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v--vAn essential step in the establishment of an International Monitoring System (IMS) infrasound station is the site survey. The survey seeks a location with relatively low infrasonic noise and the necessary logistical support. This paper reports results from our surveys of two of the oceanic sites in the IMS - the Azores and Cape Verde. Each survey sampled infrasonic noise, wind velocity, air temperature and humidity for ~3 weeks at 4 sites near the nominal IMS locations. The surveys were conducted on Sao Miguel (the main island in the Azores) and Maio (Cape Verde). Infrasonic noise was measured using the French MB2000 microbarometer.¶During our 3-week experiment in January the trade winds at Cape Verde varied little from an azimuth of 63°. Because of the unvarying wind azimuth, the experiment gave us an opportunity to examine the effectiveness of a forest at reducing both wind speed and infrasonic noise. We find that the thick Acacia forest on Maio reduces wind speeds at a 2 m elevation by more than 50% but does not reduce infrasonic noise at frequencies below 0.25 Hz. This forest serves as a high-frequency filter and clearly does not reduce long-period noise levels which are due to large-scale turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer above the forest. This is consistent with our observations in the Azores where the relationship between infrasonic noise and wind speed is more complex due to frequent changes in wind azimuth.¶In Cape Verde, wind speed and infrasonic noise are relatively constant. The diurnal variations are clearly seen however the microbarom is only rarely sensed. In the Azores, during our 3-week experiment in November and December of 1998, wind speed and infrasonic noise change rapidly. At this location, daily noise level swings of 40 to 50 dB at 0.1 Hz are not uncommon in the early winter and are due to changes in wind speed and atmospheric turbulence. The effectiveness of an infrasound station in the Azores will be strongly dependent on time during the winter season.¶The two surveys illustrate some of the difficulties inherent in the selection of sites for 1 to 3 km aperture arrays on oceanic islands. Due to elevated noise levels at these sites, 8 element, 2 km aperture arrays are strongly preferred.  相似文献   

Boa Vista, the easternmost island in the Cape Verde archipelago, consists of volcanic products, minor intrusions and a thin partial sedimentary cover. The first 15 age results from 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating analysis of groundmass separates from volcanic and plutonic rocks from Boa Vista are presented. The combination of age results and field observations demonstrates that the volcanic activity that formed the island occurred in three main stages: (1) > 16 Ma, (2) 15–12.5 Ma and (3) 9.5–4.5 Ma. The first stage, restricted to the north eastern part of the island, is dominated by ankaramitic lavas. The second stage, consisting of evolved lavas of phonolitic–trachytic compositions and nepheline syenites, makes up large central parts of the island. The large volume of evolved rocks and the extended eruption period of several Ma make stage 2 in Boa Vista unique to Cape Verde. Mainly basanites and nephelinites were erupted during the third stage, initially dominated by eruption of subaerial mafic lavas around 9 Ma. Pillow lavas are erupted around 7 Ma whereupon dominantly subaerial mafic lavas were erupted. Stage 3 saw volcanism in many centres distributed mainly along the present coastline and with activity partly overlapping in time. The volcanic evolution of Boa Vista constrains the initiation of volcanic activity in the Cape Verde archipelago to the eastern islands. Major and trace element geochemistry of 160 volcanic and plutonic rocks representing the entire exposed chronological sequence on Boa Vista is presented, revealing an extremely well developed Daly Gap. Only a little was modified from the mafic magmas that rose in small batches from the mantle. Compositional variation distinguishes each volcanic complex and was to a large extent present in the mantle melts. The highly evolved stage 2 phonolites and trachytes are related through the fractional crystallization of three compositionally distinct magmas. Two of these may have been derived by crystal fractionation of primitive Boa Vista melts, whereas the third was not.  相似文献   

The mineralogy, major element composition, REE patterns and Sc, Co, Hf, Cr, Sr, and Cu contents of nine pillow lavas from the pre-Cenozoic basement complex of Maio reveal the presence of oceanic tholeiites on the Cape Verde archipelago.These uplifted tholeiites constitute the oldest rocks exposed on the islands and are related to an Early Cretaceous (or still somewhat older?) oceanic ridge crest. It is suggested that the formation of east-west trending fracture zones in the Atlantic Ocean induced the alkalic character of the Cape Verde magmatism from the middle of the Cretaceous up to historical times.  相似文献   

