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The study area, Hesaraghatta watershed is located between 77° 20′ to 77° 42′ E longitude and 13° 10′ to 13° 24′ N latitude with an area of 600.01 km2. Thematic layers such as Land Use/Land Cover, drainage, soil and hydrological soil group were generated from IRS–1D LISS III satellite data (FCC). An attempt was made to estimate runoff using Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number model and it was estimated to be 1960, 2066, 1870 and 1810 mm for sub-watersheds 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Quantitative morphometric analysis was carried out for the entire watershed and the four sub-watersheds independently by estimating their (a) linear aspects like stream order, stream length, stream length ratio, bifurcation ratio, length of overland flow, drainage pattern (b) aerial aspects like shape factor, circulatory ratio, elongation ratio and drainage density and (c) relief aspects like basin relief, relief ratio, relative relief and ruggedness number. Drainage density was estimated to be 1.23 km/km2 designating the study area as a very coarse textured watershed.  相似文献   

Like Participatory Geographic Information Systems (PGIS) and Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) crowdsourced collaborative mapping is often imagined as an alternative to conventional cartographic practice. This paper examines collaborative mapping projects designed to assist in humanitarian work and respond to catastrophes. These projects, their technological complexity and wide range of collaborators, including affected locals, international Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and anonymous online contributors, invite closer consideration. In this article I unpick the gnarly question of how the remote sourcing of information through cloud collaboration and satellite imagery jostles with grounded work encouraging local control of local geoinformation. My critical analysis of these projects explores: (1) justifications for action – what is being promised through digital mapping as aid or satellite salvation?; (2) forms of participation – the role of ‘hotties’ ‘nodders’ and ‘digital jedis’; and (3) contingencies of mapping practices and the assemblages of actors within which they are embedded – as the mysteries of the ‘missing maps’. The conclusion considers differing approaches towards the inclusion of local knowledges within participatory digital aid mapping and identifies remote mapping practices that are both incognito and incognisant.  相似文献   

In this paper, we intent to use the remotely sensed MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data and China’s Environment Satellite (HJ-1) data for extracting the corn cultivated area over a regional scale. The high resolution HJ-1 data was to extract corn distribution at a small scale class with Support Vector Machine (SVM). The mean Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) time series curve of corn from MODIS was derived for the reference area and validated in a larger area. The MODIS-EVI time series curve derived from the reference area instead of the MODIS-EVI time series curve derived from the study area after validation, which was taken as the standard MODIS-EVI time series curve in for generating a standard MODIS-EVI image of corn. The mean absolute distance (MAD) between the standard MODIS-EVI image of corn and the MODIS-EVI time series image was used to detect the maximum possible extent of corn distribution in the study area. The results showed that the overall accuracy of the method was 82.17 %, with commission and omission errors of 16.85 and 15.40 %, respectively; at the county level, the satellite-estimated corn area and statistical data were well correlated (R 2?=?0.85, N?=?50) for the whole Jilin Province. It indicated that the MODIS data integrated with higher spatial resolution of HJ-1 satellite data could be utilized to enhance the extraction accuracy of corn cultivated area at a larger scale.  相似文献   

The German CHAlleging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) was launched in July 2000. It is the first satellite that provides us with position and accelerometer measurements, with which the gravity field model can be determined. One of the most popular methods for geopotential recovery using the position and accelerometer measurements of CHAMP is the energy conservation method, The main aim of this paper is to determine the scale and bias parameters of CHAMP accelerometer data using the energy conservation method. The basic principle and mathematical model using the crossover points of CHAMP orbit to calibrate the accelerometer data are given based on the energy balance method. The rigorous integral formula as well as its discrete form of the observational equation is presented, This method can be used to estimate only one of the scale and bias parameters or both of them. In order to control the influence of outliers, the robust estimator for the calibration parameters is given. The results of the numerical computations and comparisons using the CHAMP accelerometer data show the validity of the method.  相似文献   

A tide model (named DN1.0), which contains 12 principal constituents over China seas and the Northwest Pacific is estimated by along-track harmonic analysis with TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry data taken from 1993 to 2002. CSR3.0, FES95.2 and DN1.0 are used respectively to detide the data for the time series of sea level anomaly (SLA) in the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea and Northwest Pacific. The SLA curves and the power spectral density show that the major components that exist in SLA in China seas arise from the error of the tide models.  相似文献   

