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流域生态学与太湖流域防洪、治污及可持续发展   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
在评述流域生态学中的水文、湖沼、生态系统、景观、生态经济和生态管理等主要研究内容和复合生态系统、河流连续统、生态交错带、等级系统、格局-尺度-过程、信息系统等概念理论以及流域自然过程、生物功能、系统结构、生态环境、流域生态管理等流域生态学热点问题的基础上,总结分析了太湖流域防洪、治污及可持续发展与流域生态学的关系,指出流域生态学在太湖流域的流域开发、环境治理、区域可持续发展等实践方面起着越来越重要的指导作用,有必要开发深入研究。  相似文献   

生态系统地震灾害及其深层机制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
所有地震时空、强度对人及人类破坏的复杂性可以贯穿到各个层次的生态系统中体现出来,这样地震给人类带来的空间和时间的全面灾害即可用生态系统地震灾害来进行描述。以人类为核心,按照构成生态系统的主体和环境因子的不同,可将生态系统由内向外、逐层包容地划分成社会生态系统、环境生态系统和自然生态系统三个层次类型。在社会生态系统震害中,人类的能动作用居于主导的地位,在环境生态系统震害中,人类的能动作用居于协调的位置,在自然生态系统震害中,人类的能动作用处于服从的地位。整体上来看,生态系统震害具有四个一般特征,即连发性、群发性、长程关联性和影响长期性。蕴震体及地球岩石部分本身就具有自组织、自适应和自相似即自复制类生命体特征,因而具有网络性。因而从生态系统角度研究可以发现,地震灾害与多种灾害之间构成了一个整体的联系,这就是生态系统震害的深层机制,称之为网络性机制。地震灾害的宏观过程是地震作用于人类生存的生态环境(天然生态环境和人工生态环境)从而危及人与社会并形成灾害,震害是由多种相互关联的要素所构成的复杂系统。  相似文献   

由于湖泊生态问题日益突出,湖泊生态系统安全状态已经成为人们关注的热点问题,了解湖泊水生态系统的状况并根据湖泊生态系统健康状况开展精准治理和生态修复与保护尤为重要。本文基于对鄱阳湖及其流域生态环境的长期监测数据和资料收集,采用综合指标体系法,从物理形态、水文、水环境、水域生态、湿地生态和社会服务6个方面构建了鄱阳湖生态系统健康评估的指标体系,主要涵盖了湖泊口门状况、“五河”入湖径流变异程度、入湖河流水质达标率等26个指标。依据设置的阈值等级得到鄱阳湖生态系统健康评价各层次健康状况等级,通过对各湖泊生态系统各指标得分进行加权计算,得出生态系统健康评估准则层和目标层的得分,最终对鄱阳湖生态系统健康进行了客观的评价。结果表明,构建的湖泊生态系统健康评价体系针对性强、科学全面、具有可操作性,可为鄱阳湖及类似通江湖泊的生态系统健康评价提供案例和方法借鉴。评价结果表明鄱阳湖健康体征状况目标层得分为73.45分,评价结果为亚健康,鄱阳湖水生态系统健康主要受泄流能力、水文节律变化、富营养化程度和物种多样性的影响。最后根据鄱阳湖的水生态系统健康评分等级探讨了鄱阳湖水生态系统中亟需解决的问题,针对性地提出了...  相似文献   

湖泊生态系统的修复必须建立在历史生态环境演化过程与驱动机制认识的基础之上.针对草型湖泊演化历史研究相对不足的现状,以长江中游典型草型湖泊梁子湖为研究对象,结合210Pb和137Cs年代测试,通过对沉积柱高分辨率的多指标分析(硅藻、元素地球化学和粒度)以及流域历史资料重建近百年来梁子湖生态环境的演化过程,并在此基础上利用冗余分析定量区分影响该湖泊生态环境演化的关键驱动因子.结果显示,沉积物总磷和重金属元素Cu是影响该湖泊生态环境演化的2个显著变量,它们分别单独解释硅藻组合的12.7%和8.5%变率.这表明近百年来人类活动引起的营养输入对梁子湖生态环境演化起关键性作用,而重金属污染也是影响梁子湖环境演变的重要因子.本研究结果可以为梁子湖及长江中下游其他类似湖泊的环境治理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

