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F. 《Earth》2005,70(3-4):167-202
Sand-rich submarine fans are radial or curved in plan view depending on the slope of the basin floor. They occur isolated or in coalescing systems. The fans' average lateral extent measures close to 25 km and their thickness usually less than 300 m. The thickness of outer fan sequences averages around 120 m and that of middle fan successions around 160 m. Rarely reported inner fan sequences have a maximum thickness of 80 m.

The formation of sand-rich fans is closely related to tectonic activity. Their sediment is coarse-grained and compositionally immature as indicated by significant feldspar content due to close provenance and rapid transport by short rivers with a steep gradient controlled by tectonism. Tectonic activity also provides for narrow shelves making the fans relatively insensitive to sealevel changes. Formation of sand-rich fans typically occurs in restricted continental basins. The tectonic settings are highly variable. Sand-rich fans typically receive their sediment through submarine canyons which intercept sand from longshore drift and/or are fed more or less directly by regional rivers.

The type of ancient fan system (radial, curved, isolated, coalescing) may be identified through paleocurrent map plots, facies map sketches, recognition of lateral thickness variations and sediment influx centers, as well as lateral bed correlations defining the minimum fan extent.

Important in distinguishing different environments of ancient fans are detailed measured sections, their comparison and correlation. Channelized inner fan and middle fan deposits may be distinguished from the unchannelized outer fan successions through bed correlation tests which reflect their different stratigraphic architectures and bedding patterns. Bedding in outer fan deposits (lobes) is relatively simple, parallel, and regular. The lateral bed continuity is relatively high. Channel fills, especially those of middle fan distributary channels, display a complicated bedding pattern with vertical and lateral random distribution of channel fills, axial erosion, and bed convergence towards the channel margins. Channel fills exhibit only linear bed continuity. Thus, the probability in carrying out local to regional scale lateral bed correlations is almost exclusively limited to outer fan deposits.

The measured sections will help further distinguish fan environments by revealing: (1) different facies associations in outer fan sequences (mainly B, C and D) and middle fan successions (mainly A, B, C, D, and channel margin facies); (2) greater average bed and layer thicknesses in middle fan as opposed to outer fan successions (“bed” and “layer” as used herein); (3) more frequent amalgamation surfaces in channel fills than in unchannelized outer fan deposits; (4) more frequent tabular amalgamation surfaces in outer fan sections; (5) more frequent nontabular amalgamation surfaces in channel fills; and (6) more frequent dish structures in middle fan than outer fan successions.

Rarely exposed fan valley fills may be identified by coarse conglomerates. Moreover, in proximity to fan valley fills, relatively mud-rich sediments may be observed that derive from the depositional system of the basin slope.  相似文献   

The western part of the Argentera–Mercantour massif (French Alps) hosts very large currently active landslides responsible of many disorders and risks to the highly touristic valleys of the Mercantour National Park and skiing resorts. A regional scale mapping of gravitational deformations has been compared to the main geo-structures of the massif. A relative chronology of the events has been established and locally compared to absolute 10Be dating obtained from previous studies. Two types of large slope destabilisations were identified as follows: deep-seated landslides (DSL) that correspond to rock volumes bounded by a failure surface, and deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSD) defined as large sagging zones including gravitation landforms such as trenches and scarps or counterscarps. Gravitational landforms are mainly collinear to major N140°E and N020°E tectonic faults, and the most developed DSGSD are located in areas where the slope direction is comparable to the orientation of faults. DSL are mostly included within DSGSD zones and located at the slopes foot. Most of DSL followed a similar failure evolution process according to postglacial over steepened topographies and resulting from a progressive failure growing from the foot to the top of the DSGSD that lasts over a 10 ky time period. This massif-scale approach shows that large-scale DSGSD had a peak of activity from the end of the last deglaciation, to approximately 7000 years bp. Both morphologic and tectonic controls can be invoked to explain the gravitational behaviour of the massif slopes.  相似文献   

