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提出了一种安全性高、成本低的新型摩擦"塑性铰"构造的概念和几何设计,以实现精准耗能和大震可修的延性设计抗震目标。以钢结构梁柱延性节点的设计理论为基础,推导了该构造的力学性能理论和工作机制,并应用于钢框架结构进行了静力弹塑性分析。通过ABAQUS有限元软件建立了5个工况的数值分析模型,进行了有限元模型的循环往复位移荷载分析,探究了新型摩擦"塑性铰"构造的抗震性能。结果表明:该构造模型仅发生了抗剪螺栓的剪切破坏,可实现其精准耗能和结构的快速修复;具有较好的转动性能,满足层间位移角要求;摩擦耗能随着旋转加载螺栓预应力和摩擦系数的增大而增大,其滞回曲线较饱满,延性系数较大,具有较好的抗震性能;理论分析和有限元分析的承载力基本吻合,分别为15.92 kN、15.84 kN;抗剪螺栓的剪切和纯摩擦耗能两阶段的等效粘滞阻尼系数分别为0.318、0.671,纯摩擦耗能阶段的耗能能力较好。在钢框架中摩擦"塑性铰"的形成与发展符合抗震性能要求,Pushover分析可作为结构抗震性能评估的有效方式。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new methodology based on structural performance to determine uniform fragility design spectra, i.e., spectra with the same probability of exceedance of a performance level for a given seismic intensity. The design spectra calculated with this methodology provide directly the lateral strength, in terms of yield‐ pseudo‐accelerations, associated with the rate of exceedance of a specific ductility characterizing the performance level for which the structures will be designed. This procedure involves the assessment of the seismic hazard using a large enough number of seismic records of several magnitudes; these records are simulated with an improved empirical Green function method. The statistics of the performance of a single degree of freedom system are obtained using Monte Carlo simulation considering the seismic demand, the fundamental period, and the strength of the structure as uncertain variables. With these results, the conditional probability that a structure exceeds a specific performance level is obtained. The authors consider that the proposed procedure is a significant improvement to others considered in the literature and a useful research tool for the further development of uniform fragility spectra that can be used for the performance‐based seismic design and retrofit of structures.  相似文献   

A simplified design procedure (SDP) for preliminary seismic design of frame buildings with structural dampers is presented. The SDP uses elastic‐static analysis and is applicable to structural dampers made from viscoelastic (VE) or high‐damping elastomeric materials. The behaviour of typical VE materials and high‐damping elastomeric materials is often non‐linear, and the SDP idealizes these materials as linear VE materials. With this idealization, structures with VE or high‐damping elastomeric dampers can be designed and analysed using methods based on linear VE theory. As an example, a retrofit design for a typical non‐ductile reinforced concrete (RC) frame building using high‐damping elastomeric dampers is developed using the SDP. To validate the SDP, results from non‐linear dynamic time history analyses (NDTHA) are presented. Results from NDTHA demonstrate that the SDP estimates the seismic response with sufficient accuracy for design. It is shown that a non‐ductile RC frame building can be retrofit with high‐damping elastomeric dampers to remain essentially elastic under the design basis earthquake (DBE). Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

联肢钢板剪力墙能通过连梁耗能实现多重抗侧体系,其优良的抗震性能被越来越多的学者研究论证。本文基于能量平衡原理和Chao和Goel提出的弹塑性层剪力分布模式,预设目标侧移及屈服机制等性能参数,归纳出完整的联肢钢板剪力墙结构塑性设计流程,并采用该方法基于8度(0.3g)抗震设防条件下设计了12个联肢钢板剪力墙结构算例。利用有限元分析软件ABAQUS对结构进行了Push-over分析,研究了刚度退化、构件屈服顺序和结构整体变形等方面的结果。结果表明:设计算例能够实现多重抗震机制,并满足预期性能目标。  相似文献   

This paper investigates numerically the seismic response of six seismically base‐isolated (BI) 20‐story reinforced concrete buildings and compares their response to that of a fixed‐base (FB) building with a similar structural system above ground. Located in Berkeley, California, 2 km from the Hayward fault, the buildings are designed with a core wall that provides most of the lateral force resistance above ground. For the BI buildings, the following are investigated: two isolation systems (both implemented below a three‐story basement), isolation periods equal to 4, 5, and 6 s, and two levels of flexural strength of the wall. The first isolation system combines tension‐resistant friction pendulum bearings and nonlinear fluid viscous dampers (NFVDs); the second combines low‐friction tension‐resistant crosslinear bearings, lead‐rubber bearings, and NFVDs. The designs of all buildings satisfy ASCE 7‐10 requirements, except that one component of horizontal excitation, is used in the 2D nonlinear response history analysis. Analysis is performed for a set of ground motions scaled to the design earthquake and to the maximum considered earthquake (MCE). At both the design earthquake and the MCE, the FB building develops large inelastic deformations and shear forces in the wall and large floor accelerations. At the MCE, four of the BI buildings experience nominally elastic response of the wall, with floor accelerations and shear forces being 0.25 to 0.55 times those experienced by the FB building. The response of the FB and four of the BI buildings to four unscaled historical pulse‐like near‐fault ground motions is also studied. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在一种新型无黏结预应力装配式混凝土梁柱框架节点抗震性能试验基础之上,使用基于位移的抗震设计方法对新型框架节点的无黏结预应力装配式钢筋混凝土框架结构进行整体抗震设计研究。首先使用有限元软件sap2000进行预应力三维结构设计并建立相应的有限元模型,同时建立该梁柱节点的梁恢复力模型,进而实现自定义塑性铰本构关系研究该装配式框架结构。使用pushover分析去表征结构的抗震性能,对比研究不同目标位移下的相应性能水平要求。通过施加Y方向均匀分布荷载对结构进行弹塑性推覆分析,对结构的层间位移角、破坏机制进行分析讨论。结果表明:按照"功能良好""生命安全""防止倒塌"三水平的设计均达到预期结果,各层层间位移角和薄弱层的性能均能满足规范的相应要求。并选用三条地震波对结构进行弹塑性动力时程分析,表明基于该新型梁柱节点的装配式结构在基于位移的抗震设计中可以较好满足相关抗震性能水平要求。  相似文献   

