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菲与芘在砂基培养的红树植物秋茄中的分布与可视化定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢峰  严重玲  卢豪良  白羊 《台湾海峡》2012,31(4):489-494
本研究采用系列浓度盆栽试验研究多环芳烃(PAHs)菲与芘在红树植物秋茄(Kandelia obova-ta)中的迁移与分布规律,采用加速溶剂萃取(ASE)法和气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)方法测定秋茄叶片和根中的多环芳烃含量,应用倒置荧光显微镜对秋茄叶片中的多环芳烃进行定位表征.结果表明:秋茄能从培养液中吸收菲和芘,并将根系吸收的菲和芘向叶片运输.秋茄体内菲和芘含量随处理时间(4、8、21 d)呈现先上升后下降的趋势,在培养8 d达到最大值.与4 d和8 d处理相比,在21d试验完成后,秋茄根与叶中的菲和芘含量显著降低,表明在红树植物体内存在明显的PAHs降解或者挥发.秋茄根系中的菲和芘含量随处理浓度提高而增高,与叶片相比,PAHs更多地在根部累积.在叶片中,菲和芘主要储存在叶片的维管束及附近的海绵组织中.  相似文献   

Early and late developmental stages of grass shrimp embryos were exposed to different concentrations of two genotoxicants, 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (MNQ) and 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide (NQO). DNA strand breaks were assessed by the comet assay while embryo development effects were determined by % of embryos hatching. Early embryo stage embryos were significantly more sensitive to genotoxicants than late stages. For example, all stage 4 embryos failed to hatch at 1 microM NQO while 95% of stage 8 hatched at this concentration. High DNA tail moments, which are a measure of the number of DNA strand breaks, were found in late stage embryos exposed to genotoxicants. Early stage embryo development was effected by low concentrations of genotoxicants but no changes were observed in DNA tail moments. We suggest that high DNA moments in late embryo stages reflect high DNA repair activity, while early stages may lack a fully developed DNA repair system.  相似文献   


The grounding of the MV Rena has highlighted the lack of information concerning the effects of oil-related compounds on New Zealand marine life. Yellowtail kingfish (YTK), Seriola lalandi, embryos were exposed in static incubations to the water-accommodated fraction (WAF) of Rena heavy fuel oil as well as a similar preparation treated with the commercial dispersant Corexit 9500. Mortality in WAF treatments generally increased in association with total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (tPAH) concentration over a 24-h period. Physical abnormalities were observed in some of the larvae exposed to WAF for 48 h. There was no survival in dispersed oil treatments after 24 h of exposure. These treatments had greater tPAH concentrations (2–53?µgL?1) than equivalent WAF dilutions (0.2–1.5?µgL?1?tPAH). Indications are that significant morbidity is induced in YTK at ecologically relevant tPAH concentrations. This highlights the need for further research into oil and dispersant toxicity in New Zealand marine species.  相似文献   

在人工培育条件下,采用实验生态学方法,对绿鳍马面鲀(Thamnaconusmodestus)仔、稚、幼鱼生长、发育与摄食特性的变化进行了研究。结果表明,绿鳍马面鲀仔、稚、幼鱼的各生长指标可拟合为具有1~2个生长转折点的2~3段直线,其中全长、体长、体质量、肛前长、头长、吻长和体高可拟合为3段直线,眼径可拟合为2段直线。头长在第一转折点后的生长速率显著高于其他指标,除头长和体高在第二个生长转折点后生长速率减慢外,其余各项生长指标生长速度均逐渐加快。3~4日龄"开口期"前后的仔鱼,摄食发生率和饱食率均较低,随后逐渐升高。摄食发生率在12日龄后达到100%,饱食率在25日龄后达到100%(消化道充塞度为3~4级)。绿鳍马面鲀仔、稚、幼鱼均为白天摄食类型,白天摄食量占全天摄食量的71.6%以上。随日龄增长,鱼苗饱食时间呈下降趋势,消化时间则呈上升趋势。了解绿鳍马面鲀早期的生长发育与摄食特性,可为人工育苗管理提供参考,以促进鱼苗生长,提高成活率。  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎胚胎发育及仔鱼生长与盐度的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
就半滑舌鳎(CynoglossussemilaevisGünther)受精卵和早期仔鱼生长发育与盐度的关系作了初步探讨。受精卵在盐度低于25的海水中全部下沉,在高于29的海水中浮在水面,而当盐度在26~28.5之间时在海水中呈悬浮状态。受精卵孵化的最适盐度为25~35,此盐度范围内孵化率都可达88%以上,盐度低于20或高于40孵化率降低,初孵仔鱼畸形率升高。盐度对仔鱼生长有一定的影响:盐度在25~35时初孵仔鱼存活率最高,盐度32.5时生长最好;盐度30~32.5范围内刚开口仔鱼的存活率较高,生长最快;盐度低于20时变态期仔鱼的存活率与盐度高于25时没有显著差异(P>0.05),但两者体长存在显著差异(P<0.05)。盐度高于40或低于10会延滞胚胎发育速率,孵化时间在盐度低于10时会相对延长。  相似文献   

