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针对2018年7月10-11日青藏高原东部一次暴雨过程,利用模式模拟资料分析了有效位能分布特征,成因及其对降水发展演变的影响.结果表明,有效位能主要分布在对流层低层4km以下和高层8-14km,高层有效位能和降水有更好的对应性西北冷平流和降水粒子下落的蒸发作用是低层有效位能高值中心的主要成因,而降水过程释放潜热带来的热...  相似文献   

Using model simulated data, the distribution characteristics, genesis, and impacts on precipitation of available potential energy (APE) are analyzed for a heavy rainfall event that took place over the eastern Tibetan Plateau during 10–11 July 2018. Results show that APE was mainly distributed below 4 km and within 8–14 km. The APE distribution in the upper level had a better correspondence with precipitation. Northwestern cold advection and evaporation of falling raindrops were primary factors leading to positive anomalies of APE in the lower level, while positive anomalies of APE in the upper level were caused by a combination of thermal disturbances driven by latent heat and potential temperature perturbations resulting from the orography of the Tibetan Plateau. Budget analysis of APE indicated that APE fluxes and conversion between APE and kinetic energy (KE) were the main source and sink terms. Meridional fluxes of APE and conversion of KE to APE fed the dissipation of APE in the lower level. Vertical motion enhanced by conversion of APE to KE in the upper level was the major factor that promoted precipitation evolution. A positive feedback between APE and vertical motion in the upper level generated a powerful correlation between them. Conversion of KE to APE lasted longer in the lower level, which weakened vertical motion; whereas, northwestern cold advection brought an enhanced trend to the APE, resulting in a weak correlation between APE and vertical motion.摘要针对2018年7月10-11日青藏高原东部一次暴雨过程, 利用模式模拟资料分析了有效位能分布特征,成因及其对降水发展演变的影响.结果表明, 有效位能主要分布在对流层低层4km以下和高层8-14km, 高层有效位能和降水有更好的对应性西北冷平流和降水粒子下落的蒸发作用是低层有效位能高值中心的主要成因, 而降水过程释放潜热带来的热力扰动叠加高原大地形造成的位温扰动是导致高层有效位能高值的主要原因.有效位能收支分析表明, 有效位能的通量输送项以及与动能间的转换项是主要源汇项.低层有效位能的经向通量输送和动能向有效位能的转化补给了有效位能的耗散;高层有效位能向垂直动能转化增强垂直运动是促进降水发展演变的主要因素.高层有效位能与垂直运动之间的正反馈过程使得两者相关性较强;低层较长时间内均存在垂直动能向有效位能的转化, 削弱了垂直运动, 而西北冷平流使得低层有效位能有增强的趋势, 因此二者相关性较弱.  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料、NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料及雷达资料,对2014年6月浙江中部地区一次有冷空气侵入的梅汛期大暴雨过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明:短波槽携带冷空气与西南暖湿气流交汇所形成的低涡切变是大暴雨过程主要影响系统;冷空气侵入使垂直方向上形成上冷下暖的不稳定结构,在暴雨区域上空始终对应有配合垂直上升运动中心的低层辐合中心,同时800-900 h Pa的干冷平流向低层的输送对暴雨维持有重要作用。冷空气侵入加剧了低层大气的对流性不稳定,大暴雨的产生与低层大气对流性不稳定的加剧和不稳定能量的释放有密切关系。湿位涡正压项(MPV1)表明大气处于对流不稳定状态,斜压项(MPV2)由负转正发展使垂直涡度得到较大增长,从而为暴雨提供了很好的垂直动力条件。根据雷达速度图上高低层冷暖平流及实况反射率回波,可以初步判断降水的强弱和发展趋势。  相似文献   

