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The Pollara tuff-ring resulted from two explosive eruptions whose deposits are separated by a paleosol 13 Ka old. The oldest deposits (LPP, about 0.2 km3) consist of three main fall units (A, B, C) deposited from a subplinian column whose height (7–14 km) increased with time from A to C, as a consequence of the increased magma discharge rate during the eruption (1–8x106 kg/s). A highly variable juvenile population characterizes the eruption. Black, dense, highly porphyritic, mafic ejecta (SiO2=50–55%) almost exclusively form A deposits, whereas grey, mildly vesiculated, mildly porphyritic pumice (SiO2=56–67%) and white, highly vesiculated, nearly aphyric pumice (SiO2=66–71%) predominate in B and C respectively. Mafic cumulates are abundant in A, while crystalline lithic ejecta first appear in B and increase upward. The LPP result from the emptying of an unusual and unstable, compositionally zoned, shallow magma chamber in which high density mafic melts capped low density salic ones. Evidence of the existence of a short crystal fractionation series is found in the mafic rocks; the andesitic pumice results from complete blending between rhyolitic and variously fractionated mafic melts (salic component up to 60 wt%), whereas bulk dacitic compositions mainly result from the presence of mafic xenocrysts within rhyolitic glasses. Viscosity and composition-mixing diagrams show that blended liquids formed when the visosities of the two end members had close values. The following model is suggested: 1. A rhyolitic magma rising through the metamorphic basement enterrd a mafic magma chamber whose souter portions were occupied by a highly viscous, mafic crystal mush. 2. Under the pressure of the rhyolitic body the nearly rigid mush was pushed upwards and mafic melts were squeezed against the walls of the chamber, beginning roof fracturing and mingling with silicic melts. 3. When the equilibrium temperature was reached between mafic and silicic melts, blended liquids rapidly formed. 4. When fractures reached the surface, the eruption began by the ejection of the mafic melts and crystal mush (A), followed by the emission of variously mingled and blended magmas (B) and ended by the ejection of nearly unmixed rhyolitic magma (C).  相似文献   

Trace element and Th, Sr and Pb isotope data for young lavas from the Tonga-Kermadec arc in the southwest Pacific suggest that geochemical variations in the lavas along the arc are linked to differences in the material being subducted beneath the arc. Lavas from the southern (Kermadec) segment of the arc have relatively radiogenic Pb isotope compositions, which reflects a contribution from subducted sediment. In contrast, much of the Pb in Tonga lavas is derived from the altered oceanic crust in the subducting Pacific Plate, and lavas from the northernmost Tonga islands of Tafahi and Niuatoputapu contain Pb and Sr derived from the subducted part of the Louisville Seamount Chain. The origin of the Pb in the lavas from these two islands can thus be traced to a point on the subducting slab, and this observation is used to estimate the rate at which trace elements are transported beneath the arc. Our calculations suggest that fluid-soluble elements such as U, Sr and Pb are transported from the subducted slab, across the mantle wedge and back to the surface in lavas over a period of approximately 2–3 Ma, and that magmas are erupted at the surface less than 350 ka after the melts are generated in the mantle wedge.  相似文献   

The Eolian arc is located at the boundary between the converging African and European plates. Its volcanism is characterized by a marked evolution in a restricted time (less than 1 my). A progressive transition is observed from typical calc-alkaline series toward shoshonitic rocks produced by past and present activity (Vulcano and Stromboli). By comparison with circum-Pacific island arcs, the evolution of Eolian volcanism can be related to a rapid deepening of the Benioff zone. The occurrence of shoshonitic rocks and the continental nature of the crust on both sides of the plate boundary suggest that the Eolian arc is in a senile stage of evolution. Petrology and Sr isotopic data indicate a probable mantle source for Eolian volcanism.  相似文献   

Lead isotopic results obtained on komatiites and basalts from Gorgona Island provide evidence of large isotopic variations within a restricted area (8 × 2.5 km). The variations are correlated with differences in volcanic rock type. The highest isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb~ 19.75) correspond to tholeiites which make up most of the island. The lowest ratios (18.3) correspond to the komatiites of the west coast of the island. Other rock types (komatiites of the east coast, K-tholeiites, picrites and tuffs) have isotopic characteristics intermediate between these two extreme values. These results are explained by the existence of two distinct mantle source regions, and by mixing or contamination between them.  相似文献   

