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一种无人船水深测量系统及试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金久才  张杰  马毅  官晟 《海洋测绘》2013,33(2):53-56
针对浅水、未知、污染等困难地区的水深测量,研制了一种无人船水深测量系统。该系统包括岸基(母船)控制单元和测深船单元,其中岸基控制单元利用无线电遥控测深船走航测量并实时接收测量数据,测深船单元搭载GPS、电子罗盘、声学测深仪和主控系统。目前已开展了4次湖试和1次海试,验证了无人船用于水深测量的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

无人岛礁及其周边环境复杂、基准不一,对其进行高精度测绘存在诸多困难。介绍了一种基于无人机和无人船的测绘系统,融合大地测量、无人机航空遥感、无人船水下测绘等多源观测技术获取无人岛礁一体化测绘成果。并在广东省珠海市的三角岛进行实地测量,获取了海岛水上水下一体的三维点云、等值线、DOM等数据,陆上成果精度达厘米级,水深测量成果符合相关规范要求,该成果可广泛应用于海洋、国土、测绘、规划、建设等领域,有助于解决无人岛礁缺乏控制点造成的数据精度低、各部门需求数据多次采集耗时费力等问题。实践证明该技术具有一定的工程意义。  相似文献   

无人船作为一种新型平台,在海洋环境监测中具有布放灵活、自动测量等优势。对于近岸港口等溢油事故发生频繁区域的环境监测,相比于传统的机载和船载溢油激光荧光遥感技术,采用无人船平台搭载激光荧光传感器进行探测更为方便有效。本文对基于无人船的激光荧光(USV-LIF)遥测系统进行总体方案设计,并详细设计了其控制系统,该系统包括岸基远程控制模块和USV-LIF现场机控制模块两部分。利用无线网络通信链路实现从岸基终端对USV-LIF现场机的远程控制与通信,并通过现场机的控制模块实现对USV-LIF现场机的仪器状态控制、数据采集以及时序控制等功能。在实验室条件下,对USV-LIF遥测系统的整体运行、远程控制数据传输以及系统长时间连续工作进行了模拟联调测试,结果表明,所研发的控制系统的功能基本达到了现场探测需求。  相似文献   

深海中蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源,深海采矿船是深海采矿的重要装备,通过动力定位系统控制采矿船的海上位置,动力定位系统由若干推进器组成。采矿船在海上受到风浪流作用,推进器一旦失效极易发生采矿船运动失控等安全事故,本文研究推进器不同失效方式下动力定位性能,分析推进器不同失效方式动力定位功能的损失。根据势流理论计算波浪载荷,数值模拟深海采矿船不同位置的单个推进器失效和多个推进器失效方式下的时域运动响应,对比各种失效方式对深海采矿船纵荡、横荡、艏摇三个自由度运动的影响,分析各种失效方式对剩余推进器推力的影响。研究结果表明:采矿船空载90°浪向,推进器不同失效模式对于纵荡运动影响远小于对横荡和艏摇运动影响,船艉单推进器失效对于纵荡和艏摇动力定位的影响大于两个推进器失效影响;对于采矿船多自由度运动动力定位两个推进器失效大于单推进器失效影响;一侧两个推进器或两侧推进器同时失效,对动力定位的影响相同,对于横荡运动的影响最大。本文揭示了深海采矿船推进器失效对于采矿船运动的影响程度和机理,对于深海采矿船的安全作业具有指导意义。  相似文献   

在海洋测深中,由于波浪和潮汐的影响,调查船或无人船所测量的瞬时水深不能直接作为海图水深。本文提出了一种新型的无人船海洋水深测量技术,以评估搭载RTK和单波束测深仪的无人船用于海洋水深测量的潜能。首先,使用无人船所搭载RTK的厘米级精度高程数据,通过低通滤波剔除波浪信息,而获得海平面高程。然后,基于潮汐表和无人船海平面高程,构建了一种参考椭球面和海图的两个基准面之差的获取方法;在常规的海洋调查中,该基准面差通常需要由长期的验潮获得。最后,利用海图基准和无人船测量的瞬时水深的转换关系,计算出海图水深。在海南省蜈支洲岛周边海域,利用自研发的无人船“USBV”开展了相关海上实验,以验证所提出的技术方法。实验结果验证了该无人船海洋水深测量技术。  相似文献   

