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黑龙江省上古生界伊利石的成因标志及其地质意义 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用XRD技术,对黑龙江省上古生界泥质岩石中伊利石结晶度、多型和b值进行了测定,以揭示该区晚古生代极低级变质作用特征。测定结果表明,伊利石结晶度(Kübler指数)主要变化于0.31~0.77 °Δ2θ,伊利石(白云母)b值主要变化于8.983~9.011 A伊利石(白云母)多型为1Md型、1Md+2M1混合型和2M1型。上述伊利石矿物学参数揭示出,该区上古生界泥质岩石主体属于中-低压相晚期成岩带-低级近变质带范畴。进一步的研究表明,伊利石b值和伊利石结晶度存在明显的负相关关系,即随伊利石b值的逐渐增大(压力升高),伊利石结晶度逐渐减小(温度升高),暗示伊利石形成于一种正常的与埋深有关的成岩-变质环境,继而揭示出该区上古生界的成岩作用与变质作用是一个统一的连续过程而不是两个相互无关的地质事件。结合区域地质背景和内蒙、吉林等地伊利石的研究成果可以认为,东北地区上古生界并未遭受大规模的绿片岩相区域变质作用,局部出现的某些绿片岩相(或更高级别)的变质岩应是动力变质作用或接触变质作用的产物。 相似文献
内蒙古东北地区上古生界伊利石研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
内蒙古东北地区上古生界主要是一套泥质岩石,其详细深入的矿物学工作尚不多见.本文利用JSM-6700F场发射电镜及INCA能谱仪,探讨了伊利石在成岩.极低级变质作用过程中的行为.采用D/max-2500 X-射线衍射仪,研究了伊利石的结晶度、多型和b0值.伊利石结晶度变化于0.28~0.77,除去构造应力对伊利石结晶度指数值的影响,研究区伊利石结晶度指数应>0.34,反映晚古生代地层主体属于晚期成岩带和低级近变质带.伊利石(白云母)多型分三种类型,分别是1Md型、1Md+2M1混合型和2M1型,是晚期成岩带和低级近变质带的产物.伊利石(白云母)b0值变化于8.9892 ~9.0404 之间,b0平均值9.0196 ,属中压相. 相似文献
青藏高原可可西里地区三叠系巴彦喀拉山群低级-极低级变质作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对青藏高原可可西里的三叠系巴彦喀拉山群低级-极低级变质岩,利用X射线粉晶衍射分析确定了其矿物的共生组合、伊利石的结晶度Kubler指数(K)和b0值,并根据伊利石结晶度K和b0值对其区域变质作用的温压条件、分带、变质相进行了详细研究,得出了工作区5个不同岩性组合带的变质作用特征:昆仑山脉带属中压浅变质-近变质带,具葡萄石-绿纤石相和绿片岩相;不冻泉-库赛湖带属中压浅变质带,具绿片岩相;楚玛尔河带属中压近变质带,具葡萄石-绿纤石相;直达日旧带属中压浅变质带,具绿片岩相;五道梁带属中压近变质带,具葡萄石-绿纤石相. 相似文献
长沙—澧陵—浏阳—带冷家溪群及板溪群的甚低级变质作用 总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13
湘东长沙-澧陵-浏阳一带中晚元古宇的冷家溪群及板溪群遭受了区域甚低级变质作用.在本地区所采的<2μm的样品中,冷家溪群伊利石结晶度的Kübler指数为0.18~0.26°△2θ,板溪群为0.21~0.28°△2θ(Kisch国际标样校正).从而可把本地区冷家溪群的区域变质划归浅变质带和近变质带上部,温度大约为280~400℃.板溪群划归近变质带上部,温度大约为250~300℃.并未普遍达到目前人们认为的绿片岩相或者是低绿片岩相.样品中冷家溪群伊利石(白云母)b0值的范围在0.8999~0.9042 nm,板溪群为0.9018~0.9042nm.由冷家溪群b0频率累积曲线图,得出本区冷家溪群处于较典型的中压区. 相似文献
极低级变质作用对年轻造山带构造演化和油气勘探有重要意义,近年来成为地质学家探讨的热点领域。文章以中国东北地区南缘石炭—二叠系为研究对象,探讨了其极低级变质作用的特征。通过对兴蒙造山带东段林西—乌兰浩特地区二叠纪地层的伊利石结晶度、b0值和多型等参数进行测试分析发现,伊利石结晶度Kübler指数在0.175~0.47之间,大多数集中于0.25~0.35,平均值为0.30;样品b0值主要在9.0155~9.0316 ?之间,平均值为9.0249 ?;伊利石多型主要为2M1。以上结果表明研究区二叠系林西组和哲斯组主要经历了葡萄石-绿纤石相的极低级变质作用,变质温度200~370 ℃,压力为中压,同时表明其具有较高的生烃潜力。结合二叠系生烃期研究和区内广泛发育的白垩纪侵入体推测,二叠系极低级变质作用可能发生在早白垩世,且与岩体侵入导致的地温梯度升高有关。 相似文献
在开展“青海省河南县托叶玛地区I47E007023、I47E008023、I47E009023、1I47E009024四幅1:5万区域地质矿产调查”时,为验证该地区三叠系变质情况,针对三叠系中泥岩(页岩)的伊利石结晶度做了分析测试。30件样品的实验结果表明: 北部宗务隆—泽库地层分区三叠系泥岩(页岩)伊利石Kübler结晶度指数为0.312~0.537,晶胞参数b0为0.898 0~0.903 2 nm,判断其变质温度小于350 ℃,具葡萄石-绿纤石和沸石相; 南部西倾山地层分区三叠系泥岩(页岩)的伊利石Kübler结晶度指数为0.21~0.318,b0为0.898 1~0.901 4 nm,变质温度主要分布在200~350 ℃,局部>350 ℃,具葡萄石-绿纤石和绿片岩相。研究认为青海省河南县地区区域变质程度较低,为极低级变质作用或者未发生区域变质作用,且南部西倾山地层分区的变质程度略高于北部宗务隆—泽库地层分区变质程度。这一变质相带研究结论与前人认为的“区域低温动力变质作用及低绿片岩相变质带”不一致,变质程度相对更低。该研究证实了在青海省河南县地区三叠系地层中不存在大面积区域变质作用,仅存在极低级区域变质作用。 相似文献
由伊利石结晶度研究桂西右江地区区域极低级变质作用 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