中国陆地生态系统生态资产遥感定量测量   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
生态系统的自然价值及其服务功能效益是地球生命支持系统的重要组成部分, 也是社会与环境可持续发展的基本要素. 生态资产是生态系统生物资源直接价值及其生态服务功能价值的总和. 对生态资产价值进行定量估算不仅可以从经济学的角度对生态环境进行定量评价, 而且能够引起全社会对生态环境建设的高度重视, 同时也是最终将其纳入社会与市场经济体系、建立绿色GDP核算体系、制定生态环境建设补偿政策的必要前提. 本文在传统生态学生态资产单位面积价值研究的基础上提出了基于遥感定量测量的生态资产价值评估模型, 并利用NOAA/AVHRR和其他辅助数据对模型所需要的参数, 如: 陆地生态系统地表覆盖类型、植被覆盖度(f)、植被第一性净生产力(NPP)进行了定量测量, 并参考Costanza等人的经济参数, 对中国陆地生态系统生态资产价值进行了全覆盖的定量测量, 并据此绘制了中国陆地生态系统生态资产价值空间分布图. 结果表明: 中国陆地生态系统每年的生态资产总价值为64441.77亿元人民币; 较之传统的生态学静态计算方法, 遥感测量克服了以点代面的缺点, 测量结果可以更加客观地反映中国陆地系统生态资产及其空间分布的现实情况, 为今后开展相关研究奠定了良好的基础.  相似文献   

伊乐藻-草鱼圈养人工复合生态系统建设的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
十多年来,在长江中下游浅水湖泊,特别是城郊湖泊,围栏圈养草食性鱼类发展迅速,产量大幅度提高,经济效益明显增长。养鱼过程中,由于大量投喂商品饲料和过量利用湖泊水草资源,加之湖滨人口不断增加等多种原因,导致不少草型湖泊水生植被退化,水草消失,加速了湖泊富营养化进程,湖泊整体功能下降。 伊乐藻是1986年从国外引种东太湖的高等沉水植物,已在东太湖归化,并被广大渔民用作草食性养殖鱼类的饲料。本研究是充分利用伊乐藻的生物学和生态学特性,以及易种植、生物量大、可利用程度高等特点,研究了在浅水湖泊人工种植、采收时间和刈割方法,提高其单位面积产量;测定了草鱼对伊乐藻的消化吸收和饲料系数;研究了伊乐藻在水生态系统中的功能等,从而在浅水湖泊中设计和建设伊乐藻—草鱼圈养人工复合生态系统。即以种植伊乐藻为中心,并以它作为草食性鱼类饲料和在水界物质循环的中介,在湖泊大系统内建立的草—鱼平衡系统,以提高湖泊养鱼产量和其他水产品产量,改善渔业水质和优化湖泊生态环境为主要目的。  相似文献   

位于武汉珞珈山麓、东湖之滨的东湖湖泊生态系统试验站隶属中国科学院水生生物研究所,是中国科学院“中国生态系统研究网络”(CERN)的重点站,“人与生物圈”(MAB)的定位站,足我国湖沼学研究的重要基地。该站现有研究人员15人,主要从事湖泊生态系统结构、功能长期定位观测和系统试验,阐述生态环境变迁过程和机理,并预测其变迁和演替前景及生态效应,提出既要发展渔业,又要保护环境的优化示范模式,为水体的合理开发和利用提供科学依据。 长江中下游的浅水湖泊是我国特有的国土资源,其数量、面积以及湖泊学性质均在国内外难于见到;其与人民生活的密切关系(饮水、灌溉、渔业等)在全球亦属罕见。因此,研究、开发和保护这类水体,使之健康运转、水续利用是利在当代、功在千秋的事业。在我国淡水生态学研究的奠基人、学部委员刘建康教援的领导下,早在1954年就开始对长江中下游具有代表性的武汉东湖进行了系统的定位观测。武汉东湖位于长江中游南岸、武汉市东郊,面积27.8km~2,平均水深2.2m左右,在60年代前一统一水域,由于经济发展的需要,筑堤分割成大小不等、边界明确、生态环境各异的若干湖区,很有利于开展比较生态学研究。郭郑湖区(11.3km~2)为主体湖区,亦是东湖生态站主要的科研活动基地。  相似文献   

