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Equatorial charge-exchange lifetimes of ring current protons are recalculated, and the decay of a collection of ring current protons trapped on an L-shell by the charge-exchange mechanism is determined using recent models of the hydrogen geocorona. Observational results pertaining to the decay of ring current energy are briefly discussed, as are a number of competing loss mechanisms. Since charge exchange is a simple physical process which is very efficient in removing ring current energy from L-shells near to the Earth (say, L < 4), it is suggested that it may well be the dominant loss mechanism in this region.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the time variations of Dst during magnetic storms are discussed in the context of several energizing and loss processes thought to be important for the production and decay of the storm time ring current. The energy input rate UR may be more accurately evaluated if the predominant lifetime for ring current particle loss is taken as a few hours during main phase energizations, and a few tens of hours for particles remaining during recovery phases, and allowing for populations with a range of lifetimes during recurrent episodes of energization.  相似文献   

Low altitude satellite measurements of protons in the 1–100 keV range indicate two energy dependent proton precipitation boundaries. At low invariant latitudes mostly below 60° there is a region of moderately weak proton precipitation. The poleward boundary of this region tends to be at higher latitudes for the high energy protons than for the low energy protons. At high invariant latitudes there is a region where both the low and high energy protons precipitate with an isotropic pitch-angle distribution. The equatorward boundary of this region tends to be at lower latitudes for protons with energy more than 100 keV than for those in the 1–6 keV range. This region with isotropic pitch-angle distribution is located well outside the plasmapause both for the 1–6 and 100-keV protons.Between these two precipitation zones there is a region where the proton pitch-angle distribution is highly anisotropic with almost no protons in the loss cone. This region tends to be wider and more pronounced in the 1–6 than in the 100-keV protons.These findings lend further support to the mechanism of ion-cyclotron instability as the cause of proton pitch-angle diffusion in the low and intermediate regions. The process responsible for the strong diffusion at auroral latitudes has not yet been identified.  相似文献   

Using a dipole plus tail magnetic field model, H+, He++ and O 16 +6 ions are followed numerically, backward in time, from an output plane perpendicular to the axis of the geomagnetic tail, to their point of entrace to the magnetosphere as solar wind particles in the magnetosheath. An adiabatic or guiding center approximation is used in regions where the particles do not interact directly with the current sheet. A Maxwellian distribution with bulk flow is assumed for solar wind particles in the magnetosheath. Bulk velocity, density, and temperature along the magnetopause are taken from the fluid calculations of Spreiter. Using Liouville's theorem, and varying initial conditions at the output plane, the distribution function is found as a function of energy and pitch angle at the output plane. These results are then mapped to the auroral ionosphere using guiding center theory. Results show that the total precipitation rate is sufficient only for particles which enter the magnetosphere near the edges of the current sheet. Small pitch angles are favored at the output plane, but mappings to the auroral ionosphere indicate isotropic pitch angle distributions are favored with some peaking of the fluxes parallel or at other angles to the field lines. Perpendicular auroral pitch angle anisotropies are at times produced by the current sheet acceleration mechanism. Therefore, caution must be used in interpreting all such observations as ‘loss cone-trapping’ distributions. Energy spectra appear to be quite narrow for small cross-tail electric fields, and a little broader as the electric field increases. Comparisons of these results with experimental observations are presented.  相似文献   

Internal shocks propagating through an ambient radiation field are subject to a radiative drag that, under certain conditions, can significantly affect their dynamics, and consequently the evolution of the beaming cone of emission produced behind the shocks. The resultant change of the Doppler factor combined with opacity effects leads to a strong dependence on the viewing angle of the variability pattern produced by such systems; specifically, the shape of the light curves and the characteristics of correlated emission. One implication is that objects oriented at relatively large viewing angles to the observer should exhibit a higher level of activity at high synchrotron frequencies (above the self-absorption frequency), and also at gamma-ray energies below the threshold energy of pair production, than at lower (radio/millimetre) frequencies.  相似文献   

Assuming that the formation of the ring current belt is a direct consequence of an enhanced crosstail electric field and hence of an enhanced convection, we calculate the total ring current kinetic energy (KR) and the ring current energy injection rate (UR) as a function of the cross-tail electric field (ECT); the cross-tail electric field is assumed to have a step function-like increase. The loss of ring current particles due to recombination and charge-exchange is assumed to be distributed over the whole ring current region. It is found that: (1) the steady-state ring current energy KR is approximately linearly proportional to ECT; (2) the characteristic time tc for KR to reach the saturation level is 3–4 h; (3) the injection rate UR is proportional to ECTβ where β ? 1.33?1.52; and (4) the characteristic time tp for UR to reach the peak value is 1–2 h and the peak UR value is 50% higher than the steady-state value. Since β is now determined specifically for an enhanced convection, an observational determination of the relationship between ECT(or φCT) and UR is essential to a better understanding of ring current formation processes. If the observed β is greater than 1.5, additional processes (e.g. an injection of heavy ions from the ionosphere to the plasma sheet and subsequently to the ring current region) may be required.  相似文献   

