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气候与土地利用变化对涟水流域径流的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
以涟水流域为研究对象,选用1990年、2000年、2010年三期土地利用数据资料,将1985-2014年30 a气象条件相应划分为1985-1994年、1995-2004年、2005-2014年三段气象背景时期,并组合细分为7种模拟情景,应用SWAT分布式水文模型模拟不同情景下的径流量,探讨气候和土地利用变化对流域径流的影响。利用PSO粒子群优化算法,以克林效率系数KGE为目标函数,通过湘乡站实测径流数据校准模型参数。运用p-factorr-factor评价模拟的不确定性,采用相关系数R2、纳什效率系数NS和偏差百分比PBIAS评价模型模拟效果,评价结果表明不同土地利用情景下,校准期和验证期的模拟效果均达到可信程度,模拟的不确定性较小。组合情景间模拟分析结果表明,1985-2014年30 a间,气候变化使涟水流域径流不断减少,土地利用变化使径流有所增加,年径流深总体呈现下降趋势。气候变化对涟水流域径流变化的影响贡献率在逐渐上升,从71.4%上升到了86.3%。土地利用变化对径流变化的影响贡献率则相应下降,从28.6%降低至13.7%。因此,在气候变化背景下,科学管理流域水资源还需要充分考虑流域土地资源空间配置结构和利用方式。  相似文献   

The Southeast Region of Brazil has undergone major changes in land cover, especially after the eighteenth century. It is currently the most populous region of the country, highly urbanized, with a high degree of industrial and agricultural development. Extensive areas of native vegetation have been replaced by pastures, crops and urban areas, which have increased runoff, causing environmental, economic and social problems related to flooding. The objective of this study was to analyze effects of land cover changes in a basin with rural and urban characteristics on the flow of its main river. Hydrological data, orbital images, soils and topographical maps were used for this purpose. Based on the land cover maps for the years of 1989, 2001 and 2015, and on the hydrological modeling performed using the Hec-HMS 4.1 software, scenarios were simulated and showed that the land cover changes in this basin significantly affect the flow behavior of the main river. The simulated runoff was calibrated using the data observed in the field during 2001, and validation was performed using data from 1989. After the calibration and validation processes, a scenario was simulated where the rainiest month of the whole series measured by the rainfall station (during December 1989) acted on the land cover of 2015. There was an increase in pasture areas and impermeable spaces in the basin, which caused a decrease in infiltration and an increase in surface runoff, and also an increase in the flow peaks and a reduction in the time of concentration. The hydrological modeling was satisfactory, since the uncertainties related to the simulation were low.  相似文献   

Impact of climate change on extreme rainfall events and flood risk in India   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The occurrence of exceptionally heavy rainfall events and associated flash floods in many areas during recent years motivate us to study long-term changes in extreme rainfall over India. The analysis of the frequency of rainy days, rain days and heavy rainfall days as well as one-day extreme rainfall and return period has been carried out in this study to observe the impact of climate change on extreme rainfall events and flood risk in India. The frequency of heavy rainfall events are decreasing in major parts of central and north India while they are increasing in peninsular, east and north east India. The study tries to bring out some of the interesting findings which are very useful for hydrological planning and disaster managements. Extreme rainfall and flood risk are increasing significantly in the country except some parts of central India.  相似文献   

土地利用变化对海河流域典型区域的径流影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
为研究海河流域径流对土地利用变化的响应,以阜平流域、匡门口流域和界河铺流域为研究区,利用1970—2011年的水文气象资料,分析了不同土地利用的时空转移特征,然后结合SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型,设置4种土地利用情景,评价了土地利用变化对径流的影响。结果表明:模型能够较好地模拟全年及汛期月流量过程;多年径流量呈下降趋势,20世纪80年代到90年代中期呈波动性变化;不同的土地利用类型在时空上的转化呈现可逆性,主要是林地增加,草地减少,耕地略有增加;林地的增加和草地的减少会降低汛期径流量以及最大月径流量;汛期径流系数随着林地面积的增加而减小。合理地规划土地利用格局,对控制流域水文事件具有重要意义。  相似文献   

应用RS、GIS以及GPS集成技术,以黔中喀斯特地区的猫跳河流域为对象,研究了这一地区从1973—2002年间土地利用/覆被的变化过程,并利用典型相关分析法研究了形成这种变化的驱动因素。研究表明,从1973—1990年,猫跳河流域耕地、建设用地、有林地、水域以及裸岩地呈增长趋势,而灌木林和灌草地趋于减少,流域生态环境质量下降。进入20世纪90年代后,有林地、灌草地、建设用地、水域持续增加,灌草地总量变化不大,耕地总量和裸岩地减少,流域生态环境质量趋于好转。定量分析表明,1990年以前,驱动建设用地变化的因素是总人口的变化,1990年以后则是农业产值;1990年以前驱动耕地变化的是农业人口的增长,1990年以后则和粮食产量的提高有关。   相似文献   