运用伊利石结晶度Kübler指数将桂西右江地区下三叠统罗楼群和中三叠统百逢组下段划归为浅层变质带(K.I△2θ°为0.22~0.25);将中三叠统百逢组上段和河口组划归为近变质带,中三叠统百逢组上段为高级近变质带(K.I△2θ°为0.26~0.33);中三叠统上部河口组为低级近变质带(K.I△2θ°为0.38~0.40),不排除局部为成岩带的可能.地层柱自下向上,伊利石结晶度Kübler指数由小变大,变质程度由高变低,而且,变质作用级别与岩层在地层柱中位置协调以及变质带边界与地层界线趋于一致,证明为区域埋藏极低级变质作用.凌云明山金矿区剖面矿体和百逢组各层段伊利石结晶度Kübler指数为0.42~0.50,属成岩带,且没有明显时空变化规律. 相似文献
渤海湾盆地源于石炭-二叠系的煤成气成因特征和潜力分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
渤海湾盆地是叠合在华北地台上的含油气盆地,随着勘探的深入发展,陆续发现了一些源于石炭-二叠系的煤成气资源。作者通过地球化学研究,认为具有成藏意义的煤成气是古近纪以来二次生烃过程中生成的,并且发现现今的低突起、斜坡带和洼陷带是煤成气生成和聚集有利区带。由于断裂发育,煤成气常与上覆沙河街组生成的油型气混合成藏,作者通过统计各盆地I、II和III型有机质生成的甲烷和乙烷碳同位素分馏情况,给出了煤成气和油型气鉴别图版,可以判别是否为二者的混合气。利用一级反应动力学,预测了5种构造单元煤成气生成率,发现隆起区和凸起区没有二次生气过程,洼陷带生气率已超过80%,斜坡带和低突起正处于快速生气期、并有轻质油生成。这些为进一步认识渤海湾盆地煤成气聚集和勘探潜力提供了依据。 相似文献
渤海湾盆地石炭-二叠系微量元素特征及其指相意义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文采用ICP-MS测试分析技术,对渤海湾盆地4口钻井42件石炭-二叠系岩心样进行了Sr、Ba、Ga、V、Ni、Co等沉积环境敏感元素的系统测试分析,讨论6种元素含量及Sr/Ba、Ba/Ga、Ni/Co等比值的变化特征。除去5件样品中的异常点,测试元素大多数集中的变化范围:Sr (100~200)×10-6,Ba (100~700)×10-6,Ga (10~40)×10-6,V (80~200)×10-6,Co (5~30)×10-6,Ni (15~45)×10-6,Sr/Ba 0.2~0.9,Ba/Ga 2~20,Ni/Co 1~4。根据微量元素指标特点结合岩相资料,认为渤海湾盆地本溪组发育海相沉积,太原组发育过渡相沉积,山西组及其以上地层发育陆相沉积。元素指标中,Ba、Sr/Ba和Ba/Ga沉积环境指示意义显著,在判断渤海湾盆地石炭-二叠纪沉积相方面具有实用价值。 相似文献
This study uses illite crystallinity,chlorite crystallinity,illite polytypes,the b_0 cell-dimension of K-white mica,clay mineral assemblages and mineral geothermo-geobarometers to investigate the overprint of diagenesis and metamorphism on the Meso-Neoproterozoic and the Lower Paleozoic along the profile Yueyang-Linxiang in northeastern Hunan Province,China.Illite crystallinity Kbler index(KI) of the 2μm fractions ranges from 0.225 to 0.485°Δ2θ while chlorite crystallinity Arkai index(AI) ranges from 0.244 to 1.500°Δ2θ.This indicates that the Meso-Neoproterozoic and the Lower Paleozoic along the profile Yueyang-Linxiang were overprinted with diagenesis and anchi- to epimetamorphism.Peak metamorphic temperature is estimated with the IV site chlorite geothermometer roughly at 360℃.The b_0 cell dimension values of illites(K-mica) range from 0.9002 to 0.9054 nm and,on average,at 0.9030 nm for the Meso-Neoproterozoic.Based on cumulative frequency curves of illite(K-mica) b_0 cell dimension,the peak metamorphic pressure of the MesoNeoproterozoic along the profile Yueyang-Linxiang is derived of an intermediate pressure type.Most illites occur in the 2M_1 polytype and some of them in a mixture of 2M1+1M types especially those in the Paleozoic.This result partly agrees with the conclusion of the lower greenschist and greenschist facies of the Lengjiaxi and Banxi Groups.However,it is not agreed with the sedimentary cover from the Sinian to the Lower Paleozoic or