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Determination of total petroleum hydrocarbon distribution (TPH) in groundwater of Dezful aquifer was the main purpose of this study. The study area, which is located between latitudes 32°00′ and 32°35′?N and longitudes 48°10′ and 49°35′?E, covers about 1,920 km2 in the north of Khuzestan Province, Iran. Hydrocarbon pollutants in the area were being released into the aquifer, from a variety of sources. An oil pipe crash accident, which occurred on 19 Feb. 2009 in the vicinity of the northern part of the study area, released about 6,000 barrels of crude oil to the Karkhe River. Other possible sources of TPH in the region are asphalt factories, gas stations, and the Sabzab oil pump station. Since the main source of drinking water in the Dezful area is groundwater reservoirs, this study would be very crucial, especially when there is considerable agricultural activity in the area as well. In order to determine the presence of TPH and heavy metals in the groundwater, samples were taken from wells with different usage within two periods, i.e., in Nov. 2008 and May 2009. The second sampling operation was carried out to determine the effect of the accident in the water resources. In situ groundwater parameter measurements including pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and electrical conductivity were also carried out in the field. Based on the results, there are four zones in the study area which were contaminated with TPH from different origins: (1) southeast of Dezful City, which was contaminated by Shokati gas station; (2) southeast of Shush City, which was contaminated by an asphalt factory; (3) southwest of Dezful City, which was contaminated by Sabzab oil pump station; and (4) the shores of Karkhe River which were contaminated due to the pipeline crash accident. This could be a serious threat to the environment and human health because TPH concentration was higher than the EPA standard in the study area. Heavy metals were not distributed in a uniform pattern in the aquifer. The concentrations were lower than the contamination level based on the EPA drinking standard, and there was no meaningful relation between concentrations of TPH and the heavy metals. It was recommended that a monitoring network should be designed to monitor oil contaminants in the ground and surface water monthly because of importance of the water resources and presence of potential oil contaminant sources.  相似文献   

This paper describes how to carry out environmental impact assessment in an environmentally sensitive zone.The principles,the train of thought and methods are proposed in this paper,We have made the water environmental impact assessment on the engineering project of technical reforms in Guiyang Battery Mill.The hasis for engineering construction and environmental protection in this mill has been laid dawn.  相似文献   

本文研究灵庄港待疏浚的底泥的养分特征及重金属污染物的化学组分,探讨该底泥处置方式及其可能带来的环境影响.结果表明:灵庄港疏浚底泥的养分含量高于河道两岸耕地耕作层土壤,底泥中重金属元素符合农用底泥污染物控制标准,可以直接投放到附近的农田以增加经济效益,节约处置费用.  相似文献   

滨海石化项目地下水环境影响评价的关键问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
由于地下水环境污染具有极强的隐蔽性和滞后性,尤其是滨海石化项目,其污染种类多、环境风险大、保护目标难确定,因此前期的地下水环境影响评价尤为重要。文章对滨海石化项目地下水环境影响评价中保护目标的确定、评价标准的选取、污染源的估算和保护措施的选择进行了探讨,并结合珠江入海口某大型石化项目的地下水环境影响评价,进行了案例分析,为类似地区的石化项目地下水环境影响评价提供可参考的经验。  相似文献   

A simple approach is proposed for identifying areas vulnerable to groundwater overdraft. The methodology utilizes GIS techniques to analyze and evaluate controlling factors in areas with little data. The proposed methodology was applied in Arusha. Water demand in Arusha Municipality and its environs has increased to about 5.3% annually since 1999. Groundwater levels have declined. The aquifer hydrogeological variables were evaluated for impact to potential groundwater overdraft by overlay and index techniques. The spatial distribution of overdraft vulnerability was discussed. The northwestern part of Arusha is the most vulnerable to overdraft and possible serious environmental impacts. The Loruvani area has the most potential for aquifer development due to its permeability, high recharge rate, massive aquifer thickness and low drawdown.  相似文献   

范光  温志坚 《国外铀金地质》2010,(4):229-232,238
矿产开发过程中的辐射环境影响日益被管理部门和广大公众所重视。针对我国南方某铜矿开采项目,在详细工程分析和现状调查的基础上,对铜矿开采可能带来的辐射环境影响进行了细致分析,预测和评价项目建设对辐射环境的可能影响,并针对性地提出环境保护措施。相关结论和措施对于铜矿资源合理开发和保护环境具有指导意义。  相似文献   

19-Norisopimarane and isopimarane have been synthesized from isopimara-9(11), 15-diene-3β, 19-diol. Analysis of the alkane fractions of an Australian crude oil by GC-MS showed the presence of nine diterpenoid hydrocarbons (diterpanes), of which one was bicyclic two were tricyclic and six were tetracyclic.19-Norisopimarane and isopimarane were identified by comparison of their mass spectra and GC retention times with those of the synthetic standards. ent-Beyerane, 16a(H)-phyllocladane, 16)β(H)-phyllocladane, ent-16α(H)-kaurane and labdane were also identified by comparison with authentic reference compounds. The remaining two compounds were tentatively identified as rimuane and as a 17-nortetracyclic diterpane on the basis of mass spectral evidence. The diterpanes are probably derived from conifer resins.  相似文献   

