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All-sky camera observations from two stations in the inner (northern) polar cap and an auroral zone station are combined with photometer records from the polar cap station Nord in a study of the brilliant auroral display following the ssc of the storm of 7 November 1970. This display is the large, poleward expanding bulge of a substorm triggered by the ssc. It is composed of brilliant discrete forms embedded in low-intensity diffuse electron and proton aurora. The poleward edge of the diffuse electron aurora is 5° north of the discrete auroras and 3° north of the proton aurora. The intensity of the discrete aurora varies as the strength of the auroral electrojet as shown by magnetograms from auroral zone stations. Succeeding the retreating display a subvisible low-energy electron precipitation, which may be identified as the polar squall (Winningham and Heikkila, 1974) is observed over the polar cap during the main phase of the storm.In the early morning sector already existing diffuse auroras broaden towards the equator from the time of the ssc and at least during the following half hour.Ssc-triggered displays have been found (Feldstein, 1959) to withdraw from the inner polar cap as the initial (positive H) phase of the storm ends. A comparison of the records from seven low-latitude stations shows that during this particular storm the positive phase appears to be composed by two overlapping disturbances, i.e. the proper initial phase, which is generally thought to be due to compression of the inner magnetosphere and a series of positive bays accompanying the negative bays in auroral latitudes. These positive bays are observable over a great range of longitudes with a maximum of amplitude near midnight. As judged from the dayside magnetograms the initial (compression) phase ends at an early stage of the substorm. The observed coincidence between the withdrawal of the display and the cessation of the positive H phase of the storm is a consequence of the fact that the second component—the positive bays—and the auroral display over the polar cap are both signatures of the substorm activity.  相似文献   

Models of acceleration of auroral electrons by electrostatic shock waves are considered based on the model electron beam, calculated by Evans (1974), to account for the observed precipitating electron fluxes. Electron populations in our models include a primary accelerated beam, originating from the plasma sheet, the secondary electrons and the energy-degraded and backscattered primary electrons produced by precipitating electrons of that beam. We find a feasible electrostatic shock model with appropriate ion populations from considerations on the conditions for the existence of shock solutions.  相似文献   

On 15 February, 1977, ground magnetic, ionospheric electric and auroral signatures of a multiple onset substorm were observed simultaneously by the Scandinavian Magnetometer Array (SMA), the Scandinavian Twin Auroral Radar Experiment (STARE) and the Finnish all-sky camera chain. Between 21:00 and 21:30 U.T., i.e. around local magnetic midnight, three consecutive local auroral break-ups were observed over Scandinavia. Each of these break-ups was preceded by a clear fading of the aurora and magnetic fields (while the electric fields remained unaffected), and occurred slightly south of the Harang discontinuity in the region of north-westward-directed electric fields. They were associated with a sudden change in direction of the electric field from north-west to south-west and the appearance of a westward equivalent current in the localized active region (about 1200 × 300 km2). These observations matched the features to be expected during the generation of a Cowling channel by a strong increase of the ionospheric conductivities due to precipitating auroral electrons. Numerical model calculations, based on the observations during the initial brightening and peak development of the second, most conspicuous break-up, show that the field-aligned currents at the northern and southern border of the active region are indeed very weak. However, highly localized and intense upward field-aligned currents at the western edge of the active region and more widespread and less intense downward currents in the eastern half preserve current continuity of the westward Cowling current and complete the substorm current wedge.  相似文献   

Concurrent variations of CNA fluctuations and geomagnetic fluctuations are classified into Type 1 (substorm-type), Type 2 (Pc5-type), and Type 3 which is the object of the present study. Type 3 apparently has peculiar characteristics in that CNA fluctuations at a certain auroral-zone station show a pronounced positive correlation with magnetic fluctuations at distant low-latitude stations. The magnetic fluctuations of this type are identified to generalized Si which tends to take place much more frequently than the so-called Si. The CNA fluctuations of this type are found to take place on the dayside auroral zone only when preceded by a magnetic substorm on the night side. Considering the change of the growth rate of electron cyclotron instability and enhancement of pitch angle diffusion due to the change of magnetic field intensity, the following model is proposed to explain the occurrence mechanism of Type 3 concurrent variations. The CNA fluctuations take place only when two conditions are satisfied; generation of the accelerated electrons in association with substorm onset and modulation of the precipitation of the electrons by compression and expansion of the magnetosphere, in other words, by generalized Si.  相似文献   