利用日本气象厅葵花-8卫星亮温资料、欧洲中心ERA5(the fifth generation of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis)再分析资料,根据时间尺度分解的局地能量诊断方法,本文从能量学多个角度研究了2016年6月5日00时(协调世界时,下同)至6日15时(持续40小时)一次东移并引发强降水的高原对流云团,得到了以下主要结论。本次事件中,高原东移对流云团在不同阶段的主要影响系统有所不同。移出高原前,其主要受高原涡和高原短波槽的共同影响,随着云团移出高原,高原涡消亡,而高原短波槽则随时间发展加强,成为东移云团的最主要影响系统。高原东移对流云团具有显著的深对流特征,自西向东引发了一系列的降水,移出高原后,其对流重心显著降低,降水达到最强。不同阶段高原东移对流云团的能量转换特征显著不同。云团位于高原上时(第一阶段),背景场通过动能的降尺度能量级串为造成强降水的扰动流直接提供能量,这是此阶段扰动流动能维持的主要方式;云团移出高原过程中(第二阶段),降水凝结潜热明显增强,由此制造的扰动有效位能也显著增强。在垂直运动配合下,扰动有效位能斜压释放所制造的动能是本阶段造成强降水扰动流动能维持的最主要能量来源;云团移出高原后(第三阶段),背景场对造成强降水扰动流的影响再次增强,但是不同于第一阶段的直接影响方式,该阶段背景场的作用是以一种间接的影响方式出现。其首先通过有效位能的降尺度级串将背景场的有效位能转换为扰动流的有效位能,然后通过扰动有效位能的斜压能量释放为扰动流的动能维持不断地提供能量。此外,本阶段内还出现了扰动流向背景场动能的升尺度级串供给(即扰动流的反馈),但其强度不足以对背景场的演变产生显著影响。  相似文献   

热带气旋"蒲公英"两次登陆过程的灾害与结构特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2004年7月1~3日,热带气旋“蒲公英”自生成到影响浙江沿海地区期间,不仅持续时间长、强度大,移动路径长、变化较复杂,而且创下了近3年来台湾风灾损失的最高纪录,同时也给浙江等沿海地区造成了一定的经济损失。作者主要利用卫星云图资料、NCEP再分析资料,从宏观上对热带气旋“蒲公英”两次登陆过程中的强度及其引发的风雨灾害进行了分析。结果表明,“蒲公英”登陆台湾期间,东亚环流形势呈典型的鞍形场分布,有利于处于两高之间热带气旋“蒲公英”的维持和北上转向。而在其登陆浙江沿海地区后,浙江沿海地区处于较强的偏东气流中,“蒲公英”中心处于高空槽后,气流下沉以及缺少水汽和能量充沛供应使得其减弱为热带风暴。无论是其登陆台湾还是浙江沿海地区,台风垂直方向始终呈深厚气旋性涡柱结构,但中心附近低层辐散,中层辐合,不利于中心附近的对流发展。相反,台风外围螺旋云带内不仅中低层辐合,高层辐散,辐合层较深厚,且存在高湿和强上升运动,因而有利于对流云团的发展。对流云团发展强度的不同使得“蒲公英”两次登陆期间引发的风雨灾害明显不同。  相似文献   

利用NCEP1°×1°再分析资料和地面加密自动站资料及卫星资料,对2012年8月16~18日盆地西北部沿龙门山脉的连续特大暴雨的形成机制进行探讨,此次暴雨过程出现在青藏高原东侧陡峭地形向盆地的过渡带,具有突出的地域特点。重点分析了青藏高原切变线东移期间,副高西北侧暴雨区内的对流触发机制和地形作用。分析表明:副热带高压前期的维持稳定与高原低值系统东移是产生强降雨的环流背景,在强降雨区域低层具有明显的风速风向辐合,东北—西南向的龙门山带即青藏高原东侧陡峭地形引起了盆地低层东南气流强烈的垂直上升运动。青藏高原东侧暴雨区最显著的热力特征是低层具有明显的高温高湿和大气不稳定层结。此次强降雨具有典型的“上干下湿,上冷下暖”的结构,正是强对流天气形成的有利条件。   相似文献   

