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Mount Etna volcano was shaken during the summer 2001 by one of the most singular eruptive episodes of the last centuries. For about 3 weeks, several eruptive fractures developed, emitting lava flows and tephra that significantly modified the landscape of the southern flank of the volcano. This event stimulated the attention of the scientific community especially for the simultaneous emission of petrologically distinct magmas, recognized as coming from different segments of the plumbing system. A stratigraphically controlled sampling of tephra layers was performed at the most active vents of the eruption, in particular at the 2,100 m (CAL) and at the 2,550 m (LAG) scoria cones. Detailed scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDS) analyses performed on glasses found in tephra and comparison with lava whole rock compositions indicate an anomalous increase in Ti, Fe, P, and particularly of K and Cl in the upper layers of the LAG sequence. Mass balance and thermodynamic calculations have shown that this enrichment cannot be accounted for by “classical” differentiation processes, such as crystal fractionation and magma mixing. The analysis of petrological features of the magmas involved in the event, integrated with the volcanological evolution, has evidenced the role played by volatiles in controlling the magmatic evolution within the crustal portion of the plumbing system. Volatiles, constituted of H2O, CO2, and Cl-complexes, originated from a deeply seated magma body (DBM). Their upward migration occurred through a fracture network possibly developed by the seismic swarms during the period preceding the event. In the upper portion of the plumbing system, a shallower residing magma body (ABT) had chemical and physical conditions to receive migrating volatiles, which hence dissolved the mobilized elements producing the observed selective enrichment. This volatile-induced differentiation involved exclusively the lowest erupted portion of the ABT magma due to the low velocity of volatiles diffusion within a crystallizing magma body and/or to the short time between volatiles migration and the onset of the eruption. Furthermore, the increased amount of volatiles in this level of the chamber strongly affected the eruptive behavior. In fact, the emission of these products at the LAG vent, towards the end of the eruption, modified the eruptive style from classical strombolian to strongly explosive.  相似文献   

On January 30, 1974, an explosive eruption began on the western side of Etna. The activity evolved into two eruptive periods (January 30–February 17 and March 11–29). Two spatter cones (Mount De Fiore I and Mount De Fiore II) were formed at a height of about 1650 m a.s.l. and a distance of 6 km from the summit area. The effusive activity was very irregular with viscous lava flows of modest length.A seismic network of four stations was established around the upper part of the volcano on February 3. Moreover additional mobile stations were set up at several different sites in order to obtain more detailed informations on epicenter locations and spectral content of volcanic tremor.The volcanic activity is discussed in relation to the distribution of epicenters and the time-space distribution of the spectral characteristics of volcanic earthquakes and tremor. The characteristics of the seismic activity suggest that the flank eruption of Mount Etna was probably feed by a lateral branch of the main conduit yielding the activity at the Central Crater.  相似文献   

The March–August, 1983 eruption of Mt. Etna can be considered as one of the most important in the last years.The analysis of seismic activity during the three months immediately before the eruption showed interesting variations of theb coefficient, in the frequency-magnitude relationship, that have been linked to possible changes of the stress field in the Etnean region.The eruption start was also preceded by a strong seismic crisis with epicenters mostly on the southern, eastern and southwestern flanks of the volcano, and characterized by the shallowness of most of the events (h3 km).The data analysis has led to a hypothesis on the eruption occurrence based on a model of dynamic evolution of the stress field acting on Mt. Etna.  相似文献   

