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The lifting motor pump is the core equipment of the deep-sea hydraulic pipeline lifting system, and its research results are one of the important technical reserves for the research and development of marine mineral resources. It is an essential capacity for lifting motor pump to allow coarse particles pass through the flow passages, to realize this requirement, an increased flowrate method is employed to design a wide flow passage for an innovative six-stage lifting motor pump. Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), the anti-blocking performance of the lifting motor pump designed by the conventional method and the increased flowrate method are compared, which show that the latter is better than the former. Numerical simulations of the internal two-phase flow inside the innovative pump are presented, and the flow parameters such as pressure, velocity and particle trajectory are obtained. According to the design method of the six-stage lifting motor pump, a two-stage lifting motor pump is manufactured, and the relevant performance experiments are performed. The results obtained by numerical simulation is in a good agreement with the experimental ones, thus the validity and accuracy of the numerical model and method is verified. The innovative two-stage lifting motor pump can operate smoothly with low noise and no blockage occurs, and its performance meets the design goals and requirements.  相似文献   

不同倒角半径柱体绕流数值模拟及水动力特性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为研究倒角半径变化对柱体绕流水动力特性的影响,本文使用Fluent软件,采用大涡模拟对雷诺数Re=3 900下的6种不同倒角半径的三维柱体进行了研究。在模型验证基础上,分析了由方柱渐变到圆柱过程中后方流场速度的时均特性及瞬时涡脱落变化规律,给出了不同倒角半径下的升、阻力系数值及无量纲涡脱频率St数。分析结果表明:平均阻力系数随倒角半径的增加而降低,在倒角半径为0.2D时下降速率最大,相较方柱降幅达到50%;升力系数均方根在倒角半径为0.1D~0.2D时变化最显著,减小约93%; St数随倒角半径增加而增大,在倒角半径为0.4D时可达到最大值;回流区长度随倒角半径的增加呈先增大后减小的趋势,其长度在倒角半径为0.2D时达到最大;尾涡宽度在倒角半径为0.0D最大,后随倒角半径增加逐渐下降,且当倒角半径大于0.2D以后变化不大。本文研究结果可为柱体绕流研究及相关工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The nearshore circulation and the wave characteristics are important parameters, which control coastline morphology. The interaction of nearshore circulation with coastal structures, modify the wave characteristics and seabed topography, often resulting in scour near the foundation of the structures. This paper deals with the numerical prediction of nearshore circulation induced due to wave setup in the nearshore region with and without the structure [(i) structure resting on seabed (ii) structure raised above the seabed]. It is also helps understand the deficiencies in studying the coastal characteristics by describing the flow field due to the wave velocity potential alone. Comparison of the results of both nearshore circulation and the wave potential model are discussed and the importance of the study and its prototype applications are highlighted.  相似文献   

Numerical flow analysis of single-stage ducted marine propulsor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present work has solved 3D incompressible RANS equations on a rotating, non-orthogonal multi-blocked grid to efficiently analyze a ducted marine propulsor with rotor–stator interaction. To handle the interface boundary between a rotor and a stator, the sliding multi-block technique using the cubic spline interpolation and the bilinear interpolation was applied. To validate the present code, the flow of a single stage turbine flow was simulated. Time averaged pressure coefficients were compared with experiments and good agreements were obtained. After the code validation, the flowfield around a single-stage ducted marine propulsor having a single stage of rotor and stator was successfully simulated and the hydrodynamic performance coefficients were computed.  相似文献   

船舶螺旋桨尾流场的数值分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
利用基于速度势的低阶面元法计算船舶螺旋桨的尾流场。采用计算较为简捷的关于扰动速度势的基本积分微分方程,并采用双曲面形状的面凶以消除面元间的缝隙。Newton-Raphson迭代过程被用来在桨叶随边满足压力Kutta条件,使桨叶面上表面的压力在随边有良好的一致性。在计算面元的影响系数时,应用了Morino导出的解析计算公式,加快了数值计算的速度。从解面元法的基本积分方程得到的偶极强度和源汇强度,直接求得尾流场的速度分布。  相似文献   