Invasive species have been the focus of environmentalists due to their undesired impact on the ecosystem. Spread of Lantana (Lantana camara L.), an invasive plant species, has been found in diverse geophysical environments causing a threat to the native flora. Various eradication programmes have been attempted such as burning, chemical sprays, bio-control agents and physical plugging mechanism for removing such invasive species in India. The efforts and success of these programmes need to be augmented with a correct, quick and cost effective technique of mapping in order to locate them, understand their spatial extent and hence make the process comprehensive. Also Lantana’s appearance as dense vegetation patches in remote sensing data causes problems for estimating forest canopy density. Remote sensing provides a possible solution in qualitatively and quantitatively evaluating terrestrial surface vegetation cover using spectral measure-ments. This research paper addresses issues and techniques adopted to detect and extract Lantana, and can be used for various applications in forestry as well as in eradication programmes. This study attempted to understand the appropriate band combination using Landsat data and generating vegetation indices in order to extract Lantana patches in an accurate manner. Twenty nine different vegetation indices were analyzed for their effectiveness in differentiating Lantana from other classes. The study showed that SAVI (Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index) is most favorable in discriminating Lantana followed by Perpendicular Vegetation Index-3 in the optimum bio-window (February to April).  相似文献   

The deformation of landslide is usually expressed in horizontal and vertical direction separately. Based on the X, Y, Z coor-dinates from a real monitoring project, a method to build three-dimensional(3D) model of landslide by constructing triangulated ir-regular network (TIN) and extruding contour lines is proposed. The almost imperceptible displacements of monitoring points are zoomed by two kind of exaggerating methods. The deformation process is replayed using 3D animation technique.  相似文献   

IntroductionRadio occultation technique was firstly appliedin the astronomic research in the 18th century .It has developed greatly by the scientists in JetPropulsion Laboratory (JPL) and Stanford Uni-versity since the 1960’s and widely usedin manymissions for planets exploration, which providedus with i mportant information about the at mos-phere of these planets[1]. In 1965 , it wasbrought forward by Fischbach that this tech-nique can be used in the research of the Earth’sat mosphere[2…  相似文献   

Sana’a the metropolitan capital of Yemen, has experienced rapid spatial growth and uncontrolled development for decades. In the absence of a means to forecast and predict urban growth trends, planning and urban policy decisions have been found wanting. In this study the SLEUTH (Slope, landuse, exclusion, urban extent, transportation and hillshade) model which has been widely and successfully applied in developed countries, has been applied to predict the spatial urban sprawl pattern from 2004–2020 in Sana’a. This was to provide the necessary forecast for better planning and decision making. The model performed well as per the calibration coefficient values. The results showed that there will a 29 % increase in spatial urban sprawl growth during the modeling period. Growth of the sprawl will be mainly at the edges of the urban boundary, there will also be a wide area of scattered urban clusters. Factors that will have major influence on spatial expansion of the city will be diffusion, natural and internal growth, slope (that will hinder spread) and transportation (along which most of the urban sprawl will occur). The study also provides an insight into how the SLEUTH model performs in a poorly planned urban environment as compared to the planned and controlled environment where it has been applied.  相似文献   

Three transformation models (Bursa-Wolf, Molodensky, and WTUSM) are generally used between two data systems transformation. The linear models are used when the rotation angles are small; however, when the rotation angles get bigger, model errors will be produced. In this paper, we present a method with three main terms: ① the traditional rotation angles θ , φ ,ψ are substituted with a , b, c which are three re-spective values in the anti-symmetrical or Lodrigues matrix; ② directly and accurately calculating the formula of seven parameters in any value of rotation angles; and ③ a corresponding adjustment model is established. This method does not use the triangle function. Instead it uses addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and the complexity of the equation is reduced, making the calculation easy and quick.  相似文献   

If a geocentric 3D coordinate system is adopted in China to replace 2D non-geocentric coordinate system, the coordinates of the surface points will be changed accordingly. The influences on the current maps of China, especially the topographic maps, are discussed due to the replacement of the coordinate systems. Taking the replacement of Xi‘an 80 coordinate system by GRS80 for a numerical example, this paper analyzes the changes of latitude, longitude, Gauss plane coordinates of the surface points, as well as the orientation and the length changes between the points on the map, including the changes of map border lines and sheet corner points.  相似文献   

