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The Ninetyeast Ridge north of the equator in the eastern Indian Ocean is actively deforming as evidenced by seismicity and its eastward subduction below the Andaman Trench. Basement of the ridge is elevated nearly 2 km with respect to the Bengal Fan; seismic surveys demonstrate continuity of the ridge beneath sediment for 700 km north of 10° N where the ridge plunges below the Fan sediment. The ridge is characterised by a free-air gravity high of 50 mgal amplitude and 350 km wavelength, and along-strike continuity of 1500 km in a north-south direction, closely fringing (locally, even abutting) the Andaman arc-trench bipolar gravity field. Regression analysis between gravity and bathymetry indicates that the ridge gravity field cannot be explained solely by its elevation. The ridge gravity field becomes gradually subdued northwards where overlying Bengal Fan sediments have a smaller density contrast with the ridge material. Our gravity interpretation, partly constrained by seismic data, infers that the ridge overlies significant crustal mass anomalies consistent with the hot spot model for the ridge. The anomalous mass is less dense by about 0.27 g cm–3 than the surrounding oceanic upper mantle, and acts as a cushion for isostatic compensation of the ridge at the base of the crust. This cushion is up to 8 km thick and 400–600 km wide. Additional complexities are created by partial subduction of the ridge below the Andaman Trench that locally modifies the arc-trench gravity field.  相似文献   

The Central Spreading Ridge (CSR) is located in the central part of the North Fiji Basin, a complex back-arc basin created 12 Ma ago between the Pacific and Indo-Australian plates. The 3.5 Ma old CSR is the best developed, for both structure and magmatism, of all the spreading centers identified in the basin, and may be one of the largest spreading systems of the west Pacific back-arc basins. It is more than 800 km long and 50–60 km wide, and has been intensively explored during the French-Japanese STARMER project (1987–1991).The CSR is segmented into three first order segments named, from north to south, N160°, N15° and N-S according to their orientation. This segmentation pattern is similar to that found at mid-ocean ridges. The calculated spreading rate is intermediate and ranges from 83 mm/yr at 20°30 S to 50 mm/yr at 17°S. In addition, there is a change in the axial ridge morphology and gravity structure between the northern and southern sections of the CSR. The axial morphology changes from a deep rift valley (N160° segment), to a dome split by an axial graben (N15° segment) and to a rectangular flat top high (N-S segment). The Mantle Bouguer Anomalies obtained on the northern part of the CSR (N160°/N15° segments) show bull's eye structures associated with mantle upwelling at the 16°50S triple junction and also in the middle of the segments. The Mantle Bouguer Anomalies of the southern part of the ridge (N-S segment) are more homogeneous and consistent with the observed smooth topography associated with axial isostatic compensation.At these intermediate spreading rates the contrast in bathymetry and gravity structure between the segments may reflect differences in heat supply. We suggest that the N160° and N15° segments are cold with respect to the hot N-S segment. We use a non-steady-state thermal model to test this hypothesis. In this model, the accretion is simulated as a nearly steady-state seafloor spreading upon which are superimposed periodic thermal inputs. With the measured spreading rate of 50 mm/yr, a cooling cycle of 200,000 yr develops a thermal state that permits to explain the axial morphology and gravity structure observed on the N160° segment. A spreading rate of 83 mm/yr and a cooling cycle of 120,000 yr would generate the optimal thermal structure to explain the characteristics of the N-S segment. The boundaries between the hot N-S segment and its cold bounding segments are the 18°10 S and 20°30 S propagating rifts. A heat propagation event along the N-S segment at the expense of the adjacent colder failing segments, can explain the sharp changes in the observed morphology and structure between the segments.  相似文献   

Assessment was made of residual ratio of North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) produced in subpolar region of the North Pacific using chlorofluorocarbons, CFC-11 and CFC-12 (CCl3F and CCl2F2), along 175°E. NPIW on density horizons less than 26.80 remained more than 80% north of 30°N. It was suggested that new NPIW laterally spreads over the northern North Pacific without hardly being diluted by the surroundings. For density horizons greater than 26.80 north of 30°N, NPIW remained less than 60%. The difference in the residual ratio between <26.80 and >26.80 north of 30°N suggests that NPIW is produced on density horizons less than 26.80, which contacts the atmosphere in the subpolar region, and that NPIW is diluted by upwelling deep water on density horizons greater than 26.80 in high latitude of the North Pacific. NPIW on a density horizon of 26.80 remained about 50% south of 30°N. The decrease in the horizontal distribution of the residual ratio of NPIW suggests that half the new NPIW produced in the subpolar region is laterally spread over the North Pacific with the southward movement of NPIW.  相似文献   

