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A 140.2 m deep boring (BH 81/29) from the central North Sea (British sector) has been investigated for its foraminiferal content. Fourteen assemblage zones are identified, and these are correlated with other records from the North Sea region. The stratigraphical interpretation of BH 81/29 is supported by palaeomagnetic data and by amino acid dates and thermoluminescence dates from the same boring. Foraminiferal zones 14 to 8, from the bottom of the core, have been referred to the Early Pleistocene. Zones 7 to 4, which occur above the Bruhnes/Matuyama boundary, seem to belonged in the Middle Pleistocene, and zones 3 to 1 are referred to the Late Pleistocene. A characteristic feature of the present sequence is that a major part of the Quaternary record seems to be missing. As is also known from other areas of the North Sea, interglacial deposits are especially badly represented.  相似文献   

Deep Sea Drilling Program (DSDP) Site 548 was cored in 1984 at a water depth of 1256 m on the Goban Spur, offshore southwest Ireland. Coring retrieved a ~100-m-thick Pleistocene contourite sequence. This study uses planktonic foraminiferal assemblage and benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope analyses to establish an age model for the upper 40 m of this core. This site's multidisciplinary analyses of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages, lithic grains, facies and calcium carbonate concentration reveal a 250 000-year record of the North Atlantic polar front variability and British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) history. The sequence is characterized by alternations of ice rafted debris (IRD) laden pelagic mud facies with calcium carbonate-rich silty sand contourite facies that track glacial/interglacial cycles. The polar front migrated southward across the area several times during glacial maxima and stadial periods, while warmer Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) flowed northward across the region during interglacial and interstadial periods depositing contourites. Lithic analyses reveal a complex history of IRD deposition associated with iceberg calving from the Laurentide Ice Sheet and northwest European ice sheets, mainly the BIIS. Comparison between the Goban Spur (DSDP Site 548) and the Celtic Margin (MD03-2692) and central North Atlantic Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1308 suggests differences between the ‘non-Laurentide Ice Sheet’ Heinrich Events (HE) 6 and 3 at the Goban Spur, with IRD from the BIIS being prominent during HE 6 and IRD from other European ice sheets north of the BIIS likely being more dominant during HE 3. The nature of lithics in IRD-rich horizons during Terminations 3, 3A, 2 and 1 suggests significant iceberg calving episodes preceding BIIS retreat during the onset of interstadial intervals.  相似文献   

Based on detailed stratigraphic investigations on a 200.6m long core (BGS borehole No. 81/26) from the Fladen Ground area (British sector), core material from the Sleipner field (Norwegian sector) and shallow seismic profiles between the core-sites, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) The North Sea was glaciated sometime during th elaterpart of Matuyama reversed period. A complete glacial-interglacial-glacial cycle is recorded in these sediments. (2) In a period of marine sedimentation in the Middle Pleistocene, a transgression-regression cycle under boreal-arctic regime is recorded. (3) The Fladen area has subsided between 0.9 and 0.6 m/ka through the later parts of the Quaternary (4) A major glacial event dated at between 130 and 200 ka is recorded as a thick till unit in 81/26. This till, which was deposited by ice moving from the southwest (Scotland), probably represents a period when the Scandinavian and British ice sheets coalesced in the North Sea. (5) Based on the seismic data and the stratigraphy of the Sleipner core, an ice-free, open embayment/dry land is favoured for the central North Sea during the Late Weichselian. (6) From the amino-acid data, it is shown that there has been an episodic style of sedimentation through the Quaternary. (7) of the investigated sediments (which span the last 1 mill. year) ca 98% have been deposited under arctic to boreal-arctic conditions.  相似文献   

