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The fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are investigated for a hyperbolic universe with finite volume. Four-component models with radiation, matter, vacuum energy and an extra spatially constant dark energy X -component are considered. The general solution of the Friedmann equation for the cosmic scalefactor a ( η ) is given for the four-component models in terms of the Weierstrass ℘-function. The lower parts of the angular power spectra C l of the CMB anisotropy are computed for nearly flat models with Ωtot≤0.95. It is shown that the particular compact fundamental cell that is considered in this paper leads to a suppression in C l for l ≲10 and Ωtot≲0.9.  相似文献   

(a) Hubble's discovery of the expansion of the Universe makes it possible to choose unambiguously from the models described by Friedmann's equations of universe dynamics. (b) From the present temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation, the specific entropy in the matter era and the model properties of the expansive nondecelerative universe, we can determine the present parameters of our Universe with deviations smaller than 2.2%.  相似文献   

In this paper, a general FRW cosmological model has been constructed in f(R,T) gravity reconstruction with variable cosmological constant. A number of solutions to the field equations has been generated by utilizing a form for the Hubble parameter that leads to Berman's law of constant deceleration parameter q = m-1. The possible decelerating and accelerating solutions have been investigated. For(q 0) we get a stable flat decelerating radiation-dominated universe at q = 1. For(q 0) we get a stable accelerating solution describing a flat universe with positive energy density and negative cosmological constant. Nonconventional mechanisms that are expected to address the late-time acceleration with negative cosmological constant have been discussed.  相似文献   

It is argued that the hierarchical cosmological paradigm is a viable, and insufficiently appreciated, alternative to the Big Bang paradigm. Recent observational discoveries justify renewed interest in hierarchical models of the Universe.  相似文献   

Using the extented Jaynes's principle of maximum entropy we determine the effect of the quantum phenomena on the thermodynamical properties of matter in the early stage of Universe. It is shown that the thermodynamical free energy of the matter of the early Universe becomes very large value due to these quantum phenomena. Both the entropy as well as the free energy of the Universe become singular at the Big Bang.  相似文献   

A possible scenario for the evolution of the universe following the big bang at t > 10-5 sec is considered. The necessary conditions that must be present for the formation of stars and stellar systems to be possible are formulated. As a condition for the formation of stars we take kTs≤ GMsmp(3R), and for stellar systems HR ? (GM/R)1/2, where Ts is the temperature of the cosmic plasma, mp is the mass of a proton, Ms is the mass of a star, M is the mass of a stellar cluster, R is the radius of these celestial bodies, and H is the bubble parameter for the corresponding time. In accordance with these criteria, we assume that in the course of cosmological expansion, neutron stars should have been formed first (times 2.10-4 ? t ? 1 sec, densities 0.07 ? ρB? 2.104 g/cm3) and then, in chronological order, appeared white dwarfs (t ≈ 102 sec, ρB ? 5.10-3 g/cm3), ordinary stars (t ≈ 4.106 sec, ?B ≈ 10-11 g/cm3), galactic nuclei (t ≈ 3.1011 sec, ?B ≈ 5.10-19 g/cm3, globular clusters (t ≈ 1013 sec, ?B ≈ 4.10-21 g/cm3), and galaxies (t ≈ 1015 sec, ?B ≈ 10-24 g/cm3), where ?B is the average density of ordinary (baryon) matter in the universe. It is shown that a galactic nucleus is a stellar system in statistical equilibrium and consists mainly of neutron stars and white dwarfs. The formation of some pulsars (neutron stars with angular rotation rates 1 < Ω < 200 sec-1) may occur in a galactic nucleus. Observed pulsars should therefore contain some fraction of neutron stars from the nucleus of the Galaxy that were able to escape it over the relaxation time (the tail of the Maxwell distribution, with star velocities v > v0, where v0 is the velocity corresponding to the work function 2GMMs/R, M being the mass and R the radius of the Galaxy’s nucleus.  相似文献   

On studying some new models of Robertson-Walker universes with a Brans-Dicke scalar field, it is found that most of these universes contain a dark energy like fluid which confirms the present scenario of the expansion of the universe. In one of the cases, the exact solution of the field equations gives a universe with a false vacuum, while in another it reduces to that of dust distribution in the Brans-Dicke cosmology when the cosmological constant is not in the picture. In one particular model it is found that the universe may undergo a Big Rip in the future, and thus it will be very interesting to investigate such models further.  相似文献   

