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This article demonstrates that permeability upscaling, which can require complex techniques, is not necessary to significantly decrease the CPU time in reactive transport modeling. CPU time depends more on the geochemistry than the flow calculation. Flow rate upscaling is proposed as an alternate method to permeability upscaling, which is more suited to time-consuming flow resolution. To apply this method, a finite volume approach is most convenient.Considering the equality of flow as the equivalence criterion, when the coarse grid overlays the fine grid, flow rate upscaling leads, by construction, to the exact results, whereas the accuracy of permeability upscaling methods often depends on specific conditions. Some focus is put on the limitations of a common permeability upscaling technique, the simplified renormalization. In stationary flow, the gain in CPU time is the same for both flow rate upscaling and permeability upscaling. In transient flow, flow rate upscaling is slightly less time-efficient but the ratio between both CPU times decreases when the geochemistry is more complex.Working with an accurate flow rate field in the upscaled case reveals that porosity upscaling is a surprisingly tricky issue. Solution mixing is induced and residence times can be significantly affected. These changes have potentially important consequences on reactive transport modeling. They are not specific to the flow rate upscaling method; they are a general issue. Some simplified cases, assuming a homogeneous mineralogy, are examined. At this stage, a simple heuristic method is proposed, which yields reliable results under particular conditions (high heterogeneity). Porosity upscaling remains an open research field.  相似文献   

韩渭宾 《四川地震》2004,(4):1-3,16
本文阐述了震情会商的意义,强调凡责任重大的经验性预报都得会商.并根据经验,分析了会商主持人应具备的素质与主持会商应注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

天然气勘探速度预测过程中存在的及方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
天然气勘探中速度预测一直是地球物理工作的难点和重点问题,尤其是对于海上勘探新区或是探井较少探区而言,准确的速度预测难度较大,会出现较大的误差.这种误差的产生既有探井比较少的原因,也有速度预测过程中存在的认识误区(时深转换时直接应用处理得到的成像速度和速度体的建立可以提高时深转换的精度)的原因,本文首先以莺—琼盆地三个典...  相似文献   

通过对短周期地震仪常数标定过程中几个重要环节的分析,说明了标定仪器的物理意义。由于采用了近似计算,所以对每个操作中需要注意的地方作了仔细交代,有助于实际工作。  相似文献   

中国沼泽研究的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马学慧 《湖泊科学》1993,5(1):78-84
中国沼泽研究已有三十多年历史。三十年来先后对主要沼泽分布区进行综合考察,获得了丰富的研究成果,填补了沼泽学科的空白。今后的沼泽研究应从下列几方面入手:(1)在查明资源的基础上,建立我国沼泽的分类体系和信息系统;(2)加强沼泽基础理论研究,逐步完善中国沼泽学科体系;(3)进行沼泽综合开发模式和泥炭利用的研究;(4)建立若干沼泽生态站和保护区,保护部分有价值的沼泽地。  相似文献   

多次波问题的研究进展   总被引:19,自引:14,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
综述了当前多次波问题的研究进展,指出了对多次波问题,有两种主要的处理思路:(1)因为后续偏移成像的需要,把多次波看成相干噪声,根据多次波特性设计衰减方法将其消除掉,将其称之为多次波衰减方法.多次波衰减方法大体上可以分为两类:基于信号分析的滤波方法和基于波动方程的预测相减法.预测相减法不需要或较少需要有关地下的先验或后验信息,能适应复杂地下构造.本文对预测相减法中的波场延拓法、反馈迭代法、逆散射级数法和恒定内插法等三种主要方法,进行了较详细的对比分析和介绍.(2)将多次波看成有效信号,对其成像,将其称之为多次波成像方法.这种方法提取了多次波中包含的地下界面信息,可改善地震资料的成像质量.  相似文献   

