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Analysis of the litho-geochemistry of fine-grained terrigenous rocks (metapelites, shales, and mudstones) of sedimentary megasequences in the Southern Urals, Uchur-Maya area, and the Yenisei Kryazh indicates that Riphean sequences in these regions are dominated by chlorite-hydromica rocks, with montmorillonite and potassic feldspar possibly occurring only in some of the lithostratigraphic units. According to the values of their hydrolysate modulus, most clay rocks from the three Riphean metamorphosed sedimentary sequences are normal or supersialites, with hydrosialites and hydrolysates playing subordinate roles. The most lithochemicaly mature rocks are Riphean clays in the Yenisei Kryazh (Yenisei Range). The median value of their CIA is 72, whereas this index is 70 for fine-grained aluminosilicate rocks from the Uchur-Maya area and 66 for fine-grained terrigenous rocks of the Riphean stratotype. Hence, at ancient water provenance areas from which aluminosilicate clastic material was transported in sedimentation basins in the southwestern (in modern coordinates) periphery of the Siberian Platform, the climate throughout the whole Riphean was predominantly humid. At the same time, the climate at the eastern part of the East European Platform was semiarid-semihumid. The K2O/Al2O3 ratio, which is employed as an indicator of the presence of petro-and lithogenic aluminosilicate clastic component in Riphean sedimentary megasequences, shows various tendencies. According to their Sc, Cr, Ni, Th, and La concentrations and the Th/Sc ratio, the overwhelming majority of Riphean shales and mudstones notably differ from the average Archean mudstone and approach the average values for post-Archean shales. This suggests that mafic Archean rock in the provenance areas did not play any significant role in the origin of Riphean sedimentary megasequences. The Co/Hf and Ce/Cr ratios of the terrigenous rocks of the three Riphean megaseqeunces and their (Gd/Yb) N and Eu/Eu* ratios place these rocks among those containing little (if any) erosion products of primitive Archean rocks. According to various geochemical data, the source of the great majority of fine-grained aluminosilicate clastic rocks in Riphean sediment megasequences in our study areas should have been mature sialic (felsic), with much lower contents of mafic and intermediate rocks as a source of the clastic material. The REE patterns of the Riphean shales and metapelites in the Bashkir Meganticlinorium, Uchur-Maya area, and Yenisei Kryazh show some features that can be regarded as resulting from the presence of mafic material in the ancient provenance areas. This is most clearly seen in the sedimentary sequences of the Uchur-Maya area, where the decrease in the (La/Yb) N ratio up the sequence of the fine-grained terrigenous rocks from 15–16.5 to 5.8–7.1 suggests that mantle mafic volcanics were brought to the upper crust in the earliest Late Riphean in relation to rifting. Analysis of the Sm-Nd systematics of the Riphean fine-grained rocks reveals the predominance of model age values in the range of 2.5–1.7 Ga, which can be interpreted as evidence that the rocks were formed of predominantly Early Proterozoic source material. At the same time, with regard for the significant role of recycling in the genesis of the upper continental crust, it seems to be quite possible that the ancient provenance areas contained Archean complexes strongly recycled in the Early Proterozoic and sediments formed of their material. An additional likely source of material in the Riphean was mafic rocks, whose variable contribution is reflected in a decrease in the model age values. Higher Th and U concentrations in the Riphean rocks of the Yenisei Kryazh compared to those in PAAS indicate that the sources of their material were notably more mature than the sources of fine-grained aluminosilicate clastic material for the sedimentary megaseqeunces in the Southern Urals and Uchur-Maya area.  相似文献   

