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The Shimen realgar deposit is characterized by the pipi-shaped orebody and the development of silica sinter and hydrothermal explosive breccia which are typical of hot spring activity.Very similar trace-element associations are noticed between the silica cap and the breccia and modern hot spring waters in the area.The chemistr of ore-forming solutions is also well comparable with that of modern hot spring.,The spring system that gave rise to the mineralization was charged by ground waters heated through thermal conducting systems in the deep crust and,to a lesser extent,by geothermal gradient.ΔD,δ^18O,δ^13CCH4andδ^13CH4andδ^13CCO2values and ^40Ar/^36Ar and 3^He/^4He ratios indicate that the spring system is of crustal derivation.The ore-forming metals were supplied by surrounding strata,particularly those underlying the ore deposits.The mechanim of ore deposition is thought to be hydrothermal explosion and accompanying boiling and abrupt changes in pH and Eh.Located in northwest Hunan,the Shimen realgar deposit is the leading arsenic producer in the country,However,regardless of its long mining history,the genesis of this deposit has long been a puzzle.It was considered to be postmagmatic epithermal in the leading arsenic producer in the puzzle.It Was considered to be postmagmatic epithermal in origin,but this is trongly challenged by filling(metasomatism)in karst environment proposed later by Zhou Zhiquan(1986)also encounters a number of difficulties.For example,why can the pipi-shaped orebody vertically extend up to several hundreds meters without any compatible development in the lateral dimension? A hot spring genesis is suggested in the present paper based on geological observations and laboratory studies conducted by the authors in recent years.  相似文献   

勐满金矿床是西南三江特提斯造山带迄今为止报导的为数不多的热泉型金矿床之一,也是南澜沧江带唯一发现的该成因类型的金矿床。然而目前对勐满金矿床热液蚀变特征的分析不足和地球化学数据的缺乏,一直制约着对其成矿过程的深入理解。勐满金矿床原生矿体产于早古生代澜沧群曼来组片岩和侏罗纪花开左组碎屑岩不整合面附近,断裂构造导流、控矿作用显著。矿区两类围岩均发生强烈蚀变,但蚀变类型简单,仅为硅化和高岭土化,与金成矿密切相关。热液高岭土化的大量发育,反映围岩中的长石等含铝矿物与呈酸性的流体发生作用。全岩微量元素组成对比研究表明,近矿围岩蚀变过程中未发生明显的微量元素迁移。镜下观察到Au与黄铜矿等金属硫化物共生,元素相关性分析显示Au与Ag、Cu、Pb、As、S、Sb等元素有正相关趋势,表明它们由统一热液系统携带并发生卸载。在弱酸性成矿流体中,Au主要以金硫络合物的形式进行迁移。当含Au流体运移至地层不整合面附近时,与围岩反应并发生强烈高岭土化,导致流体中的SiO_2和高岭石含量急剧增加,逐渐在矿区导流断裂中沉淀下来。断裂变窄甚至封闭,流体内压持续升高,最终发生爆破,成矿流体强烈减压沸腾,引发金硫络合物失稳,Au发生卸载并沉淀。该过程反复多次发生,形成了矿区含金硅质角砾岩及蚀变岩型矿石。  相似文献   

The recently discovered gold deposit in the Lubin-Sieroszowice district lies 0.0 to 1.5?m below the stratabound copper-silver orebody, mainly in the Polkowice-west mine. The deposit extends over 60?km2, has a thickness of 20–80?cm and a conservative estimate of the average grade of 1.5?g/t gold, 0.3?g/t Pd and 0.2?g/t Pt. It contains gold and electrum in association with minor amounts (up to 0.4?vol%) of hematite, chalcocite, digenite, djurlite, bornite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, gersdorffite, rammelsbergite and clausthalite. The gold-bearing zone lies mainly in the Weissliegendes sandstone, but locally transgresses the stratigraphy into the overlying Kupferschiefer shale and Werra Dolomite of the Zechstein evaporite sequence. It lies within a transition zone between the oxidized, hematite-stained Rote Fäule facies and the overlying reduced organic carbon-bearing sediments. At the Polkowice-west mine, but only where gold is present, this zone is characterized by hematite-stained `patches' within grey to maroon sediment that contains little or no hematite or organic carbon. These textures were caused by downwelling reducing sulfur-rich solutions, flowing through previously oxidized sediments, and by gravitational instability between the reducing and oxidizing fluids. The oxidizing fluid originated within the Rote Fäule facies, whereas the reducing fluid originated in the overlying Zechstein sequence from which it was expelled downward during gypsum dehydration accompanying burial. Gold transport as the chloride complex in the oxidizing fluid is unlikely at the low temperature (?<100?°C) prevailing during mineralization. Some gold was probably transported as the bisulfide and, to a lesser extent, the polysulfide complexes, in the descending reducing fluid. However, the potential source rocks do not contain enough gold to account for the known deposit. Most of the gold was probably transported as the thiosulfate complex during replacement of reduced sediments by the Rote Fäule facies. Parts of the district where reduced fluids penetrated deeply into the Weissliegendes, and where the Rote Fäule facies transgressed the greatest volume of reduced sediments, should be evaluated for the presence of gold. We propose that the Polkowice-West mine represents a new class of gold deposit.  相似文献   