from the Banxi Group to the Lower Paleozoic.Crustal thickening due to "collision" between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks led to an increase in the thickness of the Meso-Neoproterozoic to ca.14 km and resulted in a temperature increase in those rocks due to burial.The very low grade to low grade metamorphism overprinting the Meso-Neoproterozoic implies that the so called "Chiangnania or Jiangnan orogen" was no relative with the "Grenvillian orogeney;instead,it might be a continuous amalgamation product between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks. 相似文献
内蒙古中部晚古生代地层由于中生代岩浆的侵入,部分发生接触变质,变质程度多处于沸石相或葡萄石绿纤石相。通过对典型剖面的泥质岩石中的粘土矿物、伊利石结晶度以及镜质体反射率的分析,得出以下结论:(1)粘土矿物以伊利石和绿泥石为主,只在极少数样品中有伊蒙混层和蒙脱石,多数缺乏伊绿混层;(2)伊利石结晶度为022~040;(3)镜质体反射率Ro值为15~40。其结果表明:在岩浆侵入地区有小规模的接触变质,为极低级变质带,并未发生大规模的低绿片岩相的区域变质,而且这种变质只影响到晚二叠世以前沉积的地层和油气,分布范围有限。 相似文献
矿物共生分析在很低级变质作用研究中的应用——以松潘—阿坝地区红参1井为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
自1967年Kübler用X射线衍射(XRD)法测量伊利石结晶度以划分极低级变质带以来,伊利石结晶度一直是划分极低级变质带的主要指标。但是不同的人用伊利石结晶度Kübler指数划分变质级的方案不同。因此,尚需要结合岩石学分析方法判定变质级。作为一种尝试,对川西北松潘—阿坝地区红参1井5975m深度内的变泥质岩进行了矿物共生分析。结果表明,钻遇地层遭受了高级近变质作用,只是由于岩石化学成分原因,未能出现泥质岩近变质指示矿物黑硬绿泥石,并未达到浅变质级别,不至于破坏油气的保存。Kisch(1990)提出的变质级划分方案比较符合研究区的实际情况。在极低级变质研究中应用矿物共生分析,一方面可以解决类似的结晶度研究的分歧,另一方面对于指导薄片观察以及X衍射物相分析十分有益。 相似文献
生物标志化合物特征对烃源岩有机质来源、沉积环境及热演化程度等具有很好的指示意义。通过对吉格达凹陷蒙额参3井下二叠统—上石炭统干泉组、中下二叠统烃源岩气相色谱、气相色谱-质谱等分析表明,下二叠统—上石炭统干泉组上段及中下二叠统烃源岩正构烷烃峰范围较宽,抽提物饱和烃组分中轻质组分要大于重质烃类,低碳数烃占据主导,萜类化合物以三环萜烷为主,四环萜烷含量较低。这些生物标志化合物特征表明,石炭系—二叠系烃源岩有机质母源以浮游生物为主,同时存在高等植物的贡献,石炭系水体更深,石炭系烃源岩浮游植物的贡献更大,陆源高等植物的贡献较小。OEP和CPI指示干泉组和中下二叠统烃源岩为奇偶均势的特点,指示干泉组和中下二叠统烃源岩处于成熟阶段,且石炭系干泉组烃源岩演化程度略高于中下二叠统。姥鲛烷(Pr)和植烷(Ph)的分布特征表明,干泉组上段烃源岩处于还原环境,中下二叠统烃源岩处于强还原-还原环境。 相似文献
Very Low-grade Metamorphic Evolution of Pelitic Rocks under High-pressure/Low-temperature Conditions, NW New Caledonia (SW Pacific) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
POTEL S.; MAHLMANN R. FERREIRO; STERN W. B.; MULLIS J.; FREY M. 《Journal of Petrology》2006,47(5):991-1015
The PT gradient in a Late Eocene low-T high-P metamorphicbelt in northern New Caledonia increases from SW to NE. Metapelitesin the pumpellyiteprehnite and blueschist zones containlawsonite, Mg-carpholite, Fe-stilpnomelane and Fe-glaucophane.Thermodynamic calculations indicate a progression of metamorphicconditions from less than 0·3 GPa and 250°C in akaolinite-bearing rock in the SW, up to 1·5 GPa and 410°Cin a lawsoniteglaucophane-bearing sample in the NE ofthe Diahot terrane. Through a multi-method investigation ofphyllosilicates, organic matter and fluid inclusions, we demonstratethat the evolution of organic matter and illite crystallinitydepends strongly on the evolution of the PT path withtime. In