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Cu, Pb and Zn are the main metals occurring in sulfides in the Kupferschiefer. They are arranged in the three distinct zones around »Rote Fäule«, in the order Cu, Pb and Zn. Copper zones are enriched in transition metals, i.e. Ag, Ni, Co, V and Mo ranging from 600 to 1500 ppm; they are concentrated especially in the bottom part of black shale. Re is associated with Mo; the Re: Mo ratio in Cu-, Pb- and K-castaingites is about 170.In copper zones, near the contact with lead zones, Au, platinum group metals (PGM) and U are concentrated, ranging from traces to several hundred ppm. The main mechanism of concentration of transition metals was catalytic autooxidation and dehydrogenation of organic matter.The noble metals form either independent minerals or are present in organic matter and thucholite. In the lead zones, at the contact with Cu zones, an increased content of Ag (100–1500) and Hg (5–800) ppm is present. The average Hg content for the black shale of the zone is 61 ppm.A natural gas, exploited from the Rotliegendes beneath the Kupferschiefer, carries, in aerosols, significant amount of Pb, Cu, Mn, Fe, Ag and Hg. This suggests the Rotliegendes as a pathway or as a source of metals for the Kupferschiefer. The presence of K-castaingite intergrown with silvinite (KCl) may suggest K-dominated brines as the mineralizing fluids.
Zusammenfassung Die häufigsten Metalle, die in den Sulfiden des Kupferschiefers vorkommen, sind Kupfer, Blei und Zink. Diese Metalle sind in der Reihenfolge Cu-Pb-Zn an drei bestimmte Zonen um die »Rote Fäule« gebunden.Die Kupfer-führenden Zonen sind reich an Übergangsmetallen wie Ag, Ni, Co, V und Mo, deren Konzentrationen zwischen 600 und 1500 ppm schwanken und die hauptsächlich in bodennahen Bereichen des Schwarzschiefers angereichert sind. Dabei tritt Re in Verbindung mit Mo auf und das Re-Mo Verhältnis in Cu-, Pb- und K-Castaingiten ist ungefähr 170.Gold, Platin-Gruppen-Metalle (PGM) und Uran, deren Konzentrationen zwischen geringen Spuren und mehreren 100 ppm liegen, findet man in Kupfer-führenden Schichten in der Nähe von Kontakten zu Blei-führenden Zonen. Katalytische Autooxidation und Dehydrogenisierung organischen Materials sind die dominierenden Mechanismen, die die Anreicherung der Übergangsmetalle steuern. Die Metalle liegen als Minerale oder gebunden an organische Substanz und Thucholit vor.In den Kontaktbereichen der Blei- und Kupferzonen findet man erhöhte Werte von Ag (100–1500 ppm) und Hg (5–800 ppm). Der Durchschnittswert für Hg im Schwarzschiefer beträgt 61 ppm.Ein natürliches Gas, das aus dem den Kupferschiefer unterlagernden Rotliegenden gefördert wird, enthält als Aerosole bedeutende Mengen an Pb, Cu, Mn, Fe, Ag und Hg. Somit ist es wahrscheinlich, daß das Rotliegende entweder als Quelle der Metalle des Kupferschiefers oder zumindest als Durchgangsstation der Metallführenden Lösungen anzusehen ist. Das Vorkommen von K-Castaingit-Verwachsungen mit Silvinit (KCI) spricht für K-reiche Solen als mineralisierende Lösungen.

Résumé Le Cu, le Pb et le Zn sont les métaux principaux des sulfures de la formation des Kupferschiefer. Ils sont distribués autour de la «Rote Fäule» en trois zones distinctes, dans l'ordre: Cu - Pb - Zn.Les zones à Cu sont enrichies en métaux de transition (Ni, Co, V et Mo) quiy présentent des teneurs de 600 à 1500 ppm; ces métaux sont concentrés spécialement dans les parties inférieures des schistes noirs. Le Re est associé au Mo, avec un rapport Re/Mo de l'ordre de 1,70 dans les castaingites à Cu, Pb et K.Dans les zones à Cu, près du contact avec les zones à Pb, on observe une concentration de Au, de U et des métaux du groupe du Pt, avec des teneurs qui vont des traces à quelques centaines de ppm. Le mécanisme principal de la concentration des métaux de transition a été l'auto-oxydation et la déshydrogénation catalytiques de la matière organique. Les métaux nobles sont sous la forme de minéraux indépendants, ou sont contenus dans la matière organique et la tucholite.Dans les zones à Pb, il existe une concentration en Ag (100–1500 ppm) et en Hg (5–800 ppm) au contact avec les zones à Cu. La teneur moyenne en Hg des schistes noirs est de 61 ppm.Un gaz naturel, exploité à partir des Rotliegende situés sous les Kupferschiefer, renferme, sous forme d'aérosols, des quantités appréciables de Pb, Cu, Mn, Fe, Ag et Hg. Les Rotliegende pourraient donc être soit la source, soit le chenal des métaux contenus dans les Kupferschiefer. La présence d'intercroissances de castaingite potassique et de sylvinite (KC1) suggère que les fluides minéralisants ont pu être des solutions potassiques.

