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反射波场分离是井孔地震资料处理中极其重要的一个环节,波场分离的质量直接影响成像结果的精度.不管是VSP还是井间地震资料,其反射波时距曲线都近似直线型,根据这一特征,本文提出一种改进的线性Radon变换方法来进行井孔资料的反射波上下行波场分离.该方法基于频率域线性Radon变换,通过引入一个新的变量λ来消除变换算子对频率的依赖性,避免了求取每一频率分量对应的不同变换算子,显著降低了计算成本;文中在求解该方法对应的最小二乘问题时,引入了发展较为成熟的高分辨率Radon变换技术来进一步提高波场分离的精度.采用本文方法进行井孔地震资料的上下行波场分离可以在保证分离精度的前提下有效地提高计算效率.根据上下行波在λ-f域内分布的特殊性,设计简单的滤波算子就可实现上下行波场的分离.最后通过合成数据试算以及实际资料处理(VSP数据和井间地震数据)验证了该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

Multichannel filters are used to eliminate coherent noise from surface seismic data, for wavefield separation from VSP stacks, and for signal enhancement. Their success generally depends on the choice of the filter parameters and the domain of application. Multichannel filters can be applied to shots (monitors), common-receiver traces, CDP traces and stacked sections. Cascaded applications in these domains are currently performed in the seismic industry for better noise suppression and for signal enhancement. One-step shot-domain filtering is adequate for some applications. However, in practice, cascaded applications in shot-and common-receiver domains usually give better results when the S/N ratio is low. Multichannel filtering after stacking (especially after repeated applications in shot and/or receiver domains) may create undesirable results such as artificial continuations, or smearing and smoothing of small features such as small throw faults and fine stratigraphic details. Consequently, multichannel filtering after stacking must be undertaken with the utmost care and occasionally only as a last resort. Multichannel filters with fan-shaped responses (linear moveout filters) should be applied after NMO correction. These are the filters commonly used in the seismic industry where they have such names as velocity filters, moveout filters, f-k filters and coherency filters. Filtering before NMO correction may result in break-up and flattening especially of those shallow reflection events with relatively higher curvatures and diffractions. NMO correction is needed prior to wavefield separation from VSP stacks for the same practical reasons outlined above whenever source-receiver offsets are involved. Creation of artificial lineup and smearing at the outputs of multichannel filters is presently the common practical concern. Optimum multichannel filters with well-defined pass, reject and transition bands overcome the latter problems when applied before stacking and after NMO correction. The trace dimension of these filters must be kept small to avoid such lineups and the smoothing of small structures. Good results can be obtained with only five traces, but seven traces seems to be a better compromise both in surface and well seismic applications. The so-called f-k filtering and τ-p domain filtering are no exceptions to the above practical considerations. Residual static computations after multichannel filtering also need special consideration. Since multichannel filtering improves spatial continuity, residual static algorithms using local correlation, i.e. nonsurface-consistent algorithms, may be impractical especially after multichannel filtering.  相似文献   

Median filters may be used with seismic data to attenuate coherent wavefields. An example is the attenuation of the downgoing wavefield in VSP data processing. The filter is applied across the traces in the ‘direction’ of the wavefield. The final result is given by subtracting the filtered version of the record from the original record. This method of median filtering may be called ‘median filtering operated in subtraction’. The method may be extended by automatically estimating the slowness of coherent wavefields on a record. The filter is then applied in a time- and-space varying manner across the record on the basis of the slowness values at each point on the record. Median filters are non-linear and hence their behaviour is more difficult to determine than linear filters. However, there are a number of methods that may be used to analyse median filter behaviour: (1) pseudo-transfer functions to specific time series; (2) the response of median filters to simple seismic models; and (3) the response of median filters to steps that simulate terminating wavefields, such as faults on stacked data. These simple methods provide an intuitive insight into the behaviour of these filters, as well as providing a semiquantitative measurement of performance. The performance degradation of median filters in the presence of trace-to-trace variations in amplitude is shown to be similar to that of linear filters. The performance of median filters (in terms of signal distortion) applied obliquely across a record may be improved by low-pass filtering (in the t-dimension). The response of median filters to steps is shown to be affected by background noise levels. The distortion of steps introduced by median filters approaches the distortion of steps introduced by the corresponding linear filter for high levels of noise.  相似文献   

