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Prediction of algal blooms using genetic programming   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, an attempt was made to mathematically model and predict algal blooms in Tolo Harbor (Hong Kong) using genetic programming (GP). Chlorophyll plays a vital role in blooms and was used in this model as a measure of algal bloom biomass, and eight other variables were used as input for its prediction. It has been observed that GP evolves multiple models with almost the same values of errors-of-measure. Previous studies on GP modeling have primarily focused on comparing GP results with actual values. In contrast, in this study, the main aim was to propose a systematic procedure for identifying the most appropriate GP model from a list of feasible models (with similar error-of-measure) using a physical understanding of the process aided by data interpretation. Evaluation of the GP-evolved equations shows that they correctly identify the ecologically significant variables. Analysis of the final GP-evolved mathematical model indicates that, of the eight variables assumed to affect algal blooms, the most significant effects are due to chlorophyll, total inorganic nitrogen and dissolved oxygen for a 1-week prediction. For longer lead predictions (biweekly), secchi-disc depth and temperature appear to be significant variables, in addition to chlorophyll.  相似文献   

赵斌 《湖泊科学》1996,8(2):125-132
1992年11月 ̄1993年10月,在安徽太平湖水库,同时用藻类生长潜力测试法(AGP试验)和外源添加营养的黑白瓶测定初级生产力法,对陵山站的水体分季度进行了分析测试。其结果表明,这两种方法对太平湖水库的营养评价均是行之有效的,而且二者的结果也能相互比较、相互验证;太平湖水库的不同季节,其主要营养限制性因子也各异。在枯水期,磷是藻类种群和密度的第一限制性营养元素;丰水期,由于各营养元素都相对缺乏,  相似文献   

水温、光能对春季太湖藻类生长的耦合影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
环境因素对藻类生长的影响机制是探讨蓝藻水华暴发的基础,其中水温和光能均是影响藻类生长的关键物理因子.基于2015年春季于太湖观测的11次藻类总初级生产力、水温廓线和营养盐浓度等,探讨水温、光能及营养盐对藻类生长过程的影响.结果表明:春季,水温、光能是影响藻类生长的关键因素,而营养盐的影响贡献相对较弱.深层水体中光能是藻类生长的关键性限制因子,浅层表现为水温、光能的共同影响,而表层主要表现为光能的抑制.水温的升高促进藻类对光能的获取和利用,提高光抑制的光能阈值,造成深层水体中光能限制程度的加强,藻类生长呈现光限制的深度变浅.本研究有利于确定气候变化下水生生态系统演变的方向,为水生生态系统的恢复提供理论依据.  相似文献   

We studied the population growth of two rotifer (Brachionus calyciflorus and Brachionus rubens) and two cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia and Moina macrocopa) species fed three diets (Chlorella vulgaris (Ch), Scenedesmus acutus (Sc) and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) (Y) in seven combinations (alone or mixed in equal proportions (on dry weight basis): Ch+Sc, Ch+Y, Sc+Y and Ch+Sc+Y). In general, the cladocerans were more adversely affected than the rotifers on the diet of yeast alone. The population growth curves of B. calyciflorus and B. rubens revealed that algal diets were superior to yeast. Regardless of diet, B. rubens had a longer lag phase and delayed peak density compared to B. calyciflorus. Both M. macrocopa and C. dubia had higher peak abundances when fed mixed algae than on either alga offered separately. B. rubens, C. dubia and M. macrocopa reached significantly lower maximal densities on diets containing yeast, S. acutus or both. When the data on the eggs/female (egg ratio) were plotted as function of population density, we found an inverse relation, which was curvilinear for B. calyciflorus and linear for B. rubens. In general, we found that yeast could effectively supplement algal diets in all the test species, thereby reducing costs in large scale production of zooplankton.  相似文献   

基于ELCOM-CAEDYM模型的淀山湖营养物投入响应关系的模拟   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
卢嘉  陈小华  李小平 《湖泊科学》2011,23(3):366-374
针对淀山湖严重富营养化的问题,应用三维水动力-水质耦合模型ELCOM-CAEDYM对淀山湖水质进行了模拟,确定了一套可应用于淀山湖水质模拟的参数,并对模拟结果进行了验证;验证结果显示,ELCOM-CAEDYM耦合模型较好地模拟了常规水质和藻类浓度动态变化,模拟结果的总体变化趋势与实测结果相符合.同时运用该模型对淀山湖营...  相似文献   

