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Geochemistry and petrogenesis of ophiolites from Northern Pindos (Greece)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ophiolitic complex of Northern Pindos (Greece) contains ocean-floor basalts and low-Ti mafic rocks. The former rocks are similar to recent mid-ocean ridge basalts with a light REE depletion and a La/Yb ratio < 2. The low-Ti rocks resemble boninites in their high Mg and very low Ti and Zr contents and in their REE patterns which have convex-downwards shape with a slight light REE enrichment. However, their Zr/Ti, Ti/V and Zr/Y ratios are lower than in boninites. Both rock-types could be generated by dynamic partial melting of a rising upper mantle diapir. Slight enrichment in light REE, Sr, Rb and Ba in low-Ti rocks could be the result of either metasomatic or alteration processes. Although a subduction zone origin of the sequence is possible, the geochemical data do not necessarily imply such a setting.  相似文献   

Ophiolites have been divided into two groups: high-Ti and low-Ti types. These can be discriminated by studying the fractionation trends of both gabbroic complexes (this work) and lavas and dykes [16], particularly in the TiO2/M.I. diagram. The first type typically shows MORB-like magmas whereas in the second the magma types have a spectrum of composition from mid-ocean ridge basalts to island arc tholeiites and boninite-like magmas often occur.High-Ti ophiolites are petrologically and geochemically similar to major oceanic and ensialic back-arc basin crusts as well as oceanic crust generated during the intermediate and late-stage opening of intraoceanic back-arc basins.Parental magmas and fractionation processes of low-Ti ophiolites fit with an hypothesis of their formation in the early stage of opening of intraoceanic back-arc basins.  相似文献   

Early Yanshanian magmatic suites predominate absolutely in the Nanling granite belt.They consist mainly of monzogranite and K-feldspar granite.There occur associations of early Yanshanian A-type granitoids(176 Ma-178 Ma) and bimodal volcanic rocks(158 Ma-179 Ma) in southern Jiangxi and southwestern Fujian in the eastern sector of the granite belt and early Yanshanian basalts(177 Ma-178 Ma) in southern Hunan in the central sector of the belt.Both the acid end-member rhyolite in the bimodal volcanic rock association and A-type granitoids in southern Jiangxi have the geochemical characteristics of intraplate granitic rocks and the basic end-member basalt of the association is intraplate tholeiite,while the basaltic rocks in southern Hunan include not only intraplate tholeiite but also intraplate alkali basalt.Therefore the early Yanshanian magmatic suites in the Nanling region are undoubtedly typical post-orogenic rock associations.Post-orogenic suites mark the end of a post-collision or late orogenic event and the initiation of Pangaea break-up,indicating that a new orogenic Wilson cycle is about to start.Therefore it may be considered that the early Yanshanian geodynamic settings in the Nanling region should be related to post-orogenic continental break-up after the Indosinian orogeny and the break-up did not begin in the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The Dongco ophiolite occurred in the middle-western segment of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone. The thickness of the ophiolite suite is more than 5 km, which is composed, from bottom to top, of the mantle peridotite, mafic-ultramafic cumulates, basic sills (dykes) and basic lava and tectoni- cally emplaced in Jurassic strata (Mugagongru Group). The Dongco cumulates consist of dunite- troctolite-olivine-gabbro, being a part of DTG series of mafic-ultramafic cumulates. The basic lavas are characterized by being rich in alkali (Na2O K2O), TiO2, P2O5 and a LREE-rich type pattern dip- ping right with [La/Yb]=6.94―16.6 as well as a trace elements spider-diagram with normal anomaly of Th, Nb, Ta, Hf. Therefore, the Dongco basic lavas belong to ocean-island basalt (OIB) and dis- tinctly differ from mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and island-arc basalt (IAB) formed in the plate convergence margin. The basic lavas have higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.704363―0.705007), lower 143Nd/144Nd (0.512708―0.512887) and εNd(t ) from 2.7― 5.8, indicating that they derive from a two-components mixing mantle source of depleted mantle (DM) and enriched mantle (EMI). From above it is ready to see that the Dongco ophiolite forms in oceanic island (OIB) where the mantle source is replaced by a large amount of enriched material, therefore it distinctly differs from these ophiolites formed in island-arc and mid-oecan ridge. Newly obtained SHRIMP U-Pb dating for zircon of the cumulate troctolite is 132 ± 3 Ma and whole-rock dating of ~(39)Ar/~(40)Ar for the basalt is 173.4 ± 2.7 Ma and 140.9 ± 2.8 Ma, indicating that the Dongco ophiolite formed at Early Cretaceous and the middle-western segment of the Bangong-Nujiang oceanic basin was still in the developing and evolving period at Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

