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Formation of the spectra of X-ray pulsars and gamma bursters is investigated. Interpretation of a hard X-ray spectrum of pulsars containing cyclotron lines is feasible on the basis of an isothermal model of a polar spot heated due to accretion to a neutron star. It has been ascertained that in the regions responsible for the formation of continuum radiation and lines the mode polarization is determined by a magnetized vacuum rather than by a plasma. Bearing this in mind, the influence of the magnetic field of a star on the wide wings of the cyclotron line and on its depth is discussed. The part played by the accreting column in the case of strong accretion (1019 el cm–3) needed for long sustaining of the high level of X-rays from a neutron star-pulsar is studied. There occur the gaps in spectrum at frequencies close to the electron gyro-frequency and its harmonics due to the screening of the hot spot by the opaque gyro-resonant layers located within the accreting column. These gaps ensure the formation of cyclotron lines in absorption irrespective of the presence of such lines in the X-ray spectrum of a polar hot spot.The spectra of gamma-bursters recorded by Venus 11 and Venus 12 are interpreted in terms of a two-layer model of a polar hot spot. The estimates are given of the distance to some of the bursters, of the emission measure from a high-temperature layer responsible for continuum radiation and of the dispersion measure of a colder layer forming cyclotron lines in absorption. It is noted that the action of an accreting column leads generally to the radiation depression at frequencies below cyclotron lines. By the observed depression for one of the bursters the electron density of near-star accreting plasma during the burst has been directly estimated (4×10–14 el cm–3). Possible appearance of false cyclotron lines associated with cyclotron scattering in accreting column has been revealed.The problem of measuring the magnetic fields of neutron stars taking account of the gravitational redshift and the quantum recoil effect in emission and in absorption is discussed. Possibilty for a more precise measurement of the magnetic fields of those bursters whose spectrum contains both a cyclotron and an annihilation lines is noted.  相似文献   

We study the pycnonuclear burning of 34Ne in the inner crust of an accreting neutron star. We show that the associated energy production rate can be calculated analytically for any arbitrary temporal variability of the mass accretion rate. We argue that the theoretical time-scale for 34Ne burning is currently very uncertain and ranges from a fraction of a millisecond to a few years. The fastest allowable burning may change the composition of the accreted crust while the slowest burning leads to a time-independent nuclear energy generation rate for a variable accretion. The results are important for constructing self-consistent models of the accreted crust and deep crustal heating in neutron stars which enter soft X-ray transients.  相似文献   

The origin and stability of a thin sheet of plasma in the magnetosphere of an accreting neutron star are investigated. First, the radial extension of such a magnetospheric disc is explored. Then a mechanism for magnetospheric accretion is proposed, reconsidering the bending wave explored by Agapitou, Papaloizou & Terquem, that was found to be stable in ideal magnetohydrodynamics. We show that this warping becomes unstable and can reach high amplitudes, in a variant of Pringle's radiation-driven model for the warping of active galactic nucleus accretion discs. Finally, we discuss how this mechanism might give a clue to explain the observed X-ray kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillation of neutron star binaries.  相似文献   

The spherically symmetric accretion of matter onto a neutron star with a weak magnetic field is shown to be accompanied by the generation of gamma rays due to the Comptonization of X=rays from the neutron star on the flow of incident plasma.  相似文献   

A possible mechanism for screening of the surface magnetic field of an accreting neutron star, by the accreted material, is investigated. We model the material flow in the surface layers of the star by an assumed two-dimensional velocity field satisfying all the physical requirements. Using this model velocity we find that, in the absence of magnetic buoyancy, the surface field is screened (i.e. there is submergence of the field by advection) within the time-scale of material flow of the top layers. On the other hand, if magnetic buoyancy is present, the screening happens over a time-scale that is characteristic of the slower flow of the deeper (and hence, denser) layers. For accreting neutron stars, this longer time-scale turns out to be about 105 yr, which is of a similar order of magnitude to the accretion time-scale of most massive X-ray binaries.  相似文献   

We analyze the structure of a nuclear deflagration front in the crust of accreting neutron stars. Models of quasi-stationary deflagration fronts are calculated and subsequently evolved in time and space in order to check their stability. Unlike white dwarfs, where the velocity of aninwards propagating combustion front is governed mainly by energy losses to the gravitational field, the structure of a deflagration front in neutron stars is determined essentially by the heat fluxes into the stellar core.  相似文献   