尹娟  韩博平 《湖泊科学》2008,20(3):344-350
模糊秀体潘是热带水体中枝角类的主要优势种,它在竞争及对热带水体的适应方面的优势尚不清楚。本文以模糊秀体潘为研究对象,观察不同食物浓度下其生长和繁殖的特点,探讨模糊秀体潘成热带水体优势种的原因。以蛋白核小球藻为食物,浓度梯度设为0.05mg/L、0.1mg/L、0.3mg/L、0.6mg/L和1.0mg/L小球藻浓度为0.05mg/L的培养液中,模糊秀体潘存活率很低且未观察到繁殖现象其它4个浓度小球藻喂养的模糊秀体潘体长生长率和最大体长均随食物浓度的升高而增加,最大体长分别达到1.087mm、1.125mm、1.225mm、1.313mm;食物浓度对模糊秀体溢的胚胎发育时间,平均寿命,个体累计产幼数无显著影响:随着食物浓度的升高,模糊秀体滏初次怀卵体长显著增加,繁殖前期的历时相应缩短,平均每胎产幼数增加:内禀增长率随食物浓度升高而增大,达到0.6mg/L后比较稳定。浓度为0.6mg/L时,模糊秀体潘的净生殖率也达到最大值。1.0mg/L组的世代时间最短,内禀增长率接近最大值。0.6mg/L和1.0mg/L为模糊秀体潘生长比较适宜的食物浓度。热带自然水体中,模糊秀体潘相对其它浮游动物个体小和怀卵率低的现象并非食物不足所致;食物充足条件下的最大成体的个体大小与野外样品接近,也说明自然水体中捕食并没有显著影响成体的个体大小。模糊秀体潘体型较小、身体透明、行动敏捷,容易逃避鱼类的捕食,可能是模糊秀体潘能在食物丰富的热带水体中,特别是透明度较低的富营养化湖泊中能够成为枝角类中优势种的主要原因。  相似文献   

水体浮游植物具有捕获利用磷的能力以及沉水植物能够显著抑制水体中藻类生长已得到国内外广泛共识,但相应的潜在机制尚缺乏深入了解.本研究选取金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)为研究对象,基于室内模拟实验,探讨了沉水植物调控浮游植物捕获磷与过度生长的机制.结果显示,尽管未种植金鱼藻的对照组上覆水中总磷、总溶解态磷和可溶性活性磷的平均浓度均显著高于种植金鱼藻的实验组(约4倍),但是两个系统中这3种磷浓度随时间的变化趋势均符合S形的对数曲线.实验组藻类密度、有效光量子产量、总碱性磷酸酶活性(TAPA)以及细颗粒碱性磷酸酶活性(细颗粒APA)也远低于对照组.此外,对照组中粗颗粒碱性磷酸酶活性(粗颗粒APA)占TAPA的44.7%,显著高于细颗粒APA.结构方程模型结果表明,对照组水体藻类密度对TAPA具有直接的正向作用,而金鱼藻的生长显著弱化了不同形态磷与APA、藻类密度、细菌动力以及光量子产量之间的相互作用.这说明沉水植物对水体浮游植物生长的调控具有多种策略.  相似文献   

基于遥感藻总量和气象因子的巢湖不同湖区藻华预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖泊能为人类提供不可或缺的资源,而全球普遍存在的湖泊富营养化导致的藻华频繁暴发正不断损害湖泊生态环境服务功能.为合理保护湖泊环境和防治藻华危害,需预测藻华暴发.以我国富营养巢湖为研究区,本文构建了一种基于遥感藻总量和气象因子的不同湖区藻华暴发概率预测方法.基于MODIS/Aqua数据,研究首先反演了2003—2019年日尺度的藻华分布和考虑垂向结构的水柱藻总量.然后,统计了西、中和东巢湖的藻华面积,判别了藻华/非藻华日,并匹配日平均藻总量和气象因子.最后,筛选出藻华形成的关键影响因子——藻总量、气温和水汽压,并构建了不同湖区日藻华暴发概率的Logistic预测模型.不同湖区月平均藻总量基本一致,但藻华暴发日占比呈“西高东低”特征.对西、中和东巢湖的藻华/非藻华检验样本,模型精度分别为90%、85%和89.5%,模型也适用于2020年夏秋季和冬春季藻华预测.湖泊藻华暴发是藻类大量增殖并在一定气象条件下的产物,故基于遥感藻总量和气象因子的藻华暴发概率预测科学合理,可推广应用于太湖等其他富营养湖泊.  相似文献   

