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Manganese-rich rocks from the island of Andros (Cyclades/Greece) contain cymrite (BaAl2Si2O8·H2O) and celsian. The textural relationships indicate replacement of celsian by cymrite. Several microprobe analyses of cymrites show a solid solution of 0.7–6.1 mole% KAlSi3O8·H2O. The relic celsians have similar K contents. Thus the described rocks from Andros represent the first natural example for the reaction celsian+water= cymrite. The rocks from Andros underwent an Eocene high pressure metamorphism. Lateron, the high pressure parageneses were nearly effaced by a Late Oligocene Barrovian type metamorphism. It is assumed that both cymrite and celsian were formed at conditions near the reaction curve celsianss+water= cymritess during the Barrovian type event.  相似文献   

High-pressure, low-temperature metamorphic Mn-rich quartzites from Andros and Evvia (Euboea) islands, Greece, situated in the Eocene blueschist belt of the Hellenides, reveal different Mn-Al-Ca-Mg-silicate assemblages in response to variable metamorphic grade. On Evvia, piemontite- and/or braunite-rich quartzites which are associated with low-grade blueschists (T<400° C, P> 8 kbar) show the principle mineral assemblage quartz + montite + sursassite + braunite + Mg-chlorite + hematite + rutile + titanite. The Mn-Al-silicate sursassite, basically (Mn2+, Ca)4 Al2(Al, Fe3+, Mn3+, Mg)4Si6O21(OH)7, thus far reported as a rare mineral, locally occurs as a rockforming mineral in cm- to m-thick layers. On Andros, higher-grade quartzites (T450–500° C, P>10 kbar) of similar composition contain the assemblage quartz + piemontite + spessartine + braunite + Mg-chlorite+hematite + phengite+ phlogopite + rutile. Rare sursassite is present only as a relict phase. Additional, mostly accessory minerals in quartzites from Evvia and Andros are ardennite, Na-amphibole, acmitic clinopyroxene, albite, apatite, and tourmaline. The chemical composition of the main phases is characterized in detail.Disequilibrium textures and mineral compositions in some samples from Andros and Evvia imply the reactions sursassite + braunite + quartz = spessartine+clinochlore±hematite + H2O + O2 (1) sursassite + braunite + phengite + quartz = spessartine + phlogopite±hematite + H2O + O2 (2) and in braunite-free assemblages sursassite + Mn3+Fe –1 3+ [hematite, piemontite] + hematite + quartz = spessartine + clinochlore + H2O+O2 (3) Reactions (1) to (3) have positive P-T slopes. They are considered to account for the breakdown of sursassite and the formation of spessartine during prograde metamorphism of the piemontite quartzites and related rocks. P-T data from Andros and Evvia and geological data from few other occurrences reported suggest sursassite+ quartz±braunite to be stable at T<400–450° C over a considerable pressure interval at least up to 10 kbar. Theoretical phase relations among Mn3+-Mn2+-silicates in the pseudoquaternary system Al-Mn-Ca-Mg with excess quartz, H2O, and O2 indicate that low-grade assemblages containing sursassite (±braunite±pumpellyite±viridine±piemontite + quartz) are likely precursors of higher-grade assemblages including spessartine, Mg-chlorite, braunite, viridine, and piemontite reported from greenschist-, amphibolite-, and high-grade blueschist-facies rocks of appropriate composition.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of Fe2+ and Mg between coexisting phengite and chlorite has been examined in a suite of low-grade rocks. The distribution coefficientK D(Mg) is influenced in part by the content of tetrahedral or octahedral Al of either chlorite or phengite and in part byX Mg of phengite. The tie lines for the mineral pairs on a SAF triangular diagram show a subparallel trend.