, . «Rote Fäule»., , , .: Ag, Ni, Co, V , 600 1500 ppm; . Re , Re/Mo , 170., , , , , . . , . (100–1500 ppm) Hg (5–800 ppm). 61 m. , , , , , . , , , , - , « » , . KCl , .

Origin of the Kupferschiefer polymetallic mineralization in Poland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Kupferschiefer ore series, between the Lower Permian (Rotliegendes) terrestrial redbeds/volcanics and the Upper Permian (Zechstein) marine sequence, is developed as dark-grey organic matter-rich and metal sulphide-containing deposits (reduced zone) and as red-stained organic matter-depleted and iron oxide-bearing sediments (oxidized zone?=?Rote Fäule). The transition zone from oxidized to reduced rocks occurs both vertically and horizontally. This zone is characterized by sparsely disseminated remnant copper sulphides within hematite-bearing sediments, replacements of copper sulphides by iron oxides and covellite, and oxide pseudomorphs after framboidal pyrite. These textural features and copper sulphide replacements after pyrite in reduced sediments imply that the main oxide/sulphide mineralization postdated formation of an early-diagenetic pyrite. Hematite-dominated sediments locally contain enrichments of gold and PGE. The Kupferschiefer mineralization resulted from upward and laterally flowing fluids which oxidized originally pyritiferous organic matter-rich sediments to form hematitic Rote Fäule areas, and which emplaced base and noble metals into reduced sediments. It is argued that long-lived and large-scale lateral fluid flow caused the cross-cutting relationships, expansion of the hematitic alteration front, redistribution of noble metals at the outer parts of oxidized areas, and the location of copper orebodies directly above and around oxidized and gold-bearing areas. The Rote Fäule may be a guide to favourable areas for both the Cu-Ag and new Au-Pt-Pd Kupferschiefer-type deposits.  相似文献   

The Kupferschiefer in Poland has an increased U content. The facies high in organic matter are significantly enriched in U. The maximum values of U are mostly in the lower part of the Kupferschiefer sequence. The mean (x) U content in the Kupferschiefer from the Lubin-Sieroszowice district is 61.5 ppm and from the rest of the Polish Zechstein basin is about 26 ppm. Thorium occurs only in small quantities (x) = 1.5 and 5 ppm respectively). The high variance of U and Th in the Kupferschiefer is due to multistage diagenetic processes. The main U carrier is thucholite. The investigated thucholite showed a Th-content below 0.36 ppm. Thucholite with uraninite exolutions showed small (up to 1.0 wt.%) admixtures of U and thucholite without microscopically visible exsolutions (up to 37.85 wt.% U). The phosphates showed significant amounts of U (up to 0.24 wt.). The U content in the Kupferschiefer is significantly lower than in black shales from other part of the world. Uranium in the Lubin district is not economic.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven Kupferschiefer samples from southwestern Poland were analyzed by microscopy, Rock-Eval approach and instrumental neutron activation analysis to understand the geochemical and morphological characteristics of kerogen present in the samples. The analytical results indicate that there are two different types of kerogens. One type was only subjected to thermal alteration processes, and the other was further oxidized after deposition of the sediment.In the oxidized samples migrabitumen was transformed into pyrobitumen. Rock-Eval analyses show a significant decrease in HI values in the oxidized samples and an increase in OI values in relation to the samples that were not influenced by oxidation. Variations in S2 versus Corg contents indicate a change in kerogen from Type II to Type III with progressing oxidation. The presence of pyrobitumen and the depletion of hydrogen in the altered kerogen allow one to conclude that the kerogen was used as hydrogen donor for thermochemical sulfate reduction(TSR).  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the ascending, oxidizing brines play a very important role in Kupferschiefer mineralization. Fractures could be the pathway of the brines. In order to clarify the influences of the brines on bulk organic matter, aromatic hydrocarbons and Kupferschiefer mineralization, one veinlet Kupferschiefer profile from the Lubin mine, southwestern Poland was studied with the microscopic, geochemical and Rock-Eval methods. The microscopic results indicate that organic matter of the veinlet sample consists dominantly of bitumen. Its extract content is higher than in other samples. The dominant aromatic compounds are naphthalene and alkylated naphthalenes (Na-PAH), which have migrated into the veinlet sample from other sediments. The content of phenanthrene and its methylated derivatives (Ph-PAH) is much lower than in other samples. The reason may be due to their heavier mass than Na-PAH. It is more difficult for Ph-PAH to migrate. The Na-PAH was probably removed from the shale by dist  相似文献   

