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We construct star formation histories at redshifts z ≳ 5 for two physically distinct populations of primordial, metal-free stars, motivated by theoretical and observational arguments that have hinted towards the existence of an intermediate stellar generation between Population III and Population I/II. Taking into account the cosmological parameters as recently revised by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe after three years of operation, we determine self-consistent reionization histories and discuss the resulting chemical enrichment from these early stellar generations. We find that the bulk of ionizing photons and heavy elements produced at high redshifts must have originated in Population II.5 stars, which formed out of primordial gas in haloes with virial temperatures ≳104 K, and had typical masses ≳10 M. Classical Population III stars, formed in minihaloes and having masses ≳100 M, on the other hand, had only a minor impact on reionization and early metal enrichment. Specifically, we conclude that only ≃10 per cent by mass of metal-free star formation went into Population III.  相似文献   

We find that at redshifts   z ≳ 10, HD  line cooling allows strongly shocked primordial gas to cool to the temperature of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). This temperature is the minimum value attainable via radiative cooling. Provided that the abundance of HD, normalized to the total number density, exceeds a critical level of  ∼10−8  , the CMB temperature floor is reached in a time which is short in comparison to the Hubble time. We estimate the characteristic masses of stars formed out of shocked primordial gas in the wake of the first supernovae, and resulting from the virialization of dark matter haloes during hierarchical structure formation to be  ∼10 M  . In addition, we show that cooling by HD enables the primordial gas in relic H  ii regions to cool to temperatures considerably lower than those reached via H2 cooling alone. We confirm that HD cooling is unimportant in cases where the primordial gas does not go through an ionized phase, as in the formation process of the very first stars in   z ≳ 20  minihaloes of mass  ∼106 M  .  相似文献   

We use three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations together with a dynamical ray-tracing scheme to investigate the build-up of the first H  ii regions around massive Population III stars in minihaloes. We trace the highly anisotropic breakout of the ionizing radiation into the intergalactic medium, allowing us to predict the resulting recombination radiation with greatly increased realism. Our simulations, together with Press–Schechter type arguments, allow us to predict the Population III contribution to the radio background at  ∼100 MHz  via bremsstrahlung and 21-cm emission. We find a global bremsstrahlung signal of around  1 mK  , and a combined 21-cm signature which is an order of magnitude larger. Both might be within the reach of the planned Square Kilometer Array experiment, although detection of the free–free emission is only marginal. The imprint of the first stars on the cosmic radio background might provide us with one of the few diagnostics to test the otherwise elusive minihalo star formation site.  相似文献   

We study the gas content of haloes in the early universe using high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations. We extract from the simulations and also predict, based on linear theory, the halo mass for which the enclosed baryon fraction equals half of the mean cosmic fraction. We find a rough agreement between the simulations and the predictions, which suggests that during the high-redshift era before stellar heating, the minimum mass needed for a minihalo to keep most of its baryons throughout its formation was  ∼3 × 104 M  . We also carry out a detailed resolution analysis and show that in order to determine a halo's gas fraction even to 20 per cent accuracy, the halo must be resolved into at least 500 dark matter particles.  相似文献   

The character of the first galaxies at redshifts z ≳ 10 strongly depends on their level of pre-enrichment, which is in turn determined by the rate of primordial star formation prior to their assembly. In order for the first galaxies to remain metal-free, star formation in minihaloes must be highly suppressed, most likely by H2-dissociating Lyman–Werner (LW) radiation. We show that the build-up of such a strong LW background is hindered by two effects. First, the level of the LW background is self-regulated, being produced by the Population III (Pop III) star formation which it, in turn, suppresses. Secondly, the high opacity to LW photons which is built up in the relic H  ii regions left by the first stars acts to diminish the global LW background. Accounting for a self-regulated LW background, we estimate a lower limit for the rate of Pop III star formation in minihaloes at z ≳ 15. Further, we simulate the formation of a 'first galaxy' with virial temperature   T vir≳ 104 K  and total mass  ≳108 M  at z ≳ 10, and find that complete suppression of previous Pop III star formation is unlikely, with stars of  ≳100 M  (Pop III.1) and  ≳10 M  (Pop III.2) likely forming. Finally, we discuss the implications of these results for the nature of the first galaxies, which may be observed by future missions such as the James Webb Space Telescope .  相似文献   

We present extensive observations of a sample of distant, submillimetre (submm) galaxies detected in the field of the massive cluster lens Abell 1835, using the Submm Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA). Taken in conjunction with earlier observations of other submm-selected sources, we now have detailed, multiwavelength observations of seven examples of the submm population, having exploited the combination of achromatic amplification by cluster lenses and lavish archival data sets. These sources, all clearly at z ≳1, illustrate the wide range in the radio and optical properties of distant submm-selected galaxies. We include detailed observations of the first candidate 'pure' starburst submm galaxy at high redshift, a z =2.56 interacting galaxy which shows no obvious sign of hosting an AGN. The remaining sources have varying degrees of inferred AGN activity (three out of seven of the most luminous show some evidence of the presence of an AGN), although even when an AGN is obviously present it is still not apparent whether reprocessed radiation from this source dominates the submm emission. In contrast with the variation in the spectral properties, we see relatively homogeneous morphologies for the population, with a large fraction of merging or interacting systems. Our study shows that virtually identical spectral energy distributions are seen for galaxies that exhibit strikingly different optical/UV spectral-line characteristics. We conclude that standard optical/UV spectral classifications are misleading when applied to distant, highly obscured galaxies, and that we must seek other means of determining the various contributions to the overall energy budget of submm galaxies and hence to the far-infrared extragalactic background.  相似文献   

We have performed a large set of high-resolution cosmological simulations using smoothed particle hydrodynamics to study the formation of the first luminous objects in the Lambda cold dark matter cosmology. We follow the collapse of primordial gas clouds in eight early structures and document the scatter in the properties of the first star-forming clouds. Our first objects span formation redshifts from   z ∼ 10  to ∼50 and cover an order of magnitude in halo mass. We find that the physical properties of the central star-forming clouds are very similar in all of the simulated objects despite significant differences in formation redshift and environment. This suggests that the formation path of the first stars is largely independent of the collapse redshift; the physical properties of the clouds have little correlation with spin, mass or assembly history of the host halo. The collapse of protostellar objects at higher redshifts progresses much more rapidly due to the higher densities, which accelerates the formation of molecular hydrogen, enhances initial cooling and shortens the dynamical time-scales. The mass of the star-forming clouds cover a broad range, from a few hundred to a few thousand solar masses, and exhibit various morphologies: some have disc-like structures which are nearly rotational supported; others form flattened spheroids; still others form bars. All of them develop a single protostellar 'seed' which does not fragment into multiple objects up to the moment that the central gas becomes optically thick to H2 cooling lines. At this time, the instantaneous mass accretion rate on to the centre varies significantly from object to object, with disc-like structures having the smallest mass accretion rates. The formation epoch and properties of the star-forming clouds are sensitive to the values of cosmological parameters.  相似文献   

Recent observations show a large concentration of galaxies at high redshift. At first sight, strong clustering of galaxies at high redshifts seems to be in contradiction with the models of structure formation. In this paper we show that such structures are a manifestation of the strong clustering of rare peaks in the density field. We compute the frequency of occurrence of such large concentrations of galaxies in some models of structure formation.  相似文献   

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