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North and south of the long basaltic range running from Addis Ababa to Debra Berhan (Ethiopia) there are large ignimbritic plateaux which are very similar both morphologically and lithologically, and which are considered to be stratigraphically equivalent by previous researchers. Accurate geological reconstructions and many radiometric age determinations have allowed these plateaux to be distinguished into two distinct ignimbritic formations. The first corresponds to the most recent rocks (Miocene) of the « Alaji Series », and the second to the Pliocene « Balchi Series ». The two formations are separated from one another by basalts attributable to the « Termaber » central-type volcanism taking place in the Addis Ababa-Debra Berhan area more recently than in other parts of the Ethiopian plateau.  相似文献   

O’a is the largest of the Quaternary caldera volcanoes that punctuate the axis of the Ethiopian rift valley. The known volcanic history of O’a is brief: eruptions of restricted ash-flow tuffs and «tufolavas» were followed by extensive pumice deposition with intervening paleosols, lacustrine sediments, and flows of occasional welded tuffs and rare basalts. Ensuing caldera collapse at c. 0.24 m.y. ago was accompanied by emplacement of two massive ignimbrite flow units comprising a single cooling unit: the first was much more severely welded than the second which shows lahar characteristics. Post-caldera volcanism at O’a has been sparse compared with most other Ethiopian rift centres. O’a volcano exemplifies the common rift association of a caldera set tightly between two offset segments of the Wonji fault belt. The Wonji fault belt marks the youngest tectonism of the rift floor, and in the vicinity of O’a has been active in a major way since caldera subsidence. This faulting is clearly younger than the massive rift margin faulting, which to the northeast of O’a occurred during a tectonic climax dated at c. 1.0 m.y. ago. Radiometric analysis suggests a rather regular level of initial40Ar in O’a basalt lavas sampled near to their original vents. If this level also applies to near-vent basalts dated from other parts of the Ethiopian rift, a regional rift paroxysm of crustal extension and related silicic and basaltic volcanism is evident at c. 0.30–0.20 m.y. ago. Episodic dilatation and associated volcano-tectonism separated by long periods of quiescence appears to be a general feature of continental rift valleys.  相似文献   

During six recent expeditions, of which four were led by the author, to the mainly basaltic island of Jan Mayen (length 53.6 km; mean width 7 km; area 380 km2), evidence has been gathered for at least six distinct volcanic phases, coupled with rythmic magmatic variations in the oceanite-trachybasalt-trachyandesite-trachyte lava suite. There are also certain intermediate types and associate pyroclasts, and effusive or explosive uprise of these lavas through two fissure-swarms, intersecting at about 12°, produced a subaerial volcano-group of several hundred cones, elongate north-east — south-west on the north-west margin of a large submarine pedestal possibly capped by a drowned plane of marine erosion at 100–200 m below present mean sea level. These rocks appear to range in age between Tertiary and Recent. Jan Mayen grows from the north-west flank of the submarine Mohns Ridge close to its axial rift within a markedly seismic zone, at a likely junction of crustal fractures immediately north of a sharp east-west flexure in the rift which may indicate a major strike-slip fault. The lavas have affinities with corresponding lavas in Scottish Hebrides and with the basalt-trachyte associations on the islands of Ascension, St Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Gough on the mid-Atlantic Ridge. Both form and structure suggest the island mass has the configuration of a volcanic dome (or possibly two coalescent domes diverging slightly south-west) at least 70×30 km in area and about 1.5 km in height. In the mass are two distinct major volcanic foci: an earlier South Jan or Rudolftoppen « dispersed » or « plexiform » vent, ascribable to numerous «drilled out» fissure-intersections within an area of more than 25 km2, and a later North Jan or Beerenberg central vent. A third focus of indeterminate relative age may lie beneath Straumflaket, in the shallow sea off South Cape. Magmas rose through individual fissures and their intersections, to form linear cones of tuff and lava, and extensive basalt floods. Most are vertical dikes but, in places, highly inclined sheets and sills tend to follow bedding and other planes of weakness in tuff and sometimes fed lava flows. Basaltic magma invaded a complex system of intersecting master fissures and subsidiary fractures in tuff near the surface, inflated the mass, distorted and generated local joint systems in the tuff and finally gave rise to meshworks of basaltic sheets in it. Following a long period of repeated fissure eruption, ten of the main basaltic throats at the South Jan dispersed focus, and one near the junction between North Jan and South Jan, were plugged by trachyte, after which there was volcanic quiescence with contemporaneous deep glacial, fluvial and marine erosion. During the subsequent resumption of volcanic activity the North Jan focus of central eruption rose to importance at the expense of the South Jan focus, which remained sealed by trachyte, but numerous small basaltic fissure volcanoes erupted on the seaward edges of the South Jan plateau and through the coastal platform beneath its cliffs, at or near sea level.  相似文献   