The Lady Bountiful granitoid-hosted lode gold deposit, located in the mid-greenschist facies metamorphosed Ora Banda greenstone sequence, is hosted predominantly by the late-tectonic Liberty Granodiorite. Gold mineralisation is localised along quartz-veined, sinistral, brittle fault-zone(s) that transect the boundary between the Liberty Granodiorite and Mt Pleasant sill. Quartz vein textures indicate two stages of a single gold-related vein-development event, with high-grade gold mineralisation restricted to the second stage. Ore minerals include pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, galena, sphalerite, Au−Ag−Bi−Pb-tellurides, and native gold. Fluid infitration has resulted in narrow (<1 m) bleached wallrock alteration envelopes to the fault zones comprising albite-K-mica ±chlorite±calcite±rutile assemblages. Temperature-pressure conditions varied from Stage I (300°±50°C, ≈2 kbar) to Stage II (250°±50°C, ≈0.5 to 2 kbar), with the hydrothermal fluid in both stages characterised by X(CO2)≤0.15 and moderate salinity (≈1.28 m NaCl). Intermittent phase separation of Stage II mineralising fluids, initiated by pressure fluctuations in dilational sites, and/or fluid-dominated fluid: wallrock interaction, are invoked as the dominant depositional mechanisms. The granitoid-hosted Lady Bountiful lode gold deposit shares many features with other granitoid-hosted lode gold deposits in the Yilgarn Craton and the Superior Province. Granitoid-hosted lode gold deposits, such as the Lady Bountiful deposit, provide additional evidence that the dominant control on the localisation of gold mineralisation within a granitoid host is structure, with competency contrasts playing a significant role. Furthermore, the hydrothermal wallrock alteraction and orefluid chemistry characteristics of the granitoid-hosted lode gold deposits are comparable to those established for greenstone-hosted lode gold mineralisation.  相似文献   

王建  朱立新  马生明  王兵  张亮亮  唐世新  段壮 《地质通报》2020,39(11):1807-1826
三山岛北海域金矿床位于胶东金矿省的西北缘,是2015年新发现的超大型金矿床(储量470 t、Au品位4.30 g/t),金矿体赋存于中生代玲珑式花岗岩中,主矿体受三山岛-仓上断裂带控制。中生代含矿的玲珑式花岗岩显示了复杂的蚀变、矿化共生组合关系。三山岛-仓上断裂的活动使热液流体发生渗透,导致断裂带两侧发生广泛的钾化蚀变。随后,大规模的绢云母化沿主断裂两侧形成。随着断层泥的形成,其作为"阻挡层"使含矿流体不能运移到断裂带上盘,成矿流体在下盘发生强烈的绢云母-石英-黄铁矿蚀变并伴有金的析出。最后石英-碳酸盐脉的形成标志着与金成矿相关热液活动减弱。钾化和绢英岩化岩石的平衡计算揭示了SiO2、MgO和CaO带入,TiO2、K2O基本不变,而Na2O表现为带出;大多数主量元素受强烈的矿物反应影响。Au、Ag、Bi、As、Pb、Zn等相关成矿元素呈带入特征,它们之间多呈正相关关系且与黄铁绢英岩化有密切关系,显示出在水岩反应过程中不同类型的元素具有复杂的地球化学行为。蚀变组合和流体包裹体研究表明,成矿流体以中低温(126~351℃)、中低盐度(1.02%~10.48% NaCleqv)为特征,属于CO2-H2O-NaCl±CH4体系。在热液流体中,金可能主要以Au(HS)2-络合物的形式运移;黄铁绢英岩化过程中,硫化作用使Au(HS)2-络合物失稳分解导致Au沉淀富集成矿。华北克拉通的重新活化导致软流圈上涌和大量火成岩的形成,也为胶东发生大规模金成矿作用提供了充足的的热能和流体输入。  相似文献   