Lithogeochemical features of Riphean fine-grained terrigenous rocks of the Kama-Belaya aulacogen are discussed. It is shown that aluminosiliciclastic material delivered to the aulacogen during the Riphean was characterized by a low maturity degree. The successively increasing K2O/Al2O3 values in the Riphean summary section correlate negatively with the CIA index values, indicating a gradually strengthening tendency for climate aridization in erosion zones. Data on some indicator ratios of trace elements and REE systematics in Riphean silty mudstones and shales of the Kama-Belaya aulacogen imply the involvement of mafic and ultramafic rocks, in addition to acid igneous and metamorphic varieties, in erosion during accumulation of the Nadezhdino, Tukaevo, Ol’khovka, Usinsk, and Priyutovo formations. Comparison of data on the composition of rocks in provenances based on the mineralogical-petrographic study of sandstones and investigation of geochemical features of silty mudstones and shales revealed their sufficiently high similarity. The geochemical data made it possible to specify the composition of rocks in provenances. Low Ce/Cr values in the fine-grained terrigenous rocks of the Lower Riphean Kyrpy Group suggest their formation with a significant contribution of erosion products of the Archean substrate, which is atypical for higher levels of the section. Thus, the Early-Middle Riphean transition period was likely marked by substantial changes in the mineral composition of material delivered to the Kama-Belaya aulacogen. The lack of exhalative components in the examined specimens of silty mudstones and shales points to a relatively low permeability of the Earth’s crust in the eastern East European Platform through the entire Riphean.  相似文献   

The Yenisei Range and the adjacent territories in the east are subdivided into (1) the Mid-Angara intracratonic depression; (2) the Yenisei pericratonic trough; and 3) a marginal oceanic block, the Isakovka-Predivinsk area. The lower part of the Riphean succession is subdivided into two principally different sedimentary complexes — the Lower Sukhoi Pit Subgroup and the Upper Sukhoi Pit Subgroup (the Pogoryui-Alad'in interval of the succession). The fundamental nature of the events that separate these two complexes and the characteristic, rhythmically bedded structure of the Upper Sukhoi Pit Subgroup allow the latter to be ranked a separate straton, the Bol'shoi Pit Group. Its lower boundary is associated with the Grenvillian events commencing with the emplacement of the Teya granite-gneiss domes and other intrusive complexes dated at 1100–1000 Ma. In the sedimentation record these events are manifested as a sudden change from the slate complex, for which we keep the name Sukhoi Pit Group, to the rhythmically bedded succession of the Bol'shoi Pit Group. The latter is interpreted as a product of uproofing of an elevated hinterland to the west. Insofar as the amplitude of this elevated area decreases progressively toward the Mid-Angara trough, the Bol'shoi Pit erosional unconformity and the associated interval of nondeposition are absent from the area. In the west of the Yenisei Range, in contrast, there is a major stratigraphic gap in the sequence, which is associated with the aforementioned events. The hypothesis on intensive events separating the deposition of the Bol'shoi Pit Group of the Kerpylian Horizon and the Tungusik Group of the Lakhandinian Horizon is not supported by the new data. The change from carbonate facies into siliciclastics in the west was misinterpreted as an erosional unconformity, with basal deposits corresponding to the lower boundary of the Tungusik Group. The occurrence of the Upper Tungusik deposits overlying much older rocks is a result of the pre-Bol'shoi Pit erosion and the gradual expansion of the Tungusik transgression. Thus, there are no grounds to argue for significant pre-Lakhandinian events in the region. Hence, the Kerpylian and Lakhandinian in the Yenisei Range, as well as in other parts of the Siberian Craton, constitute two parts of a larger supraregional straton, which corresponds to the lower half of the Upper Riphean and is designated here the Mayanian. The fundamentally different nature of the events associated with the next, Baikalian stage of the development allows its tripartite subdivision in the region. Deposition of the Lower Baikalian (the Oslyanka Group) was preceded by the crustal extension at the junction between the continental and oceanic blocks and, possibly, the formation of one of the Yenisei Range ophiolite complexes, followed by the emplacement of the Tatarka-Ayakhta batholiths at around 850 Ma. Fragments of both complexes are found as clasts in the basal conglomerates of the Middle Baikalian Chingasan Horizon. The specific character of the pre-Baikalian events determines their apparently poor expression in the sedimentation (weaker metamorphism of the Oslyanka deposits compared with the Tungusik Group). Even the activity leading to the formation of the Tatarka-Ayakhta granites cannot be regarded as a full-scale orogenic process. Collisional events separating the Lower and Middle Baikalian are manifested as the erosional unconformity at the base of the Chingasan Group and the emplacement of the Glushikha granites (760–730 Ma). The Middle Baikalian age of the Chingasan deposits is constrained by the data from paleontology, historical geology, and geochronology. Furthermore, the presence of glacial deposits renders this straton as a global stratigraphic marker. Further expansion of transgression in the Upper Baikalian is linked to another important event, but additional paleontological and geochronological information is needed to date the Upper Baikalian (Chapa Group) more accurately. The Baikalian events synchronously manifested themselves in all structural-facies zones of the Yenisei Range and are coeval to structural complexes from adjacent areas of the Siberian Craton. The tripartite Baikalian, therefore, has a potential for being included into the General Scale of the upper Upper Riphean.  相似文献   

