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A comprehensive numerical analysis of the seismic response and site period of curved alluvial valleys was performed by taking into account the characteristics of sedimentary materials. This study presents a criterion as a combination of the three following geometrical and geotechnical characteristics of curved valleys in order to provide a simple method for code implementation of complex site effects: depth ratio, filling ratio and impedance ratio. The parametric studies were performed by a HYBRID program combining finite elements in the near field and boundary elements in the far field (FEM/BEM). The amplification patterns under above-mentioned characteristics were determined at the central point of valleys. The results are shown in the form of response spectra. Different impedance coefficients of materials were considered to evaluate effects resulting from combination with filling ratio and geometrical parameters. Finally, a criterion is proposed in terms of engineering applications to assess the spectral response at the surface of curved alluvial valleys.  相似文献   

GNMF小波谱分离在地震勘探噪声压制中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
田雅男  李月  林红波  吴宁 《地球物理学报》2015,58(12):4568-4575
地震勘探资料噪声压制及信噪比提高是整个地震勘探信号处理过程中的重要任务,随着地震勘探深度的增加及其复杂性,人们对地震数据质量的要求越来越高.勘探环境的复杂化使得采集到的地震资料中有效信号被大量噪声淹没,无法清晰辨识,严重影响后续的数据处理与解释.小波去噪是地震勘探中常用且发展较成熟的一种方法,但是其涉及到的阈值函数选取问题一直令人困扰,虽然已有多种阈值函数被提出,但仍存在各自的缺陷.本文利用小波分解在时域及频域良好的信号细节体现特性,引入模式识别中的非负矩阵分解(NMF)谱分离思想,针对小波系数阈值优化问题,提出了一种小波域图非负矩阵分解(GNMF)消噪算法.该方法首先在小波分解基础上,利用GNMF算法实现小波分解系数谱中信号分量与噪声分量的谱分离,然后通过反变换重构各分离子谱对应的子信号,最后利用K均值聚类算法将得到的多个子信号划分为信号类及噪声类,最终得到重构信号及分离噪声.合成记录和实际地震资料的消噪结果验证了新方法在提高信号与噪声分离准确性和精度方面的有效性,同时新方法避免了阈值选取造成的噪声压制不理想或有效成分损失问题.与小波消噪结果的对比及数值分析也说明了新方法在噪声压制及有效成分保持方面的优势.  相似文献   

The issue is addressed as to whether the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) method is sensitive to the amplitude of ground motion from near-field earthquakes. Twenty-one three-component accelerograms from two closely located similar soil sites in the town of Lefkas are used. The recordings represent 17 earthquakes covering a wide range of magnitudes, epicentral distances and azimuths. Peak horizontal accelerations (PGA) and velocities (PGV) lie in the ranges 20–540 cm/s2 and 1.4–55.2 cm/s. For each HVS ratio, the site's fundamental-resonance frequency, fres, is determined visually. Linear correlation analysis shows that fres is strongly (negatively) correlated to PGA and PGV (r between −0.7 and −0.8); no correlation is found with resonance amplitude or epicentral distance. We show that the observed correlation is attributable to soil nonlinearity and indicate how weak-motion estimates of fres can be corrected for use in assessing site response during strong shaking.  相似文献   

凌代俭  陈伟  袁建力 《中国地震》2013,29(2):256-264
基于汶川地震发生时自贡市西山公园地形影响台阵的加速度记录,利用双向反应谱比法分析了山脊地形对单自由度体系结构反应的放大效应,结果表明:(1)水平向结构反应在结构自振频率小于1Hz的低频段放大效应不明显;在1~ 10Hz频段山顶放大效应最大,最大值达3.25,对应频率为6.25Hz;在10 ~ 20Hz频段,各台站放大效应趋于平稳,靠近山顶的7号台站放大效应最明显,最大值为2.3,对应频率为16.7Hz.(2)结构反应的最大放大系数有随高度的增加而增大的趋势,且在1 ~ 10Hz频段这种趋势比较明显.(3)与其它场地效应估计方法相比较,该方法能够体现地形效应对结构反应的影响,从而更有利于研究建筑结构震害的分布.  相似文献   

