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《Planetary and Space Science》1965,13(6):583-592
Solar proton events have been observed, as Polar Cap Absorption, with riometers operating simultaneously at a set of stations, some conjugate, in the northern and southern hemispheres. Comparisons of the records from stations in twilight with a station which is continuously sunlit allow an accurate determination of the changes during twilight, since changes due to the proton flux are monitored by the sunlit station. The method also allows accurate determinations of the day-to-night ratio to be made.It is found that after sunrise there is a time delay of several hours before the absorption reaches the full daylight value. There is also some evidence for a time delay after sunset. It appears that these results cannot be fully understood in terms of the aeronomy of the D-region as it is known at present, and it is suggested that some other photochemical process, not yet identified, might be involved. 相似文献
《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(6-7):745-763
An improved magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model with chemistry is presented. The analysis of the source and sink terms for H2O + shows that for small comets up to 11% of water molecules are finally ionized. For large comets (such as Halley) this fraction decreases to less than 3%. From the MHD scaling laws a similarity law for the individual ion densities is deduced which takes into account that the mother molecules are depleted by dissociation. This is applied to H2O + ions. Radial density profiles from model calculations, observations by Giotto near comet Halley, and ground based observations of three comets confirm this scaling law for H2O + ions. From the similarity law for the density a scaling law for the column density is derived which is more convenient to apply for ground based observations. From these scaling laws methods are derived which allow the determination of the water production rate from the ground based images of the H2O + ions. Finally, the two dimensional images of model column densities are compared with observations. 相似文献
《Planetary and Space Science》1961,5(1):59-69
It has been found that the study of polar radio blackouts due to abnormal ionization in the lower ionosphere yields considerable evidence indicating the existence of energetic solar particles associated with solar flares. Polar radio blackouts are classified into two characteristic types, one is the polar cap blackout and the other is the auroral zone blackout. It is shown that the polar cap blackout appears with some hours delay after a major solar radio outburst of type IV, and the blackout is confined within the geomagnetic latitude of 60°–65°. The estimated energies of particles causing this are of about 10–100 MeV. The auroral zone blackout then follows, being accompanied with geomagnetic storms and aurorae, and it may be caused by the so-called auroral particles of 1 MeV or less.The energy spectrum of solar particles associated with solar flares is revealed from the present result together with all information from various observations related to solar and terrestrial disturbances. It is concluded that solar particles have a conspicuous suprathermal non-Maxwellian tail extending from a few keV up to relativistic energy range, though the bulk of corpuscular clouds consists of rather low energy particles and hence likely to be in the Maxwellian distribution. Some discussions on the nature of solar corpuscular clouds and their effect upon the terrestrial ionosphere are also given. 相似文献
Nicolas Altobelli Linda J. Spilker Cedric Leyrat Stuart Pilorz 《Planetary and Space Science》2008,56(1):134-146
Two and a half years after Saturn orbit insertion (SOI) the Cassini composite infrared spectrometer (CIRS) has acquired an extensive set of thermal measurements (including physical temperature and filling factor) of Saturn's main rings for a number of different viewing geometries, most of which are not available from Earth. Thermal mapping of both the lit and unlit faces of the rings is being performed within a multidimensional observation space that includes solar phase angle, spacecraft elevation and solar elevation. Comprehensive thermal mapping is a key requirement for detailed modeling of ring thermal properties.To first order, the largest temperature changes on the lit face of the rings are driven by variations in phase angle while differences in temperature with changing spacecraft elevation are a secondary effect. Ring temperatures decrease with increasing phase angle suggesting a population of slowly rotating ring particles [Spilker, L.J., Pilorz, S.H., Wallis, B.D., Pearl, J.C., Cuzzi, J.N., Brooks, S.M., Altobelli, N., Edgington, S.G., Showalter, M., Michael Flasar, F., Ferrari, C., Leyrat, C. 2006. Cassini thermal observations of Saturn's main rings: implications for particle rotation and vertical mixing. Planet. Space Sci. 54, 1167-1176, doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2006.05.033]. Both lit A and B rings show that temperature decreases with decreasing rings solar elevation while temperature changes in the C ring and Cassini Division are more muted. Variations in the geometrical filling factor, β, are primarily driven by changes in spacecraft elevation. For the optically thinnest region of the C ring, β variations are found to be nearly exclusively determined by spacecraft elevation. Both a multilayer and a monolayer model provide an excellent fit to the data in this region. In both cases, a ring infrared emissivity >0.9 is required, together with a random and homogeneous distribution of the particles. The interparticle shadowing function required for the monolayer model is very well constrained by our data and matches experimental measurements performed by Froidevaux [1981a. Saturn's rings: infrared brightness variation with solar elevation. Icarus 46, 4-17]. 相似文献