A study is presented of spectral features of volcanic tremor recorded at Mount Etna (Sicily, Italy) following the methods of analysis suggested by the resonant scattering formalism of Gaunaurd and Überall (1978, 1979a, 1979b) and the model for hydraulic origin of Seidl et al. (1981). The periods investigated include summit and flank eruptions that occurred between 1984 and 1993. Recordings from a permanent station located near the top of the volcano were used, and the temporal patterns associated with (a) the average spacing ( ) between consecutive spectral peaks in the frequency range 1–6 Hz, (b) the spectral shape and (c) the overall spectral amplitude were analyzed. values are thought to depend on the physical properties of magma, such as its density, which, in turn, is controlled by the degree of gas exsolution. Variations in the spectral shape are tentatively attributed to changes in the geometrical scattering from the boundary of resonant conduits and magma batches. Finally, the overall amplitude at the station should essentially reflect the state of turbulence of magma within the superficial ascending path. A limit in the application of the resonant scattering formalism to the study of volcanic tremor is given by the fact that the fundamental modes and integer harmonics are difficult to identify in the frequency spectra, as tremor sources are likely within cavities of very complex geometry, rather than in spherical or cylindrical chambers, as expected by theory. This study gives evidence of some correlations between the analyzed temporal patterns and the major events in the volcanic activity, related to both lava flow and explosions at the summit vents. In particular, relatively high values of have been attained during the SE crater eruption of 1984, the complex eruptive phases of September–October 1989 and the 1991–1993 flank eruption, suggesting the presence of a relatively dense magma for all of these events. Conversely, very low values have been recorded in coincidence with the December 1985 activity and the paroxysmal explosions at the summit craters of early 1990, which are interpreted here as fed by fluid-vesiculated magma. Appreciable modifications in the spectral shape have been observed in relation to changes of the volcanic activity that probably preceded the opening and disactivation of shallow dykes or magma batches. Finally, the overall amplitude seems to be a sensitive indicator of the state of gas turbulence within the shallow conduits, as is suggested by the high values attained during phases of intense volcanic activity.  相似文献   

For 5 months before the 2001 Mt. Etna eruption, a progressive gravity decrease was measured along a profile of stations on the southern slope of the volcano. Between January and July 2001, the amplitude of the change reached 80 μGal, while the wavelength of the anomaly was of the order of 15 km. Elevation changes observed through GPS measurements during a period encompassing the 5-month gravity decrease, remained within 4–6 cm over the entire volcano and within 2–4 cm in the zone covered by the microgravity profile. We review both gravity and elevation changes by a model assuming the formation of new cracks, uniformly distributed in a rectangular prism. The inversion problem was formulated following a global optimization approach based on the use of Genetic Algorithms. Although it is possible to explain the observed gravity changes by means of the proposed analytical formulation, the results show that calculated elevation changes are significantly higher than those observed. Two alternative hypotheses are proposed to account for this apparent discrepancy: (1) that the assumptions behind the analytical formulation, used to invert the data, are fallacious at Etna, and thus, numerical models should be utilized; (2) that a second process, enabling a considerable mass decrease to occur without deformation, acted together with the formation of new cracks in the source volume.  相似文献   

The explosive behavior and the rheology of lavas in basaltic volcanoes, usually driven by differentiation, can also be significantly affected by the kinetics of magma degassing in the upper portion of the feeding system. The complex eruption of 2001 at Mt. Etna, Italy, was marked by two crucial phenomena that occurred at the Laghetto vent on the southern flank of the volcano: 1) intense explosive activity and 2) at the end of the eruption, emission of a lava flow with higher viscosity than flows previously emitted from the same vent. Here, we investigate the hypothesis that these events were driven by the injection of volatile-rich magma into the feeding system. The input and mixing of this magma into a reservoir containing more evolved magma had the twofold effect of increasing 1) the overall concentration of volatiles and 2) their exsolution with consequent efficient vesiculation and degassing. This led to an explosive stage of the eruption, which produced a ~75-m-high cinder cone. Efficient volatile loss and the consequent increase of the liquidus temperature brought about the nucleation of Fe-oxides and other anhydrous crystalline phases, which significantly increased the magma viscosity in the upper part of the conduit, leading to the emission of a high viscosity lava flow that ended the eruption. The 2001 eruption has offered the opportunity to investigate the important role that input of volatile-rich magma may exert in controlling not only the geochemical features of erupted lavas but also the eruption dynamics. These results present a new idea for interpreting similar eruptions in other basaltic volcanoes and explaining eruptions with uncommonly high explosivity when only basic magmas are involved.  相似文献   