张威  赵贺 《冰川冻土》2022,44(4):1337-1346
冰川槽谷作为典型的冰川侵蚀地貌,研究其形态特征和影响因素有助于更全面地认识冰川发育模式和侵蚀特征。本文以唐古拉山中西段为研究区,运用V指数模型和地理探测器模型,分析探讨了区内冰川槽谷形态发育特征,并对其影响因素进行了研究。结果表明:冰川槽谷横剖面的V指数与幂函数b值在槽谷对称的情况下可以相互替代,且典型冰川槽谷横剖面的V指数介于0.20~0.43之间。研究区保存着“箱形”形态的冰川槽谷,其V指数具有接近于1的特征。区内冰川槽谷横剖面V指数<0.20的占比19%,V指数介于0.20~0.43之间的占比48%,V指数>0.43的占比33%,表明研究区内呈典型“U”形的槽谷数量最多。此外,北坡主要发育典型“U”形的冰川槽谷,占比高达60%,而南坡各种形态的槽谷数量相当。研究区内山谷冰川发育区、过渡区槽谷呈典型“U”形的占比最多,而冰帽发育区槽谷近似“箱形”的占比最多。应用地理探测器对影响冰川槽谷形态特征的因素进行评价,最主要的影响因素有冰川作用区面积因素和冰川作用正差因素,其次是岩性因素,再次是坡度和地形起伏度因素,最后是冰川性质和槽谷朝向因素。冰川作用区面积因素和坡度因素的交互作用对冰川槽谷形态特征的影响最为显著。  相似文献   

The Berriedale Limestone formed at about 80°S paleolatitude and contains many glacial dropstones. It formed during a period of major Gondwana deglaciation.

The Berriedale Limestone contains mostly bryozoans, brachiopods and bivalves, with some intraclasts and rare pellets. The faunal diversity is low and the fauna are similar to the modern cold-water foramol faunal assemblage. Micrite, microspar and spar occur as equant to well developed rhombs of calcite. The coarse spar cements are bored and are ruptured by dropstones, indicating submarine origin of low-Mg calcite at water-temperatures of around 3°C. The mixing zone cementation was preceded by erosion of early formed crystals. The eroded crystals occur as inclusions in mixing zone cements.

The fauna are characterized by heavy δ13C and light δ18O. The whole-rock field of δ18O-δ13C falls at the edge of “Normal Marine Limestone” and deviates to lighter δ18O values (down to −16.7‰ PDB). Lightest δ18O values ( −22‰ PDB) of fresh-water sparry calcite cement are similar to those in the Early Permian continental tillites, suggesting that the Permian sea was diluted by isotopically light melt waters. Micrite δ18O values (−9.2 to −12.6‰ PDB) are within the range of whole-rock values. The δ18O values of calcite in shales are lighter than limestone values.

The δ18O values of the fauna give an unrealistic range of sea-water temperatures because the fauna have equilibrated with variable amounts of melt waters. However, calculated original δ18O values of the fauna indicate temperatures < 4°C. The heaviest δ18O of fauna gives cold temperatures of 9°C (with δw −2.8‰) and −3°C (with δw −6‰). The lightest values of sparry calcite cements (−22‰ PDB) indicate that the limestone reacted with cold melt waters.

The δ18O of Permian sea is estimated to be about +1.2‰ and was diluted by melt waters as light as −27‰ SMOW.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings from a study on gravity-induced slope deformations along the northern slope of Mt. Nuria (Rieti-Italy). The slope extends from the village of Pendenza to the San Vittorino plain and hosts the Peschiera River springs, i.e. the most important springs of the Central Apennines (average discharge: about 18 m3/s).

Detailed geological-geomorphological and geomechanical surveys, supported by a site stress-strain monitoring system and laboratory tests, led us to define the main evolutionary features of the studied phenomena. Based on the collected data, a “geological-evolutionary model” was developed with a view to identifying a spatio-temporal correlation between relief forms, jointing of the rock mass and its stress conditions. The geological-evolutionary model was expected to improve numerical simulations and to test our assumptions.

The numerical model also allowed us to simulate changes in the stress-strain conditions of the rock mass and correlate them with jointing, seepage, as well as with site-detected and site-monitored forms and deformations. In particular, significant relations between seepage, tensile stresses within the rock mass, karst solution and collapse of cavities were identified.  相似文献   

Bedrock surfaces exposed around Llyn Llydaw, North Wales demonstrate contrasting styles of erosion beneath a Late Devensian ice sheet and a Loch Lomond Stadial (LLS) valley glacier. Ice sheet erosion involved lee-side fracturing, surface fracture wear and abrasive wear, while LLS erosion was primarily by abrasive wear. Preservation of ice sheet erosional features indicates limited rates of erosion during the LLS. Analysis of the geometry and distribution of erosional markings suggests that the low erosional capacity of the LLS glacier was due to a low basal sliding velocity. This prevented the formation of lee-side cavities, reduced the debris flux over the bed and minimised particle-bed contact loads. Reconstructions of the mass balance and geometry of the LLS glacier indicate that most of its balance velocity could be achieved by internal deformation alone. A combination of low subglacial water pressures and an unusually rough substrate explain the low sliding velocities. High bed roughness is due to the absence of leeside cavities and a change in flow orientation between ice sheet and LLS times, which meant that the LLS glacier was in contact with roughness elements which were generated in cavities beneath the ice sheet.  相似文献   

The design of a drainage system for a roofing slate quarry was implemented by the enhancement of discharge peak estimation, and the uncertainty inevitably associated with the engineering model was reduced.

