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The current pilot study explores whether mobile technology can be leveraged in survey research to gather meaningful context-dependent data on fear of crime and risk perception formation. A series of Ecological Momentary Assessments (EMAs) were administered to students enrolled at an Australian University (N = 20), using a smartphone application. Analysis of data collected from participants in their everyday activity spaces a) show strong internal consistency among multiple measures of crime fear; b) indicate that perceptual measures of social cohesion are significant predictors of victimisation worry; and c) support most hypothesised associations between concepts contained in contemporary models of crime fear. Unfortunately, some aspects of the pilot study design could not be implemented as planned, which have implications for future research. Specifically, we found that triggering participant's surveys based on their location (rather than time), produced data that was not conducive to robust place-based analysis. In spite of this limitation, we offer alternative means of measuring the effects of place on fear of crime using mobile devices.  相似文献   

Biosensing measures of physiological (somatic) response offer a potentially powerful tool for capturing people's subconscious reactions to environmental stimuli. Combining biosensing with other techniques allows insights to be generated not only about the intensity of somatic response but also, crucially, the underlying causes of that response. Despite pioneering work in this area, a rigorous, empirically-led analysis of biosensing measures in mixed methods research has hitherto been lacking. We address this lacuna through a case study of urban walking, comparing a field-based study (30 participants) with a virtual exercise undertaken in a lab (25 participants). Combining biosensing with data on environmental stimuli (recorded using video/GPS) and interviews, three analytical modes are examined: biosensing-led; environment-led; and thematic-led. The analysis shows how each dataset can add contextualizing information to significant phenomena observed in the others. We demonstrate, however, that biosensing measures become considerably more difficult to interpret beyond the controlled environment of the lab. The paper concludes that biosensing should be seen as a valuable measure in field studies, but one which requires careful interpretation through other datasets, being of limited usefulness and reliability taken alone.  相似文献   

Peter E Hopkins 《Area》2006,38(3):240-247
This paper contributes to understandings of youth transitions in childhood and youth geographies through the use of a participatory diagramming exercise with students studying geography in a summer school access programme at a Scottish university. In particular, the paper explores young people's perceptions about adult/child binaries and their hopes and fears in applying to university. The discussion highlights the extended nature of youth transitions: the usefulness of participatory diagramming as a research method and teaching technique for this group; and the consequences that the increasing interest in childhood and youth geographies might have on teaching and learning in human geography.  相似文献   

刘云刚  李志刚  黎斌 《地理学报》2014,69(8):1224-1233
中国人文地理学研究需要走出“精致的平庸”,走向“精致的创新”.而要实现这一点,关键是要厘清当前研究中学术与应用间的梗阻,使学术研究回到创新的源点:理论与现实的相互激发,并破除对西方人文地理研究的模仿和迷信.为此,需要借鉴西方人文地理学研究的成果与方法并使之根植于本土的问题和制度;需要完善本土研究机制,包括区分学会和协会、区分学术和应用、区分学术地理和应用地理;要倡导真正的科学精神,对已有研究保持批判性;让知识体系保持高度的开放性,并适应本土知识生产的需求;让研究实事求是、根植于地,在理论与现实之间深度交流.只有这样,中国人文地理学方能实现知行合一,走出殖民地理的陷阱,走上真正自主的知识生产之路.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the influence of geography on ethnic division by drawing evidence from Tibetan ethnic regions in China. Using a novel township name index that identifies the ethnolinguistic origin of each township name, our empirical findings first show that regions with Han Chinese settlement in the past also witness higher concentration of Han population today. We also show that townships located at higher altitudes have less Han concentration. This altitude effect can be both indirect and direct; we find that the indirect effect through historical settlement is small compared to the direct physiological effect through altitude illness. The challenging environment of the plateau region acts as a physiological hindrance only for Han Chinese, and the natural separation continues to persist between the two groups.  相似文献   

演化经济地理:经济学与地理学之间的第二座桥梁   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
经济学和地理学长期以来互动并不明显。文中首先对经济学与地理学忽视以及可能的合作进行了分析。如果说新经济地理学构筑了经济学和地理学的第一座桥梁,那么演化经济地理学则构筑了经济学和地理学之间的第二座桥梁。随着演化经济学的逐渐成熟,以演化经济学为基础的演化经济地理这一新兴学科逐步发展起来。文中对演化经济地理的形成、优势以及应用进行详细的阐述。演化经济地理继承了演化经济学中的时间和历史的因素,将演化经济学和经济地理加以融合。演化经济地理在微观、中观以及宏观方面都有着广泛的应用,同时演化经济地理对中国经济社会的发展有着一些重要的启示:①产业的动态化认为产业梯度转移并不能实现区域协调发展;②关系网络指出户籍制度放开的必要性与无效的可能;③多样性则认为单一产业发展战略具有风险性;④再演化的政策则指出政策需要具有"连贯性"。  相似文献   