结构健康监测系统设计标准化评述与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
阐述了结构健康监测的概念和内涵。详细介绍了结构健康监测系统的功能、组成和应用现状。结构健康监测系统设计标准化能够促进健康监测的应用和发展,具有重要的工程意义。对世界范围内相关研究进展进行了综述和评价。强调在我国建立监测系统设计标准的重要性,并提出了相应的说明和建议。设计标准可以分为总则、外观检查与无损检测、传感器的选择与布置、信息采集与处理系统、通信与传输系统、损伤识别和评估系统、应用实例等7部分。结构健康监测系统设计标准的实现将有力地推动健康监测的研究。  相似文献   

In this paper, a practical method is developed for performance‐based design of RC structures subjected to seismic excitations. More efficient design is obtained by redistributing material from strong to weak parts of a structure until a state of uniform deformation or damage prevails. By applying the design algorithm on 5, 10 and 15‐storey RC frames, the efficiency of the proposed method is initially demonstrated for specific synthetic and real seismic excitations. The results indicate that, for similar structural weight, designed structures experience up to 30% less global damage compared with code‐based design frames. The method is then developed to consider multiple performance objectives and deal with seismic design of RC structures for a design spectrum. The results show that the proposed method is very efficient at controlling performance parameters and improving structural behaviour of RC frames. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The recent spate of large earthquakes has triggered diverse performance requirements for structures. This has led to increasing worldwide interest in performance‐based design methods. To establish such methods, however, it is necessary to evaluate structure conditions after defining the loads, and this is difficult to accomplish. On the other hand, there has been steady progress on research and development of structural control techniques for improving structural performance. These technological innovations need to be rationally incorporated into structural design. In particular, semi‐active structural control techniques are effective in improving structural performance during large earthquakes. By effectively incorporating them into the design, it is possible to meet the various structural performance requirements. This paper first outlines the various structural control methods and focuses on the semi‐active structural control technique as the main topic. It then describes an example to verify the effectiveness of the semi‐active structural control technique in high‐rise buildings. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

大跨空间结构由于其体量大且多作为人流密集的公共场所,因而在各种非常规荷载作用下破坏将造成更大的经济损失、人员伤亡和社会影响。系统的从以下3个方面总结了近年来大跨空间结构抗震理论所取得的主要进展:(1)大跨空间结构精细化的抗震性能评估理论,主要包括材料本构模型、地震动多点输入和结构强非线性模拟;(2)大跨空间结构抗震性能提升与修复技术,主要包括结构减震技术和隔震技术的研究与应用;(3)大跨空间结构抗震设计理论与方法,主要包括基于性态的设计方法和功能可恢复性的抗震设计方法。通过以上部分的系统总结和论述,形成大跨空间结构统一的抗震设计指导思想,并对此类结构的抗震研究的发展趋势和方向进行展望,从而为大跨空间结构设计、施工和监测提供借鉴。  相似文献   

High force‐to‐volume extrusion damping devices can offer significant energy dissipation directly in structural connections and significantly reduce seismic response. Realistic force levels up to 400 kN have been obtained experimentally validating this overall concept. This paper develops spectral‐based design equations for their application. Response spectra analysis for multiple, probabilistically scaled earthquake suites are used to delineate the response reductions due to added extrusion damping. Representative statistics and damping reduction factors are utilized to characterize the modified response in a form suitable for current performance‐based design methods. Multiple equation regression analysis is used to characterize reduction factors in the constant acceleration, constant velocity, and constant displacement regions of the response spectra. With peak device forces of 10% of structural weight, peak damping reduction factors in the constant displacement region of the spectra are approximately 6.5 ×, 4.0 ×, and 2.8 × for the low, medium, and high suites, respectively. At T = 1 s, these values are approximately 3.6 ×, 1.8 ×, and 1.4 ×, respectively. The maximum systematic bias introduced by using empirical equations to approximate damping reduction factors in design analyses is within the range of +10 to ?20%. The seismic demand spectrum approach is shown to be conservative across a majority of the spectrum, except for large added damping between T = 0.8 and 3.5 s, where it slightly underestimates the demand up to a maximum of approximately 10%. Overall, the analysis shows that these devices have significant potential to reduce seismic response and damage at validated prototype device force levels. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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