An analysis is given of air-gun profiler and magnetic data obtained in the central North Atlantic between 12° and 18°N. Eight fracture zones were crossed, one of which (the 15°20N fracture zone) was traced over a distance of 1500 km. The mode of adjustment of fracture zones to a change in direction of spreading is discussed. It is shown that also if this new direction would lead to an opening of the fracture zone, and adjustment fracture can originate and actually does so in several instances.The about E-W fracture zones dominate the structure of the Ridge province entirely, both with regard to the topography and to the magnetics. A magnetic model is proposed accounting for the different types of anomalies found over fracture zones. No intrusive bodies are needed to explain these anomalies.The origin of fracture zones is related to thermal contraction of a cooling lithosphere while moving from the ridge. Thermal contraction may also explain how the American and the African plates are freed from the grip they are caught in by the fanning of the fracture zones in the central North Atlantic. The fanning of fracture zones has consequences for the determination of the pole of spreading. This pole can only be found as a best fit from a synthesis of the total plate boundary, i.e. from the Azores to Bouvet Island. Local poles have only restricted value, since deviations up to 5 deg occur from a small circle pattern based on existing data.Several huge structures, viz. Researcher Ridge and Royal Trough, are found in the area which seem to parallel the flow lines of the fracture zone system. No adequate explanation exists for these structures.  相似文献   

A study of Sea Beam bathymetry and SeaMARC II side-scan sonar allows us to make quantitative measures of the contribution of faulting to the creation of abyssal hill topography on the East Pacific Rise (EPR) 9°15 N–9°50 N. We conclude that fault locations and throws can be confidently determined with just Sea Beam and SeaMARC II based on a number of in situ observations made from the ALVIN submersible. A compilation of 1026 fault scarp locations and scarp height measurements shows systematic variations both parallel and perpendicular to the ridge axis. Outward-facing fault scarps (facing away from the ridge axis), begin to develop within 2 km of the ridge and reach their final average height of 60 m at 5–7 km. Beyond these distances, outward-dipping faults appear to be locked, although there is some indication of continued lengthening of outward-facing fault scarps out to the edge of the survey area. Inward-facing fault scarps (facing toward the ridge axis), initiate 2 km off axis and increase in height and length out to the edge of our data at 30 km, where the average height of inward fault scarps is 60–70 m and the length is 30 km. Continued slip on inward faults at a greater distance off axis is probable, but based on fault lengths, 80% of the lengthening of inward fault scarps occurs within 30 km of the axis (>95% for outward faults). Along-strike propagation and linkage of these faults are common. Outward-dipping faults accommodate more apparent horizontal strain than inward ones within 10 km of the ridge. The net horizontal extension due to faulting at greater distances is estimated as 4.2–4.3%, and inward and outward faults contribute comparably. Both inward- and outward-facing fault scarps increase in height from north to south in our study area in the direction of decreasing inferred magma supply. Average fault spacing is 2 km for both inward-dipping and outward-dipping faults. The azimuths of fault scarps document the direction of ridge spreading, but they are sensitive to local changes in least compressive stress direction near discontinuities. Both the ridge trend and fault scarp azimuths show a clockwise change in trend of 3–5° from 9°50 N to 9°15 N approaching the 9° N overlapping spreading center.  相似文献   

PCBs, DDT compounds and HCH isomers were detected in the air and surface waters of the North Pacific and Indian Oceans, including the Bering Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea, Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. The general concentrations of each chlorinated hydrocarbon were as follows: water PCBs 0.1 to 1.0, DDT 0.01 to 1.0, HCH 1.0 to 10 ngl –1; air DDT 0.01 to 1.0, HCH 0.1 to 10 ng m–3. PCB concentrations in surface waters were slightly lower than those of the North Atlantic and North Sea previously reported, while DDT concentrations in the air and water were higher. Remarkably high concentrations of DDT and HCH were found in the air off the western coast of India. Also in the Pacific site off Central America, a fairly high concentration of DDT was observed in an air sample. These data suggest that large amounts of DDT and HCH are being used in the tropical zone, especially in southern Asia. Furthermore, high concentrations were observed both in the air and water of the Northwest Pacific between 30°N and 40°N latitude. There is a possibility that both pesticides are not only still being used in lower latitude countries but also in the mid-latitude ones of the Asian continent excluding Japan. In addition to this atmospheric circulation may also contribute to the concentration of these pesticides in the mid-latitudinal zone.  相似文献   