The term « swarm » is used to describe a group of related earthquakes, concentrated in space and time, without an obvious principal event. Large shallow earthquakes are often followed by aftershocks, but the pattern in which aftershocks occur differs in detail from that of a swarm. Sequences of New Zealand earthquakes that have been called swarms differ markedly from one another. The most vigorous of them, near Taupo in 1922, appears to have been an ordinary tectonic earthquake accompanied by foreshocks and aftershocks, and by surface faulting. No fault movements accompanied the 1964 swarm in the same area. Other localities that have experienced swarms include Great Barrier Island, Matamata, Kawerau, and Opunake. Swarms are considered by some writers to be characteristic of volcanic regions. Although all New Zealand swarms have occurred in areas of Quaternary volcanism, there are still no observations showing what part, if any, volcanism plays in the generation of earthquake swarms.  相似文献   

The influence of volcanic processes on magmatic differentiation can be evidenced by the study of some of the most typical volcanoes of post-orogenic magmatism of Central Italy. It has been recognized that a close relationship exists between degree and type of differentiation on one hand, and structure and evolution of volcanic edifices as well as shape of their magmatic chambers on the other. The effect of the structural features of volcanic apparata on the magmatic differentiation is often so strong as to obliterate the original genetic characters of the magma. It was seen that, in Central Italy, magmas of «atlantic» affinities differentiating from basalt to trachyte, can turn to magmas of strong « mediterranean » affinities in the more superficial volcanic environments.  相似文献   

The ratio salic rocks/basalts is higher in Tenerife than in other Atlantic islands. It is also surprising the number of intermediate types between phonolites and trachytes and the basalts. The salic rocks of Tenerife have been grouped in to two large units, one related to the edifice of « Las Cañadas » and the other to « Teide-Pico Viejo ». The top of the former collapsed and the latter was built in the Caldera thus formed. Both units belong to a middle atlantic series, but the atlantic character of « Teide-Pico Viejo » is stronger. A clear alkalinitization can be observed during the whole evolution. Most of the materials which are related to the Cañadas edifice are near the saturation line, and they must be classed as phonolites and Na-trachytes. In these rocks a variation trend related to that of the former alkaline basalts can be observed. In the latest episodes of their evolution cutaxite and pumice emissions appeared with great intensity. The « Teide-Pico Viejo » lava-flows are always of phonolite types with high amounts of normative nepheline. These materials also represented the end of the differentiation trend of an alkaline basaltic series, which started after the Cañadas edifice was built. This second trend ended in less silica-rich rocks than those of the Cañadas series.  相似文献   