The development of a topographical, geological, and vegetation cover database developed from a Geographical Information System (GIS) allowed for the definition of the drainage network for a hydraulic system, along with the calculation of the runoff coefficient. This is applied to the digital model of accumulated flow (DMF) as a weight correction coefficient, using a matrix-based model at 5×5 m resolution. The new digital model of corrected accumulated flow (DMCF) is the result of combining the thematic maps with the map of slope <3%, which was previously created from the slope model. It is demonstrated that this new model allows to apply the “Rational Method” on cartographic units defined by the GIS.

The DMCF is compared with other traditional applications of the Rational Method based on the calculation of the discharge peak considering: (1) the drainage basin as a single watershed or (2) defining an average runoff coefficient in each sub-watershed. Both approaches have bigger discharge peaks than those obtained by the DMCF since the slope, lithology, and vegetation cover have average values, and the runoff coefficient is poorly defined, increasing the uncertainty in the discharge peak.  相似文献   

冰川槽谷作为冰川作用区分布最典型的冰川地貌之一,对其形态特征及影响因素的研究,有助于揭示冰川发育的动力学过程.基于V指数模型及MATLAB半自动提取方法,分析并探讨了他念他翁山中段冰川槽谷形态发育特征及造成槽谷形态差异的影响因素.结果表明:研究区共发育206条冰川槽谷,大多为"U"形或偏"U"形,长4.5~26 km之...  相似文献   

The migmatites from Punta Sirenella (NE Sardinia) are layered rocks containing 3–5 vol.% of centimeter-sized stromatic leucosomes which are mainly trondhjemitic and only rarely granitic in composition. They underwent three deformation phases, from D1 to D3. The D1 deformation shows a top to the NW shear component followed by a top to the NE/SE component along the XZ plane of the S2 schistosity. Migmatization started early, during the compressional and crustal thickening stage of Variscan orogeny and was still in progress during the following extensional stage of unroofing and exhumation.

The trondhjemitic leucosomes, mainly consisting of quartz, plagioclase, biotite ± garnet ± kyanite ± fibrolite, retrograde muscovite and rare K-feldspar, are locally bordered by millimeter-sized biotite-rich melanosomes. The rare granitic leucosomes differ from trondhjemitic ones only in the increase in modal content of K-feldspar, up to 25%. Partial melting started in the kyanite field at about 700–720 °C and 0.8–0.9 GPa, and was followed by re-equilibration at 650–670 °C and 0.4–0.6 GPa, producing fibrolite–biotite intergrowth and coarse-grained muscovite.

The leucosomes have higher SiO2, CaO, Na2O, Sr and lower Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, TiO2, K2O, P2O5, Rb, Ba, Cr, V, Zr, Nb, Zn and REE content with respect to proximal hosts and pelitic metagreywackes. Sporadic anomalous high content of calcium and ferromagnesian elements in some leucosomes is due to entrainment of significant amounts of restitic plagioclase, biotite and accessory phases. The rare granitic leucosomes reveal peritectic K-feldspar produced by muscovite-dehydration melting. Most leucosomes show low REE content, moderately fractionated REE patterns and marked positive Eu anomaly. Proximal hosts and pelitic metagraywackes are characterized by higher REE content, more fractionated REE patterns and slightly negative Eu anomaly.

The trondhjemitic leucosomes were generated by H2O-fluxed melting at 700 °C of a greywacke to pelitic–greywacke metasedimentary source-rock. The disequilibrium melting process is the most reliable melting model for Punta Sirenella leucosomes.  相似文献   

The Anarak, Jandaq and Posht-e-Badam metamorphic complexes occupy the NW part of the Central-East Iranian Microcontinent and are juxtaposed with the Great Kavir block and Sanandaj-Sirjan zone. Our recent findings redefine the origin of these complexes, so far attributed to the Precambrian–Early Paleozoic orogenic episodes, and now directly related to the tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. This tectonic evolution was initiated by Late Ordovician–Early Devonian rifting events and terminated in the Triassic by the Eocimmerian collision event due to the docking of the Cimmerian blocks with the Asiatic Turan block.