Results of the study of noble metal specialization of Lower and Middle Riphean terrigenous rocks in the Bashkir Anticlinorium (South Urals) are reported. The study revealed their genetic differences in the relatively unaltered, i.e., “background” terrigenous rocks in type sections of the Burzyan and Yurmatau groups and in sedimentary rocks of the same stratigraphic levels from tectonic zones subjected to local dynamothermal metamorphism of the greenschist facies and intruded by mafic rocks. It has been established that Ru serves as a geochemical marker of the impact of magmatic processes on sedimentary rocks and the redistribution of noble metals during metamorphism and local metasomatism. A generalized model is proposed for the formation of noble metal geochemical specialization of Lower and Middle Riphean terrigenous rocks in the South Urals.  相似文献   

As is shown based on geochemical data and Sm-Nd isotopic systematics, accumulation of sandy deposits in the Riphean protoplatform cover of the Southeast Siberian platform was controlled by influx of primary and recycled sedimentary material derived from magmatic and metamorphic complexes of the eastern Aldan shield in the course of denudation of the Early Proterozoic accretionary orogen formed prior to 1.9 Ga. First indications of endogenic material influx into sedimentary basins are established in the Totta Formation of the Middle Riphean. They mean contribution to sedimentation of material weathered and eroded from external recycled orogens and synsedimentary volcanics that marked commencement of rifting in the platform marginal zone. Provenances of this material were situated most likely to the east and southeast off the Yudoma-Maya trough.  相似文献   

We consider the general and specific features of the evolution of the composition of fine-grained terrigenous rocks in the Riphean sedimentary megasequences of the Southern Urals, Uchur-Maya region, and Yenisei Ridge. It has been established that the crust on the southwestern (in the modern frame of references) periphery of the Siberian craton was geochemically the most mature segment of the Riphean continental crust. For example, the fine-grained clastic rocks and metapelites of all Riphean lithostratigraphic units of the Yenisei Ridge have higher median contents of Th than the most mature Paleoproterozoic crust, and in median contents of Y and Cr/Th values they are the most similar to it. In the Southern Urals and Uchur-Maya region, some units of the Riphean sedimentary sequences show median contents of Y and Th and Cr/Th values close to those of primitive Archean crust. Analysis of Cr/Th variations in the fine-grained terrigenous rocks of all three megasequences shows that the minimum Cr/Th values, evidencing a predominance or the abundance of felsic rocks in provenances, are typical of the Riphean argillaceous shales and metapelites of the Yenisei Ridge. The distinct Cr/Th and Cr/Sc increase in the fine-grained clastic rocks of the Chingasan Group of the ridge reflects the large-scale destruction of continental crust during the formation of rift troughs as a result of the Rodinia breakup in the second half of the Late Riphean. The Cr/Th variations in the Lower and Middle Riphean argillaceous shales and mudstones of the Bashkirian mega-anticlinorium and Uchur-Maya region are in agreement, which evidences the subglobal occurrence of rifting in the early Middle Riphean (so-called “Mashak rifting”).  相似文献   