氟苯尼考作为氯霉素的替代物,理化性质稳定,在水产养殖业中被广泛使用,致使其在多种水体环境中大量残留。本研究分析了氟苯尼考(0.1、1.0和10 mg/L)对牡蛎幼虫的生长发育、运动能力、免疫抗性的影响。结果表明,氟苯尼考暴露24 h后,随着暴露浓度的增加,牡蛎幼虫的存活量呈升高趋势,而幼虫壳高和壳宽显著降低;氟苯尼考暴露不会引起牡蛎幼虫移动速度的变化,1 mg/L氟苯尼考暴露后,牡蛎幼虫移动距离呈显著性增加(P<0.05)。氟苯尼考暴露浓度、牡蛎幼虫存活量及水体细菌总数之间呈显著性相关,但水体细菌总数的变化并不是造成牡蛎幼虫发育、生长状态不同的主要原因。牡蛎幼虫在不同浓度氟苯尼考的暴露下,ILPR、Cg-Tyr和Ferritin等生长发育相关基因的表达受到影响,进而影响其生长发育、运动能力。另一方面,高浓度氟苯尼考的暴露,引起牡蛎幼虫HSP70和Cg-Tal基因相对表达量上调,积极地参与抵抗氟苯尼考暴露引起的应激反应。养殖水环境中抗生素残留可能会影响水生动物早期发育阶段的生长发育及免疫抗性,需提高对养殖水体中抗生素残留危害的认识及监测,进一步加强养殖水体水质的净化。  相似文献   

类胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白(IGFBP)在调节IGF的生物学功能上起着重要的作用,利用简并引物扩增及RACE克隆技术,首次克隆得到大菱鲆IGFBP-1,-2基因cDNA全长序列。两个基因氨基酸序列都分为保守的N端和C端以及高度特异的L区域3个部分,其中N端和C端共包含18个半胱氨酸残基,N端存在一段保守的(GCGCCXXC)结构,C端存在一段保守的(CWCV)结构,这些结构在与IGF相互作用以及调节与IGF结合的亲和性和稳定性起重要作用。组织表达分析表明,igfbp-1主要在肝脏及脾中大量表达,在其他组织中表达量较少,igfbp-2除在肌肉中没有检测到表达外,在其他组织中均有表达,其中肝脏脑、心、肾、肠中表达量较高。广泛的组织表达模式表明IGFBP是通过自分泌和旁分泌来调节IGF的功能。对于胚胎发育期表达分析表明,igfbp-1在整个发育期均检测到表达,igfbp-2在胚体期开始有表达,结果表明igfbp-1和igfbp-2在胚胎发育过程中的细胞生长以及组织器官分化都起着重要的生理学作用。  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》2003,49(3):187-201
Retention or dispersion of larvae from the spawning ground has been identified as one of the key processes influencing recruitment success in fish stocks. An exercise combining 3-D hydrodynamic model simulations and field data on spatial distributions of juvenile Baltic cod was utilised to investigate the potential drift of larvae from the centre of main spawning effort in the Bornholm Basin, Baltic Sea. In the simulations cod larvae were represented as Lagrangian drifters. Habitats in which larvae and juvenile cod potentially dwell and where juveniles settle were identified to ascertain the importance of predicting transport. The transport of Baltic cod larvae was investigated by detailed drift model simulations for the years 1986 to 1999. The results yielded a clear dependency on wind-induced drift of larval cod, which is mainly controlled by the local atmospheric conditions over the Baltic Sea. Seasonally averaged distributions of drifters were compared with actual distributions of 0-group cod, as determined from bottom and pelagic trawl surveys conducted in autumn of the years 1993 to 2000 in and around the Bornholm Basin. The results suggest that juveniles caught in different areas can be assigned to different times of the spawning season. Because of seasonal differences in the circulation patterns, the southern coastal environment is on average most important for early and late spawners, whereas larvae hatching in mid-summer were on average transported towards the north or to a higher degree remained in the spawning ground.  相似文献   