The following sunspot formation indices are analyzed: the relative sunspot number R z, the normalized sunspot group number R g, and the total sunspot area A. Six empirical formulas are derived to describe the relations among these indices after 1908. The earlier data exhibit systematic deviations from these formulas, which can be attributed to systematic errors of the indices. The Greenwich data on the sunspot total area A and the sunspot group number in 1874–1880 are found to be doubtful. Erroneous data at the beginning of the Greenwich series must spoil the values of the index R g in the XVII–XIX centuries. The Hoyt-Schatten series of R g may be less reliable than the well-known Wolf number series R z. 相似文献
J.M. Grebowsky N.C. Maynard Y.K. Tulunay L.J. Lanzerotti 《Planetary and Space Science》1976,24(12):1177-1185
Explorer 45 traversed the plasmapause (determined approximately via the saturation of the d.c. electric field experiment) at near-equatorial latitudes on field lines which were crossed by Ariel 4 (~600km altitude) near dusk in May 1972 and on field lines which were crossed by Isis II (~1400km altitude) near midnight in December 1971 and January 1972. Many examples were found in which the field line through the near-equatorial plasmapause was traversed by Explorer 45 within one hour local time and one hour universal time of Ariel and Isis crossings of the same L coordinate. For the coincident passes near dusk, the RF electron density probe on Ariel detected electron density depletions near the plasmapause L coordinates when Ariel was in darkness. When the Ariel passes were in sunlight, however, electron depletions were not discernable near the plasmapause field line. On the selected near-midnight passes of Isis II, electron density depressions were typically detected (via the topside sounder) near the plasmapause L coordinate. The dusk Ariel electron density profiles are observed to reflect O+ density variations. Even at the high altitude of Isis near midnight, O+ is found to be the dominant ion in the trough region whereas H+ is dominant at lower latitudes as is evident from the measured electron density scale heights. In neither local time sector was it possible to single out a distinctive topside ionosphere feature as an indicator of the plasmapause field line as identified near the equator. At both local times the equator-determined plasmapause L coordinate showed a tendency to lay equatorward of the trough minimum. 相似文献
M. R. Kundu N. Gopalswamy J. L. R. Saba J. T. Schmelz K. T. Strong 《Solar physics》1987,114(2):273-288
We present a study of type III activity at meter- decameter wavelengths in the preflare phase of the 1986 February 3 flare using data obtained with the Clark Lake Multifrequency Radioheliograph. We compare this activity with similar type III burst activity during the impulsive phase and find that there is a displacement of burst sources between the onset and end times of the activity. A comparison of this displacement at three frequencies suggests that the type III emitting electrons gain access progressively to diverging and different field lines relative to the initial field lines. The energetics of the type III emitting electrons are inferred from observations and compared with those of the associated hard X-ray emitting electrons. The soft X-ray data from SMM-XRP shows enhanced emission measure, density and temperature in the region associated with the preflare type III activity.On leave from Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India. 相似文献
The variation of the geomagnetic activity index Ap at the IMF sector boundaries (+ to ? and ? to +) has been studied for three solar cycles, separating data into vernal and autumnal equinoxes. It was found that a reported increase in Ap as an effect of a Hale boundary can be better attributed to the occurrence of a negative IMF Bz component in the geocentric solar magnetospheric coordinate system and to the occurrence of high speed solar wind streams. 相似文献
Calcium network diameters are shown to be smaller by 5% at solar maximum than at minimum. The average cell size at minimum is 22 115 ± 99 km. The average size at solar maximum is 20 920 ± 112 km, though individual maxima perform differently from each other depending probably on the dispersed remnant magnetic fields. The change in size of the network is interpreted in terms of changes in the size of the supergranular convective cell. 相似文献
We review observational studies of solar prominences with some reference to theoretical understandings. We lay emphasis on the following findings: (1) An important discovery was made by Leroy, Bommier, and Sahal-Bréchot concerning the direction of the magnetic field inside some high-altitude, high-latitude prominences, where the field vector points in the opposite direction from the one which would be expected from the potential field calculated from the observed photospheric magnetic field. (2) Landman suggests the possibility of a high total density of 10–11 g cm –3 for the main body of quiescent prominences, 50 times higher than the value hitherto believed. (3) Flow patterns, nearly parallel to the magnetic neutral lines, were detected in the 105 K plasma near and in prominences. (4) Coronal loop structures were found overlying prominences as viewed from X-ray photographs. We propose also an evolutionary scheme by taking the magnetic field topologies into account.The fundamental question why a prominence is present remains basically unanswered. 相似文献
Katsuo Tanaka 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1986,118(1-2):101-113