引发暴雨天气的中尺度低涡的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2008年7月17—19日发生在山东的大到暴雨天气是由“海鸥”台风和副热带高压共同向山东输送水汽,与弱冷空气相互作用造成的。对流层低层的中尺度低涡是暴雨天气的直接制造者。利用常规观测资料和中尺度模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)的模拟资料对该中尺度低涡的结构及形成机制进行了分析研究。结果表明,数值模拟可以清楚地捕捉到中尺度低涡东移过程中有新的涡旋中心形成,并与原来的涡旋中心合并的过程,而不是简单的沿切变线东移。中尺度低涡形成在增温增湿明显、上升运动为主的对流区内;中尺度低涡形成后其中心转为下沉运动,对流区东移,降水区位于低涡的东北和东南象限。中尺度低涡上空近地面层的冷池、600~400hPa的弱冷空气堆、900~850hPa的弱风区及高低空急流耦合发展是中尺度低涡形成和发展阶段的重要特征。中尺度低涡减弱阶段,下沉运动变强,低空急流和高空出流都明显减弱。涡度方程的收支表明,对流层低层的散度项、倾侧项及对流层中层的水平平流项和铅直输送项是正涡度的主要贡献者。中低层的水平辐合、涡度由低层向高层的垂直输送都有利于中尺度低涡的形成和发展。倾侧项对中尺度低涡的形成也有重要贡献。中尺度低涡形成后期,低层辐合、高层辐散及垂直输送的减弱导致正涡度制造的减弱,从而使中尺度低涡减弱。  相似文献   

Two types of persistent heavy rainfall events(PHREs) over the Yangtze River–Huaihe River Basin were determined in a recent statistical study: type A, whose precipitation is mainly located to the south of the Yangtze River; and type B, whose precipitation is mainly located to the north of the river. The present study investigated these two PHRE types using a newly derived set of energy equations to show the scale interaction and main energy paths contributing to the persistence of the precipitation. The main results were as follows. The available potential energy(APE) and kinetic energy(KE) associated with both PHRE types generally increased upward in the troposphere, with the energy of the type-A PHREs stronger than that of the type-B PHREs(except for in the middle troposphere). There were two main common and universal energy paths of the two PHRE types:(1) the baroclinic energy conversion from APE to KE was the dominant energy source for the evolution of large-scale background circulations; and(2) the downscaled energy cascade processes of KE and APE were vital for sustaining the eddy flow, which directly caused the PHREs. The significant differences between the two PHRE types mainly appeared in the lower troposphere, where the baroclinic energy conversion associated with the eddy flow in type-A PHREs was from KE to APE, which reduced the intensity of the precipitation-related eddy flow; whereas, the conversion in type-B PHREs was from APE to KE, which enhanced the eddy flow.  相似文献   

利用地面和探空气象观测数据、雷达探测资料以及ECMWF(ERA5)0.25°×0.25°全球再分析数据,分析了2016年8月19日青岛市环胶州湾一次局地大暴雨过程的环流形势、环境条件及逆风区演变特征。结果表明:副热带高压边缘的地面冷锋进入倒槽,冷空气向地面辐合线的暖区渗透触发对流天气是此次过程的形成机制。此次大暴雨过程与地形关系紧密,主要分布在低层暖湿气流和山脉抬升作用形成的迎风坡前位涡大值区,该区域中低空垂直上升运动和相对湿度配合较好。大暴雨区站点的强降水时段与垂直上升运动时段吻合,小时最大雨量出现在垂直上升运动强度的跃增阶段。过程降水开始前,0℃层高度和近地面层比湿变化不大,CAPE值、K指数以及垂直风切变等各项不稳定指数均较08时明显增强。雷达产品分析显示,造成大暴雨的对流单体呈暖区对流特征,强降水前20~30min垂直风切变增强。此次降水过程产生的4处逆风区均出现在对流单体生成之后,为对流单体下沉气流产生的与环境风相反方向的辐散气流。其中2处低层相对湿度大值区的逆风区能得到发展增强,而逆风区的发展则进一步促进了对流增强,此演变特征对本次大暴雨过程的临近预报预警有较好的指示作用。   相似文献   