This study made it possible to reconstruct three stages of the structure formation at the large Malomyr gold deposit in the Amur Region: (1) premineral folding and left-lateral strike-slip faulting; (2) synmineral thrust faulting, and (3) postmineral dike and neotectonic stage. The study has shown that the formation of the Malomyr deposit was related to the system of duplexes as the structural traps that are the most favorable for ore deposition. The left-lateral duplex hosts the major orebodies composed of refractory ore at the Central site of the deposit, whereas the highest-grade and readily processable ore from the Quartzitic site is localized in the right-lateral duplex. The development of both duplexes during the same stage of thrust faulting indicates that readily processable and refractory ores were formed almost simultaneously. The type of mineralization depends on structural conditions of ore deposition. Refractory ore with invisible gold was formed under compression, whereas the readily processable ore with free gold was deposited in the extension setting.  相似文献   

中国第一个Ⅰ类型卡林型金矿床——水银洞金矿地质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水银洞金矿床是中国近年来通过成矿预测发现的第一个Ⅰ勘探类型卡林型金矿床,具品位高、厚度小、多层矿体受地层层位控制的隐伏卡林型金矿床。文章介绍了矿床的区域地质条件、构造、岩石组合特征、热液蚀变类型以及金矿富集规律等,并提出了该类型金矿的成矿模式。  相似文献   

The Wang'ershan gold deposit, located in the southern Jiaojia goldfield, is currently the largest gold deposit hosted within the subsidiary faults in Jiaodong Peninsula, with a gold reserve of > 60 t gold at a grade of 4.07 g/t Au. It is hosted in the Late Jurassic Linglong biotite granites and controlled by the second-order, N- to NNE-trending Wang'ershan Fault (and its subsidiary faults) which is broadly parallel to the first-order Jiaojia Fault in the goldfield. Gold mineralization occurs as both disseminated- and stockwork-style and quartz–sulfide vein-style ores, mainly within altered cataclasites and breccias, and sericite–quartz and potassic alteration zones, respectively. Mineralization stages can be divided into (1) the pyrite–quartz–sericite stage, (2) the quartz–pyrite stage, (3) the quartz–sulfide stage, and (4) the quartz–carbonate stage.Two sericite samples associated with the main ore-stage pyrites from pyritic phyllic ores of the deposit with weighted mean plateau 40Ar/39Ar age of 120.7 ± 0.6 Ma and 119.2 ± 0.5 Ma, respectively, were selected for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. On the basis of petrography and microthermometry, three types of primary fluid inclusions related to the ore forming event were identified: type 1 H2O–CO2–NaCl, type 2 aqueous, and type 3 CO2 fluid inclusions (in decreasing abundance). Stage 1 quartz contains all three primary fluid inclusions, while stages 2 and 3 quartz contain both type 1 and 2 inclusions, and stage 4 quartz contains only type 2 inclusions. The contemporaneous trapping, similar salinities and total homogenization temperature ranges, and different homogenization phases of type 1 and type 2 inclusions indicate that fluid immiscibility did take place in stages 1, 2 and 3 ores, with P–T conditions of 190 to 85 MPa and 334 to 300 °C for stage 1 and 200 to 40 MPa and 288 to 230 °C for stages 2 and 3. Combined with the H–O–C–S–Pb isotopic compositions, ore-forming fluids may have a metamorphic-dominant mixed source, which could be associated with the dehydration and decarbonisation of a subducting paleo-Pacific plate and characterized by medium–high temperature (285–350 °C), CO2-bearing (~ 8 mol%) with minor CH4 (1–4% in carbonic phase), and low salinity (3.38–8.45 eq. wt.% NaCl). During mineralization, the fluid finally evolved into a medium–low temperature NaCl–H2O system. Au(HS)2 was the most probable gold-transporting complex at Wang'ershan, due to the low temperature (157–350 °C) and near-neutral to weakly acidic ore fluids. The reaction between gold-bearing fluids and iron-bearing wall-rocks, and fluid-immiscibility processes caused via fluid–pressure cycling during seismic movement along fault zones that host lode-gold orebodies, which led to breakdown of Au(HS)2, are interpreted as the two main precipitation mechanisms of gold deposition.In general, the Wang'ershan deposit and other deposits in the Jiaojia camp have concordant structural system and wall-rock alteration assemblages, nature of orebodies and gold occurrence conditions, as well as the similar geochronology, ore-forming fluids system and stable isotope compositions. Thus gold mineralization in the Jiaojia goldfield was a large-scale unified event, with consistent timing, origin, process and mechanism.  相似文献   