We propose three mechanisms for the generation of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in X-ray binaries. Two of them are based on an analogy with nonlinear oscillations of gaseous cavities in a fluid. The first mechanism, called magnetocavitation, implies that X-ray QPOs are produced by radial oscillations of the neutron-star magnetosphere interacting with accreted plasma. The photon-cavitation mechanism is considered when studying X-ray QPOs in neutron stars with critical (Eddington) luminosities. In this case, X-ray QPOs are generated by radial oscillations of photon cavities in the fully ionized hydrogen plasma that settles in the accretion column of a compact object. The mechanism according to which X-ray QPOs result from nonlinear oscillations of current sheets originating in accretion disks is suggested to explain QPOs in X-ray binaries with black holes and in cataclysmic variables. The calculated values of basic physical parameters of QPOs, such as the characteristic frequency, the dependences of QPO frequency and amplitude on X-ray flux, photon energy, and QPO lag time between photons at different energies are in good agreement with observational data.  相似文献   

We have investigated the influence of the r-mode instability on hypercritically accreting neutron stars in close binary systems during their common envelope phases, based on the scenario proposed by Brown et al. On the one hand, neutron stars are heated by the accreted matter at the stellar surface, but on the other hand they are also cooled down by the neutrino radiation. At the same time, the accreted matter transports its angular momentum and mass to the star. We have studied the evolution of the stellar mass, temperature and rotational frequency.
The gravitational-wave-driven instability of the r-mode oscillation strongly suppresses spinning up of the star, the final rotational frequency of which is well below the mass-shedding limit, in fact typically as low as 10 per cent of that of the mass-shedding state. On a very short time-scale the rotational frequency tends to approach a certain constant value and saturates there, as long as the amount of accreted mass does not exceed a certain limit to collapse to a black hole. This implies that a similar mechanism of gravitational radiation to that in the so-called 'Wagoner star' may work in this process. The star is spun up by accretion until the angular momentum loss by gravitational radiation balances the accretion torque. The time-integrated dimensionless strain of the radiated gravitational wave may be large enough to be detectable by gravitational wave detectors such as LIGO II.  相似文献   

The evolutionary scenario of a neutron star magnetic field is examined assuming a spin-down induced expulsion of magnetic flux originally confined to the core, in a case in which the expelled flux undergoes ohmic decay. The nature of field evolution, for accreting neutron stars, is investigated incorporating the crustal microphysics and material movement resulting from accretion. This scenario may explain the observed field strengths of neutron stars but only if the crustal lattice contains a large amount of impurity, which is in direct contrast to the models that assume an original crustal field.  相似文献   

We systematically analyse all the available X-ray spectra of disc accreting neutron stars (atolls and millisecond pulsars) from the RXTE data base. We show that while all these have similar spectral evolution as a function of mass accretion rate, there are also subtle differences. There are two different types of hard/soft transition, those where the spectrum softens at all energies, leading to a diagonal track on a colour–colour diagram, and those where only the higher energy spectrum softens, giving a vertical track. The luminosity at which the transition occurs is correlated with this spectral behaviour, with the vertical transition at   L / L Edd∼ 0.02  while the diagonal one is at ∼0.1. Superimposed on this is the well-known hysteresis effect, but we show that classic, large-scale hysteresis occurs only in the outbursting sources, indicating that its origin is in the dramatic rate of change of mass accretion rate during the disc instability. We show that the long-term mass accretion rate correlates with the transition behaviour, and speculate that this is due to the magnetic field being able to emerge from the neutron star surface for low average mass accretion rates. While this is not strong enough to collimate the flow except in the millisecond pulsars, its presence may affect the inner accretion flow by changing the properties of the jet.  相似文献   