The Cape Verde Islands are located on a mid-plate topographic swell and are thought to have formed above a deep mantle plume. Wide-angle seismic data have been used to determine the crustal and uppermost mantle structure along a ~ 440 km long transect of the archipelago. Modelling shows that ‘normal’ oceanic crust, ~ 7 km in thickness, exists between the islands and is gently flexed due to volcano loading. There is no direct evidence for high density bodies in the lower crust or for an anomalously low density upper mantle. The observed flexure and free-air gravity anomaly can be explained by volcano loading of a plate with an effective elastic thickness of 30 km and a load and infill density of 2600 kg m− 3. The origin of the Cape Verde swell is poorly understood. An elastic thickness of 30 km is expected for the ~ 125 Ma old oceanic lithosphere beneath the islands, suggesting that the observed height of the swell and the elevated heat flow cannot be attributed to thermal reheating of the lithosphere. The lack of evidence for high densities and velocities in the lower crust and low densities and velocities in the upper mantle, suggests that neither a crustal underplate or a depleted swell root are the cause of the shallower than expected bathymetry and that, instead, the swell is supported by dynamic uplift associated with the underlying plume.  相似文献   

We present new Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data, as well as major- and trace-element concentrations, for 19 basaltic samples from São Nicolau Island, Cape Verde archipelago. Fine-scale study of the island argues in favor of mixing between four endmembers to explain isotopic variations of collected samples: 1) a radiogenic endmember (87Sr/86Sr ~ 0.7034; 143Nd/144Nd ~ 0.51285; 206Pb/204Pb ~ 20.0; 207Pb/204Pb ~ 15.65; 208Pb/204Pb ~ 39.8) representative of the Cape Verde plume deep source; 2) an unradiogenic endmember having isotopic compositions resembling those of Atlantic MORB dredged at the same latitude; 3) a low Sr–high Nd and Pb endmember identified as the Jurassic MORB basement of the archipelago; and 4) São Vicente-like Cape Verde carbonatites. Compositional and isotopic results show that most of the measured variations can be related to mixing of plume-derived melts with shallow-level reservoirs. Therefore the source heterogeneity of the Cape Verde plume is much smaller than the one sampled in basaltic samples. This observation illustrates how caution is required when interpreting global OIB data in terms of mantle topology without filtering from the contribution of shallow-level reservoirs.  相似文献   

One of the most enigmatic features of the solar history is the Maunder minimum (1645–1715). We compare the scatter of amplitudes of the 11-year cycles, according to the new Sunspot Number and Sunspot Group series version 2.0, along with scenario of the Maunder minimum as a period with non-stopped cyclicity. We demonstrate that both amplitude and duration of cycles after the Gleissberg and Maunder minima are similar. Moreover, times of minima and maxima of cycles in the course the Maunder minimum coincide with those during the Gleissberg one, indicating a secular variation. Usefulness of the proxy data within the Maunder minimum is discussed. The scatter of amplitudes and duration of the Schwabe cycles in the past is argued to be comparable with those in the modern epoch.  相似文献   

Santo Antão, the northernmost island of the Cape Verde Archipelago, consists entirely of silica-undersaturated volcanic products and minor intrusions. 40Ar–39Ar incremental heating experiments have been carried out on 24 samples that cover the entire exposed chronological sequence. The oldest lavas (7.57±0.56 Ma), representing an older volcanic basement, are exposed about 620 m above mean sea level. After an interval of quiescence of up to 4.3 Ma the volcanic activity resumed and continued at low eruption rates. The older basement is unconformably overlain by a ca. 810-m-thick lava sequence that spans an age range from 2.93±0.03 to 1.18±0.01 Ma. This sequence is cut by many dykes and sills. Simultaneous volcanic activity occurred in the northeastern, central and eastern part of the island. A phonolitic pumice deposit that forms a noteworthy feature over most of the island has an estimated age of 0.20 Ma. This predates volcanic activity that formed the highest point of the island (Tope de Coroa) which has an age of 0.17±0.02 Ma. The most recent eruption on the island formed nephelinitic lavas in the Porto Novo region at 0.09±0.03 Ma. The oldest volcanism exposed on Santo Antão, which took place about 7.6 Ma ago, was simultaneous with waning activity on Maio at the eastern end of the Cape Verde Archipelago.  相似文献   


During the period 1959 to 1964 recorded volcanic activity in the Azores islands (Atlantic Ocean) was manifested by fumarolic fields in S. Miguel, Terceira, Graciosa, Pico and Faial and by two submarine eruptions off Pico and S. Jorge. Fumarolic activity increased in the Faial Capelinhos vent (in eruption 1957–58) after December 1963; it is concluded that the phenomenon is related to the 1963 and 1964 eruptions in the S. Jorge Channel. During February 1964 an important seismic swarm of more than 500 earthquakes, with volcanic tremor, occurred in S. Jorge.