Crystal chemistry and structural data for clinopyroxene from the Aeolian islands (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) were determined with the aim of obtaining geobarometric information and exploring implications for the structure of volcanic plumbing systems. Cell and M1 site volumes for clinopyroxenes, which are known to decrease with increasing pressure of crystallization, revealed variable values, both within some single islands and along the entire arc, indicating polybaric conditions of crystallization. The lowest cell and M1 volumes were found at Filicudi, plotting close to values of clinopyroxenes from high-pressure ultramafic xenoliths entrained in alkali basalts. Indications of high-pressure crystallization were also found at Salina and, to a lesser extent, at Alicudi, all situated in the western sector of the Aeolian Arc. The central and eastern islands of Lipari, Vulcano, Panarea and Stromboli generally show higher values of cell parameters, suggesting crystallization in shallow magma chambers. These islands are characterized by the occurrence of large calderas, which are apparently lacking at Salina and Filicudi. Time-related variations were observed for cell and M1 volumes of clinopyroxene for some islands. At Salina, the early-erupted products display low values of cell parameters with respect to later activity, thus indicating a decrease in crystallization pressure with time. A similar, although less striking, pattern is observed at Alicudi and Lipari. An overall increase in cell parameters with time was observed at the scale of the entire arc. The observed variations in clinopyroxene structural parameters highlight the significance of pyroxene crystal chemistry for petrogenetic and volcanological interpretation. Correlation with time and the structural characteristics of volcanoes suggest significant regional and temporal modifications in the plumbing systems of Aeolian volcanoes. Clinopyroxenes from Filicudi and the older Salina crystallized at high pressure in deep magma chambers, in the lower crust or at the mantle-crust boundary. The lower crystallization pressure in the younger Salina is interpreted as evidence of upward migration of magma chambers with time. Similar evolution can be envisaged for Alicudi. Instead, the entire evolutionary history of the central and eastern islands was dominated by low-pressure crystallization, with formation of calderas and generation of abundant acid products that are scarce or absent in the western islands. Evolution of the plumbing system of single volcanoes and of the Aeolian arc in general is probably related to modification of stress regimes and/or thinning of the arc basement, due to the effect of uprising mantle material above the Ionian subduction zone.  相似文献   

 The massive unit of a lava flow from Porri volcano (Salina, Aeolian Islands) displays many unusual structures related to the physical interaction between two different magmas. The magma A represents approximately 80% of the exposed lava surface; it has a crystal content of 51 vol.% and a dacitic glass composition (SiO2=63–64 wt.%). The magma B has a basaltic-andesite glass composition (SiO2=54–55 wt.%) and a crystal content of approximately 18 vol.%. It occurs as pillow-like enclaves, banding, boudin-like and rolling structures which are hosted in magma A. Structural analysis suggests that banding and boudin-like structures are the result of the deformation of enclaves at different shear strain. The linear correlation between strain and stratigraphic height of the measured elements indicates a single mode of deformation. We deduce that the component B deformed according to a simple shear model. Glass analyses of the A–B boundary indicate that A and B liquids mix together at high shear strain, whereas only mingling occurs at low shear strain. This suggests that the amount of deformation (i.e. forced convection) plays an important role in the formation of hybrid magmas. High shear strain may induce stretching, shearing and rolling of fluids which promote both forced convection and dynamical diffusion processes. These processes allow mixing of magmas with large differences in their physical properties. Received: 15 July 1995 / Accepted: 30 May 1996  相似文献   

Abstract Two new cases of association of adakites with ‘normal’ island arc lavas and transitional adakites are recognized in the islands of Batan and Negros in northern and central Philippines, respectively. The Batan lavas are related to the subduction of the middle Miocene portion of the South China Sea basin along the Manila trench; those of Negros come from the almost aseismic subduction of the middle Miocene Sulu Sea crust along the Negros trench. The occurrence of the Batan adakites is consistent with previous findings showing adakitic glass inclusions within minerals of mantle xenoliths associated with Batan arc lavas. The similarity of adakite ages (1.09 Ma) and that of the metasomatized xenoliths (1 Ma) suggests that both are linked to the same slab‐melting and metasomatic event. Earlier Sr, Pb and Nd‐isotopic studies, however, also reveal the presence of an important sediment contribution to the Batan lava geochemistry. Thus, the role played by slab melts, assumed to have mid‐ocean ridge basalts‐like (MORB) isotopic characteristics, in enriching the Batan subarc mantle is largely masked by the sediment input. The Negros adakites are present only in Mount Cuernos, the volcanic center nearest to the Negros trench. Batch partial melting calculations show that the Negros adakites could be derived from a garnet amphibolitic source with normal‐MORB (N‐MORB) geochemistry. This is supported by the MORB‐like isotopic characteristics of the Mount Cuernos lavas. The volcanic rocks from the other volcanoes consist of normal arc and transitional adakitic lavas that have slightly higher Sr‐ and Pb‐isotopic ratios, probably due to slight sediment input. Mixing of adakites and normal arc lavas to produce transitional adakites is only partly supported by trace element geochemistry and not by field evidence. The transitional adakites can be modeled as partial melts of an adakite‐enriched mantle. Trace element enrichment of non‐adakitic lavas could reflect the interaction of their mantle source with uprising slab melts, as metasomatic mantle minerals scavenge certain trace elements from the adakitic fluids. Therefore, in arcs beneath which thick (up to 2 km) continent‐derived detrital sediments are involved in subduction, like in Batan, the sediment signature can overwhelm the slab melt input. In arcs like Negros where slow subduction could cause a more efficient scraping of thinner (approximately 1 km) detrital sediments, the contribution of slab melts is easier to detect.  相似文献   