饵料密度对花鲈仔鱼生长和存活的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于2001年12月,在集美大学水产试验场,测定了不同的轮虫密度培育的花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)仔鱼的摄食量、生长、存活率和耐饥饿能力。结果表明。饵料密度对花鲈仔鱼的摄食、生长和存活均有较大的影响。在轮虫密度为10个/mL的条件下,仔鱼的摄食量较大、生长最快、存活率最高、耐饥饿能力较强。当轮虫密度为20个/mL时,花鲈仔鱼的存活率降低、耐饥饿能力下降。当轮虫密度低于5个/mL,随着轮虫密度的降低。仔鱼摄食量下降、生长变慢、存活率降低、耐饥饿能力下降。  相似文献   

Several flatfishes spawn in oceanic waters and pelagic larvae are transported inshore to settle in the nursery areas, usually estuaries, where they remain during their juvenile life. Nursery areas appear as extremely important habitats, not only for juveniles but also for the earlier planktonic larval fish. Yet, the majority of nursery studies tend to focus only on one development stage, missing an integrative approach of the entire early life that fishes spent within a nursery ground. Thus, the present study assessed the influence of environmental parameters on the dynamics of the larval and juvenile flatfishes, throughout their nursery life in the Lima Estuary. Between April 2002 and April 2004, fortnightly subsurface ichthyoplankton samples were collected and juveniles were collected from October 2003 until September 2005. Larval assemblages comprised nine flatfish species, while only six were observed among the juvenile assemblages. Solea senegalensis and Platichthys flesus were the most abundant species of both fractions of the Lima Estuary flatfishes. Larval flatfish assemblages varied seasonally, without relevant differences between lower and middle estuary. Platichthys flesus dominated the spring samples and summer and autumn periods were characterized by an increase of overall abundance and diversity of larval flatfishes, mainly S. senegalensis, associated with temperature increase and reduced river flow. On the contrary, during the winter abundance sharply decreased, as a consequence of higher river run-off that might compromised the immigration of incompetent marine larvae. Juvenile flatfishes were more abundant in the middle and upper areas of the estuary, but the species richness was higher near the river mouth. Sediment type, distance from the river mouth, salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen were identified as the main environmental factors structuring the juvenile flatfish assemblages. Juveniles were spatially discrete, with the most abundant species S. senegalensis and P. flesus associated with the middle and upper estuary, while the remaining species were associated with the lower estuarine areas. The larval fraction exhibited distinct dynamics from the juvenile estuarine flatfish community. Larval flatfishes showed a strong seasonal structure mainly regulated by biological features as the spawning season and also by seasonal variations of water characteristics. On the other hand, juvenile flatfishes were markedly controlled by site specific characteristics such as sediments structure, distance from the river mouth and salinity regime. The present study emphasized the idea that the environmental control varies throughout the ontogenetic development, stressing the importance of integrating all the early life of a species in flatfish nursery studies.  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾幼体个眼外形及生长动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗氏沼虾Macrobrachiumrosenbergi各期氵蚤状幼体复眼的个眼面均呈正六边形,个眼透镜面为圆形,其表面光滑。个眼的数量在幼体期不恒定。经计算机方程选优,复眼个眼面直径、矢状面个眼数量和色素细胞层宽度与幼体体长之间呈幂函数关系,而复眼矢状面个眼数量与色素细胞层宽度之间呈直线相关。  相似文献   