Graphite forms crystals up to 0.08 mm in size in carbonates or argillaceous carbonates directly under- and overlying black shale. Increased contents of Si, Al, Ca, and K in graphite are related to intercalations of graphite-montmorillonite and less to intercalations of graphite-illite. Quartz and gibbsite are also detected. The formation of graphite was probably a two-stage process:
  1. Catalytic oxidation of organic matter. As a result of oxidation original organic matter has been enriched as aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene ring compounds) being most resistant to oxidation.
  2. Ordering of conjugated benzene rings on the 001 montmorillonite plane as a matrix. As a result, the c0 of dry montmorillonite increased to 1.678±0.020 or 2.450±0.050 nm. Primary layers of graphite became themselves matrices for the next layers of conjugated rings producing microscopically visible graphite.
To a less extent the process of dehydrogenesis and conjugation of aromatic rings took place in a reaction with Al, Si, and OH of phyllosilicates producing Al(OH)3 (gibbsite), former H4SiO4 (now quartz), and H2O.  相似文献   

Structural measurements and geochemical analyses, including bulk and in situ pyrite geochemistry, sulfur isotopes, and whole-rock geochemistry, are presented for the No. 3 orebody of the Jiaojia gold deposit (JJ3), located in the Jiaodong district of northeast China. The JJ3 orebody is distinct from the main orebody of the Jiaojia deposit (JJ1) because it is characterised by steeply dipping sub-metric quartz-pyrite veins with up to 300 ppm of gold, whereas the JJ1 orebody represents an archetypal example of the disseminated and veinlet style mineralisation characteristic of regional faults in the Jiaodong district. Measurements on JJ3 veins and the host Jiaojia-Xincheng regional fault are consistent with development of mineralised, steeply dipping extension fractures during normal faulting, which produced the fault-hosted disseminated-style JJ1 orebody. Trace element geochemistry of pyrite in these veins shows that JJ3 pyrite is geochemically distinct from those of the main Jiaojia and Xincheng orebodies, being relatively enriched in Ag and Pb, as well as Ba, Bi, Te and Au, and relatively depleted in Cu and As. Enrichment in Ag and Pb is possibly related to infiltration of a saline hydrothermal fluid, as both are effectively transported as chloride complexes; however, depletion of Cu, which is also mobile as chloride complexes, requires a low temperature saline fluid where Cu is no longer soluble. The textural setting of the ore minerals suggests that these cooler fluids likely infiltrated during the waning stages of the hydrothermal system. The relative abundance of barite in the JJ3 orebody, which formed from late-stage oxidised magmatic–hydrothermal fluids, also supports the interpretation that the JJ3 orebody represents a late mineralisation event. The pervasive alteration surrounding the JJ3 orebody is K-feldspathic with a minor sericitic overprint, indicating an earlier higher temperature pervasive fluid flow event that was followed by low-temperature mineralising fluids. This interpretation implies that fracture dilation post-dated the earliest alteration, and that mineralisation and pervasive alteration in the JJ3 orebody are geochemically disconnected. Thus structural analysis is expected to be the most effective targeting method in future exploration for similar ore bodies.  相似文献   