We study in a systematic way the quality factor of the lower and upper kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) in a sample of low-luminosity neutron star X-ray binaries, showing both QPOs varying over a wide frequency range. The sample includes 4U 1636−536, 4U 1608−522, 4U 1735−44, 4U 1728−34, 4U 1820−303 and 4U 0614+09. We find that all sources except 4U 0614+09 show evidence of a drop in the quality factor of their lower kHz QPOs at high frequency. For 4U 0614+09 only the rising part of the quality factor versus frequency curve has been sampled so far. At the same time, in all sources but 4U 1728−34, the quality factor of the upper kHz QPO increases all the way to the highest detectable frequencies. We show that the high-frequency behaviours of both the lower and the upper kHz QPO quality factors are consistent with what is expected if the drop is produced by the approach of an active oscillating region to the innermost stable circular orbit: the existence of which is a key feature of general relativity in the strong field regime. Within this interpretation, our results imply gravitational masses around 2 M for the neutron stars in those systems.  相似文献   

The properties of superdense matter in neutron star (NS) cores control NS thermal states by affecting the efficiency of neutrino emission from NS interiors. To probe these properties we confront the theory of thermal evolution of NSs with observations of their thermal radiation. Our observational basis includes cooling isolated NSs (INSs) and NSs in quiescent states of soft X-ray transients (SXTs). We find that the data on SXTs support the conclusions obtained from the analysis of INSs: strong proton superfluidity with T cp max ≳109 K should be present, while mild neutron superfluidity with T cn max ≈2×(108−−109) K is ruled out in the outer NS core. Here T cn max  and T cp max  are the maximum values of the density dependent critical temperatures of neutrons and protons. The data on SXTs suggest also that: (i) cooling of massive NSs is enhanced by neutrino emission more powerful than the emission due to Cooper pairing of neutrons; (ii) mild neutron superfluidity, if available, might be present only in inner cores of massive NSs. In the latter case SXTs would exhibit dichotomy, i.e. very similar SXTs may evolve to very different thermal states.   相似文献   

《Chinese Astronomy》1979,3(2):133-140
Based on Lee-Wick's theory of abnormal nuclear state, the possible existence of a new type of neutron stars of abnormal state is discussed. Calculation shows that there may be some stable and/or metastable abnormal neutron stars with MM.  相似文献   

Transiently accreting neutron stars in quiescence ( L X ≲1034 erg s−1) have been observed to vary in intensity by factors of few, over time-scales of days to years. If the quiescent luminosity is powered by a hot neutron star core, the core cooling time-scale is much longer than the recurrence time, and cannot explain the observed, more rapid variability. However, the non-equilibrium reactions which occur in the crust during outbursts deposit energy in isodensity shells, from which the thermal diffusion time-scale to the photosphere is days to years. The predicted magnitude of variability is too low to explain the observed variability unless – as is widely believed – the neutrons beyond the neutron-drip density are superfluid. Even then, the variability due to this mechanism in models with standard core neutrino cooling processes is less than 50 per cent – still too low to explain the reported variability. However, models with rapid core neutrino cooling can produce a variability by a factor as great as 20, on time-scales of days to years following an outburst. Thus, the factors of ∼ few intensity variability observed from transiently accreting neutron stars can be accounted for by this mechanism only if rapid core cooling processes are active.  相似文献   

By means of the Monte Carlo method, we simulate the evolutionary distribution of accreting neutron stars (NSs) in the magnetic field versus spin period (B‐P) diagram where the accretion induced magnetic‐field decay model is exploited. The simulated results show that by mass accretion the B‐P distribution of the accreting NS would evolve along the equilibrium period line to a region with low field and short period. The B‐P distributions of the simulated accreting NSs are consistent with those of the observed millisecond pulsars (MSPs) after accretion of ∼ 0.1–0.2 M⊙. We also test the effects of the initial magnetic field and the spin period on the evolved B‐P distribution of the accreting NSs. It is shown that the evolved distributions of the simulated samples are independent of the selection of the initial condition when the NS magnetic field decays to a value less than ∼1010 G. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A two-zone model for the analysis of nuclear shell burning on accreting degenerate dwarfs is developed. The model consists of two thin shells in a plane-parallel approximation: an accreted hydrogen zone on the top and a pure helium zone on the bottom, generated by hydrogen burning. The core of the star is isothermal and does not evolve with time. The physical properties (density, temperature, and pressure) of the shells are obtained and an analysis of some correlations between them and the mass accretion rate, the chemical composition of the accreted mass, and the heat flux from core is done. The interaction between both shells is also analyzed.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

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