a depth of 7–9 km. The northern margin of the Arc, the Main Karkoram Thrust (MKT), also dips towards the north, but at a shallower initial angle (15°). From the models, the Arc terrane now appears to be around 7–9 km thick with the thicker sections occurring closer to the southern margin.The proposed model, in particular the angle of the MMT and the MKT, may have been significantly affected by the recent and rapid uplift that is occurring along the Nanga Parbat-Haramosh Massif.  相似文献   

Interaction between surface water represented by the Euphrates River, natural springs, and Sawa Lake with groundwater (11 wells) in southern Iraq was investigated in this study. Water samples were collected for hydrochemistry and stable isotope (2H and 18O) analysis. Sampling of water from determined stations (10 stations along the Euphrates, 3 springs, and Sawa Lake) were carried out during two stages; the first was in October 2013(dry season) and the second one was in March 2014 (wet season). The aim of the research is to assess the interaction of groundwater–surface water, which includes Al-Atshan River (branch of the Euphrates River), Sawa Lake, and the groundwater in the study area by using hydrochemistry and stable isotope techniques. The results indicate that surface waters have a different type of water from that of groundwater. In δ 2H and δ 18O diagrams, all groundwater, springs, and Sawa Lake waters are plotted below the Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL) and the local meteoric water line (LMWL) indicating the influence of evaporation processes and seasonal variation. The LMWL deviates by a d-excess about +13.71 toward the East Mediterranean meteoric water line (EMWL) indicating that the origin of the vapor source is the Mediterranean Sea. The river water has different isotopic compositions from that of groundwater, springs, and Sawa Lake. The final conclusion is that there is no clear influence of the groundwater on the river water while there is an intermixing between the groundwater in the different locations in the study area.  相似文献   

The marine benthic fauna and the δ18Oc of foraminifers and ostracods from six sites situated on a west–east transect through central Sweden have been analysed in order to estimate the palaeosalinity and palaeocirculation in this shallow‐marine environment. The measurements have been undertaken on material from the early Preboreal, when the Baltic Basin was in contact with the North Sea through straits in central Sweden. The δ18Oc values have a more negative value towards the east, indicating decreasing salinity. This was the result of limited possibilities for marine water to penetrate into the Baltic Basin and the mixing with freshwater from the melting Fennoscandian ice‐sheet. Four water masses existed in the area: a surface layer of freshwater, marine water from the North Sea, brackish–marine intermediate water on the Swedish west coast and brackish Yoldia Sea water in the Baltic Basin. The chronology is based on radiocarbon dates of marine fossils and, at one site, on the occurrence of the Vedde Ash (10 400–10 300 14C yr BP). This is the first record from marine settings in Sweden. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The stable isotope composition of veins, pressure shadows, mylonites and fault breccias in allochthonous Mesozoic carbonate cover units of the Helvetic zone show evidence for concurrent closed and open system of fluid advection at different scales in the tectonic development of the Swiss Alps. Marine carbonates are isotopically uniform, independent of metamorphic grade, where 13C=1.5±1.5 (1 ) and 18O=25.4±2.2 (1 ). Total variations of up to 2 in 13C and 1.5 in 18O occur over a cm scale. Calcite in pre- (Type I) and syntectonic (Type II) vein arrays and pressure shadows are mostly in close isotopic compliance with the matrix calcite, to within ±0.5, signifying isotopic buffering of pore fluids by host rocks during deformation, and closed system redistribution of carbonate over a cm to m scale. This is consistent with microstructural evidence for pressure solution — precipitation deformation.Type III post-tectonic veins occur throughout 5 km of structural section, extend several km to the basement, and accommodate up to 15% extension. Whereas the main population of Type III veins is isotopically undistinguishable from matrix carbonates, calcite in the largest of these veins is depleted in 18O by up to 23 but acquired comparable 13C values. This generation of veins involved geopressurized hydrothermal fluids at 200 to 350° C where 18O H2O=–8 to +20, representing variable mixtures of 18O enriched pore and metamorphic fluids, with 18O depleted meteoric water. Calc-mylonites ( 18O=25 to 11) at the base of the Helvetic units, and syntectonic veins from the frontal Pennine thrust are characterized by a trend of 18O depletion relative to carbonate protoliths, due to exchange with an isotopically variable reservoir ( 18O H2O=20 to 4). The upper limiting value corresponds to carbonate-buffered pore fluid, whereas the lower value is interpreted as 18O-depleted formation brines tectonically expelled at lithostatic pressure from the crystalline basement. Carbonate breccias in one of the large scale late normal faults exchanged with infiltrating 18O-depleted meteoric surface waters ( 18O=–8 to –10).During the main ductile Alpine deformation, individual lithological units and associated tectonic vein arrays behaved as closed systems, whereas mylonites along thrust faults acted as conduits for tectonically expelled lithostatically pressured reservoirs driven over tens of km. At the latest stages, marked by 5 to 15 km uplift and brittle deformation, low 18O meteoric surface waters penetrated to depths of several km under hydrostatic gradients.  相似文献   

