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We examine the structural characteristics and the tectonic evolution of some key areas along the thrust front of the Lucania sector of the Southern Apennines, which also represents the southwestern boundary of the Adria Plate. The results of our study have allowed the identification of a complex tectonic history manifested by the presence of structural elements compatible with different stress fields. Particularly, during the Pleistocene the area experienced a transition from a compressional setting, characterised by NE-ENE shortening, to a post-Middle Pleistocene strike-slip/extensional phase controlled by NE-ENE-directed lateral extension associated with a horizontal NW-NNW-trending σ1 axis. Roughly coaxial transitional stress fields apparently accompanied the progression between these two main regimes. This major change in tectonic setting can be framed into the fragmentation processes of the Adriatic Plate. We propose that the Mid-Adriatic Ridge, a WNW-ESE-trending belt of inverted Mesozoic grabens underwater the Adriatic Sea, has increasingly accommodated the NNW-directed Africa-Adria convergence giving the way to the Africa shortening to propagate into the Lucania Apennines. Furthermore, the comparison with GPS data suggests the existence of an important deep-seated tectonic boundary beneath the Apennines. This element is expected to focus seismicity and may represent an important discontinuity fragmenting Adria.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of seismicity patterns in the Italian and Balkan regions (both related to the dynamics of the Adriatic Plate) has revealed a noticeable correlation between the time patterns of seismic energy release in the Calabrian Arc (southern Italy) and in the northernmost Aegean region. The systematic occurrence of damaging earthquakes in the Calabrian Arc within a few years after the most intense seismic periods in the North Aegean zone may be useful for middle-term earthquake prediction.  相似文献   

We present a new seismic velocity model for the southern Apennines–Calabrian Arc border region with the aim to better define the crustal structures at the northern edge of the Ionian subduction zone. This sector also includes the Pollino Mts. area, where a seismic sequence of thousands of small to moderate earthquakes has been recorded between spring 2010 and 2013. In this sector a seismic gap was previously hypothesized by paleoseismological evidences associated with the lack of major earthquakes in historical catalogs.To perform the tomographic inversion we selected ca. 3600 earthquakes that have occurred in the last thirty years and recorded by permanent and temporary networks managed by INGV and Calabria University. Using for the first time the Local Tomography Software for passive tomography inversion (LOTOS hereinafter) to crustal analysis in southern Italy, we have computed the distribution of Vp, Vs, and the Vp/Vs ratio. The obtained velocity model, jointly evaluated with results of synthetic modeling, as well as with the hypocenter distribution and geological information, gives us new constraints on the geodynamical and structural knowledge of the study area.The comparison between the shallow tomography sections and surface geology shows good correlation between velocity patterns and the main geological features of the study area. In the upper crust a low-velocity anomaly of P- and S-waves is detectable beneath the Pollino Mts. area and seems to separate the Calabrian and southern Apennines domains, characterized by higher velocities. The distributions of high Vp/Vs ratio, representing strongly fractured rocks with likely high fluid content, clearly correlate with areas of significant seismicity.In the lower crust we detect a clear transition from high to low seismic velocities in correspondence with the Tyrrhenian coast of the study area, which may represent the transition from the thinner Tyrrhenian crust to the thicker one beneath Calabria. In this area, also characterized by a progressive detachment of a retreating lithospheric slab, the generation of a Subduction-Transform Edge Propagator (STEP) fault zone, that laterally decouples subducting lithosphere from non-subducting lithosphere in a scissor type of fashion, may have taken place. These conditions imply the existence of a kinematic decoupling which allows for differential movement between the Calabrian Arc and the southern Apennine chain. The low velocity anomaly separating the southern Apennines and the Calabrian Arc domain may be related to fluid upwelling occurring in correspondence with the northern edge of the Calabrian subducting slab.  相似文献   

The strong earthquake (M = 7) that occurred in the Fucino basin (central Italy) on January 13, 1915 was followed by six earthquakes of M > 5.5 and several other shocks of M > 5 in the major seismic zones of the northern Apennines from 1916 to 1920. This seismicity pattern is consistent with the implications of the present tectonic setting in the study area, which suggests that strong decoupling earthquakes in the central Apennines cause a significant increase of tectonic load, and possibly of seismicity, in the northern Apennines. A numerical simulation, carried out by an elastic-viscous model, of the stress diffusion induced by the Fucino and successive largest earthquakes, shows that each of the above shocks occurred when the respective zone was reached by the highest values of the strain and strain rate perturbation triggered by the previous events. Furthermore, the computed strain regime at each earthquake site is consistent with the known faulting pattern. The results provide important insights into the physical mechanism that controls the interaction of seismic sources in the central and northern Apennines.  相似文献   