对青岛市1 500 km 2范围内大密度土壤放射性核素和地表γ 辐射测量,系统深入研究了其放射性特征、分布规律及其影响因素。结果表明,青岛市土壤中核素232 Th 和40 K 的放射性比活度偏高,而238U 偏低。地表γ 辐射剂量率( 平均值91. 87 nGy /h) 略高于全国和世界平均值。研究发现,地表 93. 14%的γ 辐射来自地面放射性核素238U、232 Th 和40K 的γ 辐射,其中232 Th 和40K 的贡献占81. 21%,是主要的贡献者。地质背景决定地面γ 辐射剂量率值,燕山期各类花岗岩是导致青岛市区-王哥庄一带γ 辐射剂量率偏高的主要原因; 同时环境因素( 路面材料、地貌景观) 对其剂量率也存在一定影响。虽然研究区的γ 辐射剂量率较高,但其年有效剂量( 0. 56 mSv) 低于公众照射年剂量当量限值 ( 1. 0 mSv) ,人居环境基本不受影响。  相似文献   

A historical record of the effects of human development upon Lake Macatawa is established using geologic criteria. Significant cultural events are recognized using the pollen record, particularly ambrosia/vesiculate pollen ratios, and occurrences of detrital and chemical contaminants within the more recent sedimentary column. Detrital contaminants include such things as cinder and ash from coal burning power plants and animal hair from early tanning operations. Trace metal contaminants, frequently associated with specific industrial events, are particularly useful in establishing a modern sedimentary chronology. The impact of human activity upon Lake Macatawa is measured using fossil diatoms. The advantage of this method of environmental impact assessment is that it provides a historical perspective in which changes within an environment are related to its natural conditions.  相似文献   

为研究广西三娘湾海域表层沉积物有机质中烃类化合物的分布特征及来源,于2019年10月在三娘湾海域采集了表层沉积物样品,利用加速溶剂萃取GC-MSD法对沉积物中的16种多环芳烃(PAHs)进行了分析。结果表明: 三娘湾海域表层沉积物样品中多环芳烃的含量为37~241.8 ng/g,总体处于含量较低的水平,但与往年相比研究区PAHs含量增加明显。通过组分分析等方法进行PAHs的来源分析,结果指示其主要来源为燃烧源,夹杂石油源的混合来源; 通过效应区间法对多环芳烃进行生态风险评价,认为其总体处于风险较低的水平。综合研究表明,三娘湾海域总体生态环境较好,但人类活动对多环芳烃含量及分布特征的影响较明显,需要持续关注。  相似文献   

矿产资源规划环境影响评价工作方法探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李善峰  张进德 《地质通报》2004,23(11):1153-1156
根据《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》关于规划的环境影响评价要求,初步探讨了矿产资源规划环境影响评价的工作思路。参照国土资源部《矿产资源规划管理暂行办法》的有关规定,列举了矿产资源规划的类型;依据《环评法》第七条和第八条,阐明了不同类型的矿产资源规划所对应的环境影响评价文件编制的要求;提出了矿产资源规划环境影响评价的工作程序和环境影响评价指标体系的建议,并简单地探讨了2种评价方法。  相似文献   

通过一个环评实例阐述大型X射线医疗设备销售项目环境影响评价的基本分析要点,给出了正常工况下和事故工况下环境影响分析过程和剂量估算方法。大型X射线医疗设备销售的环境影响评价要点是:根据项目实际情况,确定污染因子和管理限值,采用类比、现场实测加计算的评价、预测方法,区分正常工况与事故工况,对污染进行分析、监测、计算和预测。  相似文献   

西部煤矿区规划环评中地下水专题评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤矿区规划环评在我国相对其他领域起步较晚,与之相适应的环评技术导则尚未出台,各评价单位采用的技术方法和思路较为混乱。以我国西部典型煤矿区(榆横、榆神矿区)规划环评为例,利用水文地质学、水资源学理论,结合环境影响评价的基本方法,提出了西部煤矿区规划环评中地下水专题的环境影响评价的方法和思路。研究认为西部煤矿区水资源匮乏和生态环境脆弱是共性,“三水”平衡是评价的基础,将矿区开发对水资源的影响限制在区域水资源承载力范围之内是煤矿区可持续发展的保证。  相似文献   