张运林  秦伯强  朱广伟 《湖泊科学》2020,32(5):1348-1359
过去40年,全球气候变暖、辐射变暗和变亮、风速减弱、气候异常波动等自然环境变化以及筑坝建闸、岸堤硬质化和调水引流等强烈人类活动势必会深刻改变太湖湖泊物理环境和过程,驱动湖泊生态系统演化.基于历史文献、档案数据以及气象水文和透明度等长期观测数据,本文系统梳理了太湖气温、水温、风速、水位和透明度等物理环境空间分布和长期变化特征,探讨了气温和风速、水位和透明度相互协同作用机制及其潜在生态环境意义.受全球变化和城市化等影响,过去40年太湖气温和水温呈现显著升高趋势,而近地面风速则表现为持续下降,湖泊增温和风速下降有利于藻类生长和蓝藻水华漂浮聚集,某种程度上增加了蓝藻水华出现频次和集聚的面积.为防洪和满足流域日益增长的水资源需求,闸坝管控和调水引流使太湖水位呈现缓慢增加趋势,而入湖污染物增加和富营养化则造成水体透明度逐渐下降,致使透明度与水位(水深)的比值明显降低,减少了湖底可利用光强,恶化水下光环境,在一定程度上驱动了太湖水生植被和草型生态系统退化.湖泊物理环境长期变化逐渐拓展了太湖藻型生境空间而压缩了草型生境空间,加剧了草型生态系统向藻型生态系统转化和增强了藻型生态系统的自我长期维持.太湖湖泊物理环境的显著变化也会部分抵消流域营养盐削减和湖体营养盐下降对藻类生物量和蓝藻水华的控制,增加了太湖蓝藻水华防控和湖泊富营养化治理的难度.这意味着未来流域控源截污需要更加严格的标准,而湖泊水位等物理环境的有效管控是应对藻华加剧和恢复草型生态系统的适应性管理策略.  相似文献   

三峡工程的生态环境问题   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
夏宜琤 《湖泊科学》1993,5(2):181-191
对长江三峡工程有关的若干生态环境问题作了比较系统的综述。主要涉及生物多样性,珍稀物种和长江渔业;人、地、粮关系;中游湖泊与湖区环境;河口生态环境以及库区地质环境等。  相似文献   

太湖鱼类产量、组成的变动规律及与环境的关系   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:27  
湖泊生态系统健康包含两个方面的内涵:满足人类社会合理要求的能力和湖泊生态系统自我维持与更新的能力.获知湖泊生态系统健康状况及其区域分异特征,对于湖泊管理具有重要意义.本文基于对太湖的野外调查,计算了表征湖泊生态系统健康的系统能、系统能结构、生态缓冲容量和湖泊营养状态指数.聚类分析结果表明,太湖不同湖区生态系统健康状况存在一定差异,东部湖区较好,西部湖区较差,呈现由东南部湖区向西北部湖区递减的趋势.该结果对进一步研究湖泊生态系统健康评价指标阈值具有重要的参考意义.  相似文献   

The southern half of the Russian Plain is characterized by a relatively short history of intensively ploughed lands.The duration varies from approximately three centuries in the southern part of the forest zone to less than one century in some parts of the steppe zone.It was found that after cultivation,on more than 40% of lands in river basins the drainage valley density (Ddv) decreased by 15-58% in all landscape zones.In the first stage,the Ddv decrease was mostly associated with increasing surface runoff coefficient after cultivation of virgin lands with proportional decreases in groundwater runoff.In the second stage,usually after reaching areas of arable lands in river basins > 60%,the volume of eroded sediments entering small fiver channels exceeded the transport capacities of the permanent water-courses.As a result,the river channels completely silted.In later stages,the sediment redistribution cascade within the small river basins of the Russian Plain stabilized because of the increasing proportion of sediment eroded from the basin areas and re-deposited before entering the river channels because of the increasing area of sediment sinks due to the increase in dry valley lengths and total areas.The morphological parameters of small valleys and groundwater discharges are the key parameters that affect the intensity of small river aggradation on the regional scale.  相似文献   

Feeding 9 billion people in 2050 will require sustainable development of all water resources, both surface and subsurface. Yet, little is known about the irrigation potential of hillside shallow aquifers in many highland settings in sub-Saharan Africa that are being considered for providing irrigation water during the dry monsoon phase for smallholder farmers. Information on the shallow groundwater being available in space and time on sloping lands might aid in increasing food production in the dry monsoon phase. Therefore, the research objective of this work is to estimate potential groundwater storage as a potential source of irrigation water for hillside aquifers where lateral subsurface flow is dominant. The research was carried out in the Robit Bata experimental watershed in the Lake Tana basin which is typical of many undulating watersheds in the Ethiopian highlands. Farmers have excavated more than 300 hand dug wells for irrigation. We used 42 of these wells to monitor water table fluctuation from April 16, 2014 to December 2015. Precipitation and runoff data were recorded for the same period. The temporal groundwater storage was estimated using two methods: one based on the water balance with rainfall as input and baseflow and evaporative losses leaving the watershed as outputs; the second based on the observed rise and fall of water levels in wells. We found that maximum groundwater storage was at the end of the rain phase in September after which it decreased linearly until the middle of December due to short groundwater retention times. In the remaining part of the dry season period, only wells located close to faults contained water. Thus, without additional water sources, sloping lands can only be used for significant irrigation inputs during the first 3 months out of the 8 months long dry season.  相似文献   