The recent earthquake sequences of 2012 (northern Italy) and 2013 (Marche offshore) provided new, fundamental constraints to the active tectonic setting of the outer northern Apennines. In contrast to the Po Plain area, where the 2012 northern Italy earthquakes confirmed active frontal thrusting, the new focal mechanisms obtained in this study for the 2013 Marche offshore earthquakes indicate that only minor thrust fault reactivation occurs in the Adriatic domain, even for a theoretically favourably oriented maximum horizontal compression. Recent seismicity in this domain appears to be mainly controlled by transcurrent crustal faults dissecting the Apennine thrust belt. The along-strike stress field variation from the Po Plain to the Adriatic area has been quantitatively investigated by applying the multiple inverse method (MIM) to the analysis of the entire seismicity recorded from January 1976 to August 2014, from the top 12 km of the crust (fault plane solutions from 127 earthquakes with MW  4), allowing us to obtain a comprehensive picture of the state of stress over the outer zone of the fold and thrust belt. The present-day stress field has been defined for 39 cells of 1.5° × 1.5° surface area and 12 km depth. The obtained stress field maps point out that, although the entire outer northern Apennines belt is characterized by a sub-horizontal maximum compressive axis (σ1), the minimum compression (σ3) is sub-vertical only in the Po Plain area, becoming sub-horizontal in the Adriatic sector, thus confirming that the latter region is dominated by an active tectonic regime of strike-slip type.  相似文献   

The evolution of the Apennines thrust-and-fold belt is related to heterogeneous process of subduction and continental delamination that generates extension within the mountain range and compression on the outer front of the Adria lithosphere. While normal faulting earthquakes diffusely occur along the mountain chain, the sparse and poor seismicity in the compressional front does not permit to resolve the ambiguity that still exists about which structure accommodates the few mm/yr of convergence observed by geodetic data. In this study, we illustrate the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence that is the most significant series of moderate-to-large earthquakes developed during the past decades on the compressional front of the Apennines. Accurately located aftershocks, along with P-wave and Vp/Vs tomographic models, clearly reveal the geometry of the thrust system, buried beneath the Quaternary sediments of the Po Valley. The seismic sequence ruptured two distinct adjacent thrust faults, whose different dip, steep or flat, accounts for the development of the arc-like shape of the compressional front. The first shock of May 20 (Mw 6.0) developed on the middle Ferrara thrust that has a southward dip of about 30°. The second shock of May 29 (Mw 5.8) ruptured the Mirandola thrust that we define as a steep dipping (50–60°) pre-existing (Permo-Triassic) basement normal fault inverted during compression. The overall geometry of the fault system is controlled by heterogeneity of the basement inherited from the older extension. We also observe that the rupture directivity during the two main-shocks and the aftershocks concentration correlate with low Poisson ratio volumes, probably indicating that portions of the fault have experienced intense micro-damage.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the seismicity distribution in the CentralApennines (Italy) using the recordings of the Rete SismometricaMarchigiana (RSM). In particular, the selected events are relocated usinga 1-D model calculated by means of an inversion procedure. The robustnessof the 1-D model and the location accuracy are tested. The capability ofthe RSM to well constrain crustal and subcrustal events in the studied areais discussed. We find that in the inner side of the chain the seismicity liesin the upper crustal layers, following the structural trend of the Apenninicbelt. A W-deepening of the events is observed in the Apenninic foredeep,where the seismicity is mainly confined in the lower crust. This evidenceimplies the deepening of the brittle to ductile transition. Some well-locatedsubcrustal events are found. Their locations seem to confirm the W-dippingsubduction of the Adriatic lithosphere beneath the Apennines.  相似文献   