A 120 m thick marine Quaternary sequence resting on Upper Cretaceous chalk at Nørre Lyngby has been stratigraphically analysed on the basis of its foraminiferal content. The foraminiferal zones in the Nørre Lyngby boring are compared with corresponding zones from borings and outcrops in adjacent areas in Vendsyssel and Kattegat, and a general zonation covering the whole area is proposed. The lower part of the marine sequence at Nørre Lyngby represents deposits of pre-Eemian, possibly Saalian, and Eemian age. The Early Weichselian seems to be missing, while most of the Middle and Late Weichselian foraminiferal zones known from Vendsyssel occur. The foraminiferal zones and the corresponding macrofossil zones are correlated with the oxygen isotope stratigraphy. A cross-section through deposits from the Saalian-Eemian-Weichselian marine basin in North Jutland and the Kattegat illustrates the development of the basin through this period of time. The centre of basin subsidence shifted from the southwest in the pre-Eemian to the northeast in the Eemian, and remained there throughout the Weichselian.  相似文献   

Foraminifera from four boreholes through Quaternary deposits at Roar, Skjold and Dan in the central North Sea have been examined. Shallow marine Eemian deposits were represented over the whole area, and at Roar marine deposits from an older glacial period were found below the Eemian. A glaciolacustrinc sequence occurred above the Eemian in all the boreholes, and at Roar this unit was succeeded by marine sediments containing arctic to boreo-arctic foraminiferal faunas. Both the non-marine and overlying marine units are referred to the Weichselian. Marine Flandrian deposits occur in the upper part of the borings and the faunal succession through this sequence is described.  相似文献   

Foraminiferal biostratigraphy, stable isotopes and amino-acid diagenesis have been investigated in a 125 m (+ 1 to — 124 m a.s.l.) long core from Jæren, southwestern Norway. Two marine units, the 42 m thick Grødeland Sand and the 8 m thick Sunde Sand, were found between till beds. Based on the biostratigraphic data, nine foraminiferal assemblage zones are defined. The Grødeland Sand shows a development from an ice-proximal glacial environment in the lower part, through an arctic, possibly shallow-water, environment, into a full interglacial open-shelf regime (the Grødeland Interglacial). The Grødeland Interglacial sediments (zone 6 Cassidulina laevigata-Cibicides zone) were deposited at a water depth of 20 m, in an open, high-energy shelf environment with temperature conditions similar to those prevailing in the northern North Sea today. The interglacial sediments are followed by deposits characteristic of an arctic environment which become more ice proximal upwards. Superimposed on the Grødeland Sand is a diamicton interpreted as till. Above the till is the upper marine unit (the Sunde Sand), which in the lower part yielded a shallow-water arctic fauna replaced upwards by an ice-proximal facies. The upper part of the Sunde Sand is barren of foraminifera and is superimposed by an upper till. The Sunde Interstadial is defined as a climatostratigraphic event resulting in deglaciation of western Norway and deposition of the Sunde Sand. Based on amino acid geochronology and inferences from the biostratigraphy, the Grødeland Interglacial is assigned to oxygen-isotope stage 7, whereas the Sunde Interstadial is assigned to the Early Weichselian. Combined with existing data from the North Sea region and the Norwegian Sea, it is concluded that for stage 7, in addition to stages 1 and 5e, there must have been a strong influx of Atlantic water into the Norwegian Sea north of the British Isles. This circulation created a similar north-south gradient in water masses in the North Sea to that which occurred during the Eemian and the Holocene. In the Nordic Seas, however, the stage 7 warm influx was probably restricted to the eastern part of the basin, unlike the later warm periods. This led to the development of fully interglacial conditions in the North Sea region, even though the palaeoceanographic data from the central part of the Nordic Seas suggest relatively cooler conditions for oxygen-isotope stage 7.  相似文献   