Wavenumber aliasing is the main limitation of conventional optimum least-squares linear moveout filters: it prevents adequate reject domain weighting for efficient coherent noise rejection. A general frequency domain multichannel filter design technique based on a one-to-one mapping method between two-dimensional (2D) space and one-dimensional (1D) space is presented. The 2D desired response is mapped to the 1D frequency axis after a suitable sorting of the coefficients. A min-max or Tchebycheff approximation to the desired response is obtained in the 1D frequency domain and mapped back to the 2D frequency domain. The algorithm is suitable for multiband 2D filter design. No aliasing damage is inherent in the linear moveout filters designed using this technique because the approximation is done in the frequency-wavenumber (f, k)-domain. Linear moveout filters designed by using the present coefficient mapping technique achieve better pass domain approximations than the corresponding conventional least-squares filters. Compatible reject domain approximations can be obtained from suitable mappings of the origin coefficient of the desired (f k)-response to the 1D frequency axis. The (fk)-responses of linear moveout filters designed by using the new technique show equi-ripple behavior. Synthetic and real data applications show that the present technique is superior to the optimum least-squares filters and straight stacking in recovering and enhancing the signal events with relatively high residual statics. Their outputs also show higher resolution than those of the optimum least-squares filters.  相似文献   

受井中检波器串级数局限,垂直地震剖面(VSP)反射波成像范围窄,且不能对井中最浅接收点上方区域有效成像.虽然多次波成像能扩大成像范围,但在实际应用中尚有诸多困难和挑战.本文根据Wapenaar的地震干涉理论,基于上下行波场分离技术,研发了VSP地震干涉成像方法.该方法将VSP自由表面多次波重建为在地表震源位置激发(虚震源)接收的拟地面地震反射波,然后偏移成像,以达到对多次波间接成像的目的.通过数值模型实验,测试了VSP干涉成像的极限分辨率,并讨论了主要采集参数的影响,结果表明:该方法的垂向和水平极限分辨率分别达约10m和20m,且能分辨深度达6500m处的50m×100m溶洞;采用12至24道井中检波器串采集的VSP资料,其干涉成像结果显著优于VSP反射波成像,与相应的地面地震成像效果相当.将本文方法应用于新疆地区采集的VSP资料,结果表明:与VSP反射波成像相比,成像同相轴更加连续,成像范围显著扩大;与地面地震成像相比,成像结果相当,尤其在浅中部甚至更好.新方法不仅无需进行井中接收点静校正,且能显著增大成像范围,有利于成像同相轴的追踪对比、地震属性提取和地质解释,尤其对中国新疆地区深部缝洞型储层的成像,具有广泛的实际应用前景.  相似文献   

双程波方程逆时深度偏移是复杂介质高精度成像的有效技术,但其结果中通常包含成像方法引起的噪音和假象,一般的滤波方法会破坏成像剖面上的振幅,其中的假象也会给后续地质解释带来困扰.将波场进行方向分解然后实现入射波与反射波的相关成像能够有效地消除这类成像噪音,并提高逆时偏移成像质量.波传播方向的分解通常在频率波数域实现,它会占用大量的存储和计算资源,不便于在沿时间外推的逆时深度偏移中应用.本文提出解析时间波场外推方法,可以在时间外推的每个时间片上实现波传播方向的显式分解,逆时深度偏移中利用分解后的炮检波场进行对应的相关运算,实现成像噪音和成像信号的分离.在模型和实际数据上的测试表明,相比于常规互相关逆时偏移成像结果,本文方法能够有效地消除低频成像噪音和特殊地质构造导致的成像假象.  相似文献   