The “Variscan accretionary complex” is a new name we proposed for the most widely distributed metamorphic rocks connected to the Anarak and Jandaq complexes. This accretionary complex exposed from SW of Jandaq to the Anarak and Kabudan areas is a thick and fine grain siliciclastic sequence accompanied by marginal-sea ophiolitic remnants, including gabbro-basalts with a supra-subduction-geochemical signature. New 40Ar/39Ar ages are obtained as 333–320 Ma for the metamorphism of this sequence under greenschist to amphibolite facies. Moreover, the limy intercalations in the volcano-sedimentary part of this complex in Godar-e-Siah yielded Upper Devonian–Tournaisian conodonts. The northeastern part of this complex in the Jandaq area was intruded by 215 ± 15 Ma arc to collisional granite and pegmatites dated by ID-TIMS and its metamorphic rocks are characterized by some 40Ar/39Ar radiometric ages of 163–156 Ma.

The “Variscan” accretionary complex was northwardly accreted to the Airekan granitic terrane dated at 549 ± 15 Ma. Later, from the Late Carboniferous to Triassic, huge amounts of oceanic material were accreted to its southern side and penetrated by several seamounts such as the Anarak and Kabudan. This new period of accretion is supported by the 280–230 Ma 40Ar/39Ar ages for the Anarak mild high-pressure metamorphic rocks and a 262 Ma U–Pb age for the trondhjemite–rhyolite association of that area. The Triassic Bayazeh flysch filled the foreland basin during the final closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean and was partly deposited and/or thrusted onto the Cimmerian Yazd block.

The Paleo-Tethys magmatic arc products have been well-preserved in the Late Devonian–Carboniferous Godar-e-Siah intra-arc deposits and the Triassic Nakhlak fore-arc succession. On the passive margin of the Cimmerian block, in the Yazd region, the nearly continuous Upper Paleozoic platform-type deposition was totally interrupted during the Middle to Late Triassic. Local erosion, down to Lower Paleozoic levels, may be related to flexural bulge erosion. The platform was finally unconformably covered by Liassic continental molassic deposits of the Shemshak.

One of the extensional periods related to Neo-Tethyan back-arc rifting in Late Cretaceous time finally separated parts of the Eocimmerian collisional domain from the Eurasian Turan domain. The opening and closing of this new ocean, characterized by the Nain and Sabzevar ophiolitic mélanges, finally transported the Anarak–Jandaq composite terrane to Central Iran, accompanied by large scale rotation of the Central-East Iranian Microcontinent (CEIM). Due to many similarities between the Posht-e-Badam metamorphic complex and the Anarak–Jandaq composite terrane, the former could be part of the latter, if it was transported further south during Tertiary time.  相似文献   

Differential shear stresses acting along or adjacent to a non-planar fault surface or shear zone may cause uneven acceleration during slip. Alternatively, at the initiating and closing stages of motion of parts of a stick-slip fault, localised shear stresses may be variable. Stress variation of this nature causes zones of relative compression and tension, especially close to the “stick” zones on the fault. In fissile rocks adjacent to the fault, kink bands form in zones of local relative compression, while stratal extension features such as veins, fractures and extensional crenulations might be expected in the corresponding zones of relative tension. Repetitive motion on the fault should therefore cause the development of a suite of kink bands superimposed on each other and on any complementary extensional structures. Field evidence indicates that the extensional structures are not developed to the same extent as the kinks, perhaps due to ductile flow during layer-parallel extension of phyllosilicate rocks.

The advantages of this model are that it does not require bulk shortening of the shear zone relative to the enclosing less strained rocks, nor does it depend on complex stress orientation changes.  相似文献   

This paper describes the application and characteristics of a new net for crack statistics. The net, here called transmission net or “u-net” (“Übertragungsnetz”, “Ü-Netz”) is used in combination with a transmission table or “u-table” (“Übertragungstabelle”, “Ü-Tabelle”). Its purpose is to obtain a sphere of crack locations from a series of cracks, having been measured according to strike and inclination.