A long sequence of open-coast tidal flat deposits with a restricted, mainly boreal fauna, comprises the Tapes and Mactra Zones. Characteristic species are Venerupis aurea, Spisula arcuata, Arctic islandica and Lentidium complanatum . This stage is provisionally correlated with the Upper Pliocene of the North Sea Basin. During the time of deposition of the Serripes Zone the basin apparently deepened and the fauna greatly diversified with immigration of arctic elements. It went back finally to beach-deposit conditions. The characteristic species — Serripes groenlandicus, Macoma praetenius , and Beta borealis — are also characteristic of the Early Pleistocene of the North Sea Basin with which the Serripes Zone is provisionally correlated. The climate is interpreted as having been colder than that of the Tapes and Mactra zones. A preliminary list of the Mollusca is given.  相似文献   

Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages have been examined in 25 trigger core top samples and 51 piston core top samples collected between latitudes 28° S and 55° S and longitudes 79° E and 120° E from the southern Indian Ocean during cruises of the U.S.N.S. Eltanin. Samples taken from water depths exceeding 4000 m and/or showing evidence of calcium carbonate dissolution were eliminated from further analysis. The final piston core data set consists of 34 samples; the trigger core data set containing 21 samples. A close relationship exists between changes in the planktonic foraminiferal assemblages in the surface sediments and surface water temperatures. Species diversity values were computed for each of the core top assemblages using the Shannon-Wiener Index and the Brillouin Index, each of which takes into consideration the number of species and the proportionment of individuals among the species. The Shannon and Brillouin diversity values for all samples are positively correlated (correlation coefficient (r) = +.999). Regression analysis of latitude versus Shannon diversity values in the trigger core samples clearly shows a decrease in diversity with increasing latitude (r = ?.979). Furthermore, a strong correlation (r = +.977) exists between decreasing species diversity (Shannon) and decreasing average summer-winter temperature of the overlying surface waters. A paleotemperature equation derived from the relationship of diversity in trigger core samples and surface water temperature was used to generate paleotemperature curves for five trigger cores and a 6 m piston core of Late Pleistocene age, located beneath the present position of the Subtropical Convergence. A 7–8° C temperature range is suggested between the interglacial and glacial episodes in this Late Pleistocene sequence, and probably reflects latitudinal shifts of the Subtropical Convergence and Australasian Front during the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in benthic foraminiferal faunas over the last 130,000 yr in four piston cores from the Norwegian Sea are correlated with the standard worldwide oxygen-isotope stratigraphy. One species, Cibicides wuellerstorfi, dominates in the Holocene section of each core, but alternates downcore with Oridorsalis tener, a species dominant today only in the deepest part of the basin. O. tener is the most abundant species throughout the entire basin during periods of particularly cold climate when the Norwegian Sea presumably was ice covered year round and surface productivity lowered. Portions of isotope Stages 6, 3, and 2 are barren of benthic foraminifera; this is probably due to lowered benthic productivity, perhaps combined with dilution by ice-rafted sediment; there is no evidence that the Norwegian Sea became azoic. The Holocene and Substage 5e (the last interglacial) are similar faunally. This similarity, combined with other evidence, supports the presumption that the Norwegian Sea was a source of dense overflows into the North Atlantic during Substage 5e as it is today. Oxygen-isotope analyses of benthic foraminifera indicate that Norwegian Sea bottom waters warmer than they are today from Substage 5d to Stage 2, with the possible exception of Substage 5a. These data show that the glacial Norwegian Sea was not a sink for dense surface water, as it is now, and thus it was not a source of deep-water overflows. The benthic foraminiferal populations of the deep Norwegian Sea seem at least as responsive to near-surface conditions, such as sea-ice cover, as they are to fluctuations in the hydrography of the deep water. Benthic foraminiferal evidence from the Norwegian Sea is insufficient in itself to establish whether or not the basin was a source of overflows into the North Atlantic at any time between the Substage 5e/5d boundary at 115,000 yr B.P. and the Holocene.  相似文献   

