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Five commercially available in Estonia brands of bottled water have been analysed for 59 chemical elements by ICP-QMS and ICP-AES techniques to assess the quality of domestic mineral waters in scope of the European Groundwater Geochemistry Project initiated by the Geochemistry Expert Group of EuroGeoSurveys. Contents of 9 cations and anions, pH and electrical conductivity (EC) were measured in the bottled mineral waters by IC, titration and photometric methods. The data showed a significant difference between natural undiluted mineral water (Värska Originaal) characterised by the highest values of pH, EC and majority of trace elements studied, and other domestic waters sold in Estonia.  相似文献   

Thermal and mineral waters in north-eastern Slovenia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 The Mura basin in north-eastern Slovenia is made up of two depressions, developed during the Late Neogene and Early Pliocene all within a widespread system of Pannonian basins. Both depressions are characterized by the occurrence of thermal waters of somewhat different hydrogeochemical character. Radgona depression is in the northern part of the basin and reaches depths of about 2 km. Thermal waters are generally dominated by sodium-bicarbonate, not related to the age of an aquifer, its wallrock composition, the type of porosity or total concentration of dissolved solids. Locally, sulphate-rich waters are encountered, and they are related to the presence of gypsum in the rocks of pre-Tertiary basement. The adjacent Ljutomer depression is over 4 km deep and comprises compartments with stagnant or semi-stagnant aquifers. Herein saline waters predominate, even in the aquifers of carbonate composition and abundant CO2 gas. In shallower, unconsolidated, intergranular aquifers sodium-bicarbonate waters predominate. Thermal aquifers of this type are very important to the economy of the region, but they are also subjected to overexploitation which is reflected in time-dependent changes of dynamic pressures, temperature, conductance, salinity, pH and concentration of major ions, trace elements, dissolved gasses, and total organic carbon. Mineral waters occur in shallow aquifers or springs in marginal areas of the Radgona depression. Bicarbonate waters are dominated by calcium, or both calcium and sodium. Some mineral waters are formed mainly by penetration of CO2 gas into shallow aquifers and consequent water–rock interaction. Composition of some mineral waters indicate their possible evolution from thermal waters which have risen from central parts of the Radgona depression along deep-seated faults, and have been modified by cooling and mixing processes. Received: 30 November 1998 · Accepted: 22 March 1999  相似文献   

The use of bottled mineral waters use is increasingly becoming popular and the need for better knowledge of their chemical composition is a key issue for defining their quality, particularly for those elements that are not monitored on a regular basis. The link between geology and water chemistry is well known and can lead to extreme differences in element distribution and is an issue that needs to be addressed. Such an opportunity has been provided by a project of the EuroGeoSurvey Geochemistry Expert Group aimed at the characterization of groundwater geochemistry using bottled mineral waters purchased in supermarkets all over Europe. On these waters pH, conductivity and concentrations of 69 elements and ions were measured at the BGR geochemical laboratories. On a total of 1785 “samples”, 158 represent waters bottled in Italy in 126 different sites scattered throughout the country. Most of the purchased mineral water is packaged in PET bottles. In this paper, the dataset concerning Italy has been used to provide an overview on the relationship between natural concentration of the determined chemical elements in groundwater and geo-lithological features. These relationships have been investigated mostly taking into account the surface geology and other information available on water sources. Application of R-Mode factor analysis to the data set allowed the determination of the possible relationship between the distribution of individual elements and lithology or other surface enrichment phenomena. In particular waters draining through volcanic rocks are enriched in elements such as As, B, Br, Cl, Cs, I, K, Li, Na, NO3, PO43−, Rb, Sc, SiO2, Sr, Te, Ti, and V up to 3 orders of magnitude higher than waters draining through other lithologies. REE and Y show significant difference in median concentration due to interaction of waters with plutonic rocks. Many elements have a large spread of concentrations, which reflects natural variations and interaction with particular lithologies. One of the five R-mode factor analysis associations, recognized as being representative of elements analysed shows high nitrate and V loadings along with As, PO43− and Se. The latter association probably reflects a sign of anthropogenic contribution in some aquifers in volcano-sedimentary or silico-clastic deposits and in intensively cultivated areas.  相似文献   

