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Petrographic and microprobe investigations of calc-alkaline (CA) rocks from the High Cascade Range (i.e., Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Jefferson, Crater Lake and Mt. Shasta) of western North America show that crystal clots represent primary igneous phase assemblages and are not products of amphibole reactions with melt. For each eruptive complex, crystal clots display diverse modal proportions even within a single eruptive unit. Nevertheless, in all cases the crystal-clot minerals are also represented in the rock as phenocrysts or microphenocrysts. Basalts contain clots of ol+plag+mgt, ol+mgt, cpx+ plag+mgt, cpx+mgt and plag+mgt; andesites, clots of cpx+mgt, opx+mgt, cpx+opx+plag+mgt, cpx+plag+mgt, opx+plag+mgt and plag±mgt; and dacites, clots of opx+mgt, cpx+opx+plag+ mgt, opx+plag+mgt, amph+plag+mgt±ilm, amph+mgt±ilm and plag±mgt. The bulk compositions of most of these clot assemblages could not have been derived from amphibole percursors. Although some amphiboles in dacitic rocks display a breakdown reaction of amph=plag+cpx+opx +mag, these mineral clusters, unlike those of clots, typically have a relict amphibole crystal outline and a fine-grained metamorphic texture. Plagioclase grains in the mineral clusters lack oscillatory zoning which is typical of crystal clot plagioclase grains. The euhedral to subhedral shapes of most clot minerals and the oscillatory zoning present in most clot plagioclase grains are not likely to have formed from the breakdown of amphibole. Crystal clots are also observed in Hawaiian and ocean floor basalts, although amphibole fractionation has not been proposed for those lavas. Magnetite fractionation may be the controlling process limiting iron enrichment in CA magmas rather than amphibole fractionation. Textural evidence indicates that magnetite is an early-forming phase in CA magmas. V, which is concentrated in magnetite, shows a strong decrease with increasing silica in many CA rocks, supporting a magnetite fractionation model.Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Contrib. No. 969  相似文献   

The ophiolitic mélange of the Sabzevar Range (northern Iran) is a remnant of the Mesozoic oceanic basins on the northern margin of the Neotethys that were consumed during the Arabia–Eurasia convergence history. Occurrence of km-scale, dismembered mafic HP granulitic slices is reported in this study. Granulites record an episode of amphibole-dehydratation melting and felsic (tonalite/throndhjemite) melt segregation at c. 1.1 GPa and 800 °C. In situ U(-Th)–Pb geochronology of zircon and titanite grains hosted in melt segregations points to an Early Cretaceous (Albian) age for the metamorphic climax. Results of this study (i) impose reconsideration of the current palaeotectonic models of the Neothetyan convergent margin during the Early Cretaceous and (ii) argue that punctuated events of subduction of short-lived back-arc oceanic basins accompanied the long-lasting history of the Neotethyan subduction in the region.  相似文献   

The Sabzevar ophiolite, with its colored mélange zone, is a highly disintegrated ophiolite complex located at the northern boundary of the central Iranian microcontinent. A large number of chromite pods occur in this area, which needs to be explored. In this study, a mathematical – geological genetic model is advanced as an exploratory tool that provides information for further exploration activity. A petrogenetic model of chromite ore was established on the basis of a geodata information database. This database consists of information from similar chromite mines from around the world. A detailed investigation of the geological, mineralogical and petrological characteristics of chromite pods in the Sabzevar region was conducted along with detailed petrological samplings, thin section studies and mineralogical analysis. In the next step, we developed a conceptual genetic model that defines areas with a high probability of the existence of chromite pods. The model was later refined using such parameters as a critical genetic factor (CGF) and critical reconnaissance criteria (CRC). Next, a linear function, which is a combination of these factors, provided promising regions as intrinsic geological units (IGU). Finally, a 3D model of lithological units depicting the IGU for chromite pods exploration is proposed.  相似文献   