In the past15 years,the Cenozoic calcareous nannofossilsin the East China Sea were biostratigraphically studied duringthe extensive offshore petroleum exploration in a number ofbasins on the shelf of the East China Sea.A number of Pale-ocene to Quaternary nannofossil zones were recognized basedon the nannofossils from m any offshore wells (SBMGS,1989,1985 ) .These previous studies indicated a lot of biostratigraphicproblems,resulting in difficulties in the understanding of afurther detail…  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to understand the Pleistocene bottom water history in response to the paleoclimatic changes in the northern Indian Ocean employing quantitative analyses of deep sea benthic foraminifera at the DSDP sites 219 and 238. Among the 150 benthic foraminifera recorded a few species show dominance with changing percent frequencies during most of the sequence. The dominant benthic foraminiferal assemblages suggest that most of the Pleistocene bottom waters at site 219 and Early Pleistocene bottom waters at site 238 are of North Indian Deep Water (NIDW) origin. However, Late Pleistocene assemblage at site 238 appears to be closely associated with a water mass intermediate between North Indian Deep Water (NIDW) and Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). Uvigerina proboscidea is the most dominant benthic foraminiferal species present during the Pleistocene at both the sites. A marked increase in the relative abundance ofU. proboscidea along with less diverse and equitable fauna during Early Pleistocene suggests a relative cooling, an intensified oceanic circulation and upwelling of nutrient rich bottom waters resulting in high surface productivity. At the same time, low sediment accumulation rate during Early Pleistocene reveals increased winnowing of the sediments possibly due to more corrosive and cold bottom waters. The Late Pleistocene in general, is marked by relatively warm and stable bottom waters as reflected by low abundance ofU. proboscidea and more diverse and equitable benthic fauna. The lower depth range for the occurrence ofBulimina aculeate in the Indian Ocean is around 2300 m, similar to that of many other areas.B. aculeata also shows marked increase in its abundance near the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary while a sudden decrease in the relative abundance ofStilostomella lepidula occurs close to the Early/Late Pleistocene boundary.  相似文献   

This paper links research questions in Quaternary geology with those in Palaeolithic archaeology. A detailed geological reconstruction of The Netherlands' south‐west offshore area provides a stratigraphical context for archaeological and palaeontological finds. Progressive environmental developments have left a strong imprint on the area's Palaeolithic record. We highlight aspects of landscape evolution and related taphonomical changes, visualized in maps for critical periods of the Pleistocene in the wider southern North Sea region. The Middle Pleistocene record is divided into two palaeogeographical stages: the pre‐Anglian/Elsterian stage, during which a wide land bridge existed between England and Belgium even during marine highstands; and the Anglian/Elsterian to Saalian interglacial, with a narrower land bridge, lowered by proglacial erosion but not yet fully eroded. The Late Pleistocene landscape was very different, with the land bridge fully dissected by an axial Rhine–Thames valley, eroded deep enough to fully connect the English Channel and the North Sea during periods of highstand. This tripartite staging implies great differences in (i) possible migration routes of herds of herbivores as well as hominins preying upon them, (ii) the erosion base of axial and tributary rivers causing an increase in the availability of flint raw materials and (iii) conditions for loess accumulation in northern France and Belgium and the resulting preservation of Middle Palaeolithic sites. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A method is presented for correlating benthonic foraminiferal communities in Late Quaternary marine sediments on continental shelves and in coastal areas with the planktonic foraminiferal stratigraphy of the North Atlantic and Norwegian Sea deep-sea sediments.  相似文献   

On the basis of field data, datings from both electron spin resonance – and optically stimulated luminescence, and micro- and macrofauna, in addition to presence of diatoms, three Late Pleistocene marine units have been identified in the coastal areas of the Kola Peninsula. The stratigraphically lowest sequence is correlated to the Ponoi Beds and the Boreal transgression, attributed to the marine isotope stages (MIS) 5e to 5d in the White Sea depression and to MIS 5e to 5c in the Barents Sea. Thermophilic fauna and diatoms indicate normal water salinity and a water temperature above zero. The second marine unit, referred as the Strel'na Beds, can be correlated with the Early Weischselian transgression, termed the Belomorian transgression. With low water salinity and a water temperature similar or colder than the present times, Belomorian transgressions are reliably detected in the White Sea and are not clearly found in the Barents Sea. The results obtained from the sediments of the Ponoi and Strel'na Beds indicate a continuously existing marine reservoir from 130 to 80–70 ka ago (entire MIS 5) in the White Sea depression. The early Middle Weichselian Barents–Kara ice-sheet invasion and its recession might have caused the glacioeustatic Middle Weichselian (MIS 3) transgression, and the third Late Pleistocene marine sequence has been deposited in the regressing shallow cold sea with less saline waters. The results help in the understanding of the history of Late Quaternary ice sheets in North Eurasia and provide evidence for the debatable Early and Middle Weichselian marine events.  相似文献   