蛇绿岩概念自上世纪70年代提出以来,就成为确定古板块边界的重要证据,具有重要大地构造学意义,一直是地质学家研究的热点之一。近年来,随着地球化学技术的发展以及深海钻探计划和大洋钻探计划的实施,世界各地蛇绿岩研究不断深入,取得了很大的发展,同时也提出了很多新的问题。本文主要论述了蛇绿岩研究的最新动态,并对华南蛇绿岩的研究进展进行了分析梳理,对存在的一些问题作了初步讨论。  相似文献   

Although the involvement of hydrous fluids has been widely invoked in formation of podiform chromitites in ophiolites, there is lack of natural evidence to signify the role and mechanism of fluids. In this study, a new model for the genesis of podiform chromitite is proposed on basis of revisits of comprehensive petrological, mineralogical and geochemical results of the well-preserved K?z?lda? ophiolite and the well-characterized Luobusa chromite deposit. In this model, ascending magmas intruding oceanic lithospheric mantle would presumably form a series of small magma chambers continuously connected by conduits. Tiny chromite nuclei would collect fluids dispersed in such magmas to form nascent droplets. They tend to float upward in the magma chamber and would be easily transported upward by flowing magmas. Chromite-rich droplets would be enlarged via coalescence of dispersed droplets during mingling and circulation in the magma chamber and/or transport in magma conduits. Crystallization of the chromite-rich liquid droplets would proceed from the margin of the droplet inward, leaving liquid entrapped within grains as precursor of mineral inclusions. With preferential upward transportation, immiscible chromite-rich liquids would coalesce to a large pool in a magma chamber. Large volumes of chromite would crystallize in situ, forming podiform chromitite and resulting in fluid enrichment in the chamber. The fluids would penetrate and compositionally modify ambient dunite and harzburgite, leading to significant fractionations of elemental and isotopic compositions between melts and fluids from which dunite and chromitite respectively formed. Therefore, fluid immiscibility during basaltic magma ascent plays a vital role in chromitite formation.  相似文献   

尽管富水流体参与蛇绿岩豆英状铬铁矿形成过程已被广泛提及,但流体的作用和机制仍缺乏天然样品的证据证实.文章对保存完好的土耳其Kizilda(g)蛇绿岩和研究程度较高的西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩的铬铁矿床进行了岩石学、矿物学和地球化学的系统总结,展示了流体活动的证据,探讨了铬铁矿结晶与岩浆演化过程中流体不混溶的关系,进而建立了铬铁矿...  相似文献   

Advocates of the hypothesis of mid-oceanic ridge origin for ophiolites endeavored to show similarities between ophiolites and mid-oceanic ridges as evidence for their hypothesis. Some of the similarities claimed to exist appear to be true. However, this does not prove their hypothesis, because analogous similarities exist between ophiolites and some island arcs as well. Such advocates claim that rocks of the Troodos ophiolitic complex were subjected to such intense metasomatic changes that my hypothesis of island-arc origin for Troodos based on the bulk chemical analyses of rocks is not justified. However, a detailed examination of compositional variation in Troodos volcanic rocks has revealed that, though some components (e.g., K) were strongly mobile during secondary processes, other components were not, and the presently observed compositional variation resulted mainly from crystallization differentiation. Their assumption of large-scale silica metasomatism for Troodos cannot explain the compositional features of rocks and is contradictory to the hypothesis of mid-oceanic ridge origin, because such metasomatism does not appear to take place in mid-oceanic ridges.  相似文献   

