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Recent studies, using OGLE data for LMC Cepheids in the optical, strongly suggest that the period–luminosity (PL) relation for the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) Cepheids shows a break or non-linearity at a period of 10 d. In this paper we apply statistical tests, the chi-squared test and the F -test, to the Cepheid data from the MACHO project to test for a non-linearity of the V - and R -band PL relations at 10 d, and extend these tests to the near-infrared ( JHK -band) PL relations with 2MASS data. We correct the extinction for these data by applying an extinction map towards the LMC. The statistical test we use, the F -test, is able to take account of small numbers of data points and the nature of that data on either side of the period cut at 10 d. With our data, the results we obtained imply that the VRJH -band PL relations are non-linear around a period of 10 d, while the K -band PL relation is (marginally) consistent with a single-line regression. The choice of a period of 10 d, around which this non-linearity occurs, is consistent with the results obtained when this 'break' period is estimated from the data. We show that robust parametric (including least-squares, least absolute deviation, robust regression) and non-parametric regression methods, which restrict the influence of outliers, produce similar results. Long-period Cepheids are supplemented from the literature to increase our sample size. The photometry of these long-period Cepheids is compared with our data and no trend with period is found. Our main results remain unchanged when we supplement our data set with these long-period Cepheids. By examining our data at maximum light, we also suggest arguments as to why errors in reddening are unlikely to be responsible for our results. The non-linearity of the mean V -band PL relation as seen in both of the OGLE and the MACHO data, using different extinction maps, suggests that this non-linearity is real.  相似文献   

The superb phase resolution and quality of the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) data on the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) Cepheids, together with existing data on Galactic Cepheids, are combined to study the period–colour (PC) and amplitude–colour (AC) relations as a function of pulsation phase. Our results confirm earlier work that the LMC PC relation (at mean light) is more consistent with two lines of differing slopes, separated at a period of 10 d. However, our multiphase PC relations reveal much new structure which can potentially increase our understanding of Cepheid variables. These multiphase PC relations provide insight into why the Galactic PC relation is linear but the LMC PC relation is non-linear. This is because the LMC PC relation is shallower for short  (log  P < 1)  and steeper for long  (log  P > 1)  period Cepheids than the corresponding Galactic PC relation. Both of the short- and long-period Cepheids in all three galaxies exhibit the steepest and shallowest slopes at phases around 0.75–0.85, respectively. A consequence is that the PC relation at phase ∼ 0.8 is highly non-linear. Further, the Galactic and LMC Cepheids with  log  P > 1  display a flat slope in the PC plane at phases close to the maximum light. When the LMC period–luminosity (PL) relation is studied as a function of phase, we confirm that it changes with the PC relation. The LMC PL relation in V and I band near the phase of 0.8 provides compelling evidence that this relation is also consistent with two lines of differing slopes joined at a period close to 10 d.  相似文献   

Period–colour (PC) and amplitude–colour (AC) relations at maximum, mean and minimum light are constructed from a large grid of full amplitude hydrodynamic models of Cepheids with a composition appropriate for the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). We compare these theoretical relations with those from observations. The theoretical relations are, in general, in good agreement with their observational counterparts, though there exist some discrepancy for short period  (log [ P ] < 1)  Cepheids. We outline a physical mechanism which can, in principle, be one factor to explain the observed PC/AC relations for the long and short period Cepheids in the Galaxy, Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and SMC. Our explanation relies on the hydrogen ionization front (HIF)–photosphere interaction and the way this interaction changes with pulsation period, pulsation phase and metallicity. Since the PC relation is connected with the period–luminosity (PL) relation, it is postulated that such a mechanism can also explain the observed properties of the PL relation in these three galaxies.  相似文献   

We present a new Cepheid reddening and effective temperature scale based on the uvby photometry published in the first paper of this series. Using all available information about the companion stars in Cepheids with bright blue secondaries, we remove their light from the observed light and colour curves. The resulting corrections are as large as 0.05–0.15 mag in several cases for different colour indices. A new photometric approach based on the ( b  −  y ) versus ( B  − V ) two-colour diagram is tested with three other previous calibrations taken from the literature. Two uvby relations in earlier studies turn out to be the most reliable and consistent, and so they are used in deriving colour excesses. We determine systematically higher reddenings for Cepheids with a significant secondary light correction. The dereddened Stro¨mgren colours are calibrated in terms of T eff and log  g using the most recent synthetic colour grids. Our temperature scale is very close to that of Kraft, which is supported by other recent temperature determinations using the infrared flux method or Geneva photometry. The photometric gravities fit some of the earlier theoretical and observational (mainly spectroscopic) results very well.  相似文献   