addition, we show that the illitemuscovite bcell dimension provides a robust estimate of maximum pressurereached in low-temperature domains with polyphase metamorphichistories, despite subsequent high-temperaturelow-pressureevents. Fluid inclusion study reveals an isothermal decompressionin the Diahot terrane. KEY WORDS: low-temperature/high-pressure metapelites; illite crystallinity; coal rank; illitemuscovite b cell dimension; New Caledonia 相似文献
本文运用伊利石结晶度、绿泥石结晶度、云母b0值和绿泥石地质温度计研究了梵净山前寒武系甚低级变质作用。结果表明经Kisch伊利石结晶度标样校正的伊利石结晶度Kübler指数为0.20~0.99°Δ2θ,绿泥石结晶度árkai指数为0.22~0.63°Δ2θ。由此阐明梵净山前寒武系经历了成岩作用到浅变质作用的影响,迄今依然保留了成岩带、近变质带和浅变质带的岩石记录。成岩岩石具有伊蒙混层特征成岩指示矿物,浅变质带具有钠云母特征变质指示矿物。钾云母(伊利石)b0值范围为:0.9000~0.9045nm;平均0.9018nm,b0值累积频率曲线分布介于典型中压—中低压系列之间,估算的压力为366MPa。峰期变质温度为293~364℃,平均342℃,古变质温压梯度为27℃/km。近变质带界线穿越地层和梵净山背斜轴线,表明甚低级变质作用为成岩-构造运动同期或后期构造增厚引起下部和底部岩石随温压的升高而产生的。 相似文献
WANG Yi YANG Xuejun BAI Xianzhou YE Chunlin JIA Xiaochuan XIONG Changli HUANG Baixin LUO Gai 《中国地质调查》2014,7(3):67-74
In order to verify the Triassic stratum metamorphism in this area, the crystallinity of illite in mudstone (shale) of Triassic stratum was analyzed and tested during the 1:50 000 regional mineral geological survey (I47E007023, I47E008023, I47E009023,1I47E009024)in Tuoyema area of Henan Mongolian Autonomous County in Qinghai Province. According to the experimental results of 30 samples, the crystallinity index of Triassic mudstone (shale) illite Kübler in Zongwulong-Zeku stratigraphic division in the north is 0.312-0.537, and the cell parameter b0 is 0.898-0.903 2 nm. The metamorphic temperature is less than 350 ℃, with the grape-chlorite and zeolite facies. The crystallinity index of Triassic mudstone (shale) illite Kübler in the western inclined mountain stratigraphic division in the south is 0.21-0.318, and the b0 value is 0.898 1-0.901 4 nm. The metamorphic temperature is mainly between 200 and 350 ℃, with the local temperature above 350 ℃ and grape-chlorite and greenschist facies. It is considered that the regional metamorphism grade in this area is very low or has no regional metamorphism. The metamorphism degree of the western dipping mountain stratum in the south is slightly higher than that of Zongwulong-Zeku stratum in the north. The measured metamorphic facies belts are not consistent with the previous thought, that is "regional low temperature dynamic metamorphism and low greenschist facies metamorphic belts", and the degree of metamorphism is relatively lower. It is confirmed that there is no large area regional metamorphism in the Triassic strata of Henan County in Qinghai Province, but only very low-level regional metamorphism. 相似文献