From the wealth of information which can be deduced from VSP, the information most directly comparable to well logs is considered: P-wave and S-wave interval velocity, acoustic impedance, and the velocity ratio γ=Vs/Vp. This information not only allows better interpretation of surface seismic sections but also improves processing. For these results to be usable a number of precautions must be taken during acquisition and processing; the sampling in depth should be chosen in such a way that aliasing phenomena do not unnecessarily limit the spectra during the separation of upwards and downwards travelling waves. True amplitudes should be respected and checked by recording of signatures, and the interference of upwards and downwards travelling waves should be taken into account for the picking of first arrivals. The different steps in processing and the combination of results in the interpretation of surface seismic results are described with actual records.  相似文献   

During the last couple of years there has been much research in the area of wavefield separation of borehole seismic data, and several articles have been published on various separation techniques. Methods involving the application of two-dimensional Fourier transformation, the Radon transformation, multi-level median filters or optimal filters, are all suggested as possible approaches to the wavefield separation problem. This paper compares some of these methods commonly used in the industry. The theories of the chosen methods are described to see how they are related. Using the different methods on synthetic and real data, we show how this theoretical relation is reflected in the relatively similar results obtained. We also show how the different filters treat coherent and random noise.  相似文献   

基于自适应优化有限差分方法的全波VSP逆时偏移   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
与地面地震资料相比,VSP资料具有分辨率高、环境噪声小及能更好地反映井旁信息等优点.常规VSP偏移主要对上行反射波进行成像,存在照明度低、成像范围受限等问题.为了增加照明度、拓宽成像范围、提高成像精度,本文采用直达波除外的所有声波波场数据(全波),包括一次反射波、多次反射波等进行叠前逆时偏移成像.针对逆时偏移中的四个关键问题,即波场延拓、吸收边界条件、成像条件及低频噪声的压制,本文分别采用自适应变空间差分算子长度的优化有限差分方法(自适应优化有限差分方法)求解二维声波波动方程以实现高精度、高效率的波场延拓,采用混合吸收边界条件压制因计算区域有限所引起的人工边界反射,采用震源归一化零延迟互相关成像条件进行成像,采用拉普拉斯滤波方法压制逆时偏移中产生的低频噪声.本文对VSP模型数据的逆时偏移成像进行了分析,结果表明:自适应优化有限差分方法比传统有限差分方法具有更高的模拟精度与计算效率,适用于VSP逆时偏移成像;全波场VSP逆时偏移成像比上行波VSP逆时偏移的成像范围大、成像效果好;相对于反褶积成像条件,震源归一化零延迟互相关成像条件具有稳定性好、计算效率高等优点.将本文方法应用于某实际VSP资料的逆时偏移成像,进一步验证了本文方法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

Reflection and refraction data are normally processed with tools designed to deal specifically with either near- or far-offset data. Furthermore, the refraction data normally require the picking of traveltimes prior to analysis. Here, an automatic processing algorithm has been developed to analyse wide-angle multichannel streamer data without resorting to manual picking or traveltime tomography. Time–offset gathers are transformed to the tau–p domain and the resulting wavefield is downward continued to the depth–p domain from which a velocity model and stacked section are obtained. The algorithm inputs common-depth-point (CDP) gathers and produces a depth-converted stacked section that includes velocity information. The inclusion of long-offset multichannel streamer data within the tau–p transformation enhances the signal from high-velocity refracted basalt arrivals. Downward continuation of the tau–p transformed wavefield to the depth–p domain allows the reflection and refraction components of the wavefield to be treated simultaneously. The high-slowness depth–p wavefield provides the velocity model and the low-slowness depth–p wavefield may be stacked to give structural information. The method is applied to data from the Faeroe Basin from which sub-basalt velocity images are obtained that correlate with an independently derived P-wave model from the line.  相似文献   

井间地震数据的波动方程偏移成像   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对井间地震数据成像技术的一些缺陷并根据井间地震数据的特点,利用井间上、下行反射波信息,提出了一种基于波动方程的井间地震反射波偏移成像技术,该技术既考虑了井间地震数据的运动学特征(时间信息),又考虑了动力学特征(振幅信息).以PC机集群为计算平台,Linux为操作系统,设计了井间地震炮域波动方程偏移成像并行计算流程,并且在64位联想机群上用井间模型数据和某油田的实际数据对该技术和计算流程进行了测试和试处理,试验结果表明成像方法和并行算法正确、实用且计算效率高.  相似文献   