The relationship between sudden geomagnetic field changes in the nightside cusp region and impulsive electron precipitation events in the auroral zone is investigated. The investigations are based on magnetic field measurements from the spacecraft Explorer 35, Explorer 33 and OGO-5 and on X-ray measurements with balloon-borne instruments from Kiruna/Sweden. The sudden field changes are characterized by a decrease of the field strength and a rotation of the field direction. The precipitation events represent strong flux increases within a few minutes. The field changes were accompanied by impulsive precipitation not only in the midnight sector but also on the dayside. They can be regarded as a manifestation of the unsteady magnetospheric processes during the expansion phase. Whereas both phenomena occurred simultaneously on the nightside, the increase of precipitation was delayed by ca. 5 min on the dayside. It is assumed that the simultaneous occurrence on the nightside can be related to the formation of a neutral line with a considerable length in dawn-dusk-direction. Mechanisms are also discussed which could be responsible for the time delay on the dayside.  相似文献   

Typical auroral events in the Martian atmosphere, such as discrete and diffuse auroral emissions detected by UV spectrometers onboard ESA Mars Express and NASA MAVEN, are investigated. Auroral electron kinetic energy distribution functions and energy spectra of the upward and downward electron fluxes are obtained by electron transport calculations using the kinetic Monte Carlo model. These characteristics of auroral electron fluxes make it possible to calculate both the precipitation-induced changes in the atmosphere and the observed manifestations of auroral events on Mars. In particular, intensities of discrete and diffuse auroral emissions in the UV and visible wavelength ranges (Soret et al., 2016; Bisikalo et al., 2017; Gérard et al., 2017). For these conditions of auroral events, the analysis is carried out, and the contribution of the fluxes of precipitating electrons to the heating and ionization of the Martian atmosphere is estimated. Numerical calculations show that in the case of discrete auroral events the effect of the residual crustal magnetic field leads to a significant increase in the upward fluxes of electrons, which causes a decrease in the rates of heating and ionization of the atmospheric gas in comparison with the calculations without taking into account the residual magnetic field. It is shown that all the above-mentioned impact factors of auroral electron precipitation processes should be taken into account both in the photochemical models of the Martian atmosphere and in the interpretation of observations of the chemical composition and its variations using the ACS instrument onboard ExoMars.  相似文献   

During winter nights the ionization of the auroral zone increases and moves southward into the main ionospheric trough with increasing magnetic activity. The southern boundary of the ionization coincides with the southern boundary of the auroral oval. The ionization thus created remains in the ionosphere after midnight, although the precipitation of soft electrons, which is the possible source, has moved north of the auroral zone.  相似文献   

Auroral absorption, measured with riometers at various stations, has been compared with the fluxes of energetic particles detected simultaneously by a satellite passing overhead. The absorption and the particle flux are found to be correlated, the relation depending on the time of day. The observed relationship is discussed in the light of computations of the absorption, based on the rates of ion production previously given by Rees and on reasonable atmospheric models. A case is presented for more prolonged comparisons of this kind, the combination of a polar orbit with ground-based observations at the South Pole station being particularly fruitful in this type of experiment.  相似文献   

Utilizing a unique set of photometric and riometer observations obtained just after twilight (1300–1600 M.L.T.) at College, Alaska, the occurrence of pulsating auroras in the afternoon sector of the auroral zone is documented for the first time. A consistent tendency for the auroral pulsations to terminate as the Earth's shadow passes through the E- and F-layers is interpreted in terms of the precipitation pulsation mechanism proposed by Coroniti and Kennel (1970) and the cold plasma injection theory of Brice and Lucas (1971).  相似文献   