Structure of the lower subformation of the Khaipakh Formation from the upper portion of the Middle Riphean Olenek Uplift (northern Siberia) is considered. It has been noted for the first time that the glauconite-containing sandy-aleurolitic rocks (hereafter, sandstones and siltstones) in sections of the Khorbusuonka River include glauconitite laminas and siderite lenses that are distinct marker horizons of this stratigraphic interval. It has been shown that the glauconitites are weakly cemented and almost completely composed of glauconite grains and glauconite cement. The paper presents detailed mineralogical and structural-crystallochemical characteristics of Al-glauconite in specimens with different degrees of cementation (solid and loose rocks). The paper discusses genetic features of glauconite grains and their secondary alterations. Comparative characteristics of glauconite from solid and loose rocks from both Khaipakh sections and previously studied terrigenous rocks of the Arymas and Totta formations (Middle Riphean Olenek Uplift and Uchur-Maya region) are given. Suitability of glauconite extracted from the glauconitites for isotope-geochronological investigations is estimated. Literature and original data on glauconitites formed in situ in Precambrian and Phanerozoic sections are compared. It is concluded that their primary macroscopic and microscopic features are very similar.  相似文献   

The possibility to use some widely known standard discrimination diagrams such as the K2O/Na2O-SiO2/Al2O3, SiO2-K2O/Na2O, (Fe2O3* + MgO)-TiO2, F1-F2, Th-La-Sc, Sc-Th-Zr/10, and Sc/Cr-La/Y for deciphering the paleogeodynamic settings of sedimentary sequences is considered with reference to the Lower and Middle Riphean (Mesoproterozoic) deposits of the Uchur-Maya region (Far East) and the Bashkir meganticlinorium (South Urals). It was shown that only some of them can be used with a certain degree of confidence for reconstructing the settings of the platform sedimentary sequences made up of both sandstones and fine-grained terrigenous rocks.  相似文献   

Based on the study of Upper Precambrian rocks penetrated by the Pavlovskii Posad parametric borehole in the 1770–4780 m interval, the Riphean succession is underlain by quartzose sandstones. The aulacogen within the Moscow Syneclise was covered by sediments accumulated during the intense chemical weathering of a peneplain. Above the 3550 m level, Upper Precambrian rocks comprise arkoses with abundant garnet. The immature (in terms of lithology and mineralogy) arkosic sequence was probably accumulated in grabenshaped structures (aulacogens).  相似文献   

Seven rare-earth elements (La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, Lu) and Co, Cr, Sc, Ba, Hf and Th have been determined by non-destructive neutron activation analysis on the Quaternary volcanic rocks in Hokkaido, Japan. The trace-element abundances are discussed in terms of the petrological problems, particularly the origin of calc-alkali magma. On the basis of the La/Sm ratio and the contents of K, Ba, Th and La, lateral variations in the contents of trace elements exist across the Kurile and the northern Honshū arcs. The calc-alkali rocks can be classified into three types which correspond to Kuno's three basalt-magma types. There is no essential difference in the rare-earth patterns between the basaltic rocks and the associated calc-alkali rocks in each petrographic province. This suggests that the calcalkali rocks may be derived from the basaltic magmas by fractional crystallization under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Precambrian cherts from the Fig Tree and Onverwacht groups of South Africa contain unusually high concentrations of chromium and nickel. The organic carbon content of these cherts (0.02–1.58%) shows a considerable variation with a maximum abundance in the Onverwacht group. Atomic H/C ratios (0.08–1.38) of the associated organic matter (kerogen) support the suggestion that the carbon isotopic values of kerogen have not been isotopically enriched by metamorphic processes. Chemically bound alipathic structures amount to about 10% by weight of the organic carbon content of a chert from the lowermost Theespruit succession.  相似文献   

The Riphean (upper) portion of the Proterozoic interval is treated as an era divided into four systems on the basis of stromatolith morphology. The evolution of the stromatoliths is traced into the Lower Cambrian in order to demonstrate that divisions of system rank can be identified by the stages of stromatolith morphogenesis, from columnar through tabular and, in the Lower Cambrian, "nodular" and laminar. The Riphean stromatoliths, in the main, represent Baicalia and Conophyton, even through other major taxons are present. The authors, at the present stage in the the development of Riphean stratigraphy, seem to assign the rank of genera to Baicalia and Conophyton. --Mark E. Burgunker.  相似文献   