Between 1759 and 1774, Jorullo Volcano and four associated cinder cones erupted an estimated 2 km3 of magma which evolved progressively with time from early, hypersthene-normative, primitive basalts to late-stage, quartz-normative, basaltic andesites. All lavas contain <6 vol% phenocrysts of magnesian olivine (Fo90-70) with Cr-Al-Mg-spinel inclusions, and microphenocrysts of plagioclase and augite; late-stage basaltic andesites also carry phenocrysts of plagioclase, augite, and rare orthopyroxene, hornblende pseudomorphs, and microphenocrysts of titanomagnetite. Olivine-melt compositions indicate liquidus temperatures ranging from 1,230° C to 1,070° C in the early- and late-stage lavas, respectively; \(f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} } \) was about 0.6 log units above the Ni-NiO buffer in the early lavas but increased to 2.5 log units above Ni-NiO in the late lavas, perhaps through groundwater-magma interaction. Smooth major and trace element compositional trends in the lavas can be largely modeled by simple crystal fractionation of olivine, augite, plagioclase, and minor spinel. La, Ce, and other incompatible elements (Rb, Sr, Ba, Hf, Th, Ta), however, are anomalously enriched in the latestage lavas, whereas the heavy rare earth elements (Dy, Yb, Lu) are anomalously depleted. The modeled crystal fractionation event must have occurred at lower-crustal to upper-mantle pressures (8–15 kb), although the crystals actually present in the Jorullo lavas appear to have formed at low pressures. Thus, a two-stage crystallization history is implied. Despite the presence of granitic xenoliths in middle-stage lavas from Jorullo, bulk crustal assimilation appears to have played an insignificant role in generating the compositional trends among the lavas. As MgO decreases from 9.3 to 4.3 wt% through the suite, Al2O3 increases from 16.4 to 19.1 wt%. Most highalumina basalts reported in the literature have 18 to 21 wt% Al2O3, but are too depleted in MgO, Ni, and Cr to have been generated directly through mantle partial melting. These high-alumina basalts have probably undergone significant fractionation of olivine, augite, plagioclase, and spinel from primitive parental basalts similar to the early Jorullo lavas. Such primitive basalts are rarely erupted in mature arcs and may be completely absent from mature stratovolcanoes. Cerro La Pilita is a late-Quaternary cinder and lava cone centered just 3 km south of Jorullo. The primitive trachybasalts of Cerro La Pilita, however, are radically different from the Jorullo basalts. They are nepheline normative with high concentrations of K2O (>2.5 wt%), P2O5 (>0.9 wt%), Ba (1,200 ppm), Sr (>2,000 ppm), and many other incompatible elements, and contain crystals of hornblende and apatite in addition to olivine, spinel, augite, and plagioclase. The magmas of these two neighboring volcanoes cannot be related to one another by any simple mechanism, and must represent fundamentally different partial melting events in the mantle. The contrasts between Jorullo and Cerro La Pilita demonstrate the difficulty in defining simple relationships between magma type and distance from the trench in the Mexican Volcanic Belt.  相似文献   

The Sabzevar ophiolites, located at the northern margin of the Central-East Iranian microcontinent (CEIM), are part of the Mesozoic-Paleogene Neotethyan suture zone developed along the Alpine-Himalayan convergence zone. These ophiolites consist mostly of oceanic lithospheric remnants, covered by early Campanian-late Maastrichtian volcano-sedimentary successions. A distinctive characteristic of the Sabzevar ophiolites is the occurrence of mafic dike swarms (gabbros, gabbronorites and diorites) with forearc-arc-tholeiitic geochemical signature, intruding the mantle section. Occurrence of orthopyroxene, development of pegmatitic texture, crystallization of clinopyroxene prior to plagioclase, and the presence of anorthite-rich plagioclase imply relatively high H2O content in the magmatic plumbing system. Rare plagiogranites (tonalite and trondhjemite compositions) show geochemical features compatible with a supra-subduction setting, whereas late (hornblende-bearing) gabbro dikes show a within-plate signature. The bimodal geochemical affinity (subduction vs. intraplate) is also attested by clinopyroxene compositions. The gabbroic, plagiogranitic and gabbronoritic samples yield Early Cretaceous SHRIMP zircon U-Pb ages of 96.7 ± 1, 98 ± 1 and 94 ± 1 Ma, respectively. A progression from tholeiitic MORB-like to more depleted high-Mg andesite and eventually alkaline affinities is here proposed, framing the magma evolution as generated in an evolving forearc setting that post-dated (of at least 9 Myr) the formation of the metamorphic sole during the infant stages of subduction of the Sabzevar Ocean.A scenario of far-field forced subduction initiation of the Sabzevar Ocean is proposed as consequence of propagation of the residual stresses transmitted from the Arabia-Eurasia convergence zone across the CEIM during Cretaceous times (Albian-Campanian).  相似文献   