In 1983 a combined SeaMARC I, Sea Beam swath mapping expedition traversed the East Pacific Rise from 13°20 N to 9°50 N, including most of the Clipperton Transform Fault at 10°15 N, and a chain of seamounts at 9°50 N which runs obliquely to both the ridge axis and transform fault trends. We collected temperature, salinity and magnetic data along the same track. These data, combined with Deep-Tow data and French hydrocasts, are used to construct a thermal section of the rise axis from 13°10 N to 8°20 N.Thermal data collected out to 25 km from the rise axis and along the Clipperton Transform Fault indicate that temperatures above the rise axis are uniformly warmer by 0.065°C than bottom water temperatures at equal depths off the axis. The rise axis thermal structure is punctuated by four distinct thermal fields with an average spacing of 155 km. All four of these fields are located on morphologic highs. Three fields are characterized by lenses of warmed water 20 km in length and 300 m thick. Additional clues to hydrothermal activity are provided in two cases by high concentrations of CH4, dissolved Mn and 3He in the water column and in another case by concentrations of benthic animals commonly associated with hydrothermal regions.We use three methods to estimate large-scale heat loss. Heat flow estimates range from 1250 MW to 5600 MW for one thermal field 25 km in length. Total convective heat loss for the four major fields is estimated to lie between 2100 MW and 9450 MW. If we add the amount of heat it takes to warm the rest of the rise axis (489 km in length) by 0.065.°C, then the calculated axial heat loss is from 12,275 to 38,525 MW (19–61% of the total heat theoretically emitted from crust between 0 and 1 m.y. in age).  相似文献   

A detailed survey of a 1°×1°-square of seafloor 100 miles south-east of the Azores shows a strong correlation between directions of regional topographic and magnetic lineations. The area is dissected by the East Azores Fracture Zone at 36°55N, identified as the active Eurasian-African plate boundary, and by another large, non-active fracture zone at 36°10N. Both fracture zones strike 265° and are accompanied by large amplitude magnetic anomalies. The general strike in the area in between is 000°–015°. The skewing effect at this magnetic latitude is very sensitive to variations in strike of the magnetic contrasts. This effect was eliminated by a non-linear transformation which also gives the positions of magnetic contrasts. Some N-S contrasts were identified as sea floor spreading polarity contrasts (anomalies 31 and 32). Weak contrasts could be identified as topographic effects and gave a magnetization intensity of 5 A m-1. The identified sea floor spreading anomalies to both sides of the fracture zone at 36°10N agree very well, also quantatively, with a three-dimensional model for the fracture zone anomalies. This model describes the non-linear anomalies as end effects of the magnetic layer which is divided in blocks of alternating polarity.  相似文献   

A coastal ocean -coordinate model of Monterey Bay (MOB) with realistic bottom topography and coastlines is developed using the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) and grid generation technique (GGT) to study the horizontal pressure gradient errors associated with the MOB steep topography. The submarine canyon in MOB features some of the steepest topography encountered anywhere in the world oceans. The MOB grids are designed using the EAGEAL View and GENIE++ grid generation systems. A grid package developed by Ly and Luong (1993) is used in this study to couple grids to the model. The MOB model is tested with both orthogonal and curvilinear nearly-orthogonal (CNO) grids. The CNO grid has horizontal resolution which varies from 300 m to 2 km, while the resolution of the orthogonal grid is uniform with x = 1.25 km and y = 1.38 km. These grids cover a domain of 180 × 160 km with the same number of grid points of 131 × 131. Vertical resolutions of 25, 35 and 45 vertical sigma levels are tested. The error in the MOB are evaluated in terms of mean kinetic energy and velocity against various grids, vertical, horizontal resolution and distributions, and bottom topography smoothing. Simulations with various grids show that GGT can be used as another tool in reducing -coordinate errors in coastal ocean modeling besides increasing resolution and smoothing bottom topography. Topographical smoothing not only reduces topographic slope, but changes realistic topography. A CNO grid with a high grid density packed along steep slopes and Monterey Submarine Canyon reduces the errors by 40% compared to a rectangular grid with the same number of grid points. The CNO grid is more efficient than the rectangular grid, since it has most of its grids over water. The simulations show that the presented MOB -coordinate model can be used with a confidence regarding horizontal pressure gradient error.  相似文献   