Origin of the troodos and other ophiolites: A reply to hynes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geologic and tectonic evidence on the origin of the Troodos ophiolitic complex is ambiguous, being compatible with its creation in an island arc or a continent as well as in a mid-oceanic ridge. However, there is decisive petrologic and chemical evidence against its origin in a mid-oceanic ridge (and in a marginal sea). A large proportion (about half) of volcanic rocks in the sheeted complex and lower pillow lavas of Troodos have SiO2 > 52.5% and FeO*/MgO > 2.0 in contrast to mid-oceanic ridge volcanics which are almost entirely basic (SiO2 < 52.5%) with FeO*/MgO < 2.0. (FeO* means total iron as FeO.) A considerable proportion of volcanic rocks in Troodos belong to the calc-alkalic series. These facts indicate that the Troodos massif was formed probably in an island arc or a continental region.In order to rebut the above chemical evidence, Hynes resorts to an assumption of thorough compositional change of the Troodos volcanic rocks by metasomatism. However, this assumption is not plausible.  相似文献   

The Wuliji pluton in the Northern Alxa Region, Inner Mongolia, is the principal part of Shalazhashan Mountain. It belongs to the Zongnaishan-Shalazhashan Arc Zone, northwestern North China Plate, whose north is Engger Us Ophiolite Belt and south is Qagan Qulu Ophiolite Belt. The pluton was emplaced into Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian Amushan Formation. According to the research about the original Carboniferous Amushan Formation, the lower and middle sections of the Carboniferous Amushan Formation consist of volcanic, clastic, and carbonate rocks, interpreted to represent the sedimentary association of a volcanic arc and back-arc basin; the upper section of the Amushan Formation is a molasse composed of silty shale, sandstone, gravel-bearing sandstone, and conglomerate. The Wuliji pluton consists mainly of biotite monzonitic granite, amphibole-bearing biotite monzonitic granite, and monzonitic granite. Geochemical analyses show that the pluton has both metaluminous and peraluminous characteristics, and on average has SiO2>70 wt%, Al2O3 >14 wt%, and high contents of Na2O+K2O (8.5 wt%), which define a calc-alkaline series. In addition, REE patterns show enrichment of LREE and weak negative Eu anomalies (δ Eu=0.3-1). Altogether, the samples are depleted in Nb, Ta, Ti, P, Sr, and Ba, and enriched in Rb, Th, and K. These geochemical traits are interpreted to reflect an arc component. A secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) U-Pb zircon age of the biotite monzonitic Wuliji pluton in the Northern Alxa Region, Inner Mongolia, is 250.8±2.0 Ma (1σ). Samples have ε Nd (t) values between 0.1 and 1.3, which suggests that the granites were derived from mixing between the crust and mantle. Based on the SIMS age and geochemical characteristics, Wuliji granite is interpreted to be a post-collisional granite, the result of mantle-derived melt and assimilated juvenile arc crust. However, according to the newest international stratigraphic classification standard, the upper section of the Amushan Formation is Lower Permian in age, indicating that the back-arc basin had already closed in Early Permian. We conclude that the Paleo-Asian Ocean represented by the Engger Us Ophiolite Belt subducted southward in Late Carboniferous, at the same time that the trench-arc-basin system formed in the Northern Alxa Region. The Paleo-Asian Ocean was closed in Early Permian and the Northern Alxa Region entered a post-collisional period in the Late Permian, as indicated by the Wuliji granites. This suggests that the genesis of the Wuliji granites is consistent with the pluton emplacement at the upper crust, which occurred widely in the northern margin of the North China Plate in Late Carboniferous to Triassic.  相似文献   

Petrological models of the oceanic lithosphere are tested to satisfy geophysical and geochemical constraints within the framework of plate tectonics. Quartz eclogite, olivine eclogite, peridotite and dunite are considered as the material of the lithosphere. The temperature at the base of the lithosphere is assumed to be the solidus temperature. This temperature, the thermal conductivity, and the heat flow and topography changes with age are used as the geophysical constraints. The compressional wave velocity-depth profile is used to select preferred models. Among geophysically successful models, high-temperature models are preferred to wet low-temperature models, because the low-temperature models have difficulties in explaining the mechanism of generation of oceanic basalt magmas. A preferred model is a two-layer model 70 km thick consisting of peridotite at the upper lithosphere and olivine eclogite at the lower lithosphere bounded at the base by the dry solidus.  相似文献   