Flooding is a major environmental hazard in Poland with risks that are likely to increase in the future. Land use and land cover (LULC) have a strong influencing on flood risk. In the Polish Carpathians, the two main projected land use change processes are forest expansion and urbanization. These processes have a contradictory impact on flood risk, which makes the future impact of LULC changes on flooding in the Carpathians hard to estimate. In this paper, we investigate the impact of the projected LULC changes on future flood risk in the Polish Carpathians for the test area of Ropa river basin. We used three models of spatially explicit future LULC scenarios for the year 2060. We conduct hydrological simulations for the current state and for the three projected land use scenarios (trend extrapolation, ‘liberalization’ and ‘self-sufficiency’). In addition, we calculated the amount of flood-related monetary losses, based on the current flood plain area and both actual and projected land use maps under each of the three scenarios. The results show that in the Ropa river, depending on scenario, either peak discharge decreases due to the forest expansion or the peak discharge remains constant—the impact of LULC changes on the hydrology of such mountainous basins is relatively low. However, the peak discharges are very diverse across sub-catchments within the modeling area. Despite the overall decrease of peak discharge, there are areas of flow increase and there is a substantial projected increase in flood-related monetary losses within the already flood-prone areas, related to the projected degree of urbanization.  相似文献   

Land cover and vegetation in Lake Baikal basin (LBB) are considered to be highly susceptible to climate change. However, there is less information on the change trends in both climate and land cover in LBB and thus less understanding of the watershed sensitivity and adaptability to climate change. Here we identified the spatial and temporal patterns of changes in climate (from 1979 to 2016), land cover, and vegetation (from 2000 to 2010) in the LBB. During the past 40 years, there was a little increase in precipitation while air temperature has increased by 1.4 °C. During the past 10 years, land cover has changed significantly. Herein grassland, water bodies, permanent snow, and ice decreased by 485.40 km2, 161.55 km2 and 2.83 km2, respectively. However, forest and wetland increased by 111.40 km2 and 202.90 km2, respectively. About 83.67 km2 area of water bodies has been converted into the wetland. Also, there was a significant change in Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), the NDVI maximum value was 1 in 2000, decreased to 0.9 in 2010. Evidently, it was in the mountainous areas and in the river basin that the vegetation shifted. Our findings have implications for predicting the safety of water resources and water eco-environment in LBB under global change.  相似文献   

Changes of land cover in the Yarlung Tsangpo River basin from 1985 to 2005   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Land cover is closely related to environmental changes and socioeconomic development. Land-cover change in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is different from that in the lowlands; however, a detailed land-cover change in areas such as the Yarlung Tsangpo River (YTR) basin in the TP has not been reported. To fill this gap, the current study explores the land-cover change between 1985 and 2005 in the YTR basin. The results show that only 1 % of the land cover in the YTR basin changed during this time period. The most significant land-cover changes included increases in forest and built-up areas as well as decreases in grassland, water and wetland areas. By percentage, the most rapid land-cover change occurred for built-up areas with an annual variation of 2.07 %. There was an obvious vertical distribution pattern for land-cover types in the YTR basin; from low to high, the average altitudes were forest, farmland, built-up, grassland, water and wetland, and bare land. The average altitude and slope for most land-cover types did not vary over the past 20 years. However, the average altitude and slope of built-up significantly decreased, especially in the zone between 3,500 and 4,000 m. The water and wetland area in altitudes above 4,500 m increased; however, they decreased in the zone between 3,500 and 4,000 m. Natural factors cause most land-cover changes, whereas the increasing intensity of human activities cause some changes to built-up and farmland. Additional attention should be paid to the study of the mechanism of land-cover change in the TP.  相似文献   

淮河流域近500年洪旱事件演变特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了认识淮河流域过去500年洪旱事件发生规律并鉴别当前的洪旱情势,收集并对比分析了流域实测降雨资料、重建历史雨季降雨资料、历史旱涝等级资料、历史洪旱文献记录和历史调查洪水资料等多源洪旱灾害数据。以重建历史雨季降雨资料和历史旱涝等级资料为主要依据,通过滑动平均、频率计算、小波分析和突变检验等方法,分析流域过去500年洪水干旱时空分布特征和演变规律。结果表明,17世纪淮河流域洪旱灾害最严重,但20世纪极端洪旱事件发生频次最多。淮河流域洪旱事件存在40年左右的稳定长周期,主周期从18世纪的15~20年逐渐减少到19世纪的5年周期,近20年来出现2~3年的主周期,洪旱灾害事件呈增加趋势,流域社会经济发展面临着严峻的洪旱灾害威胁。  相似文献   