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-11 and CFC-12) in the intermediate water having between 26.4 and 27.2 were determined at 75 stations in the western North Pacific north of 20°N and west of 175.5°E in 1993. The intermediate water of 26.4–26.6 was almost saturated with respect to the present atmospheric CFC-11 in the zone between 35 and 45°N around the subarctic front. Furthermore, the ratios of CFC-11/CFC-12 of the water were also of those formed after 1975. These suggest that the upper intermediate water (26.4–26.6) was recently formed by cooling and sinking of the surface water not by mixing with old waters. The water below the isopycnal surface of 26.8 contained less CFCs and the area containing higher CFCs around the subarctic front was greatly reduced. However, the CFC age of the lower intermediate water (26.8–27.2) in the zone around the subarctic front was not old, suggesting that the water was formed by diapycnal mixing of the water ventilated with the atmosphere with old waters not containing appreciable CFCs, probably the Pacific Deep Water. The southward spreading rate decreased with depth and it was one sixth of its eastward spreading rate of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW).  相似文献   

In deep ocean settings where water depth greatly exceeds the source-to-receiver length, the geometry is insufficient for accurate determinations of velocity from reflection-moveout. However, velocities are crucial for estimates of physical properties and image processing. Focusing analyses with conventional post-stack two-dimensional migration improves images, but does not produce geologically meaningful velocities except in the special case of a two-dimensional earth. For the more general case of the three-dimensional earth there is no a priori method to determine the degree of geometrical complexity. We present a technique using a short-offset three-dimensional (3-D) data set over the 5 km deep trench west of the Lesser Antilles. These data illustrate highly sensitive post-stack 3-D focusing analyses (± 20 m s–1 interval velocities), and the relationship of these seismically derived velocities to rock velocities. In our Barbados example we were able to establish the presence of a widespread 80-160 m thick low-velocity zone at and above the main low-angle fault. This observation suggests the water-rich décollement leaks water into the overlying sections. Also evident is a low-velocity section associated with turbidite sands. These results are confirmed with sparse logging data and well samples. Deep-water short offset 3-D experiments provide a potentially effective approach for velocity estimation, replacing the operational complexity of long-offsets with simpler short-offset techniques. In areas of structural complications and abundant diffracted energy, it is a surprisingly accurate method, utilizing the high fidelity 3-D wavefield and the information carried in zero-offset diffraction ellipsoids. The velocity used to properly collapse a diffraction ellipsoid is explicitly the velocity of propagation in the media since the travel path is known exactly. Thus, the derived velocities should closely represent rock velocities, unlike the 2-D case where the propagation geometry is not known.  相似文献   

The north/south-trending Panama Fracture Zone forms the present eastern boundary of the Cocos Plate, with the interplate motion being right-lateral strike-slip. This fracture zone is composed of at least four linear troughs some hundreds of kilometers in length. Separate active or historic faults undoubtedly coincide with each trough. The greatest sediment fill is found in the easternmost trough. Surface and basement depths of the western trough are generally greater than those of the other three; the western trough contains the least sediment, and is most continually linear. Morphology and sediments suggest that the principal locus of strike-slip movement within the fracture zone probably migrated incrementally westward from one fault-trough to another. From north to south, the fracture zone apparently narrows from the continental intersection to approximately 5°30N, and again widens from about 5°N to at least 3°N. Residual E/W-trending magnetic anomalies are centered between two of the four troughs; sea floor spreading in a north-south direction is interpreted to have occurred between 5°30N and 7°N from 4.5 m.y. ago to 2 m.y. ago, with the symmetric center roughly coinciding with a rift valley at 6°10N, 82°30W.  相似文献   

