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A two-dimensional numerical model is used to study the influence of small non-precipitating clouds on horizontal roll vortices in the planetary boundary layer. The model explicitly represents the large-scale two-dimensional motions whilst small-scale eddies are parameterized by a buoyancy dependent mixing-length hypothesis. It is applied to conditions corresponding to an observed case of cloud street formation.  相似文献   

地面辐射雾和低层云对夜间边界层影响的数值研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文通过模式计算,讨论了夜间地面辐射雾和低层层积云的演变过程及其对边界层结构的影响.模式综合考虑了液态水和水汽对长波辐射通量的贡献.模式主要由两部分组成:(1)用湍流能量方程闭合的一维边界层模式;(2)长波辐射通量的计算.模式的计算结果与观测事实基本一致.  相似文献   

DMS oxidation in the marine boundary layer has been simulated with a mesoscale meteorological model including detailed physical parameterizations. The impact of vertical turbulent transport on the DMS and SO2 diurnal cycles with and without in-cloud SO2 oxidation has been studied in a one-dimensional version of the model and compared to results obtained with a zero-dimensional box model. Initialisation has been done using balanced values issued from the imposed sea-air fluxes, dry deposition fluxes and chemical source/sink terms. Particular emphasis has been put on the important role played by evolving vertical mixing in the marine boundary layer.  相似文献   

Computations of the buoyantly unstable Ekman layer are performed at low Reynolds number. The turbulent fields are obtained directly by solving the three-dimensional time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations (using the Boussinesq approximation to account for buoyancy effects), and no turbulence model is needed. Two levels of heating are considered, one quite vigorous, the other more moderate. Statistics for the vigorously heated case are found to agree reasonably well with laboratory, field, and large-eddy simulation results, when Deardorff's mixed-layer scaling is used. No indication of large-scale longitudinal roll cells is found in this convection-dominated flow, for which the inversion height to Obukhov length scale ratio –z i /L *=26. However, when heating is more moderate (so that –z i /L *=2), evidence of coherent rolls is present. About 10% of the total turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent heat flux, and 20% of the Reynolds shear stress, are estimated to be a direct consequence of the observed cells.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional mesoscale model has been developed to simulate the air flow over the Gulf Stream area where typically large gradients in surface temperature exist in the winter. Numerical simulations show that the magnitude and the maximum height of the mesoscale circulation that develops downwind of the Gulf Stream depends on both the initial geostrophic wind and the large-scale moisture. As expected, a highly convective Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) develops over this area and it was found that the Gulf Stream plays an important role in generating the strong upward heat fluxes causing a farther seaward penetration as cold air advection takes place. Numerical results agree well with the observed surface fluxes of momentum and heat and the mesoscale variation of vertical velocities obtained using Doppler Radars for a typical cold air outbreak. Precipitation pattern predicted by the numerical model is also in agreement with the observations during the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment (GALE).List of Symbols u east-west velocity [m s–1] - v north-south velocity [m s–1] - vertical velocity in coordinate [m s–1] - w vertical velocity inz coordinate [m s–1] - gq potential temperature [K] - q moisture [kg kg–1] - scaled pressure [J kg–1 K–1] - U g the east-south component of geostrophic wind [m s–1] - V g the north-south component of geostrophic wind [m s–1] - vertical coordinate following terrain - x east-west spatial coordinate [m] - y north-south spatial coordinate [m] - z vertical spatial coordinate [m] - t time coordinate [s] - g gravity [m2 s–1] - E terrain height [m] - H total height considered in the model [m] - q s saturated moisture [kg kg–1] - p pressure [mb] - p 00 reference pressure [mb] - P precipitation [kg m–2] - vertical lapse rate for potential temperature [K km–1] - L latent heat of condensation [J kg–1] - C p specific heat at constant pressure [J kg–1 K–1] - R gas constant for dry air [J kg–1 K–1] - R v gas constant for water vapor [J kg–1 K–1] - f Coriolis parameter (2 sin ) [s–1] - angular velocity of the earth [s–1] - latitude [o] - K H horizontal eddy exchange coefficient [m2 s–1] - t integration time interval [s] - x grid interval distance inx coordinate [m] - y grid interval distance iny coordinate [m] - adjustable coefficient inK H - subgrid momentum flux [m2 s–2] - subgrid potential temperature flux [m K s–1] - subgrid moisture flux [m kg kg–1 s–1] - u * friction velocity [m s–1] - * subgrid flux temperature [K] - q * subgrid flux moisture [kg kg–1] - w * subgrid convective velocity [m s–1] - z 0 surface roughness [m] - L Monin stability length [m] - s surface potential temperature [K] - k von Karman's constant (0.4) - v air kinematic viscosity coefficient [m2 s–1] - K M subgrid vertical eddy exchange coefficient for momentum [m2 s–1] - K subgrid vertical eddy exchange coefficient for heat [m2 s–1] - K q subgrid vertical eddy exchange coefficient for moisture [m2 s–1] - z i the height of PBL [m] - h s the height of surface layer [m]  相似文献   