The first detailed biostratigraphic analyses of the Coniacian-middle Campanian shallow-marine carbonate successions exposed in the Mitla Pass, west central Sinai, Egypt have revealed the stratigraphic distribution of diverse calcareous nannofossil and planktonic foraminiferal species. Thirty-six calcareous nannofossils and thirty-two planktonic foraminifera are identified, indicating a Coniacian to middle Campanian age and four Tethyan planktonic foraminiferal and five calcareous nannofossil zones. A comparison of these bioevents from different palaeolatitudes shows considerable variation in age.Three sequence boundaries coincident with the Turonian/Coniacian, Coniacian/Santonian and Santonian/Campanian stage boundaries are recognized. A fourth sequence boundary is marked by a major upper Campanian to early Ypresian (early Eocene) unconformity. These sequence boundaries are primarily related to regional tectonism associated with the Syrian Arc Fold System and secondarily to eustatic sea-level fluctuations.  相似文献   

钱塘江北岸晚第四纪沉积与古环境演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
顾明光 《中国地质》2009,36(2):378-386
通过钱塘江北岸第四系钻孔岩心的岩石学、年代学以及孢粉带、有孔虫化石组合的综合分析,认为HQB7孔全新世沉积始于孔深35.7 m处(年代约为10.4 ka B.P.),其下至孔深71.1 m属晚更新世沉积,并将该孔31.2 ka B.P.以来的古环境演变划分为5个发展阶段.系统阐述了各阶段的古植被、古气候与古地理特征,指出第2阶段(20.1~10.4ka B.P.)处于低海面时期,气候凉冷干燥,其早期可能对应于末次盛冰期(LGM);第4阶段(7.5~2.5 ka B.P.)为高海面时期,气候温热潮湿,相当于与全球变化相一致的全新世气候适宜期.本区晚第四纪3万年以来的气候变化特点与中国南方的深圳湾地区有很好的可比性.  相似文献   

依据莱州湾南岸A1钻孔孢粉分析,结合14C、热释光测年、沉积物粒度、岩性等资料,对A1钻孔自下而上划分为7个孢粉组合带,并概括它们的主要特征。利用孢粉组合,探讨了120 ka BP 以来莱州湾南岸咸水入侵区的植被发展以及气候的冷暖、干湿交替变化。在85~76 ka BP、50~24 ka BP和10~4 ka BP出现三次暖湿期,分别对应于“羊口海侵”、“广饶海侵”和“垦利海侵”。在三次暖湿期中发生海陆交互相滨岸沼泽或湖泊相沉积,植被类型为落叶阔叶林或针阔叶混交林滨岸草原。在76~50 ka BP和24~10 ka BP两次冷干期为陆相沉积环境,前者出现以针叶林为主的草原植被类型,后者出现干冷的针叶林干旱草原或荒漠草原植被类型,它们分别对应于早大理亚冰期和晚大理亚冰期。孢粉组合所反映的莱州湾南岸晚更新世以来的环境演化同全球性的气候事件及渤海沿岸环境变化具有很好的可比性。  相似文献   