彭菲  王伟君  寇华东 《地球物理学报》2020,63(10):3775-3790

1679年三河—平谷8级地震,造成了包括北京在内的华北广大地区严重的人员和经济损失,但是该地区和地震灾害密切相关的沉积结构和地震场地响应特征研究,相对比较缺乏.本文利用1~4 km台间距的高密度单台地脉动观测、几个小孔径台阵观测和钻孔测井数据,研究了三河—平谷地区的浅层沉积的场地响应和沉积层三维起伏特征,以及构造运动对沉积厚度的影响.结果表明,研究区沉积层的场地共振频率和沉积厚度有明显的分区特征:东北部场地共振频率主要在1.0~7.0 Hz之间,具有相对较薄的沉积厚度,沉积界面起伏也相对平稳;西南部场地共振频率大部分区域小于1.0 Hz,可低至0.3 Hz,相应的沉积厚度起伏显著,其中在大厂凹陷厚度可达300~600 m.沉积起伏和隐伏断裂带的分布有较好的对应关系,反映了夏垫断裂、南苑—通县断裂第四纪以来较为活跃的正断活动.北东走向的夏垫等隐伏断裂在东北部山前的正断活动相对不发育,以及东北部和西南部沉积厚度的显著差异,都可能受到北西走向的二十里长山断裂带活动的影响.按照Vs30场地分类,研究区内沉积较厚的凹陷地区主要为E类软土,其他区域为D类中硬土.研究结果与区域地质调查、钻孔数据和浅层地震勘探剖面结果基本相符,说明地脉动探测方法能够高效、低成本的获取区域沉积厚度和场地作用,为地震小区划和抗震设防提供有意义的参考.


彭菲  王伟君  寇华东 《地球物理学报》1954,63(10):3775-3790
1679年三河—平谷8级地震,造成了包括北京在内的华北广大地区严重的人员和经济损失,但是该地区和地震灾害密切相关的沉积结构和地震场地响应特征研究,相对比较缺乏.本文利用1~4 km台间距的高密度单台地脉动观测、几个小孔径台阵观测和钻孔测井数据,研究了三河—平谷地区的浅层沉积的场地响应和沉积层三维起伏特征,以及构造运动对沉积厚度的影响.结果表明,研究区沉积层的场地共振频率和沉积厚度有明显的分区特征:东北部场地共振频率主要在1.0~7.0 Hz之间,具有相对较薄的沉积厚度,沉积界面起伏也相对平稳;西南部场地共振频率大部分区域小于1.0 Hz,可低至0.3 Hz,相应的沉积厚度起伏显著,其中在大厂凹陷厚度可达300~600 m.沉积起伏和隐伏断裂带的分布有较好的对应关系,反映了夏垫断裂、南苑—通县断裂第四纪以来较为活跃的正断活动.北东走向的夏垫等隐伏断裂在东北部山前的正断活动相对不发育,以及东北部和西南部沉积厚度的显著差异,都可能受到北西走向的二十里长山断裂带活动的影响.按照Vs30场地分类,研究区内沉积较厚的凹陷地区主要为E类软土,其他区域为D类中硬土.研究结果与区域地质调查、钻孔数据和浅层地震勘探剖面结果基本相符,说明地脉动探测方法能够高效、低成本的获取区域沉积厚度和场地作用,为地震小区划和抗震设防提供有意义的参考.  相似文献   

Surface-wave tests are based on the solution of an inverse problem for shear-wave velocity profile identification from the experimentally measured dispersion curve. The main criticisms for these testing methodologies are related to the inverse problem solution and arise from the possible equivalence of different shear-wave velocity profiles. In this paper, some implications of solution non-uniqueness for seismic response studies are investigated using both numerical simulations and experimental data. A Monte Carlo approach for the inversion problem has been used to obtain a set of equivalent shear-wave velocity models. This selection is based on a statistical test which takes into account both data uncertainty and model parameterization. This set of solutions (i.e., soil profiles) is then used to evaluate the seismic response with a conventional one-dimensional analysis. It is shown that equivalent profiles with respect to surface-wave testing are equivalent also with respect to site amplification, thus countering the criticism related to inversion uncertainty for the engineering use of surface-wave tests.  相似文献   