Tectonothermal history of the western Lachlan Fold Belt, Australia: insights from white mica studies
Detailed b lattice parameter and illite crystallinity (IC) studies of K-white micas in slates from the Stawell and Ballarat-Bendigo Zones (SZ, BBZ) in the western Lachlan Fold Belt of Victoria, Australia, reveal a metamorphic pattern characterized by regional metamorphism associated with crustal thickening and younger contact metamorphism accompanied by deformation. The IC data indicate that rocks regionally metamorphosed prior to the intrusion of the Early and Late Devonian granitoids, vary in grade from epizonal (greenschist facies) to diagenetic (zeolite facies) and that most are of epizonal to anchizonal (prehnite–pumpellyite facies) grade. In the BBZ, a decrease in grade from west to east occurs. Across fault zones, IC values show little change, indicating that limited vertical displacement has occurred. This is in accord with the thin skinned deformation model proposed for the western Lachlan Fold Belt. The b lattice parameters (x=9.022 Å; n=137; σn=0.009) indicate baric conditions intermediate between those of New Hampshire (P=Al2SiO5 triple point) and Otago (intermediate P ). Thus, a moderately low geothermal gradient existed 450–430 Ma ago, when these rocks were deformed. KD Fe/Mg (actinolite)/Fe/Mg (chlorite) values (0.52–0.70) obtained from coexisting actinolite and chlorite in metabasites from fault zones support the moderately high-P (c. 4 kbar) metamorphism suggested by the b cell parameter values. The metamorphic conditions indicated by these data are contrary to the low-P/high-T conditions proposed by previous authors, who inferred an intimate association between deformation, granitoid intrusion and gold mineralization. The b lattice parameter of white micas in slates adjacent to Early Devonian (c. 400 Ma) granitoids with schist bearing aureoles in the north-eastern part of the BBZ (x=9.002 Å; n=27; σn=0.007), indicate pressures in the order of c. 2.5 kbar which are in accord with those obtained from andalusite–cordierite and zoisite–garnet bearing assemblages observed in the higher grade metapelitic and calcareous rocks. This contrasts with the higher pressure (c. 4 kbar) existing during regional metamorphism and implies that c. 6.5–8 km of metasedimentary rocks in the BBZ were removed before the emplacement of the Early Devonian granitoids. Metamorphic assemblages in hornfelses associated with Late Devonian granitoids indicate a further 5–6 km of metasediment were removed in the next 40 Ma prior to their emplacement. This study shows the value of white mica studies in elucidating the tectonothermal history of a low-grade metamorphic terrane dominated by metapelitic rocks. 相似文献