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The quantum field model is used to study the correlation functions of velocity and magnetic fluctuations in helical developed MHD turbulence of solar wind which is generated by random forces with mixed noise correlators. The exponential increase of the magnetic fluctuations is stabilized by spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism, which leads to the creation of homogeneous magnetic field 〈E〉, and consequently, gives rise to the α-effect. The maximum value of the α-effect is determined in the Kolmogorov universal regime and its contribution to the proton acceleration is estimated. The contribution of the α-effect to ∼100 MeV proton acceleration is discussed and compared with the 2nd Fermi acceleration mechanism. This article was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

The structure of the region of interaction between the solar wind and the interstellar medium in the two-shocks model (TSM), first suggested by Baranovet al. (1970), is numerically calculated.For this problem our model is true only for charged particles of the interstellar medium interacting with the solar wind, since the free paths of neutral particles are very long and any hydrodynamical approximation would be incorrect.The shapes of the outer and inner shocks, the shape of the contact surface and the distribution of the parameters inside the interaction region are calculated, and are universal and correct for other astrophysical applications such as interstellar bubbles (Weaveret al., 1977), the stellar wind flow around a globule (Dyson, 1975), the interaction of stellar winds in binaries (Prilutzky and Usov, 1976), and so on.The problem of the effect of the charge exchange of H atoms with interstellar gas protons decelerated by an outer shock on H atoms penetrating the solar system is considered using the calculated results (Wallis, 1975). This effect is shown to influence essentially the estimate of H-atom concentration in the interstellar medium based on theL -scattering data.  相似文献   

Bursts of energetic electrons (from >40keV up to 2MeV) as distinct from the magnetopause electron layer observed by Domingo et al. (1977) have been observed in the magnetosheath and in the solar wind by HEOS-2 at high-latitudes. Although these electrons are occasionally found close to the bow shock and simultaneously with low frequency (magnetosonic) upstream waves our observations strongly indicate that these electrons are of exterior cusp origin. Indeed, the flux intensity is highest in the exterior cusp region and decreases as the spacecraft moves away from it both tailward or upward. The energy spectrum becomes harder with increasing radial distance from the exterior cusp. The measured anisotropy indicates that the particles are propagating away from the exterior cusp. The magnetic field points to the exterior cusp region when these electrons are observed, being, for solar wind observations, centred at longitude 0° or 180° rather than along the spiral and in the magnetosheath, being usually different from the 90° or 270° orientation typical of that region. We exclude, therefore, that acceleration in the bow shock is the source of these particles because B is not tangent to the shock when bursts are observed. We have also found a one to one correlation between geomagnetic storms' recovery phases and intense, continuous observations of >40 keV electrons in the magnetosheath, while, on the other hand, during geomagnetically quiet (Dst) periods bursts are observed only if AE is much larger than average.  相似文献   

Vector magnetogram, H, and hard X-ray observations of flares are reviewed which show that nonthermal electron signatures in H are never cospatial with regions of maximum current density for the small number of flares analyzed, but lie to the sides of these regions. By considering electron acceleration and transport requirements, four conditions are found that must be fulfilled to observe nonthermal electron signatures in H: (1) The plasma beta 0.3 in the acceleration region. (2) The energy flux of electrons above 20 keV is greater than 1010 erg cm–2 s–1. (3) The column densityN 1020 cm–2 between the electron source and the chromosphere. (4) The coronal pressure in the flux tube connecting to the H layerp 100 dyne cm–2. Condition 2 can be most easily met in the initial stages of flares. In contrast, the only condition for a high-pressure H signature isp 1000 dyne cm–2, which is most easily met in a region of maximum current density or heating and far enough into the flare for significant heating to have occurred. Thus, high-pressure signatures should be expected to occur more frequently than nonthermal electron signatures and to occur generally later in time.Also Guest Worker at NOAA Space Environment Laboratory Boulder Colorado U.S.A.  相似文献   

The investigation of the solar wind and geomagnetic activity parameters' effect on variations of the orbital motion periods of artificial satellites has been continued. The periods of orbital motion of uncontrolled satellites from the database of the Ukrainian network of optical stations (UNOS) for 2012–2014 was used. The data have been compared with the values of geomagnetic planetary index K and the energy spectra of protons and electrons obtained by the GEOS satellites in events during which the orbital periods have changed. It is shown that, in the energy spectra of the proton and electron fluxes, there is no effect of softening the spectrum with time at the time of the flare appearance. This indicates the possibility of particle accumulation above the active region (AR), which entails further continuous energy emission of the solar flare from AR. Dependences have been obtained between the geomagnetic activity and the solar wind speed at a given interplanetary magnetic field strength during the periods under study for the changes in the orbital motion periods of satellites. The corresponding correlation coefficients are 0.93–0.96.  相似文献   