The “u-net” is composed of a grid subdivided into degrees or degree-grid (“Gradnetz”) and an equal-area-grid (“flächengleiches Netz”). Having replaced the direction σ of strike by its normal δ, the cracks are registered into the meshes of the degree-grid and are there counted. Then they are transmitted into the equal-area-grid according to the percent values of the u-table. From the pattern of frequency numbers (“Häufigkeitszahlen”) in the equal-area-grid the sphere of crack locations is obtained.

Particular specifications regulate the procedure for special measure values, i.e., those of the integral multiples of 5°, especially the angles of inclination τ = 0° and τ = 90° (see 1.4). With greater inaccuracies in measurements, one changes, by means of a given table (see Table V), to a degree-grid of 10°. With very small inaccuracies, on the other hand, the procedure may be simplified, the degree-grid becoming unnecessary (see 1.5). The meshes near the centre, being too long, may be avoided by an additional circle (“Zusatzkreis”—see 1.3).

The “u-net” was constructed in such a way that the spheres of crack locations report the real frequency distribution at all times, free from systematic errors. This is achieved by the method that all calculations follow the principle of area equality or area proportionality on the hemisphere (see 2.1). The procedure using the “u-net” can be adapted to differential accuracies of measuring. It is especially suitable for large numbers of cracks; it is simple in calculation and may easily be programmed for digital computers. Thus the “u-net” is advantageous for all applications in which a large number of cracks has to be dealt with. Such applications are very frequent in rock mechanics, in engineering geology for the purpose of foundation of large hydraulic buildings (dams, caverns), in petrography, tectonics and in geophysical investigations such as the determination of crack structures with a view to explaining micromagnetic occurrences, for instance. Furthermore, the “u-net” is applicable not only to crack statistics but also to other similar statistical methods, e.g., to the statistics of cristal axes or to geographic frequency analyses.  相似文献   

Between March 1977 and August 1979 contract No.4 of the Stadtbahnbau (Metro-construction) in Duisburg was executed, making successful use of gap freezing.

The gap freezing was necessary because the Metro-tunnel is crossed by a groundwater stream (flow velocity up to 15 m/d) and it had to be assured that open cut construction of the tunnel was possible and that the original situation could be reinstated as far as possible after completion.

The Duisburg building ground also made a special construction method necessary. Ground strata: from surface to 2–4 m, civilisation deposits; from ˜ 4 m to ≈ 25–28 m below surface, glacial sand and gravel deposits, containing stones with a diameter > 20 cm and even boulders of 1 m3 and more; from approximately 28 m below surface, layers of Tertiary clay and silt; the groundwater table is ˜ 8 m below the surface, the stream flowing within the sand and gravel deposits from SE to NW (towards the Rhine).

Installing a groundwater barrier, for instance by erecting a continuous diaphragm wall enclosure, was already ruled out in early design stages as was the use of driven steelpiles.

At the inception of the design in 1974, it was decided first to carry out a measuring scheme to establish the groundwater flow velocity. This was followed by a large scale (1:1) trial freezing to ascertain the feasibility of the gap-freezing method.

When these experiments were scientifically valued it was established, that the risk involved was acceptable. The contract documents were prepared prescribing a combination of “cover and cut” with gap-freezing, which is tentatively called the “Duisburg method of Metro-construction”.

During the construction a large scale measuring and scientific research programme was carried out.  相似文献   

The western side of the Paranà Basin of Brazil extends to central Paraguay, where repeated and widespread magmatic activity developed from Lower Cretaceous to Oligocene, associated with late Mesozoic crustal extension trending NE-SW. In central Paraguay this trend is characterized by a zone of NW-SE normal faults which formed the Asunciòn-Sapucai graben, up to 45 km wide and 200 km long, where alkaline rocks occur as volcanic domes, complexes, lava-flows and dykes. These rocks, 128 Ma aged, are dominantly potassic and ne-normative.

A swarm of at least 200, mainley NW-SE trending, dykes occurs in the Sapucai region and seems to be formed by two main lineages: tephrite to phonolite (and peralkaline phonolite) and alkali basalt to trachyphonolite. They are characterized by ubiquitous diopside to ferrosalite, consistently yielding Al enrichment trends; common olivine, Fo81-69 in tephrites and alkaline basalts, and up to Fo65 in phonolites; zoned megacrysts of hastingsitic hornblende (core) to kaersutite (rim), associated with accessory groundmass pargasite in tephrites and phonotephrites; K-rich hastingsite and K-rich ferroan pargasite in the phonolites. Accessory groundmass mica falls in the annite-phlogopite range, and consistently yields insufficient (Si + Al) to satisfy the expected T site occupancy of 8.00 a.f.u. Fe---Ti oxides are Ti-magnetite, rarely ilmenite or haematite. Phenocrystal, i.e. xenocrystal plagioclase is An70-20, and An74-42 in the tephrites and phonolites, respectively; coexisting groundmass microlites are An22-14, associated with sodasanidine and sanidine. Feldspathoids include analcimized leucite and nepheline; accessories Ti-andradite and sphene.