Energy spectra and angular distributions of auroral electrons in the energy range 0.2–16 keV measured by the low-altitude polar orbiting satellite ESRO 4 are presented. The observations were made in the altitude range 800–1000 km near magnetic midnight. Energy-time spectrograms show inverted-V structures with peaked energy spectra. The inverted-V events are associated with anisotropic electron pitch angle distributions peaked at 0 deg. Frequently these distributions have a maximum also at 90 deg. Measurements of >43 keV electrons indicate that the acceleration probably occurs on closed field lines. It is found that many properties of the observed particle distributions can be explained by acceleration in an electric field parallel to the magnetic field lines, if trapping of particles under an increasing potential drop is included in the model.  相似文献   

Assuming steady state conditions, we calculated the occupation of 20 levels of the ion Six as a function of the electron density and temperature taking into account collisional processes and spontaneous radiative ones. Between the two levels of the ground state also the photo-absorption of the corresponding infrared radiation has been considered. The emission of the most important UV-, X- and IR-lines is determined as a function of the electron density and temperature. Intensity ratios are plotted versus electron density. The line emission as a function of the height of the radiating layers is studied for UV- and X-ray lines. The resulting fluxes in earth distance are compared with observations.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the galactic radial distribution of several parameters of interstellar molecules and clouds deduced from observed data at b = 0°, l = 20°–40°, and the cloud mass spectrum in different regions divided according to the several parameters. Comparison with spiral arm regions shows the following: 1) The clouds are not arm tracers; they are long-lived objects. 2) Larger and hotter clouds do not show any concentration towards the arms, while smaller clouds are continuously distributed in the inner galactic region. 3) The cloud mass spectrum does not depend on the molecular density or the surface number density of clouds; this is a new difficulty for both theories of cloud formation by gravitational collapse and by collisional growth. 4)The cloud lifetimes deduced from the different mass spectra for various regions fluctuate about the mean value, 2 (+9) yr, by less than 20%.  相似文献   

It is shown that the field line resonance phenomenon that occurs for quasi-transverse signals in a non-uniform cold plasma generally occurs for disturbances with a compressional magnetic component in a hot plasma like the ring current. The equations describing such localised signals are derived and discussed in various limits. It is pointed out that recent observations of low frequency compressional oscillations on spacecraft may be an example of such localised signals.  相似文献   

Assuming steady state conditions, the occupation of 9 levels of oxygen-like ions: Ne iii, Mg v, Si vii, S ix, and Ar xi have been computed as a function of electron density and temperature. The following physical processes have been considered: collisional excitations and spontaneous radiative de-excitations for permitted and intercombination transitions; collisional excitations and de-excitations, photo-excitations and spontaneous radiative transitions among the five levels of the ground term. This study indicates that line intensity ratios for oxygen-like ions can be used as a diagnostic in the determination of these two parameters of the solar plasma.Paper presented at the 4th Astronomical Society of India Meeting, held at Radio Astronomy Centre, Ootacamund, India, 7–10 March 1978.  相似文献   

Steady state level density of 20 levels of boron-like ions, Mg viii and Si x, have been computed as a function of electron density and temperature. We have accounted for collisional and spontaneous radiative processes. Photo-excitation between the two levels of the ground term has also been considered. Using the computed level density, line intensities have been obtained as a function of electron density and temperature. In case of Mg viii, line intensity ratio I(430.47)/I(436.62) is found to be electron density sensitive. Likewise other pairs of lines namely, I(75.03)/I(74.86), I(315.02)/I(430.47), and I(315.02)/I(335.23) are also found to be density sensitive. Similar density sensitive line intensity ratios have been found for Si x. Absolute line fluxes from these ions at earth distance have been computed and are found to be comparable with values obtained, using various satellite and rocket measurements.Paper presented at the 5th Astronomical Society of India Meeting, held at Uttar Pradesh State Observatory, Naini Tal, India, 5–9 November, 1979.  相似文献   

The rate of energy input to the ring current is studied as a function of solar wind parameters. The ring current dissipation rate is also examined. The decay constant τ in the main phase of a storm has been shown to be independent of its intensity and to equal (4 ± 2) h. In the recovery phase τ rises with increasing storm intensity.  相似文献   