A new classification scheme has been developed to assign the lava flows of the Paraná continental flood basalt province (South America) into geochemically distinct magma types, with six basaltic major and trace element abundances and/or ratios. By mapping out the spatial distribution of these magma types within the lava sequences, it has been possible to determine the internal stratigraphy of the lava pile on a regional scale. Previous studies on road profiles traversing the well-exposed coastal Serra Geral escarpment of southern Brazil are summarised together with results from some new sampled sections. More widespread stratigraphical investigations of the Paraná lavas have been hampered by the lack of sufficient topographic relief and the cover of sedimentary rocks. However, access to drill-core chippings from nine boreholes in the central Paraná region has provided a unique opportunity to investigate the stratigraphy of the otherwise inaccessible deeper levels of the lava pile and to map out stratigraphic variations in three dimensions. The borehole samples have indicated cated a stacking of units of different magma types all overlapping towards the north, which suggests that the main locus of magmatism moved northwards with time within the Paraná basin. This migration could be related to the northward propagation of rifting during the initiation of the South Atlantic Ocean. Maps of the surface distribution of samples of each magma type show a pattern consistent with the stratigraphy inferred from the boreholes, although suggesting that the shift in magmatism may have been towards the northwest. On the basis of geochemical similarities between magma types and their inferred stratigraphical relationships, it is proposed that the Paraná can be divided into two principal magmatic centres: (1) an older one in the south, comprising the Gramado, Esmeralda and Urubici magma types; and (2) a younger one, developed about 750 km to the north, formed by the Pitanga, Paranapanema and Ribeira magma types.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxenes separated from two hydrous and four anhydrous ultramafic nodules, selected from a suit of xenoliths from Dreiser Weiher (DW), West Germany, have been studied for Nd and Sr isotopic composition. Nd exhibits a range of εJUV(T) from 0 to +12.4 and 87Sr/86Sr varies between 0.70185 and 0.70400. TICE model ages for anhydrous nodules indicate that the mantle underlying DW was originally depleted ?2 AE ago. Correlation of 143Nd/144Nd with Sm/Nd in this group of samples suggests that a second partial melting event occurred about 560 m.y. ago resulting in LREE enrichment of at least part of the anhydrous mantle. During a later episode, probably contemporaneous with the eruption of the host basalt in Quaternary times, most of the spinel peridotitic upper mantle below DW was modified. This metasomatism led to hydration and incompatible element enrichment of originally anhydrous mantle. The isotopic data for the anhydrous nodules again demonstrate that oceanic-type mantle underlies at least some continental areas. It is apparent that the separation of subcontinental mantle regions from an initially chondritic reservoir may occur in several discrete episodes. However, differing histories of depletion and/or enrichment will produce isotopically distinct mantle reservoirs. Therefore, basalts extracted from these mantle reservoirs will scatter about an average Nd-Sr trend line reflecting the nature of the differentiation in their source regions.  相似文献   