含有衰减的VSP资料能够提供丰富的地下岩层和岩性信息,本文根据Ganley理论对其进行了正演计算.引入品质因子Q值,考虑界面发生反射和透射,对震源位于地表及地下某一深度进行讨论,分别计算水平层状介质中的下行波和上行波.与不含有衰减特性的正演记录及其时频分析对比可以看出,高频成分的吸收、主频的降低、较多的能量衰减揭示了地...  相似文献   

Scaling geology and seismic deconvolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The reflection seismic signal observed at the surface is the convolution of a wavelet with a reflection sequence representing the geology. Deconvolution of the observations without prior knowledge of the wavelet can be done by making assumptions about the statistics of the reflection sequence. In particular, the widely used prediction error filter is obtained by assuming that the power spectra of reflection sequences are white. However, evidence from well logs suggests that the power spectra are in fact proportional to a power of the frequency,f, that is, tof , with equal approximately to 1.We have found a simple modification to the prediction error filter that markedly improves deconvolution for reflection sequences with such scaling behaviour. We have calculated three reflection sequences from sonic logs of a well off Newfoundland and two wells in Quebec. The three values of were 0.84, 0.95, and 1.20. We made artificial seismograms from the sequences and deconvolved them with the prediction error filter and our new filters. The errors between the known reflection sequences and the recovered ones for the prediction error filter were 20%, 26%, and 31%; for the new filters 0.5%, 2.0% and 0.5%.  相似文献   

With an increasing demand for high-resolution imaging of complex subsurface structures, thin layers and hidden reservoirs, borehole and cross-well seismic migration methods have become important. However, large differences are observed in the frequency bandwidth between the surface, borehole, and cross-well surveys. Thus, variable-gridbased algorithms have been adapted to reverse-time migration. Further, we introduce Lanczos filtering to ensure the stability of wavefield calculations as well as to decrease the artificial reflections that are caused due to the variable grid size. Finally, we observe that the application of this method to surface survey, borehole, and cross-well seismic data suggests improvements in the delineation of minor fractures and steeply dipping faults.  相似文献   

The intellection of seismic wave propagation in coal measures demands direct observation of the wavefield progression. Two vertical seismic profiles with high spatial and temporal sampling, were recently recorded in the Sydney Basin coalfields as part of an experimental coal seismic program. Static corrections and interval velocities were obtained by an automated system to determine first kicks and pulse rise times. Upgoing and downgoing waves were separated in the f—k-plane using a novel technique of contour slice filtering. The isolated upgoing waves clearly display reflections from the major coal seams within the stratigraphic sequence. The downgoing wave spectra were subjected to attenuation analysis. The deduced specific quality factor Q for Permian coal measure rocks lies in the range 20–70. Similar estimates were obtained in the time domain from measurements of pulse broadening. Synthetic VSP seismograms, computed using an exact recursive formulation, are an indispensable aid to interpretation. They illustrate the filtering effects of coal seams and sequences, and the effects of the contribution of internal and free-surface multiple reflections in the recorded wavetrains.  相似文献   

We introduce a method of wavefield separation from multicomponent data sets based on the use of the continuous wavelet transform. Our method is a further generalization of the approach proposed by Morozov and Smithson, in that by using the continuous wavelet transform, we can achieve a better separation of wave types by designing the filter in the time–frequency domain. Furthermore, using the instantaneous polarization attributes defined in the wavelet domain, we show how to construct filters tailored to separate different wave types (elliptically or linearly polarized), followed by an inverse wavelet transform to obtain the desired wave type in the time domain. Using synthetic and experimental data, we show how the present method can be used for wavefield separation.  相似文献   

