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Introduction The current earthquake damage and losses assessment is based on the parameters obtained from rapid determination of earthquake location. It has been proved that there exist uncertainties of the rapidly determined parameters. For example, the deviation of fast determined magnitude from the magnitude determined by the international common technique obeys the normal distribu-tion, and such deviation is decreasing year after year with improvement of networks performance (MENG, 1994;…  相似文献   

1 Introduction of GPS observation dataThe Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) is a major scientific project in China organized by China Seismological Bureau and paticipated by the Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of the General Staff, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. Based on the observation data of 25 fiducial stations and 56 basic stations in CMONOC (Figure 1 and Table 1), collected from August 26 to September…  相似文献   

Anisotropy of the upper mantle in Chinese mainland and its vicinity   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
IntroductionAnisotropy is a universal phenomenon in the upper mantle. The mechanisms, which cause elastic anisotropy of in-situ rocks, include lattice preferred orientation of the minerals composing the rocks and preferred orientation of magma chambers. Lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine is widely believed to be the dominant cause of the upper mantle anisotropy. The observational results of the upper mantle anisotropy can be explained by tectonic process relating to plate motion.…  相似文献   

IdentifyingtheactiveandinactiveperiodofearthquakesinChinesemainlandisofgreatimportanceforguid-ingmid-shortterm,especiallyshortterm,earthquakeforecast.Thisisanindispensablestepforstudyingearth-quakepredictioninourcountry.Nowanintegratedsetofconceptsandmethodsforgeneraltrendpredictionofearthquakeactivityhasbeendeveloped.BasedontheChineseearthquakedatasincethebeginningofthe20thcentury,somestatisticalmethodshavebeendevelopedtoanalyzeoccurrencefrequencyandenergyreleaseofearthquakes,distinguishacti…  相似文献   

ResearchonthecompletenessofearthquakedataintheChinesemainland(I)──NorthChinaWei-QiongHUANG(黄玮琼);Wen-XiangLI;(李文香)andXue-FengC...  相似文献   

GroupingoccurrencesbeingthefundamentalfeatureofthestrongearthquakesinChinesemainlandQin-ZuLI(李钦祖);Li-MinYU(于利民);Ji-YiWANG(王吉易...  相似文献   

~~Establishment and analyses on the unified horizontal crustal velocity fields in the Chinese mainland@李延兴 @胡新康 @黄城 @朱文耀 @帅平 @胡小工 @张中伏~~State Key Basic Development and Program Project(G09980407).  相似文献   

Introduction It is well known that China locates in the southeastern part of Eurasian Plate, which subjects to the action of westward subducting of Pacific Plate and Philippine Sea Plate, and northward col- lision of Indian Plate. So China is a country with strong seismicity. There are two kinds of earth-quake activities in China. In the Chinese mainland most of the earthquakes belong to the intraplate ones, and in Taiwan of China belong to interplate ones. According to the statistics 9…  相似文献   

Horizontal crustal movement in Chinese mainland from 1999 to 2001   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Introduction In the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) there are 25 fiducialstations, 56 basic stations and 1 000 regional stations. They are scattered on 10 major blocks inChinese mainland with high density of observation stations on the blocks of high seismic activityin the regional networks. 10 major blocks or regions (they will be referred to as blocks in the paper,a letter is used as a symbol for each block) were divided during the design of the regionalnetwo…  相似文献   

Introduction In the last 20 years, with observation technique development in space monitoring to Earth, a large progress has been made in monitoring crustal movement. This makes it possible for us to study crustal movement and the present geodynamic. Continuous GPS observation conducted in Chinese mainland and its neighboring region provides us for studying the present strain field of crustal micro-behavior tectonic. Crustal micro-behavior tectonic means that we can study the dif-ference bet…  相似文献   

选取呼包鄂区域11个宽频带地震台站记录的156个远震事件,使用剪切波分裂软件,对所选远震波形数据进行处理,求取并分析震中距85°—110°范围内同时被各地震台站记录的远震震相SKS的各向异性参数,即快波偏振方向及慢波到时差,结果表明:呼包鄂区域地下深层介质存在各向异性,快波偏振优势方向为ESE,慢波延迟时间为0.87—...  相似文献   