Eruptive products of the Shirataka volcano (0.9–0.7 Ma) in NE Japan are calc-alkaline andesite–dacite, and are divisible into six petrologic groups (G1–G6). Shirataka rocks possess mafic inclusions—basalt–basaltic andesite, except for G3 and G4. All rocks show mixing and mingling of the mafic and silicic end-members, with trends defined by hosts and inclusions divided into high-Cr and low-Cr types; both types coexist in G1, G2, and G5. Estimated mafic end-members are high-Cr (1120–1170°C, 48–51% SiO2, olv ± cpx ± plg) and low-Cr type magmas (49–52% SiO2, cpx ± plg) except for the Sr isotopic composition. In contrast, the silicic end-members of both types have similar petrologic features (790–840°C, 64–70% SiO2, hbl ± qtz ± px + plg). High-Cr type mafic and corresponding silicic end-members have lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios than the low-Cr ones in each group. The trace element model calculations suggest that the low-Cr type mafic end-member magma is produced through ca. 20% fractional crystallization (olv ± cpx ± plg) from the high-Cr type one with assimilation of granitoids (= 0.02–0.05). The silicic magmas are producible through <30% partial remelting of previously emplaced basaltic magma with assimilation of crustal components. The compositional difference between the low-K and medium-K basalts in the Shirataka volcano is mainly attributed to the different degrees of the effect of subduction derived fluid by dehydration of phlogopite. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Five species belonging to five genera and an unidentified rhynchonellid have been recognised in a Late Eocene (Priabonian) brachiopod assemblage from Castelnuovo in the Euganean Hills, north-eastern Italy. One genus and two species are new, i. e. Venetocrania euganea gen. et sp. nov. and “Terebratulaitalica sp. nov. Orthothyris pectinoides (von Koenen 1894) is recorded for the first time from Italy. The other species are Terebratulina sp. cf. T. tenuistriata (Leymerie 1846) and Lacazella mediterranea (Risso 1826), both already known from the Italian Eocene.  相似文献   

The first fusulinids have been recorded from the eastern part of the Sabzevar tectonic block (Kuh-e-Ahuban Mountains, to the north of the town of Kashmar). The fusulinids have been grouped into two complexes. The first complex is represented by several species of the genus Rauserites, of probable Gzhelian age. The second complex is represented by numerous representatives of the Asselian genera Sphaeroschwagerina and Pseudoschwagerina, as well as species of the genera Schubertella, Rugosofusulina, Rugosochusenella and Praepseudofusulina. The age of these complexes is similar to that of complexes previously described from sections of Anarak (the Yazd block) and Zaladou (the Tabas block), but differ in the species composition. Many of the species present in these complexes are similar or identical to species from standard sections of Gzhelian and Asselian Stages of the Moskovian syncline and the Urals, which indicates that there were free connections between the East European and Iranian basins in Gzhelian and Asselian Stages.  相似文献   