2014年夏季长江流域(YRV)发生的多次阶段性强降水事件显著地受10-20天准双周振荡所调控.代表性振荡过程与合成分析表明,准双周湿位相主要取决于对流层高层南侵的高位势涡度(PV)与低纬度向西南平流的高PV导致南亚高压形态改变而产生的YRV高空辐散.高空向南的正PV平流与低层南风输送的负PV平流在YRV上空形成正的PV平流垂直梯度,激发出等熵面位移的上升运动分量;高空的高PV同时向中低层伸展,导致等熵面坡度增大从而增强气块沿等熵面上滑的上升运动分量,由此产生更强的非绝热有关的上升运动分量.干位相情况则相反.  相似文献   

廖捷  谈哲敏 《气象学报》2005,63(5):771-789
2003年7月4~5日在江淮地区沿梅雨锋有一系列中尺度对流系统相继生成和强烈发展,导致了江淮地区特大暴雨的形成。该研究利用中尺度数值模式MM5对这次梅雨锋暴雨过程进行了数值模拟,在模拟结果的基础上重点分析了不同尺度天气系统相互作用对这次特大暴雨过程的影响作用。在这次特大暴雨过程中,位于梅雨锋北侧的东北—西南走向深厚、稳定的短波槽系统与槽前从西南移来的低涡系统相配合,加强了位于梅雨锋北侧的反气旋性扰动发展,从而导致梅雨锋北侧反气旋性涡旋的形成。该类反气旋性涡旋形成对江淮切变线的加强与维持起重要作用。中尺度对流系统的潜热释放首先导致梅雨锋低层切变线上的中尺度对流性涡旋(MCV)的形成,而中尺度对流性涡旋的形成进一步加强了切变线上的低层辐合,中尺度对流性涡旋消亡后,在切变线上形成低涡。梅雨锋附近主要存在4种不同垂直环流,它在降水的不同阶段具有不同的结构、配置与动力学作用。其中跨锋面、高层非地转两支垂直环流对锋区的对流扰动发展和暴雨形成最为重要,而降水发展可以调整锋区垂直环流的结构、配置,随降水的减弱,梅雨锋区的不同垂直环流系统又重新恢复到先前结构。梅雨锋上不同尺度、高度的天气系统之间的相互作用主要通过这些垂直环流系统调整实现。  相似文献   

利用NCEP1°×1°再分析资料对2013年5月25~26日发生在我国中东部大范围的暴雨过程进行了湿位涡诊断分析,结果表明:(1)暴雨发生时低层湿位涡明显增加,湿位涡正压项自底层至高层呈现出“负-正”的分布特征,湿斜压项负值中心的演变反应出斜压性在强降水发生时所起的重要作用;(2)本次暴雨过程分两个阶段,第一阶段主要是因为强垂直风切变作用,使得降水具有强对流特征;第二阶段则是由于斜压性作用,降水分布广、持续时间长;(3)干冷空气沿着等熵面向下入侵到低层负位涡之上会导致对流不稳定度进一步加大,垂直运动发展使得低层水汽抬升,凝结潜热释放有利于中低层低涡的维持和发展。   相似文献   