Elementarverteilung zwischen koexistierenden Phengit und Chlorit aus niedrig metamorphen Gesteinen von der Insel Skiros, Griechenland
Zusammenfassung Es wird untersucht, wie Fe2+ und Mg zwischen koexistierenden Phengit und Chlorit aus einer Folge schwach metamorpher Gesteine verteilt sind. Der VerteilungskoeffizientK D(Mg) wird teils durch den Gehalt an tetraedrischem bzw. oktaedrischem Al in Chlorit oder in Phengit und teils durch dasX Mg vom Phengit beeinflußt. Die Konoden zwischen den Mineralpaaren in einem SAF-Dreieckdiagramm zeigen subparallelen Verlauf.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The chemistry of amphiboles from schists, quartzofeldspathic gneisses and migmatites ranging in metamorphic grade from greenschist to amphibolite facies has been determined by electron microprobe. Intercalated amphibolites suggest that some of the rocks retrograded from the eclogite stability field; others were never metamorphosed above greenschist facies. Rocks which contain other mineralogical evidence for an original high pressure assemblage have amphiboles with high Na/K, low Fe and relatively low Ti. Other high-grade rocks contain amphibole of broadly pargasitic composition. The pargasites from more Ca-rich bulk compositions have less substitution of Na for Ca in the M4 site than do those from Ca-poor bulk compositions. A lower grade assemblage of amphiboles ranges from hornblende through actinolitic hornblende to actinolite; this is retrograde in the gneisses and migmatites, but may be prograde in the schists. In contrast, the high-grade assemblage shows almost constant high K with variable Na and quite different trends for edenite-type substitution (IVAl variation with A site occupancy) and variation ofIVAl with Fe/(Fe + Mg) and with Ti.
Chemische Zusammensetzung von Pargasit und Hornblende in niedrig- bis hoch-gradig metamorphen Gesteinen der Rhodope-Zone, Xanthi, Griechenland
Zusammenfassung Die Chemische Zusammensetzung von Amphibolen aus Schiefern, Quarz-Feldspat-Gneisen, und Migmatiten, deren metamorpher Grad von Grünschiefer- bis zur Amphibolitfazies reicht, wurde mit der Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonde bestimmt. Zwischengeschaltete Amphibolite legen die Vermutung nahe, daß einige der Gesteine durch retrograde Metamorphose aus dem Eklogit-Stabilitatsfeld hervorgegangen sind; andere jedoch hatten niemals in ihrer Entwicklung einen höheren Grad als den der Grünschie-ferfazies erreicht. Gesteine, die andere mineralogische Hinweise für eine ursprungliche Hochdruck-Paragenese führen, enthalten Amphibole mit hohem Na/K, niedrigen Eisen und relativ niedrigen Ti. Andere high-grade Gesteine enthalten Amphibol von pargasitischer Zusammensetzung. Die Pargasite aus mehr Kalzium-reichen Gesteinen zeigen geringere Substitution von Natrium für Kalzium an den M4 Plätzen als jene aus Kalzium-armen Gesteinen. Eine niedriger-gradige Paragenese von Amphibolen umfaßt Zusammensetzungen von Hornblende über aktinolitische Hornblende bis zu Aktinolit; diese ist in den Gneisen und Migmatiten retrograd, durfte in den Schiefern jedoch prograd sein. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigt die hochgradige Paragenese fast durchwegs konstant hohe Kalium-Gehalte mit variablem Natrium und einen anderen Trend für Edenit-artige Substitution (IVAl Variation mit Besetzung der A Plätze) und eine Variation vonIVAl mit Fe/(Fe + Mg) und mit Ti.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