Local climate zone (LCZ) mapping is an emerging field in urban climate research. LCZs potentially provide an objective framework to assess urban form and function worldwide. The scheme is currently being used to globally map LCZs as a part of the World Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT) initiative. So far, most of the LCZ maps lack proper quantitative assessment, challenging the generic character of the WUDAPT workflow. Using the standard method introduced by the WUDAPT community difficulties arose concerning the built zones due to high levels of heterogeneity. To overcome this problem a contextual classifier is adopted in the mapping process. This paper quantitatively assesses the influence of neighbourhood information on the LCZ mapping result of three cities in Belgium: Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent. Overall accuracies for the maps were respectively 85.7 ± 0.5, 79.6 ± 0.9, 90.2 ± 0.4%. The approach presented here results in overall accuracies of 93.6 ± 0.2, 92.6 ± 0.3 and 95.6 ± 0.3% for Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent. The results thus indicate a positive influence of neighbourhood information for all study areas with an increase in overall accuracies of 7.9, 13.0 and 5.4%. This paper reaches two main conclusions. Firstly, evidence was introduced on the relevance of a quantitative accuracy assessment in LCZ mapping, showing that the accuracies reported in previous papers are not easily achieved. Secondly, the method presented in this paper proves to be highly effective in Belgian cities, and given its open character shows promise for application in other heterogeneous cities worldwide.  相似文献   

The second-order derivatives of the Earth’s potential in the local north-oriented reference frame are expanded in series of modified spherical harmonics. Linear relations are derived between the spectral coefficients of these series and the spectrum of the geopotential. On the basis of these relations, recurrence procedures are developed for evaluating the geopotential coefficients from the spectrum of each derivative and, inversely, for simulating the latter from a known geopotential model. Very simple structure of the derived expressions for the derivatives is convenient for estimating the geopotential coefficients by the least-squares procedure, at a certain step of processing satellite gradiometry data. Due to the orthogonality of the new series, the quadrature formula approach can be also applied, which allows avoidance of aliasing errors caused by the series truncation. The spectral coefficients of the derivatives are evaluated on the basis of the derived relations from the geopotential models EGM96 and EIGEN-CG01C at a mean orbital sphere of the GOCE satellite. Various characteristics of the spectra are studied corresponding to the EGM96 model. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In this study, linear spectral mixture analysis (LSMA) is used to characterize the spectral heterogeneity of lava flows from Nyamuragira volcano, Democratic Republic of Congo, where vegetation and lava are the two main land covers. In order to estimate fractions of vegetation and lava through satellite remote sensing, we made use of 30 m resolution Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and Advanced Land Imager (ALI) imagery. 2 m Pleiades data was used for validation. From the results, we conclude that (1) LSMA is capable of characterizing volcanic fields and discriminating between different types of lava surfaces; (2) three lava endmembers can be identified as lava of old, intermediate and young age, corresponding to different stages in lichen growth and chemical weathering; (3) a strong relationship is observed between vegetation fraction and lava age, where vegetation at Nyamuragira starts to significantly colonize lava flows ∼15 years after eruption and occupies over 50% of the lava surfaces ∼40 years after eruption. Our study demonstrates the capability of spectral unmixing to characterize lava surfaces and vegetation colonization over time, which is particularly useful for poorly known volcanoes or those not accessible for physical or political reasons.  相似文献   

In economy, society and personal life map-based interactive geospatial visualization becomes a natural element of a growing number of applications and systems. The visualization of 3D geospatial information, however, raises the question how to represent the information in an effective way. Considerable research has been done in technology-driven directions in the fields of cartography and computer graphics (e.g., design principles, visualization techniques). Here, non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) represents a promising visualization category – situated between both fields – that offers a large number of degrees for the cartography-oriented visual design of complex 2D and 3D geospatial information for a given application context. Still today, however, specifications and techniques for mapping cartographic design principles to the state-of-the-art rendering pipeline of 3D computer graphics remain to be explored. This paper revisits cartographic design principles for 3D geospatial visualization and introduces an extended 3D semiotic model that complies with the general, interactive visualization pipeline. Based on this model, we propose NPR techniques to interactively synthesize cartographic renditions of basic feature types, such as terrain, water, and buildings. In particular, it includes a novel iconification concept to seamlessly interpolate between photorealistic and cartographic representations of 3D landmarks. Our work concludes with a discussion of open challenges in this field of research, including topics, such as user interaction and evaluation.  相似文献   

On 3D Geo-visualization of a Mine Surface Plant and Mine Roadway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Constructing the 3D virtual scene of a coal mine is the objective requirement for modernizing and processing information on coal mining production. It is also the key technology to establish a "digital...  相似文献   

The use of qualitative research techniques in a largely quantitative cartographic domain is opening up myriad ways to explore users’ engagements technologies of navigation. This study draws on young UK-based students’ real words and life experiences as they engage with Satellite Navigation and other wayfinding technologies during first-time visits to new places to reflect on the nature of the changing relationships between self, navigational object, space and place.  相似文献   

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