Sediment-hosted disseminated gold mineralisation at Zarshuran, NW Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mineralisation at the Zarshuran, NW Iran, occurs on the flank of an inlier of Precambrian rocks hosted in black silty calcareous and carbonaceous shale with interbedded dolomite and limestone varying in thickness from 5 to 60 m and extending along strike for approximately 5–6 km. Two major, steeply dipping sets of faults with distinct trends occur in the Zarshuran: (1) northwest (310–325) and (2) southwest (255–265). The main arsenic mineralisation occurs at the intersection of these faults. The mineral assemblage includes micron to angstrom-size gold, orpiment, realgar, stibnite, getchellite, cinnabar, thallium minerals, barite, Au-As-bearing pyrite, base metal sulphides and sulphosalts. Hydrothermal alteration features are developed in black shale and limestone around the mineralisation Types of alteration include: (1) decalcification, (2) silicification, (3) argillisation, (4) dolomitisation, (5) oxidation and acid leaching and (6) supergene alteration. The early stage of mineralisation involved removal of carbonates from the host rocks, followed by quartz precipitation. The main stage includes massive silicification associated with argillic alteration. In the late stage veining became more dominant and the main arsenic ore was deposited along fault cross cuts and gouge. These characteristics are typical of Carlin-type sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits. The early stage of mineralisation contains only two-phase aqueous fluid inclusions. The main stage has two groups of three-phase CO2-bearing inclusions with minor CH4 ± N2, associated with high temperature, two-phase aqueous inclusions. During the late stage, fluids exhibit a wide range in composition, salinity and temperature, and CH4 becomes the dominant carbonic fluid with minor CO2 associated with a variety of two-phase aqueous fluid inclusions. The characteristics of fluids at the Zarshuran imply the presence of at least two separate fluids during mineralisation. The intersections of coexisting carbonic and aqueous inclusion isochores, together with stratigraphic and mineral stability evidence, indicate that mineralisation occurred at 945 ± 445 bar and 243 ± 59 °C, implying a depth for mineralisation of at least 3.8 ± 1.8 km (assuming a lithostatic pressure gradient). Fluid density fluctuations and the inferred depth of formation suggest that the mineralisation occurred at the transition between overpressured and normally pressured regimes. Geochronologic studies utilising K/Ar and Ar/Ar techniques on hydrothermal argillic alteration (whole rock and separated clay size fractions) and on volcanic rocks, indicates that mineralisation at Zarshuran formed at 14.2 ± 0.4 Ma, and was contemporaneous with nearby Miocene volcanic activity, 13.7 ± 2.9 Ma. It is proposed that mineralisation was the result of the infiltration of hydrothermal fluids containing a magmatic gas component, and that it was localised in the Zarshuran Unit because of the redox boundary that it provided and/or because it lay between an overpressured region at depth and a zone of circulating, hydrostatically pressured fluids above. Received: 10 December 1997 / Accepted: 5 March 1999  相似文献   

《Journal of Structural Geology》2004,26(6-7):1067-1086
Structural controls on the distribution of gold in the Witwatersrand Basin can be seen at scales ranging from that of thin sections up to regional seismic data sets. At the thin section scale, gold occurs largely in fractures with hydrocarbons. These fractures are associated with pulses of thrusting deformation that occurred in the latter stages of the basin's development. The distribution of thrust–fracture networks (and therefore gold) is controlled by the mechanical attributes of the host stratigraphy. Thrust displacements are generally very low, with structures exploiting depositional contacts and mesoscale sedimentary bedforms. Many of the small faults are isolated from each other with bimodal vergence between larger-scale thrusts of the same age. Early-formed faults and fractures become folded and faulted by subsequent propagation of larger-scale thrusts. These characteristics are consistent with formation of the mineralised thrust–fracture networks in the frontal, low-displacement parts of a thrust system. In the Carletonville goldfield, the prospectivity of the Ventersdorp Contact Reef (VCR) has been evaluated by using underground observations to pinpoint the structural habitat of gold, and therefore characterise the size of prospective zones around structures intersecting the VCR, mapped within 3D seismic data. In the Welkom goldfield, the controls on gold distribution at the Tshepong mine have been characterised from 3D seismic data, drilling and underground observations, and used to develop an ore-body model that aids reserve estimation and production planning.  相似文献   