日、月对地球表层海水的引潮力导致潮汐的周期性变化是一种成熟理论.地球除具有日、月、年潮汐规律外,还具有明显的准1800年、200年、50~70年、18.6年、9.3年和2.5~7年不同尺度的周期.本文通过将地球赤道半径和月球轨道半径投影到黄道面上,标定二者矢量半径之和的模的极值状态,创建了引潮力极大值和强潮汐的周期性指数KSEM.这对探讨和预测潮汐的时间分布和推断地球自转角速度变化规律提供了一种新途径.行星系统中木星和金星对地球的摄动影响最突出,但目前还没有一个行之有效的模型将日、地、月、木星、金星作为一个统一整体,对地球潮汐极值状态进行刻画.通过辨析这五大天体运动预设的位置关系的结构特征,进而考察KSEM指数与月球升交点和月球近地点会合周期的对应关系,以及对月球轨道运动不同的特征周期的叠加和定性分析,这对探讨强潮汐周期、厄尔尼诺现象和地震的时间分布规律提供了重要参考.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relative timing of solid Earth tides and thermal anomalies associated with volcanic activity at Oldoinyo Lengai (OL), Tanzania, from 2000 to 2008. The low viscosity of OL's carbonatite magmas may make it particularly susceptible to tidal stresses. Thermal data from the Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) were filtered using the MODLEN algorithm and Earth tides were modeled using TSoft. Application of the Schuster and Chi-squared tests resulted in apparent correlations between times of thermal anomalies and the phase of the semi-diurnal and biannual solid Earth tides. However, for semi-diurnal and biannual tides limited acquisition times of the MODIS data account for the apparent correlations. Re-examining the data while accounting for the bias introduced by the limited acquisition times, correlations are no longer found. Onset times of eruptive events and times of thermal anomalies show no statistically significant correlation with the fortnightly tide, indicating this is not an influence on activity at OL. Tidal influences on magmatic activity, if at all present, cannot be observed in coarse resolution thermal data on semi-diurnal and fortnightly time scales. Based on the available data, correlations on biannual timescales cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Two years of altimetric data from Topex/Poseidon (October 1992-September 1994) and ERS-1 (October 1992-December 1993) were assimilated into a numerical model of the North Atlantic. The results of these simulations are analysed in the Azores region to assess the performance of our model in this particular region. Maps of instantaneous dynamic topography and transports show that the model performs well in reproducing the velocities and transports of the Azores Front. Drifter data from the Semaphore experiment are also used to study the correlation between the drifter velocities and the corresponding model velocities. Some interesting oceanographic results are also obtained by examining the seasonal and interannual variability of the circulation and the inuence of bathymetry on the variability of the Azores Front. Thus, on the basis of our two year experiment, it is possible to confirm the circulation patterns proposed by previous studies regarding the seasonal variations in the origin of the Azores Current. Moreover, it is shown that the Azores Current is quite narrow in the first year of assimilation (1992±1993), but becomes much wider in the second year (1993±1994). The role of the bathymetry appears important in this area since the mesoscale activity is shown to be strongly related to the presence of topographic slopes. Finally, spectral analyses of sea-level changes over time and space are used to identify two types of wave already noticed in other studies: a wave with (300 km)–1 wave number and (120 days)–1 frequency, which is characteristic of mesoscale undulation, and a wave with (600 km)–1 wave number and (250 days)–1 frequency which probably corresponds to a Rossby wave generated in the east of the basin.  相似文献   