The annual distribution and dispersal of early‐stage phyllosoma of the Japanese spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus were examined in the East China Sea and the Sea of Japan off western Japan. Early‐stage larvae were sampled mainly in summer and relatively near the coast off western Kyusyu Island. Few larvae were found in the other three seasons in the East China Sea and the Sea of Japan. This finding suggests that P. japonicus larvae are retained in coastal areas for a few months after hatching until stage V and are transported offshore until autumn, before they grow to stage VI. Examination of archival drifter data off western Kyusyu Island during the spawning season of P. japonicus supported the relatively rapid dispersal of the larvae from the East China Sea near Japan to the Pacific Ocean or the Sea of Japan. Larval transport from the East China Sea to the Pacific Ocean, which is considered to be a main distribution area of middle‐ and late‐stage larvae, would occur in the south at approximately 32–33°N in the East China Sea near western Kyusyu Island.  相似文献   

Artificial reefs are spatially complex habitats and serve as good model systems to study patterns of community succession and the response of epibiota to environmental clines over small spatial scales. Here, we quantified spatial heterogeneity in community composition and diversity of fouling communities across a number of environmental gradients that included water depth, surface orientation of habitats, exposure to currents, and shelter. Assemblage structure was quantified by spatially replicated photo transects on a recently scuttled large navy ship off the East Australian coast, lying in 27 m of water. A rich assemblage of epifauna had colonized the wreck within a year, dominated by barnacles, sponges and bryozoans. Community structure varied significantly over small spatial scales of meters to tens of meters. Depth, surface orientation and exposure were the major environmental drivers. Assemblages were substantially less diverse and abundant on the deepest (23 m near the seafloor) part of the hull with residual antifouling paint, on sheltered surfaces inside the wreck, and on the sediment‐laden horizontal surfaces. Overall, the wrecks’ habitat complexity corresponds with small‐scale heterogeneity in the fouling communities. This study supports the notion that wrecks enhance local diversity and biomass within the habitat mosaic of their location, and habitat complexity may be an important mechanism for this, as demonstrated by the large spatial variability in the assemblages documented here.  相似文献   

分析测定了未经处理的普通三疣梭子蟹和经过溶藻弧菌感染筛选的三疣梭子蟹从第Ⅰ期溞状幼体(Z1)到第Ⅳ期仔蟹(C4)各发育阶段的耗氧量和耗氧率,比较了两类梭子蟹的耗氧情况,并研究了三疣梭子蟹体质量与溶解氧需求的关系。结果表明:两类三疣梭子蟹早期发育阶段的体质量与耗氧量、耗氧率均呈幂函数关系,耗氧量随体质量的增加而增加,耗氧率则随体质量的增加而降低;各发育阶段普通蟹和筛选蟹体质量差异不显著;在Z1期和Z3期,筛选蟹的耗氧率显著低于普通蟹(P<0.01),Z2期筛选蟹的耗氧率显著高于普通蟹(P<0.01),Z4期至仔蟹期,两类梭子蟹耗氧率差异不显著(P>0.01)。  相似文献   

The metabolism of some xenobiotics can lead to the formation of reactive intermediates with mutagenic/carcinogenic properties. With the carcinogenic PAH these have been identified as bay-region diol-epoxides.1 Phenanthrene, a non-carcinogenic, bay-region containing model PAH, is metabolised in vivo by bony fish at the proximate bay-region position, whereas mammals and other marine organisms mainly form the K-region metabolite 9,10-dihydro-9,10-dihydroxy-phenanthrene.2 We wanted to investigate this difference more closely by studying the regiospecificity of phenanthrene metabolism in vitro both with microsomes from differently pretreated cod and with isolated cytochrome P-450 isozymes from BNF-induced cod.3 Secondly, by preparing antibodies to the major isozyme isolated (called cod P-450c), we investigated the immunochemical properties of the variously treated cod liver microsomes.  相似文献   