Five nodules of eclogite, one nodule of garnet peridotite and one sample of kimberlite from the Roberts Victor mine were analyzed for concentrations of U, Th, Pb, Rb and Sr and isotopic compositions of Pb and Sr. In the eclogites, U content ranges from 0.09 to 0.26 ppm, Th from 0.35 to 1.1 ppm, Pb from 0.79 to 5.5 ppm, Rb from 2.1 to 28 ppm and Sr from 133 to 346 ppm;206Pb/204Pb ratios range from 14.8 to 18.5,207Pb/204Pb from 14.9 to 15.7,208Pb/204Pb from 35.2 to 38.5. The garnet peridotite contains 0.22 ppm U, 0.97 ppm Th, 1.05 ppm Pb, 6.9 ppm Rb and 108 ppm Sr and the kimberlite contains 2.5 ppm U, 30 ppm Th, 37 ppm Pb, 113 ppm Rb and 2040 ppm Sr. The lead in the eclogites has two components, a lead pyroextractable at 1100–1200° and a non-pyroextractable residual lead. In three of the eclogites, which are to some extent altered, a proportion of the pyroextractable lead may be contaminating lead from the kimberlite, but an altered kyanite eclogite does not appear to be contaminated by this same kimberlite. The pyroextractable lead from a less altered eclogite contains a much larger proportion of206Pb. Compositions calculated for the residual leads vary greatly. In many of the pyroextraction runs the primary eclogitic phases disappeared and the new phases plagioclase, clinopyroxene and a magnetic iron compound were formed. Why part of the lead should have been retained by these new phases is not understood.  相似文献   

New inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) trace element data are presented on a suite of arc lavas from the northern Mariana and southern Bonin island arcs. The samples were dredged from seamounts in the Central Island Province (CIP), the Northern Seamount Province (NSP) and the Volcano Arc (VA), and they range in composition from low-K tholeiites to shoshonites. Previous studies on these samples concluded that the primary compositional control was two-component mixing between a fluid-metasomatized mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) source and an enriched, ocean island basalt (OIB)-like, mantle component, with subducted sediment material playing a secondary role. However, the new trace element data suggest that the compositional variations along the Mariana arc can be better explained by the addition of spatially varying subduction components to a spatially varying mantle source. The data suggest that the subduction component in the CIP and VA is dominated by aqueous fluids derived from altered oceanic crust and a pelagic sediment component, while the subduction component in the NSP is dominated by more silicic fluids derived from volcanogenic sediments as well as from pelagic sediment and altered oceanic crust. The mantle wedge in the CIP and VA is depleted relative to a normal mid-ocean ridge basalt source by loss of a small melt fraction, while the mantle wedge in the NSP is enriched either by possible gain of a small melt fraction or addition of a sediment-derived melt. Because the subduction of seamounts controls the arc and back-arc geometries, so the concomitant variation between subducted material and mantle composition may be no coincidence. The high field strength element (HFSE) data indicate a high degree of melting (∼ 25–30%) throughout the arc, ∼ 10% of which may be attributed to decompression and ∼ 20% to fluid addition.  相似文献   

A swath bathymetric survey was conducted on Marsili Volcano, the biggest seamount in the Tyrrhenian Sea. It stands 3000 m above the surrounding oceanic crust of the 3500 m-deep Marsili back-arc basin and is axially located within the basin. The seamount has an elongated shape and presents distinctive morphology, with narrow (<1000 m) ridges, made up of several elongated cones, on the summit zone and extensive cone fields on its lower flanks. A dredging campaign carried out at water depths varying between 3400 and 600 m indicates that most of Marsili Seamount is composed of medium-K calc-alkaline basalts. Evolved high-K andesites were only recovered from the small cones on the summit axis zone. Petrological and geochemical characteristics of the least differentiated basalts reveal that at least two varieties of magmas have been erupted on the Marsili Volcano. Group 1 basalts have plagioclase and olivine as dominant phases and show lower Al, Ca, K, Ba, Rb and Sr, and higher Fe, Na, Ti and Zr with respect to a second type of basaltic magma. Group 2 basalts reveal the presence of clinopyroxene as an additional phenocryst phase. In addition, the two basaltic magmas have different original pre-eruptive H2O content (group 1, H2O-poor and group 2, H2O-rich). Moreover, comparison of the compositional trends and mineralogical compositions obtained from MELTS [Ghiorso, M.S., Sack, R.O., Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 119 (1995) 197–212] fractional crystallization calculations reveal that the evolved andesites can only exclusively be derived from a low-pressure (0.3 kbar) fractionation of magmas compositionally similar to the least evolved group 2 basalts. Finally, we suggest that the high vesicularity of the basalts sampled at relatively great depths (>2400 m) on the edifice is governed by H2O and, probably, CO2 exsolution and is not a feature indicative of shallow water depth eruption.  相似文献   