Young orogenic gold mineralisation in active collisional mountains, Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gold-bearing vein systems in the high mountains of Taiwan are part of the youngest tectonic-hydrothermal system on Earth. Tectonic collision initiated in the Pliocene has stacked Eocene–Miocene marine sedimentary rocks to form steep mountains nearly 4 km high. Thinner portions of the sedimentary pile (∼5 km) are currently producing hydrocarbons in a fold and thrust belt, and orogenic gold occurs in quartz veins in thicker parts of the pile (∼10 km) in the Slate Belt that underlies the mountains. Metamorphic fluids (2–5 wt.% NaCl equivalent) are rising from the active greenschist facies metamorphic zone and transporting gold released during rock recrystallisation. Metamorphic fluid flow at the Pingfengshan historic gold mine was focussed in well-defined (4 km3) fracture zones with networks of quartz veins, whereas large surrounding volumes of rock are largely unveined. Gold and arsenopyrite occur in several superimposed vein generations, with ankeritic alteration of host rocks superimposed on chlorite–calcite alteration zones as fluids cooled and became out of equilibrium with the host rocks. Mineralising fluids had δ18O near +10‰, δ13C was between −1‰ and −6‰ and these fluids were in isotopic equilibrium with host rocks at ∼350°C. Ankeritic veins were emplaced in extensional sites in kink fold axial surfaces, formed as the rock mass was transported laterally from compressional to extensional regimes in the orogen. Rapid exhumation (>2 mm/year) of the Slate Belt is causing a widespread shallow conductive thermal anomaly without igneous intrusions. Meteoric water is penetrating into the conductive thermal anomaly to contribute to crustal fluid flow and generate shallow boiling fluids (∼250°C) with fluid temperature greater than rock temperature. The meteoric-hydrothermal system impinges on, but causes only minor dilution of, the gold mineralisation system at depth.  相似文献   

Molecular biomarkers are the important maturity parameters for sedimentary organic matter.They have also been widely used for determining the maturity of organic matter in ore deposits. However,during the study of organic matter in the Kupferschiefer from the Lubin mine, it had been found that the biomarkers were influenced by sulfide formation. In order to probe into the degree of influence on biomarkers, seven samples collected from a Kupferschiefer section from the Lubin mine were analyzed by various geochemical methods. The results indicated that in the samples with higher copper contents, the values of biomarkers are lower than in the samples with lower copper contents. In highly mineralized samples, hydrogen donation for thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) occurred in alkylated phenanthrenes and naphthalenes, leading to the decrease of 12 biomarker parameters during the Kupferschiefer mineralization.  相似文献   

The Invincible Vein fills a fault zone which strikes northeast and dips steeply southeast in the lower Rees Valley, NW Otago. The vein cuts north striking foliation in lower greenschist facies Otago Schist. Structures associated with the fault zone are both brittle and ductile, and the fault zone has had a complex history of post-mineralisation reactivation. Mineralised vein material filling parts of the fault zone consist of quartz, albite, muscovite, chlorite, calcite, pyrite, arsenopyrite and minor gold. These minerals have been strained and locally recrystallised during ductile deformation. Fluid inclusion homogenisation temperatures (140–175°C) and ice melting temperatures (0 to –1°C) indicate that the mineralising fluid was low salinity, low CO2 water with a density between 0.88 and 0.93 g/cm3. Arsenopyrite geothermometry implies a temperature of mineralisation of 370 ± 70°C. Mineralisation pressure lay between 2 and 5 kbar. Mineralisation pressure-temperature conditions and mineralogy are essentially the same as for metamorphism of the host schist. Vein calcite oxygen isotope ratios (+12 to +15 per mil) are similar to host schist values. Carbon isotope ratios of vein calcite (– 3 to –5 per mil) are distinctly different from ratios in host schist (–7 to –10 per mil). Elevated vein Cr contents, and isotopically depleted carbon data, are consistent with some degree of equilibration with metavolcanic rocks. It is inferred that metavolcanic rocks of the underlying Aspiring Terrane were a significant source for mineralising fluid and metals. Invincible mineralisation occurred in the latter stages of metamorphism, and is the earliest recognised gold-bearing vein system in the Otago Schist.  相似文献   