Observations are reported of field aligned etectron fluxes in the energy range 50–500 eV at altitudes below 270 km from two rocket flights in the auroral zone. The regions of field aligned suprathermal electrons occurred in bursts of a few seconds duration, and in some instances the energy of the peak field aligned flux was in the range 100–500 eV. Theoretical calculations of the pitch angle distribution were made using the Monte Carlo technique for two model atmospheres having exospheric temperatures of 750 and 1500 K bracketing the expected auroral zone exospheric temperature. The calculations were made for the case of incident field aligned suprathermal fluxes with no local parallel electric field and also for the case of a local constant parallel electric field. Comparison of theoretical and experimental pitch angle distributions showed that in one case at 270 km a parallel electric field of 1–2 mV/m fitted the data whereas another burst at 210 km required a parallel electric field of about 10 mV/m to produce a field aligned distribution of 230 eV electrons as pronounced as was observed. Furthermore in this latter case the lack of strong field alignment at 500 eV pointed to localisation of the parallel electric field to an altitude range of 20–30 km about the rocket altitude.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the experimental results on electron precipitation in a diffuse aurora obtained by a sounding rocket launched from ANDENES (L ~ 6·2) on 3 November 1968. A considerable increase in the intensity of low energy electrons, Ee ? 5 keV, followed a large precipitation of more energetic electrons Ee ? 5 keV. From the observation of angular distributions and an estimate of the diffusion coefficient (Dα ? 10?3 (sec)?2), it is suggested that this higher energy precipitation is induced by gyroresonant interactions of magnetospheric electrons with radiation in the whistler mode. The lower energy precipitation separated in time and/or space, shows quasi-periodic modulations in the 5–15 sec range with periods close to the bounce period. It is suggested that this precipitation is the result of bounce-resonance interactions with electrostatic waves in the equatorial plane. Finally, from a comparison between the experimental energy spectra and plasma sheet spectra it can be concluded that these electrons are injected from the plasma sheet during a substorm and are then diffused and precipitated by energy dependent mechanisms.  相似文献   

The deposition of energetic electrons in Jupiter's upper atmosphere provides a means, via auroral observations, of monitoring electron and plasma wave activity within the magnetosphere. Not only does particle precipitation indicate a potential change in atmospheric chemistry, it allows for the study of episodic, pronounced flux enhancements in the energetic electron population. A study has been made of the effects of such electron injections into the jovian magnetosphere and of their ability to provide the source population for variations in diffuse auroral emissions. To identify the source region of precipitating auroral electrons, we have investigated the pitch-angle distributions of high-resolution Galileo Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) data that indicate strong flux levels near the loss cone. The equatorial source region of precipitating electrons has been determined from the locations of Galileo's in situ measurements by tracing magnetic field lines using the KK97 model. The primary source region for Jupiter's diffuse aurora appears to lie in the magnetic equator at 15-40 RJ, with the predominant contribution to precipitation flux (tens of ergs cm−2 s−1 sr−1) stemming from <30 RJ. Variability of flux for energetic electrons in this region is also important to the irradiation of surfaces and atmospheres for the Galilean moons: Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. The average diffuse auroral precipitation flux has been shown to vary by as much as a factor of six at a given radial location. This variability appears to be associated with electron injection events that have been identified in high-resolution Galileo EPD data. These electron flux enhancements are also associated with increased whistler-mode wave activity and magnetic field perturbations, as detected by the Galileo Plasma Wave Subsystem (PWS) and Magnetometer (MAG), respectively. Resonant interactions with the whistler-mode waves cause electron pitch-angle scattering and lead to pitch-angle isotropization and precipitation.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented from spectral analysis of Pi2 pulsations detected during a substorm by the University of Alberta meridian chain of magnetometers to support the conclusion that at auroral latitudes there is no apparent correlation between the principal spectral components of Pi2 pulsations and the latitude of the observations. From these data we infer that the Pi2 magnetic variations observed at the Earth's surface are not generated by simple MHD eigenoscillations of magnetospheric field. As well, the data show clear contributions to the Pi2 pulsation spectrum by ionospheric currents. These observations lead to the suggestion that Pi2 pulsation spectra are produced by the sudden changes in magnetospheric and ionospheric current systems which take place at the beginning of a substorm.  相似文献   

Energy spectra of electrons between 30 eV and 18 keV were obtained with a spectrometer on a Black Brant rocket launched from Cape Parry, N.W.T. (Λ = 75.2°) on December 6, 1974 to study the dayside magnetospheric cleft. The rocket flew to an apogee of 236 km and travelled poleward to 80° invariant latitude. The cleft was observed to extend from 76.9 to 78.4° invariant latitude. Equatorward of this electrons of a few keV energy were observed with a total energy flux of up to 2 erg/cm2 sec ster. Variable fluxes of electrons with a spectrum fitted by a Maxwellian distribution of 150 eV characteristic energy were observed through most of the cleft. One inverted V structure was crossed. In that region, the electron energy increased to 650 eV and a total energy flux of 8 erg/cm2 sec ster was measured. The event was a temporal one and only a few km in width, as deduced from optical data. Fluxes of about 10−2 erg/cm2 sec ster were recorded poleward of the cleft.  相似文献   