Winnie(9711)台风变性加强过程中的降水变化研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
李英  陈联寿  雷小途 《大气科学》2013,37(3):623-633
热带气旋变性过程是其结构、强度及其风雨分布发生显著变化的过程,常导致预报失败。基于T106格点分析资料、日本气象厅TBB资料以及MM5V3数值模式结果,对9711号台风Winnie变性加强过程中的降水变化特征及其机理进行研究。结果表明,Winnie台风变性加强过程中降水分布非对称性明显,强降水带首先出现在台风环流北部,之后向南弯曲,其强降水中心绕台风中心从北部顺时针转向东北和东南部。这种降水变化一方面与Winnie与西风带高空槽相互作用过程中环境风垂直切变明显增大,且其指向顺时针旋转有关。此间台风垂直结构发生明显倾斜,变性前期涡旋环流随高度增加先向北倾斜,发展到最强时又趋于垂直,之后又向东南倾斜。强降水区出现在垂直切变的下风方、台风气柱倾斜方向一侧。另一方面还与台风环流内冷、暖平流活动紧密相关,强降水落区与低层暖平流输送位置关系密切。对流涡度矢量垂直分量反映了Winnie台风环流内中尺度锋区与风垂直切变的相互作用,800 hPa上的大值区对其强降水落区有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   

The structure and organization of the extreme-rain-producing deep convection towers and their roles in the formation of a southwest vortex(SWV) event are studied using the intensified surface rainfall observations, weather radar data and numerical simulations from a high-resolution convection-allowing model. The deep convection towers occurred prior to the emergence of SWV and throughout its onset and development stages. They largely resemble the vortical hot tower(VHT) commonly seen in typhoons or hurricanes and are thus considered as a special type of VHT(sVHT). Each sVHT presented a vorticity dipole structure, with the upward motion not superpose the positive vorticity.A positive feedback process in the SWV helped the organization of sVHTs, which in turn strengthened the initial disturbance and development of SWV. The meso-γ-scale large-value areas of positive relative vorticity in the mid-toupper troposphere were largely induced by the diabatic heating and tilting. The strong mid-level convergence was attributed to the mid-level vortex enhancement. The low-level vortex intensification was mainly due to low-level convergence and the stretching of upward flow. The meso-α-scale large-value areas of positive relative vorticity in the low-level could expand up to about 400 hPa, and gradually weakened with time and height due to the decaying low-level convergence and vertical stretching in the matured SWV. As the SWV matured, two secondary circulations were formed,with a weaker mean radial inflow than the outflow and elevated to 300-400 hPa.  相似文献   

基于加密自动站降水、葵花8卫星和ECMWF ERA5再分析等多种资料,本文对2018年6月17日08时至18日22时(协调世界时,下同)一次青藏高原(简称高原)中尺度对流系统(Mesoscale Convective System,简称MCS)东移与下游西南低涡作用并引起四川盆地强降水的典型事件进行了研究(四川盆地附近最大6小时降水量高达88.5 mm)。研究表明,本次事件四川盆地的强降水主要由高原东移MCS与西南低涡作用引起,高原MCS与西南低涡的耦合期是本次降水的强盛时段,暴雨区主要集中在高原东移MCS的冷云区。高原东移MCS整个生命史长达33 h,在其生命史中,它经历了强度起伏变化的数个阶段,总体而言,移出高原前后,高原MCS对流的重心显著降低,但对流强度大大增强。在高原MCS的演变过程中,四川盆地有西南低涡发展,该涡旋生命史约为21h,所在层次比较浅薄,主要位于对流层低层。西南低涡与高原MCS存在显著的作用,在高原MCS与西南低涡耦合阶段,两者的上升运动区相叠加直接造成了强降水。此后,由于高原MCS系统东移而西南低涡维持准静止,高原MCS与西南低涡解耦,西南低涡由此减弱消亡,东移高原MCS所伴随的降水也随之减弱。涡度收支表明,散度项是西南低涡发展和维持的最主导因子,此外,倾斜项是800 hPa以下正涡度制造的第二贡献项,而垂直输送项则是西南低涡800hPa以上正涡度增长的另一个主导项,这两项分别有利于西南低涡向下和向上的伸展。相关分析表明,在西南低涡发展期间,高原MCS中冷云面积(相当黑体亮度温度TBB≤?52°C)可以有效地指示西南低涡强度(涡度)的变化,超前两小时的相关最显著,相关系数可达0.83。  相似文献   