The Ratatotok district in the Minahasa Regency of North Sulawesi, Indonesia is an area of significant gold mineralisation. Gold has been mined in the district since at least the 1850s, and intensively by the Dutch between 1900 and 1921 with a recorded production of 5,060 kg of gold. Newmont began exploring the district in 1986, and has delineated a major sediment-hosted replacement-style deposit at Mesel, and other smaller deposits in an 8×5 km area. A total drill-indicated resource of over 60 metric tonnes of gold (+2 Moz) is reported for Mesel, and three of the smaller deposits. Approximately 80% of this resource is refractory. Silver grades are usually low (<10 g/t). The Mesel deposit is similar to many Carlin-type deposits in carbonate hostrocks, alteration, geochemical signature and ore mineralogy, but is distinct in tectonic setting. The discovery of replacement-style mineralisation at Mesel, in an impure limestone within a Tertiary island arc environment, demonstrates that deposits with outward characteristics similar to Carlin-type mineralisation are not restricted to a continental setting.Carbonate sediments in the Ratatotok district were deposited in a Late Miocene restricted basin. Later compressional tectonics caused uplift that resulted in karst development in the limestone and erosion of the adjacent volcanic arc with deposition of a thick epiclastic unit. This was followed by intrusion of shallow level pre-mineral andesite into the sequence. Mineralisation at Mesel, and probably elsewhere in the district, is synchronous with the late-stage reactivation of strike-slip faults. Mineralising fluids at Mesel were focussed along steep structures sympathetic to these faults, and trapped below a relatively impermeable andesite cap rock. Hydrothermal fluids caused decalcification of the silty, more permeable carbonate units with the formation of secondary dolomite, deposition of fine arsenian pyrite, silica veinlets and gold. Volume loss due to decalcification and dolomite formation caused collapse brecciation which enhanced fluid flow and further mineralisation. This locally culminated in total decarbonation and deposition of massive silica. Late-stage stibnite occurs in structural zones within the ore deposit, whereas arsenic (as realgar and orpiment) and mercury (as cinnabar) are concentrated on the periphery.Elsewhere in the Ratatotok district, gold mineralisation is restricted to replacement-style mineralisation in permeable zones along limestone-andesite contacts, open-space filling quartz-calcite veins and stockworks, and residual quartz-clay breccias. The residual breccias are developed in-situ, and are interpreted to form by dissolution of the wallrock limestone from around pre-existing mineralisation. This has resulted in widespread eluvial gold occurrences.  相似文献   

The Walhalla-Woods Point Goldfield in southeast Australia is characterised by large gold deposits associated with a Late Devonian dyke swarm. The setting of this goldfield is unique because unlike the major gold deposits in Victoria, it occurs close to the eastern margin of the Western Lachlan Orogen, and highlights the disparities between the evolving phases of orogenic gold mineralisation in the Western Lachlan Orogen, and the contrasts between sediment hosted, dyke-associated and dyke-hosted gold mineralisation. This study integrates existing and new data from renewed mapping of the geology and geochemistry of three gold deposits near the township of Walhalla, in the historically important yet under-explored and under-researched Walhalla-Woods Point Goldfield. The ten highest yielding deposits within the goldfield are either hosted within, or adjacent to, intrusions of the Woods Point Dyke Swarm. This is due to the greater chemical reactivity of the calc-alkaline dykes, and the greater rheological contrast between the dykes and surrounding low-grade metasedimentary units, which allowed for the formation of dyke-hosted quartz breccia veins that are consistently favourable sites for gold mineralisation in the Walhalla Goldfield. This is in contrast to historical production, which concentrated on visible gold within the shear zone-hosted laminated quartz veins. Gold and As assay results have highlighted the increased levels of invisible gold disseminated along dyke margins in proximity to shear zones and quartz reefs. The high-yielding gold deposits hosted wholly by the dyke intrusions of the Woods Point Dyke Swarm are orogenic gold deposits, as they are not associated with elevated levels of Bi, W, As, Mb, Te and Sb, typical of intrusion-related gold deposits.  相似文献   

A study of the influences of the basin brines on hydrocarbon generation of the Kupferschiefer in southwestern Poland has been carried out.The samples from the Konrad and Polkowics mines were analyzed by orgainc geochemical,microscopic and FTIR methods.The results indicate that organic matter of Kupferschiefer tends to decrease with the ascending,oxidizing brines,In the Konrad profile,the Kupferschiefer was strongly oxidized.The extract yields were depleted up to 50mg Ext/g Corg.Gas chromatography(GC) and gas chromatography-mass spctrometry(GC/MS) data indicate that the depletion occureed predominantly in saturated hydrocarbon compounds.The identified n-alkanes in smpale KD1 were depleted at least to 5000μg/g Corg.The aromatic compounds show a fidderent trend of variation.The concentrations of phenanthrene alkylphenanthrenes(Ph-PAH) and naphthalene alkylnaphthalenes(Na-PAH) show a decrease,whereas sulfur polyaromatic hydrocarbons(S-PAH)and oxygen polyaromatic hydrocarbons(O-PAH) show an incrase under the influences of oxidizing brines,In the Polkowice profile,organic matter under the influences of oxidizing fluids shows a simlar trend of varation as in the Konrad mine.Analyses of polar compounds shed light on the oxidation processes at the molecule level.The dominant products of oxidation are aliphatic acid.alcohol and ester.FTIR results indicate that the oxidation of organic matter led to a decrease in aliphatic CH3 and an increase in C-O,C=O bands.  相似文献   