大别山南北两侧的浅变质岩是碰撞造山以前洋壳俯冲造山阶段的重要组成部分。木兰山片岩或张八岭群是俯冲的洋壳;苏家河群、信阳群和佛子岭群是由洋壳俯冲形成的海沟沉积,并因俯冲过程中的前进变形而形成增生楔;杨山煤系和梅山群是石炭纪弧前盆地沉积,并因俯冲过程中的前进变形而被增生楔逆掩。宿松群是扬子大陆被动边缘沉积,不是俯冲造山带的成员。因洋壳俯冲形成的弧和弧后盆地可能已被新生界沉积物掩盖。高压—超高压变质带是碰撞造山后期从深部折返的外来体。高压—超高压变质带正好处于洋壳和增生楔之间,破坏了早期洋壳俯冲造山带的完整性,使得洋壳俯冲造山阶段的特征被破坏,因而不易辨别。俯冲造山阶段应为奥陶纪到泥盆纪,碰撞造山阶段应从二叠纪开始。  相似文献   

大别山南北两侧的浅变质岩是碰撞造山以前洋壳俯冲造山阶段的重要组成部分。木兰山片岩或张八岭群是俯冲的洋壳;苏家河群、信阳群和佛子岭群是由洋壳俯冲形成的海沟沉积,并因俯冲过程中的前进变形而形成增生楔;杨山煤系和梅山群是石炭纪弧前盆地沉积,并因俯冲过程中的前进变形而被增生楔逆掩。宿松群是扬子大陆被动边缘沉积,不是俯冲造山带的成员。因洋壳俯冲形成的弧和弧后盆地可能已被新生界沉积物掩盖。高压—超高压变质带是碰撞造山后期从深部折返的外来体。高压—超高压变质带正好处于洋壳和增生楔之间,破坏了早期洋壳俯冲造山带的完整性,使得洋壳俯冲造山阶段的特征被破坏,因而不易辨别。俯冲造山阶段应为奥陶纪到泥盆纪,碰撞造山阶段应从二叠纪开始。  相似文献   

A new occurrence of deerite-bearing quartzites from blueschist metamorphic rocks of the Greek island of Sifnos is described, and analytical and X-ray data on deerite are presented.  相似文献   

Phase relations of pumpellyite, epidote, lawsonite, CaCO3, paragonite, actinolite, crossite and iron oxide are analysed on an Al-Ca-Fe3+ diagram in which all minerals are projected from quartz, albite or Jadeite, chlorite and fluid. Fe2+ and Mg are treated as a single component because variation in Fe2+/Mg has little effect on the stability of phases on the diagram. Comparison of assemblages in the Franciscan, Shuksan, Sanbagawa, New Caledonia, Southern Italian, and Otago metamorphic terranes reveals several reactions, useful for construction of a petrogenetic grid:
  1. lawsonite+crossite + paragonite = epidote+chlorite + albite + quartz + H2O
  2. lawsonite + crossite = pumpellyite + epidote + chlorite + albite+ quartz + H2O
  3. crossite + pumpellyite + quartz = epidote + actinolite + albite + chlorite + H2O
  4. crossite + epidote + quartz = actinolite + hematite + albite + chlorite + H2O
  5. calcite + epidote + chlorite + quartz = pumpellyite + actinolite + H2O + CO2
  6. pumpellyite + chlorite + quartz = epidote + actinolite + H2O

Qualitative and quantitative information about metamorphic reaction history and PT paths may be obtained from mineral inclusions in garnet by comparing the mineralogy, distribution, and compositions of paragenetically-related inclusions with minerals in the groundmass assemblage. Using the algebraic technique of singular value decomposition (SVD), we document mass balance relations between inclusion and groundmass assemblages in metapelitic rocks from two metamorphic terranes that experienced different peak metamorphic conditions, and whose transition from inclusion to groundmass assemblage records different PT path segments relative to peak conditions. We calculate mass balances relating an inclusion assemblage consisting in part of armored relics of chloritoid to groundmass mineral assemblages in a kyanite-staurolite mica schist from the Solitude Range, British Columbia, and an inclusion assemblage of kyanite, staurolite, and rutile to groundmass minerals in a sillimanite-cordierite gneiss from the Skagit Gneiss, North Cascade Range, Washington. Mass balances for each rock are consistent with reaction histories inferred from petrographic observations. In the Solitude Range schist, the results of mass balance calculations are consistent with the growth of staurolite and garnet at the expense of chloritoid during prograde metamorphism and suggest that chlorite, although not preserved as an inclusion, was involved in initial staurolite growth. In the Skagit sillimanite gneiss, mass balance relations exist between the inclusion suite, which formed during high pressure metamorphism, and the associated groundmass assemblage, which equilibrated at high temperature but much lower pressure. Mass balance does not exist between the groundmass of the Skagit sillimanite gneiss and the groundmass of a nearby kyanite-staurolite schist that has been proposed as a possible lower-grade equivalent of the sillimanite-bearing rocks. These results indicate that, although compositional modification and selective preservation of minerals must be taken into account, mineral inclusion suites may nevertheless preserve enough compositional information to allow reconstruction of complete or nearly complete pre-existing assemblages. This information may not be retrievable from any other source if no lower-grade equivalents of the rocks of interest are exposed.  相似文献   