Vegetation inherited from a Pliocene subtropical climate evolved through obliquity oscillations and global cooling leading to modern conditions. An integrated, highly time-resolved record of pollen and stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C of Globigerina bulloides) was obtained to understand vegetation responses to Early Pleistocene climate changes. Continental and marine responses are compared in the Central Mediterranean region with a particular consideration of environmental changes during anoxic events.Pollen data illustrate vegetation dynamics as follows: [1] development of mesothermic elements (warm and humid conditions); [2] expansion of mid- and high-altitude elements (cooler but still humid conditions); and [3] strengthening of steppe and herb elements (cooler and dry conditions). These successions correlate with precession. δ18O variations recorded by Globigerina bulloides define two cycles (MIS 43-40) related to obliquity. At northern low- to mid-latitudes, the pollen signal records temperature and wetness changes related to precession even during global climate changes induced by obliquity. This may result in unexpected increasing wetness during glacial periods, which has to be considered specific to the Central and Eastern Mediterranean region. Lastly, an analysis of anoxic events reveals that enhanced runoff is indicated by increasing frequency of the riparian trees Liquidambar and Zelkova.  相似文献   

A model is constructed to predict the stable carbon isotope ratio of the total dissolved CO2 in aquatic sediments and laboratory reactors. The major parameters of the model are the fractionation between CO2 and CH4 as well as the intra-molecular fractionation of acetate, the relative production of CH4 from CO2 reduction versus acetate fermentation, the net production ratio of CO2 to CH4 and the stable carbon isotope ratio of the source organic carbon. The model is fitted to published data and to date from the littoral sediments of Lake Memphremagog, Quebec, Canada. The inclusion of the intra-molecular fractionation factor of acetate in the model provides a good fit to the data; without this factor, the values of the other parameters necessary for a good fit appear unreasonable.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of land snail shells was analyzed to investigate environmental changes in the eastern Canary Islands (28–29°N) over the last ~ 50 ka. Shell δ13C values range from −8.9‰ to 3.8‰. At various times during the glacial interval (~ 15 to ~ 50 ka), moving average shell δ13C values were 3‰ higher than today, suggesting a larger proportion of C4 plants at those periods. Shell δ18O values range from −1.9‰ to 4.5‰, with moving average δ18O values exhibiting a noisy but long-term increase from 0.1‰ at ~ 50 ka to 1.6–1.8‰ during the LGM (~ 15–22 ka). Subsequently, the moving average δ18O values range from 0.0‰ at ~ 12 ka to 0.9‰ at present. Calculations using a published snail flux balance model for δ18O, constrained by regional temperatures and ocean δ18O values, suggest that relative humidity at the times of snail activity fluctuated but exhibited a long-term decline over the last ~ 50 ka, eventually resulting in the current semiarid conditions of the eastern Canary Islands (consistent with the aridification process in the nearby Sahara). Thus, low-latitude oceanic island land snail shells may be isotopic archives of glacial to interglacial and tropical/subtropical environmental change.  相似文献   

We investigate seasonal variations in the diet and drinking water of four Great Lakes mastodon (Mammut americanum) specimens using stable isotope analysis of serially sampled inner-enamel bioapatite structural carbonate (δ13Csc, δ18Osc), and previously published bulk analyses. Isotopic analyses and thin section measurements showed that mastodon tooth enamel extension rates (~ 12–4 mm/yr, decreasing toward the cervix) were lower than those of mammoths or modern elephants. Mastodons had distinct and highly regular seasonal variations in δ13Csc and δ18Osc, which we interpret in the context of local glacial history and vegetation changes. Seasonal variations in δ18O were large but variations in δ13C were small, and may have been obscured if coarser sampling methods than our inner-enamel sampling approach were used. Thus, our approach may be particularly useful for understanding relatively small seasonal changes in δ13C within C3 environments. The seasonal patterns, though not entirely conclusive, suggest that the Ontario mastodons did not migrate over very long distances. Rather, the climate and seasonal dietary patterns of mastodons within the region changed over time, from ~ 12,400 to 10,400 14C yr BP (~ 15,000 – 12,000 cal yr BP). Insights gained using these methods can contribute to a better understanding of megafaunal extinctions and Paleoamerican lifeways.  相似文献   