The focal mechanism solutions of 83 European earthquakes withM>6, selected from a total of 140, have been used to derive the directions of the principal axes of stress along the plate boundary between Eurasia and Africa from the Azores islands to the Caucasus mountains. Along most of the region, the horizontalP-axes are at an angle of 45° to 90° with the trend of the plate boundary. HorizontalT-axes are concentrated in central Italy and northern Greece in association with normal faulting. Large strike-slip motion of right-lateral character takes place at the center of the Azores-Gibraltar fault and the North Anatolian fault. From Gibraltar to the Caucasus the boundary is complicated by the presence of secondary blocks and zones of extended deformations with earthquakes spread over wide areas. Intermediate and deep earthquakes are present at four areas with arc-like structure, namely, Gibraltar, Sicily-Calabria, Hellenic arc and Carpathians.  相似文献   

综合考虑了地震活动时空强3 个方面的震兆特征,定义了地震活动因子 A值.使用1972 ~1996 年华北地区地震资料进行空间扫描,研究中强以上地震前 A 值的中短期异常变化特征.结果表明,在中短期阶段大多数地震前出现的 A 值中期异常区面积明显缩小或消失,也有一些地震前1 ~3 个月 A 值异常区面积再次增大.还就用 A 值进行地震中短期预报的有关问题进行了讨论  相似文献   

The analysis of seismic hazards relies on the statistical analysis of historical seismic data and the instrumental seismic catalog to obtain the regional earthquake recurrence interval and earthquake probability. The accuracy of analysis thus depends strongly on the completeness of the seismic data used. However, available seismic catalogs are too short or incomplete for the reliable analysis of the statistical characteristics of earthquakes. If a long-term synthetic seismic catalog can be generated using a physics-based numerical simulation, and the simulation results match the crustal deformation, seismicity, and other observations,then such a synthetic catalog helps us to further understand the characteristics of seismic activity and analyze the regional seismic hazard. In this paper, taking the northeastern Tibetan Plateau as a case study, we establish a three-dimensional visco-elastoplastic finite-element model to simulate earthquake cycles and the spatiotemporal evolution of earthquakes on the model fault system and obtain a seismic catalog on a time scale of tens of thousands of years. On the basis that the model satisfies the regional geodynamics of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, we analyze seismicity on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau using the simulated synthetic earthquake catalog. The characteristics of earthquake recurrence at different locations and different magnitudes, and the long-term average probability of earthquake occurrence within the fault system on the northeastern Tibetan plateau are studied. The results are a reference for regional seismic hazard assessment and provide a basis for the physics-based numerical prediction of earthquakes.  相似文献   

1997年发生在新疆伽师的强震群迄今仍在持续活动,从1997年1月21日震群发生至1997年10月18日,共发生5级以上地震15次.震群发生前,该地区几乎没有地震活动.根据伽师震群地震的精确定位结果及震源机制解,我们设定该震群的发震构造是一组NNW(北北西)向的雁形右旋走滑断层和一组NE(北东)向雁形正倾滑断层.并以此作为模拟该区域理论地震活动的力学模型,开展震群区域理论地震活动的模拟研究.模拟结果证实了断层间的相互作用或应力传递能产生震群活动的猜测,并对伽师震群中为何部分地震的震源机制是正断层进行了合理解释.进一步推测伽师位于地壳厚度的陡变带也可能是引起该地区地震活动丛集发生的原因.  相似文献   

A three-component digital seismic network has been installed along central Apennines since the end of 1991. Two seismic sequences having main shocks of magnitudes 3.9 and 3.7 were recorded in August 1992 and June 1994, respectively. A detailed analysis of these sequences, including multiplet relocation, fault-plane solutions and source parameter estimation, is performed in the present paper. A correlation analysis allowed us to recognize a number of correlated events in the two sequences which were used for relative locations using a master event technique. This analysis allowed to obtain a better alignment of epicentral data along two almost orthogonal directions, following an Apenninic and an anti-Apenninic trend. For the two sequences, fault-plane solutions were evaluated by using a first arrival technique, resulting in mechanisms with predominant normal faulting for the 1992 and 1994 swarms. S-wave polarization analysis allowed to check the stability of the previous solutions and to reduce their range of uncertainty. The same technique was also applied to derive the composite fault-plane solutions from the aftershocks, resulting in solutions which are in good agreement with those derived from the main shocks of both sequences. Source parameters were then derived from the three-component records of 28 well-recorded events with seismic moment in the range 8.5 × 1010–1.0 × 1014 Nm. Stress drops ranged in the interval 0.3–52.3 bar and source radii were of the order of 100 m. Their scaling relations are in good agreement with other results derived from the analysis of other Italian earthquakes that occurred in regions of predominantly normal faulting tectonics (Apennines and Calabrian arc).  相似文献   