The storm surges which occurred in Tosa Bay in August 21, 1970 were numerically simulated. First of all NOAA's model SPLASH (Special Program to List Amplitudes of Surges from Hurricanes) was used and the effects of the typhoon's parameters, the bottom topography, the coastal configuration and the coordinate systems of storm surges were examined. SPLASH was then modified to suit computations of storm surges in the open sea and open boundary conditions were studied. Finally a two layer model was developed and the effects of the two layer system on surges were investigated.  相似文献   

The downward short- and long-wave radiation fluxes at the sea surface (S, L) were measured aboard the R/VHakuho Maru, University of Tokyo, for the period of 117 days on six cruises from 1981 to 1985 in the western North Pacific near Japan. The upward fluxes of short- and long-wave radiation (S, L) were calculated by Payne's (1972) table and the Stefan-Boltzmann's law, respectively. The sensible and laten heat fluxes (Q h ,Q e ) were also estimated from an aerodynamic bulk method.From April to August, the daily mean value ofS varied with the amplitude of 100200 Wm–2. The value ofS was estimated approximately 6% ofS in all seasons. The difference betweenL andL was so small that the net radiation flux (Q n ) was dominated byS. In addition, the net heat flux at the sea surface was also dominated byS due to small values ofQ h andQ e , and then the ocean was warmed at the rate of 111 Wm–2 in April and 63 Wm–2 in August in the Oyashio Area, and 132 Wm–2 in May and 164 Wm–2 in June in the Kuroshio Area, respectively.From September to March, a remarkable negative correlation between the day to day variation ofS and that ofL was observed except when an intense cold air outbreak occurred. It was found that the correlation was caused by the cloud climatological feature of the western North Pacific in this period.S was not a dominant factor in the net heat flux. The value ofQ h +Q e in the Kuroshio Area ranged from 260 Wm–2 to 630 Wm–2, much larger thanQ n which ranged from –8 Wm–2 to 92 Wm–2 in the leg mean values (each leg period was about 10 days). Then the ocean was cooled at the rate of –160–620 Wm–2 during this period. The net heat flux in the Kuroshio Area averaged over five legs from late November to February was –473 Wm–2. This value is 50100% larger than the climatological values reported so far.The temporal and spatial variability of radiation fluxes and heat fluxes during each leg was also discussed.  相似文献   

Nearly complete side-scan, bathymetry and magnetic coverage documents the evolution of the geometry of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) between 16° and 19° S since 5 Ma. Lineaments visible in SeaMARC II, H-MR1 and Sea Beam 2000 side-scan data correspond dominantly to normal fault scarps which have developed in the axial region perpendicular to the least compressive stress. Except near overlapping spreading centers (OSCs), the lineament orientations are taken to represent the perpendicular to the instantaneous Pacific-Nazca spreading direction. Their dominant orientation in the axial region is 012°, in good agreement with the prediction of the current model of relative plate motion (DeMets et al., 1994). However, the variations of the lineament azimuths with age show that there has been a small (3°–5°) clockwise change in the Nazca-Pacific relative motion since 5 Ma. There is also a distinct population of lineaments which strike counterclockwise to the ambient orientation. These discordant lineaments form somewhat coherent patterns on the seafloor and represent the past migration tracks of several left-stepping OSCs. Concurrent analysis of these discordant zones and the magnetic anomalies, reveals that up to 1 Ma, the EPR was offset by a few large, left-stepping OSCs. These OSCs were bisected into smaller OSCs by new spreading segments forming within their overlap basins. The smaller OSCs proceeded to migrate rapidly and were further bisected by newly spawned ridge segments until the present staircase of small, left-stepping OSCs was achieved. By transferring lithosphere from one plate to the other, these migration events account remarkably well for the variable spreading asymmetry in the area. Between 16° and 19° S, the present EPR is magmatically very robust, as evidenced by its inflated morphology, the profuse volcanic and hydrothermal activity observed from submerisbles and towed cameras, the geochemistry of axial basalts, and seismic and gravity data. Since 1 Ma, all the OSCs have migrated away from the shallowest, most robust section of the ridge between 17° and 17°30 S, which was previously offset by a large OSC. We propose that the switch from a presumed starved magmatic regime typically associated with large OSCs to the presently robust magmatic regime occurred when the EPR overrode a melt anomaly during its westward migration relative to the asthenosphere. The resulting increase in melt supply at 17°–17°30 S has fed the migration of axial discontinuities for this section of the southern EPR since 1 Ma.  相似文献   