Based on four shallow drillings in the outer part of the Bjørnøya trough, palaeoenvironments of foraminifera in glacigenic sediments are discussed. Different methods were used; detailed foraminiferal analysis, oxygen and carbon stable isotope analysis and transfer functions. Six different foraminiferal assemblage zones were found. One zone, AA, appears to be pre-Pleistocene in age and contains an abundance of reworked early Tertiary foraminifera. Four of the assemblage zones have a dominant arctic foraminiferal content; however, a marked boreal input is evident, particularly in zone B where B. marginata dominates. We suggest that B. marginata has been resedimented from pre-Eemian 'warm' deposits. Its occurrence in these older warm intervals possibly reflects a lower input of the Norwegian Current into the area and possibly an increase in the relative nutrient content of the water masses. The six zones have also differing numbers of foram./gram sediment. An assemblage zone where a boreal component of foraminifera ( E. nipponica, P. bulloides ) dominates was found, zone C. We define this particular assemblage zone to be of Eemian age (isotope substage 5e). The foraminiferal assemblage composition and the oxygen and carbon isotopes from zone C indicate that oceanographic conditions in the Barents Sea during the Eemian were slightly different from those of the present and that, possibly, Atlantic waters were more prevalent.  相似文献   

曾学鲁 《现代地质》2000,14(3):286-290
大洋钻探工程” 1 2 5航次的 782 A钻孔位于西太平洋菲律宾海东北部 ,井深 4 76.8m。基底为安山岩 ,上覆盖层为中始新统—更新统的沉积层 ,其中保存有低丰度的有孔虫。自下而上可划分出 8个浮游有孔虫带。由于出现 Catapsydrax dissimilis,C.stainforthi为 N5 、N6 带的带化石 ,表明本钻孔存在早中新世的地层。同时由于缺失浮游有孔虫带 P1 5 — P1 6 下部 ,N3上部—N4,N7—N1 1 带的带化石 ,说明在中始新世与晚始新世之间、晚渐新世与早中新世之间、早中新世与中中新世之间存在 3个沉积间断。钻孔中的有孔虫标志本区当时处于温暖亚热带环境。根据不同时期温度的变化 ,可划分出 5个阶段 ,包括 3个偏暖时期和 2个温凉时期。  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea (~393 000 km2) is the largest brackish sea in the world and its hydrographic and environmental conditions are strongly dependent on the frequency of saline water inflows from the North Sea. To improve our understanding of the natural variability of the Baltic Sea ecosystem detailed reconstructions of past saline water inflow changes based on palaeoecological archives are needed. Here we present a high‐resolution study of benthic foraminiferal assemblages accompanied by sediment geochemistry (loss on ignition, total organic carbon) and other microfossil data (ostracods and cladocerans) from a well‐dated 8‐m‐long gravity core taken in the Bornholm Basin. The foraminiferal diversity in the core is low and dominated by species of Elphidium. The benthic foraminiferal faunas in the central Baltic require oxic bottom water conditions and salinities >11–12 PSU. Consequently, shell abundance peaks in the record reflect frequent saline water inflow phases. The first appearance of foraminiferal tests and ostracods in the investigated sediment core is dated to c. 6.9 cal. ka BP and attributed to the first inflows of saline and oxygenated bottom waters into the Bornholm Basin during the Littorina Sea transgression. The transgression terminated the Ancylus Lake phase, reflected in the studied record by abundant cladocerans. High absolute foraminiferal abundances are found within two time intervals: (i) c. 5.5–4.0 cal. ka BP (Holocene Thermal Maximum) and (ii) c. 1.3–0.75 cal. ka BP (Medieval Climate Anomaly). Our data also show three intervals of absent or low saline water inflows: (i) c. 6.5–6.0 cal. ka BP, (ii) c. 3.0–2.3 cal. ka BP and (iii) c. 0.5–0.1 cal. ka BP (Little Ice Age). Our study demonstrates a strong effect of saline and well‐oxygenated water inflows from the Atlantic Ocean on the Baltic Sea ecosystem over millennial time scales, which is linked to the major climate transitions over the last 7 ka.  相似文献   

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