In terrigenous flysch strata of the Upper Kolyma Region in northeastern Russia, microaggregates of sulfides with spherical form are widespread. During dynamic metamorphism, spherical sulfide units were segregated into lenticular aggregates along the cleavage planes, were as seed, or were recrystallized into faceted metacrystals. Further stress on the rock sometimes led to a morphologically expressed particular dissolution of pyrite crystals along the cleavage directions, and to their depletion with admixture elements. A more substantial effect led to transformation of pyrite into pyrrotine with inclusions of chalcopyrite and Fe-Ni-Co-sulfoarsenides. Relict sulfides reflect, to a certain degree, the primary geochemical condition of the sedimentation period and its further evolution. When studying the numerous sulfidization zones, the composition of relict sulfides allows us to predict the geochemical specialization and the degree of inheritance of post-sedimentation mineralization.  相似文献   

Three complexes in the zones of the Ishimbinskii and Tatarka deep faults in the Transangarian part of the Yenisei Range were studied to reproduce their metamorphic evolution and elucidate distinctive features of regional geodynamic processes. The results of our geological and petrological studies with the application of geothermobarometry and P-T metamorphic paths indicate that the Neoproterozoic kyanite-sillimanite intermediate-pressure metamorphism overprinted regionally metamorphosed rocks of low pressure of Middle Riphean age. The kyanite-sillimanite metamorphism was characterized by (1) the development of deformational structures and textures and kyanite-bearing blastomylonites with sillimanite, garnet, and staurolite after andalusite-bearing regional-metamorphic mineral assemblages; (2) insignificant apparent thickness of the zone of intermediate-pressure zonal metamorphism (from 2.5 to 7 km), which was localized near overthrusts; (3) a low geothermal gradient during metamorphism (from 1–7 to 12°C/km); and (4) a gradual increase in the total metamorphic pressure from southwest to northeast with approaching the overthrusts. These features are typical of collisional metamorphism during the thrusting of continental blocks and testify that the rocks subsided nearly isothermally. The process is justified within the scope of a model for the tectonic thickening of the crust via rapid thrusting and subsequent rapid exhumation and erosion. The analysis of our results with regard for the northeastern dips of the thrusts allowed us to consider the intermediate-pressure metapelites as products of collision metamorphism, which were formed in the process of a single thrusting of ancient rock blocks from the Siberian Platform onto the Yenisei Range.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight groundwater samples have been collected from boreholes in bedrock aquifers in Nord Trøndelag (Central Norway), the Hvaler archipelago and other areas around Oslofjord (South-eastern Norway). A clear relationship is demonstrated between many chemical parameters and lithology or geographical location. The parameters electrical conductivity, Cl, SO42−, F, Na, Al, Fe, Be, Bi, Cd, Cu, La, Mo, Pb, Th, Tl, U, Y, Zn, Zr, B, Rn, and Si have generally higher values in the Iddefjord Granite of Hvaler, while pH, alkalinity, Ca, Mg, Cs, Rb, and Sr are highest in Trøndelag. Several parameters such as F, Na, Fe, U, Rn and possibly Al exceed drinking water norms on Hvaler. Measured values of the analyzed parameters compare well (except F) with the Dutch “A” (background) values, developed for assessment of anthropogenic contamination. The authors warn, however, against uncritical use of “norms” developed in countries with other dominant lithologies than Norway.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of information about the distribution of trace elements in kerogen from shale rocks despite several reports on trace element composition in many shale samples. In this study, trace elements in shale rocks and their residual kerogens were determined by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. The results from this study show redox-sensitive elements relatively concentrated in the kerogens as compared to the shales. This may be primarily due to the adsorption and complexation ability of kerogen, which enables enrichment in Ni, Co, Cu, and Zn. For the rare earth elements (REEs), distinct distribution characteristics were observed for shales dominated by terrigenous minerals and their kerogen counterparts. However, shales with less input of terrigenous minerals showed similar REE distribution patterns to their residual kerogen. It is speculated that the distribution patterns of the REEs in shales and kerogens may be source-related.  相似文献   