基于POST观测计划中获得的海洋性层积云顶边界层内高频气象资料和云微物理资料,在选取解耦个例基础上研究解耦边界层湍流和云微物理特征及成因。结果表明,过渡层的大气静力稳定度较强,抑制向上浮力做功,使得湍流动能迅速消耗殆尽,实现边界层解耦。湍流动能最大值出现在云内,主要与云顶降温、大云滴下落沉降拖曳带来的下沉气流增强及云底之上附近凝结增长潜热释放产生向上浮力作用有关。近地面层的浮力项和切变项对湍流动能都起到增强作用,并以切变项的贡献更为显著,云内的湍流动能是以浮力项贡献为主。过渡层附近存在向下的热通量,抑制了热量向上输送和向上浮力项的增强,促进解耦发生。云内存在向上感热通量,其最大值及其出现高度主要与云顶冷却和云中下部的凝结潜热加热有关。云顶之上湿层促进了潜热通量的向下输送,增强了云内水汽含量,为解耦边界层云的发展起到正反馈作用。云顶浮力倒转引起的云中湍流混合呈现非均匀性,并进一步导致绝热或超绝热液滴出现,促进凝结和碰并增长的增强,同时云顶之上湿层进一步对云中的微物理增长起到了重要的推动作用。云底因夹卷混合表现为均匀混合特征。  相似文献   

夜间城市边界层发展的数值研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶卓佳  关虹 《大气科学》1986,10(1):80-88
本文使用非定常非线性二维数值模式,研究夜间气流流经城市热岛上空引起的风场、温度场和垂直涡旋扩散参数的调整以及城市热岛环流的发展演变.  相似文献   


基于微波辐射计、微雨雷达、风廓线雷达和毫米波云雷达获得的高时空分辨率多源新型遥感探测资料,对上海梅雨期一次强降水过程(2020年6月15日)的大气热力、动力、云雨等垂直结构特征进行了分析。主要结论如下:(1)降水发生前一日(6月14日)上午,强西南风为上海地区输送了大量水汽,对流层中低层水汽明显增多、气温偏高,大气不稳定性增加,K指数在降水前10多个小时逐渐增至35℃甚至更高;降水之后,对流层低层气温下降、水汽减少。(2)此次降水过程云层较深厚,主要降水时段云层厚度基本都维持在12 km以上,最厚可达14 km,融化层位于约4.7 km高度。(3)降水各阶段对应的云雨结构特征差异较大。降水前期,强回波垂直方向集中在3 km以下,且时间上间歇出现;降水中期,云体融化层连续且稳定,强回波区持续出现,且垂直方向扩展至4 km及以上,雨滴下降速度稳定维持在6 m·s-1以上;降水后期,云顶高度下降至9 km及以下,降水回波减弱,弱降水特征明显。


We examine daily (morning–afternoon) transitions in the atmospheric boundary layer based on large-eddy simulations. Under consideration are the effects of the stratification at the top of the mixed layer and of the wind shear. The results describe the transitory behaviour of temperature and wind velocity, their second moments, the boundary-layer height Z m (defined by the maximum of the potential temperature gradient) and its standard deviation σ m , the mixed-layer height z i (defined by the minimum of the potential temperature flux), entrainment velocity W e, and the entrainment flux H i . The entrainment flux and the entrainment velocity are found to lag slightly in time with respect to the surface temperature flux. The simulations imply that the atmospheric values of velocity variances, measured at various instants during the daytime, and normalized in terms of the actual convective scale w*, are not expected to collapse to a single curve, but to produce a significant scatter of observational points. The measured values of the temperature variance, normalized in terms of the actual convective scale Θ*, are expected to form a single curve in the mixed layer, and to exhibit a considerable scatter in the interfacial layer.  相似文献   