Iwate volcano, Japan, showed significant volcanic activity including earthquake swarms and volcano inflation from the beginning of 1998. A large earthquake of magnitude 6.1 hit the south-west of the volcano on September 3. Although a 1 km2 fumarole field formed, blighting plants on the ridge in the western part of the volcano in the spring of 1999, no magmatic eruptions occurred. We reconcile the spatio-temporal distributions of volcanic pressure sources determined by previously reported studies in which GPS, strain and tilt data from dense geodetic station networks are analyzed (Miura et al. Earth Planet Space 52:1003–1008, 2000; Sato and Hamaguchi J Volcanol Geotherm Res 155:244–262, 2006). We calculate the magma supply rates from their results and compare them with the occurrence rates of volcanic earthquakes. The results show that the magma supply rates are almost constant or even decrease with time while the earthquake occurrence rate increases with time. This contrast in their temporal changes is interpreted to result from stress accumulation in the volcanic edifice caused by constant magma supply without effusion of magma to the surface. We further show that data showing slight acceleration in strain can be best explained by magma ascent at a constant velocity, and that there is no evidence for increased magma buoyancy resulting from gas bubble growth. This consideration supports the interpretation that the magma stayed at 2 km depth and horizontally migrated. These findings relating magma supply rate and seismicity to magma ascent process are clues to understanding why no magmatic eruption occurred at Iwate volcano in 1998.  相似文献   

A levelling network and a horizontal distance measuring network down Mt. Etna's south flank were measured before, during and after the 1983 eruption. We analyse the large movements recorded, using theoretical models of surface displacement, to determine the shape and position of the feeder conduit that supplied magma to the eruption. The results indicate that a dyke, the top surface extending nearly horizontally, connects the eruption site to a point near the Southeast Crater. The top of the dyke lies at an altitude of 2400 m to 2500 m, and dips between 75° and 90° to the west.More tentative evidence indicates that the top of the active dyke dropped by about 150 m between the 25th and the 95th day of the eruption, and that a small branching dyke 1 km long was emplaced to the east of the main dyke, but did not attain the surface. The implications of these observation are discussed.  相似文献   

The 2000 Hekla eruption took place from February 26 to March 8. Its seismic expressions were a swarm of numerous small earthquakes related to its onset, and low-frequency volcanic tremor that continued throughout the eruption. A swarm of small earthquakes was observed some 80 min before the onset of the eruption, and the size of the events increased with time. Low-frequency volcanic tremor, with a characteristic frequency band of 0.5–1.5 Hz and dominant spectral peak(s) at 0.7–0.9 Hz, became visible at 18:19 GMT on February 26, marking the onset of the eruption. The tremor amplitude rose quickly and was very high in the beginning of the eruption. However, it soon began to decrease after about an hour. In general, the seismic activity related to the 2000 Hekla eruption was very similar to what was observed in the previous eruption in 1991. Based on knowledge gained from seismicity and strain observations from 1991, this was the first time that a Hekla eruption was predicted.Editorial responsibility: J Stix  相似文献   