为研究四柱体布置情况下倒角半径变化对柱体绕流水动力特性的影响,使用Fluent软件,采用大涡模拟方法研究了在雷诺数Re=3 900下6种不同倒角半径的柱体在方形四柱体布置时的三维流场。在模型分析验证有效后,分析了柱体后方瞬时流场、水动力参数、时均流场的变化情况。分析结果表明:随着倒角半径的增大,上游柱体的平均阻力系数逐渐减小,下游柱体的平均阻力系数除了在R~+=0.1处增幅很大以外,其余均随倒角半径变大而平稳变大;各柱体的升力系数均方根变化趋势基本相同;R~+=0.1、0.5时,上下游两柱体的升力系数曲线相位相反,而在R~+=0.2、0.3和0.4时,上下游两柱体的升力系数曲线相位相同。  相似文献   

The flow characteristics of tidal jets induced by a Tidal-Jet Generator (TJG) are investigated using a finite-difference numerical scheme, named Navier–Stokes (NS)–Marker and Cell (MAC)-TIDE, based on the fully 3D NS equations. The TJG is an enclosed rectangular breakwater, which has vertical opening and a large enclosed volume inside. During both phases of tide, strong and uni-directional jets can be obtained locally from the inlet of the TJG, due to the water level difference between the inner and outer sides of TJG.The computed results are extensively compared with three other independently developed numerical models; 3D-ADI, DVM, and CIP-CSF. These models are based on quasi-3D, 2D depth-averaged, and fully 3D NS equations, respectively. It is seen that the present fully 3D numerical model NS–MAC-TIDE can predict the maximum intensity of inlet velocity with higher accuracy than the other numerical models when compared with the empirical function proposed from the experiments. The numerical simulations based on NS–MAC-TIDE can reproduce successfully the processes of generation, development, and dissipation of tidal jets. The effects of gap opening on the main characteristics of the tidal jet flow are assessed. Through numerical assessment, it is also clearly demonstrated that the residual time of a pollutant distributed around the front of the TJG can be decreased by significant amount due to the locally induced tidal jet. The TJG can thus utilize tidal energy for water purification in local marine environment by providing a flushing mechanism.  相似文献   

潜体绕流及远场声特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先采用SST(shear-stress transport)k-ω两方程湍流模型求解了潜体三维非定常粘性流场,然后基于Lighthill声类比理论,对潜体流噪声的远场特性进行了数值分析,并探讨了攻角的影响。研究结果显示,基于所研究的潜体外形,潜体在舷侧及深度等正横方向上的声辐射显著高于潜体在艏、艉等轴向上的声辐射,攻角的存在使声辐射增大。  相似文献   

为了助力海洋牧场减流防护工程, 研究Savonius型转轮阵列减流性能。作者建立Savonius型转轮三角阵列尾流场数值模型, 并通过水池实验验证准确性, 基于可靠数值模型探究转轮阵列尾涡减流机理, 研究三角阵列结构参数LXLY, 以及动力参数TSR、初始流速、旋向对整体减流性能的影响规律。结果表明,下游转轮产生的涡流呈现非对称分布, 并且产生更多涡流的转轮拥有更好的减流效果。另外, LX为3D和LY为2D时减流性能最佳。最后对比发现, 在叶尖速比为0.9~1.1减流效果更好; 初始流速大小不影响减流效果; 下游转子对称分布时, 随着上游转子改变旋转方向, 减流效果出现明显差异。  相似文献   

基于声传播时间的二维流场反演数值仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于南海1998年夏季调查航次诊断计算的流函数场,选取越南以东偶极子发生海域,进行不同的声层析观测站位设置实验。模拟计算声线传播时间信息,然后应用基函数重建方法进行了流函数场的模拟反演研究,讨论了不同随机观测误差对反演结果的影响。研究结果表明该方法是可行的,在所选取的约833 km×833 km海域内,在观测海域外围配置19个声层析观测站位就能够很好地重构原流函数场,空间分辨率约为63.7 km,可以分辨模拟海域中尺度涡场结构,这是传统的基于海流计(CM)或声学多普勒剖面仪(ADCP)等观测方法所不能企及的。该观测技术和方法可以实际应用于近海大范围流场结构的遥感实时监测,为近海污染物等的扩散研究,海洋环境变化等提供实时观测流场资料。  相似文献   

In the present study, cavitation and a ship propeller wake are reported by computed fluid dynamics based on viscous multiphase flow theory. Some recent validation results with a hybrid grid based on unsteady Navier-Stokes (N-S) and bubble dynamics equations are presented to predict velocity, pressure and vapor volume fraction in propeller wake in a uniform inflow. Numerical predictions of sheet cavitation, tip vortex cavitation and hub vortex cavitation are in agreement with the experimental data, same as numerical predictions of longitudinal and transversal evolution of the axial velocity. Blade and shaft rate frequency of propeller is well predicted by the computed results of pressure, and tip vortex is the most important to generate the pressure field within the near wake. The overall results indicate that the present approach is reliable for prediction of cavitation and propeller wake on the condition of uniform inflow.  相似文献   