垂直地震剖面(Vertical Seismic Profiling,VSP)资料处理中波场分离是关键问题之一.随着属性提取技术的发展,新的属性参数(例如Q值)提取技术对波场分离的保真性要求越来越高.本文改进了传统奇异值分解(Singular Value Decomposition,SVD)法,给出了一种对波场的动力学特征具有更好的保真性,可以作为Q值提取的预处理步骤的零偏VSP资料上下行波场分离方法.该方法通过两步奇异值分解变换实现:第一步,排齐下行波同相轴,利用SVD变换压制部分下行波能量;第二步,在剩余波场中排齐上行波同相轴,使用SVD变换提取上行波场.在该方法的实现过程中,压制部分下行波能量后的剩余波场中仍然存在较强的下行波干扰,使得上行波同相轴的排齐比较困难.本文给出了一种通过极大化多道数据线性相关程度(Maximize Coherence,MC)排齐同相轴的算法,在一定程度上解决了低信噪比下排齐同相轴的问题.将本文提出的方法用于合成数据和实际资料的处理,并与传统SVD法的处理结果进行对比,结果表明本文提出的波场分离方法具有良好的保真性,得到波场的质量明显优于传统SVD法.通过对本文方法和传统SVD法处理合成数据得到的下行波场提取Q值,然后进行对比可知,本文方法可以有效提高所提取Q值的准确性,适合作为Q值提取的预处理步骤.  相似文献   

Optimum multichannel filters can be designed to process seismic events falling on hyperbolic moveout curves using the conventional least-squares method. Contrary to the linear moveout filters, autocorrelation and crosscorrelation functions inherent in the normal equations have to be computed numerically. However, computation times of filter coefficients are comparable to linear moveout operators. For a given source-receiver geometry and assuming straight ray-path, relative moveout of a seismic reflection event is dependent on the two way arrival time and rms velocity. Consequently, to avoid overlapping of pass and reject moveout windows, hyperbolic moveout filters have to be designed over time gates rather than for the whole record lengths. Hyperbolic and hyperbolic-linear moveout filters applied to synthetic and field seismic reflection traces show good signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio improvements. Results of some combined synthetic and field data examples are presented.  相似文献   

相对保幅的角度域VSP逆时偏移(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文介绍了一种改进的角度域VSP逆时偏移方法。对VSP逆时偏移中的逆推公式进行了改进,为方便数值计算出相对保幅的角度域共成像点道集(ADCIGs)。此外VSP记录到的波场信息丰富,包括上行波场、下行波场和直达波场等,本文分析了这些波场的响应特征,发现直达波和下行波在角度域共成像点道集(ADCIGs)上都产生了成像噪音,直达波产生的噪音尤为严重。把该方法用于我国西部地区实际观测的VSP资料,不仅获得相对保幅角度域共成像点道集(ADCIGs),而且压制了成像噪音。通过数值模型试算,实际资料的应用验证了该方法的实用性与有效性,从而为VSP偏移速度分析、VSP AVA/AVO分析和反演等提供可靠的基础资料。  相似文献   

Estimation of Thomsen's anisotropic parameters is very important for accuratetime-to-depth conversion and depth migration data processing. Compared with othermethods, it is much easier and more reliable to estimate anisotropic parameters that arerequired for surface seismic depth imaging from vertical seismic profile (VSP) data, becausethe first arrivals of VSP data can be picked with much higher accuracy. In this study, wedeveloped a method for estimating Thomsen's P-wave anisotropic parameters in VTImedia using the first arrivals from walkaway VSP data. Model first-arrival travel times arecalculated on the basis of the near-offset normal moveout correction velocity in VTI mediaand ray tracing using Thomsen's P-wave velocity approximation. Then, the anisotropicparameters 0 and e are determined by minimizing the difference between the calculatedand observed travel times for the near and far offsets. Numerical forward modeling, usingthe proposed method indicates that errors between the estimated and measured anisotropicparameters are small. Using field data from an eight-azimuth walkaway VSP in TarimBasin, we estimated the parameters 0 and e and built an anisotropic depth-velocity modelfor prestack depth migration processing of surface 3D seismic data. The results showimprovement in imaging the carbonate reservoirs and minimizing the depth errors of thegeological targets.  相似文献   

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