Geological surveys, tephrostratigraphic study, and 40Ar/39Ar age determinations have allowed us to chronologically constrain the geological evolution of the lower NW flank of Etna volcano and to reconstruct the eruptive style of the Mt Barca flank eruption. This peripheral sector of the Mt Etna edifice, corresponding to the upper Simeto valley, was invaded by the Ellittico volcano lava flows between 41 and 29 ka ago when the Mt Barca eruption occurred. The vent of this flank eruption is located at about 15 km away from the summit craters, close to the town of Bronte. The Mt Barca eruption was characterized by a vigorous explosive activity that produced pyroclastic deposits dispersed eastward and minor effusive activity with the emission of a 1.1-km-long lava flow. Explosive activity was characterized by a phreatomagmatic phase followed by a magmatic one. The geological setting of this peripheral sector of the volcano favors the interaction between the rising magma and the shallow groundwater hosted in the volcanic pile resting on the impermeable sedimentary basement. This process produced phreatomagmatic activity in the first phase of the eruption, forming a pyroclastic fall deposit made of high-density, poorly vesicular scoria lapilli and lithic clasts. Conversely, during the second phase, a typical strombolian fall deposit formed. In terms of hazard assessment, the possible occurrence of this type of highly explosive flank eruption, at lower elevation in the densely inhabited areas, increases the volcanic risk in the Etnean region and widens the already known hazard scenario.  相似文献   

The 1991 eruption of the Hekla volcano started unexpectedly on 17 January. No long-term precursory seismicity was observed. The first related activity was a swarm of small earthquakes that began approximately half an hour before the eruption. Intensive seismicity, both earthquakes and volcanic tremor, accompanied the violent onset of the eruption. Almost 400 events up to ML magnitude 2.5 were recorded during the first few hours. During the later phases of the eruption, the earthquake activity was modest and the main volcano-related seismic signal was the persistent volcanic tremor. The tremor died away, together with the eruption on 11 March, and Hekla was seismically quiet until the beginning of June 1991, when a sudden swarm of numerous small shallow earthquakes occurred. This activity is atypical for Hekla and is interpreted to be a failed attempt to resume the eruption.  相似文献   

Spectral analyses of volcanic tremor at Etna during January 1984–March 1985, have been performed and the relationship between tremor energy and observed volcanic phenomena have been examined. The highest energy levels have been observed during the paroxysmal phases of eruptions, whereas a gradual decrease was linked to the lowering of eruptive activity. Amplitude variations with time of some spectral frequency peaks (0.95, 1.20, 1.45, 1.65, 1.80 and 2.40 Hz) have been compared with volcanic activity at the summit craters, and on the basis of these results a new schematic diagram for the feeding system of the summit vents is proposed.  相似文献   

One of the major objectives of volcanology remains relating variations in surface monitoring signals to the magmatic processes at depth that cause these variations. We present a method that enables compositional and temporal information stored in zoning of minerals (olivine in this case) to be linked to observations of real-time degassing data. The integrated record may reveal details of the dynamics of gradual evolution of a plumbing system during eruption. We illustrate our approach using the 2006 summit eruptive episodes of Mt. Etna. We find that the history tracked by olivine crystals, and hence, most likely the magma pathways within the shallow plumbing system of Mt. Etna, differed considerably between the July and October eruptions. The compositional and temporal record preserved in the olivine zoning patterns reveal two mafic recharge events within months of each other (June and September 2006), and each of these magma supplies may have triggered the initiation of different eruptive cycles (July 14–24 and August 31–December 14). Correlation of these observations with gas monitoring data shows that the systematic rise of the CO2/SO2 gas values is associated with the gradual (pre- and syn-eruptive) supply of batches of gas-rich mafic magma into segments of Etna’s shallow plumbing system, where mixing with pre-existing and more evolved magma occurred.  相似文献   

Comparison between observed and theoretical seismic intensities of the Messina earthquake of 1908 shows an area of negative anomalies, which seems to correspond to the «shadow» of the Etna magma chamber. This magma chamber has probably an elongated form, being 40 km wide and about 100 km long; the mean depth appears to be close to 5 km, but the thickness cannot be estimated from the present data.  相似文献   