论文讨论了色日克牙依拉克蛇绿岩的岩石类型组合及岩石地球化学特征,结合区域地质情况分析认为:该蛇绿岩形成于裂谷一小洋盆环境,代表了塔里木板块和伊犁中天山微板块的最后缝合线位置。蛇绿岩出露地带,二辉橄榄岩和纯橄榄岩内均见有铬铁矿、磁铁矿等,局部地表见有镍华。因此,该地对于寻找铬、镍等矿床,有较大的潜力。  相似文献   

The tectonic history of Afghanistan appears to be the result of successive accretion of fragments of Gondwana to the active margin of Laurasia since the end of the Paleozoic. The margin, in Afghanistan, lies along the present Herat and Panjshir faults, south of Hindu Kush, swings around the central Pamirs and can presumably be traced along the present western Altyn Tagh and Kunlun faults in Tibet. North of this boundary, Paleozoic rocks have been deformed in the Upper Paleozoic, whereas south of it, there is no trace of the Hercynian orogeny. The first collision of Gondwanian fragments with Laurasia probably occurred in the early Mesozoic along the Hindu Kush and Kunlun. To the south, ophiolites along the Panjao and Pangong-Nu Chiang sutures (respectively in central Afghanistan and central Tibet) testify for another suturing event in the Upper Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous. The Indus-Tsangpo suture between India and Tibet corresponds, in eastern Afghanistan, to two ophiolite subbelts, near Kabul and Khost. Both ophiolite complexes have been emplaced between Maestrichtian and Lower Eocene by choking of two northward-dipping subduction zones. After complete contact between the Indian and Asian continents was achieved, presumably in the end of Eocene, the penetration of India into Asia caused large-scale intra-continental shortening. A large part of the shortening was accommodated by strike-slip faulting along Mesozoic and more ancient sutures. Central Afghanistan, in particular, was extruded to the west along the Herat suture by the protrusion of the Pamir wedge. It subsequently collided with the Lut block.  相似文献   

The Caledonian orogeny from the Northern Qinling Orogenic Belt (NQOB) has been disputed for decades. Some geologists proposed that the orogeny was origi-nated from a collision between the Northern China and Yangtz Plates, although there is a disputation on the collision age[1―5]. While others suggested that the Caledonian orogeny was, predominantly, related to a subduction process of an oceanic crust, which was coupled with some local arc-continent collisions[6,7]. According to the latt…  相似文献   

Large-scale intrusive contacts with associated marginal series have been encountered within Norwegian ophiolite complexes at Karmøy, Solund and Leka. The contacts limit individual magma chambers and are found at different structural levels of the plutonic suites. Examples of magma chamber margins adjacent to interlayered ultramafic and gabbroic rocks, modally-layered gabbros, high-level gabbros and sheeted dykes, are described. The nature of the intrusive boundaries and the presence of partially resorbed xenoliths in the vicinity of the intrusive margins suggest that stoping and assimilation have been important mechanisms during the development of the magma chambers.Characteristic marginal series are developed along the intrusive boundaries. The thicknesses and appearance of these series vary with depth in the complexes. Whereas the marginal series are well developed within the uppermost levels of the plutonic complexes (exhibiting rock types such as microgabbro, massive gabbro and magnetite gabbro), the marginal series observed at lower levels are thinner and also devoid of chilled facies rocks and magnetite gabbros.The marginal series may be subdivided into border and roof series. The latter are characterized by an intimate relationship with sheeted dykes, which comprise dyke swarms formed both prior to, during, and subsequent to crystallization of the roof series. Based on these relationships the dykes can be subdivided into rooted and rootless dykes.A multiple magma chamber model, with magma chambers migrating from a low to a high level within the oceanic crust, is proposed on the basis of the observed features.  相似文献   