Barite, iron oxide, sulphide, and argentiferous base metal veins occur within the granitic basement of the island of Mykonos, Greece; these veins horsetail where they enter outliers of volcanic-sedimentary rocks which are impregnated with sulphides. Surface rock geochemical surveys were conducted on a regional scale of one sample per 2 to 3 km2 and on a local detailed scale down to sample intervals of 25 m; in addition, samples were taken from underground workings and diamond drill core. Major surface halos, kilometres in extent, occur, whereas underground dispersion around veins is limited to a few tens of metres. This apparent contradiction is attributed to the extreme oxidative weathering and local topography. The regional scale surface anomaly is attributed to secondary dispersion in weathered rocks.  相似文献   

漠河盆地漠河组发育有浅变质烃源岩,目前还未见对其生物标志物地球化学的公开报道。为了探讨其生标特征,应用生标参数判识烃源岩的沉积环境、有机母质来源和热演化程度而展开本项研究。结果表明:(1)饱和烃碳数分布范围为C11~C27,以C17为主峰;轻重比(∑C21-/∑C22+)为4.0~6.3,平均为5.3;OEP为1.23~1.37,平均为1.31;Pr/Ph为0.9~1.4,平均值为1.2;伽马蜡烷指数为0.23~0.30,平均为0.27;升藿烷指数为0.04~0.06;(2)萜烷中藿烷的相对含量最高,其次为三环萜烷,四环萜烷的相对含量最低;规则甾烷的相对含量为C29>C27>C28,C27、C28、C29ααα-规则甾烷(20R)的相对峰高呈“V”字型;(3)重排甾烷和重排藿烷的相对含量较低;β-胡萝卜烷、奥利烷和25-降藿烷的峰形特征明显。综合多项生标参数并结合沉积环境和构造演化特征分析认为,漠河组浅变质烃源岩沉积于强还原的湖泊环境、沉积水体具有一定的盐度,有机质为陆生高等植物和低等水生生物双重来源,现已热演化至高成熟阶段。  相似文献   

In the present study we focused on detrital rutile separated from 12 psammitic samples that belong to three different sedimentary successions (Carboniferous, Permo-Carboniferous, Permo-Triassic) occurring on Chios Island, Greece. The Ti, Cr, Al, Fe, Nb, Zr, Si, and V contents of the rutiles were obtained by electron-microprobe analyses to trace their provenance.The Cr and Nb concentrations of the analysed rutile grains show a wide range and indicate that this mineral in the Carboniferous succession is mainly derived from metamafic rocks, whereas in the Permo-Carboniferous and Permo-Triassic successions stem from a metapelitic source. The calculated formation temperatures using the Zr-in-rutile thermometer range from ca. 520 to 850 °C with “hotter” rutile being encountered in the Permo-Carboniferous and Permo-Triassic successions. This feature together with the rutile chemistry indicate a change in source-rock lithology through time, which could either reflect an increasing depth of erosion of an exhumed ‘Variscan’ nappe pile of heterogeneous composition in the hinterland or a change in the style of accretion and erosion of different terranes at the southern margin of Laurussia during the subduction of a branch of the Palaeotethys Ocean in the Late Palaeozoic. In general, this study underscores the importance of rutile chemistry and thermometry in quantitative single-mineral provenance analysis and in chemostratigraphic analysis of clastic sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the incidence and geometry of lattice bending in calcite of naturally strained marble and possible relations in time to associated {01¯12} twinning, as revealed by microscopic examination with a universal stage. Microscopic technique and graphic treatment of data with a view to identifying the relation in time of bending to twinning, and possible glide mechanisms involved in the bending process are reviewed as a basis for present and subsequent investigation of this general topic.In most instances development of surviving thin e twins postdates bending of the host crystal (such twins everywhere are rationally oriented). Rarely (in contrast with experimental experience) some thin twins are slightly irrational (Le lamellae) and apparently developed in the final stages of bending. Thick twins (a few tens of microns wide) on the other hand rather commonly predate or are synchronous with bending.The geometry of bending (external rotation) — especially for rotation less than 25° —commonly is compatible with models (based on experimental experience) of simple translation in the strained domains. The commonest translation system so identified is on {10¯11}, with sense of shear, where recognizable, either negative or positive. Translation on {02¯21} is relatively rare. Unexpectedly there is rather strong but not conclusive evidence of translation on {0001} parallel to an a axis. This mechanism, hitherto never identified with certainty, is now here documented unequivocally in a crystal of calcite experimentally strained at 300° C, 5 kb.  相似文献   