An integrated probabilistic seismic hazard analysis procedure that incorporates nonlinear site effects, PSHA-NL, is developed and used to characterize the influence of thick deposits of the upper Mississippi Embayment (ME) on seismic site coefficients. PSHA-NL follows the methodology of the 2002 USGS hazard maps and generates a compatible set of ground motion records. The motions are propagated using nonlinear and equivalent linear site response analyses and ME properties developed in a companion paper and used to derive surface uniform hazard response spectra. A set of generic site coefficients are derived and summarized in a format similar to NEHRP site coefficients, with an added dimension of ME deposits thickness to the Paleozoic rock, a physically meaningful impedance boundary. These coefficients compare well with NEHRP site coefficients for 30 m profiles. For thicker soil profiles, developed site coefficients are lower at short periods and higher at long periods than NEHRP site coefficients.  相似文献   

周浩  符力耘 《地球物理学报》2018,61(3):1083-1094



流动地震观测背景噪声的台基响应   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
大规模流动地震台阵技术发展为高分辨率深部结构成像提供了重要基础,背景噪声是影响流动地震观测质量的关键因素. 为掌握流动地震观测噪声规律,发展流动地震观测降噪技术, 编制流动地震观测技术规范, 我们开展了针对不同台基流动地震观测背景噪声的观测实验与分析. 其中,山西省临汾市五个地点架设了共22个对比观测台站, 进行了超过一年半的连续观测. 通过计算不同频段范围内背景噪声记录的加速度功率谱密度, 研究了不同场地条件和环境噪声下流动地震观测台站的噪声特征及其台基响应,分析了不同台基处理方式对噪声的抑制效果. 结果表明:(1)高频人为噪声和长周期自然噪声是影响流动地震观测质量的主要噪声, 可以通过增加台基深度和改善台基处理方式等方法降低其影响; (2)增加台基深度能有效地降低长周期噪声和高频噪声, 2 m深坑能使高人为噪声台站各分量的高频频段和长周期频段分别降低5 dB和10 dB; (3)由于其不稳定性, 沙子台基的水平分量在长周期频段一般要高于摆墩台基5 dB, 流动地震观测中推荐使用摆墩台基; (4) 台站位置、台站内部温度和空气流动都是影响台站噪声的重要因素. 在此基础上提出了不同场地条件和噪声环境下的台基处理建议和适合国情的移动地震台阵台站建设参考方案, 有助于流动地震观测野外工作的标准化和规范化.  相似文献   

The authors examine the reliability of site response estimations obtained by the horizontal to vertical (H/V) spectral ratios of microtremors by means of cross‐validation with the ratio of the horizontal spectra of earthquake motion with respect to reference sites. The data comprise microtremor and ground motion records recorded at 150 sites of Yokohama strong motion array. The use of non‐supervised pattern recognition techniques aims to group the sites with more objectivity. Attributes defining the overall shape of the amplification spectra serve as input in the computation of Euclidean distance similarity coefficients amongst sites. The implementation of the Ward clustering scheme leads to the attainment of a meaningful tree diagram. Its analysis shows the possibility of summarizing the results into six general patterns. A good coincidence of site effects estimates at 80 per cent of the sites becomes apparent. However, this coincidence appears poor for sites characterized by H/V amplification ratios around 2 or smaller and predominant periods longer than 0.5 s. In such cases, the presence of stiff, sandy sediments in the soil profile proves common. To proscribe H/V estimations, relying solely on the small spectral ratios criterion seems inadequate. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

响应比法的地磁异常分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将加卸载响应比的理论应用于地磁方法中,取太阳日照为加载,地磁垂直分量Z为响应,应用马陵山地震台1993年1月~1995年11月对相观测资料计算其响应比值。得出结果:响应比的变化在1995年9月20日苍山5.2级地震前明显异常显示,分析认为,这一异常变化是苍山地震的前兆异常。  相似文献   