Field survey of the 1994 Mindoro Island,Philippines tsunami   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This is a report of the field survey of the November 15, 1994 Mindoro Island, Philippines, tsunami generated by an earthquake (M=7.0) with a strike-slip motion. We will report runup heights from 54 locations on Luzon, Mindoro and other smaller islands in the Cape Verde passage between Mindoro and Luzon. Most of the damage was concentrated along the northern coast of Mindoro. Runup height distribution ranged 3–4 m at the most severely damaged areas and 2–4 in neighboring areas. The tsunami-affected area was limited to within 10 km of the epicenter. The largest recorded runup value of 7.3 m was measured on the southwestern coast of Baco Island while a runup of 6.1 m was detected on its northern coastline. The earthquake and tsunami killed 62 people, injured 248 and destroyed 800 houses. As observed in other recent tsunami disasters, most of the casualties were children. Nearly all eyewitnesses interviewed described the first wave as a leading-depression wave. Eyewitnesses reported that the main direction of tsunami propagation was SW in Subaang Bay, SE in Wawa and Calapan, NE on Baco Island and N on Verde Island, suggesting that the tsunami source area was in the southern Pass of Verde Island and that the wave propagated rapidly in all directions. The fault plane extended offshore to the N of Mindoro Island, with its rupture originating S of Verde Island and propagating almost directly south to the inland of Mindoro, thereby accounting for the relatively limited damage area observed on the N of Mindoro.  相似文献   

Summary The tidal gravimetric factor due to the elastic yielding of the Earth has been determined by gravimetric measurements on Unst (Shetland Islands), extending over the time of one month. Its corrected value isG=1.205±0.03. The influence of applying different methods of harmonic analysis, and the effects of ambient temperature and pressures and of the sea tides on the gravimetric results are discussed. No significant difference inG for semi-diurnal and diurnal tides remains after the necessary corrections have been made. The amplitude of the semidiurnal load depression is about 2 cm and it is shown that the more distant North Atlantic tides have a greater effect than the regional tides near the Shetlands. An approximate calculation gives 4.3×1011 CGS-units as the mean rigidity of the part of the Earth's crust yielding to the maritime loading differences in this region.  相似文献   

Sea-level changes, representing ice-volume changes during the last 0.25 m.y., now have been well identified from raised coral reefs dated by230Th/234U. This detailed record allows hypotheses relating glaciation to magnetism or vulcanism to be tested more accurately than previously. There is strong temporal correlation between 7 transgression-regression cycles and those variations of seasonal radiation which arise from the effects of orbital eccentricity and precession. Similar close correlation does not exist with known records of magnetic intensity and dip, or with vulcanism, identified in deep-sea cores. It is argued that orbital perturbations theoretically are unlikely to affect magnetism or vulcanism, and these also are unlikely to be affected by global isostatic changes associated with changing ice and water loads. However, certain testing is needed, by finer-scale analysis of deep-sea core volcanic records, and by eliminating chronologic vagueness between deep-sea and coral-reef records.  相似文献   

The results of studying the influence of lunisolar tides on the electrical conductivity of the Earth’s crust in the territory of the Kola Peninsula are presented. Along with the results obtained by the authors, the data of other researchers are also considered. All the studies are based on the analysis of the field produced by the Zevs facility transmitting extremely low frequency (ELF) signals at 82–83 Hz. The measurements were carried out in different years at the Avva-Guba (1998), Lovozero (2009), and Imandra–Varzuga polygon (IVP) monitoring sites (2013) located 180, 90, and 160 km from the transmitter, respectively. The negative correlation between the tides and crustal electrical resistivity is revealed at all the points. This means that tidal rises of the Earth’s surface are accompanied by a decrease in resistivity and vice versa. The overview shows that the higher the resistivity of separate Earth’s crustal blocks the higher the relative amplitudes of the corresponding tidal responses that are observed.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in plasma samples of 162 juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from Canary Islands, and 205 adult nesting loggerheads from Cape Verde. All the 367 samples showed detectable values of some type of PAH. Phenanthrene was the PAH most frequently detected and at the highest concentration in both populations. Median concentrations of ∑PAHs in the plasma of loggerheads from the Canary Islands and Cape Verde were similar (5.5 and 4.6ng/ml, respectively). Di- and tri-cyclic PAHs were predominant in both populations suggesting petrogenic origin rather than urban sources of PAHs. In the group of turtles from Canary Islands, there was evident an increasing level of contamination over the last few years. The present study represents the first data of contamination by PAHs in sea turtles from the studied areas.  相似文献   