Alkaline volcanic rocks, sometimes feldspathoid bearing, appear in variable stratigraphic positions within the Eocene of the middle part of Central Iran. No magmatic zonation and no K2O enrichment in both time and space can be found in this volcanic sequence. These facts together with other geochemical and geological features of the Iranian Eocene provinces do not agree with a volcanism related to a subduction zone model.Reversely, a rift model may be applied for the interpretation of the origin of Eocene volcanic rocks and their geodynamic situation. The emissions of alkaline magma are linked with rhythmic opening of a rift zone during Eocene.A mutual contamination between a basaltic magma and a bulky palingenetic acid magma is responsible for the few volcanic rocks with calc-alkaline trend.
Zusammenfassung Alkali-Gesteine, die manchmal Feldspatoide enthalten, treten in verschiedenen stratigraphischen Stellungen innerhalb des Eozäns des Zentral-Irans auf.In diesen Vulkaniten ist keinerlei magmatische Zonierung und insbesondere keine systematische Variation der Kaligehalte festzustellen. Diese und andere geologische und geochemische Argumente sprechen gegen eine Deutung als Paläosubduktionszone.Als Alternative bietet sich das Modell der Öffnung eines Grabens an: der Alkali-Vulkanismus steht in Zusammenhang mit den verschiedenen Phasen der Entstehung und Entwicklung eines Rifts während des Eozäns.Die seltenen Vulkanite kalk-alkalischer Zusammensetzung erklären sich durch Mischung der Magmen von Alkali-Basalten mit den bedeutenden anatektischen Magmen.

Résumé Des roches alcalines, éventuellement à feldspathoïde, existent à des niveaux et dans des secteurs variés de la séquence volcanique éocène de la partie médiane de la zone de l'Iran Central; par ailleurs, dans cette série, on n'a pu mettre en évidence ni zonation magmatique, ni enrichissement en K2O. Ces faits, joints à d'autres caractères géochimiques et géologiques des provinces éocènes de l'Iran, sont en désaccord avec un volcanisme lié à une zone de subduction.En revanche, un modèle de rift peut être appliqué pour interpréter l'origine des volcanites éocènes et leur situation géodynamique. Les émissions de magma alcalin sont en effet en relation avec l'ouverture rhythmique d'une zone de rift pendant l'Eocène.Quant aux rares roches à tendance calco-alcaline, elles résultent d'une contamination mutuelle entre un magma basaltique et un important magma acide palingénétique.

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The Late Cretaceous Sabzevar ophiolite represents one of the largest and most complete fragments of Tethyan oceanic lithosphere in the NE Iran. It is mainly composed of serpentinized mantle peridotites slices; nonetheless, minor tectonic slices of all crustal sequence constituents are observed in this ophiolite. The crustal sequence contains a well-developed ultramafic and mafic cumulates section, comprising plagioclase-bearing wehrlite, olivine clinopyroxenite, olivine gabbronorite, gabbronorite, amphibole gabbronorite and quartz gabbronorite with adcumulate, mesocumulate, heteradcumulate and orthocumulate textures. The crystallization order for these rocks is olivine ​± ​chromian spinel → clinopyroxene → plagioclase → orthopyroxene → amphibole. The presence of primary magmatic amphiboles in the cumulate rocks shows that the parent magma evolved under hydrous conditions. Geochemically, the studied rock units are characterized by low TiO2 (0.18–0.57 ​wt.%), P2O5 (<0.05 ​wt.%), K2O (0.01–0.51 ​wt.%) and total alkali contents (0.12–3.04 ​wt.%). They indicate fractionated trends in the chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) plots and multi-element diagrams (spider diagrams). The general trend of the spider diagrams exhibit slight enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) relative to high field strength elements (HFSEs) and positive anomalies in Sr, Pb and Eu and negative anomalies in Zr and Nb relative to the adjacent elements. The REE plots of these rocks display increasing trend from La to Sm, positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu1 ​= ​1.06–1.54) and an almost flat pattern from medium REE (MREE) to heavy REE (HREE) region [(Gd/Yb)N ​= ​1–1.17]. Moreover, clinopyroxenes from the cumulate rocks have low REE contents and show marked depletion in light REE (LREE) compared to MREE and HREE [(La/Sm)N ​= ​0.10–0.27 and (La/Yb)N ​= ​0.08–0.22]. The composition of calculated melts in equilibrium with the clinopyroxenes from less evolved cumulate samples are closely similar to island arc tholeiitic (IAT) magmas. Modal mineralogy, geochemical features and REE modeling indicate that Sabzevar cumulate rocks were formed by crystal accumulation from a hydrous depleted basaltic melt with IAT affinity. This melt has been produced by moderate to high degree (~15%) of partial melting a depleted mantle source, which partially underwent metasomatic enrichment from subducted slab components in an intra-oceanic arc setting.  相似文献   