黄淮海流域植被覆盖变化对径流的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
植被是流域水循环过程的重要环境因子之一,植被变化对径流的影响是当前研究的国际前沿和热点问题。以全球变绿最突出的黄淮海流域为研究对象,基于1982-2016年水文气象观测资料及归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据,利用Mann-Kendall等趋势检验方法检测NDVI的时空变化特征。基于Budyko-Fu公式构建黄淮海流域水热耦合模拟模型,分析模拟径流对Budyko-Fu模型参数ω的敏感性;基于参数ω与气候、植被等要素的统计关系,建立利用气候季节性指数和NDVI计算参数ω的经验公式,利用弹性系数法,识别参数ω对NDVI变化的响应,利用复合函数链式求导法则研究NDVI变化对黄淮海流域径流的影响。结果表明:1982-2016年黄淮海流域NDVI呈显著增加趋势;NDVI增加会使模型参数ω增加,进而导致径流量减少;NDVI每增加10%,黄淮海流域径流量平均减少8.3%;植被变化对径流的影响具有显著的空间差异性,气候越干旱、植被条件越差地区的NDVI变化对径流影响越显著。  相似文献   

利用已被广泛使用的MODIS积雪数据, 获得了塔里木河源区之一的托什干河流域积雪变化信息. 结果表明: 流域积雪覆盖率时空差异显著, 在积雪丰富的年份, 1月积雪覆盖率可达90%以上, 但在积雪少的年份, 则只有50%; 2000年以来流域积雪呈现微弱增加的趋势, 积雪变化趋势呈现明显的时空差异. 相对于其他季节, 流域冬季积雪增加更为明显; 与其他高度带相比, 作为主要积雪覆盖区的海拔3 000~4 000 m高度带积雪的增加趋势也更为明显. 以流域所在的气象格网数据和积雪覆盖率变化曲线作为输入数据, 应用融雪径流模型(SRM)模拟了流域春季融雪径流过程, 率定了模型主要参数, 获得了较好的结果. 以CMIP5的3种RCP情景为驱动数据, 应用模型预估了流域2021-2050年的融雪径流状况, 结果显示 4月之前径流变化不明显, 之后径流峰值增大显著, 不同气候情景对径流的影响不明显.  相似文献   

黄河流域近期水沙变化及其趋势预测   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对黄河水沙近期发生显著变化的现象,利用黄河上中游干支流水文泥沙定位观测资料,综合"水文法"、"水保法"和数学模拟等多种方法,对黄河流域1997-2006年水沙变化情势进行了评估,分析了水沙变化机制,并预测了未来的变化趋势。分析表明,与多年平均相比,黄河河源区径流量年均减少43.90亿m3,其中降雨等自然因素的影响量占92.26%,人类活动影响量占7.74%;与1970年前相比,黄河实测径流量年均减少112.1亿m3,其中水利水土保持综合治理等人类活动作用占76.50%,因降雨影响占23.50%;实测输沙量较1970年以前年均减少11.80亿t,其中水利水土保持综合治理等人类活动的作用为49.75%,降雨的影响为50.25%;人类活动与降雨变化对水沙变化的影响差异较大,就黄河中游地区总体而言,人类活动的减水作用远大于降雨的影响,人类活动的减沙作用与降雨影响基本相当,不宜笼统说黄河中游水沙变化主要是人类活动所致或主要是降雨变化所致; 2050年以前黄河来水来沙量总体呈平偏枯趋势,但不排除个别年份或短时段仍会发生丰水丰沙的可能性。  相似文献   

Annual runoff in Luanhe river basin was detected a downward trend and caused water crisis in Tianjin, China. To quantify the decreased runoff volume, Mann–Kendall test and Pettitt test were employed to check whether there existed significant trend and change points for annual rainfall and runoff time series in Panjiakou reservoir basin and 8 sub-watersheds. It was found that the annual runoff time series had a significant downward trend at 5 % confidence level, and the change point was at 1979 in Panjiakou reservoir watershed. Then double mass curve of annual rainfall and annual runoff was plotted, and two lines were fitted before and after 1979, respectively. Based on this method, the comprehensive effects of land use/land cover change on annual runoff were estimated. To further quantify the contributions of each main factor to annual runoff decrease, water stored in check dams and social water use in different periods were surveyed first. And then multi-linear regression was used to develop the relations between annual runoff and the driven factors. Water area decrease was identified to be the main factor contributing to annual runoff reduction. The results in this study can provide valuable information for water resources planners and policy makers.  相似文献   