In this work, two field campaigns were performed in July 2008 (wet season) and March 2009 (dry season) to produce original data on the concentration, partition and distribution of mercury and butyltin compounds along the tropical Bach Dang Estuary located in North Vietnam (Haiphong, Red River Delta). The results demonstrate that mercury and butyltin speciation in the surface waters of this type of tropical estuary is greatly affected by the drastic changes in the seasonal conditions. During high river discharge in the wet season, there was a large estuarine input of total Hg and tributyltin, while the longer residence time of the waters during the dry season promotes increasing MMHg formation and TBT degradation. Although most of the Hg and TBT is transported into the estuary from upstream sources, tidal cycle measurements demonstrate that this estuary is a significant source of TBT and MMHg during the wet (~3kgTBT/day) and dry (~3gMMHg/day) seasons.  相似文献   

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简要地报道对不含水土层分层排列、饱水土层分层排列、不含水土层与饱水土层分层交错排列情况下对波传播和地面运动影响的研究结果.考虑到土场的剪胀性、线性和非线性本构关系、刚度退化等因素,编制了可适用上述各种情况和任意多土层(包括含水或不含水、力学性质不同、厚度不同、边界连续条件不同等),在不同基底输入或上边界输入作用下的通用分析程序.通过对相当数量的典型情况进行的分析计算,得到了一些趋势性的认识,特别是对饱水与不含水土层分层交错情况,取得了一些认识.  相似文献   

The effects of afforestation on water resources are still controversial. The aim of this paper is to (i) analyse the hydrological response of an afforested area in the Central Pyrenees and (ii) compare the hydrological response of an afforested area with the response observed in a natural undisturbed forest. The Araguás catchment was cultivated until the 1950s, and then afforested with pines in an effort to control the active degradation processes. The hydrological response was variable and complex, because the discharge was generated by a combination of distinct runoff processes. The hydrological response showed that (i) afforestation produced moderate peak discharges, stormflows and recession limbs, and long rising limbs; (ii) no one single variable was able to explain the hydrological response: rainfall volume and intensity did not explain the hydrological response and antecedent rainfall and initial discharge (indicating antecedent moisture conditions) did play an important role; (iii) seasonal differences were observed suggesting different runoff generating processes; and (iv) the effect of forest cover on peak discharges became less important as the size of the hydrological event increased. The stormflow coefficient showed a clear seasonal pattern with an alternation between a wet period, when the catchment was hydrologically responsive, and a dry summer period when the catchment rarely responded to any event, and two transitional periods (wetting and drying). Compared with a natural forest, the afforested area recorded greater flows and peak discharges, faster response times and shorter recession limbs. Afforestation reduces the water yield and the number of floods compared with non‐vegetated areas and abandoned lands. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Breton bocage is a landscape of fields enclosed by a network of hedgerow banks and ditches. Organization of this bocage varies considerably in different areas of Brittany. However, one constant feature of the different bocage landscapes is the presence of banks enclosing bottom lands, which enclose elongated plots in the thalweg bottoms. The banks enclosing the bottom lands influence the sensitivity of the basin to surface run-off and also the presence of excess surface water zones. To analyse the part played by banks enclosing bottom lands, the topography of a typical first order basin was modelled and the existence of such a bank within the catchment was simulated. The effect of the bank on the Kirkby index, a topographical parameter defining the sensitivity of soils to surface run-off was analysed. Modification of its spatial distribution is considerable for mean values of the index. The saturation zone, the storm run-off source area, is reduced to that area of bottom land enclosed by the bank; it thus varies very little so that run-off conditions are almost constant whatever the climatic conditions. From the methodological point of view, the interest of analysing the spatial distribution of morphometric parameters of a catchment may be noted; in the example studied, the heterogeneity of the Kirkby index distribution is an important factor in the analysis.  相似文献   