In the midday sector, the hard electron precipitation and the associated patchy aurora at geomagnetic latitude ~65° are the only auroral features (? 20 keV) located equatorward of the dayside auroral oval during intense and moderately disturbed geomagnetic conditions. We identify the patchy luminosity in the midday and late morning sectors as the active mantle aurora. The mantle aurora was found by Sanford (1964) using the IGY-IGC auroral patrol spectrographs and which was thought to be non-visual. The precipitating electrons reside mostly at energies greater than several keV with an energy flux of ? 0.1 erg cm?2 s?1 sr?1 during geomagnetic active periods. This hard precipitation occurs in a region which is asymmetric in L.T. with respect to the noon meridian. The region extends from the morning sector to only early afternoon (13–14 M.L.T.) along the geomagnetic latitude circle of about 65–70°. The model calculation indicates that the mantle aurora is produced by the precipitation of the energetic electrons which drift azimuthally from the plasma sheet at the midnight sector to the dayside magnetopause during magnetospheric substorms.  相似文献   

The day to night ratio in ionospheric radio wave absorption has been studied for College, Alaska using a narrow beam riometer array and computer assisted programming of the data. For the period of 6 November 1967 to 17 April 1968 no significant departure from a ratio of unity was found.  相似文献   

The day to night absorption ratio in auroral zone riometer measurements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The day to night ratio in ionospheric radio wave absorption has been studied for College, Alaska using a narrow beam riometer array and computer assisted programming of the data. For the period of 6 November 1967 to 17 April 1968 no significant departure from a ratio of unity was found.  相似文献   

High-resolution (∼0.22 Å) spectra of the north jovian aurora were obtained in the 905-1180 Å window with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) on October 28, 2000. The FUSE instrument resolves the rotational structure of the H2 spectra and the spectral range allows the study of self-absorption. Below 1100 Å, transitions connecting to the v?2 levels of the H2 ground state are partially or totally absorbed by the overlying H2 molecules. The FUSE spectra provide information on the overlying H2 column and on the vibrational distribution of H2. Transitions from high-energy H2 Rydberg states and treatment of self-absorption are considered in our synthetic spectral generator. We show comparisons between synthetic and observed spectra in the 920-970, 1030-1080, and 1090-1180 Å spectral windows. In a first approach (single-layer model ), the synthetic spectra are generated in a thin emitting layer and the emerging photons are absorbed by a layer located above the source. It is found that the parameters of the single-layer model best fitting the three spectral windows are 850, 800, and 800 K respectively for the H2 gas temperature and 1.3×1018, 1.5×1020, and 1.3×1020 cm−2 for the H2 self-absorbing vertical column respectively. Comparison between the H2 column and a 1-D atmospheric model indicates that the short-wavelength FUV auroral emission originates from just above the homopause. This is confirmed by the high H2 rovibrational temperatures, close to those deduced from spectral analyses of H+3 auroral emission. In a second approach, the synthetic spectral generator is coupled with a vertically distributed energy degradation model, where the only input is the energy distribution of incoming electrons (multi-layer model ). The model that best fits globally the three FUSE spectra is a sum of Maxwellian functions, with characteristic energies ranging from 1 to 100 keV, giving rise to an emission peak located at 5 μbar, that is ∼100 km below the methane homopause. This multi-layer model is also applied to a re-analysis of the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT) auroral spectrum and accounts for the H2 self-absorption as well as the methane absorption. It is found that no additional discrete soft electron precipitation is necessary to fit either the FUSE or the HUT observations.  相似文献   

We have considered the character of radio wave absorption variations in the auroral zone, depending on the relative number of sunspots over a 11-yr cycle and on a interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) sector polarity, by using observations carried out at Murmansk, by the Al method, at noon throughout 1959 to 1967. It was shown that the abnormal absorption occurrence frequencies as well as the background absorption values are generally bigger in the case of the IMF directed away from the Sun. The difference, caused by IMF sector polarity, of both values is subject to regular quasi-two-year variations.  相似文献   

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