Recent investigations indicate the importance of meteorite impact as a process which has operated throughout geologic time to produce numerous originally circular structures as much as 50 km in diameter. One such structure, at Sudbury, Ontario, is associated with large volumes of internally derived igneous rock. Geological and experimental studies have demonstrated that rocks subjected to intense shock waves produced by hypervelocity meteorite impacts and by nuclear or chemical explosions develop distinctive and uniqueshock-metamorphic features, including: (1) high-pressure minerals such as coesite and stishovite; (2) crystal lattice deformation features such as isotropic feldspar (maskelynite) and « planar features » (shock lamellae) in quartz; (3) ultra-high-temperature reactions not produced by normal geological processes, such as decomposition of zircon to baddeleyite and melting of quartz to lechatelierite. These petrographic features, currently regarded as unequivocal evidence for meteorite impact, can be preserved and recognized even in very old and deeply eroded structures. Such features have now been observed in more than 50 « crypto-explosion » structures ranging in size from 2 km to more than 60 km in diameter. The recent discovery of shock-metamorphic features in rocks of the Sudbury structure, Ontario, indicates that this old and complex structure was also produced by a large meteorite impact. Petrographic shock effects are widespread in inclusions of « basement » rock in the Onaping « tuff », a unit now regarded as afallback breccia deposited in the original crater immediately after impact. Similar shock effects also occur in the footwall rocks around the basin, associated with shatter cones and unusual Sudbury-type breccias. Study of Sudbury specimens has establishedgrades of progressive shock metamorphism comparable to those recognized at younger impact structures (Brent, Ontario; Ries basin, Germany). Igneous activity associated with known meteorite impact structures takes two forms:
  1. direct production of impact melt. At many structures (e.g., Brent, Ontario; Lake Mien, Sweden; Clearwater Lakes and Manicouagan, Quebec), breccias containing shock-metamorphic features occur with «sills» and «dikes» of fine- to medium- grained crystalline igneous rock. Such units, previously regarded as internal volcanic products, now appear to have been formed by complete fusion, injection, and rapid crystallization of large volumes of target rock during the impact event.
  2. emplacement of internally derived magma. The presence of the clearly internally-derived Nickel Irruptive within the Sudbury basin indicates that large meteorite impacts may also control the emplacement of internally-generated magmas through « unroofing » or by the production of deeply-extending zones of weakness below the crater.
The inferred development of the Sudbury structure was a complex process involving: (1) impact of an asteroidal body, forming a large (100-km) diameter crater with a central uplift; (2) subsidence of the central uplift and simultaneous emplacement of the Nickel Irruptive; (3) metamorphism, deformation, and erosion to its present appearance. The post-impact history of the Sudbury structure thus corresponds closely to that established for many ring-dike complexes and caldera subsidences. Similar compound impact-igneous structures, in which internal igneous activity is superimposed on a large impact crater, probably exist on both the earth and the moon. Future examination of « roofed lopoliths » and « ring-dike structures » for shock-metamorphic effects, combined with serious consideration of the geophysical effects produced by large-energy meteorite impacts, will be a productive field for cooperative studies by astrogeologists and igneous petrologists.  相似文献   

The relationship between structure and volcanism in the Tongariro Volcanic Centre, New Zealand, is largely masked by a mantle of young volcanic deposits. Here we report the results of an integrated geophysical investigation (using gravity, multi-level aeromagnetic and magnetotelluric methods) of subsurface deposits and structures in the upper 1–2 km across the axis of the Tongariro Volcanic Centre. Modelling of these data across the Tama Lakes saddle shows that the outcropping volcanic deposits are up to 800 m thick, underlain by Tertiary sediments (of a few 10's to a few 100 m in thickness) and in turn lying above a basement of probable Mesozoic greywacke. Basement faulting is shown to be concentrated in the centre of the rift, which is 18 km wide at this location, but no vertical offset is resolved at the rift axis. Vertical displacements on basement faults of 250–300 m are modelled giving a minimum total basement subsidence of 650 m. A 5 km-wide, deep low resistivity zone occurs at the axis of the rift which is interpreted as either resulting from extensive fracturing and/or hydrothermal alteration within the basement. Steep-sided volcanic bodies with a high proportion of lavas/dykes coincide with the Waihi fault and the rift axis. Coincidence with the Waihi Fault suggests that this fault system may have provided magma pathways to the surface and a focus for dyke emplacement, which could have contributed to rift extension. The lack of offset at the rift axis may reflect the juvenile nature of faulting at this location, which is consistent with the notion of a migration of faulting towards the centre of the graben, alternatively, rifting may have been entirely accommodated by dyke emplacement.  相似文献   