During the initial explosive phase of the eruption of Arenal volcano small projectiles were thrown a maximum distance of 5 km. Considering the effect of atmospheric drag these projectiles must have had initial velocities of at least 600 m/sec. For this velocity, the gas pressure in the magma chamber must have reached at least 4700 bars and the kinetic energy of the initial explosion is estimated as 2.4 ± 1.2 × 10a ergs. Had the effect of aerodynamic braking been ignored in making these calculations, as has always been done in the past, the calculated initial velocity would have been 220 m/sec; chamber pressure and kinetic energy estimates would thus be substantially lower. Clearly, velocities of ejecta, chamber pressures and kinetic energies for many explosive volcanic events have been seriously underestimated in the recent past, as has been the ability of overlying materials to contain, in certain cases, tremendous overpressures for short periods of time. A projectile with an initial velocity of 600 m/sec would have a maximum range of more than 200 km on the moon. Thus, the presence of far-reaching secondary crater fields on the moon cannot, at this time, be considered evidence for an impact origin of the parent crater. 600 m/sec is not the upper limit for initial velocities of volcanic ejecta. There is some indication that such velocities could reach values greater than 2 km/sec, suggesting that volcanic as well as impact mechanisms may be able to impart escape velocity to lunar materials.  相似文献   

The theory of crystal size distribution (CSD theory) is based on a steady-state population balance that monitors the flux of crystals growing into and out of specificed size categories in precipitating solutions. The conservation equation describing this balance permits crystal growth and nucleation rates to be determined directly from crystal size distribution data. In this investigation, it is shown that CSD analysis can alternatively be used to calculate the residence time of crystals in the system - or in volcanologic terms, the magma storage time prior to eruption - if the characteristic crystal growth rate can be independently determined or estimated. The crystal size data needed for storage time determinations are easily obtained from thin sections of glassy eruption samples and the mathematical calculations are relatively simple. Analysis of the errors inherent in this new technique predicts storage estimates accurate to within an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a complete morphological characterization of the ash particles erupted on 18 December 2002 from Etna volcano, Italy. The work is based on the acquisition and processing of bidimensional digital images carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to obtain shape parameters by image analysis. We measure aspect ratio (AR), form factor (FF), compactness (CC), and rectangularity (RT) of 2065 ash particles with size between 0.026 and 1.122 mm. We evaluate the variation of these parameters as a function of the grain-size. Ash particles with a diameter of <0.125 mm vary from mostly equant to very equant, ash particles between 0.125 and 0.250 mm have an intermediate shape, and particles with diameters >0.250 mm are subelongate. We find that, on average, particles with a diameter of <0.250 mm are subrounded, particles between 0.250 and 0.50 mm are subangular, and particles >0.50 mm are angular. Using this morphological analysis and an empirical relation between the drag coefficient (C D) and Reynolds number (R e) of Wilson and Huang (Earth Planet Sci Lett 44:311–324, 1979), we calculate the terminal settling velocities (V WH). The comparisons between these velocities and those calculated with the formula of Kunii and Levenspiel (Fluidization engineering. Wiley, New York, pp 97, 1969) (V KL), which considers ash particles as spheres, show that V KL are in average 1.28 greater than V WH. Hence, we quantify the systematic error on the spatial distribution of the mass computed around the volcano carried out by tephra dispersal models when the particles are assumed to be spherical.  相似文献   

 Analysis of the petrochemical characters of the 1669 Etnean lavas shows that they can be grouped into two sets: SET1 lavas were erupted from 11 to 20 March and are more primitive in composition than SET2, erupted later until the end of activity. Both sets may be interpreted as the result of crystallization under different conditions of two primary magmas which are compositionally slightly distinct and which fractionate different volumetric proportions of minerals. To explain why more mafic lavas (SET1) were erupted earlier than more acid ones (SET2), we argue that new deeper magma rose up into a reservoir where residing magma was fractionating. Density calculations demonstrate that new magma is less dense and may originate a plume, rapidly rising through the residing magma which is cooler and more volatile-depleted than the new magma. Calculations of uprise velocity assuming laminar flow are consistent with this hypothesis. Received: 20 November 1995 / Accepted: 2 August 1996  相似文献   

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