Abstract. The role of larval settlement, post-settlement mortality and competition with a red algae in determining the patterns of abundance and distribution of the spirorbid tube worm Neodexiospira brasiliensis (Grube) (Polychaeta: Spirorbidae) on leaves of three seagrass species: Zostera marina Linnaeus, Zostera asiatica Miki and Phyllospadix iwatensis Makino were examined in Aininkap, Akkeshi Bay, Akkeshi, Hokkaido, Japan. Field collections of seagrass shoots were made at about 1-week intervals. The density of newly settled larvae (< 0.3 mm in tube diameter) increased significantly on Z. asiatica and P. iwatensis , but not on Z. marina during the sampling period. It was highest on Z. asiatica among the three seagrass species, followed by P. iwatensis and Z. marina . Newly settled larvae occurred more on the basal part of younger leaves of each seagrass species. Mortality tended to be high on Z. marina , followed by Z. asiatica and P. iwatensis , although the differences were not great. Size-specific mortality showed the existence of high mortality in early post-settlement stages on Z. asiatica and P. iwatenisis . Relatively high mortality was also suffered by individuals with a tube diameter over 1.5 mm. Growth in tube diameter of N. brasiliensis was slower on P. iwatensis than on the other two seagrasses. The effect of a calcareous red algae on larval settlement was investigated with removal experiments; however, no effect of red algae was detected. Patterns in the distribution and abundance of N. brasiliensis on leaves of three seagrass species resulted from the heterogeneity of larval settlement rather than from post-settlement mortality or competition with red algae. Different densities of larval settlement among the three seagrass species or on a leaf are likely to relate to larval behaviour, such as negative phototaxis.  相似文献   

以鱼粉、豆粕和明胶为主要蛋白源配制成蛋白质水平分别为31.5%、35.0%、38.5%、42.0%、45.5%、49.0%的试验饲料。选取初始均重(3.99±0.08)g的拟目乌贼(Sepia lycidas)540只,随机分成6组,每组3个重复,每个重复30只。结果表明:拟目乌贼的生长性能指标(增重率、特定生长率、成活率)均在饲料蛋白质水平为45.91%时达到最佳,除与蛋白质水平为49.72%时差异不显著(P0.05)外,与其他各组均有显著差异(P0.05)。饲料系数随蛋白质水平的升高呈先降后升的趋势,在饲料蛋白质水平为45.91%时达到最低,显著低于除49.72%组外的其他各组;蛋白质效率随着饲料中蛋白质水平的升高而显著下降(P0.05)。饲料蛋白质水平对肥满度与肝体比影响不显著(P0.05)。胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、肠道脂肪酶和肝脏超氧化物歧化酶活性,随饲料蛋白质水平的增加呈先升后降的趋势,均在饲料蛋白质水平为45.91%时达到最高,胃蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶活性除与蛋白质水平为42.22%时差异不显著(P0.05)外,与其他各组均有显著差异(P0.05);脂肪酶和肝脏超氧化物歧化酶活性与其他各组均有显著差异(P0.05),而肠道淀粉酶活性则相反。肝脏谷丙转氨酶和谷草转氨酶活性随饲料蛋白质水平的增加呈先升后稳定的趋势,均在饲料蛋白质水平为49.72%时达到最大,显著高于除45.91%组外的其他各组(P0.05);而饲料蛋白质水平对碱性磷酸酶活性影响不显著(P0.05)。乌贼肌肉粗蛋白质在饲料蛋白质水平45.91%时含量最高,显著高于除49.72%组外的其他各组(P0.05);粗脂肪含量最低,显著低于其他各组(P0.05);而肌肉水分和粗灰分含量不受饲料蛋白质水平的影响(P0.05)。拟目乌贼生长前期(4~10 g)配合饲料适宜的蛋白质水平为45.91%。  相似文献   

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