A group of high grade metamorphic rocks from the Arendal area in Southern Norway has been analyzed for bulk geochemistry, and carbon and sulfur isotopic composition. A good correspondence between the composition of the Arendal rocks and common unmetamorphosed sedimentary and magmatic rocks suggests that except for some volatile compounds no mass transport took place during metamorphism. The high grade mafic rocks interlayered with the metasediments originate from basaltic tuffs and/or intrusives.Carbon occurs as graphite and also in small amounts in a still unidentified form. The carbon of the silicic metasedimentary rocks is isotopically light with an average 13C of –20.2, but significantly heavier than carbonaceous matter from unmetamorphosed Precambrian sediments. This is probably due to thermal pyrolysis of the original sedimentary organic matter and to the escape of a gas phase enriched in light carbon by reactions with the graphitic substance during metamorphism.Both the metasediments and the high grade mafic rocks have relatively high sulfur contents. The mean 34S values are 3.3 and 1.8, respectively. This can be explained by isotopically heavy sulfur in the original sediment. Some migration of sulfur probably has occurred from the metasediments into the metamafic rocks.No influence of the hypersthene isograd on the chemical and stable isotope composition could be detected.  相似文献   

Abstract Whole-rock and mineral analyses of polydeformed mica-schist, quartzite, marble and amphibolite are presented from Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, part of the Scotia metamorphic complex. Whole-rock chemistry suggests that the amphibolites are the metamorphosed equivalent of enriched tholeiitic and alkali basalts of an oceanic intraplate basalt series. These, together with limestones and Mn-rich cherts of an oceanic island assemblage were tectonically mixed with trench or trench inner slope basin sediments in a subduction zone environment. Variation in mineral chemistry indicates an increase in temperature and decrease in pressure during metamorphism; pressures of 8 kbar and temperatures of approximately 545°C were reached during amphibolite facies metamorphism in the latter stages of deformation. These new data provide good evidence to support the previous interpretation of the Scotia metamorphic complex as a subduction complex.  相似文献   

OH structure of metamorphic fluids has been studied by high temperature infrared (IR) microspectroscopy on natural fluid inclusions contained in quartz veins, over the temperature range 25–370 °C. Blueschist-facies veins from Tinos island core complex (Cyclades, Greece) display H2O–NaCl–CaCl2–CO2 inclusions whereas greenschist-facies veins contain H2O–NaCl ± CO2 inclusions. From 25 to 370 °C, peak positions of OH stretching IR absorption bands increase quasi-linearly with slopes of 0.25 and 0.50 cm–1 °C–1 for inclusions trapped under blueschist and greenschist conditions, respectively. Extrapolation to 400 °C yield peak positions of 3,475 cm–1 for blueschist inclusions and 3,585 cm–1 for greenschist inclusions. Because the smaller wave number indicates the shorter hydrogen-bond distance between water molecules, fluids involved in the greenschist event have a loose structure compared with blueschist fluids. We suggest that these properties might correspond to a low wetting angle of fluids. This would explain the high mobility of aqueous fluids suggested by structural observation and stable isotope analysis.Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs  相似文献   

Summary Pyroxene samples, from the Greek island of Syros, taken from a blueschist-eclogite facies Mg-rich metagabbro, were investigated by chemical and XRD analyses and M?ssbauer spectroscopy. Single-crystal XRD and microprobe analysis showed that the natural sample is a typical omphacite of intermediate composition in the Ca–Na pyroxene solid solutions. The space group P2/n was confirmed and the cations Mg, Al and Ca, Na were found to be ordered in the M1 and M2 positions, respectively. M?ssbauer spectroscopy showed that there is both ferrous and ferric iron in the structure, with the ratio 1.38:1. The M2 sites are fully occupied by Ca and Na, thus the iron (Fe2+ and Fe3+) can substitute only for Mg and Al in the M1 sites. Partial disorder was attained by annealing the sample at 850 °C, 20 kbar for 7 days, as confirmed by decrease of intensity of reflections affected by the C-type extinction.  相似文献   

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