The magmatic plumbing system of Kilauea Volcano consists of a broad region of magma generation in the upper mantle, a steeply inclined zone through which magma rises to an intravolcano reservoir located about 2 to 6 km beneath the summit of the volcano, and a network of conduits that carry magma from this reservoir to sites of eruption within the caldera and along east and southwest rift zones. The functioning of most parts of this system was illustrated by activity during 1971 and 1972. When a 29-month-long eruption at Mauna Ulu on the east rift zone began to wane in 1971, the summit region of the volcano began to inflate rapidly; apparently, blockage of the feeder conduit to Mauna Ulu diverted a continuing supply of mantle-derived magma to prolonged storage in the summit reservoir. Rapid inflation of the summit area persisted at a nearly constant rate from June 1971 to February 1972, when a conduit to Mauna Ulu was reopened. The cadence of inflation was twice interrupted briefly, first by a 10-hour eruption in Kilauea Caldera on 14 August, and later by an eruption that began in the caldera and migrated 12 km down the southwest rift zone between 24 and 29 September. The 14 August and 24–29 September eruptions added about 107 m3 and 8 × 106 m3, respectively, of new lava to the surface of Kilauea. These volumes, combined with the volume increase represented by inflation of the volcanic edifice itself, account for an approximately 6 × 106 m3/month rate of growth between June 1971 and January 1972, essentially the same rate at which mantle-derived magma was supplied to Kilauea between 1952 and the end of the Mauna Ulu eruption in 1971.The August and September 1971 lavas are tholeiitic basalts of similar major-element chemical composition. The compositions can be reproduced by mixing various proportions of chemically distinct variants of lava that erupted during the preceding activity at Mauna Ulu. Thus, part of the magma rising from the mantle to feed the Mauna Ulu eruption may have been stored within the summit reservoir from 4 to 20 months before it was erupted in the summit caldera and along the southwest rift zone in August and September.The September 1971 activity was only the fourth eruption on the southwest rift zone during Kilauea's 200 years of recorded history, in contrast to more than 20 eruptions on the east rift zone. Order-of-magnitude differences in topographic and geophysical expression indicate greatly disparate eruption rates for far more than historic time and thus suggest a considerably larger dike swarm within the east rift zone than within the southwest rift zone. Characteristics of the historic eruptions on the southwest rift zone suggest that magma may be fed directly from active lava lakes in Kilauea Caldera or from shallow cupolas at the top of the summit magma reservoir, through fissures that propagate down rift from the caldera itself at the onset of eruption. Moreover, emplacement of this magma into the southwest rift zone may be possible only when compressive stress across the rift is reduced by some unknown critical amount owing either to seaward displacement of the terrane south-southeast of the rift zone or to a deflated condition of Mauna Loa Volcano adjacent to the northwest, or both. The former condition arises when the forceful emplacement of dikes into the east rift zone wedges the south flank of Kilauea seaward. Such controls on the potential for eruption along the southwest rift zone may be related to the topographic and geophysical constrasts between the two rift zones.  相似文献   

Réunion consists of two shield volcanoes, Piton des Neiges (3069 m) and Piton de la Fournaise (2631 m). The former is extinct and deeply eroded, so that its internal structure is clearly displayed. The deepest accessible part of the pile is a strongly zeolitised agglomerate (Cirque Agglomerate) made up mainly of olivine-basalt fragments. This is covered by a thick sequence of oceanite and olivine-basalt flows (Oceanite Series), which in turn is overlain by feldsparphyric basalts and lavas of intermediate composition (Differentiated Series). An intricate plexus of intrusions, ranging in composition from picrite to quartz-syenite, is exposed in the core of the volcano. Piton de la Fournaise is still active, and is producing oceanites and olivine-basalts generally similar in character to the Oceanite Series lavas of Piton des Neiges. New chemical data on the « primitive » basalts of both volcanoes are presented, and a brief comparison is made with the Hawaiian tholeiites. It is concluded that the Réunion « primitive » basalts are best described as transitional between tholeiitic and alkaline.  相似文献   

Abstract Based on a field analysis of slip vectors from Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks and coupled with rift basin analysis in north China, the Cenozoic deformation history of the Tancheng–Lujiang (Tan–Lu) Fault Zone can be divided into three main phases: early Tertiary normal faulting and northwest–southeast extension; Miocene normal faulting and northeast–southwest to north‐northeast–south‐southwest extension; and Quaternary dextral strike–slip faulting and east‐northeast transpression. The early Tertiary extension, which was responsible for rift basin formation in north China, originated from back‐roll mantle convection induced by westward subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Asia continent. The Miocene extension occurred possibly in association with the process of the Japan Sea opening. The Quaternary dextral slip was mainly localized along the middle part of the Tan–Lu Fault Zone and resulted from the far‐field effect of the late‐stage India–Eurasia convergence.  相似文献   