The Pollino Range is the southernmost segment of the Southern Apennines at the boundary with the Calabrian Arc. While several strong earthquakes (magnitude 6.5–7.0) have occurred in nearby regions, the Pollino area has no known historical record of seismic events of magnitude > 5. We carried out an aerial photograph interpretation and a field survey of the Pollino fault (the major Quaternary normal fault of the area) in order to characterize geologically the seismic potential of this structure. We dug two sets of trenches across fault scarps within the apecies of latest Pleistocene to Holocene alluvial fans at the Masseria Quercia Marina (MQM) and Grotta Carbone (GC) sites, in the central segment of the southern Pollino Range front. At both sites we identified two surface faulting events affecting the alluvial fan deposits and two overlying colluvial units of historical age. The penultimate event produced a vertical offset of 80–90 cm at GC and 50–60 cm at MQM; while the last event produced a vertical offset of 40–50 cm at GC and few centimeters of offset at MQM. Detailed geomorphological field observations suggest that the two historical earthquakes reactivated the entire length of the Masseria Marzano-Civita segment of the Pollino fault (rupture length about 18 km). For events in this range of rupture length and vertical displacement, comparison with surface faulting earthquakes in the Apennines (and abroad) indicates a magnitude of 6.5–7.0. Therefore, the maximum potential earthquake and the seismic hazard of the Pollino area are significantly larger than that suggested by the available historical seismic catalogue.  相似文献   

A first tentative comparison between the structural framework related to the active tectonics and the long-term seismicity of the Umbria–Marche Apennines (affected by the 1997 seismic sequence) has provided some insight for discussing the seismotectonic characteristics of the area. This Apennine sector is affected by 15 to 20-km-long active fault systems, consisting of minor fault-segments. Each of these fault-segments may be responsible for earthquakes characterised by magnitudes ranging between 5.5 and 6.0 (such as those occurred in 1599, 1730, 1838, 1859, 1979). However, the occurrence of one large-magnitude event (1703, Ms = 6.7) and of seismic sequences (1747–1751; 1997–1998) indicate that an entire fault system may be activated suddenly (at least in the southern part of the investigated area) or during seismic crises which may last many months. The comparison between the active faulting framework and the long-term seismicity also indicates that no significant earthquakes may be related to the Mt. Vettore Fault System since 1000 AD.  相似文献   

—The plate boundary along the north-central Caribbean margin is geologically complex. Our understanding of this complexity is hampered by the fact that plate motions are relatively slow (1 to 2 cm/yr), so that recent seismicity often does not provide a complete picture of tectonic deformation. Studies of the faulting processes of instrumentally recorded earthquakes occurring prior to 1962 thus provide important information regarding the nature and rate of seismic deformation within the region, and are essential for a comprehensive assessment of seismic hazard. We have conducted body waveform modeling studies of eight earthquakes which occurred along the north-central Caribbean plate margin, extending from southeastern Cuba to the Swan Island fracture zone (75 to 83°W). None of these earthquakes has been previously studied and several occurred in regions where no recent (post-1962) seismicity has been recorded. The plate margin in the western portion of our study area is characterized by a transform fault-spreading center system. In the central and eastern portions of our study area the plate margin is a complex, diffuse region of deformation that couples transform motion in the Cayman trough to subduction along the Lesser Antilles arc. Our results show that the western portion of the study area has only experienced large strike-slip earthquakes. Off southeastern Cuba two earthquakes appear to have occurred on high angle, northward dipping, reverse faults with south to southeastward directed slip vectors. An earthquake in northern Jamaica in 1957 shows pure strike-slip faulting, most likely along an east-west trending fault. Finally, an unusual sequence of events located in the Pedro Bank region ~70 km southwest of Jamaica has a mainshock with a reverse-oblique mechanism, suggesting continuity of the plate interface stress field well south of the northern Caribbean margin.  相似文献   