Mineral and thermal water chemistry from the Azores archipelago was investigated in order to discriminate among hydrochemical facies and isotopic groups and identify the major geochemical processes that affect water composition. A systematic geochemical survey of mineral and thermal water chemistry was carried out, incorporating new data as well as results from the literature. The Azores are a volcanic archipelago consisting of nine islands and samples were collected at São Miguel, Graciosa, Faial, São Jorge, Pico and Flores islands. Hydrothermal manifestations show the effects of active volcanism on several islands. Discharges are mainly related to active Quaternary central volcanoes, of basaltic to trachytic composition, but also some springs are related to older dormant or extinct volcanoes.Multivariate analysis – principal component and cluster analysis – enables classification of water compositions into 4 groups and interpretation of processes affecting water compositions. Groups 1 and 2 discharge from perched-water bodies, and mostly correspond to Na–HCO3 and Na–HCO3–Cl type waters. These groups comprise of cold, thermal (27 °C–75 °C) and boiling waters (92.2 °C–93.2 °C), with a wide TDS range (77.3–27, 145.7 mg/L). Group 3 is made of samples of dominated Na–SO4 from very acid boiling pools (pH range of 2.02–2.27) which are fed by steam-heated perched-water bodies. Group 4 is representative of springs from the basal aquifer system and corresponds to Na–Cl type fluids, with compositions dominated by seawater.Results are used to further develop a conceptual model characterizing the geochemical evolution of the studied waters. Mineral and thermal waters discharging from perched-water bodies are of meteoric origin and chemically evolve by absorption of magmatic volatiles (CO2) and by a limited degree of rock leaching. Existing data also suggest mixture between cold waters and thermal water. Water chemistry from springs that discharge from the basal aquifer system evolves by mixing with seawater; although, processes such as absorption of magmatic volatiles (CO2), rock leaching and mixture with hydrothermal waters are not excluded by the data because the actual composition of these waters deviates from that expected considering only conservative mixing between fresh and seawater.  相似文献   

The propagation of cosmic rays in the Earth??s atmosphere is simulated. Calculations of the omnidirectional differential flux of neutrons for different solar activity levels are illustrated. The solar activity effect on the production rate of cosmogenic radiocarbon by the nuclear-interacting and muon components of secondary cosmic radiation in polar ice is studied. It has been obtained that the 14C production rates in ice by the cosmic ray nuclear-interacting component are lower or higher than the average value by 30% during periods of solar activity maxima or minima, respectively. Calculations of the altitudinal dependence of the radiocarbon production rate in ice by the cosmic radiation components are illustrated.  相似文献   

Simulation of tides in hydrocarbon lakes on Saturn’s moon Titan   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Numerous hydrocarbon lakes have recently been detected on Saturn’s largest moon Titan, representing the only known large bodies of liquids on a planetary surface outside the Earth. In the context of comparative oceanography, tides and tidal currents in two representative lakes on Titan (Kraken Mare and Ontario Lacus) are simulated by a three-dimensional baroclinic ocean circulation model. Since the tide-generating force on Titan is an order of magnitude larger than on Earth and the gravitational acceleration is small, tides and currents are substantially larger than in Earth’s lakes and are more comparable with those in Earth’s oceans. The predicted maximum tidal range in Kraken Mare is 4 m. The tidal wave propagates around the basin of Kraken Mare, while a nearly standing tidal wave is excited in Ontario Lacus. Titan’s rotation is too slow to affect the tidal flow in any Titan’s lake. The tidal current velocity in Kraken Mare amounts to a few centimeters per second except in the vicinity of a narrow strait, where it is enhanced by an order of magnitude. In summer, when the lake is stratified, internal tides can develop. Seiches cannot be caused by tide. In the largest lakes, atmospheric tide may cause additional lake surface displacements.  相似文献   

Data on the content of the 14C cosmogenic isotope in tree rings, which were obtained as a result of laboratory measurements, are often used when solar activity (SA) is reconstructed for previous epochs, in which direct observations are absent. However, these data contain information not only about SA variations but also about changes in the Earth climatic parameters, such as the global temperature and the CO2 content in the Earth’s atmosphere. The effect of these variations on the 14C isotope content in different natural reservoirs after the last glacial termination to the middle of the Holocene is considered. The global temperature and the CO2 content increased on this time interval. In this case the 14C absolute content in the atmosphere increased on this time interval, even though the 14С to 12С isotope concentration ratio (as described by the Δ14С parameter) decreased. These variations in the radiocarbon absolute content can be caused by its redistribution between natural reservoirs. It has been indicated that such a redistribution is possible only when the rate of carbon exchange between the ocean and atmosphere depends on temperature. The values of the corresponding temperature coefficient for the 17–10 ka BC time interval, which make it possible to describe the carbon redistribution between the ocean and atmosphere, have been obtained.  相似文献   

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