 The Russian Federation has many aquifers and these possess a wide range of chemical compositions. In Russia about 300 mineral water sources have been developed as spas and health resorts. More than 150 of them produce bottled mineral water. A brief historical revue is given. The study of mineral waters in Russia began as far back as the reign of Peter the Great (1682–1725). It has been prolonged by works of many Russian scientists. The details of the chemical composition of the different types of Russian mineral waters and some geological aquifer peculiarities are described. The most widely used classification of mineral waters in Russia is presented. The present condition of these waters and the government standards laid down for their use are described. Examples of different mineral waters are given. Received: 14 April 1998 / Accepted: 8 December 1998  相似文献   

In the past researches conducted on the territory of Serbia, 5 regional geotectonic units have been distinguished with registered occurrences of 230 mineral springs. Recent analyses of the bottled mineral waters quality have not included systematic examinations of micro-components present in these waters. Based on the analyses of the bottled mineral waters (EuroGeoSurveys Geochemistry Expert Group), it has been observed that the water quality is greatly influenced by the chemical composition of igneous intrusions, regardless of the fact that the analyzed waters have been taken from different aquifers (Neogene sediments, limestone, flysch, schist).  相似文献   

Artesian basins contain the largest mineral water resources of the world. There are several types of mineral therapeutic water: sulfate, chloride, radon-rich, iron-rich waters, etc. Artesian basins occupy very large areas in Russia. However, genesis of water and brines is still not very clear. This is one of the most important hydrogeological problems that is being attempted to solve for many years. Most of the Russian hydrogeologists traditionally consider that these waters are of sedimentary origin. However, higher concentrations of bromine, iodine, iron, radon and other balneologically active components can be of different origin, for example, of infiltration or juvenile water. As an example, two areas will be considered – West-Siberian basin and East-European artesian area.West-Siberian artesian basin has very distinct latitudinal and vertical zonation. Latitudinal zonation is caused by climate changes from north to south. As for the vertical zonation, mineralization and chemical composition change in the vertical cross-section and from the periphery to the center within the same aquifer. The main mineral water resources of West-Siberian artesian basin are concentrated in Mesozoic rocks. Brackish waters and low-saturated brines without specific components are used for medical purposes. The most well-known spa is Karachi, which exploits chloride-hydrocarbonate brackish water. Sodium chloride bromine and iodine-bromine waters are used at other health resorts. It is possible to organize extraction of iodine from brines of Tcherkashinsko-Tobolskoe occurrence in Tumen region.East-European artesian area occupies most of the Russian Platform. The most widespread types of mineral water within the Russian Platform are sodium-chloride and magnesium-sulfate waters and brines. Such well-known spas, like Moscow mineral waters, Krainka, Staraya Russa and many others, belong to this type. Resources of these waters are definitely connected with sedimentogenic processes. The upper hydrodynamic zone contains iron-rich, hydrogen sulfide, and sometimes radon-rich water. Their formation is caused by the interaction between waters of infiltration and sedimentary genesis, or between infiltration waters and host rocks. One of the examples is Polustrovo iron-rich water. There are industrially valuable waters containing bromine and iodine.The resources of therapeutic water of sedimentary basins allow to increase balneological potential of spas in Russia.  相似文献   