The inductive electric field generated by a time-dependent symmetric ring current has been investigated. The symmetric ring current was modelled by a population of protons drifting in a magnetic dipole field. The interaction of these protons with ion-cyclotron waves was assumed to be the dominant energy loss process for the ring current protons, at least under certain conditions. The calculation, with spectral densities for the ion-cyclotron waves that are based on experimental data, showed that an azimuthal inductive electric field of as much as 0.25 mV/m can be produced by this mechanism. Furthermore there is evidence that if the spectral density of the waves is substantially larger than the one adopted here, the electric field might increase to the order of 1.0 mV/m or more.  相似文献   

Brandt  P. C: Son  Mitchell  D.G.  Roelof  E.C.  Burch  J.L. 《Solar physics》2001,204(1-2):377-386
Global images of the Earth's inner magnetosphere and its response to the coronal mass ejection (CME) on the 15 July 2000 were obtained by the IMAGE spacecraft. The images were taken in energetic neutral atoms (ENA) by the High-Energy Neutral Atom (HENA) imager. ENAs are produced by charge exchange between the hot ion population of the magnetosphere and the cold neutral hydrogen geocorona. The ENA images show how plasma is injected into the nightside magnetosphere as the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) turns strongly southward. As the IMF B z increases and the storm intensity decreases, the ENA images show that the ring current becomes closed and symmetric as IMF B z reaches positive values.  相似文献   

In unified models of active galaxies the direct line of sight to the nucleus is unobscured only within a certain cone of directions. An opening angle for this cone is usually estimated by methods such as the overall ratio of Seyfert 1s to Seyfert 2s, the latter assumed to be obscured versions of the former. Here we shall show, as has often been suspected, that the opening angle of the cone depends on the luminosity of the central source, with higher luminosities corresponding to larger opening angles. This conclusion depends only on the assumption that the width of the broad emission lines at a given luminosity is a measure of inclination angle, an assumption that is supported by observation in radio-loud systems. On the other hand we show that the scatter in X-ray spectral index is not primarily an effect of viewing angle, in contrast to what might be expected if the scatter on the spectral index versus luminosity relation were a consequence of absorption in the obscuring material. The observed correlation between linewidth and spectral index appears to be a further consequence of the dependence of opening angle on luminosity.  相似文献   

The topology of the boundaries of penetration (or inversely the boundaries of the forbidden regions) of 90° pitch angle equatorial protons with energies less than 100 keV are explored for an equatorial convection E-field which is directed in general from dawn to dusk. Due to the dependence of drift path on energy (or magnetic moment) complex structural features are expected in the proton energy spectra detected on satellites since the penetration distance of a proton is not a monotonically increasing or decreasing function of energy. During a storm when the convection E is enhanced, model calculations predict elongations of the forbidden regions analogous to plasmatail extensions of the plasmasphere. Following a reduction in the convection field, spiral-structured forbidden regions can occur. Structural features inherent to large scale convection field changes may be seen in the noselike proton spectrograms observed near dusk by instrumentation on the satellite Explorer 45 (S3) (Smith and Hoffman, 1974). These nose events are modelled by using an electric field model developed originally by Volland (1973). The strength of the field is related to Kp through night-time equatorial plasmapause measurements.  相似文献   

We have calculated the normalized populations of ground and first excited state levels in carbon-and nitrogen-like ions in an optically thin medium, under steady conditions, by using: (i) the incident electron energy dependent collision strengths and (ii) the constant collision strength (CCS) values at the incident electron energyE. The assumption of CCS affects the line-intensity ratio within the observational uncertainties. It is concluded that to calculate the intensity ratios for solar lines one can alternatively use CCS at electron energyE.  相似文献   

The relationship between the simultaneously observed positions of the maximum omnidirectional flux of the quiet-time ring current positive ions (Λφ) and the maximum electron temperature ΛT in the trough is studied in the midnight sector of the topside ionosphere. Λφ maps to the inner edge of the plasma sheet where ring current fluxes change from nearly isotropic to trapped. At altitudes near 2500 km, the electron temperature at trough latitudes were always sharply peaked. Although Λφ varied with the level of geomagnetic activity, (Λφ ? ΛT) did not. These observations support the hypothesis that the quiet-time ring current is the source of elevated electron temperatures found near the plasmapause. Below 1300 km, peaked electron temperature distributions in the trough were not consistent features of the data. It is shown that (Λφ ? ΛT) increased with decreasing altitude. The possible influences of a westward component to the convective electric field and ionospheric refraction of ion cyclotron waves are discussed.  相似文献   

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