Recent discovery of J1342+0928 using data from the WISE telescope and ground based surveys indicate presence of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) having a mass of 800 million solar mass at a redshift of about 7.6. This imply that the black hole grew to this mass only 690 million years after the universe started expanding. Here we suggest that formation of such SMBH’s so early in the universe is consistent with our present understanding of the phenomena involved by invoking dark matter (DM).  相似文献   

Using a suite of N -body simulations in different cold dark matter (CDM) scenarios, with cosmological constant (ΛCDM) and without (OCDM, SCDM), we study the Hubble flow (σH) in Local Volumes (LV) around Local Group (LG) like objects found in these simulations, and compare the numerical results with the most recent observations. We show that ΛCDM and OCDM models exhibit the same behaviour of σH. Hence, we demonstrate that the observed coldness of the Hubble flow is not likely to be a manifestation of the dark energy, contrary to previous claims. The coldness does not constitute a problem by itself but it poses a problem to the standard ΛCDM model only if the mean density within the LV is greater than twice the mean matter cosmic density. The lack of blueshifted galaxies in the LV, outside of the LG can be considered as another manifestation of the coldness of the flow. Finally, we show that the main dynamical parameter that affects the coldness of the flow is the relative isolation of the LG, and the absence of nearby Milky Way like objects within a distance of about  3 Mpc  .  相似文献   

We discuss astronomical and astrophysical evidence, which we relate to the principle of zero-total energy of the Universe, that imply several relations among the mass M, the radius R and the angular momentum L of a “large” sphere representing a Machian Universe. By calculating the angular speed, we find a peculiar centripetal acceleration for the Universe. This is an ubiquituous property that relates one observer to any observable. It turns out that this is exactly the anomalous acceleration observed on the Pioneers spaceships. We have thus shown that this anomaly is to be considered a property of the Machian Universe. We discuss several possible arguments against our proposal.  相似文献   

In Section 1 of the paper the energy equation of the Friedmann universe, when matter dominates over radiation, is discussed. It is known that the value of the world potential is constant everywhere in the Universe, despite the pulsation motion of the Universe or a possible transformation of pulsation energy into matter or vice versa. The condition for the Universe being closed is deduced. Furthermore, the possibility to define the mass-energy of the Universe is discussed; and the conclusion is arrived at that the mass-energy of the Universe relative to an observer in the non-metric space outside the Universe is equal to zero; i.e. the Universe originated as a vacuum fluctuation. Finally, the view-point of an external observer is described. Such an observer can claim that our closed Universe is a black hole in a non-metric empty space. Besides, the differences between such a black hole and the astrophysical black holes are indicated.In Section 2 the origin of the gravitational force retarding the expansion is discussed, using the properties of the relativistic gravitational potential. In contradiction to Section 1, the view-point of an inner observer (inside the Universe) is used here. It is concluded that the boundary of the closed Universe is an unlocalizable potential barrier.In Section 3 of the paper the apparent discrepancy between Mach's principle and the general theory of relativity is resolved. The solution is based on the fact that, for the Euclidean open universe, the concept of mass is related to the potential of the background equal to –1, but the concept of the mass-energy is related to the zero-potential of the non-metric background. Because the universe is open and a potential barrier (a boundary of the universe) can be localized-i.e. is geometrically existing — by solution of the field equation, we have to refer to the background with zero-potential. The principal idea of the solution is then that the zero-density means the density of mass-energy, when simultaneously the mass density is equal to the critical value for which the Robertson-Walker metric becomes the Euclidean metric of the Minkowski (i.e., flat) space-time. Further a generalization of Newton's law of inertia is formulated, and the properties of nullgeodesics are touched upon. As a conclusion it is stated that this paper and the two previous ones (see Voráek, 1979a, b)de facto express Mach's principle.  相似文献   

The ultimate purpose of this investigation is the development of a world model or at least a skeleton for a world model, consisting of a finite number of material particles and of a finite number of geometrical points and time instants. The fundamental argument in the present article is the fact, that in the quantum theory we have to do with separable HILBERT spaces. The separable HILBERT spaces can be represented by means of linear operators with discrete eigenvalues and their eigenvectors. It is possible to replace the discrete eigenvalues with, for instance, non-negative integers, and these in their turn with numbers of a GALOIS field. In such a way a finitized physical system seems possible, or, if not a complete system, in any case a “skeleton” for a system. How far such a system might be developed remains an open question.  相似文献   