Eselevich  V.G.  Fainshtein  V.G.  Eselevich  M.V. 《Solar physics》2001,200(1-2):259-281
A technique is proposed for separating the rays of the streamer belt with quasi-stationary and non-stationary solar wind (SW) flows. It is shown that the lifetime of rays with a quasi-stationary SW can exceed 20 days. A new method has been developed for measuring the relative density distribution of a quasi-stationary slow SW flowing along the streamer belt's ray of increased brightness, based on the LASCO/SOHO data. It is shown that the density n for such SW flows varies with the radius R according to the relationship nR , where =13.3–3.9 within 4 R 0 R 6 R 0 (here R 0 is the solar radius), and decreases gradually further away. It is also shown that the V(R)-profiles in some rays of the streamer belt differ little from each other, although the value of the mass flow density, j E, at the Earth's orbit in them can vary more than by a factor of 4. This distinguishes in a crucial respect a slow SW in the streamer belt's rays from a fast SW originating in coronal holes, for which j Econstant and the dependences V(R) in different fast flows can differ greatly.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we have investigated nonlinear interaction of three dimensional kinetic Alfvén wave with perpendicularly propagating magnetosonic wave for intermediate β-plasma (m e /m i ?β?1). We have developed the set of dimensionless equations in the presence of ponderomotive nonlinearity due to three dimensional kinetic Alfvén wave in the dynamics of perpendicularly propagating magnetosonic wave. Numerical simulation has been carried out to study the effect of nonlinear coupling of three dimensional kinetic Alfvén wave with perpendicularly propagating magnetosonic wave on power spectrum for the plasma parameters applicable to solar wind around 1 AU. Relevance of the obtained results is pointed out with observation received by Cluster spacecraft for the solar wind around 1 AU.  相似文献   

We propose a simple method that allows the density fields of solar wind protons and heavy ions of cometary origin (“loaded” ions) in the solar wind-cometary ionosphere interaction region to be separated from the general density field calculated within the framework of a single-fluid model. The method is based on the assumption that the velocities of both components are identical. We analyze the density fields in the solar wind obtained in this way before and after the passage of the bow shock ahead of the cometary ionosphere and make a comparison with the distributions measured with various instruments onboard the Giotto spacecraft when it flew past Comet Halley and calculated on the basis of more complex multi-fluid models.  相似文献   

Hourly interplanetary plasma data measured by Helios-1 satellite over the period 10 December 1974–31 December 1977 are analysed. This analysis showed that the slow solar wind first increases its speed with heliocentric distance and then becomes more or less constant; the mean speed in the range 0.3 to 1.0 AU is 350 km s–1 for the slow solar plasma, while for the fast the mean value is between 650 and 700 km s–1.It seems, particularly in the neighbourhood of the earth, that except for the two dominated types of solar wind (fast and slow) an additional (intermediate) appears at 450 km s–1.During the phase of enhanced solar activity (11-yr solar cycle) the slow solar wind only is present, while at solar minimum all three types of the solar wind are equally represented.The dependence of the proton temperature on the solar wind speed, in the general solar wind, is the same irrespectively of the phase of solar activity. But, the same dependence is stronger during the compression at the leading edge than during the expansion at the trailing edge of a solar wind stream.  相似文献   

A possible mechanism for the generation of a reverse fast shock in the magnetosheath in the solar wind flow around the Earth’s magnetosphere is considered. It is shown that such a shock can emerge through the breaking of a nonlinear fast magnetosonic compression wave reflected from the magnetopause toward the bow shock rear. In this case, the magnetopause is represented as a tangential discontinuity with a zero normal magnetic field component at it and the mechanism under consideration is assumed to be secondary with respect to the sudden disturbance of the bow shock-Earth’s magnetosphere system by a nonstationary solar wind shock. A possible confirmation of the process under study by in-situ SC3 experimental observations of the bow shock front motion on the Cluster spacecraft is pointed out.  相似文献   

Köhnlein  W. 《Solar physics》1996,169(1):209-213
The radial dependencies of four solar wind parameters (plasma density N, velocity V, temperature T, and magnitude of the interplanetary magnetic field B) are derived from remote sensing data of the solar corona and from in situ measurements in the heliosphere (Helios-1, 2, Pioneer-10, 11, and Voyager-1, 2). Using doubly logarithmic scaling (solar wind parameter vs radial distance from the Sun) one finds two distinct intervals in the ecliptic, i.e., an exponential section within, approximately, the inner heliosphere and a linear section - up to at least 61 AU - in the outer heliosphere.  相似文献   

Low frequency or Alfvén waves in streaming plasmas can become unstable when the square of the Alfvén velocity is smaller than the mean square of the bulk motion in a co-moving reference frame, (u u )2, whereu stands for the bulk velocity of each species and u is the average bulk velocity of the plasma as a whole. For these new Alfvén instabilities the streaming effects can be enhanced by a suitable pressure anisotropy. Perpendicular pressure effects are stabilizing, parallel pressure effects are destabilizing, as in the usual firehose instability. The observed velocity differences between helium and the main (hydrogen) flow in the solar wind plasma are such that the Alfvén waves are getting close to marginal instability. These new Alfvén instabilities limit the velocity differences between helium and hydrogen and thus provide a possible mechanism for accelerating the helium particles up to the order of the main flow velocity.  相似文献   