The Roshtkhar area is located in the Khaf-Kashmar-Bardaskan volcano-plutonic belt to the northeastern Iran along the regional E–W trending Dorouneh Fault, northeastern of the Lut Block. There are several outcrops of subvolcanic rocks occurring mainly as dikes in the area, which intruded into Cenozoic intrusive rocks. We present U–Pb dating of zircons from a diabase dike and syenite rock using LA-ICP-MS that yielded an age of 1778 ± 10 Ma for the dike, indicating this Cenozoic dike has zircon xenocrysts inherited from deeper sources; and 38.0 ± 0.5 Ma, indicating an Late Eocene crystallization age for the syenite. Geochemically, the dikes typical of high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmas. Petrographic observations and major and trace element variations suggest that diabase melts underwent variable fractionation of clinopyroxene, olivine, and Fe-Ti oxides and minor crustal contamination during the differentiation process. Primitive mantle-normalized multi-element diagrams display enrichment in LILE, such as Rb, Ba, Th, U, and Sr compared to HFSE, as well as negative anomalies of Nb, Ta, P, and Ti, suggesting derivation from subduction-modified mantle. Chondrite-normalized REE plots show moderately LREE enriched patterns (<3.83 LaN/YbN <8.27), and no significant Eu anomalies. Geochemical modelling using Sm/Yb versus La/Yb and La/Sm ratios suggests a low-degree of batch melting (~1–3%) of a phlogopite-spinel peridotite source to generate the mafic dikes. The geochemical signatures suggest that the Roshtkhar mafic dikes cannot be related directly to subduction and likely resulted from melting of upper mantle in an extensional setting where the heat flow was provided from deeper levels. These dikes presumably derived the zircon xenocrysts from the assimilation of upper crust of Gondwanian basement. Processes responsible for partial melting of metasomatized lithospheric mantle and post-collision magmatism in NE Iran was triggered by heating due to asthenospheric upwelling in an extensional setting.  相似文献   

The Zouzan pluton is one of the intrusive bodies in the NE of Lut block enclosed by Cenozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks. It consists of two distinct mafic and felsic magmas which are genetically unrelated. All studied rocks are calc-alkaline in nature, with LILE/REE and HFSE/REE ratios compatible with arc related magmatism. Mafic phase has dioritic composition emplaced as small stocks in felsic rocks. Geochemical characteristics in dioritic rocks (relatively high contents of incompatible elements, low Na2O and Mg#>44) suggest they were derived from partial melting of metabasalt sources in a subduction settings. Felsic phase composed of granodiorite to granite rocks with high-K calcalkaline metaluminous to slightly peraluminous signature. Major and trace element data exclude high pressure melting and metasedimentary parental in the formation of Zouzan felsic rocks. They have been formed by partial melting of mantle-derived mafic rocks. Field relation, petrographical evidences and chemical composition show that partial melting of a mantle wedge in conjunction with magma mixing and crystal fractionation would have led to generation of Zouzan pluton.  相似文献   