Microbiological studies have always had an important role in the evaluation of drinking water quality. However, since geological processes are the most important factors controlling the source and distribution of chemical elements in natural waters, the importance of geochemical data must not be underestimated. This study presents data on pH, conductivity and concentrations of 69 elements and ions (Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Dy, Er, Eu, Fe, Ga, Gd, Ge, Hf, Hg, Ho, I, K, La, Li, Lu, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Nd, Ni, Pb, Pr, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Sn, Sr, Ta, Tb, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, Tm, U, V, W, Y, Yb, Zn, Zr, Br, HCO3, Cl, F, NH4+, NO2, NO3, PO43−, SO42−, SiO2) from 186 bottled mineral waters of 158 different Italian name brands. Analyses show a large range in concentrations for most of these elements, with variations up to four orders of magnitude. Our data demonstrate that some elements (such as Be), generally considered unlikely to occur, can instead reach surprisingly high levels in drinking water, and also how packaging can release some trace elements to the bottled water. Data analysis shows that the implementation of an international database of bottled water geochemistry and of potential toxicological effects is of paramount importance to provide a robust data set which would be useful to set international action levels and guidelines to secure bottled water quality, whose consumption has steadily increased in the recent years. A new formula to calculate nitrate and nitrite tolerable concentration levels in waters intended for human consumption is proposed, to take into account that about 5% of dietary nitrate in humans is converted to nitrite.  相似文献   

Considering its area, Portugal is one of the world's richest countries in mineral and spring waters. There are 33 different types of bottled water, 18 of which are classified as natural mineral water and the remaining as spring water. The majority of these waters are of low mineralisation in comparison to most European bottled waters.  相似文献   

The geological structure of the territory of Azerbaijan is characterized by numerous mineral waters of various chemical, gas, microcomponental structure, temperature and medical properties which are distributed over the territories of the Republic and their physical and chemical features are closely connected to the geostructural conditions of the individual districts in which they are found.  相似文献   

Twenty-two bottled mineral and spring waters from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland have been analysed for 71 inorganic chemical parameters with low detection limits as a subset of a large European survey of bottled groundwater chemistry (N = 884). The Nordic bottled groundwaters comprise mainly Ca–Na–HCO3–Cl water types, but more distinct Ca–HCO3, Na HCO3 and Na–Cl water types are also offered. The distributions for most elements fall between groundwater from Fennoscandian Quaternary unconsolidated aquifers and groundwater from Norwegian crystalline bedrock boreholes. Treated tap waters have slightly lower median values for many parameters, but elements associated with plumbing have significantly higher concentrations in tap waters than in bottled waters. The small dataset is able to show that excessive fluoride and uranium contents are potential drinking water problems in Fennoscandia. Nitrate and arsenic displayed low to moderate concentrations, but the number of samples from Finland and Northern Sweden was too low to detect that elevated concentrations of arsenic occur in bedrock boreholes in some regions. The data shows clearly that water sold in plastic bottles is contaminated with antimony. Antimony is toxic and suspected to be carcinogenic, but the levels are well below the EU drinking water limit. The study does not provide any health-based arguments for buying bottled mineral and spring waters for those who are served with drinking water from public waterworks. Drinking water from crystalline bedrock aquifers should be analysed. In case of elevated concentrations of fluoride, uranium or arsenic, most bottled waters, but not all, will be better alternatives when treatment of the well water is not practicable.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the Pan-European project about the geochemistry of bottled mineral waters in Europe launched in 2007 by the European Geological Surveys (EGS) Geochemistry Expert Group fourteen brands of bottled natural waters from Croatia of both mineral and spring types were evaluated for getting more coherent spatial information about the natural variation of element concentration in bottled waters found at the European market. Results of chemical analysis show that not a single one out of fourteen analyzed bottled waters from Croatia exceeds the Croatian water standards sanctioning thereby their suitability for human consumption. Also, statistical tests performed for 41 analytes (including pH and EC) clearly show that the water chemistry is in a high degree of conformity with regional geology, depending on structural, stratigraphic and, above all, lithological diversity of aquifers. Thus Dinaric and Pannonian parts of Croatia differ largely with regard to their water types: Dinaric region is completely lacking mineral water types while, on the other side, in the Pannonian region even the spring waters show stronger mineralization in comparison with their Dinaric counterparts. Typically, all natural waters from Croatia bear the bicarbonate (HCO3) signature. However, Ca–Mg cation pair combination is characteristic of spring waters while Na–K dominates in the mineral waters.  相似文献   