本研究收集了中国东北地区2008—2016年九年时间内207个固定地震台站和127个NECESSArray流动地震台站的波形资料,利用SKS波分裂的最小切向能量网格搜索方法获得了243个台站的有效分裂结果.研究结果显示,尽管研究区各向异性快波方向基本以NW-SE向为主,但无论是在快波方向上还是快慢波时间延迟上不同构造单元内部与不同构造单元之间均存在着较大差别.大兴安岭造山带北部的各向异性快波方向自北向南由NNE-SSW向转变为NNW-SSE向,在中部以NW-SE向为主,而南部自北而南由NE-SW向逐渐转变为近E-W向;松辽盆地的各向异性快波方向在北部自西向东主要表现为由NNW-SSE向逐渐转变为NW-SE向,在中部自西向东由NE-SW向转变为近E-W向,而在南部既有NE-SW向又有NW-SE向;佳木斯地块各向异性方向由西部的NW-SE转变为东部的NNW-SSE,同时快慢波时间延迟逐渐变大;长白山造山带北部自北向南由NW-SE向逐渐转变为近E-W向,中部各向异性快波方向为NNW-SSE向,且快慢波时间延迟较大,而南部以NW-SE向为主;燕山造山带的各向异性快波方向主要沿E-W向分布,基本平行于燕山造山带的走向.这些结果说明,尽管复杂的各向异性快波方向与局部岩石圈拆沉和热物质上涌有关,但更重要是与"大地幔楔"中物质水平流等动力过程密切相关,也有待将来结合更多地震资料如面波不同深度的特征各向异性进行分析.在阿巴嘎火山群、哈拉哈火山群、长白山火山、龙岗火山和镜泊湖火山区及五大连池火山区等特殊构造区的周边地区,各向异性快波方向围绕这些构造区随方位均发生明显变化,暗示了火山区下方热物质上涌可能影响了"大地幔楔"中的软流圈物质水平流方向.  相似文献   

冯力理  陈运泰  雷军 《地震学报》2014,36(6):981-996
利用非洲台阵(Africa Array)最新的地震记录,通过测量远震SKS震相的分裂参数,详细分析了非洲中东部地区地球介质各向异性可能的成因,包括随应力场变化定向排布的裂隙和岩浆透镜体,以及橄榄石晶格的定向排布等. 结果表明,现今上地幔流动导致的橄榄石晶格定向排布是其各向异性的主要成因,该结果与250 km深度的地幔流动模型一致. 对于少数台站出现的异常结果,则尝试用D″各向异性和双层各向异性模型来解释,并在此基础上讨论了D″各向异性的研究意义.   相似文献   

We use earthquakes recorded by the China National Seismic Network from 2015 to 2019 and measure shear wave splitting parameters of SKS to study the anisotropic characteristics beneath the mainland of China. In general, the fast directions change from nearly E-W in western China (northwest China and Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau) to nearly N–S in central China (Ordos and Sichuan-Yunnan), and then turn to approximately E-W in eastern China (North and South China). The delay times of slow wave in eastern China are about 1.0–1.7 ​s, larger than those in central and western China (about 0.6–1.0 ​s). In addition, the fast directions in eastern China are highly consistent with the plate motion direction and horizontal GPS velocities with respect to Eurasia, indicating that the observed anisotropy is mainly from the asthenosphere which is strongly coupled to the overlying lithosphere. However, the fast directions in western China are mostly in accord with the strike of the surface structures (such as faults), possibly due to the directional arrangement of crystal lattices caused by shear deformation under tectonic activities.  相似文献   

中国大陆及邻区SKS波分裂研究   总被引:12,自引:14,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
SKS波分裂测量是研究大陆地幔的形变特征、探索大陆动力学和演化过程的重要工具. 本文对中国大陆及邻区地震台站的SKS波分裂现象进行了研究. 选用中国数字化宽频带地震台网(CB台网)和美国IRIS数据中心提供的三分量宽频带数字化地震资料,使用SC(Silver and Chan,1991)方法,得到了中国大陆及周边地区80多个台站下方上地幔各向异性参数,即快波偏振方向φ和快慢波到时差δt. 快波偏振方位在相同地块有一定的优势排列方向,大多数台站快波偏振方向都能与过去或现今大规模的构造运动得到很好的符合. 整个研究区域所得到的分裂延迟时间在0.4~2.4s之间,平均为1.2s. 根据SKS波测量得到的分裂参数,分析了该研究区域各向异性介质的特性,从而探索与岩石弹性各向异性相关的地球内部动力学过程.  相似文献   

本文对布设在华北克拉通东西两块体交界区域的宽频带流动地震观测台阵和部分固定台站的远震波形记录开展了SKS波分裂研究.结果显示,鄂尔多斯块体内部的各向异性比较弱,剪切波分裂导致的时间延迟一般小于0.7 s.鄂尔多斯块体东缘的山西断陷带和太行山以及华北平原西部均表现出了比较强的各向异性,时间延迟大于1.0 s.特别是在太行山地区观测到的ENE趋向的快波偏振方向明显不同于鄂尔多斯块体和华北平原地区的近E-W和ESE方向的快波偏振方向.在华北克拉通东西两块体交界过渡带的太行山地区观测到的显著上地幔各向异性及变化可能对应于围绕鄂尔多斯块体东南角的局部软流圈绕流,而后者可能起因于鄂尔多斯块体的逆时针旋转以及青藏高原软流圈沿秦岭大别造山带向东的流动.  相似文献   