The two main lineages, recognized by distinctive mineralogical variations, are consistent with the petrochemical variations. Complex interaction of discrete and independently evolving magma batches are indicated by intra- and/or interphase chemical variations, suggesting multiple equilibrations of the crystallizing phases under shallow level, volcanic pressure regime. The observed geochemical trends are quite similar to those of “Roman Region type magma” with the same negative anomalies of Ta, Nb, Zr and Ti. The most likely mantle source is a garnet-peridotite characterized by different enrichment in incompatible elements and which suffered low degree of partial melting (3–7%), which has geochemical and isotopic features distinct from those of the adjoining tholeiitic basalts (130 Ma) and nephelinites (61-39 Ma).

The similarities of the Sapucai dyke suite with Barton's “Roman Region type magma” supports the view that this magma type may not be formed as a result of orogenic and/or subduction-driven activity in this region. Therefore, a causal relationship of the latter activity with “Roman Region type magma” is not supported and remains questionable.  相似文献   

嘎拉山大型伸展滑脱构造发育在大兴安岭北段东坡,带内发育倾向SE的剪切面理,普遍发育层间揉皱、眼球状构造、低角度正断层、鞘褶皱和窗棂构造以及云母鱼、旋转残斑、石英条带等各种韧性变形显微组构,变形温度为300~400 ℃。各种宏观和微观不对称褶皱和线理等指向标志显示嘎拉山伸展构造为一指向SE的伸展滑脱构造。通过对剪切变形带中的花岗质片麻岩和大理岩的白云母40Ar/39Ar同位素测年获得144~147 Ma的坪年龄,该年龄代表了伸展剪切变形的形成时间。结合区域上变质核杂岩的研究,认为嘎拉山伸展构造的形成机制很可能与鄂霍茨克造山运动使地壳加厚崩塌,导致大兴安岭地区发生区域性伸展有关。  相似文献   

Lateral stresses existing in soil deposits are important clues to recent stress history because they tend to remain “locked in” following adjustments in the overburden load: Thus a high lateral stress is partly retained following a reduction in vertical stress, as by glacial melting or erosion. Conversely, during loess deposition a low lateral stress should be retained if the soil structure is preserved under increasing vertical stress. This has not previously been verified in the field because of the difficulty of measuring lateral stresses in situ in an hydrocollapsible material.

Tests were conducted at two sites in Missouri river valley loess using theKo Stepped Blade, which uses data extrapolation to give stress on a zero thickness blade. In basal loess where the moisture content was at or above the liquid limit,Ko = 1.0 ± 0.02. In the upper to middle loess zoneKo is as low as 0.2 to 0.4, lower than the values of 0.4 to 0.5 that would be expected if the soil were normally consolidated. Near the ground surface, lateral stresses are higher soKo > 1, attributed to post-depositional weathering and the presence of smectite clay minerals. The vertical sequence of lateral stress from high to low to high again should contribute a tension-induced cleavage if lateral confinement is removed by excavation or erosion. This stress condition is most pronounced in loess close to its source, where the potential tension zone was found to extend to a depth of about 7 m compared to 4 m at the other site. Loess cleavage appears to result from stress relief and is not a unique directional property of this material.  相似文献   

Lithosphere created in an interarc basin is expected to be characterized by features distinguishing it from “normal” oceanic lithosphere. Apart from island-arc geochemical affinities and from the occurrence of hydrous high-T parageneses in the mantle and deep crustal sequences, it is expected that due to a low rate of spreading, vertical transport prevails over lateral drifting.

The Canyon Mountain complex located in an island-arc environment of Permo-Triassic age offers a remarkable illustration of these expected geological characteristics. In particular, mantle diapirism is deduced from the structural study. Smaller diapirs are formed in crustal formations. The intrusions took place at variable temperatures (1300°–800°C) and were accompanied by multistage melting in hydrous conditions.  相似文献   

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