淀山湖氮磷营养物20年变化及其藻类增长响应   总被引:31,自引:6,他引:31  
程曦  李小平 《湖泊科学》2008,20(4):409-419
从淀山湖20年的监测数据和AGP试验结果人手,结合20年的遥感影像资料,分析淀山湖氮磷营养物的长期变化规律及其对藻类演替和增长的影响.从1985年第一次大规模藻类水华暴发,经过15年的营养物积累,在1999-2000年之间,淀山湖由中度富营养化湖泊逐渐转化为重度富营养化湖泊,1999年之后淀山湖水体氮磷营养物大量聚集.叶绿素a水平迅速提高.分别以1999年前的2.25倍、6.67倍和3.40倍的速率上升,其中以磷的上升速率为最快;透明度则以平均每年递减5cm的速度下降.藻类群落转化为以绿藻和蓝藻为主,藻类水华的频率为1999年前的2-3倍.当水体TN浓度超过3.5mg/L时,AGP试验不再有任何显著性反应.2002年的现场试验和藻类水华频次与高浓度TN出现概率的相关分析表明,夏秋季当水体TN浓度在3.5mg/L时,可以引起藻类大量增长;高浓度TN出现概率越高,藻类水华的次数越多.研究证明淀山溯已经具备暴发大规模、大面积蓝藻水华的条件,水体TN浓度超过临界值(>3.5mg/L)的频次越多,淀山湖爆发蓝藻水华的可能性越大.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of algal farming on fish assemblages in two shallow coastal lagoons in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Fish assemblages were visually investigated using a belt transect method and the line-intercept technique was used to examine the substrate composition. 101 species of fish belonging to 31 families were recorded. Algal farming affected the associated fish fauna in terms of abundance, species richness, trophic identity and fish community composition. However, the impact differed between the lagoons. Algal farms in one lagoon hosted a more abundant and diversified fish fauna than controls, whereas farms in the other lagoon exhibited lower fish densities and similar species diversity compared to controls. The discrepancies between lagoons may be an effect of differences in farming intensity and character of the substratum.  相似文献   

大型浅水湖泊藻类模型参数敏感性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
选取太湖作为典型湖泊在之前研究基础上建立藻类模型,对模型中与藻类有关的40个参数进行拉丁超立方抽样,并使用区域敏感性分析方法和普适似然不确定性分析方法进行敏感性分析.结果表明:在所选的40个参数中,有7个参数是敏感的参数,对模拟的结果影响较大.在藻类生长、基础代谢、牧食和沉降4个藻类变化过程中藻类生长的敏感参数最多,影响最大;在藻类生长项中,叶绿素的消光系数是藻类生长光照限制中的最敏感参数,而最低适宜生长温度及其对藻类生长的影响系数则是温度限制中的敏感参数;并且不同湖区的不确定性在不同时间差异明显,对于藻类低浓度湖区和藻类暴发期的模拟需要加以关注.  相似文献   

Role of pigments on algal communities and photosynthesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A one-year study of phytoplankton, primary production and related physical and chemical factors was made in a Swiss basin of Lake Lugano (Lago di Lugano). The chlorophylls and 12 carotenoids were analyzed with a TLC technique. The carotenoid monitoring was considered to be particularly interesting, because the role of these pigments in freshwater algae is still very poorly documented by field studies. The dependence of photosynthesis on several factors was statistically evaluated. Evidence was found of light-adaptation phenomena. The variations of photosynthetic activity and efficiency largely depended on the light regime in the few days before the field observations and on the cellular content of chlorophylls and single carotenoids, whose concentrations in their turn were closely linked with light, temperature, average cell size, and with the actual species assemblage.  相似文献   