Bottled drinking water constitutes a significant part of total water consumption in developed countries and national and EU legislation regulates their market production. In the framework of an international project carried out by the EuroGeoSurveys Geochemistry Expert Group 36 bottled waters were obtained from public markets in Hungary in order to determine their hydrogeochemical composition. The objective of this study is to investigate the possible relationship between groundwater aquifer lithology and the processed and marketed bottled waters, and to develop a classification of bottled waters, based on their dissolved mineral content. Analytical results of this study are compared with the composition shown on bottle labels, and with archive hydrochemical data from the producing wells. Results show that, while processing of original groundwater, such as oxygen addition, iron or hydrogen-sulphide removal can significantly alter water composition, bottled water composition can be used for selection of sites for detailed hydrogeochemical and hydrogeological characterization. A simple and useful classification of bottled water quality is also presented that is based on natural groups of sampled waters derived by means of statistical data analysis methods.  相似文献   

Mineral waters in Sarissky Stiavnik and Radoma are formed on the tectonic fault zones of the Zlin formation and Makovica sandstones. Precipitation waters flow downwards thus becoming enriched in TDS content. The process is enhanced by inflow of CO2 rich mineral waters of the Obidowa-Slopnice-Zboj unit, pushed by carbon dioxide and methane. Mineral waters in Sarissky Stiavnik and Radoma are of the Na-HCO3 chemical type, typical for the mineral water springs of the Magura unit in this part of the flysch belt. The origin of chloride component in the TDS content can be found in the waters with thalasogenic mineralization beneath the Magura unit, where the Obidowa-Slopnice-Zboj unit is to be found. Hydrogeological structures in Sarissky Stiavnik and Radoma can be classified as combined hydrogeological structures, where the upper partial hydrogeological structure is opened (Magura unit) and the lower structure is semi-closed (unit Obidowa-Slopnice-Zboj).  相似文献   

Turkey lies on the Alpine-Himalayan belt which is one of the most important geothermal belts in the World. Therefore, there are numerous mineral waters in Anatolia where geological and tectonic activities are intense. Archeological studies conducted in Anatolia, which is the cradle of various civilizations, reveal the fact that mineral water has been used as a spa in many areas.The scope of this study is to evaluate mineral waters in Western Anatolia and their use in thermal resorts for balneological purposes. In this respect, 50 thermal waters used in spa centers were analyzed for various physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters.Among the 50 waters tested, 40 are thermomineral waters while 10 are acratothermal waters. Some of these waters have distinct chemical compositions. Their temperatures are between 21 and 90 °C. Various types of mineral water source occur within this region: 5 of these are sulfurous, 1 has carbon dioxide, 29 have fluorine, 1 has iodine and 3 are saliferous. The thermomineral sources with saline characteristics have balneotherapy potential for treating skin illnesses including psoriasis and rheumatological illnesses.Some waters with appreciable bicarbonate and sulfate concentrations can also be used for balneotherapy; for example for use as a cure for chronic inflammatory diseases of gastrointestinal and urinary systems. They could also be used as a cure for prophylactic and metaphylactic treatment of urolithiasis.However, among 38 sampling sites, 12 sites are bacteriologically contaminated. This indicates that regulations governing the protection of such zones are not properly enforced and that water sources within these regions are not sufficiently protected or inspected.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of the major components and trace elements in Slovenian bottled water available on the market in 2004 and 2008 was studied. The waters were predominantly from the Radenska and Rogaška Slatina mineral water source region. In this paper, a comparison of two data sets from two time periods was performed based on the Kolmogorov–Smirnov independent two-sample test. The bottled waters in the data sets were in agreement with drinking water and mineral water standards. Discrepancies were only present for B and Ni in highly mineralised waters. Analyses of the labels on the bottle packaging showed that the analytical results were in general agreement with the values reported on the labels. At the same time, the values reported on the labels by the producers showed that the chemical compositions of products available on the market for longer time periods vary. Slovenian bottled waters are predominantly controlled by a CaCO3–CO2–H2O system where Na, Cl and SO42− are present as the major components, in different combinations.  相似文献   