Stable oxygen and carbon isotope profiles from modern bivalve shells were investigated in order to reconstruct short-term hydrographical changes in the river-shelf system of the Laptev Sea. Oxygen isotopic profiles obtained from the aragonitic species Astarte borealis exhibit amplitude cycles interpreted as annual hydrographical cycles. These records reflect the strong contrast between summer and winter bottom water conditions in the Laptev Sea. The seasonal variations in δ18O are mainly controlled by the riverine freshwater discharge during summer with 0.5‰ per salinity unit. Corrected for a defined species-dependent fractionation offset of -0.37‰, time-dependent salinity records were reconstructed from these δ18O profiles. They indicate a good correspondence to seasonal hydrographic changes and synoptical data. Persistent trends with shell growth towards more negative δ13C values are observed in all specimens and appear to be related to metabolic changes of the bivalves during ontogeny. In contrast, short-term fluctuations are likely linked to seasonal variabilities of the river water outflow patterns and enhanced phytoplankton productivity during summer. This is corroborated by a clear watermass-related distinction of the various δ13C records made on the basis of water depth and distance from the riverine source.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1995,10(4):447-460
Brines in the Miocene formations of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin have isotopic composition close to SMOW, which identifies them as the connate marine water. However, controversies exist on the origin of brines in the Carboniferous formations. Isotopic and hydrochemical data exclude any relationship to marine water and enrichment by evaporation. The most common brine which occurs at great depths can be identified as the oldest infiltration in a very hot climate (δ18O ⋟ −2‰, δD ⋟ −20‰, Cl content 34 to 140 g/L). This brine is free of SO42− and U, and rich in Ba2+ and226Ra. Its salinity is probably related to the leaching of evaporites and intensive weathering of rocks during the Rotliegendes.Other brines are difficult to identify because their isotopic contents are within the range of mixing between the oldest brine and the Quaternary waters (δ18O ⋟ 10‰, δD ⋟ 70‰). Isotopic and hydrochemical data allow identification of several occurrences of brine formed by meteoric water of a warm Tertiary climate, after the last marine transgression in the Tortonian. That brine is rich in SO42− and contains moderate contents of226Ra and U. Its salinity is thought to result from leaching of Miocene evaporites. Two other identified types of brines can be related to some infiltration periods before the last marine transgression. The sources in salinity of these 2 types remain unknown. Mining activity results in a common occurrence of mixed brines. When the Quaternary component dominates, its identification is easy from the isotopic composition, whereas the end brine component can ususally be identified by chosen ion ratios and the presence or lack of sulphates.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal variation in seismicity in western Turkey since the late 1970s is investigated through a rate/state model, which considers the stressing history to forecast the reference seismicity rate evolution. The basic catalog was divided according to specific criteria into four subsets, which correspond to areas exhibiting almost identical seismotectonic features. Completeness magnitude and reference seismicity rates are individually calculated for each subset. The forecasting periods are selected to be the inter-seismic time intervals between successive strong (M ≥ 5.8) earthquakes. The Coulomb stress changes associated with their coseismic slip are considered, along with the constant stressing rate to alter the rates of earthquake production. These rates are expressed by a probability density function and smoothed over the study area with different degrees of smoothing. The influence of the rate/state parameters in the model efficiency is explored by evaluating the Pearson linear correlation coefficient between simulated and observed earthquake occurrence rates along with its 95 % confidence limits. Application of different parameter values is attempted for the sensitivity of the calculated seismicity rates and their fit to the real data to be tested. Despite the ambiguities and the difficulties involved in the experimental parameter value determination, the results demonstrate that the present formulation and the available datasets are sufficient enough to contribute to seismic hazard assessment starting from a point such far back in time.  相似文献   