Identifying the influence of neotectonics on the morphology of elevated passive margins is complicated in that major morpho‐structural patterns might plausibly be explained by processes related to late Mesozoic to early Cenozoic rifting and/or differential erosion induced by Cenozoic epeirogenic uplift. The proportional contribution of each process can vary from continent to continent, and potentially even within the same passive margin. In the passive margin setting of the southeast Australian highlands the documented occurrence of neotectonic deformation is rare, and accordingly its role in landscape evolution is difficult to establish. The results of investigations within the Lapstone Structural Complex, which forms the eastern range front of the Blue Mountains Plateau, provide evidence for two periods of Cenozoic neotectonic uplift in this part of the highlands. The first, demonstrated by seismic and structural evidence, is suggested to have occurred in the Paleogene, and is thus unrelated to Cretaceous rifting. The second period, demonstrated by evidence from the Kurrajong Fault (presented herein) suggests that uplift occurred in both the Mio‐Pliocene and the Middle Pleistocene. The cumulative Neogene and younger uplift of ~15 m determined for the Kurrajong Fault is less than 10% of the 130 m of total measured throw across the fault. The apparently minor contribution of neotectonism to the current elevation of the Blue Mountains Plateau supports a predominantly erosional exhumation origin for the topographic relief at the plateau's eastern edge. This finding contrasts with evidence from fault complexes associated with similar topographic relief elsewhere in the south‐eastern highlands, indicating that present‐day topography cannot be directly related to relief generated by Neogene and younger uplift, even from relatively closely‐spaced (< 150 km) structures within the same passive margin. These findings have implications for understanding the spatio‐temporal variability of post‐rift faulting in continental passive margin settings and the evolution of landscapes therein. © Commonwealth of Australia. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

 New and detailed petrographic observations, mineral compositional data, and whole-rock vs glass compositional trends document magma mixing in lavas erupted from Kilauea's lower east rift zone in 1960. Evidence includes the occurrence of heterogeneous phenocryst assemblages, including resorbed and reversely zoned minerals in the lavas inferred to be hybrids. Calculations suggest that this mixing, which is shown to have taken place within magma reservoirs recharged at the end of the 1955 eruption, involved introduction of four different magmas. These magmas originated beneath Kilauea's summit and moved into the rift reservoirs beginning 10 days after the eruption began. We used microprobe analyses of glass to calculate temperatures of liquids erupted in 1955 and 1960. We then used the calculated proportions of stored and recharge components to estimate the temperature of the recharge components, and found those temperatures to be consistent with the temperature of the same magmas as they appeared at Kilauea's summit. Our studies reinforce conclusions reached in previous studies of Kilauea's magmatic plumbing. We infer that magma enters shallow storage beneath Kilauea's summit and also moves laterally into the fluid core of the East rift zone. During this process, if magmas of distinctive chemistry are present, they retain their chemical identity and the amount of cooling is comparable for magma transported either upward or laterally to eruption sites. Intrusions within a few kilometers of the surface cool and crystallize to produce fractionated magma. Magma mixing occurs both within bodies of previously fractionated magma and when new magma intersects a preexisting reservoir. Magma is otherwise prevented from mixing, either by wall-rock septa or by differing thermal and density characteristics of the successive magma batches. Received: July 10, 1995 / Accepted: October 10, 1995  相似文献   

Inflation patterns based on water-tube tiltmeter and levelling observation show different features for Krafla Volcano in Iceland and Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii. Monotonous sawtooth shape inflation is observed at Krafla, while inflation curves at Kileauea are more or less complicated. The difference was attributed to differences in the system of magma reservoir for the two volcanoes. By using the electrical equivalent of a magma reservoir and volcanic conduit as a capacitor and a resistor, an electrical oseillator was considered to be a possible model for a magma reservoir system. In the case of Krafla, the magma reservoir system is replaced with one electric oscillator called «Single system» or «Icelandic type» system. The complicated inflation pattern of Kilauea was interpreted as the assembly of a main magma reservoir and the group of surrounding small reservoirs. The equivalent electric analogue is the composite parallel and serial connection of a single oscillator which generates irregular output voltage during a charging process. The proposed magma reservoir system of Kilauea is called «Multi-coupled system» or «Hawaiian type system» which also help in interpreting the wondering of the uplift center and tidal phenomena of the Halemaumau lava lake.  相似文献   