Based on the morphostructural zoning scheme of the Caucasus, the block structure reflecting the real fault geometry and the block formation of the region is constructed. Several dozens of numerical experiments are conducted for simulating the dynamics of the block structure and the arising seismicity. The modeling relies on the following principles. It is assumed that the structure is composed of perfectly rigid blocks separated by infinitely thin fault planes. On the fault planes and on the blocks' bottoms, the blocks viscoelastically interact with each other and with the underlying medium. At each time instant, the translational displacements and rotations of the blocks are calculated from the condition of the quasi-static equilibrium of the entire block structure. The earthquakes occur in accordance with the dry friction model at the time instants when within a certain segment of the fault the stress-to-pressure ratio exceeds the given threshold. The modeling yields the synthetic catalog of the Caucasian earthquakes the spatial distribution of which reflects a set of characteristic features of the real seismicity. The similarity is observed in the magnitude–frequency diagrams of the synthetic and real seismicity. The comparison of the positions of the epicenters of the strong synthetic earthquakes with the results of recognizing the highly seismically active areas in the Caucasus demonstrates the presence of such epicenters in a few highly active areas where, according to the observations, strong earthquakes have not occurred to date.  相似文献   

The active geodynamic setting of the Northern Apennines is characterised by extension in the axial zone of the chain, and by a more complex tectonic behaviour in the frontal part of the belt. In the latter sector, moderate seismicity occurs, displaying compressional, strike-slip and extensional focal plane solutions with variably oriented P and T axes. For this area, a review of available geological and geophysical data has been integrated by the analysis of seismic reflection lines calibrated with deep well logs. This study confirms that, as already suggested by some previous workers, thrusting and related folding in the study area ceased in Early Pleistocene times. This feature is in contrast with the hypothesis of active thrusting related to a subducting lithospheric slab beneath the chain—an issue which is largely debated based on available geophysical information. Our analysis shows that the Northern Apennines are characterised by an active tectonic setting which is similar to that of the central and southern portions of the belt. These areas all display a Late Quaternary inactivity of the thrust front. NE–SW oriented extension (perpendicular to the strike of the orogen) is well established in their axial zones, whereas a less homogeneous stress field characterises their external sectors and the adjacent foreland. Within this framework, the seismotectonic behaviour of the Northern Apennines—and probably of the whole Italian peninsula between the Po Plain and the Southern Apennines (north of the Calabrian Arc)—may be interpreted as essentially controlled by two main processes. The first of them involves tectonic uplift, possibly related with slab detachment and associated unbending of the foreland plate. The second process consists of a present-day northwestward motion of the Adria block with respect to stable Europe.  相似文献   

Analysis of instrumental data on earthquakes of 1960–2005 in the Irkutsk amphitheater shows that the majority of the earthquakes form a wide (150–300 km) band of diffuse seismicity along the marginal suture of the Siberian platform. In accordance with established regular spatiotemporal patterns of the distribution of earthquakes, this band belongs to the Sayan-Baikal seismic belt, associated with the destruction process at the boundary of large lithospheric blocks. The band is located on the northern periphery of the belt and, the deformable substrate being highly monolithic, this sharply weakens the seismicity within the band. Because of the tectonic origin of earthquakes in such a vast platform territory, undoubted evidence for induced seismicity around the Angara cascade reservoirs, and the intense economic development of the region, the problem of seismic hazard in the southern Siberian platform should be regarded as one of the most significant objects of geodynamic research.  相似文献   

In this study, we calculate accurate absolute locations for nearly 3,000 shallow earthquakes (≤20 km depth) that occurred from 1996 to 2010 in the Central Alborz region of northern Iran using a non-linear probabilistic relocation algorithm on a local scale. We aim to produce a consistent dataset with a realistic assessment of location errors using probabilistic hypocenter probability density functions. Our results indicate significant improvement in hypocenter locations and far less scattering than in the routine earthquake catalog. According to our results, 816 earthquakes have horizontal uncertainties in the 0.5–3.0 km range, and 981 earthquakes are relocated with focal-depth errors less than 3.0 km, even with a suboptimal network geometry. Earthquake relocated are tightly clustered in the eastern Tehran region and are mainly associated with active faults in the study area (the Mosha and Garmsar faults). Strong historical earthquakes have occurred along the Mosha and Garmsar faults, and the relocated earthquakes along these faults show clear north-dipping structures and align along east–west lineations, consistent with the predominant trend of faults within the study region. After event relocation, all seismicity lies in the upper 20 km of the crust, and no deep seismicity (>20 km depth) has been observed. In many circumstances, the seismicity at depth does not correlate with surface faulting, suggesting that the faulting at depth does not directly offset overlying sediments.  相似文献   

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