The Lena gold district is situated in the fold-and-shear belt of the southern framework of the Siberian Platform. The gold deposits are hosted in the Riphean-Vendian Khomolkho and Aunakit formations, revealing the strict control of ore mineralization by folding and shearing. The microstructure of metasomatically altered ore-bearing carbonaceous sedimentary rocks at the Sukhoi Log, Golets Vysochaishy, and Verninsky deposits (the latter includes the Pervenets vein zone) testifies to parallelism in the development of shearing, foliation, and ore-forming metasomatism. The local pressure gradients are marked by removal of silica from pressured zones into opened cleavage fractures and pockets. Two metasomatic stages are recognized: (1) early sodic metasomatism, which is characterized by the assemblage of magnesian siderite and paragonite, and (2) late potassic metasomatism, with formation of muscovite in association with sideroplesite and ankerite. The rocks altered at the early stage are distinguished by elevated Ni, Cr, and probably PGE contents. The second stage, close in age to the emplacement of Hercynian granitic plutons, was accompanied by the gain of chalcophile metals and deposition of the bulk of gold. In mineral composition, the metasomatic rocks are close to beresites, but the alteration differed in somewhat elevated alkalinity, so that microveinlets of albite and potassium feldspar occur in the ore zone together with muscovite. The ratio of modal muscovite to paragonite contents in orebodies is substantially higher than in the surrounding metasomatized rocks. This ratio directly depends on the degree of rock permeability and the intensity of the flow of ore-forming solutions. Carbonaceous matter (CM) in the ore zone underwent reworking and redeposition. CM is graphitized to a lesser extent than in the rocks affected by regional metamorphism. The spatial distribution of CM containing nitro and amino groups indicates more oxidizing conditions in the zone of ore deposition than at a distance from this zone. The temperature of metasomatic processes estimated from the muscovite, muscovite-paragonite, and chlorite mineral thermometers and fluid inclusions in quartz was 300–350°C at a pressure of about 1 kbar. The S, O, and C isotopic compositions of ore-forming fluids that pertain to the second stage of metasomatism (δ34S= +8.5‰, δ18O = +10‰, and δ13C= ?11 to ?18‰) indicate their crustal origin. The generally similar conditions and products of the ore-forming metasomatic process at the giant Sukhoi Log deposit and at the small Golets Vysochaishy deposit are combined with some differences. The formation of the described deposits was related to the deep convection of fluids along shear zones followed by more local flows of postmagmatic solutions derived from the emplaced granitic magma.  相似文献   

The migration of trace elements from the inner part of solid cells to the weaknesses is the bottleneck in the migration of these elements from their initial positions in the source rock to the final deposition site in ore bodies. Diffusion may play a key role in the reactivation of trace elements. The overall migration pattern of trace elements in source rocks is a fractal structure. There are two general tendencies for trace elements to migrate. One is from within solid cells toward sinks, and the other is from high temperature fields toward low temperature ones. High temperature enhances these two tendencies. Conjugate geochemical anomalies are the inevitable result of a closed geochemical system.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of tholeiitic rocks, alkali olivine basalts and basanites of The Mesozoic province of Israel has been studied. The elemental concentration in the magmas was treated in terms of batch melting followed by fractional crystallization processes. During the latter process, the crystallizing minerals from effusive and hypabyssal bodies match the conditions of maintaining surface equilibrium with the melt (Rayleigh Law). According to the incompatible characteristics of the LIL elements which were determined, they can be divided into two groups: (1) those elements (La, Ce, Ta, Th, Hf) which maintain incompatibility for rocks having D.I. <63, and (2) those elements which can be regarded as incompatible in rocks with further restrictions for U and Ba (D.I.<50); for P2O5 (Ni>75 ppm); for Sr (Ni>200 ppm). Assuming that the mantle has [La] n = 1 the spectrum of the rocks studied was generated by 0.5% to 3.2% partial melting from a single garnet peridotite source rock. The source rocks appear to be quite homogeneous with only a slightly LREE-enriched pattern. For the above melting range the D s (bulk distribution coefficient between the source rocks and the melts) values for Ta, La, Ce, Th, U, P2O5, Sr, Ba, and Hf were found to be 0.0012, 0.002, 0.0029, 0.0031, 0.0039, 0.0082, 0.0083, 0.01, and 0.015, respectively. If the mantle has [La] n =2, then for the range of 1 to 6.4% melting, the D s values would be 0.002, 0.0035, 0.0053, 0.0055, 0.007, 0.0152, 0.0153, 0.019, and 0.027, respectively.  相似文献   

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