The fate and behavior of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the Segara Anakan Estuarine ecosystem was studied in the Indonesian tropical climate, which is characterized by heavy rainfall in the rainy season and low rainfall in the dry season. Since OCPs have high affinity for soil, a field study on the dissipation and degradation pattern of soil‐applied 1,1,1‐trichloro‐2,2‐bis (4‐chlorophenyl) ethane (p,p′‐DDT) and 1,1‐dichloro‐2,2‐bis (4‐chlorophenyl) ethylene (p,p′‐DDE) as model OCPs was carried out. They occurred at a faster rate in the biphasic mode in wet conditions and at a slower rate in dry conditions. In wet conditions, the conversion from p,p′‐DDT to p,p′‐DDE and p,p′‐DDD (1,1‐dichloro‐2,2‐bis (4‐chlorophenyl) ethane) was governed by a parallel reaction. In dry conditions, only p,p′‐DDE was formed. The fate and behavior of OCPs in sediment estuary are similar to those in soil under wet conditions, except that their sorption‐desorption constants are influenced by estuarine surface water salinity. In the dry season, due to high salinity, the sediment acts as an OCP sink and a secondary source for the ecosystem, causes higher OCP concentration of local bio‐monitors, i. e., Geloina spp. and Mugil spp. In the rainy season, high water inflow washed the desorbed OCP pesticides out of the estuarine ecosystem, and caused lower concentrations of bio‐monitors. A risk evaluation for the uptake of OCP pesticides during the dry season suggests that adult fish meal consumers are safe, but risk management is required for pregnant woman.  相似文献   

The paper presents a study of the effect of excessive amounts of organic matter (OM) on Arctic benthos. The source of nontoxic OM is from the mariculture of blue mussels in the White Sea (north-western area of Russia). The use of multivariate analysis procedures made it evident that in the Arctic conditions benthos is incapable of annual utilization of more than 1.5 kg dry OM m−2 from an external source. Mineralization of OM accumulated in sediments will deteriorate the oxygen regime. The critical concentration of OM in sediments is 9–10%. An excess over this threshold leads to the formation of oxygen-free zones at the bottom, and degradation of benthos community.  相似文献   

Likangala River catchment in Zomba District of Southern Malawi is important for water resources, agriculture and provides many ecosystem services. Provisioning ecosystem services accrued by the populations within the catchment include water, fish, medicinal plants and timber among others. In spite of its importance, the River catchment is under threat from anthropogenic activities and land use change. This paper studies land uses and land cover change in the catchment and how the changes have impacted on the ecosystem services. Landsat 5 and 8 images (1984, 1994, 2005 and 2013) were used to map land cover change and subsequent inventorying of provisioning ecosystem services. Participatory Geographic Information Systems and Focus group discussions were conducted to identify provisioning ecosystems services that communities benefit from the catchment and indicate these on the map.Post classification comparisons indicate that since 1984, there has been a decline in woodlands from 135.3 km2 in 1984 to 15.5 km2 in 2013 while urban areas increased from 9.8 km2 to 23.8 km2 in 2013. Communities indicated that provisioning ecosystems services such as forest products, wild animals and fruits and medicinal plants have been declining over the years. In addition, evidence of catchment degradation through waste disposal, illegal sand mining, deforestation and farming on marginal lands were observed. Population growth, urbanization and demand for agricultural lands have contributed to this land use and land cover change. The study suggests addressing catchment degradation through integrated method where an ecosystems approach is used. Thus, both the proximate and underlying driving factors of land-use and land cover change need to be addressed in order to sustainably reduce ecosystem degradation.  相似文献   

天山北麓黄土环境磁学特征及其古气候意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
新疆黄土-古土壤序列环境磁学参数的变化机理及其气候意义仍存在争议.本文选择天山北麓的中梁黄土剖面,系统开展了低温和常温下环境磁学参数的测试与研究,测量包括室温的磁化率与饱和磁化强度,以及磁化率与饱和剩余磁化强度的低温变化.结果发现,该剖面黄土和古土壤样品的磁性矿物主要由磁铁矿与磁赤铁矿组成,不含任何粒级成壤形成的超顺磁矿物颗粒,其磁化率信号主要记录了粉尘磁性矿物含量变化,较高的磁化率指示较强的风动力状况或者较近的风尘源区,新疆黄土的这种环境磁学"风尘输入模式"可用来重建干旱区的风动力强弱变化.  相似文献   

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