The Eocene dyke swarm with east-west general trend intrudes the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in ~25 km north of the Khur city (Central Iran). Some of the studied dykes can be followed for over 7 km, but the majority of exposures in the area are less than 5 km long. The dykes commonly exhibit a chilled contact with the wall rocks. These dykes are trachybasalt and basalt in composition. The trachybasalt dykes are much more abundant. The basaltic dykes cross cut the trachybasalt dykes in some locations, indicating that trachybasalt dykes are older than the basaltic ones. Primary igneous minerals of the basaltic dykes are olivine (chrysolite), clinopyroxene (diopside, augite), plagioclase (labradorite), sanidine, magnetite, orthopyroxene (enstatite), spinel and phlogopite, and secondary minerals are zeolite (natrolite and mesolite), chlorite (diabantite), calcite and serpentine. The trachybasalt dykes are composed of clinopyroxene (diopside), plagioclase (labradorite), sanidine, mica (biotite and phlogopite), amphibole (magnesio-hastingsite) and magnetite as primary minerals, and chlorite and calcite as secondary ones. Whole rocks geochemical data of the studied dykes indicate their basic and calc-alkaline nature and suggest that these two set of dykes were derived from the same parental magma. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns and the primitive mantle-normalized multi-elemental diagram of the Khur dykes show enrichment of light rare earth elements (LREE) relative to heavy rare earth elements (HREE), and negative anomalies of high field strength elements (HFSE) (e.g. Ti, Nb and Ta). These rocks show enrichment of the large ion lithophile elements (LILE) (e.g. Cs, Ba, Th and U) and depletion of the HREE and Y relative to MREE, Zr and Hf. In the chondrite-normalized REE diagram, the basalts show elevated REE abundances relative to the trachybasalt samples. Geochemical analyses of the studied samples suggest a spinel lherzolite from the mantle as the source rock and confirm the role of subduction in their generation. The chemical characteristics of the Khur dykes resemble those of continental arc rocks, and they were possibly formed by subduction of the Central-East Iranian microcontinent (CEIM) confining oceanic crust and decompression melting of a lithospheric subcontinental mantle spinel lherzolite enriched by subduction.  相似文献   

Amphibole fractionation in the deep roots of subduction-related magmatic arcs is a fundamental process for the generation of the continental crust. Field relations and geochemical data of exposed lower crustal igneous rocks can be used to better constrain these processes. The Chelan Complex in the western U.S. forms the lowest level of a 40-km thick exposed crustal section of the North Cascades and is composed of olivine websterite, pyroxenite, hornblendite, and dominantly by hornblende gabbro and tonalite. Magmatic breccias, comb layers and intrusive contacts suggest that the Chelan Complex was build by igneous processes. Phase equilibria, textural observations and mineral chemistry yield emplacement pressures of ∼1.0 GPa followed by isobaric cooling to 700°C. The widespread occurrence of idiomorphic hornblende and interstitial plagioclase together with the lack of Eu anomalies in bulk rock compositions indicate that the differentiation is largely dominated by amphibole. Major and trace element modeling constrained by field observations and bulk chemistry demonstrate that peraluminous tonalite could be derived by removing successively 3% of olivine websterite, 12% of pyroxene hornblendite, 33% of pyroxene hornblendite, 19% of gabbros, 15% of diorite and 2% tonalite. Peraluminous tonalite with high Sr/Y that are worldwide associated with active margin settings can be derived from a parental basaltic melt by crystal fractionation at high pressure provided that amphibole dominates the fractionation process. Crustal assimilation during fractionation is thus not required to generate peraluminous tonalite.  相似文献   

During the Neogene, a magmatic change from calc-alkaline to alkaline types occurred in all the regions surrounding the western Mediterranean. This change has been studied in Oranie (western Algeria). In this area, potassic to shoshonitic calc-alkaline andesites (with La/Nb ratios in the range 4–6) were mainly erupted between 12 and 9 Ma. They were followed (between 10 and 7 Ma) by basalts displaying geochemical features which are transitional between calc-alkaline and alkaline lavas (La/Nb=1–1.7). After a ca. 3-Ma quiescence period, volcanic activity resumed, with the eruption of OIB-type alkaline basalts (La/Nb=0.5–0.6), from 4 to 0.8 Ma. A combined geochemical approach, using incompatible elements and Sr, Nd and O isotopes, allows us to conclude that the transitional basalts derived from the melting of a heterogeneous mantle source, at the boundary between lithosphere and asthenosphere. We propose that melting of a previously subduction-modified lithospheric mantle occurred between 12 and 10 Ma, in response to the upwelling of hot asthenosphere flowing up into an opening gap above a detached sinking slab. As a result, calc-alkaline magmas were formed. From 10 to 7 Ma, the transitional basalts were generated through melting of the boundary mantle zone between the lithosphere and the upwelling asthenosphere. During that stage, the contribution of the lithospheric source was still predominant. Then, as sinking of the oceanic slab progressed, the increasing uprise of the asthenosphere led to the formation and emplacement (from 4 to 0.8 Ma) of typical within-plate alkaline basalts derived from a plume-modified asthenospheric mantle.  相似文献   