在海道测量中,由于测量内容的不同,自然决定了采用基准面的不同。海道测量内容包括了水深测量、海岸地形测量、滩涂和礁石测量以及平面和高程控制测量,因而所采用的基准面是不同的。国标《海道测量规范》GB12327-90(以下简称《规范》)明确规定: ·海岸线以平均大潮高潮时所形成的实际痕迹进行测绘。 ·远离大陆的岛礁,其高程基准采用当地平均海面。  相似文献   

岛礁周边水深精确测量是海洋测绘工作的难点之一,光学遥感技术在浅水区域尤其是无人到达的深远海岛礁区域有其独特的优势,可作为传统测深的有效补充手段.利用蜈支洲岛WorldView-2多光谱遥感影像和实测水深数据,对比了多波段回归模型、对数波段比值模型、支持向量机回归模型(support vector regression,...  相似文献   

岛礁周边海底地形精密测量是海洋测绘的难点问题之一,利用多光谱卫星能精确测定岛礁周边水深地形,是传统岛礁水深测量有效的补充方式之一。本文以蜈支洲岛周围水域为研究区域,提出了基于BP神经网络水深分段选取反演因子的方法,利用WorldView-2数据和多波束实测数据建立多模型,整合预测的各段水深获得海底地形。实验表明,本文方法能充分利用水体的光谱特性,与单一BP神经网络模型结果相比,MRE降低了6.4%,RMSE降低了1.2 m,是一种可行的多光谱水深反演的方法  相似文献   

水域环保无人清理船多采用明轮或螺旋桨作为推进器,以满足其浅吃水或高效推进的需求,但明轮推进器存在结构笨重,推进效率低等不足,螺旋桨存在吃水深,易被水生植物缠绕等缺点。本文参考履带式推进装置与明轮结构形式设计了一种浅吃水、防缠绕,同时具备较高效率的新型推进器,并进行了样机性能的实验测试,研究了蹼板的入水深度、形状等结构参数对推进器推进性能的影响;在此基础上尝试推进器在无人清漂船实船上的应用测试。研究结果表明:转速增加能够有效提升推进器的推力,而采用折板则可降低推进器扬水量并提高推进效率,实船应用测试证明双推进器能够提升小型无人清漂船的回转性能,同时具备较好的快速性。  相似文献   

栾天  聂仁奇 《海岸工程》2020,39(2):142-147
无人船测深系统被越来越广泛地应用于采集水深数据。在复杂水域环境中进行作业时,无人船受到工作底图及导航方式的限制,难以采用自动航行模式进行测绘,因此提出了一种无人机正射影像辅助无人船测深的作业方法。通过无人机快速获取测区正射影像成果,利用正射影像辅助进行测区划定和测线布设,避开可能造成作业风险的水上障碍物和岸滩。并在此基础上进行自动航行线路的规划设计,在水位不低于正射影像获取水位时开展无人船测深作业。经验证,采用该方法能够最大限度的完成测绘任务,同时降低作业强度与风险,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