Recurvature dynamics of a typhoon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In this paper we present some recent work on typhoon prediction with a high resolution global model. The emphasis of this paper is on typhoon recurvature. Here we include examples of successful typhoon recurvature track forecasts made from a very high resolution global spectral model. The main objective of this study however is to go beyond the forecasts, i.e. to interrogate the history tapes and to diagnose residue-free budgets of the divergence and vorticity. The premise of this paper is that the recurvature of the typhoons depends on both the usual advection of vorticity by the layer mean winds and the advection of divergence in the outflow layers of the storm.The region immediately outside the heavy rain area of the storm experiences large values of divergent outflows which contribute a significant advection of divergence. Through the Dine's compensation this region must, in consort, experience an enhancement of low level convergence and of deep convection, thus contributing to the storm motion. We distinguish two facets of storm motion and recurvature, one based on the conventional steering that invokes the advection of vorticity by a vertical integrated flow, the other is the generation mechanism proposed here. During recurvature the storm appears to move in a direction which is influenced by the rotational and the divergent flow dynamics. Increased vertical resolution in the outflow layer is shown to resolve stronger amplitudes in the outflow layer divergence and thus to contribute to improved forecasts of recurvature. A number of processes seem to simultaneously evolve, these include the strong advection of divergence part of the wind, enhancement of cumulus convection over this region, an enhancement of lower tropospheric convergence, generation of vorticity of the lower troposphere and the attendant recurvature.With 16 Figures  相似文献   

A Northeast China cold vortex(NCCV) that maintained from 0200 UTC 3 July to 0500 UTC 3 July 2013 and caused several heavy rainfall events was analyzed in detail to reveal its quadrant-averaged structure and main maintaining mechanisms during its mature stage. Results indicated the vortex’s intensity, divergence, ascending motions, precipitable water(PW), and thermal structures were all characterized by significant unevenness, and their main pattern changed gradually during the mature stage. Mechanisms accounting for the maintenance of the NCCV were also characterized by remarkable unevenness. Within different quadrants, dominant factors for the vortex’s evolution may have differed from each other significantly. The NCCV-averaged vorticity budget revealed that the vertical advection of vorticity, which is closely related to convective activities, was the most favorable factor for maintaining the NCCV, whereas the tilting effect, which is closely related to the vertical shear of the horizontal wind(horizontal vorticity), was the most detrimental factor.  相似文献   

“7.20”华北特大暴雨过程中低涡发展演变机制研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国地面加密自动站观测资料、北京地区雷达探测资料、NCEP (1°×1°) FNL资料、ECMWF ERA Interim (0.125°×0.125°)逐日再分析资料等,对造成2016年7月19-20日华北极端暴雨中的低涡系统发展演变的结构特征和加强机制进行了研究。华北地区这次特大暴雨过程出现了3个阶段降水,其中与低涡系统强烈发展对应的第2阶段降水是本次华北暴雨过程的主要降水阶段。针对该低涡的分析表明:(1)850 hPa以西南低涡为中心的低压带中,在河南西北部新生低涡系统,并且其在向华北地区移动过程中显著加强,该低涡系统在空间结构上,从倾斜涡柱逐渐发展成近乎直立的、贯穿整个对流层的深厚低涡系统;(2)中低层低涡系统快速发展过程与高低空系统构成耦合作用有关:低层低涡系统显著加强之前,对流层上层(300-200 hPa)首先出现高空槽异常加深并向南发展,该高空槽发展的开始阶段与其本身冷暖平流造成的斜压发展过程对应;而后,随着高纬度平流层高位涡沿等熵面向南运动,造成华北地区对流层上层涡度增强,形成正位涡异常区;当这一正位涡异常区叠加在对流层中低层锋区上空时,造成对流层中低层气旋快速发展并向下伸展,诱发河南西北部的新生气旋;低涡系统的发展进一步强化了低空暖平流,促使低空气旋向东北方向发展"移动"(本质上是暖平流前端造成的气旋发展),这一动力学过程反过来使高层的涡度增强;这一正反馈过程形成的耦合环流不仅造成了整个涡度柱强度增强,而且垂直结构上逐渐由倾斜涡柱演变为近乎于直立的涡柱;(3)随着低涡系统增强,极大地加强了垂直上升运动并触发了对流,形成大范围的强降水,大量的凝结潜热释放,造成了低层低涡系统在强降水开始阶段的快速发展和增强;20日00时(世界时)以后,虽然对流活动显著减弱,但低涡系统的加深维持了大范围强降水过程的持续。强降水与低涡发展的正反馈过程是这次华北暴雨得以长时间维持的重要机制之一,这一过程形成的持续性潜热释放也是对流层中上层低涡系统热力结构发生改变的重要原因。  相似文献   