We discuss the chemical compositions of rhyolites from three distinct tectonic settings: (i) the continental rift from Ethiopia (both Oligocene–Miocene and Quaternary rhyolites); (ii) the early Miocene continental arc of Japan (the Mt Wasso rhyolites related to the rifting of the Japan Sea); and (iii) the oceanic Izu–Bonin Island Arc. The comparison reveals that the oceanic island arc rhyolites have high contents of CaO, Al2O3, and Sr, and extremely low abundance of trace elements including K2O. In contrast, the Ethiopian continental rift rhyolites are characterized by low contents of CaO, Al2O3, and Sr, and high contents of K2O, and are enriched in the whole range of trace elements. The continental arc Mt Wasso rhyolites are apparently low in Nb content, although they display similar chemical trends to those of the Ethiopian rhyolites. This obvious difference in the chemical signatures of the rhyolites from the three tectonic settings is the consequence of their derivation from different sources. The implication of this result is that fractional crystallization processes were dominant in the rift‐related rhyolites both from continental rift and continental arc regardless of the prevailing tectonic setting and the nature of the crust (age, thickness, composition), whereas the oceanic island arc rhyolites may form through partial melting of young, mafic crust.  相似文献   

Strontium and oxygen isotope measurements on the alkali basalt-trachyte-phonolite suite of St. Helena show that some of the late-fractionated rocks are enriched in 87Sr and depleted in 18O relative to the older basalts. The data rule out both the formation of the late-fractionated rocks by the partial melting of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust and the contamination of the volcanic rocks by oceanic sediment. It also appears to be incompatible with models based either on the melting of previously fractionated and crystallized liquids in the volcanic pile, or the long-term fractionation of lavas over several millions of years in a sub-volcanic magma chamber.It is concluded that hydrothermal interaction with meteoric water is the most important cause of the 18O depletion. If the interaction occurred at widely differing temperatures, and involved meteoric and seawaters, it might conceivably have caused both the oxygen and strontium isotope heterogeneities.  相似文献   

Eighteen basic rocks from Ascension Island (South Atlantic) give a mean87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70311 ± 17 for both volcanics and plutonic inclusions. The late-stage differentiated rocks (rhyolites and granitic inclusions) have much higher87Sr/86Sr ratios, up to 0.712. All these rocks display the same range of Nd isotopic compositions (εNdvalues from6.9to11.1with a mean on12samples of8.4 ± 0.6) implying a cogenetic relation between the two sequences. The D/H systematics lead to the same conclusion.In the NdSr diagram, the data plot close to the mantle array and show a positive correlation. This suggests a mixing between a depleted MORB-type mantle, i.e. the upper mantle, and a hot-spot with less depleted geochemical characteristics, i.e. the OIB mantle source.The total range of δ18O values lies between 4.8‰ for plagioclase cumulates and 6.7‰ for the most evolved rocks (peralkaline granites and comendites). The basic rocks have values around 5.3‰, typical of mantle-derived material. These oxygen data indicate that the high87Sr/86Sr ratios in the most evolved rocks (both volcanic and plutonic terms) result from the combination of two different processes: incorporation of slight amounts (< 1%) of high-temperature altered oceanic crust by the magma in the late stages of the differentiation process and then in-situ Rb decay since the time of formation of these rocks. Both processes were very effective because of the high Rb and low Sr contents of these evolved rocks.Oxygen isotope systematics in the Ascension Island granites and rhyolites indicate that a fractional crystallization process alone does not produce δ18O values higher than 6.7‰, i.e. that the ultimate δ18O enrichment, relative to the initial basic magma, is not greater than 1.5‰.  相似文献   

Shape-preferred orientation and imbrication structures of crystals have been measured on samples representative of the base, centre and top of a highly viscous lava flow on Salina (Aeolian Islands, southern Tyrrhenian Sea). The data allow zones with different deformation patterns to be identified. In the base and top of the flow, deformation leads to the development of discrete preferred orientation and imbrication of the elongate crystals. The sense of shear is right-lateral at the base and left-lateral at the top of the flow. Shear strain can be estimated by the analysis of crystal preferred orientation. Deformation increases from the flow centre to the outer, more viscous boundary layers. Random orientation of crystals in the inner zone supports the presence of plug flow in a pseudoplastic lava. The textural features of the studied lava may be related to different mechanisms (i.e. lateral expansion). We conclude that the observed crystal alignments and imbrication structures may be related to a plug flow moving between two non-deforming walls. The walls are represented by the solidified, broken upper and basal crust of the flow. The low shear strain values calculated in the outer margins of the flow are indicative of the last deformation event. Crystal preferred orientation and imbrication structures may be related to the occurrence of velocity gradients existing between the inner zone of the flow and its solidus or near-solidus outer margins.  相似文献   