The Sanshandao gold deposit, with total resources of more than 60 t of gold, is located in the Jiaodong gold province, the most important gold province of China. The deposit is a typical highly fractured and altered, disseminated gold system, with high-grade, quartz-sulphide vein/veinlet stockworks that cut Mesozoic granodiorite. There are four stages of veins that developed in the following sequence: (1) quartz-K-feldspar-sericite; (2) quartz-pyrite±arsenopyrite; (3) quartz-base metal sulfide; and (4) quartz-carbonate. Fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite in vein/veinlet stockworks contain C-O-H fluids of three main types. The first type consists of dilute CO2–H2O fluids coeval with the early vein stage. Molar volumes of these CO2–H2O fluid inclusions, ranging from 50–60 cm3/mol, yield estimated minimum trapping pressures of 3 kbar. Homogenization temperatures, obtained mainly from CO2–H2O inclusions with lower CO2 concentration, range from 267–375 °C. The second inclusion type, with a CO2–H2O±CH4 composition, was trapped during the main mineralizing stages. These fluids may reflect the CO2–H2O fluids that were modified by fluid/rock reactions with altered wallrocks. Isochores for CO2-H2O±CH4 inclusions, with homogenization temperatures ranging from 204–325 °C and molar volumes from 55 to 70 cm3/mol, provide an estimated minimum trapping pressure of 1.2 kbar. The third inclusion type, aqueous inclusions, trapped in cross-cutting microfractures in quartz and randomly in calcite, are post-mineralization, and have homogenization temperatures between 143–228 °C and salinities from 0.71–7.86 wt% NaCl equiv. Stable isotope data show that the metamorphic fluid contribution is minimal and that ore fluids are of magmatic origin, most likely sourced from 120–126 Ma mafic to intermediate dikes. This is consistent with the carbonic nature of the fluid, and the cross-cutting nature of those deposits relative to the host Mesozoic granitoid.Editorial handling: R.J. Goldfarb  相似文献   