Abstract   Ophiolites and high-pressure (HP) metamorphic rocks are studied to test continuation of Paleozoic and early Mesozoic geological units from Japan to Primorye over the Japan Sea. The early Paleozoic ophiolites are present on both sides, and the late Paleozoic ophiolite of south-western Japan may also have its counterpart in Primorye. The Shaiginskiy HP schist and the associated Avdakimov gneiss in Primorye, both tectonically underlying the early Paleozoic ophiolitic complex, yield a 250-Ma phengite and hornblende K–Ar age, which is intermediate between those of the Renge (280–330 Ma) and Suo (170–220 Ma) blueschists in south-western Japan. This age also coincides with that of the coesite-bearing eclogites in the Sulu–Dabie suture in China and several medium-pressure metamorphic rocks in East Asia. On the basis of these results and other geological data, the authors propose the 'Yaeyama promontory' model for an eastward extension of the Sulu–Dabie suture. The collision suture warps southward into the Yellow Sea and detours around Korea, turns to the north at Ishigaki Island in the Yaeyama Archipelago of Ryukyu, where it changes into a subduction zone and further continues toward south-western Japan and Primorye. Most ophiolites from this area represent crust–mantle fragments of an island arc–back-arc basin system, and the repeated formation of ophiolite–blueschist associations may be due to the repetition of the Mariana-type non-accreting subduction and Nankai-type accreting subduction.  相似文献   

The Qinling Orogen is a composite orogenic belt that can be subdivided into the North and South Qinling,broadly separated by the Shangdan suture zone.These two ...  相似文献   

Baotoudong syenite pluton is located to the east of Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, the westernmost part of the Triassic alkaline magmatic belt along the northern margin of the North China Craton(NCC). Zircon U-Pb age, petrological, mineralogical and geochemical data of the pluton were obtained in this paper, to constrain its origin and mantle source characteristics. The pluton is composed of nepheline-clinopyroxene syenite and alkali-feldspar syenite, with zircon U-Pb age of 214.7±1.1 Ma. Diopside(cores)-aegirine-augite(rims), biotite, orthoclase and nepheline are the major minerals. The Baotoudong syenites have high contents of rare earth elements(REE), and are characterized by enrichment in light rare earth elements(LREE) and large ion lithophile elements(LILE; e.g., Rb, Ba, Sr), depletion in heavy rare earth elements(HREE) and high field strength elements(HFSE). They show enriched Sr-Nd isotopic compositions with initial ~87Sr/~86Sr ranging from 0.7061 to 0.7067 and ε_Nd(t) values from –9.0 to –11.2. Mineralogy, petrology and geochemical studies show that the parental magma of the syenites is SiO_2-undersaturated potassic-ultrapotassic, and is characterized by high contents of Ca O, Fe_2O_3, K_2O, Na_2O and fluid compositions(H_2O), and by high temperature and high oxygen fugacity. The syenites were originated from a phlogopite-rich, enriched lithospheric mantle source in garnet-stable area(80 km). The occurrence of the Baotoudong syenites, together with many other ultrapotassic, alkaline complexes of similar ages on the northern margin of the NCC in Late Triassic implies that the lithospheric mantle beneath the northern margin of the NCC was previously metasomatized by melts/fluids from the subducted, altered paleo-Mongolian oceanic crust, and the northern margin of the craton has entered into an extensively extensional regime as a destructive continental margin in Late Triassic.  相似文献   

Ophiolites within the Norwegian Caledonides were generated during at least two distinct periods, i.e. Tremadocian-Arenigian and Ashgillian. The older generation show a long-lived magmatic development (ca 500-470 Ma) with rocks that range from MORB, IAT, boninites, calc-alkaline to alkaline basalt in geochemical affinity. This development is compatible with generation in a subduction-influenced environment, and a plausible modern equivalent may be the ensimatic arc-basin evolution in the western Pacific.The metabasalts of the younger (Ashgill, 443±3 Ma) ophiolite occurrence are characterized by a dominance of N- to E-MORB compositions with subduction zone influence. The volvanics of the complex are intercalated with, and overlain by, continentally-derived sediments. Calc-alkaline as well as alkaline lavas and volcanic-lastics apparantly define late magmatic products. Associated with the youngest ophiolite is a sedimentary melange with olistoliths of mature island arc-derived volcanics, as well as clasts with MORB-IAT affinity, chert and sandstone, the latter probably derived from an accretionary prism. An Andaman Sea model appears most applicable to the youngest ophiolite/associated sediments assemblage.Contemporaneously with the renewed, Ashgillian spreading episode, widespread deposition of clastic sequences of Ashgillian age took place unconformably on the Lower Ordovician ophiolite complexes in fault controlled basins.  相似文献   

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