大陆岩石圈流变结构研究进展及存在问题   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
自20世纪60年代以来,大陆岩石圈流变学取得了较大的进展,理论和应用研究不断深入.理论上,人们不仅认识到在构造运动中岩石圈介质是流变体而非简单的刚体性和弹性体;并利用矿物和岩石的实验结果提出了岩石圈流变分层的概念,建立了一维流变模型;进而用流变的观点解释了一些具体构造现象,而且开始了三维流变结构的研究,提出了岩石圈流变结构的横向分块纵向分层的观点.应用上,人们已从把流变强度曲线简单地运用于运动学或动力学模型的阶段,进入了在三维空间中定量研究地球动力学问题的阶段.随着岩石圈流变学研究的深入及大陆岩石圈的复杂性,新的问题也不断涌现.  相似文献   

The continued availability of some marine resources is threatened by the increased fluxes to the oceans of identifiable and measurable collections of pollutants, which include plant nutrients, plastics, environmental oestrogens, and organisms contained in ship-ballast waters. Characteristic of these societal discards that will guide research progress are long residence times; slow accumulation rates; increasing fluxes with time; and dissemination over large areas. The resolution of these problems will require data collections over decadal time-scales. Finally, some classical and some perceived marine pollution problems, such as those involving specific metals, can now be discontinued in the face of the absence of unacceptable impacts on living organisms.  相似文献   

Simulating radiation transport of neutral particles (neutrons and γ‐ray photons) within subsurface formations has been an area of research in the nuclear well‐logging community since the 1960s, with many researchers exploiting existing computational tools already available within the nuclear reactor community. Deterministic codes became a popular tool, with the radiation transport equation being solved using a discretization of phase‐space of the problem (energy, angle, space and time). The energy discretization in such codes is based on the multigroup approximation, or equivalently the discrete finite‐difference energy approximation. One of the uncertainties, therefore, of simulating radiation transport problems, has become the multigroup energy structure. The nuclear reactor community has tackled the problem by optimizing existing nuclear cross‐sectional libraries using a variety of group‐collapsing codes, whilst the nuclear well‐logging community has relied, until now, on libraries used in the nuclear reactor community. However, although the utilization of such libraries has been extremely useful in the past, it has also become clear that a larger number of energy groups were available than was necessary for the well‐logging problems. It was obvious, therefore, that a multigroup energy structure specific to the needs of the nuclear well‐logging community needed to be established. This would have the benefit of reducing computational time (the ultimate aim of this work) for both the stochastic and deterministic calculations since computational time increases with the number of energy groups. We, therefore, present in this study two methodologies that enable the optimization of any multigroup neutron–γ energy structure. Although we test our theoretical approaches on nuclear well‐logging synthetic data, the methodologies can be applied to other radiation transport problems that use the multigroup energy approximation. The first approach considers the effect of collapsing the neutron groups by solving the forward transport problem directly using the deterministic code EVENT, and obtaining neutron and γ‐ray fluxes deterministically for the different group‐collapsing options. The best collapsing option is chosen as the one which minimizes the effect on the γ‐ray spectrum. During this methodology, parallel processing is implemented to reduce computational times. The second approach uses the uncollapsed output from neural network simulations in order to estimate the new, collapsed fluxes for the different collapsing cases. Subsequently, an inversion technique is used which calculates the properties of the subsurface, based on the collapsed fluxes. The best collapsing option is chosen as the one that predicts the subsurface properties with a minimal error. The fundamental difference between the two methodologies relates to their effect on the generated γ‐rays. The first methodology takes the generation of γ‐rays fully into account by solving the transport equation directly. The second methodology assumes that the reduction of the neutron groups has no effect on the γ‐ray fluxes. It does, however, utilize an inversion scheme to predict the subsurface properties reliably, and it looks at the effect of collapsing the neutron groups on these predictions. Although the second procedure is favoured because of (a) the speed with which a solution can be obtained and (b) the application of an inversion scheme, its results need to be validated against a physically more stringent methodology. A comparison of the two methodologies is therefore given.  相似文献   

The subject of geodynamics concerns the dynamics of the global motion of the earth, of the motion in the earth's interior and its interaction with surface features, together with mechanical processes in the deformation and rupture of geological structures. A brief historical review is given from Sir I. Newton, Maclauwin, Jacobi, Poincaré, Poisson, Lamé, Darwin, Rayleigh, and Love, who dealt with the homogeneous sphere, to Leibenson, Takeuchi, and Meinesz, concentrating on layered spheres, and after the advent of plate tectonics, on the use of numerical simulation, to the analyses of tectonic features, earthquake mechanism, the application of nonlinear dynamics. By discussing the forward and inverse mechanical problems, and the questions facing the inverse problems of searching for the structural parameters, driving forces, etc. are raised in more detail. Thereafter, some works accomplished in China on the global and regional stress fields analyses; tectonic features' analyses, mantle flow studies; experimental studies of rocks and their constitutive relations are presented. Finally, the interdisciplinary nature of the subject is emphasized, and the main mechanical problems that need special attention are then proposed.  相似文献   