Bucharest is one of the cities most affected by earthquakes in Europe. Situated at 150–170 km distance from Vrancea epicentral zone, Bucharest had suffered many damages due to high energy Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes. For example, the 4 March 1977 event produced the collapse of 32 buildings with 8–12 levels, while more than 150 old buildings with 6–9 levels were seriously damaged. The studies done after this earthquake had shown the importance of the surface geological structure upon ground motion parameters. New seismic measurements are performed in Bucharest area aiming at defining better elastic and dynamic properties of the shallow sedimentary rocks. Down-hole seismic measurements were performed in a number of 10 cased boreholes drilled in the Bucharest City area. Processing and interpretation of the data lead to the conclusion that shallow sedimentary rocks can be considered weak in the area, down to 150–200 m depth. Seismic wave velocity values and bulk density values presented in the paper associated with local geology are useful primary data in the seismic microzonation of Bucharest City. They are used as 1D models to derive transfer functions and response spectra for the stack of sedimentary rocks in several parts of Bucharest area, leading to a better knowledge of the local site amplification and associated frequency spectra. In a recent study the H/V spectral ratio using Nakamuras method was applied on the seismic noise measurements in 22 sites in Bucharest City in order to derive the fundamental period associated with these sites. The values confirm the previous results, showing a dominant resonance in the period range of 1.25–1.75 s. The fundamental periods obtained with Nakamuras method are in good agreement with those computed on the basis of geological and geotechnical data in boreholes, which show an increase of the fundamental period in the Bucharest area from south to north, in the same direction as the increase of the thickness of the Quaternary deposits above the Fratesti layer which is considered the bedrock in the area.  相似文献   

The horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio has become popular in studies of the site effect and the determination of the predominant period of a site.  相似文献   

应用地磁加卸载响应比方法,研究分析辽宁地区2008—2010年观测资料的加卸载响应比异常与邻区M_L4.0以上地震之间的关系,提出适用于辽宁地区地震分析预报参数。  相似文献   

近年来构造高精度、高效且具有长时程跟踪能力的保结构算法已逐渐成为地震波模拟算法发展的重要方向之一. 本文基于谱元法(SEM)进行空间域离散结合新推导的三阶辛算法(NTSTO)进行时间域离散,构造了一种具有时-空保结构特性的新算法. 本文给出的多组数值试验对比结果表明,本算法无论在内存消耗、稳定性及计算耗时,还是长时程跟踪能力方面都有上佳的表现; 另外,本文给出的起伏地表多层介质模型的数值算例验证了该算法处理复杂几何形状和复杂介质时的有效性. 该多辛结构谱元法的发展将为长时程地震波传播的计算及模拟提供更为广泛而有效的选择.  相似文献   

相控震源对地震信号信噪比的改善研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
当测区噪声很强,采用组合震源工作仍然不能满足信噪比要求时,为进一步提高地震勘探信噪比,引入能形成定向地震波的相控震源.针对水平层状介质模型,对组合震源、相控震源地震进行了数值模拟,并定量计算了采用4,8,15,20单元的组合与相控震源地震数据的信噪比,同组合地震相比,相控地震使来自不同反射层的反射波信号的信噪比平均提高了154~990 dB.结果表明,相控震源地震得到的反射波信号信噪比高于组合地震,并且随着激震器数目增加,相控震源合成地震记录中的反射波地震数据信噪比明显提高.  相似文献   

The frequency-dependent amplification for rock (NEHRP-class B) sites was studied using earthquake ground-motion database collected in Taiwan during implementation of the Taiwan Strong Motion Instrumentation Program. The database used includes several hundred records from earthquakes of ML 4.0–7.3 occurred between 1993 and 2004. The characteristics of amplification were evaluated using the well-known technique of horizontal-to-vertical Fourier spectral ratio (H/V) of the S-wave phase [Lermo J, Chavez-Garcia FJ. Site effect evaluation using spectral ratios with only one station. Bull Seism Soc Am 1993;83:1574–94]. The study allows us to analyze peculiarities of rock sites amplification in Northern and Eastern Taiwan. It was suggested to divide the NEHRP-class B site amplification into four types based on frequency of maximum amplification and the shape of amplification function. The applicability of the technique was also checked for a few stiff and soft soil sites (NEHRP-classes D and E).  相似文献   

利用数字图像处理技术提高地震剖面图像信噪比   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
提出了利用数字图像处理技术提高地震剖面信噪比的新方法,首先根据数字图像处理要求的格式,对地震剖面数据进行转换,得到地震剖面图像,分析了地震数据特点和初步地震图像的实验结果后,设计了新的预处理方法——“二维沿层滤波”,在此基础上,利用可以计算帧间运动速度及其变化都较大的改进的光流分析技术,计算出多幅地震剖面对应点的偏移量,然后应用图像积累技术对这多幅地震剖面进行积累,实现对三维地震数据体提高信噪比的处理,该方法充分利用了三维地震信息,不但可以提高整个数据体的信噪比,而且可以减少信号能量的损失,并保持原来的信号能量关系,使地震剖面的质量得到明显提高,为地震解释奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

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