A model dealing with interactions between the air and low stratiform clouds is presented based on the mixed-Layer model Lilly (1968) pioneered and on Deardorff’s three dimensional numerical model results. Its main new aspects lie in 1) consideration of the natures of both the atmosphere and cloud; 2) a new entrainment velocity scheme with few arbitrary assumptions; 3) transition from one-mixed layer to two-mixed layer model; and 4) parameterization of radiation and precipitation calculations.The model results for radiation, moisture, and heat turbulent fluxes turn out to be in good agreement with those calculated or observed by Kawa (1988). Nicholls (1984), and Schmets et al. (1981) in California, the North Sea, and the North Atlantic, respectively.Basically, this paper furnishes the theoretical basis for a model to address questions concerning the time-evolu-tion of thermodynamical profiles both in cloud and out of cloud. The applications of this model will be in a separate paper.  相似文献   

A model of the aqueous phase processing of an aerosol population undergoing multiple cycling through a stratocumulus (Sc) cloud layer is presented. Results indicate that a significant modification of the aerosol properties is achieved following the first cycle through cloud. In a polluted atmosphere, further modification in subsequent cycles is seen to be hydrogen peroxide limited unless there is a flux of ammonia entering the system through cloud base (CB). The modification of the aerosol population is seen to have little effect on the microphysics (specifically the cloud droplet concentration and effective radius) of the processing cloud. However, it enables processed aerosols to subsequently act as efficient cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) in less vigorous clouds (as a result of reducing the critical supersaturation required to activate them). The effects of variations in the internal mixture of soluble components of aerosols on the microphysics of clouds forming on them are also investigated using the cloud model. A (K2) parameterisation of the effects of variations in internally mixed nitrate loadings on the cloud droplet number concentration is presented. The effects of applying this K2 correction to the droplet number (derived from a parameterisation based on sulphate) for the presence of nitrate in aerosol have been investigated using the HadAM3 version of the Hadley Centre General Circulation Model (GCM). The effect on global annual mean simulations of the indirect forcing and effective radius is small, but more pronounced regionally. Suggestions (based on model results and observations) for parameterising the size distribution and in-cloud growth of aerosols for use in GCMs are presented.  相似文献   

人工影响天气的学科基础是中小尺度天气动力学与云降水物理学,需要将天气-动力-云降水物理耦合为一体。考虑到目前将天气动力学性质的基础数值模式用于人工影响天气中的问题,从数值模式动力方程、模式分辨率、云物理过程、数值求解方案、初边值条件等方面系统地探索了发展人工影响天气数值模式中一些需要重点解决、且不可忽视的特色问题,并举例对相关问题提出了解决思路和方法。期望提出的问题有助于构思更适合于人工影响天气数值模式,使数值模式功能真正向满足人工影响天气的要求靠近一步。  相似文献   

 The impact of increased vertical resolution in the Hadley Centre Climate Model upon the simulation of stratocumulus is investigated in experiments using single column (SCM) and general circulation (GCM) model configurations. A threefold enhancement of vertical resolution in the boundary layer leads to improvements in the vertical structure of the cloud-topped boundary layer produced by the SCM and GCM in both well-mixed and decoupled situations. However, single and decoupled mixed layers in the marine stratocumulus subsidence regions are still too shallow and, despite increasing, layer cloud amounts remain generally too low. Moreover, closer examination of GCM data and SCM timeseries reveals an underlying sensitivity to vertical resolution in model interactions between boundary layer and convection processes which appears unrealistic. Stratocumulus simulation is thus unlikely to improve significantly as a result of enhanced resolution alone and further work is being undertaken to improve the Hadley Centre model’s boundary layer scheme and, in particular, its interaction with the convection scheme. Nevertheless, this study shows that the full benefit of an improved boundary layer scheme will not be realized if the boundary layer structure is constrained by the rather poor lower troposphere resolution of the standard 19-level climate model. Future Hadley Centre model versions will seek to combine the added flexibility of a better resolved structure with improvements to the subgrid boundary layer parametrizations. Received: 14 April 1998 / Accepted: 5 November 1998  相似文献   