Gas samples from some fumaroles at ‘La Fossa' crater and Baia di Levante on Vulcano Island and from a diffuse soil gas emission were analysed during 1995–1996, along with water samples from thermal wells in the area of Vulcano Porto. During 1996, we observed a significant increase both in the gas/steam ratio and in the CO2 concentration, as well as strong variations in δ13CCO2, δDH2O and δ18OH2O of fumarolic gases. These variations are probably related to an increased inflow of deep fluids of magmatic origin. The temperatures of fumaroles did not show remarkable variations except for fumarole F11. In this case, temperature increased by about 80°C from February to August 1996. During the same period, remarkable variations in temperature, phreatic level and chemical and isotopic composition of water were also recorded in one of the geothermal wells in the Vulcano Porto area (Camping Sicilia; T60°C). The observed variations in this well are probably related to a pressure build-up, occurring at least in the surficial part of the system, because of increased gas flux and/or decreased permeability of the fumarolic degassing system. Chemical and isotopic composition of the water showed that during this evolutionary phase, the content of fumarolic condensate in this well was about 80 to 90%. Based on the observation of physical and chemical variables of the Camping Sicilia fluids, during this phase of activity, it is concluded that this area is affected by a phreatic eruption hazard if a volcanic episode with high energy discharge in a limited time span occurs. It follows that this well may be considered as a preferential point for volcanic activity monitoring, both in the case of normal routine surveillance and in the case of inaccessibility to the crater area.  相似文献   

The Rallier du Baty peninsula in the southwestern part of the Kerguelen archipelago contains five ring complexes composed of rocks of syenitic and granitic affinities. These ring complexes are mutually intrusive and intrude into a series of basaltic flows of about 20–25 m.y. in age. Geologic studies show that these complexes progressively become younger to the north. The main rock types of the ring complexes consist of amphibole syenites and biotite syenites representing two magmatic suites, an peralkaline and an peraluminous type.The isotopic study of the southern syenite-granite ring complex of the Rallier du Baty peninsula is presented. A very precise chronology of the intrusions (A, outermost ring, to H, innermost ring) is given:outergabbros:K?Arage=15?13m.y.ringA:K?Arrage=12m.y.ringB:WholerockRb?Srage=9.7±0.2m.y.(2σ)ringC:WholerockRb?Srage=8.6±0.1m.y.(2σ)ringD,E,F,G,H:WholerockRb?Srage=7.9±0.2m.y.(2σ)The close grouping of initial87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7057) indicates that different ring complexes have the same source regions. Furthermore, the time interval between production of melt and final crystallization can be estimated at several 105 years. As the age differences between ring complexes are about 1 m.y., the different liquids cannot be differentiates of the same magma. The initial ratios of basic plutonic and volcanic rocks from the archipelago range from 0.7041 to 0.7077 with strong grouping around 0.7057. When plotted in a207Pb/204Pb vs.206Pb/204Pb diagram, the lead isotope ratios of all igneous rocks from these islands form a linear array similar to the results from other oceanic islands.Strontium and lead isotope data for all Kerguelen rocks suggest that most of the basic plutonic and volcanic rocks as well as the syenite-granite plutons are probably derived from a similar source located in an undepleted mantle.  相似文献   

The Orbetello lagoon (Tyrrhenian coast, Italy) receives treated urban and land based fishfarms wastewater. The development of severe eutrophication imposed the three main activity adoption focuses on (1) macroalgae harvesting; (2) pumping of water from the sea; (3) confining wastewater to phytotreatment ponds. The responses to these interventions were rapid and macroalgal reduction growth and seagrass return were recorded. Since 1999, a new macroalgal development was recorded. The aim of this research was to discover whether the recent macroalgal growth can be attributed to the continuing wastewater influx from the remaining persistent anthropic sources (PAS) or from the sediment nutrient release. A monitoring programme was carried out between August 1999 and July 2000 in order to measure dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus in the wastewaters entering into the lagoon and in central lagoon areas, seaweed and seagrass distribution and lagoon N, P annual budgets. The results showed higher N and P values close to PAS. The distribution of the macroalgal species confirms that the available P comes almost entirely from these remaining PAS. In conclusion, the environmental measures adopted produced a significant reduction in algal biomass development in the lagoon; the macroalgal harvesting activities produced a sediment disturbance with following oxidize conditions, which make P unavailable in the lagoon water, excepting close the PAS.  相似文献   

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