Earthquakes, tropical cyclones and floods are the most important natural perils in terms of human deaths on a global basis. In Australia, at least 4300 deaths in the last 200 years have been produced by heatwaves; about 2000–2200 each by tropical cyclones and floods; and bushfires and lightning strikes have each killed at least 650 people. On a global basis it appears that floods, tropical storms, droughts and earthquakes are the most damaging natural perils. In Australia, in terms of median damage per event, hailstorms are the most expensive insured natural peril, while three events—the 1989 Newcastle earthquake, 1974's Cyclone Tracy, and the 1990 Sydney hailstorm—produced 36 per cent of the total insured damage in the period since 1967. The Newcastle earthquake and the Sydney hailstorm have provided opportunities for new understandings of these perils and their consequences. While much has been learnt from the devastation of Rabaul town by the 1994 eruption, a rare opportunity for a detailed study of building damage has been lost. Without detailed studies, risk rating, where Risk = Hazard (or peril) × Vulnerability, is difficult.  相似文献   

城市山洪灾害风险评价——以云南省文山县城为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
朱静 《地理研究》2010,29(4):655-664
山洪灾害风险评价对于减灾防灾决策和管理非常重要。本文介绍基于遥感和GIS方法的应用,探讨一种快速、简便而且较为准确的城市山洪灾害风险评价方法。以发生于1998年7月26日文山城20年一遇山洪灾害为实例,将GIS的数字高程模型与实测的山洪水位和洪峰流量结合进行淹没分析,研究表明采用该方法可以模拟准确山洪泛滥范围,并计算淹没水深分布。根据不同水深指标,应用GIS工具完成了山洪灾害危险分区。本研究利用高分辨率遥感影像提供承灾体类型的可靠和准确数据用于易损性分析和期望损失评估的价值计算。根据典型区财产损失的抽样调查,建立了不同承灾体类型与水深的关系,并确定其损失率;应用GIS空间数据处理和分析的集成方法完成了复杂的损失评估。在此基础上,按期望损失程度进行分区划分而完成山洪风险评价。研究结果表明基于GIS和RS方法进行山洪风险评价效果良好,值得推广应用于其他洪水泛滥区。  相似文献   

雪灾是青藏铁路及其沿线地区所面临的严重自然灾害之一,对其风险等级进行科学评估,是制定应急方案、确保青藏铁路安全运行的重要基础。本文基于历史雪灾数据和铁路相关数据,选择27项指标构建青藏铁路及其沿线的雪灾综合风险评估体系,对青藏铁路沿线积雪雪灾、雪崩雪灾和风吹雪雪灾的致灾危险性、铁路系统的脆弱性进行了综合分析。分析表明:青藏铁路沿线雪灾高风险区分布在唐古拉-安多路段,雪灾中等风险区主要分布在天峻-乌兰、五道梁-安多等2个路段,雪灾低风险区主要集中在西宁-天峻、德令哈-格尔木和那曲-拉萨等3个路段。从整个青藏铁路沿线来看,青南高原路段是青藏铁路沿线雪灾综合风险等级最高的区域。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(2):376-383

The purpose of this paper is to examine a particular type of formal geographic region—the viticultural region—to promote an understanding of the geographical bases of wine production. The authors have found that the viticultural area is an excellent vehicle for teaching students how geographers construct and analyze regions. Although the wine industry in the United States is concentrated overwhelmingly in California and secondarily in a belt running from New York across Pennsylvania and into Ohio, most of the lower 48 states have at least one officially recognized viticultural area. The following problem has been developed to be used “as is” or to be modified for any state or region in the country. By the end of the problem, students have gained hands-on experience in defining regions, correlating physical geography with human activities, and thinking about the importance of place names and scale.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper explores different conceptual and policy spaces of wellbeing. The increasing use of wellbeing in contemporary health debates affords geographers of health new arena in which to explore the processes that promote, remedy or regenerate health and ill-health. The paper first critically reviews the theoretical approaches and challenges for operationalizing the concept of wellbeing in both research and policy. We then present a framework of the spaces of wellbeing to provoke discussion and research amongst geographers of health. The paper concludes with proposals for future research orientations.  相似文献   

王雨  安宁  胡志丁  王丰龙 《地理研究》2022,41(3):931-944
在国际形势应对和国内社会治理的需求推动下,目前中国政治地理学的学科发展得到了越来越多的关注,基本形成了外源性研究与内生性研究并行的学科体系。然而与国际关系学、政治经济学、公共管理学等相关学科相比,中国政治地理学研究的影响力仍然有限,相关理论和方法较少被其他学科采纳应用,在国内外地缘战略和社会政策制定中的声音也相对不足。本文一方面直接回应了其他学科对“地理”内涵及其重要性的偏见和误解,另一方面指出了中国政治地理学自身在机理性研究、宏观-微观联系、研究对象整合和理论建构等方面存在的不足。本文还从权力-空间关系出发,明确了政治地理学研究的核心议题,期望有助于整合研究议题、凝聚研究共识、推动知识积累,从而增强政治地理学科的理论生产能力及其在更广泛学科体系中的影响力。  相似文献   