首都圈地区SKS波分裂研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析首都圈数字地震台网的49个宽频带和甚宽带台站的远震SKS波形资料,采用最小切向能量的网格搜索法和叠加分析方法,求得每一个台站的SKS快波偏振方向和快、慢波的时间延迟,获得了首都圈地区上地幔各向异性图象.首都圈地区的各向异性快波方向基本上呈WNW-ESE方向,快、慢波时间延迟为0.56-1.56 s.研究表明,首都圈地区上地幔存在明显的各向异性,引起各向异性的主要原因是研究区受太平洋板块俯冲作用下软流圈物质变形,使得上地幔橄榄岩等晶体的晶格优势取向沿物质流动方向.另外,中国大陆受印度板块与欧亚板块的强烈碰撞,大陆西部地壳增厚隆起,同时造成物质东向挤出,使得首都圈地区上地幔物质沿快波方向变形.通过研究区各向异性快波方向和伸展运动方向与GPS测量得到的速度场对比分析,首都圈地区壳幔变形可能具有垂直连贯变形特征.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years,the number of broadband seismic stations in China has increased significantly.The broadband seismic records contain information about shear-wave splitting which plays an important role in revealing the upper mantle anisotropy in the Chinese mainland.Based on teleseismic SKS and SKKS phases recorded in the seismic stations,we used the analytical method of minimum transverse energy to determine the fast wave polarization direction and delay time of shear-wave splitting.We also collected results of shear-wave splitting in China and the surrounding regions from previously published papers.From the combined dataset we formed a shear-wave splitting dataset containing 1020 parameter pairs.These splitting parameters reveal the complexity of the upper mantle anisotropy image.Our statistical analysis indicates stronger upper mantle anisotropy in the Chinese mainland,with an average shear-wave time delay of 0.95 s;the anisotropy in the western region is slightly larger(1.01 s)than in the eastern region(0.92 s).On a larger scale,the SKS splitting and surface deformation data in the Tibetan Plateau and the Tianshan region jointly support the lithospheric deformation mode,i.e.the crust-lithospheric mantle coherent deformation.In eastern China,the average fast-wave direction is approximately parallel to the direction of the absolute plate motion;thus,the upper mantle anisotropy can be attributed to the asthenospheric flow.The area from the Ordos block to the Sichuan Basin in central China is the transition zone of deformation modes between the east and the west regions,where the anisotropy images are more complicated,exhibiting"fossil"anisotropy and/or two-layer anisotropy.The collision between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate is the main factor of upper mantle anisotropy in the western region of the Chinese mainland,while the upper mantle anisotropy in the eastern region is related to the subduction of the Pacific Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate beneath the Eurasian Plate.  相似文献   

管见  吴庆举 《地震学报》2014,36(4):546-556
为了进行蒙古中部地区的深部构造观测与模型研究, 中国地震局地球物理研究所和蒙古科学院天文与地球物理研究中心合作, 在该地区架设了60台宽频带流动地震台. 这些台站分布在被额尔齐斯—中蒙古—额尔古纳断裂隔断的加里东、 海西两个构造域. 本文选取了2011年8月—2012年7月部分台站记录的震中距在85°—135°且MW≥5.0的远震事件, 通过SplitLab软件来进行SKS分析. 使用最小能量法、 旋转相关法和最小特征值法进行处理, 取得了蒙古中部地区各向异性的初步结果. 结果显示: 快慢波延时在0.8—2.0 s之间. 西北部区域靠近杭爱山脉与肯特山脉的区域构造走向均为ENE--WSW方向, 而快波方向大多为N40°W, 与区域构造走向近似垂直.根据HS3-NUVEL-1A板块模型计算的该地区板块绝对运动方向与快波偏振方向呈顺时针约15°夹角. 然而, 有个别台站表现出了两种模式的快波分裂, 其中一种与当地ENE--WSW向的断裂方向近似一致.  相似文献   

本文搜集整理了华东地区6个区域地震台网的宽频带数字地震台站SKS波记录资料, 使用最小切向能量的网络搜索法, 得到了华东地区157个台站下方上地幔各向异性参数。 测算结果表明, 华东地区各向异性快波偏振方向主体为NW—SE向、 南部近E—W向, 逐渐呈旋转趋势, 与绝对板块运动方向一致; 其各向异性主要来自于上地幔, 地壳与沉积层对各向异性影响较小; 研究区内地下浅部与深部物质的运动模式基本一致, 壳幔变形存在垂直连贯变形的特征。  相似文献   

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