Precise effective temperatures ( T eff) are determined for 161 FGK supergiants using method of line-depth ratios. We obtain a set of 131 relations for temperatures of supergiants as a function of line depths. These relations have been calibrated against previously published accurate temperature estimates. The application range of the method is 3600–7800 K (F0I–K5I). The internal error of a single calibration is less than 110 K, while combination of all calibrations reduces uncertainty to only 5–30 K (standard error). The error in the zero-point is estimated to be less than 100–200 K. A significant advantage of the line ratio method is its independence of the interstellar reddening, and only modest sensitivity to abundance, macroturbulence, rotation and other factors.  相似文献   

A value for the zero-point (ρ) of the Cepheid period–luminosity relation, <  M V  >= 2.81 log P  + ρ, is deduced by comparing the value of the Oort constant, A , derived from radial velocities with that derived from Hipparcos proper motions. We find in this way that ρ =−1.47 ± 0.13, in excellent agreement with the value derived from Hipparcos trigonometrical parallaxes, ρ = −1.43 ± 0.10, by Feast &38; Catchpole in a recent paper.  相似文献   

Lissajous diagrams are used to detect phase lags between radial velocity curves associated with different ions. Present in many kind of variable stars, this effect provides an important tool to study the atmosphere dynamics. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have obtained 530 photographic magnitude estimates for the long-period classical Cepheid NSV 9159 (P = 39d) in the plate collections of the Harvard Observatory and the Sternberg Astronomical Institute. Together with the currently available CCD observations from the ASAS-3 catalog, our data have allowed us to construct an O-C diagram spanning a time interval of 119 years. The O-C diagram has the shape of a parabola, which has made it possible to determine for the first time the quadratic light elements and to calculate the rate of evolutionary decrease in the period, 314.4 (±7.3) s yr?1, in agreement with the results of theoretical calculations for the second crossing of the instability strip. The available data reduced by the Eddington-Plakidis method do not reveal any noticeable random fluctuations in the period.  相似文献   

对20颗依巴谷(Hipparcos)卫星所观测的碳星作了近红外JHK测光,由近红外观测结果估算了其在K波段的热改正BCK和视热星等mbpl以及有效温度Te,结合依巴谷卫星所得视差,得到其中一些星的绝对热星等Mbol。  相似文献   

为了方便国内学者对脉动变星进行研究,建立了一个数据库,目前包含了时间长达10 yr左右的巡天项目MAssive Compact Halo Objects(大质量致密银晕天体,MACHO)和Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment(光学引力透镜实验,OGLE)发现的脉动变星,一共容纳了来自银河系核球与大小麦哲伦云中的共近23万颗变星.采用的软件是LAMP,即Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP.数据库的使用通过网页的简单搜索界面实现,搜索参数主要是天体的赤经、赤纬和半径.鉴于本数据库的灵活性,将来很方便加入其他的变星数据.  相似文献   

Stellar mass is an indispensable parameter in the studies of stellar physics and stellar dynamics. On the one hand, the most reliable way to determine the stellar dynamical mass is via orbital determinations of binaries. On the other hand, however, most stellar masses have to be estimated by using the mass luminosity relation (MLR). Therefore, it is important to obtain the empirical MLR through fitting the data of stellar dynamical mass and luminosity. The effect of metallicity can make this relation disperse in the V-band, but studies show that this is mainly limited to the case when the stellar mass is less than 0.6M Recently, many relevant data have been accumulated for main sequence stars with larger masses, which make it possible to significantly improve the corresponding MLR. Using a fitting method which can reasonably assign weights to the observational data including two quantities with different dimensions, we obtain a V-band MLR based on the dynamical masses and luminosities of 203 main sequence stars. In comparison with the previous work, the improved MLR is statistically significant, and the relative error of mass estimation reaches about 5%. Therefore, our MLR is useful not only in the studies of statistical nature, but also in the studies of concrete stellar systems, such as the long-term dynamical study and the short-term positioning study of a specific multiple star system.  相似文献   

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