开发水利资源中应注意的一些问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着西部大开发和西电东送工程的建设,在西部地区,特别是云、桂、贵、川等地水利资源丰富的大江大河上兴建的水电站越来越多,其中有一些坝很高、库容大的水电站建在或即将建在断裂发育、构造活动强烈、地震烈度高的地区.结合铜街子水库蓄水后,其周围地区的地震活动发生了变化,同时结合发生在四川两次地震水灾,提出在开发西部地区丰富的水力资源时应注意的六个问题。  相似文献   

地震层析成像中存在的主要问题及应对策略   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:10  
详细讨论了地震层析成像中存在的主要问题,包括数据投影角度不全、数据不均匀覆盖、反射层析中界面深度和速度的耦合、参考模型引起的非线性误差问题、边界作用、数据的不确定性和模型参数不同分量的不确定性不同。分析了问题的产生原因和应对策略,并给出了在层析反演过程中应该注意的一些控制措施。  相似文献   

Peculiar specification of the properties of the ionospheric decameter radio channel in the problems of communication and position finding is considered. It is proposed to use the semiempirical model of the ionosphere together with the method of characteristics in order to calculate the signal parameters between emitter and receiver. The errors in determining the vertical angles of arrival, ranges, and signal propagation time in the proposed model and in the ICEPAC model have been compared based on the experimental data.  相似文献   

Various methods of solving direct and inverse problems in local electromagnetic induction are presented. In the section dealing with direct problems some improvments are suggested in the finite difference method in the case of two-dimensional modeling. Two ways of dealing with inverse problems are presented, the first continous, the other parametric. Emphasis is laid upon algebraic aspects of dealing with one-dimensional inverse problems.  相似文献   

The boundary value problems most frequently encountered in studies of elastic wave propagation in stratified media can be formulated in terms of a finite number of linear, first order and ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients. Volterra (1887) has shown that solutions to such a system of equations are conveniently represented by the product integral, or propagator, of the matrix of coefficients. In this paper we summarize some of the better known properties of propagators plus numerica methods for their computation. When the dispersion relation is somem th order minor of the integral matrix it is possible to deal withm th minor propagators so that the dispersion relation is a single element of them th minor integral matrix. In this way one of the major sources of loss of numerical accuracy in computing the dispersion relation is avoided. Propagator equations forSH and forP-SV waves are given for both isotropic and transversely isotropic media. In addition, the second minor propagator equations forP-SV waves are given. Matrix polynomial approximations to the propagators, obtained from the method of mean coefficients by the Cayley-Hamilton theorem and the Lagrange-Sylvester, interpolation formula, are derived.  相似文献   

This paper deals with spectral techniques applied to geodetic problems. The solutions of the Inverse Stokes problem and of the Overdetermined Boundary Value Problem have been obtained applying The Wiener principle directly in the spectral domain. The resulting estimator for the Inverse Stokes problem is a low pass filter which is tuned by the covariance structure of the data while the one solving the Overdetermined Boundary Value Problem is nearly a weighted mean of the two spectra of the boundary data. Numerical examples on simulated data have been carried out to test the derived estimators.  相似文献   

Summary At first the results of the investigations on mother-of-pearl clounds are summarized. In the second section fit methods are suggested in order to further research.
Zusammenfassung Zunächst werden die Forschungsergebnisse über Perlmutterwolken zusammengefasst. Im zweiten Teil werden geeignete Methoden zur weiteren Forschung vorgeschlagen.

简要论述了用构造地球物理学研究地震构造环境的基本思路、方法程序等,并从中长期地震预报及工程地震角度对这门交叉学科的产生背景、完善发展、科学意义与前景等相关问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

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