Over one hundred samples, representing mainly clayey-organic- and carbonate-rich shales (Kupferschiefer) but also other members of different ore sections, including hangingwall dolomites (Z1 Werra) and footwall Weissliegend sandstone (Lower Permian), have been collected in different mines of the Lubin–Głogów mining district, mainly near the contact (transitional zone) between the copper-mineralized zone and secondarily oxidized (Rote Fäule = RF) zone. In general, the Polish Kupferschiefer shales are enriched in MREE in comparison to NASC. In a typical copper-rich ore section the REE amounts and patterns depend on lithologies, being generally similar in shales and dolomite. ∑REE vary among sandstones, shales and dolomites (average 73, 143 and 85 ppm, respectively), probably reflecting mainly their clay contents. Sandstones have strongly convex REE patterns with positive Eu and negative Gd anomalies and depletion in LREE and enrichment in MREE relative to HREE. The REE patterns of shale and dolomite are similar to one another and rather flat, with strong negative Eu anomalies, and a small positive Gd anomaly in the case of shales.The REE patterns of shales from the mineralized Cu-zone are generally convex (MREE enriched) and have negative Eu anomalies. However, in a section with Cu-, Zn- and Pb-shales the REE pattern of Pb-bearing shales shows a positive Eu anomaly, in contrast to other shales and overlying dolomite. More oxidizing conditions of deposition can be assumed for Pb-shales.No significant differences between REE distributions in transitional and oxidized zones have been observed. Their REE patterns are more convex and are much higher (av. 247 ppm) than those in the mineralized zone and they do not show Eu anomalies. The strongly convex pattern may suggest either enrichment in MREE or relative depletion in LREE due to localized precipitation of light REE minerals, both in shales and in the uppermost part of the sandstones.Two unique sections, one Cu-rich and one Cu-lean (partly oxidized), comprising three shale beds interbedded with dolomites have been compared. Generally ∑REE contents are similar in these two sections. Also similar are changes in contents of REE between beds in both sections, which decrease significantly upwards (from 157–171 ppm to 54–60 ppm). The REE patterns of the lowermost beds (directly overlying sandstones) are ramp-like, with LREE enrichments. The upper beds have concave REE patterns. Comparison between sections shows generally stronger negative Eu and positive Gd anomalies in the highly-mineralized section.There is a highly significant positive relationship between Cu and ∑ REE contents in Cu-rich shales and slightly less significant negative relationship for their concentration in oxidized and transitional shales. There is a moderate significant positive correlation between P2O5 and ∑ REE contents in Cu-rich shales.The observed differences in REE contents cannot be provenance dependent but have been caused by diagenetic processes, possibly related to mineralization and oxidation processes. Europium anomalies, generally reflecting different Eh conditions in the deposit, can be eliminated by the prolonged oxidation. Strong enrichment of the RF zones in REE may result from their desorption from large volumes of oxidizing, including mineralizing, solutions which probably emerged from the underlying molasse lithologies into the Rote Fäule areas. Higher contents of REE in the lowermost shales suggest upward movement of solutions from the underlying sandstones also far away from the RF areas.  相似文献   

The structural classification previously proposed for laterite crusts in field exploration by the author has the objective of: (a) serving as a tool to geological mapping of the bed rock types; (b) recognition of greenstone belt units of economic interest; and (c) demarcation of target areas for mineral exploration. In localities of several small placer gold operations, outcrops of nodular and pisolitic laterite crusts are seen overlain occasionally by breccioid laterite, nodular laterite breccia, mottled cavernous laterite or banded concretionary laterite. Such nodular or pisolitic varieties, rich in goethite, characterise mafic to ultramafic parent rocks in/and greenstone belt units. This type of crust is thus the guide horizon in the laterite profile indicative of Au. Its surface expression accompanying the source rocks is occasionally significant and thus can be a promoter of small-scale mining and a metallotect and guide for exploration programmes.  相似文献   