A rock-magnetic and paleomagnetic investigation was carried out on eleven Pleistocene and Pliocene 40Ar/39Ar dated lava flows from the Tepic-Zacoalco rift region in the western sector of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) with the aim of obtaining new paleomagnetic data from the study region and information about the Earth’s magnetic field recorded in these rocks. Rock-magnetic experiments including measurement of thermomagnetic curves, hysteresis parameters and isothermal remanence acquisition curves were carried out to find out the carriers of remanent magnetisation and to determine their domain structure. Although some samples were characterised by the presence of a single ferromagnetic phase (magnetite), in most cases more phases were observed. Analysis of hysteresis parameters showed a mixture of single domain and multidomain particles, the fraction of the latter varying between 40% and 80%. Paleomagnetic results were obtained in all sites, although in 7 sites characteristic remanence directions and remagnetisation circles had to be combined in order to calculate site means. The six Pliocene sites not showing intermediate polarity yielded a paleomagnetic pole (latitude ? = 81.1°, longitude λ = 94.3°) which roughly agrees with the expected one. Paleomagnetic directions do not indicate significant vertical-axis block rotations in the western TMVB area. Reversed polarities observed can be correlated to the Gilbert chron, normal polarities to the Gauss chron or the Brunhes chron and intermediate polarities to the Cochiti-Gilbert or the Gilbert-Gauss transition. The reversed or intermediate polarity magnetisation recorded in one of the sites (542 ± 24 ka) corresponds either to the West Eifel 4 or the West Eifel 5 excursion, while the reversed polarity observed in the other site (220 ± 36 ka) very likely provides new evidence for the Pringle Falls excursion or the event recorded in the Mamaku ignimbrite.  相似文献   

The eruption centres of late volcanism in Chile are situated in two separate areas in the northern and southern High Cordillera. In the north, the ignimbrites of the Rhyolite Formation and the rocks of the « Andesite » Formation occur in about equal proportions, and recent activity is meagre. In the south, the rocks of the « Andesite » Formation predominate, and many volcanoes are in a highly explosive phase of activity. Field relationships, petrological and geochemical data show that the rocks of both Formations are closely related to each other. There is evidence that the magmas of the Rhyolite Formation were formed by fusion of sialic material in the upper parts of the crust. The data for the volcanics of the « Andesite » Formation are inconsistent with their derivation by fractional crystallization of a basaltic parent or by direct mantle derivation involving a single stage process. The authors suggest that the « andesitic » magmas are products of a primary andesitic magma originated by partial fusion of material of the lower crust. Assuming that the « andesitic » magmas of the central parts of the Andes are derived from the upper mantle, this would mean — in the light of the Sr87/Sr86 data — that the upper mantle in the central region of the Andes is essentially more radiogenic than in other orogenic areas; moroever, it should be very similar in its chemical and Sr87/Sr86 composition to that of the lower crust.  相似文献   

The volcanic history of Somma-Vesuvius indicates that salic products compatible with an origin by fractionation within a shallow magma chamber have been repeatedly erupted («Plinian» pumice deposits). The last two of these eruptions, (79 A.D. and 3500 B.P.) were carefully studied. Interaction with calcareous country rocks had limited importance, and all data indicate that differentiated magmas were produced by crystal-liquid fractionation within the undersaturated part of petrogeny’s residua system at about 1 kb water pressure. The solid-liquid trend indicates that the derivative magmas originated by fractionation of slightly but significantly different parental liquids. Some lavas of appropriate composition were selected as parental liquids to compute the entity of the fractionation. Results suggest that in both bases a fractionation of about 70 weight % was needed to produce liquids with the composition of the pumice. The combination of all data indicates that the two Plinian eruptions were fed by a magma chamber (3–4 km deep) having a volume of approx. 2.0–2.5 km3. The temperature of the magma that initially entered the chamber was about 1100°C, whereas the temperature of the residual liquids erupted was Plinian pumice was 800° and 850°C respectively. There is no evidence that such a magma chamber existed at Vesuvius after the 79 A.D. eruption. These results have relevant practical implications for volcanic hazard and monitoring and for geothermal energy.  相似文献   

More than 1000 aftershocks were recorded within a month after the occurrence of the ML 5.5, 5 August 2014 Orkney earthquake. The events were relocated using the double difference method as part of an effort to identify the fault which might be the source of the events. A north–south trend of seismicity was revealed by the relocated events, with a diffuse cluster to the north of the main event. A depth profile shows these two clusters: one at a depth of about 2 km to the north of the main event and the other at depth between 3 and 6 km south of the main event. Focal mechanism solutions of 18 aftershocks were determined using first motion polarities from seismic stations of the Council for Geoscience cluster networks. Stress inversion analysis results from the focal mechanism solutions show a dominant extensional stress field in the region; the main event had a strike-slip fault plane solution. This is consistent with the regional stress field which is predominantly related to the East African rift system. It is possible that the occurrence of the main event triggered seismicity on shallower faults within the mining horizons oriented in a different direction to the fault on which the main event occurred. The area has a complex heterogeneous faulting structure as indicated by the observed low p values and complex focal mechanism solutions.  相似文献   

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