Extensive observations of solar flares made in high energy bands during the maximum of the present solar cycle are discussed with a special reference to the results from HINOTORI, and with attention to the relevant flare models. The hard X-ray (HXR) images from HINOTORI showed mostly coronal emission at 20–25 keV suggesting that the HXR is emitted from multiple coronal loops, consistent with the non-thermal electron beam model in a high density corona. The thermal HXR model seems to be inconsistent with some observations. Three types of flares which have been classified from the Hinotori results are described, along with newly discovered hot thermal component of 30–40 million K which contributes thermal HXR emission. A summary is given for the characteristics of the energy release in an impulsive burst; and an empirical model is described, which explains simultaneous energy releases in multiple loops and successive movements of the release site as suggested from the HXR morphology. The discovery of large blue-shifted hot plasma from the soft X-ray line spectrum leads to some quantitative arguments for the evaporating flare model. An electron-heated flare atmosphere appears to explain various observations consistently.Invited paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984. 相似文献
The variations in intensity of 6300 Å airglow throughout the ionosphere above an observor are represented by a three dimensional Fourier series. Filtering effects caused by the field of view of an observing instrument are then calculated assuming that all Fourier components move with the same velocity. The results suggest that the observations of Mullaney et al. (1972) can be interpreted as the power spectrum of horizontal structures in the airglow. 相似文献
Balloon observations of solar irradiance between 200 and 240 nm have been performed in 1976 and 1977 corresponding to minimum conditions of solar activity. Ultraviolet spectra have been recorded for different zenith angles at an altitude of 41 km by means of a spectrometer with a spectral bandpass of 0.4 nm. Solar irradiances at 1 a.u. confirm previous values obtained by balloon. They are compared with other measurements and discussed in term of possible long-term variability. 相似文献
Additional studies of the ion composition results obtained from the OGO-6 satellite support earlier observations of irregularities in the distribution of H+ and He+ within the light ion trough near L = 4, which has been associated with the plasmapause. These irregularities are in the form of sub-troughs superimposed upon the major mid latitude decrease of the light ions. In the sub-troughs, ionization depletions and recoveries of as much as an order of magnitude are observed within a few degrees of latitude, usually exhibited in a pattern which changes significantly with longitude as the Earth rotates beneath the relatively fixed satellite orbit. The location and properties exhibited by these sub-troughs appear to be consistent with the concept of a plasmasphere distortion in the form of “plasmatails” resulting from the combined effects of magnetospheric convection plus corotation. Like the light ion trough, the “plasmatail” irregularity in H+ may be obscured on the day side by the dominant topside distribution of O+. Consequently, these light ion irregularities are seen as an important factor for studies of plasmapause-trough relationships. 相似文献
The solar differential rotation: Present status of observations 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
E. H. Schröter 《Solar physics》1985,100(1-2):141-169
The present status of observations regarding the solar differential rotation is reviewed from contributions published in the last two decades. The paper does not deal with the theory; it mentions theoretical aspects only where they are needed to guide and to understand observational efforts and results.Mitteilungen aus dem Kiepenheuer-Institut Nr. 250. 相似文献
Richard G. Teske 《Solar physics》1971,17(1):76-88
Soft X-radiation between 8–12 Å was found to be emitted from the Sun at the time of four optically-identified major systems of loop prominences. The peak emission rates and time-integrated X-ray energies are very similar for three of the events while the fourth appeared to emit X-rays only weakly. The data are not consistent with a compression-condensation model for the loops, and support the fast-proton injection model. Proton injection may take place on a long time scale. 相似文献
Richard G. Teske 《Solar physics》1971,19(2):356-378
Soft solar X-rays in the wavelength interval 8–12 Å were observed from OSO III. The totality of the observations that were made between 9 March, 1967, and 18 May, 1968, is summarized graphically and compared to the course of solar activity as observed at other wavelengths, with particular emphasis upon visible activity. 相似文献
A study is made of Lyman continuum observations of solar flares, using data obtained by the Harvard College Observatory EUV spectroheliometer on the Apollo Telescope Mount. We find that there are two main types of flare regions: an overall mean flare coincident with the H flare region, and transient Lyman continuum kernels which can be identified with the H and X-ray kernels observed by other authors. It is found that the ground level hydrogen population in flares is closer to LTE than in the quiet Sun and active regions, and that the level of Lyman continuum formation is lowered in the atmosphere from a mass column density m 5/sx 10–6 g cm–2 in the quiet Sun to m 3/sx 10–4 g cm–2 in the mean flare, and to m 10–3g cm–2 in kernels. From these results we derive the amount of chromospheric material evaporated into the high temperature region, which is found to be - 1015g, in agreement with observations of X-ray emission measures. A comparison is made between kernel observations and the theoretical predictions made by model heating calculations, available in the literature; significant discrepancies are found between observation and current particle-heating models. 相似文献
We present information, published here for the first time, concerning observations of sunspots made at the beginning of the XVIIIth century. The information has been taken from specola's archives in Bologna. It concerns the years just after the end of the Maunder minimum. The data confirms the presence of a double maximum in 1704–1707, and shows a high asymmetry in sunspots latitude distribution, possibly related to the abnormal Sun activity in the second half of XVIIth century. 相似文献