Fluid chemistry and processes at the Porgera gold deposit, Papua New Guinea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Porgera gold deposit in Papua New Guinea is a world-class example of an alkalic-type epithermal gold system (stage II), which overprints a precursor stage of magmatic-hydrothermal gold mineralization (stage I). Gas and ion chromatographic analyses of fluid inclusions contained in vein minerals from both mineralization stages have been carried out in order to constrain the compositions of the fluids involved in, and the processes attending, ore deposition. These data indicate the presence of three end-member liquids, the most dilute of which was present throughout the mineralization history and is interpreted to represent evolved groundwater of meteoric origin. Its composition is estimated to have been approximately 500 mM Na+, 10 mM K+, 5 mM Li+, 250 mM Cl, 0.15 mM Br, and 0.01 mM I, plus significant concentrations of dissolved gases. More saline liquids were also present during the two main stages of ore formation, and although their compositions differ, both are interpreted to have been derived at least in part from magmatic fluids, and to have been the media by which gold was introduced into the system. Stage I minerals contain fluid inclusions which decrease in salinity towards this dilute end-member composition through the vein paragenesis, reflecting progressive dilution at depth of the magmatic fluid source by groundwaters. Ore deposition is thought to have been caused largely by simple cooling and/or wallrock reactions, although limited in situ fluid mixing may also have occurred. The most saline fluids, present in early quartz and pyrite, contain at least 810 mM Na+, 530 mM Ca2+, 130 mM K+, 12 mM Li+, 87 mM SO4 2−, 960 mM Cl, 1.1 mM Br, and 0.05 mM I, plus significant but variable concentrations of dissolved gases. Fluid inclusions from stage II hydraulic breccia veins reveal the presence of two distinct liquids with contrasting salinities, which were present at different times during vein formation. A higher salinity liquid appears to have predominated during mineralization, whereas lower salinity groundwaters filled the structures during intervening periods. The ore-forming fluid may have been forcibly injected into the veins from depth during fracturing and depressurization events, displacing the resident groundwaters in the process. The original composition of this fluid is estimated to have been at least 1770 mM Na+, 59 mM K+, 180 mM Li+, 210 mM SO4 2−, 680 mM Cl, 1.4 mM Br, and 0.09 mM I, plus 1.5 mol% CO2, 0.19 mol% CH4, and 0.04 mol% N2. Gas chromatographic analyses of fluid inclusions from stage II samples show a decrease in total gas content between early unmineralized veins and post-mineralization vuggy quartz (suitable samples could not be obtained from the ore stage itself). Post-mineralization samples plot along an experimental gas-saturation curve in the CO2-CH4-H2O-NaCl system, obtained at conditions similar to those attending stage II ore deposition at Porgera (200–300 bar, ˜165 °C). These results are interpreted to indicate a period of depressurization-induced phase separation during hydraulic fracturing, which resulted in rich ore deposition. Volatile gases such as CH4 and N2, in addition to CO2 in solution, are shown to have a significant negative effect on total gas solubility. This effect may be of critical importance in lowering the temperature and increasing the depth (pressure) at which phase separation can occur in epithermal systems. Received: 28 November 1995 / Accepted: 17 July 1996  相似文献   

胶东牟平邓格庄金矿床流体包裹体研究   总被引:20,自引:15,他引:5  
邓格庄金矿是胶东牟平-乳山金成矿带内第二大石英脉型金矿,金主要产于黄铁矿和多金属硫化物石英脉/细脉中。流体包裹体研究表明,邓格庄金矿不同蚀变带岩石和各成矿阶段金矿石中的流体包裹体主要有三种类型:H2O-CO2包裹体、CO2-H2O±CH4包裹体和H2O溶液包裹体。早期乳白色石英中主要赋存原生的H2O-CO2包裹体和次生的CO2-H2O±CH4包裹体;成矿期黄铁矿石英脉和多金属硫化物石英脉中的CO2-H2O±CH4包裹体主要为原生,随机分布,气液比变化较大,有时出现不同相比例的包裹体共存现象,而H2O溶液包裹体明显沿愈合裂隙分布;在成矿晚期的石英和方解石中主要发育原生H2O溶液包裹体。显微测温结果显示,成矿前(第1阶段)H2O-CO2包裹体的完全均一温度(Th,TOT,至液相)为254℃至365℃,成矿期(第Ⅱ和Ⅲ阶段)CO2-H2O±CH4包裹体的完全均一温度(Th,TOT,至液相)为195~317℃,成矿后(第Ⅳ阶段)H2O溶液包裹体的均一温度(Th,TOT;至液相)为156—219℃。成矿的初始流体富CO2,主成矿期有CH4流体加入,成矿晚期则演化为低温的水溶液流体。水/岩反应及流体不混溶可能是邓格庄金矿金沉淀的主要原因。  相似文献   

Mineralogical and multi-element chemical analyses of drill-cuttings and surface samples have been used to determine element patterns in residual bauxitic laterite, in southwest Western Australia, as an aid in prospecting for base-metal and gold mineralization. In the profiles studied, components can be divided into those which are generally leached (Ba, Co, La, Mn, Ni, Rb, Sr, Ta, Y, Zn, CaO, K2O, MgO and Na2O); those which are mobilized and reprecipitated within the profile (Au, Ce, Cr, Cu, Mo and Fe2O3) and those which are essentially residual (Nb, Sn, Th, V, W, Zr, Al2O3 and TiO2). Their mobility depends on rock type, minerals present, Eh/pH fluctuations and degree of mechanical movement in the upper parts of the laterite profile. “Residual” components have been mobilized in the profile but have not been transported any great distance. Anomalous concentrations of As, Au, Cr, Cu, Mo, Nb, Sn, Th, V and W, retained at the surface within recognizable lateral distance (100–150 m) of their bedrock sources, appear suitable as either direct or indirect indicators of bedrock mineralization.Significant concentration of gold occurs within the lower part of the lateritic hardcap and upper part of the underlying nodular “B-zone”. Local concentrations of gold lower in the profile are attributed to still-stands of the water table during periods of generally increasing aridity over the last 30 million years.  相似文献   