The Sanjiang Tethys tectonic domain is one of the major metallogenic belts in China. The magmatism and metallogeny in this region have been variously attributed to break-off of the subducted slab, delamination of the lower crust or lithosphere, and mantle plume upwelling. Previous seismic studies have identified prominent heterogeneity of velocity structure in the crust and mantle in this region. Here we synthesize teleseismic data recorded by China seismic networks and mobile seismic stations to generate tomographic images at various depth sections in the Sanjiang Tethys region. Our results clearly indicate zones of low velocity perturbation associated with mantle upwelling, which might suggest extensive crust-mantle interaction which possibly acted as the trigger for magmatism and metallogeny in this region.  相似文献   

Most of the grabens of the Middle Amur sedimentary basin (MASB) are usually characterized by similar structures typical of continental rifts. Based on models elaborated for the sedimentary infill in well-studied rift basins, seismic facies developed in grabens of the MASB are first analyzed. The analysis revealed seismic facies characteristic of different parts of asymmetrical basins: facies of fans developed on steep slopes and facies of coastal shoals, alluvial plains, and deltas occurring on gentle slopes. Seismic facies peculiar of deep lacustrine settings that are considered promising with respect to oil-and gas-bearing source rocks is recognized. Correlation of seismic and drilling data confirms the correctness of the interpretations and shows that boreholes penetrated a thin sequence of deep-water lacustrine sediments. Using the vertical electrical sounding method, a low-resistivity sequence that is most promising for discovery of lacustrine sediments is defined in the southwestern and eastern parts of the MASB. The lowest values of the specific resistivity in this sequence (7–8 Ohm · m) are recorded in its southeastern part, where a borehole partly recovered a relatively thick silty-clayey sequence.  相似文献   

The regional stress field in the northern North Sea (offshore western Norway) has been studied through the acquisition and analysis of directions of maximum horizontal compression (H) as extracted from borehole breakouts and from earthquake focal mechanism solutions.
The results indicate that the regional stress field is dominated by NW-SE compression, with good consistency between shallow borehole breakouts (2–5 km depth) and deeper earthquakes (10–25 km depth). The broad spatial consistency in stress direction indicates that the main stress field is related to factors of primarily plate tectonic origin, and the results are in good agreement with the western Europe trend found in earlier investigations.
The Tampen Spur region in the northern North Sea has been subjected to particularly complex deformation, with two dominating fault directions trending NW-SE and NE-SW. From Tampen Spur in the west to the Sogn graben in the east an anomalous stress field is indicated, with NE-SW oriented maximum horizontal compressions. This anomaly is clearly seen both in the borehole breakout data and in the earthquake data. Possible sources for this anomaly are discussed, and include postglacial uplift and/or lateral variations in the physical properties of the crust.  相似文献   

Germanium and silicon, dissolved in seawater, are considered to be incorporated into biogenic opal with no or little fractionation, which permitted to use diatoms as reliable recorders of seawater Ge/Si. Does some fractionation occur during diagenesis, preventing the use of Ge/Si in ancient sediments? We examined the Ge/Si ratio of fossil sponges and flint nodules of the Cretaceous Chalk Formation of northern France. Though disputed, silica in this formation is considered to originate from sponges. No fractionation is observed between sponges and diagenetic flints, which allows us to observe whether Ge/Si bears a biogenic or detrital signature. We may thus confirm that sponges were the main silica supplier during the chalk deposition. The Ge/Si ratio may be used to identify a biogenic signature in cherts where the origin of silica is dubious.  相似文献   

Large amounts of fluid, bound up in the hydrated upper layers of the ocean crust, are consumed at convergent margins and released in subduction zones through devolatilization. The liberated fluids may play an integral role in subduction zone processes, including the generation of arc-magmas. However, exhumed subduction zone rocks often record little evidence of large-scale fluid flow, especially at deeper levels within the subduction zone. Basaltic pillows from the high-pressure Corsican and Zermatt-Saas ophiolites show a range of δ18O values that overall reflect seafloor alteration prior to subduction. However, comparison between the δ18O values of the cores and rims of the pillows suggests that the δ18O values of the pillow rims at least have been modified during subduction and high-pressure metamorphism. Pillows that have not undergone high-pressure metamorphism generally have rims with higher δ18O values than their cores, whereas the converse is the case in pillows that have undergone high-pressure metamorphism. This reversal in the core to rim oxygen isotope relationship between unmetamorphosed and metamorphosed pillows is strong evidence for fluid–rock interaction occurring during subduction and high-pressure metamorphism. However, the preservation of different δ18O values in the cores and rims of individual pillows and within and between different pillows suggests that fluid flow within the subduction zone was strongly channelled. Resetting of the δ18O values in the pillow rims was probably due to fluid-hosted diffusion that occurred over relatively short time-scales (<1 Myr).  相似文献   