Using real-time data and the WRF mesoscale model,a heavy rain event in the process of Mesoscale Convective Complex(MCC) turning into banded Mesoscale Convective Systems(MCSs) during 18-19 June 2010 is simulated and analyzed in this paper.The results indicated that the formation and maintenance of a southwest vortex and shear line at 850 h Pa was the mesoscale system that affected the production of this heavy rain.The low-vortex heavy rain mainly happened in the development stage of MCC,and the circular MCC turned into banded MCSs in the late stage with mainly shear line precipitation.In the vicinity of rainfall area,the intense horizontal vorticity due to the vertical shear of u and v caused the rotation,and in correspondence,the ascending branch of the vertical circulation triggered the formation of heavy rain.The different distributions of u and v in the vertical direction produced varying vertical circulations.The horizontal vorticity near the low-vortex and shear line had obvious differences which led to varying reasons for heavy rain formation.The low-vortex heavy rain was mainly caused by the vertical shear of v,and the shear line rainfall formed owing to the vertical shear of both u and v.In this process,the vertical shear of v constituted the EW-trending rain band along the shear line,and the latitudinal non-uniformity of the vertical shear in u caused the vertical motion,which was closely related to the generation and development of MCSs at the shear line and the formation of multiple rain clusters.There was also a similar difference in the positively-tilting term(conversion from horizontal vorticity to vertical positive vorticity) near the rainfall center between the low-vortex and the shear line.The conversion in the low vortex was mainly determined by бv/бp0,while that of the shear line by бu/бp0.The scale of the conversion from the horizontal vorticity to vertical vorticity was relatively small,and it was easily ignored in the averaged state.The twisting term was mainly conducive to the reinforcement of precipitation,whereas its contribution to the development of southwest vortex and shear line was relatively small.  相似文献   

A new local kinetic energy (KE) budget for the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) is constructed in a multi-scale framework. This energy budget framework allows us to analyze the local energy conversion processes of the MJO with the high-frequency disturbances and the low-frequency background state. The KE budget analysis is applied to a pronounced MJO event during the DYNAMO field campaign to investigate the KE transport path of the MJO. The work done by the pressure gradient force and the conversion of available potential energy at the MJO scale are the two dominant processes that affect the MJO KE tendency. The MJO winds transport MJO KE into the MJO convection region in the lower troposphere while it is transported away from the MJO convection region in the upper troposphere. The energy cascade process is relatively weak, but the interaction between high-frequency disturbances and the MJO plays an important role in maintaining the high-frequency disturbances within the MJO convection. The MJO KE mainly converts to interaction KE between MJO and high-frequency disturbances over the area where the MJO zonal wind is strong. This interaction KE over the MJO convection region is enhanced through its flux convergence and further transport KE to the high-frequency disturbances. This process is conducive to maintaining the MJO convection. This study highlights the importance of KE interaction between the MJO and the high-frequency disturbances in maintaining the MJO convection.  相似文献   

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