Screening of surfactants for harmful algal blooms mitigation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Screening experiments were conducted in order to find promising synthetic surfactants for harmful algal blooms (HABs) mitigation. The chemically synthesized surfactant cocamidopropyl betaine (CAPB) showed characteristics of relatively high inhibition efficiency, high biodegradability and low cost. The motility inhibition ratios of 10 mg/L CAPB on Cochlodinium polykrikoides and Alexandrium tamarense were about 60% after 5 min. The biodegradation test indicated that the half-life of CAPB in seawater was shorter than one day and 90% was biodegraded after five days under the initial concentration of 100 mg/L at 25 degrees C. Further cell lysis experiments revealed the selective lysis effect of CAPB on different HAB organisms. More than 90% of C. polykrikoides lysed at the concentration of 10 mg/L CAPB after 24 h and at 15 mg/L CAPB after 4 h, whereas the lysis effect of CAPB on A. tamarense was slight, no more than 10% after 2 h interaction with 50 mg/L CAPB. This research provided preliminary data for CAPB as a candidate in harmful algal blooms mitigation and pointed out unresolved problems for its practical application in the meantime.  相似文献   

藻类异常增殖引发的水华是威胁我国水源地水库的主要生态问题之一。探究水源水库中藻类异常增殖的促发因素是防控藻类水华水质问题的前提。本文以太湖流域两个大(Ⅱ)型中营养水库为例,通过周年浮游植物细胞密度、生物量及相关环境因子逐月监测,分析影响水库有害藻类生物量季节性异常增殖特征及其促发条件。结果表明,地处亚热带季风区的两个水源水库均存在蓝藻和硅藻阶段性异常增殖的风险,老石坎水库5月暴发了以曲壳藻为绝对优势种的重度硅藻水华现象,硅藻细胞密度达到6232×104 cells/L,赋石水库则在6和9月均出现了蓝藻细胞数达到水华级别的异常增殖现象。冗余分析表明,总磷、水温和水位是影响水库硅藻、蓝藻异常增殖的关键因素。非线性回归等统计分析表明,两个水库中水体总磷浓度显著影响藻类异常增殖强度的临界值为0.024 mg/L,而水温高于16℃时,硅藻水华事件可能发生,硅藻水华发生的最佳温度为22℃水温高于20℃时,蓝藻水华事件可能发生,蓝藻水华发生的最佳温度为30℃持续低水位或水位快速波动过程中藻类水华暴发的风险较高。研究表明,太湖流域中营养水源水库藻类异常增殖或藻类水华的发生往往是营...  相似文献   

Small-scale spatial variation of benthic algal assemblages in a peat bog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spatial patterns on a very small scale (10 cm), and the effect of artificial barriers on the composition of phytobenthic algal assemblages along two transects within different microhabitat types were investigated. Samples were taken in a peat bog along linear transects on a scale of 10 cm, and water chemistry was examined. The distribution of algae along both transects was influenced by both spatial distance and environmental conditions in similar proportions. Differences in species composition in various parts of the transects were observed, but this pattern was primarily related to the abundance of species, rather than to their presence/absence in samples. Similarity in species composition correlated with spatial distance and environmental parameters in both microhabitat types. I concluded that, given a homogenous environment on a small scale, spatial distribution of algae is affected by both the environmental conditions of the microhabitats and their dispersal limitations. Moreover, an artificial barrier constituted an obstruction for water and nutrient flow, as well as algal migration, and had an impact on species composition.  相似文献   

Based on a large data set from the national Danish monitoring program, spatial and temporal variability in total algal cover and in the fraction of opportunistic macroalgae was analysed in relation to environmental variables. Variations in water clarity and salinity combined with information on geographical location of sampling areas were found to explain almost 80% of the large-scale variation in algal cover between areas. As water clarity was largely regulated by concentrations of total-nitrogen (TN), and TN-concentrations by TN-input from land, total algal cover at given water depths was partly related to TN-input from land. The fraction of opportunistic algae responded predominantly to differences in salinity, the highest fractions being found in the most brackish areas. Temporal variability in algal cover and fraction of opportunists over the 14-year investigation period was much smaller than the variability between areas and could not be predicted from variations in environmental variables. In order for macroalgal cover to become a more sensitive indicator of water quality it would be necessary to either increase the sensitivity of the method or identify and include supplementary regulating factors in the model.  相似文献   

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