A Small Autonomous Surface Vehicle for Ocean Color Remote Sensing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides a study on the development and the use of a small autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) that automatically follows programmed mission transects, while measuring sensor outputs along the tracks. It discusses the mechanical construction of the ASV, the distributed architecture of controller area network (CAN)-based nodes for science and vehicle payloads, high-speed radio-frequency (RF) communications, the performance of the heading autopilot, global positioning system (GPS)-based guidance algorithm, and the mission programming technique. The field trials of the ASV, performed off the coast of Goa, India, are focused on retrieving the 2-D spatial distribution of surface chlorophyll, which is one of the useful parameters in characterizing the nature of calibration-validation (CALVAL) sites for ocean remote sensing needs. A further benefit of ASVs is that they can be built at a low cost and used in monitoring applications of diverse coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Mortality of larval coon-stripe shrimp, Pandalus danae, was related to labile copper and the copper complexing capacity of sea water, as measured by differential pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV). In nominal treatments of control, 5 and 10μg/litre Cu which contained less than 1·0μg/litre ASV labile Cu, zoeal development was usually complete. In treatments of 20 and 50μg/litre Cu which contained more than 7·0μg/litre ASV labile Cu, most larvae died while in the first zoeal stage. ASV labile Cu was related to the copper complexing capacity of sea water. Copper toxicity at less than 1·0 μg/litre ASV labile Cu is indicated by moulting delay and apparent Cu accumulation in zoea of the 5 and 10μg/litre Cu nominal treatments.  相似文献   

The break-point in the Cu(II) titration curve obtained by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) is usually attributed to the formation of strong organo-copper complexes. This interpretation is the basis for the direct determination by ASV of the copper complexing capacity of natural waters. The present study suggests, however, that the break in the Cu(II) titration curve in seawater, as determined by ASV, could be due to the formation of a ZnCu intermetallic compound (IC) formed in the mercury during the deposition stage of the ASV procedure.  相似文献   

Copper in a series of samples from the northwestern Atlantic has been determined by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) and atomic absorption spectrometry after preconcentration by cobalt—APDC coprecipitation. Samples from a transect across the continental shelf directly off the New York Bight showed a linear relationship between total copper and salinity (31–34‰) and less than 5% of the total copper was detectable by ASV. A slope water station showed less than 9% of the total copper to be ASV detectable in the upper 780m, below which the ASV detectable copper increased to 70% at 3000 m. The Sargasso Sea profiles showed less than 7% ASV detectable copper in the upper 150 m; the fraction of the total copper detected by ASV increased to about 80% of the total copper at greater depths. The reduced availability of copper to the ASV measurement in coastal waters and open ocean surface waters appears to be related to recent contact with waters where biological productivity occurs.  相似文献   

During a cruise on the North Sea and the North East Atlantic, about 90 samples were obtained from various depths. Concentrations of cadmium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy after separation/concentration using two different extraction methods. One, using APDC and MIBK, was applied directly on board while the other, using a mixture of dithiocarbamates and freon, was applied after storage under acid conditions. About half of the samples were also analysed for cadmium, copper and lead using ASV. The results of these determinations are intercompared. Consistent results were obtained for cadmium with the two extraction methods and for lead with the freon extraction method and ASV. In the other cases discrepancies were found.  相似文献   

Copper toxicity is influenced by a variety of environmental factors including dissolved organic matter (DOM). We examined the complexation of copper by fulvic acid (FA), one of the major components of DOM, by measuring the decline in labile copper by anodic stripping voltammetrically (ASV). The data were described using a one-site ligand binding model, with a ligand concentration of 0.19micromol site mg(-1) C, and a logK' of 6.2. The model was used to predict labile copper concentration in a bioassay designed to quantify the extent to which Cu-FA complexation affected copper toxicity to the larvae of marine polychaete Hydroides elegans. The toxicity data, when expressed as labile copper concentration causing abnormal development, were independent of FA concentration and could be modeled as a logistic function, with a 48-h EC(50) of 58.9microgl(-1). However, when the data were expressed as a function of total copper concentration, the toxicity was dependent on FA concentration, with a 48-h EC(50) ranging from 55.6microgl(-1) in the no-FA control to 137.4microgl(-1) in the 20mgl(-1) FA treatment. Thus, FA was protective against copper toxicity to the larvae, and such an effect was caused by the reduction in labile copper due to Cu-FA complexation. Our results demonstrate the potential of ASV as a useful tool for predicting metal toxicity to the larvae in coastal environment where DOM plays an important role in complexing metal ions.  相似文献   