内孤立波对海洋平台的安全运行存在一定的威胁,基于三维数值水槽对内孤立波传播引起的半潜平台受力及其周围流场的分布进行了数值模拟研究.通过与试验对比,分析了入射波幅和分层流体深度比对半潜平台上内孤立波荷载特性的影响规律,验证了数值模拟结果是准确可靠的.研究表明,内孤立波引起的平台荷载会随着内孤立波波幅的增加而增大,随着分层流体深度比的增加而减小.基于对平台周围剖面速度场和三维涡场的演化规律研究,发现在内孤立波传播过程中,平台周围会出现明显的速度减小区,平台周围会有大量的漩涡产生并发生脱落现象.  相似文献   

In this study,characteristics of flow field and wave propagation near submerged breakwater on a sloping bed are investigated with numerical model. The governing equations of the vertical twodimensional model are Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes equations. The Reynolds stress terms are closed by a nonlinear k ε turbulence transportation model. The free surface is traced through the PILC-VOF method. The proposed numerical model is verified with experimental results. The numerical result shows that the wave profile may become more asymmetrical when wave propa-gates over breakwater. When wave crest propagates over breakwater,the anticlockwise vortex may generate. On the contrary,when wave hollow propagates over breakwater,the clockwise vortex may generate. Meanwhile,the influenced zone of vortex created by wave crest is larger than that created by wave hollow. All the maximum values of the turbulent kinetic energy,turbulent dissi-pation and eddy viscosity occur on the top of breakwater. Both the turbulent dissipation and eddy viscosity increase as the turbulent kinetic energy increases. Wave energy may rapidly decrease near the breakwater because turbulent dissipation increases and energy in lower harmonics is transferred into higher harmonics.  相似文献   

在一定来流条件下,张力腿平台(tension leg platform,简称TLP)的立柱后缘出现周期性的交替旋涡脱落,致使立柱受到垂直于来流方向的升力和平行于来流方向的阻力作用,导致TLP产生大幅度往复运动,显著增加平台结构和系泊系统的负载。目前,关于单柱、多柱结构绕流问题的研究较多,但对于TLP绕流特性的研究较少,机理尚存不明确的地方。为研究TLP的绕流力变化情况和流场特征,开展了数值模拟分析。利用计算流体动力学数值模拟软件,基于雷诺平均(RANS)法和分离涡模拟(DES)法对TLP绕流场进行仿真分析,揭示了TLP的绕流特性。结果表明,在3种来流角度和多个折合速度Vr下,TLP绕流的流体力系数存在明显差异,升力系数时域曲线呈现脉动性。TLP的上、下游立柱间存在明显的相互作用,影响了旋涡的形成与发展。TLP的旋涡脱落大多集中在平台固有频率附近,且在Vr=7,来流角度为0°时,升力系数频谱峰值最大,旋涡脱落集中。  相似文献   

人工鱼礁单体按不同的数量和排列方式组合投放会产生不同的流场效应。圆管型礁为目前黄渤海区增殖礁的重要礁体型式,为优化该礁体的投放数量与排列方式,选择了3种不同叠放个数(1个、3个和6个)的圆管礁,设定了5个流速梯度(4.5、9.0、13.5、18.0和22.5cm/s),利用PIV粒子图像测速技术和Fluent数值模拟软件对圆管型人工鱼礁的流场进行水槽模型试验和数值模拟。结果表明,数值模拟结果与水槽试验结果基本吻合,误差在20%以下,表明数值模拟能够反映人工鱼礁的流场效应;当礁体叠放个数一定时,最大上升流流速、上升流高度和上升流面积均随来流速度的增加而增大,背涡流面积呈现不规则的变化;当来流速度一定时,最大上升流流速、上升流面积、上升流高度和背涡流面积均随礁体叠放个数的增加而增大。  相似文献   