The eastern Lachlan Orogen in southeastern Australia is noted for its major porphyry–epithermal–skarn copper–gold deposits of late Ordovician age. Whilst many small quartz vein-hosted or orogenic lode-type gold deposits are known in the region, the discovery of the Wyoming gold deposits has demonstrated the potential for significant lode-type mineralisation hosted within the same Ordovician volcanic stratigraphy. Outcrop in the Wyoming area is limited, with the Ordovician sequence largely obscured by clay-rich cover of probable Quaternary to Cretaceous age with depths up to 50 m. Regional aeromagnetic data define a north–south trending linear belt interpreted to represent the Ordovician andesitic volcanic rock sequence within probable Ordo-Silurian pelitic metasedimentary rocks. Drilling through the cover sequence in 2001 to follow up the trend of historically reported mineralisation discovered extensive alteration and gold mineralisation within an andesitic feldspar porphyry intrusion and adjacent volcaniclastic sandstones and siltstones. Subsequent detailed resource definition drilling has identified a substantial mineralised body associated with sericite–carbonate–albite–quartz–(±chlorite ± pyrite ± arsenopyrite) alteration. The Wyoming deposits appear to have formed as the result of a rheological contrast between the porphyry host and the surrounding volcaniclastic rocks, with the porphyry showing brittle fracture and the metasedimentary rocks ductile deformation. The mineralisation at Wyoming bears many petrological and structural similarities to orogenic lode-style gold deposits. Although the timing of alteration and mineralisation in the Wyoming deposits remain problematic, a relationship with possible early to middle Devonian deformation is considered likely.  相似文献   

New 40Ar/39Ar geochronological data support, and significantly expand upon, preliminary age data that were interpreted to suggest an episodic and diachronous emplacement of gold across the western Lachlan fold belt, Australia. These geochronological data indicate that mineralisation in the central Victorian gold province occurred in response to episodic, eastward progressing deformation, metamorphism and exhumation associated with the formation of the western Lachlan fold belt. Initial gold formation throughout the Stawell and the Bendigo structural zones can be constrained to a broad interval of time between 455 and 435 Ma, with remobilisation of metals into new structures and/or new pulses of mineralisation occurring between 420 and 400 Ma, and again between 380 and 370 Ma, linked to episodic variations in the regional stress-field and during intrusion of felsic dykes and plutons. This separation of ages is incompatible with the view that gold emplacement in the western Lachlan fold belt was the result of a single, orogen-wide event during the Devonian. A distinct phase of gold mineralisation, characterised by elevated Cu, Mo, Sb or W, is associated with both Late Silurian to Early Devonian (~420 to 400 Ma) and Middle to Late Devonian (~380 to 370 Ma) magmatism, when crustal thickening and shortening during the ongoing consolidation of the western Lachlan Fold Belt led to extensive melt development in the lower crust and resulted in widespread magmatism throughout central Victoria. These ~420 to 400 Ma and ~380 to 370 Ma occurrences, best exemplified by the Wonga deposit in the Stawell structural zone and many of the Woods Point deposits in the Melbourne structural zone, but also evidenced by occurrences at Fosterville and Maldon in the Bendigo structural zone, clearly formed synchronous with, or post-date, the emplacement of plutons and dykes, and thus are spatially (if not genetically) related to melt generation at depth. This later, magmatic-associated and polymetallic type of gold mineralisation is economically subordinate to the earlier, metamorphic-associated type of gold deposition in the Stawell and Bendigo structural zones, but tends to be the dominant style in the Melbourne Zone. These new geochronological constraints, together with zircon U-Pb data from felsic intrusive rocks of known relationship to gold mineralisation, demonstrate that initial hydrothermal alteration associated with gold emplacement in the western Lachlan fold belt was metamorphic-related, predating the emplacement of granite plutons by as much as 80 million years. This timing differs from other important orogenic gold districts where gold deposition is closely associated spatially with felsic magmatism. The early introduction of metamorphically derived fluids well before magmatism may reflect variations in the timing of peak metamorphic conditions at different crustal levels in an accretionary prism undergoing simultaneous deformation and erosion. Consequently, no genetic link exists between the main phase(s) of gold mineralisation and magmatism in the central Victorian gold province. With the exception of formation of a minor magmatism-related and geochemically-distinct mineralisation style at about 420 to 400 Ma, and again at about 380 to 370 Ma, the apparent spatial relationship between gold mineralisation and felsic intrusions is merely the result of melts and fluids being channelised along the same structures.  相似文献   

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