Numerous potentially toxic compounds are entering Louisiana’s inshore and nearshore coastal environments. To a large degree there is insufficient information for predicting the fate and effect of these materials in aquatic environments. Studies documenting the impact of petroleum hydrocarbons entering Louisiana coastal wetlands are summarized. Also included are research findings on factors affecting the persistence of petroleum hydrocarbons and other toxic organics (pentachlorophenol (PCP), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), creosote, etc.) in sediment-water systems. Sediment pH and redox conditions have been found to play an important role in the microbial degradation of toxic organics. Most of the hydrocarbons investigated degrade more rapidly under high redox (aerobic) conditions although there are exceptions (e.g., 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl) (DDT) and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs)). Some of these compounds, due to their slow degradation in anaerobic sediment, may persist in the system for decades.  相似文献   

The characterisation of waste is entering a new phase with the latest developments of characterisation leaching tests and associated modelling capabilities. The currently applied too simple testing approaches lead to poor choices in waste management. With the increased insight in release controlling processes chemical speciation aspects can be addressed even in the most complex and heterogeneous waste materials. From a composition perspective materials may be highly variable, but often materials are far more consistent in their leaching behaviour. This aspect should be exploited more extensively as it holds the key to treat waste materials in such a way that long term solutions are achieved rather than reaching temporary gains.  相似文献   

The steroidal alkanes of a selection of sediments and oils have been examined by GC-MS with multiple metastable reaction monitoring. Specific 4-methyl sterane isomers have been identified by comparison with isomers synthesized from sterols isolated from dinoflagellates. An immature marine oil shale and two mature marine oils of Triassic to early Cretaceous age contained high concentrations of C30 steranes comprising desmethyl, 24-ethyl-4α-methylcholestane and 4α,23,24-trimethylcholestane (dinosterane) isomers. An immature non-marine oil shale and two non-marine oils of Cretaceous to Eocene age contained stereoisomers of 24-ethyl-4α-methylcholestane as the dominant C30 steranes. Reaction monitoring analyses in GC-MS are particularly suited to unravelling complex distributions of homologous and stereoisomeric steroids encountered in oils and their source rocks.  相似文献   

Classifications of oils and kerogens are described. Two indices are employed, termed the Heptane and IsoheptaneValues, based on analyses of gasoline-range hydrocarbons. The indices assess degree of paraffinicity. and allow the definition of four types of oil: normal, mature, supermature, and biodegraded. The values of these indices measured in sediment extracts are a function of maximum attained temperature and of kerogen type. Aliphatic and aromatic kerogens are definable. Only the extracts of sediments bearing aliphatic kerogens having a specific thermal history are identical to the normal oils which form the largest group (41%) in the sample set. This group was evidently generated at subsurface temperatures of the order of 138°–149°C, (280°–300°F) defined under specific conditions of burial history. It is suggested that all other petroleums are transformation products of normal oils.  相似文献   

As the ongoing global research on acid precipitation is developing in depth, more and more attention has been paid to the ecological effects of aluminum (Al) due to its toxicity to plants and animals, which is caused by acid precipitation. As a very serious problem of terrestrial and aquatic environmental acidification occurs in China, especially in southwestern China, a systematic investigation of Al speciation in these regions is very important. In this paper, the Al speciation results of surface waters in China are reported and its ecological impacts is evaluated. More than 100 water samples were collected from about twenty provinces of China. Driscoll's Al speciation scheme combined with the modified MINQEL computer model is used for speciation of Al. This study shows that the ecological impacts of acidification are quite different between China and Western countries, because of different geographical environments and geological settings. In Western countries, acidification is mainly caused by NO2-. Due to low concentrations of K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, the buffer capacities of soil and water are weak. Therefore, natural waters can be acidified to pH<5 very easily, resulting in a considerable mobilization of Al and worsening of the ecological environment. In China, acid precipitation is mainly in the form of sulfuric acid. In northwestern China, concentrations of K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ are high in soil and surface waters. This leads to much higher capacity and a high resistance ability to acidification. The pH values of waters in this region are high (around 7) and no serious Al toxicity is found at present. However, in northeastern and southeastern China, the soil is rich in Al (unsaturated aluminosilicates in northeastern China, saturated aluminosilicates in north and central China, aluminum-rich soil in southeastern and southwestern China). The concentrations of K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ in soil and waters are lower than those of northwestern China. Therefore the buffer capacity is limited. Numerous surface waters have already been acidified and pH values declined to 5. The impacts of Al toxicity on ecological systems in these regions are very serious, especially in Jiangxi, Hubei Provinces and Chongqing Municipality.  相似文献   

尾矿库环境影响指标体系及评价方法及其应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
冀红娟  杨春和  张超  谢婷 《岩土力学》2008,29(8):2087-2091
考虑到尾矿库事故对地质环境、自然环境和生态环境的破坏,建立了尾矿库环境影响评价指标体系,采用模糊综合层次分析模型对银山尾矿库进行了环境影响评价。该模型采用反映主观判断的模糊性和不确定性的模糊数据来构造判断矩阵,降低了专家的主观影响;采用多因素加权模型法来分层次计算评价的最终结果,并依据评价标准得出最后银山尾矿库对环境的影响程度为轻度影响。  相似文献   

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