In this study, the deformation induced by the first wetting typically referred to as wetting deformation of a sandstone–mudstone particle mixture is examined. Wetting deformation can lead to collapse-inducing cracks. The cracks may weaken the strength of the structure. To investigate the first wetting-induced deformation of the sandstone and mudstone particle mixture, three triaxial tests were conducted. Two of the triaxial tests used saturated soil and dry soil. These tests were used to calculate the strain under the condition of minimized deviator stress ratio at wetting. The third triaxial test accesses various deviator stress ratios at wetting. Additionally, the influence on axial and volumetric strain of wetting at varying levels of the confining stress and deviator stress ratios at wetting was evaluated. The wetting axial and volumetric strains were found to increase with an increased confining stress and deviator stress ratio at wetting. The relationships between the wetting axial strain and deviator stress ratio at wetting yielded a logarithmic curve for various levels of confining stress. In contrast, the wetting volumetric strain yielded a direct relationship with the deviator stress ratio at wetting for various levels of confining stress. Based on these results, two equations for predicting the wetting axial and volumetric strains are suggested.  相似文献   

The vertical water entry of asymmetric two-dimensional bodies with flow separation is considered. As long as there is no flow separation, linearised Wagner's theory combined with the modified Logvinovich model has been shown to provide computationally fast and reliable estimates of slamming loads during water entry. Tassin et al. [11] introduced the fictitious body continuation (FBC) concept as a way to extend the use of Wagner's model to separated flow configurations, but they only considered symmetric bodies. In the present study, we investigate the ability of the FBC concept to provide accurate estimates of slamming loads for asymmetric bodies. In this case, flow separation may not occur simultaneously on both sides of the body. During an intermediate phase, slamming loads are governed by a competition between the local drop in pressure due to partial flow separation and the ongoing expansion of the wetted area. As a first benchmark for the model, we consider the water entry of an inclined flat plate and compare the FBC estimates with the results of a nonlinear model. Then, we consider the case of a foil and compare the FBC results with computational fluid dynamics predictions. In both cases, we find that the FBC model is able to provide reliable estimates of the slamming loads.  相似文献   

首次提出了采用充水式橡胶坝导流堤对码头后方进行清淤减载的工程方案,并结合实际工程构建了码头后方三维流场数学模型,研究了垂直导流堤、下挑式导流堤、上挑式导流堤、离岸短堤、正八字型导流堤和倒八字型导流堤6种不同拓扑构型的橡胶坝导流堤对码头后方流场的影响,探讨了码头后方瞬时涡量、三维流线拓扑、时均流速及雷诺应力分布随不同型式导流堤的变化规律。研究结果表明,当布置橡胶坝导流堤后,码头后方流场流速会明显增大,其中垂直导流堤和上挑式导流堤挑流效果最为显著。  相似文献   

基于粘性流模型的筒型基础防波堤波浪力数值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
筒型基础防波堤是一种新型港口海岸工程结构,其基础上部是由连续排列的圆筒构成的直立防浪墙.采用粘性流数值模型,研究连续圆筒防波堤上波浪力竖向分布、水平(沿圆筒环向)分布和波浪力合力特性,并对粘性流数值模型计算的平面直墙波浪力与海港水文规范方法计算结果;粘性流数值模型计算的连续圆筒墙面波浪力与平面直墙波浪力;无限长连续圆筒墙面波浪力与有限长连续圆筒墙面波浪力进行比较分析.针对所选工程算例,建议按<海港水文规范>中平面直墙波浪力计算方法确定连续圆筒防波堤上的波浪力时,波峰时考虑0.90左右的折减系数,波谷时考虑0.95左右的折减系数.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic forces exerting on a pipeline partially buried in a permeable seabed subjected to combined oscillatory flow and steady current are investigated numerically. Two-dimensional Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations with a kω turbulent model closure are solved to simulate the flow around the pipeline. The Laplace equation is solved to calculate the pore pressure below the seabed with the simulated seabed hydrodynamic pressure as boundary conditions. The numerical model is validated against the experimental data of a fully exposed pipeline resting on a plane boundary under various flow conditions. Then the flow with different embedment depths, steady current ratios and KC numbers is simulated. The amplitude of seepage velocity is much smaller than the amplitude of free stream velocity as expected. The normalized Morison inertia, drag and lift coefficients based on the corresponding force coefficients of a fully exposed pipeline are investigated. The normalized Morison force coefficients reduce almost linearly with the increase of embedment depth and that the KC only has minor effect on the normalized Morison coefficients. It is also found that the permeable seabed condition causes a slight increase on the inline force and has a little effect on the lift force, compared with corresponding conditions in an impermeable bed.  相似文献   

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