Geology and mineralogy of the Ulakhan Au-Ag epithermal deposit (northeastern Russia, Magadan Region) are considered. A four-stage scheme of mineral formation sequence is proposed. Concentrations of Au and Ag in minerals of early and late parageneses were determined. It has been established that uytenbogaardtite is associated with native gold and hypergenesis stage minerals — goethite, hydrogoethite, or limonite replacing pyrite. The compositions of uytenbogaardtite (Ag3AuS2), acanthite (Ag2S), and native gold were studied. The composition of the Ulakhan uytenbogaardtite is compared with those of Au and Ag sulfides from other deposits. Thermodynamic calculations in the system H2O–Fe–Au–Ag–S–C–Na–Cl were carried out, which simulate the interaction of native gold and silver with O2- and CO2-saturated surface waters (carbonaceous, sulfide-carbonaceous, and chloride-sodium-carbonaceous) in the presence and absence of acanthite and pyrite at 25 °C and 1 bar. In closed pyrite-including systems, native silver and kustelite are replaced by acanthite; electrum, by uytenbogaardtite, acanthite, and pure gold; and native gold with a fineness of 700–900‰, by pure gold and uytenbogaardtite. Under the interaction with surface waters in the presence of Ag2S and pyrite, Au-Ag alloys form equilibrium assemblages with petrovskaite or uytenbogaardtite and pure gold. The calculation results confirmed that Au and Ag sulfides can form after native gold in systems involving sulfide-carbon dioxide solutions (H2Saq > 10–4 m). The modeling results support the possible formation of uytenbogaardtite and petrovskaite with the participation of native gold in the hypergenesis zone of epithermal Au-Ag deposits during the oxidation of Au(Ag)-containing pyrite, acanthite, or other sulfides.  相似文献   

新疆乔尕山金矿床成矿流体来源研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
翟伟  杨荣勇 《岩石学报》2000,16(4):531-534
对乔尕山金矿床脆韧性剪切变质成矿作用阶段形成的受不同程度剪切的石英脉中流体包裹体气相成分分析表明,由糜棱岩化石英脉→初糜棱岩石英脉→石英脉糜棱岩,气相成分总量及主要组分H2O和CO2的含量均呈有规律的降低。两个主要成矿阶段形成的石英脉具有相似的H、O同位素组成,δ^18OH2O=5.25‰~9.54‰,δDH2O=-70.9‰,~-42.0‰,受剪切岩石中矿物中流体包裹体所代表的流体是韧性剪切金矿  相似文献   

周洁 《地质与勘探》2017,53(2):390-397
矿山三维立体模型的建立是矿山数字化的基础。本文系统收集了阳山金矿安坝矿段勘探线剖面图28条,编录了钻孔数据106个,分析了31446个钻孔采样结果,建立了钻孔数据库;应用3D Mine矿业工程软件构建了地形模型和矿体模型;对于三维建模的一般技术路线进行了初步归纳;建立了安坝矿段三维实体模型;并对矿体形态进行了分析,从而探讨了阳山金矿区的构造控矿规律,解释了矿体形态可能的形成原因,以期为阳山的深入找矿工作提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

气态烃在铧厂沟金矿找矿中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
铧厂沟金矿床是一个受韧性剪切带控制的热液蚀变型金矿床。通过对矿石中石英包裹体成分分析、烃类组分在各中段不同岩石中的含量特征比较,发现在该金矿的成矿过程中,曾存在一定量有机物的参与,有机烃气是其重要的伴生气体组分,烃气异常与金矿化在空间上存在密切对应关系。因而利用有机烃气测量法在该区开展深部盲矿找矿具有重要意义。  相似文献   

二道甸子金矿床是老矿床,本文通过对二道甸子金矿床、区域地质环境、矿床地质特征、矿石特征分析,在探讨成矿物质来源及成矿机制的同时,进一步指出了二道甸子地区新一轮找矿方向。  相似文献   

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