E. L. Chupp 《Solar physics》1983,86(1-2):383-393
The recent gamma ray and neutron observations made by the SMM Gamma Ray Spectrometer are reviewed. The implication these observations hold for understanding particle acceleration in solar flares are discussed. The data require that both electrons and ions must be accelerated together to relativistic energies and interact with matter in a time scale of seconds.  相似文献   

Correlation analysis of the mean longitude distribution of sunspot groups (taken from the Greenwich Photoheliographic Results) and high-speed solar wind streams (inferred from the C9 index for geomagnetic disturbances) with the Bartels rotation period P = 27.0 days shows anti-correlation for individual cycles.In particular, the longitudes of post-maximum stable streams of cycle 18 and 19 are well anticorrelated with the preferred longitudes of sunspot groups during the maximum activity periods of these cycles. This is further analyzed using the daily Zürich sunspot number, R, between 1932 and 1980, which reveals a conspicuous similarity of cycle 18 and 19 as well as cycle 20 and 21.We conclude that there is a solar memory for preferred longitudes of activity extending at least over one, probably two cycles (i.e. one magnetic cycle of 22 years). We conjecture that this memory extends over longer intervals of time as a long-term feature of solar activity.  相似文献   

Motivated by the recent interest in phantom fields as candidates for the dark energy component, we investigate the consequences of the phantom field when is minimally coupled to gravity. In particular, the necessary (but insufficient) conditions for the acceleration and superacceleration of the universe are obtained when the non-minimal coupling term is taken into account. Furthermore, the necessary condition for the cosmic acceleration is derived when the phantom field is non-minimally coupled to gravity and baryonic matter is included.  相似文献   

This paper presents the generation of kinetic Alfv én wave(KAW) coherent structures of magnetic filaments applicable to solar wind at 1 AU, when the background plasma density is modified by parallel ponderomotive force and Joule heating. The inhomogeneity in the magnetic field, which was included as a perturbation in the transverse direction of the magnetic field, takes energy from the main pump KAWs and generates the filamentary structures. When the intensity is high enough, the filaments are broken down and the energy initially confined to low wavenumbers is redistributed to higher wavenumbers, leading to cascades of energy at small scales less than the ion acoustic gyroradius or comparable to electron gyroradius.The magnetic field spectral profile is generated from the numerical simulation results, and its dependence on different directions of the wavevector and initial conditions of the simulation representing the transverse magnetic field inhomogeneity is studied. The relevance of these results with other spacecraft observations and measurements is also pointed out.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes variations of flux of relativistic and subrelativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt of the Earth caused by the arrival of recurrent high-speed streams of solar wind during three consecutive solar rotations. The period from April to July 2010 is covered. During this time, an increase in fluxes of relativistic electrons was observed after they had reached a minimum in November 2009–January 2010. Two coronal holes of different polarity, geometry, and location relative to the solar equator were the source of high-speed solar wind streams. The relationship between the efficiency of acceleration of electrons of subrelativistic energies and the amplitude, duration of high-speed streams of solar wind and geomagnetic disturbances, as well as the wave activity in the range of 2–7 mHz, characterized by the ULF index, is confirmed. Significant increases of the flux of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt of the Earth were observed during the considered period with an hourly average speed of solar wind streams above 550 km/s and a duration of more than seven days. It is found that the spectrum of electrons in the Earth’s outer radiation belt over the considered period of time was softer during the observation of solar wind streams from the positive polarity coronal hole, even given the amplitude of the solar wind velocity higher than 550 km/s.  相似文献   

The paper contains a numerical simulation of the nonlinear coupling between the kinetic Alfvén wave and the ion acoustic wave for an intermediate β-plasma (m e/m i?β?1). For this study, we have introduced the nonlinear ponderomotive force (due to the finite frequency (ω 0<ω ci) kinetic Alfvén wave) in the derivation of the ion acoustic wave. The main aim of the present paper is to study the nonlinear effects associated with the different driving finite frequencies (ω 0<ω ci) of the pump kinetic Alfvén wave on the formation of localized structures and a turbulent spectrum applicable to the solar wind around 1 AU. As a result, we found that the different driving frequencies of the pump kinetic Alfvén wave affect the formation of the localized structures. We have also studied the turbulent scaling which follows (~k ?3.6) for ω 0/ω ci≈0.2, (~k ?3.4) for ω 0/ω ci≈0.3 and (~k ?3.2) for ω 0/ω ci≈0.4, at small scales. Further, we have also found that different finite driving frequencies of the pump kinetic Alfvén wave affect the turbulence scaling at small scales, which may affect the heating of the plasma particles in solar wind. The present study is correlated with the observation made by the Cluster spacecraft for the solar wind around 1 AU.  相似文献   

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