Lead has been determined in 105 water samples from the north east Atlantic and from the North Sea. Rigorous precautions were applied to avoid contamination during sampling and analysis.Two different analytical methods were used: ASV and AAS. Determinations with ASV were carried out on board, directly after sampling. After two months storage, acidified samples were analysed by AAS after freon dithiocarbamate extraction and nitric acid back extraction. Particulate lead was determined by AAS after an acid digestion.The profiles of lead concentration versus depth show around 160 pM at the surface and around 20 pM at the bottom, both in the Atlantic and in the Norwegian Sea. The shapes of the profiles are different, however, depending on the hydrography of the area sampled. The profiles from the north east Atlantic coincide with a recently published profile from the north west Atlantic. Moreover, these profiles have lead concentrations about a factor of three higher than those in the Pacific.Considering the high lead input to the North Sea, the lead concentrations found there are remarkably low, probably because of scavenging effects in estuaries leading to a short residence time in the water column. The dominant lead input in offshore regions is from the atmosphere. The highest lead levels are found in the northern North Sea, around 300 pM in surface water.In the Atlantic, particulate lead is a minor part of the total lead whereas in the North Sea the particulate fraction is larger, up to 40%.  相似文献   

Kamran Mohseni   《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(16):2209-2223
Compact zero-mass pulsatile jet actuators are proposed for low-speed maneuvering and station keeping of small underwater vehicles.1 The flow field of such jets are initially dominated by vortex ring formation. Pinched-off vortices characterize the extremum impulse accumulated by the leading vortex ring in a vortex ring formation process. Relevant parameters in this process are identified in order to design simple and low cost zero-mass pulsatile jet actuators. Thrust optimization of synthetic jets for maximal thrust generation is achieved by enforcing the jet formation number to be around 4. Prototypes of such actuators are built and tested for underwater maneuvering and propulsion. The actuators could be used in two ways: (i) to improve the low-speed maneuvering and station keeping capabilities of traditional propeller driven underwater vehicles, and (ii) as a synthetic jet for flow control and drag reduction at higher cruising speeds. A model for calculating the rotation rate of the underwater vehicle is also proposed and verified.  相似文献   

渤海湾北部海域表层海水的表观铜络合容量   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为给渤海湾北部海域重金属铜环境容量研究提供科学依据,采用阳极溶出伏安法对该海域12个站位表层海水样品的表观铜络合容量(ACuCC)和条件稳定常数(K)以及络合容量指数(CCI)进行了测定和计钟:。得到该海区表层海水的表观铜络合容量在228.0~673.4nmol/L之间,平均值为437.5nmol/L,条件稳定常数对数值(IgK)变化范围在7.41~8.84之间,平均值为7.89,络合容量指数在72.69%~92、92%之间,平均值为82.93%。表明该海域表层海水对重金属铜具有较强的络合能力。  相似文献   

Copper toxicity is influenced by a variety of environmental factors including dissolved organic matter (DOM). We examined the complexation of copper by fulvic acid (FA), one of the major components of DOM, by measuring the decline in labile copper by anodic stripping voltammetrically (ASV). The data were described using a one-site ligand binding model, with a ligand concentration of 0.19 μmol site mg−1 C, and a log K′ of 6.2. The model was used to predict labile copper concentration in a bioassay designed to quantify the extent to which Cu–FA complexation affected copper toxicity to the larvae of marine polychaete Hydroides elegans. The toxicity data, when expressed as labile copper concentration causing abnormal development, were independent of FA concentration and could be modeled as a logistic function, with a 48-h EC50 of 58.9 μg l−1. However, when the data were expressed as a function of total copper concentration, the toxicity was dependent on FA concentration, with a 48-h EC50 ranging from 55.6 μg l−1 in the no-FA control to 137.4 μg l−1 in the 20 mg l−1 FA treatment. Thus, FA was protective against copper toxicity to the larvae, and such an effect was caused by the reduction in labile copper due to Cu–FA complexation. Our results demonstrate the potential of ASV as a useful tool for predicting metal toxicity to the larvae in coastal environment where DOM plays an important role in complexing metal ions.  相似文献   

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