REE, Th, U, Pb and Hf have been determined in nine selected samples from the Marda Archaean calc-alkaline suite. Data are consistent with field relationships and major and other trace element abundances, which suggest a crustal origin for the Marda magmas. REE patterns are analogous to continental margin (Andean) calc-alkaline volcanic suites and are not similar to those from other Archaean areas.  相似文献   

Analysis of middle and upper Eocene rocks from the IBM forearc, including the Ogasawara and Mariana Islands, help illuminate early arc volcanism of the proto-IBM arc. Dredged volcanic rocks from the forearc are two-pyroxene basalt to andesite, and may be divided into two groups, tholeiite and calc-alkaline, on the basis of mineralogy, petrography, and bulk chemistry. Tholeiites are characterized by high HFSE contents, high crystallization temperatures, and low water contents. In contrast, the calc-alkaline rocks are characterized by low HFSE contents, low crystallization temperatures, and higher water contents. These characteristics indicate that magma genesis for the two series differed. The tholeiites resulted from high degrees of partial melting of slightly depleted mantle under anhydrous conditions, whereas the calc-alkaline rocks were generated by low degrees of melting of depleted mantle under hydrous conditions. We believe that differences in mantle depletion arose from compositional layering and fluid zonations caused by MORB volcanism and slab dehydration, respectively. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The debate about whether Eocene magmatism is considered to be post-collisional or subduction-related or not still continues. Here we offer new 40Ar-39Ar ad U-Pb zircon geochronology, mineral chemistry, bulk rock and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope geochemistry data obtained from the southern dike (SD) suite, in comparison with the northern dike (ND) suite, from the Eastern Pontides. The geochronological data indicate that the SD suite erupted between 45.89 and 45.10 Ma corresponding to the Lutetian (Middle Eocene). The magmas of the ND suite are characterised by slightly more alkaline affinity compared to the SD suite. The trace and rare earth element (REEs) content of the SD suite is characterised by large ion lithophile element (LILEs; Sr, K2O, Ba, Rb) enrichment and depletion of Nb, Ta, and TiO2 elements to different degree with high Th/Yb ratios, which indicate that the magmas forming the SD and ND suites were derived from lithospheric mantle sources enriched by mostly slab-derived fluids in the spinel stability field. The Sr, Nd and Pb radiogenic isotope ratios of the dikes support the view that the magma for the hydrous group (H-SD) was derived from a relatively more enriched mantle source than the other SD and ND suites. The ND suite and the anhydrous group (A-SD) display similar geochemical features characterised by moderate light earth element (LREE)/heavy rare earth element (HREE) ratios, while the H-SD group has respectively lower LREE/HREE ratios indicating higher melting degree. Detailed considerations of the alkalinity, enrichment and partial melting degree for the source of the studied volcanic rocks indicate that the magmas of the northern dike suite are characterised by slightly more alkaline affinity, whereas the magmas throughout the southern dike suite show increments in the enrichment rate and melting degree. In light of the obtained data and comparative interpretations, the geodynamic evolution and differences in petrogenetic character of the Lutetian magmas from both the northern and southern parts of the Eastern Pontides may be explained by different degrees of melting of a net veined mantle source initially metasomatized by mostly subduction fluids during asthenospheric upwelling due to fragmented asymmetric delamination in a post-collisional extensional tectonic environment.  相似文献   

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