Three major, interdependent processes control the genesis and distribution of mineral and thermal waters in the Rhenish Massif, Central Europe: (a) Magmatic processes in the upper mantle provide most of the CO2 to produce bicarbonate waters in shallow aquifers. (b) Extension of the brittle upper crust enables the ascent of sodium chloride waters. (c) Uplift and erosion shape the massif's relief, which determines the extent of flow systems and the distribution of thermal springs. The chemistry of mineral waters further depends on the aquifers' mineral composition. A comprehensive set of hydrological, chemical, tectonic and geophysical data on the Rhenish Massif has been compiled. It was used to classify the mineral waters and to map the spatial distribution of water properties. The composition of cuttings from several representative wells producing different water types shows that the hydrothermal alteration of the aquifer rocks consists mainly of kaolinization of chlorite and dissolution of feldspar. Numerical transport simulations favour two modes of groundwater flow: topography-driven flow and the pressure-driven ascent of basement brines along active faults. Thermal convection is less important.  相似文献   

Using two analytical techniques, CSV/ASV and ICP–AES, the concentration of some microelements (lead, zinc, manganese) in mineral waters from the Covasna and Harghita districts of Romania were determined. The optimum parameters for the voltammetric determination of manganese, copper, zinc and lead were established (electrolyte, deposition time, pulse duration, pulse amplitude, etc.) and then the content of these elements in twelve samples of mineral water were determined. The results obtained by both techniques led to the conclusion that the concentration of microelements in mineral waters from Covasna and Harghita districts is connected to the mineral content underground.  相似文献   

The market for mineral water has been growing steadily over the last few years. Germany is the country with the highest number of bottled mineral water brands (908 bottled water samples from 502 wells/brands were analyzed). The per capita consumption of mineral water in Germany in 2003 was 129 L. A wide range of values of one to seven orders of magnitude was determined for 71 elements in the bottled water samples analyzed by ICP-QMS, ICP-AES, IC, titration, photometric, conductometric and potentiometric methods. A comparison of the element concentrations and the legal limits for both bottled and tap water (EU, Germany, US EPA, WHO) shows that only 70% of the 908 mineral water samples fulfill the German and EU drinking water (i.e., tap water) regulations for all parameters (not including pH) for which action levels are defined. Nearly 5% of the bottled water samples not fulfill the German and EU regulations for mineral and table water. Comparison of our results with the current German and European action levels for mineral and table water shows that only 42 of the bottled water samples exceed the limits for one or more of the following elements: arsenic, nitrate, nitrite, manganese, nickel and barium concentrations. Ten of the bottled water samples contain uranium concentrations above the 10 μg/L recommended limit.  相似文献   

The author deals with a complex, multi-criteria system of protection of mineral resources, based on the evaluation of their deposits, both with identified and inferred reserves, and perspective areas, i.e., the areas where mineral deposits may occur. The purpose of valorization is to compare different deposits using the same, uniform criteria, and then assign them to particular groups with the intention of protecting the most valuable deposits and highly perspective areas more efficiently. The criteria represent three separate groups: geological and mining assets, the level of certainty (the degree of our knowledge on the mineral raw material and its deposit), as well as environmental and spatial planning constraints. Inclusion of the prognostic areas (the D1 category of resources in Poland) to the procedure of deposit valorization forms the basis for their legal protection, especially when they have not been protected until now.  相似文献   

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