We estimate interseismic coupling on the subducting plate interface in the Tokai area, central Japan, by inverting two geodetic data sets. The data record surface motion between March 1996 to May 2000; one represents vertical motion deduced from the leveling observations and the other is the horizontal velocity field deduced from GPS observations. In the inversion, we employed the analytical solutions of surface displacement due to a triangular dislocation element embedded in a homogeneous elastic half space in order to represent the curved plate interface. The vertical data show that the most strongly coupled portion of the subduction interface is concentrated beneath Omaezaki Cape, while the horizontal data show strongest coupling in the shallower region of the subducting plate interface. The estimated maximum value of coupling from the horizontal data is 40 mm/year, while that from vertical data is 25 mm/year.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2010,17(3-4):370-400
A dense nationwide seismic network recently constructed in Japan has been yielding large volumes of high-quality data that have made it possible to investigate the seismic structure in the Japanese subduction zone with unprecedented resolution. In this article, recent studies on the subduction of the Philippine Sea and Pacific plates beneath the Japanese Islands and the mechanism of earthquake and magma generation associated with plate subduction are reviewed. Seismic tomographic studies have shown that the Philippine Sea plate subducting beneath southwest Japan is continuous throughout the entire region, from Kanto to Kyushu, without disruption or splitting even beneath the Izu Peninsula as suggested in the past. The contact of the Philippine Sea plate with the Pacific plate subducting below has been found to cause anomalously deep interplate and intraslab earthquake activity in Kanto. Detailed waveform inversion studies have revealed that the asperity model is applicable to interplate earthquakes. Analyses of dense seismic and GPS network data have confirmed the existence of episodic slow slip accompanied in many instances by low-frequency tremors/earthquakes on the plate interface, which are inferred to play an important role in stress loading at asperities. High-resolution studies of the spatial variation of intraslab seismicity and the seismic velocity structure of the slab crust strongly support the dehydration embrittlement hypothesis for the generation of intraslab earthquakes. Seismic tomography studies have shown that water released by dehydration of the slab and secondary convection in the mantle wedge, mechanically induced by slab subduction, are responsible for magma generation in the Japanese islands. Water of slab origin is also inferred to be responsible for large anelastic local deformation of the arc crust leading to inland crustal earthquakes that return the arc crust to a state of spatially uniform deformation.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of iodine, bromine and organic carbon has been examined in sediment cores from a range of environments on the Namibian shelf. The relationship between Br and C org. is linear, and that between I and C org. is variable, for all surface sediments; I/C org. ratios show a decrease of about one order of magnitude between the outer shelf oxidising sediments (250 × 10?4) and the organic-rich inner shelf sediments (20 × 10?4). The contrasting behaviour of the halogens in surface sediments is explained by differences in the amount of halogen absorbed by living organisms within the euphotic zone and on seston on the seabed. It is suggested that sorption by seston occurs only in oxidising sediment where free O2 is available. Hence, iodine is sorbed by seston in the outer shelf environment, but is not sorbed by the reducing sediments of the inner shelf. Here the iodine in the sediment represents only that taken up by plankton. On the outer shelf, 50–80% of the total iodine in the organic matter is sorbed by seston. The principal site of Br uptake is not known.The distribution of C org. in subsurface sediments broadly reflects that found at the surface, although there is a slight decrease with depth in the outer shelf cores due to dilution by terrigenous materials. In the inner shelf cores, there is no change in the relationship of iodine and bromine to organic carbon at depth. Those from the mid shelf, and especially the outer shelf, on the other hand, show decreases in both I/C org. and Br/C org. ratios, reaching values at about 70 cm depth that are similar to those in surface reduced sediments from the inner shelf. Over this depth interval I/C org. ratios decrease by a factor of five while Br/C org. ratios show a two fold decrease. These changes in the ratios at depth imply that diagenesis within the reducing cores is negligible compared with that of oxidised sediments. The implications of diagenesis with regard to halogen recycling in sediments are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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