环北京地区积层混合云微物理结构飞机联合探测研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
利用北京、山西和河北三省市飞机在环北京地区探测的积层混合云微物理结构特征资料,结合卫星等宏观观测资料,分析了环北京地区积层混合云系空间云微物理结构特征。结果显示,冷锋云系前部,云内部微物理参数空间分布不均匀,2700m以上较大,垂直方向云粒子浓度和直径呈正相关关系,浓度极值间差7个量级,大滴粒子浓度差7个量级,降水粒子浓度差6个量级,水平方向云粒子浓度和直径分布不均匀,呈反相关关系。冷锋云系中部,云微物理参数垂直分布不均匀,在2500~3600m和4000m以上高度层出现云粒子峰值,且云粒子浓度和直径呈反相关关系,云滴粒子浓度极值间差6个量级,大滴粒子浓度差7个量级,降水粒子浓度差5个量级,水平方向云粒子分布不均匀,云粒子浓度和直径呈反相关关系。冷锋云系前部,云粒子谱在4800m高度谱型为单峰谱,4200m高度谱型多峰分布,3600m高度谱型为双峰谱。云降水粒子谱三高度层谱型差异不大,4800m高度谱型为单调递减谱,峰值在小粒子端(≤100μm),4200m和3600m高度谱型相似,为双峰谱,峰值分别在≤小于100μm和230μm处。降水粒子谱三高度层谱型相似,都为单峰谱,峰值相差不大。冷锋云系中部,云粒子谱在三高度层谱型差异较大,4800m高度谱型为单峰谱,峰值在小滴端,4200m高度谱型为单峰谱,峰值在15μm处,3600m高度谱型为双峰谱,峰值分别在7μm和30μm处。云降水粒子谱三高度层谱型差异不大,4800m高度谱型为单调递减谱,峰值在小粒子端(≤100μm),4200m和3600m高度谱型相似,为双峰谱,峰值分别在≤100μm和200μm处。降水粒子谱三高度层谱型相似,都为单峰谱,峰值相差不大。  相似文献   

A 3-D mesoscale numerical model of cloud formation, fog, and aerosol transport in an orographically inhomogeneous atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) has been considered. Streamlining of the flow around isolated obstacles in steady-state stratified flow has been studied. An account of radiation transfer in the ABL has made it possible to analyze the combined effect of orography and radiation on the formation of fog and cloud, to analyze the interaction between radiation and cloudiness, as well as their effect on the change of mesoscale circulation in the atmosphere and on variations in the optical characteristics of the atmosphere. The transport of aerosols from various sources has been modelled. The impact of orography, cloudiness and atmospheric stratification, governed by the radiative regime of the ABL, on the propagation of admixtures and surface deposition has been studied. The atmospheric aerosol turbidity in zones of intensive industrial pollution has been assessed.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of supercooled cloud droplets on the diffusional growth rate of isolated ice plates and ice columns by approximating the shape of a plate as an oblate spheroid and a column as a prolate spheroid. This work is an extension of the pioneering work of Marshall and Palmer [Marshall, J.S. and Langleben, M.P., A theory of snow-crystal habit and growth, J. Met., 11, 104–120, 1954] who studied the influence of cloud droplets on the growth rate of spherical ice crystals. The vapour density field for oblate and prolate spheroids was obtained by solving Helmholtz's equation with the assumption that the vapour at the ice surface had the equilibrium value. As result, it was possible to calculate separately the temporal evolution of the axis length and the mass of the snow crystals.The results indicate that the presence of cloud droplets around the snow crystal can increase by around 10% of the ice growth rate relative to an environment free of cloud droplets. The magnitude of the growth enhancement is proportional to the liquid water content. The results also corroborate the importance of the shape and aspect ratio on the crystal growth. A general mass growth rate equation for diffusional growth was found, which incorporates effects of cloud droplets and crystal shape through the size and aspect ratio of the snow crystal.  相似文献   

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