A total magnetic intensity, iso-magnetic map is presented and discussed. Between East London and Durban large east-west trending anomalies are known on land and can be traced onto the continental shelf but not beyond the slope. Elsewhere the continental shelf is characterized by a remarkably quiet magnetic field. A feature of the map is the linear anomaly, named the Cape Slope Anomaly, which is parallel to the continental margin and coincides approximately with the 68° small circle about the early pole of opening for the South Atlantic as given by Le Pichon and Hayes (1971). The anomaly is traced between 30°54S, 30°48E and 37°45S, 20°31E and is interpreted as occurring over the truncated edge of a semi-infinite, sub-horizontal, remanently magnetized plate in oceanic crust beyond the continental margin.Between 37°03S, 21°49E and 37°41S, 21°12E the Slope Anomaly occurs over a ridge named the Agulhas Ridge. A continuous seismic reflection profile over the ridge shows acoustic basement occurring under a cover of sediments. A two dimensional model study indicates that the basement materials may belong to the body causing the anomaly with the exception of the basement material that forms the landward peak of the ridge, which is non-magnetic.  相似文献   

Possibilities of using the GLORIA system for manganese nodule assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The I.O.S. long range side-scan sonar GLORIA has been widely used over a variety of seabed types, but until recently had not been used over an independently authenticated field of manganese nodules. In the Eastern Atlantic Ocean at approximately 31°25 N 25°15 W, a field of nodules approximately 3–6 cm in diameter covering up to 18% of the seafloor was observed using an underwater camera. The nodule field occurred over approximately 2.8 km of the 8.3 km camera run. The corresponding GLORIA image shows an area of medium intensity backscattering, approximately 3.7 km in diameter. Considering the likely contrast in acoustic reflectivity between manganese nodules and deep sea sediments, we propose a correlation between the nodules observed in the photographs and the medium intensity echo target revealed by the GLORIA system.  相似文献   

Ishiwatari  R.  Hirakawa  Y.  Uzaki  M.  Yamada  K.  Yada  T. 《Journal of Oceanography》1994,50(2):179-195
Organic geochemical study of bulk organic matter (OM), hopanoid hydrocarbon and normal hydrocarbon (C23C35) was conducted for a 936-cm-long sediment core sample from the Oki Ridge of the Japan Sea (Core KH-79-3, C-3; 37°03.5 N, 134°42.6E, water depth 935 m). Stable carbon isotopic ratios were also measured for both bulk OM and individual hydrocarbons. The following results were obtained: (1) The weight ratios of total organic carbon to total nitrogen range from 6.2 to 9.4 in the core. The 13C values of bulk OM range from –25.1–20.7%.. The 13C values of OM in the sections of 140190 cm are lower (–25–24) than those in the other sections (–23–21). This result indicates that OM in the core except for the 140190 cm sections is essentially of marine origin. (2) The 13C value of diploptene (a hopanoid hydrocarbon) in the last glacial maximum (LGM), is –66.3 (vs. PDB), which indicates it originating in methanotrophic bacteria. This result provides evidence to support for the previous ideas (Oba et al., 1980, 1984; Masuzawa and Kitano, 1984) that the bottom waters in the Japan Sea were anoxic in LGM. (3) Long chain (C23C35) n-alkanes of higher-plant wax origin were found throughout the core. Their concentration is high in 140190 cm in depth, suggesting that eolian dust load was high in LGM. (4) The n-alkane/TOC ratio increases with decreasing 13C values of bulk OM. This result indicates that the load of terrestrial (probably eolian dust-derived) OM to the Japan Sea became higher in colder climates. (5) The CPI values of long-chain n-alkanes are different in different 13O stages of paleoclimate, probably reflecting variations in species of terrestrial higher plants as a result of climatological adaptations.  相似文献   