长江黄河源区覆被变化下降水的产流产沙效应研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在长江和黄河源区的左冒西孔曲和纳通河、垮热洼尔玛河流域的不同植被覆盖下建立了天然径流观测场,利用观测天然降水和人工模拟降水,初步研究了江河源区不同植被覆盖下降水的产流产沙效应。结果表明,长江黄河源区的3个小流域内,在典型高寒草甸草地30°坡面上,退化较为严重的30%覆盖度以下的场地内,地表径流产出量明显大于覆盖度较好的95%、92%和68%场地,同时产沙量显著高于这3个场地,其平均单次降水形成的泥沙量是这三种盖度的2~4倍,由此造成地表侵蚀量平均为这3种盖度的3~10倍。通过对几次典型的降水形态的分析,在长江黄河源区高寒草甸草地的坡面上,不但降水量影响着产流产沙量,降水形态也影响着产流产沙量,降雨仍是引起水土流失的主要降水形态,在降水量相同的条件下,降雪可比降雨和雨加雪增加产流量2.1~3.5倍,可比降雨减少泥沙侵蚀45.4%~80.3%。人工模拟结果表明:对于覆盖度为5%和30%的强度退化草地,次降水量在3.5 mm时,就形成了较为明显的径流和产沙效应,当次降雨量达到7 mm,降雨持续时间15 min,5 m2场地内就会形成1 400 mL以上的径流量;在地表土壤含水量(FDR测0~5 cm平均含水量为36.7%)较高的情况下,次降雨量达4mm,降雨强度超过0.4 mm/min,在5 m2场地内历时5 min就能形成1 060 mL的地表径流,每100 mL径流中含泥沙高达1.6 g。这一试验结果在长江黄河源区3个不同的河源小流域是一致的。  相似文献   

Field stratigraphy, sedimentology and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating have been used to reconstruct the southwest monsoon variability in the semi‐arid region of southern India during the late Holocene. Facies architecture and OSL dating of the water‐lain sediment suggest prevalence of a weak hydrological regime around 3 ka. Following this, a progressive strengthening of monsoon occurred till 2 ka. After 2 ka and until 1 ka fluvial activity was nearly dormant, indicating weakening of the monsoon. Presence of high‐magnitude flood deposits, overbank sedimentation and pedogenesis during 1–0.6 ka indicate intensification of the southwest monsoon in the basin. The onset of aridity was associated with episodic storm surge events that are manifested in the pond sedimentation and localised aeolian accretion. This phase is bracketed between 0.5 ka and 0.2 ka. A renewed phase of monsoonal activity was observed in the form of floodplain aggradation between 180 and 90 years ago. In the past 70 years no significant change in the monsoon performance has been observed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

海河流域水资源极为短缺,河川径流下降显著,定量识别径流变化成因对于科学认识流域水循环演变机理、支撑水资源开发利用具有重要的科学意义和实际价值。基于模型参数区域化技术构建了海河流域可变下渗容量(VIC)模型,重构了流域天然河川径流序列。建立了气温变化、降水变化、下垫面变化和取用水四元要素驱动的河川径流变化归因定量识别技术体系,分析了4种因子在海河流域河川径流减少中的贡献。结果表明:①1956—2010年,人类活动是海河流域河川径流减少的主要原因,但是气候变化的影响不可忽略,其中气候变化的贡献约为1/3,人类活动的贡献约占2/3;气候变化中,降水下降的贡献远大于气温升高的影响,分别约为30%和4%;人类活动中,取用水的影响大于下垫面变化的影响,分别约为55%和11%。②海河流域4个水资源二级区的河川径流变化成因相比,从北向南气温升高的影响减小,降水减小的影响增大,海河北系和海河南系的取用水影响较大,滦河流域径流变化时间较晚,徒骇马颊河径流变化程度最小。  相似文献   

在构建分布式水文模型与生物地球化学模型的耦合模型(DTVGM-CASACNP)及应用元胞自动机-马尔科夫(CA-Markov)土地利用预测模型基础上,以滦河流域为例分析气候变化、土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)及CO2浓度升高对径流的影响。研究结果表明: DTVGM-CASACNP耦合模型以及CA-Markov模型在滦河流域均具有较好的适用性;气候变化与土地利用/植被覆盖变化对滦河流域径流的影响较CO2浓度升高的影响程度大;未来不同情景下滦河流域2020—2049年径流呈减小趋势,大部分情景下年径流较基准年减少,与非汛期相比,滦河流域未来汛期径流对不同情景更敏感,总体上在汛期径流相对基准年减少,而在非汛期径流相对基准年增加。  相似文献   

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