Assuming that the relativistic universe is homogeneous and isotropic, we can unambiguously determine its model and physical properties, which correspond with the Einstein general theory of relativity (and with its two special partial solutions: Einstein special theory of relativity and Newton gravitation theory), quantum mechanics, and observations, too.  相似文献   

By calculation of the proton-proton capture cross-section, it is shown that the existence of a bound diproton state would not lead to significant production of diprotons during big bang nucleosynthesis, contrary to popular belief. In typical stellar interiors, the stability of diprotons would lead to a reaction pathway for converting protons to deuterons perhaps ∼1010 times faster than the usual weak capture reaction. This would prevent stars of the familiar hot, dense type from occurring in the universe. However, if diproton stability is achieved by an increase in the low-energy strong coupling, gs, then stars with temperatures and densities sufficiently reduced so as to offset the faster reaction pathway to deuterium will appear to meet elementary stability criteria. The claim that there is a fine-tuned, anthropic upper bound to the strong force which ensures diproton instability therefore appears to be unfounded.  相似文献   

During the nineteenth century, it was common for physicists to believe in the existence of a material vacuum composed of an incompressible fluid that fills the whole universe. This fluid was called the aether. Its original purpose was to provide an elastic tenuous medium for light propagation through space. Although it is well understood today that no such medium is needed for light propagation, the existence of a cosmic aether medium in space is still possible and its physical properties can be understood on models of cosmology that have nothing to do with Big-Bang cosmology. It is possible that electromagnetic radiation emitted by the cosmic aether medium has already been detected. The low-frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted by the aether is called the cosmic microwave background radiation. The present study outlines a model for an aether medium that explains the genesis of the microwave background radiation in a closed static (nonexpanding) universe. It is shown that the spectrum of the microwave background radiation is a perfect blackbody with a temperature T rad=2.77 K in harmony with the perfect cosmological principle. It is further shown that the aether medium is opaque at radio and microwave frequencies. This particular feature of the model does not contradict any observations regarding the existence of distant radio galaxies and quasars.  相似文献   

The results of the computations of the chemical evolution for a galaxy cluster are presented. The matter exchange between galaxies and intergalactic medium is taken into account. Two dependences of star formation rate on time are considered: (i) monotonously decreasing dependence characteristic of elliptical galaxies, (ii) dependence having two peaks associated with creation of spiral galaxy subsystems, with suppression of star formation at the period between maxima. It is assumed that galactic ejection is due to explosions of II-type supernova with massesm5M , and that the accretion on to a galaxy depends but weakly on the time. By comparing the obtained results with total combination of available observations, it is established that the rate of gaseous exchange between a galaxy and intergalactic medium should be rather large: 0.03M gal Gyr–1. Besides, the activity of each type of galaxy leads to an approximately equal enrichment of intergalactic gas by new elements synthesized in the stars. The existence of a large accretion on to the Galaxy leads to the decrease of primordial deuterium abundance by a factor of no more than 2 during the galaxy evolution time. It enables us to assume that the standard Big Bang model with baryon density parameter b 0.1 may be considered as true.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate how the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) can aid in determining the evolutionary history of active galactic nuclei (AGN) from redshifts z = 0 → 6. Given the vast collecting area of the SKA, it will be sensitive to both ‘radio-loud’ AGN and the much more abundant ‘radio-quiet’ AGN, namely the radio-quiet quasars and their ‘Type-II’ counterparts, out to the highest redshifts. Not only will the SKA detect these sources but it will also often be able to measure their redshifts via the Hydrogen 21-cm line in emission and/or absorption. We construct a complete radio luminosity function (RLF) for AGN, combining the most recent determinations for powerful radio sources with an estimate of the RLF for radio-quiet objects using the hard X-ray luminosity function of [ApJ 598 (2003) 886], including both Type-I and Type-II AGN. We use this complete RLF to determine the optimal design of the SKA for investigating the accretion history of the Universe for which it is likely to be a uniquely powerful instrument.  相似文献   

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