Hekinian  R.  Juteau  T.  Gràcia  E.  Sichler  B.  Sichel  S.  Udintsev  G.  Apprioual  R.  Ligi  M. 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2000,21(6):529-560
The St. Paul F.Z. is a large structural domain made up of multiple transform faults interrupted by several Intra-Transform Ridge (ITR) spreading segments. Two regions were studied in details by submersible: (1) The ITR short (<20 km in length) segment near 0° 37N–25° 27W and 1° N–27° 42W and (2) The St. Peter and St. Paul's Rocks (SPPR) massif located at 29° 25W (¡3700 m depth). (1) The short ITR segments consist of a magma starved rift valley with recent volcanic activities at 4700 m depth. A geological profile made along the rift valley wall showed localized volcanics (basalts and dykes) which are believed to overlay and intrude the ultramafics. The geological setting and the high ultramafic/volcanic ratio suggest an extremely low magmatic supply and crustal-mantle uplift during lithospheric stretching and denudation. (2) The St. Peter and St. Paul's Rocks (SPPR) massif consists of a sigmoidal ridge within the active transform zone. The SPPR is divided into two different geological domains called the North and the South Ridges. The North Ridge consists of strongly tectonized fault scarps composed of banded and mylonitized peridotite, sporadic gabbros (3900–2500 m) and metabasalts (2700–1700 m). The South Ridge is less tectonized with undeformed, serpentinized spinel lherzolite (2000–1400 m) and basalts. Extensional motion and denudation accompanied by diapirism affected the South Ridge within a transform domain. Instead, the North Ridge was formed during an important strike-slip and faulting motion resulting in the uplifted portion of the St. Paul F.Z. transverse ridge. There is a regional compositional variation of the volcanics where E-MORBs and alkali basalts are produced on the SPPR massif and are comparable to the adjacent northern segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. On the other hand, N and T- MORBs collected from the eastern part of the St. Paul F.Z. (25° 27W IRT) are similar to the volcanics from the southern segments of the MAR. The peridotites exposed in these provinces (SPPR and ITR) are similar in their REE and trace element distribution. Different degrees (3–15%) of partial melting of a mixed composite mantle consisting of spinel and amphibole bearing lherzolite veined with 5–40% clinopyroxenite gave rise to the observed MORBs and alkali basalts.  相似文献   

Sea Beam and Deep-Tow were used in a tectonic investigation of the fast-spreading (151 mm yr-1) East Pacific Rise (EPR) at 19°30 S. Detailed surveys were conducted at the EPR axis and at the Brunhes/Matuyama magnetic reversal boundary, while four long traverses (the longest 96 km) surveyed the rise flanks. Faulting accounts for the vast majority of the relief. Both inward and outward facing fault scarps appear in almost equal numbers, and they form the horsts and grabens which compose the abyssal hills. This mechanism for abyssal hill formation differs from that observed at slow and intermediate spreading rates where abyssal hills are formed by back-tilted inward facing normal faults or by volcanic bow-forms. At 19°30 S, systematic back tilting of fault blocks is not observed, and volcanic constructional relief is a short wavelength signal (less than a few hundred meters) superimposed upon the dominant faulted structure (wavelength 2–8 km). Active faulting is confined to within approximately 5–8 km of the rise axis. In terms of frequency, more faulting occurs at fast spreading rates than at slow. The half extension rate due to faulting is 4.1 mm yr-1 at 19°30 S versus 1.6 mm yr-1 in the FAMOUS area on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Both spreading and horizontal extension are asymmetric at 19°30 S, and both are greater on the east flank of the rise axis. The fault density observed at 19°30 S is not constant, and zones with very high fault density follow zones with very little faulting. Three mechanisms are proposed which might account for these observations. In the first, faults are buried episodically by massive eruptions which flow more than 5–8 km from the spreading axis, beyond the outer boundary of the active fault zone. This is the least favored mechanism as there is no evidence that lavas which flow that far off axis are sufficiently thick to bury 50–150 m high fault scarps. In the second mechanism, the rate of faulting is reduced during major episodes of volcanism due to changes in the near axis thermal structure associated with swelling of the axial magma chamber. Thus the variation in fault spacing is caused by alternate episodes of faulting and volcanism. In the third mechanism, the rate of faulting may be constant (down to a time scale of decades), but the locus of faulting shifts relative to the axis. A master fault forms near the axis and takes up most of the strain release until the fault or fault set is transported into lithosphere which is sufficiently thick so that the faults become locked. At this point, the locus of faulting shifts to the thinnest, weakest lithosphere near the axis, and the cycle repeats.  相似文献   

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