多灾种风险评估是制定综合风险防范战略的基础工作之一,而目前尚缺乏一套通用的多灾种风险评估方法。论文选取全球减少灾害风险评估报告、全球气候风险指数报告、世界风险管理指数报告、世界风险指数和世界自然灾害风险地图集等5份国际权威风险评估报告,从评估目的、评估内容、模型方法、评估结果等方面对比分析可知:(1) 5份报告评估目的各有侧重,其中4份评估报告构建了动态风险评估机制,能够实现评估报告的定期更新发布;(2)以风险要素的综合为表征的多灾种风险评估方法易于推广应用,但需要进一步提升指标可用性,并且采取更直观、易于理解的风险表征方式;(3) 5份报告评估结果中“一带一路”沿线国家(地区)的风险水平略高于全球水平,是全球灾害风险防范的重点;(4)综合来看,5份报告各有自身的优缺点,未来可以结合“多灾种叠加损失”“灾害链损失”等概念丰富多灾种风险评估的模型方法、指标体系与结果表征。  相似文献   

China's achievement in poverty alleviation was highly praised by Kremer,the winner of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics,as the rural poverty population saw a dr...  相似文献   

地理大数据为地理复杂性研究提供新机遇   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
大数据之风自2010年席卷全球,已在科学、工程和社会等领域产生深远影响。本文首先从地理大数据、第四范式以及非线性复杂地理系统3组基本概念出发,剖析上述3组概念之间的科学联系与相互支撑作用,提出大数据和第四范式为地理复杂性研究提供新机遇。其后,探讨如何利用大数据和复杂性科学的理论方法开展地理复杂性研究。基于地理大数据,可以通过统计物理学的系列指标描述现实地理世界的复杂非线性特征,同时,还可利用深度学习、复杂网络、多智能体等方法,实现复杂非线性地理系统的推演和模拟。上述方法对认知地理现象和过程的复杂性,对复杂地理系统的分析、模拟、反演与预测有重要作用。最后,提出地理大数据和复杂性科学相互支撑可能成为21世纪地理学的主流科学方法。  相似文献   

声景学及其在旅游地理研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
声音是旅游者旅游体验的活动构成要素之一,也是强化旅游者对旅游地地方感知的重要内容,对于塑造旅游者完整深刻的旅游体验具有重要意义。从旅游地理研究的现状来看,在旅游资源开发利用、旅游产品包装设计、旅游设施空间配置、旅游形象塑造构建、目的地营销拓展等方面,研究者普遍关注了旅游系统中的视觉要素,对听觉、嗅觉、触觉等其他要素却关注得较少。基于此,在对旅游系统中声音要素进行重要性分析的基础上,将声景学及其相关理念引入旅游研究的范畴,为研究旅游系统中与声音相关的现象和关系提供了新的视角,并指出了拓展现有旅游地理研究的一个重要方向。声景学的引入,对完善和深化旅游地理研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

认知地图作为人对人地关系复杂系统进行抽象化和秩序化的内在表征,是个体空间行为决策、空间认知与空间规划的理论基础,也是地理学的重要研究领域之一。论文通过CiteSpace文献学分析方法并结合经典文献回顾,从多学科视角系统梳理认知地图1948—2020年共70余年的发展脉络与研究热点。研究认为,认知地图在地理学的学科发展过程中扮演了重要角色,特别是在认知空间与城市意象、空间扭曲与空间偏好、空间知识与决策行为等方面丰富了地理学内涵。近期与地理学有关的认知地图跨学科研究出现3大转向:大数据时代重新定义认知空间与城市意象的数字转向,以特定群体或事件的空间偏好为切入点的情感转向,以第一人称视角解译空间知识与决策行为的神经转向。最后指出认知地图空间分析的地理学在跨学科融合发展中的角色与应用前景。  相似文献   

西方经济地理学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
贺灿飞  郭琪  马妍  范帅邦  赵瑜嘉 《地理学报》2014,69(8):1207-1223
20世纪80年代以来,西方经济地理学与经济学、政治学、社会学、管理学等社会科学广泛融合,呈现出空前繁荣的局面。本文对这一时期西方经济地理学的思潮演变、热点研究领域以及政策研究等方面进行梳理。西方经济地理学在经历了地理学的“新经济地理学”和经济学的“新经济地理学”两个影响深远的变革后,研究领域和主题逐步走向多样化与复杂化。本文综述了8个热点研究领域,包括区域与地方发展、经济全球化、产业地理、劳动力地理、创新与创意地理、消费地理、环境经济地理和金融地理的研究进展,并讨论了经济地理学与政策研究的关系,最后总结了西方经济地理学的特点。  相似文献   

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